Initial commit
[cipher-challenge.git] / 2020-early / 8b.plaintext
1 the bombing raid on ve mork was carried out during daylight on november sixteenth the attack
2 squadron consisting of thirteen planes split into two groups each making two runs on the targets
3 which appeared to be the norsk hydropower station and the nitrate plant three miles to the east the
4 attack was not foreseen nor was it intercepted by air cover and all of the attacking aircraft seem
5 to have returned from the mission eyewitnesses state that intermittent cloud cover appeared to
6 disrupt the attack but the majority of the explosives around thirty tons were dropped with very high
7 accuracy on the nitrate plant only two to three tons hit the powerstation and the reinforced
8 structure withstood the worst of the assault the bombs failed to damage the rebuilt deuterium
9 electrolysis facility and our new stocks of heavy water were protected by the seven storeys of
10 reinforced concrete above however the powerplant itself has been damaged and this second raid on the
11 plant raises the possibility that our enemies have agents working within it in discussion with
12 officials from die alchemist en group it has been decided that the facility should be shutdown
13 existing stocks of heavy water and potassium hydroxide will be shipped to their laboratories and
14 manufacturing facilities in germany for further enrichment and experimentation given the risk of
15 local espionage we will need to significantly enhance security for this operation finally we should
16 note that the attack killed twentyone norwegian civilians this is valuable propaganda and our agents
17 are doing their best here and in london to ensure that the norwegian population understands who is
18 to blame for these needless deaths