Tidying, mainly parsers
[advent-of-code-23.git] / advent23 / Main.hs
1 -- Writeup at https://work.njae.me.uk/2024/01/02/advent-of-code-2023-day-23/
3 import qualified Debug.Trace as DT
5 import AoC
6 import Linear -- (V2(..), (^+^))
7 import qualified Data.Set as S
8 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
9 import Control.Lens
10 import Data.List (foldl')
12 data Slide = SlideLeft | SlideRight | SlideUp | SlideDown
13 deriving (Show, Eq)
15 type Position = V2 Int -- r, c
17 _r, _c :: Lens' (V2 Int) Int
18 _r = _x
19 _c = _y
21 type Grid = S.Set Position
22 type Slides = M.Map Position Slide
24 data CompressedPath = CPath { _nextPos :: Position, _pathLen :: Int }
25 deriving (Show, Eq)
26 makeLenses ''CompressedPath
28 type CompressedMap = M.Map Position [CompressedPath]
31 main :: IO ()
32 main =
33 do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
34 text <- readFile dataFileName
35 let (forest, slides, start, end) = mkGrid text
36 print $ part1 slides forest start end
37 print $ part2 slides forest start end
39 part1, part2 :: Slides -> Grid -> Position -> Position -> Int
40 part1 slides forest start end = maximum $ fmap (pathLength cMap) paths
41 where cMap = compress slides forest start end
42 paths = searchCompressed cMap end [] [[start]]
43 part2 _ forest start end = maximum $ fmap (pathLength cMap) paths
44 where cMap = compress M.empty forest start end
45 paths = searchCompressed cMap end [] [[start]]
47 adjacents :: Position -> Slides -> Grid -> [Position]
48 adjacents here slides forest = filter (`S.notMember` forest) $ fmap (here ^+^) deltas
49 where deltas = case M.lookup here slides of
50 Nothing -> [ V2 0 1, V2 1 0, V2 0 (-1), V2 (-1) 0 ]
51 Just SlideLeft -> [ V2 0 (-1) ]
52 Just SlideRight -> [ V2 0 1 ]
53 Just SlideUp -> [ V2 (-1) 0 ]
54 Just SlideDown -> [ V2 1 0 ]
56 searchStep :: Slides -> Grid -> [Position] -> [[Position]]
57 searchStep _ _ [] = []
58 searchStep slides forest path@(here:rest) = fmap (:path) valids
59 where nexts = adjacents here slides forest
60 valids = filter (`notElem` rest) nexts
62 search :: Slides -> Grid -> [Position] -> CompressedMap -> [[Position]] -> CompressedMap
63 search _ _ _ foundPaths [] = foundPaths
64 search slides forest goals foundPaths (current:agenda)
65 | head current `elem` goals = search slides forest goals foundPaths' agenda
66 | otherwise = search slides forest goals foundPaths (agenda ++ extendeds)
67 where extendeds = searchStep slides forest current
68 origin = last current
69 foundPaths' = if origin == head current then foundPaths
70 else M.adjust (cp :) origin foundPaths
71 cp = CPath (head current) (length current - 1)
73 -- collapsing the map
75 interestingPoints :: Slides -> Grid -> Position -> Position -> CompressedMap
76 interestingPoints slides forest start end = M.fromList [(p, []) | p <- pointsSE]
77 where Just minR = minimumOf (folded . _r) forest
78 Just maxR = maximumOf (folded . _r) forest
79 Just minC = minimumOf (folded . _c) forest
80 Just maxC = maximumOf (folded . _c) forest
81 points = [ V2 r c | r <- [(minR + 2)..(maxR - 2)]
82 , c <- [(minC + 1)..(maxC - 1)]
83 , (V2 r c) `S.notMember` forest
84 , (length $ adjacents (V2 r c) slides forest) > 2
85 ]
86 pointsSE = start : end : points
88 compress :: Slides -> Grid -> Position -> Position -> CompressedMap
89 compress slides forest start end = foldl' go compressed0 iPoints
90 where compressed0 = interestingPoints slides forest start end
91 iPoints = M.keys compressed0
92 go com here = search slides forest iPoints com $ fmap (: [here]) $ adjacents here slides forest
95 searchCompressed :: CompressedMap -> Position -> [[Position]] -> [[Position]] -> [[Position]]
96 -- searchCompressed _ _ _ (c:_) _ | DT.trace (show c) False = undefined
97 searchCompressed _ _ found [] = found
98 searchCompressed map goal found (current:agenda)
99 | head current == goal = searchCompressed map goal (current:found) agenda
100 | otherwise = searchCompressed map goal found (nextPositions ++ agenda)
101 where neighbours0 = map M.! (head current)
102 neighbours = neighbours0 ^.. folded . filtered ((`notElem` current) . _nextPos)
103 nextPositions = fmap ((: current) . _nextPos) neighbours
105 pathLength :: CompressedMap -> [Position] -> Int
106 pathLength map ps = sum $ zipWith (stepLength map) ps $ tail ps
108 stepLength :: CompressedMap -> Position -> Position -> Int
109 stepLength map here there =
110 -- head $ (map M.! there) ^.. folded . filtered ((== here) . _nextPos) . pathLen
111 head $ (map M.! there) ^.. folded . filteredBy (nextPos . only here) . pathLen
113 -- reading the map
115 mkGrid :: String -> (Grid, Slides, Position, Position)
116 mkGrid text = ((S.union forest caps), slides, start, end)
117 where rows = lines text
118 maxR = length rows - 1
119 maxC = (length $ head rows) - 1
120 forest = S.fromList [ V2 r c | r <- [0..maxR], c <- [0..maxC]
121 , rows !! r !! c == '#'
122 ]
123 slides = M.fromList [ (V2 r c, readSlide (rows !! r !! c))
124 | r <- [0..maxR], c <- [0..maxC]
125 , elem (rows !! r !! c) ("<>^v" :: String)
126 ]
127 start = head $ [ V2 0 c | c <- [0..maxC]
128 , rows !! 0 !! c == '.'
129 ]
130 end = head $ [ V2 maxR c | c <- [0..maxC]
131 , rows !! maxR !! c == '.'
132 ]
133 caps = S.fromList [start ^+^ (V2 -1 0), end ^+^ (V2 1 0)]
135 readSlide :: Char -> Slide
136 readSlide '<' = SlideLeft
137 readSlide '>' = SlideRight
138 readSlide '^' = SlideUp
139 readSlide 'v' = SlideDown