Initial commit
[cipher-challenge.git] / 2019 / 5a.plaintext
1 harry mike has turned out to be really useful following his report to you about the apollo xine arm
2 is she has turned up a number of other computer reports hinting at possible sabotage attempts on
3 viii through xii some of them we already knew about the guidance problems with apollo x and the
4 programme alarms and descent trajectory problems on xi but he also showed me some files from the
5 building and maintenance logs for the future apollo fleet and pointed out some worrying lapses in
6 particular there is a gap in the records of the apollo xiii service modules owe are running a few
7 checks before assembly to make sure everything is okay before launch my first instinct was to place
8 everything on hold while we tracked down the saboteur but the whole building launch process is a
9 fine tuned machine and i am worried that if we disrupt it then we might cause more problems in
10 particular it will be easier to detect unexpected behaviour if we know exactly what to expect mike
11 is really worried that the soviets could have infiltrated the program he has never for given them
12 for the death of his son who was shot down by a mig over the korean peninsula i am hoping that his
13 grief will drive him to help us get to the bottom of this mystery for now we have another problem my
14 team at langley were tipped off by a journalist at the newyork post about an encrypted letter sent
15 to the newsdesk there it came with a cover note which said that the cipher key would be published in
16 the wanted ads but there area lot of those spread over hundreds of newspapers and the editor didnt
17 want to devote hours of staff time to tracking down the advert i think he assumed it was just
18 another crackpot attention seeker but justin case he asked the journalist to try breaking the cipher
19 herself she recognised it as avi genere cipher but it came with a little twist that she could not
20 figure out so she sent it to someone she knew in the cia once they cracked it they realised what it
21 was and sent it on to me the letter contains details of some of the events we have been
22 investigating and blames the soviets for them it would have been dynamite if it had been published
23 so it is just as well we were able to stop it at source the journalist was persuaded to tell her
24 boss that the cipher couldnt be cracked but in exchange we owe her an exclusive at the end of all of
25 this all the best meg