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91 <header id="title-block-header">
92 <h1 class="title">Advent of Code 2023</h1>
93 </header>
94 <p>Code to solve the <a href="">Advent of
95 Code</a> puzzles. This year, I’m using the puzzles to develop my skills
96 in <a href="">Haskell</a>. I’m writing
97 up a <a href="">commentary on
98 these puzzles and my solutions</a> on my blog.</p>
99 <p><a href="">Learn you a
100 Haskell</a>, <a
101 href="">Introduction to
102 Haskell 98</a>, and <a href="">Hackage</a>
103 are good resources.</p>
104 <p>The <a href="">Cabal
105 user guide</a> and <a href="">How I
106 Start: Haskell</a> are good sources of using the tools.</p>
107 <h1 id="toolchain">Toolchain</h1>
108 <p>Install Ghcup following <a
109 href="">the
110 instructions</a>, making sure to load the updated environment with</p>
111 <div class="sourceCode" id="cb1"><pre
112 class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash"><span id="cb1-1"><a href="#cb1-1" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></a><span class="bu">source</span> /home/neil/.ghcup/env</span></code></pre></div>
113 <p>and then set the default GHC to use with
114 <code>ghcup set ghc 9.0.1</code> .</p>
115 <p>Install <a
116 href="">Haskell
117 Language Server</a> for Sublime Text</p>
118 <h2 id="creating-the-repository-and-project">Creating the repository and
119 project</h2>
120 <p>Create the repository as normal: create the project in Gitolite,
121 clone it, and insert the <code>.gitignore</code> and
122 <code></code> files.</p>
123 <p>There’s one package per day, with the code for each package in
124 sub-directories of the root directory.</p>
125 <p>Create the basic <code>cabal</code> project.</p>
126 <pre><code>cabal init</code></pre>
127 <p>Modify the <code>advent-of-code21.cabal</code> file as needed, such
128 as updating the Cabal version and writing the <code>common</code>
129 stanzas.</p>
130 <h2 id="creating-subsequent-days">Creating subsequent days</h2>
131 <p>Each day lives in a separate directory, with code in the
132 <code>src</code> directory.</p>
133 <p>Compile with</p>
134 <pre><code>cabal build</code></pre>
135 <p>or</p>
136 <pre><code>cabal build advent01</code></pre>
137 <p>Run with</p>
138 <pre><code>cabal run advent01</code></pre>
139 <p>If you want to pass in additional RTS parameters, do it like
140 this:</p>
141 <pre><code>cabal run advent01 -- +RTS -K0 -RTS</code></pre>
142 <p>Run interactively with</p>
143 <pre><code>cabal repl advent01</code></pre>
144 <p>or</p>
145 <pre><code>stack ghci advent01:exe:advent01</code></pre>
146 <p>if the first form is ambiguous.</p>
147 <h2 id="profiling">Profiling</h2>
148 <p>To profile, use</p>
149 <pre><code>cabal run advent01 --enable-profiling -- +RTS -N -p -s -hT</code></pre>
150 <p>Or, you can simplify the RTS options by adding them to a new stanza
151 in the cabal file:</p>
152 <pre><code>executable advent01prof
153 import: common-extensions, build-directives
154 main-is: advent01/Main.hs
155 build-depends: text, containers, linear, array, pqueue, mtl, lens
156 ghc-options: -O2
157 -Wall
158 -threaded
159 -eventlog
160 -rtsopts &quot;-with-rtsopts=-N -p -s -hT&quot;</code></pre>
161 <p>Only include the <code>-eventlog</code> directive if you want to use
162 Threadscope to investigate parallel behaviour.</p>
163 <p>then running</p>
164 <pre><code>cabal run advent01prof --enable-profiling</code></pre>
165 <p>Generate the profile graph with</p>
166 <pre><code>hp2ps -M advent01.hp</code></pre>
167 <h1 id="packages">Packages</h1>
168 <p>Packages I used a lot:</p>
169 <ul>
170 <li><a
171 href="">Containers</a>
172 (and some <a
173 href="">better
174 documentation</a>); <a
175 href="">Unordered
176 containers</a> is a mostly-equivalent alternative.</li>
177 <li><a
178 href="">Attoparsec</a>
179 (and <a
180 href="">Megaparsec</a>,
181 and <a
182 href="">ReadP</a>
183 once).</li>
184 </ul>
185 <p>There are somewhat decent <a
186 href="">tutorials on
187 Megaparsec</a> and <a
188 href="">Attoparsec</a>.</p>
189 <p>Packages I didn’t use much, but need to remember:</p>
190 <ul>
191 <li><a href="">Arithmoi</a>
192 for number theory</li>
193 <li><a
194 href="">Pointed
195 List</a> for zipper lists (sometimes circular)</li>
196 <li><a href="">Vector</a> for
197 array-like things</li>
198 <li><a href="">Linear</a> for
199 coordinate-vector like things</li>
200 <li><a href="">Grid</a> for 2-d
201 grids</li>
202 <li><a
203 href="">Graph-wrapper</a>
204 for graphs</li>
205 <li><a href="">Lens</a> (and a
206 <a href="">summary of
207 operators</a>). I didn’t use these much this year, but did a lot last
208 year.</li>
209 <li><a
210 href="">RWS</a>
211 (Reader-Writer-State monad stack); again, used a lot last year but not
212 this year</li>
213 <li><a
214 href="">Monad
215 loops</a>, and <a
216 href="">a
217 description</a></li>
218 <li><a
219 href="">Replace-Megaparsec</a>,
220 for using Mpc for all sorts of things traditionally done with regex
221 substitutions.</li>
222 </ul>
223 <h1 id="readme">Readme</h1>
224 <p>Build this readme file wth</p>
225 <pre><code>pandoc -s &gt; README.html</code></pre>
226 <p>(Using the <a href="">Modest
227 style</a>.)</p>
228 </body>
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