Updated README to fix a typo and add some clarificaiton about directories
[advent-of-code-16.git] / adventofcode1624 / app / advent24.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 module Main(main) where
5 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
6 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
7 import Data.List
8 import Data.Char (isDigit)
9 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
10 import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
11 import Data.Hashable
13 type Point = (Int, Int) -- row, column, both zero based.
14 type Grid = M.Map Point Char
16 data Path = Path { from :: Point
17 , to :: Point
18 , path :: Int
19 } deriving (Eq, Generic)
20 instance Hashable Path
21 instance Show Path where
22 show p = "Path { " ++ show (from p) ++ " -> " ++ show (to p) ++ ", " ++ show (path p) ++ " }"
24 -- Grid search state
25 data Gss = Gss { origin :: Point
26 , current :: Point
27 , goal :: Point
28 , gssPath :: [Point]
29 } deriving (Eq, Generic)
30 instance Hashable Gss
31 instance Ord Gss where
32 s1 `compare` s2 = ((heuristicG s1) + (length (gssPath s1))) `compare` ((heuristicG s2) + (length (gssPath s2)))
33 instance Show Gss where
34 show gss = "Gss { " ++ show (origin gss) ++ " -> " ++ show (current gss) ++ " -> " ++ show (goal gss) ++ " }"
36 littleGrid = "\
37 \###########\n\
38 \#0.1.....2#\n\
39 \#.#######.#\n\
40 \#4.......3#\n\
41 \###########"
43 main :: IO ()
44 main = do
45 text <- readFile "data/advent24.txt"
46 -- let text = littleGrid
47 let tl = lines text
48 let mp = M.fromList $ [((r, c), (tl!!r)!!c)| r <- [0..(length tl - 1)], c <- [0..(length (tl!!0) - 1)]]
49 let goals = M.filter (isDigit) mp
50 let start = head $ M.keys $ M.filter (=='0') mp
51 let aStarSearch s g = asG [startGss s g] mp []
52 let paths = map (fromGss) $ catMaybes $ [aStarSearch st gl | st <- (M.keys goals), gl <- (M.keys goals), st /= gl]
53 part1 start (M.keys goals) paths
54 part2 start (M.keys goals) paths
56 fromGss :: Gss -> Path
57 fromGss g = Path {from = origin g, to = goal g, path = (length (gssPath g)) - 1}
59 part1 :: Point -> [Point] -> [Path] -> IO ()
60 part1 start points paths = print $ shortestTour start points paths
62 part2 :: Point -> [Point] -> [Path] -> IO ()
63 part2 start points paths = print $ shortestReturningTour start points paths
65 asG :: [Gss] -> Grid -> [Point] -> Maybe Gss
66 -- asG ps _ closed | trace ((show ps) ++ " :: " ++ (show paths) ++ " X " ++ (show closed)) False = undefined
67 asG [] _ _ = Nothing
68 asG (p:ps) g closed =
69 if current p == goal p
70 then Just p
71 else if (head $ gssPath p) `elem` closed
72 then asG ps g closed
73 else asG newAgenda g ((current p):closed)
74 where nextPoints = filter (\np -> np `notElem` ((gssPath p) ++ closed)) $ gridNeighbours g $ current p
75 extraAgenda = map (\n -> Gss {origin = origin p, goal = goal p, current = n, gssPath = (n:(gssPath p))}) nextPoints
76 newAgenda = sort (ps ++ extraAgenda)
79 startGss :: Point -> Point -> Gss
80 startGss p g = Gss {origin = p, goal = g, current = p, gssPath = [p]}
82 gridNeighbours :: Grid -> Point -> [Point]
83 gridNeighbours g p@(r, c) = filter (\n -> (g!n) /= '#') ns
84 where ns = [(r-1, c), (r+1, c), (r, c-1), (r, c+1)]
86 heuristicG :: Gss -> Int
87 heuristicG gss = abs (rg - rc) + abs (cg - cc)
88 where (rg, cg) = goal gss
89 (rc, cc) = current gss
91 shortestTour :: Point -> [Point] -> [Path] -> Int
92 shortestTour p0 points paths = minimum $ map (\p -> pathLength p paths) startRight
93 where pointPerms = permutations points
94 startRight = filter (\p -> (head p) == p0) pointPerms
96 shortestReturningTour :: Point -> [Point] -> [Path] -> Int
97 shortestReturningTour p0 points paths = minimum $ map (\p -> pathLength p paths) startRight
98 where pointPerms = map (\p -> p ++ [p0]) $ permutations points
99 startRight = filter (\p -> (head p) == p0) pointPerms
101 pathBetween :: [Path] -> Point -> Point -> Path
102 pathBetween paths a b = head $ filter (\p -> from p == a && to p == b) paths
104 adjacents :: [a] -> [[a]]
105 adjacents ts = filter (\t -> (length t) == 2) $ map (\t -> take 2 t) $ tails ts
107 pathLength :: [Point] -> [Path] -> Int
108 pathLength points paths = sum $ map (path) builtPath
109 where pairs = adjacents points
110 builtPath = foldl (addPath paths) [] pairs
112 addPath :: [Path] -> [Path] -> [Point] -> [Path]
113 addPath paths built posPair = built ++ [toAdd]
114 where toAdd = pathBetween paths (posPair!!0) (posPair!!1)