Done challenge 7
[cipher-challenge.git] / 2020 / plaintext.3b.txt
1 dear uncle wilhelm,
2 i trust that you and the family at tirpitzufer are all well and that you enjoyed the sketches i sent you last week. i have enclosed my most recent impressions of the beautiful, if somewhat stark landscape in norfolk. i hope and believe that you will find them of great interest. the flat and open fields have a spartan beauty punctuated by just a few landmarks of distinction, but their isolation makes them stand out even more and increases their interest.
3 our hosts have been most agreeable and even the local police force have been as accommodating as you suggested they would be. the local constable seemed most interested in our photographic hobby, but he appeared to be content with the explanation of our interest in their beautiful countryside and villages. he was also very appreciative of our rough sketches of their striking landscape, though he did seem surprised at the number of drawings we have made of the fields around caistor st edmund, suggesting that its significance is not widely known.
4 the local scoutmaster agreed to pass this message to you and has also arranged for our forward travel. we will head next to london to meet with my cousin nikolaus before preparing for the second stage of our little adventure. if you have any further requests for information or additional drawings in this extraordinary part of the world then please do make sure to let me know before we depart.
5 let me finish with a little puzzle for you. can you find an eight letter english word which you can change by altering the order of its letters to produce four other different english words?
6 yours sincerely,
7 otto