Done challenge 6
[cipher-challenge.git] / 2020 / plaintext.6b.txt
1 dear uncle wilhelm the tower at ca new don is as interesting as you had suggested it would be and i
2 can see how it would lift the spirits of our english hosts making them feel safe and secure in their
3 fortress islands top nevertheless nothing on the earth is forever and i think they may have a
4 misplaced faith in this and the heavenly powers may not be strong enough to protect them from the on
5 coming storms top the local orts gruppe shared with me your latest gift the beautiful clock device
6 and we have spent much time admiring its top its simplicity is admirable and once we have learned to
7 use it properly it will provide us all with a very high level of security stop safety must be our
8 primary concern no was a lack of concentration at this point could bring disasters top ralf has been
9 given the accompanying key by the orts gruppe in kent and once we are reunited i will use this to
10 secure our future communications stop establishing a safe plan for our journey home is essential in
11 order to avoid unpleasant surprises stop quarrels with our host would be difficult to resolve and i
12 would prefer it if we could slip away unremarked stop use of the local fishing boats might be
13 possible but if anything were to alarm the locals that might well prevent our departure and the
14 clock could fall into the wrong hands stop if you have a suggestion about how best to arrange our
15 travel then please let us know and we will make the required arrangements stop ralf s party will
16 return to london this week and will then travel to meet with us for the final stage of our adventure
17 when we will all re group before returning home stop even if you do not wish us to proceed with our
18 original plan then we are able to return with a whole treasure of drawings photographs and
19 descriptions of these important landmarks for you and your friends to study stop details of your
20 wishes should be sent in the usual way using your remarkable clock devices top karl