Functional tests now work properly, bearing in mind whether a user is logged in or...
[depot.git] / action_controller / session_management.rb
1 require 'action_controller/session/cookie_store'
2 require 'action_controller/session/drb_store'
3 require 'action_controller/session/mem_cache_store'
4 if Object.const_defined?(:ActiveRecord)
5 require 'action_controller/session/active_record_store'
6 end
8 module ActionController #:nodoc:
9 module SessionManagement #:nodoc:
10 def self.included(base)
11 base.class_eval do
12 extend ClassMethods
13 alias_method_chain :process, :session_management_support
14 alias_method_chain :process_cleanup, :session_management_support
15 end
16 end
18 module ClassMethods
19 # Set the session store to be used for keeping the session data between requests.
20 # By default, sessions are stored in browser cookies (<tt>:cookie_store</tt>),
21 # but you can also specify one of the other included stores (<tt>:active_record_store</tt>,
22 # <tt>:p_store</tt>, <tt>:drb_store</tt>, <tt>:mem_cache_store</tt>, or
23 # <tt>:memory_store</tt>) or your own custom class.
24 def session_store=(store)
25 ActionController::CgiRequest::DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS[:database_manager] =
26 store.is_a?(Symbol) ? CGI::Session.const_get(store == :drb_store ? "DRbStore" : store.to_s.camelize) : store
27 end
29 # Returns the session store class currently used.
30 def session_store
31 ActionController::CgiRequest::DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS[:database_manager]
32 end
34 # Returns the hash used to configure the session. Example use:
35 #
36 # ActionController::Base.session_options[:session_secure] = true # session only available over HTTPS
37 def session_options
38 ActionController::CgiRequest::DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS
39 end
41 # Specify how sessions ought to be managed for a subset of the actions on
42 # the controller. Like filters, you can specify <tt>:only</tt> and
43 # <tt>:except</tt> clauses to restrict the subset, otherwise options
44 # apply to all actions on this controller.
45 #
46 # The session options are inheritable, as well, so if you specify them in
47 # a parent controller, they apply to controllers that extend the parent.
48 #
49 # Usage:
50 #
51 # # turn off session management for all actions.
52 # session :off
53 #
54 # # turn off session management for all actions _except_ foo and bar.
55 # session :off, :except => %w(foo bar)
56 #
57 # # turn off session management for only the foo and bar actions.
58 # session :off, :only => %w(foo bar)
59 #
60 # # the session will only work over HTTPS, but only for the foo action
61 # session :only => :foo, :session_secure => true
62 #
63 # # the session by default uses HttpOnly sessions for security reasons.
64 # # this can be switched off.
65 # session :only => :foo, :session_http_only => false
66 #
67 # # the session will only be disabled for 'foo', and only if it is
68 # # requested as a web service
69 # session :off, :only => :foo,
70 # :if => { |req| req.parameters[:ws] }
71 #
72 # # the session will be disabled for non html/ajax requests
73 # session :off,
74 # :if => { |req| !(req.format.html? || req.format.js?) }
75 #
76 # # turn the session back on, useful when it was turned off in the
77 # # application controller, and you need it on in another controller
78 # session :on
79 #
80 # All session options described for ActionController::Base.process_cgi
81 # are valid arguments.
82 def session(*args)
83 options = args.extract_options!
85 options[:disabled] = false if args.delete(:on)
86 options[:disabled] = true if !args.empty?
87 options[:only] = [*options[:only]].map { |o| o.to_s } if options[:only]
88 options[:except] = [*options[:except]].map { |o| o.to_s } if options[:except]
89 if options[:only] && options[:except]
90 raise ArgumentError, "only one of either :only or :except are allowed"
91 end
93 write_inheritable_array(:session_options, [options])
94 end
96 # So we can declare session options in the Rails initializer.
97 alias_method :session=, :session
99 def cached_session_options #:nodoc:
100 @session_options ||= read_inheritable_attribute(:session_options) || []
101 end
103 def session_options_for(request, action) #:nodoc:
104 if (session_options = cached_session_options).empty?
105 {}
106 else
107 options = {}
109 action = action.to_s
110 session_options.each do |opts|
111 next if opts[:if] && !opts[:if].call(request)
112 if opts[:only] && opts[:only].include?(action)
113 options.merge!(opts)
114 elsif opts[:except] && !opts[:except].include?(action)
115 options.merge!(opts)
116 elsif !opts[:only] && !opts[:except]
117 options.merge!(opts)
118 end
119 end
121 if options.empty? then options
122 else
123 options.delete :only
124 options.delete :except
125 options.delete :if
126 options[:disabled] ? false : options
127 end
128 end
129 end
130 end
132 def process_with_session_management_support(request, response, method = :perform_action, *arguments) #:nodoc:
133 set_session_options(request)
134 process_without_session_management_support(request, response, method, *arguments)
135 end
137 private
138 def set_session_options(request)
139 request.session_options = self.class.session_options_for(request, request.parameters["action"] || "index")
140 end
142 def process_cleanup_with_session_management_support
143 clear_persistent_model_associations
144 process_cleanup_without_session_management_support
145 end
147 # Clear cached associations in session data so they don't overflow
148 # the database field. Only applies to ActiveRecordStore since there
149 # is not a standard way to iterate over session data.
150 def clear_persistent_model_associations #:doc:
151 if defined?(@_session) && @_session.respond_to?(:data)
152 session_data =
154 if session_data && session_data.respond_to?(:each_value)
155 session_data.each_value do |obj|
156 obj.clear_association_cache if obj.respond_to?(:clear_association_cache)
157 end
158 end
159 end
160 end
161 end
162 end