Done 2021 challenge 6
[cipher-challenge.git] / 2020-early / 9a.plaintext
1 harry we received further encouraging reports from swallow about the effects of the usa afraid the
2 secondary targets of the attack were the station at rj uk an the industrial tracks and the track to
3 ve mork while the railway tracks themselves remain operational a considerable amount of rolling
4 stock was seriously damaged with two locomotives eight cargo wagons and seven passenger wagons
5 suffering damage our agents in the plant have confirmed that this has slowed the german plan to ship
6 the remaining stocks of potassium peroxide to die alchemist en research facilities in berlin in
7 preparation for the shipment civilians are no longer allowed access to the railway and patrols have
8 been stepped up security at all the railway stations has been significantly increased swallow have
9 matched this by increasing their own surveillance on the rj uk an line and proposed a number of
10 plans to intercept the shipment but the enhanced security make it very unlikely that a standard
11 sabotage would succeed in doing more than delaying the shipment alternatives including the local
12 ferry routes are being actively considered as with the air raid civilian casualties area major
13 consideration but the plant director bjarne nilssen is sympathetic and maybe able to influence the
14 dateandtime of shipment in order to reduce the risk once more our agents have been successful in
15 intercepting enemy communications concerning the mission and the enclosed telegram summarising the
16 plans confirms our own investigations with this in hand i think the swallow team will be able to
17 execute a successful sabotage and hopefully terminate the german nuclear weapons program lets hope
18 we can end this soon phil