[advent-of-code-21.git] / advent24 / MainDelay.hs
1 -- Writeup at https://work.njae.me.uk/2022/04/23/advent-of-code-2021-day-24/
2 -- Based on ideas by Daniel Lin,
3 -- taken from https://github.com/ephemient/aoc2021/blob/main/hs/src/Day24.hs
5 import Debug.Trace
7 import Data.Text (Text)
8 import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
9 import Data.Attoparsec.Text -- hiding (take, takeWhile)
10 import Control.Applicative
11 import qualified Data.Map as M
12 import Data.Map ((!))
13 import Data.List
14 import Control.Monad
15 import Data.Maybe
17 data Register = W | X | Y | Z deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum)
19 data Interval = Interval Integer Integer
20 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
22 data Argument = Reg Register | Lit Integer
23 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
25 data Instruction
26 = Inp Register
27 | Add Register Argument
28 | Mul Register Argument
29 | Div Register Argument
30 | Mod Register Argument
31 | Eql Register Argument
32 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
34 type LiteralMachine = M.Map Register Integer
35 type IntervalMachine = M.Map Register (Maybe Interval)
37 data CodeMachine = CodeMachine
38 { mCode :: [Integer]
39 , mMachine :: LiteralMachine
40 } deriving (Show)
42 -- Main
44 main :: IO ()
45 main =
46 do text <- TIO.readFile "data/advent24.txt"
47 let instrs = successfulParse text
48 let m0 = CodeMachine {mCode = [], mMachine = emptyMachine}
49 putStrLn $ part1 m0 instrs
50 putStrLn $ part2 m0 instrs
52 part1 :: CodeMachine -> [Instruction] -> String
53 part1 = findCode [9, 8..1]
55 part2 :: CodeMachine -> [Instruction] -> String
56 part2 = findCode [1..9]
58 findCode :: [Integer] -> CodeMachine -> [Instruction] -> String
59 findCode digits machine instrs = concatMap show $ mCode $ head $ runLit instrs digits machine
61 plausible :: [Instruction] -> LiteralMachine -> Bool
62 plausible instrs litMachine = feasible ranMachine
63 where intMachine = intervalify litMachine
64 ranMachine = runInt instrs intMachine
66 feasible :: IntervalMachine -> Bool
67 -- feasible machine | trace ("Feasible " ++ (show machine)) False = undefined
68 feasible machine
69 | (w && x && y && isJust z) = a <= 0 && b >= 0
70 | otherwise = False
71 where w = isJust $ machine ! W
72 x = isJust $ machine ! X
73 y = isJust $ machine ! Y
74 z = machine ! Z
75 Just (Interval a b) = z
77 valid :: CodeMachine -> Bool
78 valid (CodeMachine{..}) = (mMachine ! Z) == 0
81 emptyMachine :: LiteralMachine
82 emptyMachine = M.fromList [(r, 0) | r <- [W .. Z]]
84 intervalify :: LiteralMachine -> IntervalMachine
85 intervalify = M.map (\i -> Just (Interval i i))
88 runLit :: [Instruction] -> [Integer] -> CodeMachine -> [CodeMachine]
89 -- runLit instrs _digits m0 | trace ((show $ length instrs) ++ " " ++ (show m0)) False = undefined
90 runLit [] _ machine = [machine]
91 runLit (Inp reg : instrs) digits (CodeMachine {..}) =
92 do -- guard (plausible (Inp reg : instrs) mMachine)
93 i <- digits
94 let m1 = M.insert reg i mMachine
95 guard (plausible instrs m1)
96 mm2 <- runLit instrs digits (CodeMachine { mCode = mCode ++ [i], mMachine = m1})
97 guard (valid mm2)
98 return mm2
99 runLit (Add reg arg : instrs) digits (CodeMachine {..}) =
100 runLit instrs digits (CodeMachine{mMachine = M.insert reg c mMachine, ..})
101 where a = mMachine ! reg
102 b = evaluateLit arg mMachine
103 c = a + b
104 runLit (Mul reg arg : instrs) digits (CodeMachine {..}) =
105 runLit instrs digits (CodeMachine{mMachine = M.insert reg c mMachine, ..})
106 where a = mMachine ! reg
107 b = evaluateLit arg mMachine
108 c = a * b
109 runLit (Div reg arg : instrs) digits (CodeMachine {..}) =
110 runLit instrs digits (CodeMachine{mMachine = M.insert reg c mMachine, ..})
111 where a = mMachine ! reg
112 b = evaluateLit arg mMachine
113 c = a `quot` b
114 runLit (Mod reg arg : instrs) digits (CodeMachine {..}) =
115 runLit instrs digits (CodeMachine{mMachine = M.insert reg c mMachine, ..})
116 where a = mMachine ! reg
117 b = evaluateLit arg mMachine
118 c = a `rem` b
119 runLit (Eql reg arg : instrs) digits (CodeMachine {..}) =
120 runLit instrs digits (CodeMachine{mMachine = M.insert reg c mMachine, ..})
121 where a = mMachine ! reg
122 b = evaluateLit arg mMachine
123 c = if a == b then 1 else 0
126 runInt :: [Instruction] -> IntervalMachine -> IntervalMachine
127 runInt instrs machine = foldl' interpretInt machine instrs
129 interpretInt :: IntervalMachine -> Instruction -> IntervalMachine
130 -- interpretInt machine instr | trace ("iInt " ++ (show instr) ++ " " ++ (show machine)) False = undefined
131 interpretInt machine (Inp reg) = M.insert reg (Just (Interval 1 9)) machine
132 interpretInt machine (Add reg arg) = M.insert reg c machine
133 where a = machine ! reg
134 b = evaluateInt arg machine
135 c = join $ (+:) <$> a <*> b
136 -- c = join $ (liftM2 (+:)) a b
137 interpretInt machine (Mul reg arg) = M.insert reg c machine
138 where a = machine ! reg
139 b = evaluateInt arg machine
140 c = join $ (*:) <$> a <*> b
141 interpretInt machine (Div reg arg) = M.insert reg c machine
142 where a = machine ! reg
143 b = evaluateInt arg machine
144 c = join $ (/:) <$> a <*> b
145 interpretInt machine (Mod reg arg) = M.insert reg c machine
146 where a = machine ! reg
147 b = evaluateInt arg machine
148 c = join $ (%:) <$> a <*> b
149 interpretInt machine (Eql reg arg) = M.insert reg c machine
150 where a = machine ! reg
151 b = evaluateInt arg machine
152 c = join $ (=:) <$> a <*> b
154 (+:), (*:), (/:), (%:), (=:) :: Interval -> Interval -> Maybe Interval
155 (Interval a b) +: (Interval c d) = Just (Interval (a + c) (b + d))
156 (Interval a b) *: (Interval c d)
157 | a >= 0 && c >= 0 = Just ( Interval (a * c) (b * d) )
158 | b <= 0 && d <= 0 = Just ( Interval (b * d) (a * c) )
159 | a >= 0 && d <= 0 = Just ( Interval (a * d) (b * c) )
160 | b <= 0 && c >= 0 = Just ( Interval (b * c) (a * d) )
161 (Interval a b) /: (Interval c d)
162 | c > 0 = Just ( Interval (a `quot` d) (b `quot` c) )
163 | d < 0 = Just ( Interval (a `quot` c) (b `quot` d) )
164 | otherwise = Nothing
165 (Interval _a _b) %: (Interval c d)
166 | c > 0 && c == d = Just ( Interval 0 (c - 1))
167 | c > 0 && c /= d = Just ( Interval 0 (max (c - 1) (d - 1)))
168 | otherwise = Nothing
169 (Interval a b) =: (Interval c d)
170 | b < c = Just (Interval 0 0)
171 | a > d = Just (Interval 0 0)
172 | a == b && a == c && a == d = Just (Interval 1 1)
173 | otherwise = Just (Interval 0 1)
175 evaluateLit :: Argument -> LiteralMachine -> Integer
176 evaluateLit (Reg reg) machine = machine ! reg
177 evaluateLit (Lit n) _ = n
179 evaluateInt :: Argument -> IntervalMachine -> Maybe Interval
180 evaluateInt (Reg reg) machine = machine ! reg
181 evaluateInt (Lit n) _ = Just (Interval n n)
184 -- Parse the input file
186 instructionsP:: Parser [Instruction]
187 instructionsP = instructionP `sepBy` endOfLine
189 instructionP:: Parser Instruction
190 instructionP = choice [inpP, addP, mulP, divP, modP, eqlP]
192 inpP, addP, mulP, divP, modP, eqlP :: Parser Instruction
193 inpP = Inp <$> ("inp " *> registerP)
194 addP = Add <$> ("add " *> registerP) <*> (" " *> argumentP)
195 mulP = Mul <$> ("mul " *> registerP) <*> (" " *> argumentP)
196 divP = Div <$> ("div " *> registerP) <*> (" " *> argumentP)
197 modP = Mod <$> ("mod " *> registerP) <*> (" " *> argumentP)
198 eqlP = Eql <$> ("eql " *> registerP) <*> (" " *> argumentP)
200 registerP, wP, xP, yP, zP :: Parser Register
201 registerP = choice [wP, xP, yP, zP]
202 wP = "w" *> pure W
203 xP = "x" *> pure X
204 yP = "y" *> pure Y
205 zP = "z" *> pure Z
207 argumentP :: Parser Argument
208 argumentP = (Reg <$> registerP) <|> (Lit <$> signed decimal)
210 successfulParse :: Text -> [Instruction]
211 successfulParse input =
212 case parseOnly instructionsP input of
213 Left _err -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
214 Right instrs -> instrs