Done challenge 6
[cipher-challenge.git] / 2019 / 9b.plaintext
1 memo from docking manoeuvre office to as test flight space systems re as docking collar tests
2 preliminary testing of the docking collar system has revealed a potentially serious flaw in the
3 design which must be addressed before the system can be certified the issue concerns the emergency
4 release system background the docking system performs the following functions impact energy
5 absorption mechanical connection spacecraft alignment and retraction spacecraft hard mechanical
6 connection and docking interface sealing spacecraft undocking and separation in order to achieve
7 these functions the docking system consists of three principle parts the base a structural ring and
8 the latching ring the docking system base is the main structural member to which the docking system
9 assemblies are attached the structural ring carries the body latches which provide a hard pressure
10 tight connection between the two spacecraft together with the capture latches which operate during
11 the docking manoeuvre these perform the docking function they consist of eight active and eight
12 passive hooks with an electrical drive installed on one of the latches and closed loop cables
13 connecting them each active hook has a cam operated mechanism which performs its opening and
14 tightening corresponding hooks of the passive docking system are captured by active hooks each
15 passive hook has a stack of preloaded bellville springs providing a definite force for the docking
16 interface preloading the docking interface seal will provide pressure integrity of the docking
17 interfaces this consists of two concentric rubber ring seals on each system and a manhole cover is
18 used to close the transfer tunnel of the spacecraft hatch locking and unlocking is manually
19 performed by the crew it is sealed by a mechanism which has a further eight eccentric latches these
20 being connected with each other by means of closed cable connection the docking system is equipped
21 with alarm and meter system which provide telemetry to the ships and to ground control in standard
22 operational mode undocking is performed by release of the active spacecraft capture latches and then
23 by opening the structure latch hooks if necessary undocking can be performed by the passive
24 spacecraft by releasing the body mounted latches and opening the structure latch passive hooks
25 spacecraft separation is performed by spring thrusters symmetrically located on the structural rings
26 of both systems after the latches release the principle difference between the russian and us
27 docking system designs can be seen in the guide ring system unlike the russian electromechanical
28 docking system apollo is equipped with an electric drive which uses cable connections to trigger the
29 latches another essential difference is the russian emergency release system ers a backup provided
30 by pyro bolts attached to each passive and active hook which operates in passive mode and provides
31 practically instantaneous undocking in the event of a system malfunction or accident onboard one or
32 both of the docked spacecraft situations in which the ers might be initiated include i uncontrolled
33 fire or explosion onboard one of the spacecraft during docked operations ii failure of the docking
34 control system preventing standard release operation iii attitude control failure of or unplanned
35 firing on one or both spacecraft imposing high stresses on the docking mechanism while the ers
36 provides an effective backup for emergency situations simulations and tests on the huntsville
37 docking testbed show that the effectiveness of the pyrotechnic bolts is a critical issue too much
38 explosive could cause critical damage to the pressure seals around the hatch while too little can
39 leave the spacecraft attached with a damaged mechanism the ers was designed for operation on ussr
40 missions and is therefore tuned to the structural constraints on the soviet platform since the
41 latches are electromagnetic on that spacecraft they are less prone to damage under vibrational
42 forces the motor and cable mechanism used on the apollo platform is more vulnerable to shock and
43 under certain test conditions has been shown to fail following the triggering of the erson the
44 soviet end of the docking mechanism shockwaves will not of course propagate through the vacuum of
45 space but the forces can be transmitted through the tunnel to the apollo latches and if the bolts
46 fire asymmetrically this places a torsion loading on the mechanism which can unseat the drive cables
47 in five of the seven tests where this phenomenon was observed the engineers were able to reseat the
48 cables by repeatedly operating the mechanism but in the remaining two cases the mechanism was beyond
49 repair without manual intervention unfortunately in these two cases the safety interlock also
50 prevented the hatch from being opened which could make it difficult for the astronauts to carryout a
51 spacewalk to execute the required repair in this case it would normally be possible for the
52 astronauts to manually operate the manhole latches by disassembling and subsequently assembling the
53 hatch cover however if the latching mechanisms have been sufficiently damaged by the pyro bolts this
54 might prove a risky option and it is even possible that the cover latches would fail to retract
55 manually we have asked queens team to take a look at this and she assures me that they can sort it
56 out she has worked on most of the apollo mission design teams so i am pretty confident that she can
57 make sure everything is ok for this one