2021 challenge 1
[cipher-challenge.git] / 2020 / plaintext.7a.txt
1 the attached document was intercepted by harry steam who have managed to plant a bug on the
2 communication lines out of tirpitz ufer our crypt analysts have examined the ciphertext and the case
3 files and believe that it maybe related to the wheatstone clock cipher deputy head of the division
4 has written a boss guide to these cipher machines and we have added that to the case files harry
5 steam also recovered a scrap of burnt paper from the abwehr hq waste which carries the following
6 message which we think might be part of the plaintext tential stop the tripwire option is also
7 deprecated since it is more likely that the expl the navy reported that a dutch fishing vessel was
8 impounded by the nazi authorities in bremerhaven the crew were detained and negotiations are
9 underway between the dutch and german authorities to try to get the fishermen and their vessel back
10 but in the meantime rn patrols will watch out for the boat in case it is involved in the operation
11 the air ministry have been briefed on our findings so far and have emphasised the importance of
12 protecting the rdf system which i am told they call chain home vk is sympathetic but the three of us
13 are still worried about the new agents embedded in london and we are not sure how much of a threat
14 they pose it is crucial that we break the attached ciphertext as fast as possible so we can put
15 effective countermeasures in place it is tempting to arrest all twenty three spy c lists and ask
16 them directly but without revealing the extent of our surveillance and code breaking ability it will
17 not be possible to prove that they have broken the law so we would not be able to detain or deport
18 them it would usually be better to watch and wait but the air ministry feels that the risk to our
19 air defence is too great so we need to act fast if we knew exactly when and where they intended to
20 attack chain home then we might be able to increase security to prevent it but again we risk
21 revealing our counterintelligence capabilities harry suggested that we could obscure our tracks by
22 faking a visit by dignitaries to the target sites as a coverstory for increased security but we cant
23 maintain the increase for long without raising suspicion so it is crucial to determine their plans
24 whatever the abwehr are intending they wont want their agents to fall into our hands especially
25 after a demolition since that would give us the excuse we need to arrest them it would be good to
26 know what they have in mind for their exfiltration things are very finely balanced if we act too
27 soon we giveaway our crucial advantage in the intercept war if we act too late our enemies could
28 seriously damage our air defence capability it is clear that things are coming to ahead and it is
29 crucial that we crack the clock cipher as soon as possible the fate of the country lies in your
30 hands pearl