Initial commit
[cipher-challenge.git] / 2020-early / 7b.plaintext
1 report on operation gunner side from swallow after recovering supplies from the mission container
2 drops ronn enberg steam set out to join up with swallow the two teams met after several days of
3 crosscountry skiing and the party made its way to ve mork while patrols had reduced from the high
4 frequency that the wehrmacht established following operation freshman the bridge spanning the ravine
5 over the man a remained fully guarded and the commando group felt that a direct assault would be
6 unproductive it was decided that a team should descend two hundred meters into the ravine ford the
7 river below and climb the hill on the farside on reaching the riverbed it was found to be possible
8 to follow a singletrack goods railway into the plant and the entry was carried out without
9 encountering any guards the local boss agent in the plant supplied detailed plans and schedules and
10 the raiding party used that to gain further access via a cable tunnel and window encountering only
11 the caretaker johansen who as a patriotic norwegian was more than willing to cooperate the sappers
12 placed mines with timed fuses on the electrolysis chambers as planned they also left a thompson sub
13 machinegun at the scene to prove that this was an attack by british forces hopefully that will
14 prevent reprisals against the locals the explosive charges detonated destroying the electrolysis
15 equipment and the adjacent storage chambers the combined team will now split up into three groups
16 team a is heading out to sweden for exfiltration team b will head to oslo to join up with mil org
17 team c will remain in place in the region pending further instructions