Sped up day 21 by only simulating the boundary
[advent-of-code-23.git] / advent21 / Main.hs
1 -- Writeup at https://work.njae.me.uk/2023/12/29/advent-of-code-2023-day-21/
3 import AoC
4 import Linear (V2(..), (^+^))
5 import qualified Data.Set as S
6 import Data.Ix
7 import Data.List
8 import Data.List.Split
10 type Position = V2 Int -- r, c
11 type Grid = S.Set Position
13 main :: IO ()
14 main =
15 do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
16 text <- readFile dataFileName
17 let (rocks, bounds) = mkGrid text
18 let start = findStart text
19 -- print rocks
20 -- print bounds
21 -- print start
22 print $ part1 rocks bounds start
23 -- print $ part2Quadratic rocks bounds start
24 print $ part2 rocks bounds start -- ((26501365 - 65) `div` (131 * 2))
26 part1, part2, part2Quadratic :: Grid -> (Position, Position) -> Grid -> Int
27 part1 rocks bounds start = S.size $ (!! 64) $ iterate (takeSteps rocks bounds) start
29 part2Quadratic rocks bounds start = a * x ^ 2 + b * x + c -- (p, q, r, a * x ^ 2 + b * x + c)
30 where ps = (!! 65) $ iterate (takeSteps rocks bounds) start
31 qs = (!! 131) $ iterate (takeSteps rocks bounds) ps
32 rs = (!! 131) $ iterate (takeSteps rocks bounds) qs
33 p = S.size ps
34 q = S.size qs
35 r = S.size rs
36 c = p
37 b = (4*q - 3*p - r) `div` 2
38 a = q - p - b
39 s = 26501365
40 x = (s - 65) `div` 131
42 part2 rocks bounds start =
43 nEvenFilled + nOddFilled + nEdges + upperPoint + lowerPoint + rCap + lCap
44 where (V2 minR _, V2 maxR _) = bounds
45 tileWidth = maxR - minR + 1
46 (doubleTileSteps, extraSteps) = divMod 26501365 (tileWidth * 2)
47 start1 = takeSteps rocks bounds start
48 (_, positions) = (!! (tileWidth + (extraSteps `div` 2))) $ iterate (take2Steps rocks bounds) (start1, start1)
50 evenFilled = countInRange bounds (V2 0 0) positions
51 oddFilled = countInRange bounds (V2 tileWidth 0) positions
52 upperPoint = countInRange bounds (V2 (tileWidth * -2) 0) positions
53 lowerPoint = countInRange bounds (V2 (tileWidth * 2) 0) positions
54 urEdge = countInRange bounds (V2 (- tileWidth) tileWidth) positions +
55 countInRange bounds (V2 (- tileWidth * 2) tileWidth) positions
56 lrEdge = countInRange bounds (V2 tileWidth tileWidth) positions +
57 countInRange bounds (V2 ( tileWidth * 2) tileWidth) positions
58 ulEdge = countInRange bounds (V2 (- tileWidth) (- tileWidth)) positions +
59 countInRange bounds (V2 (- tileWidth * 2) (- tileWidth)) positions
60 llEdge = countInRange bounds (V2 tileWidth (- tileWidth)) positions +
61 countInRange bounds (V2 ( tileWidth * 2) (- tileWidth)) positions
62 rCap = countInRange bounds (V2 (- tileWidth) ( tileWidth * 2)) positions +
63 countInRange bounds (V2 0 ( tileWidth * 2)) positions +
64 countInRange bounds (V2 tileWidth ( tileWidth * 2)) positions
65 lCap = countInRange bounds (V2 (- tileWidth) (- tileWidth * 2)) positions +
66 countInRange bounds (V2 0 (- tileWidth * 2)) positions +
67 countInRange bounds (V2 tileWidth (- tileWidth * 2)) positions
68 edges = urEdge + lrEdge + ulEdge + llEdge
70 nEvenFilled = (doubleTileSteps * 2 - 1) ^ 2 * evenFilled
71 nOddFilled = (doubleTileSteps * 2) ^ 2 * oddFilled
72 nEdges = (doubleTileSteps * 2 - 1) * edges
75 countInRange :: (Position, Position) -> Position -> Grid -> Int
76 countInRange bounds delta cells =
77 S.size $ S.filter (inRange (shiftBounds bounds delta)) cells
79 shiftBounds :: (Position, Position) -> Position -> (Position, Position)
80 shiftBounds (a, b) d = (a ^+^ d, b ^+^ d)
82 take2Steps rocks bounds (boundary, old) = (boundary2 S.\\ old, new)
83 where boundary1 = takeSteps rocks bounds boundary
84 boundary2 = takeSteps rocks bounds boundary1
85 new = S.union old boundary2
87 takeSteps :: Grid -> (Position, Position) -> Grid -> Grid
88 takeSteps rocks bounds places =
89 S.filter (notAtRock rocks bounds) $ S.unions $ S.map adjacents places
91 notAtRock :: Grid -> (Position, Position) -> Position -> Bool
92 notAtRock rocks (_, V2 maxR maxC) (V2 r c) = here' `S.notMember` rocks
93 where here' = V2 (r `mod` (maxR + 1)) (c `mod` (maxC + 1))
95 adjacents :: Position -> Grid
96 adjacents here = S.map (here ^+^) $ S.fromList [ V2 0 1, V2 1 0, V2 0 (-1), V2 (-1) 0 ]
99 showGrid :: Grid -> (Position, Position) -> Grid -> String
100 showGrid rocks bounds cells = unlines $ intercalate [" "] $ chunksOf 7 $ fmap (showRow rocks bounds cells) [-28..34]
101 where showRow rocks bounds cells r = intercalate " " $ chunksOf 7 $ fmap ((showCell rocks bounds cells) . V2 r) [-28..34]
102 showCell rocks bounds cells here
103 | not $ notAtRock rocks bounds here = '#'
104 | here `S.member` cells = 'O'
105 | otherwise = '.'
106 -- showCell :: Grid -> (Position, Position) -> Grid -> Position -> Char
108 -- reading the map
110 mkGrid :: String -> (Grid, (Position, Position))
111 mkGrid text = ( S.fromList [ V2 r c | r <- [0..maxR], c <- [0..maxC]
112 , rows !! r !! c == '#'
113 ]
114 , (V2 0 0, V2 maxR maxC)
115 )
116 where rows = lines text
117 maxR = length rows - 1
118 maxC = (length $ head rows) - 1
120 findStart :: String -> Grid
121 findStart text = S.fromList [ V2 r c | r <- [0..maxR], c <- [0..maxC]
122 , rows !! r !! c == 'S'
123 ]
124 where rows = lines text
125 maxR = length rows - 1
126 maxC = (length $ head rows) - 1