robots.txt now bans all robots
[feedcatcher.git] / app / views / feed / show.html.erb
1 <h1>Contents of feed <%= h params[:feed_name] %></h1>
2 <p><%= link_to("List of all feeds", index_path) %></p>
4 <%= form_tag update_path do %>
5 <p>Set feed <%= text_field_tag :feed_name, h(params[:feed_name]), :size => 20 %>
6 to include <%= text_field_tag :title, '', :size => 30 %>
7 containing <%= text_field_tag :description, '', :size => 50 %>
8 <%= submit_tag 'Update' %></p>
9 <% end %>
11 <dl>
12 <% for item in @feed_items %>
13 <dt><%= h item.title %></dt>
14 <dd><em><%= h item.description %></em></dd>
15 <% end %>
16 </dl>