Faster day 14, with mutable unboxed arrays
[advent-of-code-23.git] / advent14 / Main.hs
1 -- Writeup at
3 import AoC
4 import Data.List
5 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
6 import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as U
7 import qualified Data.Array.ST as M
8 import Data.STRef
9 import Control.Monad.ST
10 import Control.Monad
11 import Data.Ix
14 import Linear (V2(..), (^+^))
15 import qualified Data.Sequence as Q
16 import Data.Sequence (Seq( (:|>), (:<|) ) )
18 data Element = Empty | Cube | Round deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
20 type Position = V2 Int
21 type Grid = U.UArray Position Bool
22 type MGrid s = M.STUArray s Position Bool
24 type Gaps s = STRef s (Q.Seq Position)
26 type Cache = Map.Map Grid Int
29 main :: IO ()
30 main =
31 do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
32 text <- readFile dataFileName
33 let (rGrid, cGrid) = readGrids text
34 -- putStrLn $ showGrid rGrid cGrid
35 -- let rGrid' = rollNorth rGrid cGrid
36 -- putStrLn $ showGrid rGrid' cGrid
37 print $ part1 rGrid cGrid
38 -- let rGrid1 = rollCycle rGrid cGrid
39 -- putStrLn $ showGrid rGrid1 cGrid
40 -- let rGrid2 = rollCycle rGrid1 cGrid
41 -- putStrLn $ showGrid rGrid2 cGrid
42 -- let rGrid3 = rollCycle rGrid2 cGrid
43 -- putStrLn $ showGrid rGrid3 cGrid
44 print $ part2 rGrid cGrid
47 part1 :: Grid -> Grid -> Int
48 part1 rGrid cGrid = getLoad $ rollNorth rGrid cGrid
50 part2 rGrid cGrid = getLoad finalGrid
51 where (grid', cache, repeatEnd) = findRepeat rGrid cGrid
52 repeatStart = cache Map.! grid'
53 repeatLen = repeatEnd - repeatStart
54 finalIndex = ((1e9 - repeatStart) `mod` repeatLen) + repeatStart
55 (finalGrid, _) = Map.findMin $ Map.filter (== finalIndex) cache
58 findRepeat :: Grid -> Grid -> (Grid, Cache, Int)
59 findRepeat rGrid cGrid = head $ dropWhile test $ iterate go (rGrid, Map.empty, 0)
60 where test (g, c, _) = g `Map.notMember` c
61 go (g, c, i) = (rollCycle g cGrid, Map.insert g i c, (i + 1))
63 rollNorth, rollCycle :: Grid -> Grid -> Grid
64 rollNorth rGrid cGrid = roll (V2 0 0) (V2 0 1) (V2 1 0) cGrid rGrid
66 rollCycle rGrid cGrid = foldl' go rGrid [ (V2 0 0, V2 0 1, V2 1 0)
67 , (V2 0 0, V2 1 0, V2 0 1)
68 , (V2 r 0, V2 0 1, V2 -1 0)
69 , (V2 0 c, V2 1 0, V2 0 -1)
70 ]
71 where (_, V2 r c) = U.bounds rGrid
72 go g (start, majorStep, minorStep) =
73 roll start majorStep minorStep cGrid g
75 roll :: Position -> Position -> Position -> Grid -> Grid -> Grid
76 roll start majorStep minorStep cGrid rGrid =
77 M.runSTUArray $
78 do grid <- M.thaw rGrid
79 holes <- newSTRef Q.Empty
80 forM_ (takeWhile (inBounds rGrid) $ iterate (^+^ majorStep) start) $ \maj ->
81 do writeSTRef holes Q.Empty
82 forM_ (takeWhile (inBounds rGrid) $ iterate (^+^ minorStep) maj) $ \here ->
83 do rollPosition grid cGrid holes here
84 return grid
86 rollPosition :: (MGrid s) -> Grid -> (Gaps s) -> Position -> ST s ()
87 rollPosition grid cGrid holes here
88 | cGrid U.! here = writeSTRef holes Q.Empty
89 | otherwise = do roundHere <- M.readArray grid here
90 holesVal <- readSTRef holes
91 if roundHere then
92 case holesVal of
93 Q.Empty -> return ()
94 (h :<| hs) -> do M.writeArray grid h True
95 M.writeArray grid here False
96 writeSTRef holes (hs :|> here)
97 else modifySTRef holes (:|> here)
99 inBounds :: Grid -> Position -> Bool
100 inBounds g h = inRange (U.bounds g) h
102 getLoad :: Grid -> Int
103 getLoad grid = sum columnLoads
104 where (_, V2 rMax cMax) = U.bounds grid
105 columnLoads = [getColLoad c | c <- [0..cMax]]
106 getColLoad c = sum [(rMax - r + 1) | r <- [0..rMax], grid U.! (V2 r c)]
108 readGrids :: String -> (Grid, Grid)
109 readGrids text = (rGrid, cGrid)
110 where rows = lines text
111 r = length rows - 1
112 c = (length $ head rows) - 1
113 rGrid = U.listArray ((V2 0 0), (V2 r c)) $ map ((== Round) . readElem) $ concat rows
114 cGrid = U.listArray ((V2 0 0), (V2 r c)) $ map ((== Cube ) . readElem) $ concat rows
116 readElem :: Char -> Element
117 readElem '.' = Empty
118 readElem '#' = Cube
119 readElem 'O' = Round
121 showGrid :: Grid -> Grid -> String
122 showGrid rGrid cGrid = unlines rows
123 where (_, V2 rMax cMax) = U.bounds rGrid
124 rows = [showRow r | r <- [0..rMax]]
125 showRow r = [showElem r c | c <- [0..cMax]]
126 showElem r c = let isR = rGrid U.! (V2 r c)
127 isC = cGrid U.! (V2 r c)
128 in if | isR && isC -> 'X'
129 | isR -> 'O'
130 | isC -> '#'
131 | otherwise -> '.'