Added some instructions, and labels for jumps
[ou-summer-of-code-2017.git] / 06-tour-shapes / tour-shapes-solution.ipynb
1 {
2 "cells": [
3 {
4 "cell_type": "markdown",
5 "metadata": {},
6 "source": [
7 "Given a sequence of {F|L|R}, each of which is \"move forward one step\", \"turn left, then move forward one step\", \"turn right, then move forward one step\":\n",
8 "1. which tours are closed?\n",
9 "2. what is the area enclosed by the tour?"
10 ]
11 },
12 {
13 "cell_type": "code",
14 "execution_count": 1,
15 "metadata": {
16 "collapsed": true
17 },
18 "outputs": [],
19 "source": [
20 "import collections\n",
21 "import enum\n",
22 "import random\n",
23 "import os\n",
24 "\n",
25 "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
26 "%matplotlib inline\n"
27 ]
28 },
29 {
30 "cell_type": "code",
31 "execution_count": 2,
32 "metadata": {
33 "collapsed": true
34 },
35 "outputs": [],
36 "source": [
37 "class Direction(enum.Enum):\n",
38 " UP = 1\n",
39 " RIGHT = 2\n",
40 " DOWN = 3\n",
41 " LEFT = 4\n",
42 " \n",
43 "turn_lefts = {Direction.UP: Direction.LEFT, Direction.LEFT: Direction.DOWN,\n",
44 " Direction.DOWN: Direction.RIGHT, Direction.RIGHT: Direction.UP}\n",
45 "\n",
46 "turn_rights = {Direction.UP: Direction.RIGHT, Direction.RIGHT: Direction.DOWN,\n",
47 " Direction.DOWN: Direction.LEFT, Direction.LEFT: Direction.UP}\n",
48 "\n",
49 "def turn_left(d):\n",
50 " return turn_lefts[d]\n",
51 "\n",
52 "def turn_right(d):\n",
53 " return turn_rights[d]\n"
54 ]
55 },
56 {
57 "cell_type": "code",
58 "execution_count": 3,
59 "metadata": {
60 "collapsed": true
61 },
62 "outputs": [],
63 "source": [
64 "Step = collections.namedtuple('Step', ['x', 'y', 'dir'])\n",
65 "Mistake = collections.namedtuple('Mistake', ['i', 'step'])"
66 ]
67 },
68 {
69 "cell_type": "code",
70 "execution_count": 4,
71 "metadata": {
72 "collapsed": true
73 },
74 "outputs": [],
75 "source": [
76 "def advance(step, d):\n",
77 " if d == Direction.UP:\n",
78 " return Step(step.x, step.y+1, d)\n",
79 " elif d == Direction.DOWN:\n",
80 " return Step(step.x, step.y-1, d)\n",
81 " elif d == Direction.LEFT:\n",
82 " return Step(step.x-1, step.y, d)\n",
83 " elif d == Direction.RIGHT:\n",
84 " return Step(step.x+1, step.y, d)"
85 ]
86 },
87 {
88 "cell_type": "code",
89 "execution_count": 5,
90 "metadata": {
91 "collapsed": true
92 },
93 "outputs": [],
94 "source": [
95 "def step(s, current):\n",
96 " if s == 'F':\n",
97 " return advance(current, current.dir)\n",
98 " elif s == 'L':\n",
99 " return advance(current, turn_left(current.dir))\n",
100 " elif s == 'R':\n",
101 " return advance(current, turn_right(current.dir))\n",
102 " else:\n",
103 " raise ValueError"
104 ]
105 },
106 {
107 "cell_type": "code",
108 "execution_count": 6,
109 "metadata": {
110 "collapsed": true
111 },
112 "outputs": [],
113 "source": [
114 "def trace_tour(tour, startx=0, starty=0, startdir=Direction.RIGHT):\n",
115 " current = Step(startx, starty, startdir)\n",
116 " trace = [current]\n",
117 " for s in tour:\n",
118 " current = step(s, current)\n",
119 " trace += [current]\n",
120 " return trace "
121 ]
122 },
123 {
124 "cell_type": "code",
125 "execution_count": 7,
126 "metadata": {
127 "collapsed": true
128 },
129 "outputs": [],
130 "source": [
131 "def positions(trace):\n",
132 " return [(s.x, s.y) for s in trace]"
133 ]
134 },
135 {
136 "cell_type": "code",
137 "execution_count": 8,
138 "metadata": {
139 "collapsed": true
140 },
141 "outputs": [],
142 "source": [
143 "def valid(trace):\n",
144 " return (trace[-1].x == 0 \n",
145 " and trace[-1].y == 0 \n",
146 " and len(set(positions(trace))) + 1 == len(trace))"
147 ]
148 },
149 {
150 "cell_type": "code",
151 "execution_count": 9,
152 "metadata": {
153 "collapsed": true
154 },
155 "outputs": [],
156 "source": [
157 "def valid_prefix(tour):\n",
158 " current = Step(0, 0, Direction.RIGHT)\n",
159 " prefix = []\n",
160 " posns = []\n",
161 " for s in tour:\n",
162 " current = step(s, current)\n",
163 " prefix += [s]\n",
164 " if (current.x, current.y) in posns:\n",
165 " return ''\n",
166 " elif current.x == 0 and current.y == 0: \n",
167 " return ''.join(prefix)\n",
168 " posns += [(current.x, current.y)]\n",
169 " if current.x == 0 and current.y == 0:\n",
170 " return ''.join(prefix)\n",
171 " else:\n",
172 " return ''"
173 ]
174 },
175 {
176 "cell_type": "code",
177 "execution_count": 10,
178 "metadata": {
179 "collapsed": true
180 },
181 "outputs": [],
182 "source": [
183 "def mistake_positions(trace, debug=False):\n",
184 " mistakes = []\n",
185 " current = trace[0]\n",
186 " posns = [(0, 0)]\n",
187 " for i, current in enumerate(trace[1:]):\n",
188 " if (current.x, current.y) in posns:\n",
189 " if debug: print(i, current)\n",
190 " mistakes += [Mistake(i+1, current)]\n",
191 " posns += [(current.x, current.y)]\n",
192 " if (current.x, current.y) == (0, 0):\n",
193 " return mistakes[:-1]\n",
194 " else:\n",
195 " return mistakes + [Mistake(len(trace)+1, current)]"
196 ]
197 },
198 {
199 "cell_type": "code",
200 "execution_count": 11,
201 "metadata": {
202 "collapsed": true
203 },
204 "outputs": [],
205 "source": [
206 "def returns_to_origin(mistake_positions):\n",
207 " return [i for i, m in mistake_positions\n",
208 " if (m.x, m.y) == (0, 0)]"
209 ]
210 },
211 {
212 "cell_type": "code",
213 "execution_count": 12,
214 "metadata": {
215 "collapsed": true
216 },
217 "outputs": [],
218 "source": [
220 ]
221 },
222 {
223 "cell_type": "code",
224 "execution_count": 13,
225 "metadata": {
226 "collapsed": true
227 },
228 "outputs": [],
229 "source": [
230 "def bounds(trace):\n",
231 " return (max(s.x for s in trace),\n",
232 " max(s.y for s in trace),\n",
233 " min(s.x for s in trace),\n",
234 " min(s.y for s in trace))"
235 ]
236 },
237 {
238 "cell_type": "code",
239 "execution_count": 14,
240 "metadata": {
241 "collapsed": true
242 },
243 "outputs": [],
244 "source": [
245 "plot_wh = {Direction.UP: (0, 1), Direction.LEFT: (-1, 0),\n",
246 " Direction.DOWN: (0, -1), Direction.RIGHT: (1, 0)}"
247 ]
248 },
249 {
250 "cell_type": "code",
251 "execution_count": 15,
252 "metadata": {
253 "collapsed": true
254 },
255 "outputs": [],
256 "source": [
257 "def chunks(items, n=2):\n",
258 " return [items[i:i+n] for i in range(len(items) - n + 1)]"
259 ]
260 },
261 {
262 "cell_type": "code",
263 "execution_count": 16,
264 "metadata": {
265 "collapsed": true
266 },
267 "outputs": [],
268 "source": [
269 "def plot_trace(trace, colour='k', xybounds=None, fig=None, subplot_details=None, filename=None):\n",
270 " plt.axis('on')\n",
271 " plt.axes().set_aspect('equal')\n",
272 " for s, t in chunks(trace, 2):\n",
273 " w, h = plot_wh[t.dir]\n",
274 " plt.arrow(s.x, s.y, w, h, head_width=0.1, head_length=0.1, fc=colour, ec=colour, length_includes_head=True)\n",
275 " xh, yh, xl, yl = bounds(trace)\n",
276 " if xybounds is not None: \n",
277 " bxh, byh, bxl, byl = xybounds\n",
278 " plt.xlim([min(xl, bxl)-1, max(xh, bxh)+1])\n",
279 " plt.ylim([min(yl, byl)-1, max(yh, byh)+1])\n",
280 " else:\n",
281 " plt.xlim([xl-1, xh+1])\n",
282 " plt.ylim([yl-1, yh+1])\n",
283 " if filename:\n",
284 " plt.savefig(filename)"
285 ]
286 },
287 {
288 "cell_type": "markdown",
289 "metadata": {},
290 "source": [
291 "# Part 1"
292 ]
293 },
294 {
295 "cell_type": "code",
296 "execution_count": 23,
297 "metadata": {},
298 "outputs": [
299 {
300 "data": {
301 "text/plain": [
302 "226"
303 ]
304 },
305 "execution_count": 23,
306 "metadata": {},
307 "output_type": "execute_result"
308 }
309 ],
310 "source": [
311 "with open('06-tours.txt') as f:\n",
312 " tours = [t.strip() for t in f.readlines()]\n",
313 "len(tours)"
314 ]
315 },
316 {
317 "cell_type": "code",
318 "execution_count": 24,
319 "metadata": {},
320 "outputs": [
321 {
322 "data": {
323 "text/plain": [
324 "61762"
325 ]
326 },
327 "execution_count": 24,
328 "metadata": {},
329 "output_type": "execute_result"
330 }
331 ],
332 "source": [
333 "sum(len(t) for t in tours if valid(trace_tour(t)))"
334 ]
335 },
336 {
337 "cell_type": "code",
338 "execution_count": 45,
339 "metadata": {},
340 "outputs": [
341 {
342 "name": "stdout",
343 "output_type": "stream",
344 "text": [
345 "1 loop, best of 3: 209 ms per loop\n"
346 ]
347 }
348 ],
349 "source": [
350 "%%timeit\n",
351 "sum(len(t) for t in tours if valid(trace_tour(t)))"
352 ]
353 },
354 {
355 "cell_type": "markdown",
356 "metadata": {},
357 "source": [
358 "# Part 2"
359 ]
360 },
361 {
362 "cell_type": "code",
363 "execution_count": 25,
364 "metadata": {},
365 "outputs": [
366 {
367 "name": "stdout",
368 "output_type": "stream",
369 "text": [
370 "1 loop, best of 3: 1min 29s per loop\n"
371 ]
372 }
373 ],
374 "source": [
375 "%%timeit\n",
376 "[(i, j) \n",
377 " for i, pi in enumerate(tours) \n",
378 " for j, pj in enumerate(tours)\n",
379 " if i != j\n",
380 " if not valid(trace_tour(pi))\n",
381 " if not valid(trace_tour(pj))\n",
382 " if valid(trace_tour(pi + pj))]"
383 ]
384 },
385 {
386 "cell_type": "code",
387 "execution_count": 31,
388 "metadata": {},
389 "outputs": [
390 {
391 "data": {
392 "text/plain": [
393 "[(16, 125),\n",
394 " (70, 48),\n",
395 " (91, 128),\n",
396 " (110, 134),\n",
397 " (116, 194),\n",
398 " (123, 51),\n",
399 " (136, 9),\n",
400 " (142, 193),\n",
401 " (152, 63),\n",
402 " (168, 150),\n",
403 " (201, 83),\n",
404 " (208, 204),\n",
405 " (212, 113)]"
406 ]
407 },
408 "execution_count": 31,
409 "metadata": {},
410 "output_type": "execute_result"
411 }
412 ],
413 "source": [
414 "[(i, j) \n",
415 " for i, pi in enumerate(tours) \n",
416 " for j, pj in enumerate(tours)\n",
417 " if i != j\n",
418 " if not valid(trace_tour(pi))\n",
419 " if not valid(trace_tour(pj))\n",
420 " if valid(trace_tour(pi + pj))]"
421 ]
422 },
423 {
424 "cell_type": "code",
425 "execution_count": 42,
426 "metadata": {},
427 "outputs": [
428 {
429 "data": {
430 "text/plain": [
431 "80622"
432 ]
433 },
434 "execution_count": 42,
435 "metadata": {},
436 "output_type": "execute_result"
437 }
438 ],
439 "source": [
440 "(sum(len(t) for t in tours if valid(trace_tour(t)))\n",
441 " +\n",
442 " sum(len(pi + pj) \n",
443 " for i, pi in enumerate(tours) \n",
444 " for j, pj in enumerate(tours)\n",
445 " if i != j\n",
446 " if not valid(trace_tour(pi))\n",
447 " if not valid(trace_tour(pj))\n",
448 " if valid(trace_tour(pi + pj)))\n",
449 ")"
450 ]
451 },
452 {
453 "cell_type": "code",
454 "execution_count": 34,
455 "metadata": {},
456 "outputs": [
457 {
458 "name": "stdout",
459 "output_type": "stream",
460 "text": [
461 "1 1\n",
462 "2 1\n",
463 "3 4\n",
464 "4 5\n",
465 "5 7\n",
466 "6 3\n",
467 "7 1\n",
468 "8 2\n",
469 "9 2\n",
470 "11 2\n",
471 "18 1\n",
472 "19 1\n"
473 ]
474 }
475 ],
476 "source": [
477 "l1s = {}\n",
478 "for t in tours:\n",
479 " tr = trace_tour(t)\n",
480 " l1 = abs(tr[-1].x) + abs(tr[-1].y)\n",
481 " if l1 > 0:\n",
482 " if l1 not in l1s:\n",
483 " l1s[l1] = []\n",
484 " l1s[l1] += [t]\n",
485 "\n",
486 "for l1 in l1s:\n",
487 " if l1 < 20:\n",
488 " print(l1, len(l1s[l1]))"
489 ]
490 },
491 {
492 "cell_type": "code",
493 "execution_count": 30,
494 "metadata": {},
495 "outputs": [
496 {
497 "data": {
498 "text/plain": [
499 "[(0, 124),\n",
500 " (1, 1),\n",
501 " (2, 1),\n",
502 " (3, 4),\n",
503 " (4, 5),\n",
504 " (5, 7),\n",
505 " (6, 3),\n",
506 " (7, 1),\n",
507 " (8, 2),\n",
508 " (9, 2),\n",
509 " (11, 2),\n",
510 " (18, 1),\n",
511 " (19, 1)]"
512 ]
513 },
514 "execution_count": 30,
515 "metadata": {},
516 "output_type": "execute_result"
517 }
518 ],
519 "source": [
520 "[(l1, len(l1s[l1])) for l1 in l1s if l1 < 20]"
521 ]
522 },
523 {
524 "cell_type": "code",
525 "execution_count": 27,
526 "metadata": {},
527 "outputs": [
528 {
529 "name": "stdout",
530 "output_type": "stream",
531 "text": [
532 "1 loop, best of 3: 1min 28s per loop\n"
533 ]
534 }
535 ],
536 "source": [
537 "%%timeit\n",
538 "(sum(len(t) for t in tours if valid(trace_tour(t)))\n",
539 " +\n",
540 " sum(len(pi + pj) \n",
541 " for i, pi in enumerate(tours) \n",
542 " for j, pj in enumerate(tours)\n",
543 " if i != j\n",
544 " if not valid(trace_tour(pi))\n",
545 " if not valid(trace_tour(pj))\n",
546 " if valid(trace_tour(pi + pj)))\n",
547 ")"
548 ]
549 },
550 {
551 "cell_type": "code",
552 "execution_count": 50,
553 "metadata": {
554 "collapsed": true
555 },
556 "outputs": [],
557 "source": [
558 "good_is = []\n",
559 "goods = []\n",
560 "tried = []\n",
561 "for l1 in l1s:\n",
562 " possible_l1s = [i for i in range(l1-1, l1+1) if i in l1s]\n",
563 " candidates = [t for i in possible_l1s for t in l1s[i]]\n",
564 " for t1 in candidates:\n",
565 " for t2 in candidates:\n",
566 " if t1 != t2:\n",
567 " t12 = t1 + t2\n",
568 " if (t12) not in tried:\n",
569 " tried += [(t12)]\n",
570 " if valid(trace_tour(t12)):\n",
571 " good_is += [(tours.index(t1), tours.index(t2))]\n",
572 " goods += [t12]"
573 ]
574 },
575 {
576 "cell_type": "code",
577 "execution_count": 51,
578 "metadata": {},
579 "outputs": [
580 {
581 "data": {
582 "text/plain": [
583 "80622"
584 ]
585 },
586 "execution_count": 51,
587 "metadata": {},
588 "output_type": "execute_result"
589 }
590 ],
591 "source": [
592 "(sum(len(t) for t in tours if valid(trace_tour(t)))\n",
593 " +\n",
594 " sum(len(t12) for t12 in goods)\n",
595 ")"
596 ]
597 },
598 {
599 "cell_type": "code",
600 "execution_count": 52,
601 "metadata": {},
602 "outputs": [
603 {
604 "name": "stdout",
605 "output_type": "stream",
606 "text": [
607 "1 loop, best of 3: 1.16 s per loop\n"
608 ]
609 }
610 ],
611 "source": [
612 "%%timeit\n",
613 "\n",
614 "l1s = {}\n",
615 "for t in tours:\n",
616 " tr = trace_tour(t)\n",
617 " l1 = abs(tr[-1].x) + abs(tr[-1].y)\n",
618 " if l1 > 0:\n",
619 " if l1 not in l1s:\n",
620 " l1s[l1] = []\n",
621 " l1s[l1] += [t]\n",
622 "\n",
623 "goods = []\n",
624 "tried = []\n",
625 "for l1 in l1s:\n",
626 " possible_l1s = [i for i in range(l1-1, l1+1) if i in l1s]\n",
627 " candidates = [t for i in possible_l1s for t in l1s[i]]\n",
628 " for t1 in candidates:\n",
629 " for t2 in candidates:\n",
630 " if t1 != t2:\n",
631 " t12 = t1 + t2\n",
632 " if (t12) not in tried:\n",
633 " tried += [(t12)]\n",
634 " if valid(trace_tour(t12)):\n",
635 " goods += [t12]\n",
636 "\n",
637 "(sum(len(t) for t in tours if valid(trace_tour(t)))\n",
638 " +\n",
639 " sum(len(t12) for t12 in goods)\n",
640 ")"
641 ]
642 },
643 {
644 "cell_type": "code",
645 "execution_count": null,
646 "metadata": {
647 "collapsed": true
648 },
649 "outputs": [],
650 "source": []
651 }
652 ],
653 "metadata": {
654 "kernelspec": {
655 "display_name": "Python 3",
656 "language": "python",
657 "name": "python3"
658 },
659 "language_info": {
660 "codemirror_mode": {
661 "name": "ipython",
662 "version": 3
663 },
664 "file_extension": ".py",
665 "mimetype": "text/x-python",
666 "name": "python",
667 "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
668 "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
669 "version": "3.5.2+"
670 }
671 },
672 "nbformat": 4,
673 "nbformat_minor": 2
674 }