[battle-of-the-bands.git] / beatles-vs-stones-gather-data.ipynb
1 {
2 "cells": [
3 {
4 "cell_type": "markdown",
5 "metadata": {},
6 "source": [
7 "# Battle of the Bands: Data gathering<a name=\"top\"></a>\n",
8 "\n",
9 "This is a replication of the [fitteR happieR](http://rcharlie.com/2017-02-16-fitteR-happieR/) post which attempted to find the most depressing Radiohead song.\n",
10 "\n",
11 "I've redone it here, using tools available in TM351.\n",
12 "\n",
13 "I'm also on a bit of a Beatles jag, so I've also done the analysis for The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.\n",
14 "\n",
15 "## Contents\n",
16 "\n",
17 "* [Getting data from Spotify](#getspotify)\n",
18 "* [Tag album with artist](#tagalbumwithartist)\n",
19 "* [Tag track with artist](#tagtrackwithartist)\n",
20 "* [Get full track data](#fulltrackdata)\n",
21 "* [Lyrics search](#lyricssearch)\n",
22 "* [Matching datasets](#matchingdatasets)\n",
23 "* [Copy the lyrics over](#copylyrics)\n",
24 "* [Sentiment analysis](#sentimentanalysis)\n",
25 "* [Remove live and duplicate tracks](#removedupliates)"
26 ]
27 },
28 {
29 "cell_type": "code",
30 "execution_count": 1,
31 "metadata": {
32 "run_control": {
33 "read_only": false
34 }
35 },
36 "outputs": [],
37 "source": [
38 "import pandas as pd\n",
39 "import numpy as np\n",
40 "import matplotlib\n",
41 "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
42 "%matplotlib inline \n",
43 "import urllib.request\n",
44 "import urllib.parse\n",
45 "import urllib.error\n",
46 "import json\n",
47 "import base64\n",
48 "import configparser\n",
49 "from bs4 import BeautifulSoup\n",
50 "import re\n",
51 "import pymongo\n",
52 "from datetime import datetime\n",
53 "import time\n",
54 "import collections"
55 ]
56 },
57 {
58 "cell_type": "markdown",
59 "metadata": {},
60 "source": [
61 "We'll use MongoDB to store the data, to save keeping it all in memory, and mean we don't have to recapture all the data to to a different analysis."
62 ]
63 },
64 {
65 "cell_type": "code",
66 "execution_count": 2,
67 "metadata": {},
68 "outputs": [],
69 "source": [
70 "# Open a connection to the Mongo server\n",
71 "client = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')"
72 ]
73 },
74 {
75 "cell_type": "code",
76 "execution_count": 3,
77 "metadata": {},
78 "outputs": [],
79 "source": [
80 "# try:\n",
81 "# client.drop_database(songs_db)\n",
82 "# except NameError:\n",
83 "# print(\"DB doesn't exist yet.\")"
84 ]
85 },
86 {
87 "cell_type": "code",
88 "execution_count": 4,
89 "metadata": {},
90 "outputs": [],
91 "source": [
92 "# Create a database and a collections within it.\n",
93 "songs_db = client.songs\n",
94 "albums = songs_db.albums\n",
95 "tracks = songs_db.tracks\n",
96 "genius_tracks = songs_db.gtracks"
97 ]
98 },
99 {
100 "cell_type": "markdown",
101 "metadata": {},
102 "source": [
103 "API keys and the like are kept in a configuration file, which is read here.\n",
104 "\n",
105 "You'll need to create a web API key for Spotify and Genius. "
106 ]
107 },
108 {
109 "cell_type": "code",
110 "execution_count": 5,
111 "metadata": {},
112 "outputs": [
113 {
114 "data": {
115 "text/plain": [
116 "['app_name', 'client_id', 'client_secret', 'redirect_uri', 'token']"
117 ]
118 },
119 "execution_count": 5,
120 "metadata": {},
121 "output_type": "execute_result"
122 }
123 ],
124 "source": [
125 "config = configparser.ConfigParser()\n",
126 "config.read('secrets.ini')\n",
127 "[k for k in config['genius']]"
128 ]
129 },
130 {
131 "cell_type": "code",
132 "execution_count": 6,
133 "metadata": {},
134 "outputs": [],
135 "source": [
136 "## How to write the config file. Fill in the details, and create a different config section for Spotify.\n",
137 "# config['genius'] = {}\n",
138 "# config['genius']['app_name'] = 'xxx'\n",
139 "# config['genius']['client_id'] = 'xxx'\n",
140 "# config['genius']['client_secret'] = 'xxx'\n",
141 "# config['genius']['token'] = 'xxx'\n",
142 "# with open('secrets.ini', 'w') as configfile:\n",
143 "# config.write(configfile)"
144 ]
145 },
146 {
147 "cell_type": "code",
148 "execution_count": 14,
149 "metadata": {},
150 "outputs": [],
151 "source": [
152 "stones_id = '22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe'\n",
153 "beatles_id = '3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2'\n",
154 "radiohead_id = '4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb'"
155 ]
156 },
157 {
158 "cell_type": "markdown",
159 "metadata": {},
160 "source": [
161 "# Get album and track data from Spotify<a name='getspotify'></a>\n",
162 "We'll download the data on artists, albums, and tracks from Spotify.\n",
163 "\n",
164 "* [Top](#top)"
165 ]
166 },
167 {
168 "cell_type": "code",
169 "execution_count": 8,
170 "metadata": {},
171 "outputs": [],
172 "source": [
173 "def get_spotify_auth_token():\n",
174 " auth_url = 'https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token'\n",
175 " auth_data = urllib.parse.urlencode({'grant_type': 'client_credentials'}).encode('utf-8')\n",
176 " auth_id = base64.standard_b64encode((config['spotify']['client_id'] + \\\n",
177 " ':' + config['spotify']['client_secret']).encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8)')\n",
178 " auth_headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic ' + auth_id}\n",
179 " auth_request = urllib.request.Request(auth_url, data=auth_data, headers=auth_headers)\n",
180 " with urllib.request.urlopen(auth_request) as f:\n",
181 " response = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
182 " return response['token_type'], response['access_token']"
183 ]
184 },
185 {
186 "cell_type": "code",
187 "execution_count": 9,
188 "metadata": {},
189 "outputs": [],
190 "source": [
191 "a_type, a_token = get_spotify_auth_token()"
192 ]
193 },
194 {
195 "cell_type": "code",
196 "execution_count": 10,
197 "metadata": {},
198 "outputs": [],
199 "source": [
200 "def get_artists(artist_name, auth_type, auth_token):\n",
201 " headers = {'Authorization': auth_type + ' ' + auth_token}\n",
202 " query = urllib.parse.urlencode({'q': artist_name, 'type': 'artist'})\n",
203 " url = 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?{}'.format(query)\n",
204 " request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, method='GET')\n",
205 "\n",
206 " with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as f:\n",
207 " response = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
208 " artists = []\n",
209 " for artist in response['artists']['items']:\n",
210 " if artist['name'].lower() == artist_name.lower():\n",
211 " this_artist = {'name': artist['name'], 'id': artist['id']}\n",
212 " if artist['images']:\n",
213 " this_artist['image'] = artist['images'][0]['url']\n",
214 " artists += [this_artist]\n",
215 " return artists"
216 ]
217 },
218 {
219 "cell_type": "code",
220 "execution_count": 11,
221 "metadata": {},
222 "outputs": [
223 {
224 "data": {
225 "text/plain": [
226 "('22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe',\n",
227 " [{'id': '22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe',\n",
228 " 'image': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/b6b925d5b9f0b5fed8ad52ff887d7351bc7e26c7',\n",
229 " 'name': 'The Rolling Stones'}])"
230 ]
231 },
232 "execution_count": 11,
233 "metadata": {},
234 "output_type": "execute_result"
235 }
236 ],
237 "source": [
238 "artists = get_artists('the rolling stones', a_type, a_token)\n",
239 "stones_id = artists[0]['id']\n",
240 "stones_id, artists"
241 ]
242 },
243 {
244 "cell_type": "code",
245 "execution_count": 12,
246 "metadata": {},
247 "outputs": [
248 {
249 "data": {
250 "text/plain": [
251 "('3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2',\n",
252 " [{'id': '3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2',\n",
253 " 'image': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/197cff807611777427c93258f0a1ccdf6b013b09',\n",
254 " 'name': 'The Beatles'}])"
255 ]
256 },
257 "execution_count": 12,
258 "metadata": {},
259 "output_type": "execute_result"
260 }
261 ],
262 "source": [
263 "artists = get_artists('the beatles', a_type, a_token)\n",
264 "beatles_id = artists[0]['id']\n",
265 "beatles_id, artists"
266 ]
267 },
268 {
269 "cell_type": "code",
270 "execution_count": 13,
271 "metadata": {},
272 "outputs": [
273 {
274 "data": {
275 "text/plain": [
276 "('4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb',\n",
277 " [{'id': '4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb',\n",
278 " 'image': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/afcd616e1ef2d2786f47b3b4a8a6aeea24a72adc',\n",
279 " 'name': 'Radiohead'},\n",
280 " {'id': '76j9XexCHSuiclvMCnPg3T', 'name': 'Radiohead'}])"
281 ]
282 },
283 "execution_count": 13,
284 "metadata": {},
285 "output_type": "execute_result"
286 }
287 ],
288 "source": [
289 "artists = get_artists('radiohead', a_type, a_token)\n",
290 "radiohead_id = artists[0]['id']\n",
291 "radiohead_id, artists"
292 ]
293 },
294 {
295 "cell_type": "markdown",
296 "metadata": {},
297 "source": [
298 "Find all the albums for an artist."
299 ]
300 },
301 {
302 "cell_type": "code",
303 "execution_count": 20,
304 "metadata": {},
305 "outputs": [],
306 "source": [
307 "def get_albums(artist_id, auth_type, auth_token):\n",
308 " headers = {'Authorization': auth_type + ' ' + auth_token}\n",
309 " url = 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/{a_id}/albums?market=GB&album_type=album'.format(a_id=artist_id)\n",
310 " request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, method='GET')\n",
311 "# request = 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/{id}/albums?market=GB&album_type=album'.format(id=artist_id)\n",
312 " with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as f:\n",
313 " response = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
314 " for a in response['items']:\n",
315 " album_url = a['href']\n",
316 " album_request = urllib.request.Request(album_url, headers=headers, method='GET')\n",
317 " with urllib.request.urlopen(album_request) as af:\n",
318 " album = json.loads(af.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
319 " album['_id'] = album['id']\n",
320 " albums.replace_one({'_id': album['_id']}, album, upsert=True) "
321 ]
322 },
323 {
324 "cell_type": "code",
325 "execution_count": 30,
326 "metadata": {},
327 "outputs": [
328 {
329 "data": {
330 "text/plain": [
331 "52"
332 ]
333 },
334 "execution_count": 30,
335 "metadata": {},
336 "output_type": "execute_result"
337 }
338 ],
339 "source": [
340 "get_albums(beatles_id, a_type, a_token)\n",
341 "albums.find().count()"
342 ]
343 },
344 {
345 "cell_type": "code",
346 "execution_count": 31,
347 "metadata": {},
348 "outputs": [
349 {
350 "data": {
351 "text/plain": [
352 "62"
353 ]
354 },
355 "execution_count": 31,
356 "metadata": {},
357 "output_type": "execute_result"
358 }
359 ],
360 "source": [
361 "get_albums(stones_id, a_type, a_token)\n",
362 "albums.find().count()"
363 ]
364 },
365 {
366 "cell_type": "code",
367 "execution_count": 31,
368 "metadata": {},
369 "outputs": [
370 {
371 "data": {
372 "text/plain": [
373 "62"
374 ]
375 },
376 "execution_count": 31,
377 "metadata": {},
378 "output_type": "execute_result"
379 }
380 ],
381 "source": [
382 "get_albums(radiohead_id, a_type, a_token)\n",
383 "albums.find().count()"
384 ]
385 },
386 {
387 "cell_type": "code",
388 "execution_count": 32,
389 "metadata": {},
390 "outputs": [
391 {
392 "data": {
393 "text/html": [
394 "<div>\n",
395 "<style>\n",
396 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
397 " text-align: right;\n",
398 " }\n",
399 "\n",
400 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
401 " text-align: left;\n",
402 " }\n",
403 "\n",
404 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
405 " vertical-align: top;\n",
406 " }\n",
407 "</style>\n",
408 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
409 " <thead>\n",
410 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
411 " <th></th>\n",
412 " <th>0</th>\n",
413 " <th>1</th>\n",
414 " <th>2</th>\n",
415 " <th>3</th>\n",
416 " <th>4</th>\n",
417 " </tr>\n",
418 " </thead>\n",
419 " <tbody>\n",
420 " <tr>\n",
421 " <th>_id</th>\n",
422 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
423 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
424 " <td>2pCqZLeavM2BMovJXsJEIV</td>\n",
425 " <td>2Pqkn9Dq2DFtdfkKAeqgMd</td>\n",
426 " <td>47bcKzmKgmMPHXNVOWpLiu</td>\n",
427 " </tr>\n",
428 " <tr>\n",
429 " <th>album_type</th>\n",
430 " <td>album</td>\n",
431 " <td>album</td>\n",
432 " <td>album</td>\n",
433 " <td>album</td>\n",
434 " <td>album</td>\n",
435 " </tr>\n",
436 " <tr>\n",
437 " <th>artist_id</th>\n",
438 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
439 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
440 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
441 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
442 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
443 " </tr>\n",
444 " <tr>\n",
445 " <th>artist_name</th>\n",
446 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
447 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
448 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
449 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
450 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
451 " </tr>\n",
452 " <tr>\n",
453 " <th>artists</th>\n",
454 " <td>[{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/...</td>\n",
455 " <td>[{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/...</td>\n",
456 " <td>[{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/...</td>\n",
457 " <td>[{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/...</td>\n",
458 " <td>[{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/...</td>\n",
459 " </tr>\n",
460 " <tr>\n",
461 " <th>available_markets</th>\n",
462 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
463 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
464 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
465 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
466 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
467 " </tr>\n",
468 " <tr>\n",
469 " <th>copyrights</th>\n",
470 " <td>[{'type': 'C', 'text': '© 2016 Apple Corps Ltd...</td>\n",
471 " <td>[{'type': 'C', 'text': '© 2015 Apple Corps Ltd...</td>\n",
472 " <td>[{'type': 'C', 'text': '© 2015 Apple Corps Ltd...</td>\n",
473 " <td>[{'type': 'C', 'text': '© 2015 Apple Corps Ltd...</td>\n",
474 " <td>[{'type': 'C', 'text': '© 2015 Apple Corps Ltd...</td>\n",
475 " </tr>\n",
476 " <tr>\n",
477 " <th>external_ids</th>\n",
478 " <td>{'upc': '00602557054989'}</td>\n",
479 " <td>{'upc': '00602547673503'}</td>\n",
480 " <td>{'upc': '00602547670069'}</td>\n",
481 " <td>{'upc': '00602547670342'}</td>\n",
482 " <td>{'upc': '00602547670328'}</td>\n",
483 " </tr>\n",
484 " <tr>\n",
485 " <th>external_urls</th>\n",
486 " <td>{'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/album/5X...</td>\n",
487 " <td>{'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/album/5j...</td>\n",
488 " <td>{'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/album/2p...</td>\n",
489 " <td>{'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/album/2P...</td>\n",
490 " <td>{'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/album/47...</td>\n",
491 " </tr>\n",
492 " <tr>\n",
493 " <th>genres</th>\n",
494 " <td>[]</td>\n",
495 " <td>[]</td>\n",
496 " <td>[]</td>\n",
497 " <td>[]</td>\n",
498 " <td>[]</td>\n",
499 " </tr>\n",
500 " <tr>\n",
501 " <th>href</th>\n",
502 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/5XfJmldgWzrc...</td>\n",
503 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/5ju5Ouzan3Qw...</td>\n",
504 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/2pCqZLeavM2B...</td>\n",
505 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/2Pqkn9Dq2DFt...</td>\n",
506 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/47bcKzmKgmMP...</td>\n",
507 " </tr>\n",
508 " <tr>\n",
509 " <th>id</th>\n",
510 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
511 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
512 " <td>2pCqZLeavM2BMovJXsJEIV</td>\n",
513 " <td>2Pqkn9Dq2DFtdfkKAeqgMd</td>\n",
514 " <td>47bcKzmKgmMPHXNVOWpLiu</td>\n",
515 " </tr>\n",
516 " <tr>\n",
517 " <th>images</th>\n",
518 " <td>[{'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/1b1879c1dd16...</td>\n",
519 " <td>[{'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/4e6916b16ce5...</td>\n",
520 " <td>[{'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/809c6f28db64...</td>\n",
521 " <td>[{'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/9cab76ad73ce...</td>\n",
522 " <td>[{'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/411d661890b8...</td>\n",
523 " </tr>\n",
524 " <tr>\n",
525 " <th>label</th>\n",
526 " <td>Digital Distribution Trinidad and Tobago</td>\n",
527 " <td>Digital Distribution Trinidad and Tobago</td>\n",
528 " <td>EMI Catalogue</td>\n",
529 " <td>EMI Catalogue</td>\n",
530 " <td>EMI Catalogue</td>\n",
531 " </tr>\n",
532 " <tr>\n",
533 " <th>name</th>\n",
534 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
535 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
536 " <td>Let It Be (Remastered)</td>\n",
537 " <td>Abbey Road (Remastered)</td>\n",
538 " <td>Yellow Submarine (Remastered)</td>\n",
539 " </tr>\n",
540 " <tr>\n",
541 " <th>popularity</th>\n",
542 " <td>59</td>\n",
543 " <td>76</td>\n",
544 " <td>69</td>\n",
545 " <td>76</td>\n",
546 " <td>57</td>\n",
547 " </tr>\n",
548 " <tr>\n",
549 " <th>release_date</th>\n",
550 " <td>2016-09-09</td>\n",
551 " <td>2000-11-13</td>\n",
552 " <td>1970-05-08</td>\n",
553 " <td>1969-09-26</td>\n",
554 " <td>1969-01-17</td>\n",
555 " </tr>\n",
556 " <tr>\n",
557 " <th>release_date_precision</th>\n",
558 " <td>day</td>\n",
559 " <td>day</td>\n",
560 " <td>day</td>\n",
561 " <td>day</td>\n",
562 " <td>day</td>\n",
563 " </tr>\n",
564 " <tr>\n",
565 " <th>tracks</th>\n",
566 " <td>{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/5X...</td>\n",
567 " <td>{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/5j...</td>\n",
568 " <td>{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/2p...</td>\n",
569 " <td>{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/2P...</td>\n",
570 " <td>{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/47...</td>\n",
571 " </tr>\n",
572 " <tr>\n",
573 " <th>type</th>\n",
574 " <td>album</td>\n",
575 " <td>album</td>\n",
576 " <td>album</td>\n",
577 " <td>album</td>\n",
578 " <td>album</td>\n",
579 " </tr>\n",
580 " <tr>\n",
581 " <th>uri</th>\n",
582 " <td>spotify:album:5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
583 " <td>spotify:album:5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
584 " <td>spotify:album:2pCqZLeavM2BMovJXsJEIV</td>\n",
585 " <td>spotify:album:2Pqkn9Dq2DFtdfkKAeqgMd</td>\n",
586 " <td>spotify:album:47bcKzmKgmMPHXNVOWpLiu</td>\n",
587 " </tr>\n",
588 " </tbody>\n",
589 "</table>\n",
590 "</div>"
591 ],
592 "text/plain": [
593 " 0 \\\n",
594 "_id 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn \n",
595 "album_type album \n",
596 "artist_id NaN \n",
597 "artist_name NaN \n",
598 "artists [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/... \n",
599 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C... \n",
600 "copyrights [{'type': 'C', 'text': '© 2016 Apple Corps Ltd... \n",
601 "external_ids {'upc': '00602557054989'} \n",
602 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/album/5X... \n",
603 "genres [] \n",
604 "href https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/5XfJmldgWzrc... \n",
605 "id 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn \n",
606 "images [{'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/1b1879c1dd16... \n",
607 "label Digital Distribution Trinidad and Tobago \n",
608 "name Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
609 "popularity 59 \n",
610 "release_date 2016-09-09 \n",
611 "release_date_precision day \n",
612 "tracks {'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/5X... \n",
613 "type album \n",
614 "uri spotify:album:5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn \n",
615 "\n",
616 " 1 \\\n",
617 "_id 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh \n",
618 "album_type album \n",
619 "artist_id NaN \n",
620 "artist_name NaN \n",
621 "artists [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/... \n",
622 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C... \n",
623 "copyrights [{'type': 'C', 'text': '© 2015 Apple Corps Ltd... \n",
624 "external_ids {'upc': '00602547673503'} \n",
625 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/album/5j... \n",
626 "genres [] \n",
627 "href https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/5ju5Ouzan3Qw... \n",
628 "id 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh \n",
629 "images [{'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/4e6916b16ce5... \n",
630 "label Digital Distribution Trinidad and Tobago \n",
631 "name 1 (Remastered) \n",
632 "popularity 76 \n",
633 "release_date 2000-11-13 \n",
634 "release_date_precision day \n",
635 "tracks {'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/5j... \n",
636 "type album \n",
637 "uri spotify:album:5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh \n",
638 "\n",
639 " 2 \\\n",
640 "_id 2pCqZLeavM2BMovJXsJEIV \n",
641 "album_type album \n",
642 "artist_id NaN \n",
643 "artist_name NaN \n",
644 "artists [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/... \n",
645 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C... \n",
646 "copyrights [{'type': 'C', 'text': '© 2015 Apple Corps Ltd... \n",
647 "external_ids {'upc': '00602547670069'} \n",
648 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/album/2p... \n",
649 "genres [] \n",
650 "href https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/2pCqZLeavM2B... \n",
651 "id 2pCqZLeavM2BMovJXsJEIV \n",
652 "images [{'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/809c6f28db64... \n",
653 "label EMI Catalogue \n",
654 "name Let It Be (Remastered) \n",
655 "popularity 69 \n",
656 "release_date 1970-05-08 \n",
657 "release_date_precision day \n",
658 "tracks {'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/2p... \n",
659 "type album \n",
660 "uri spotify:album:2pCqZLeavM2BMovJXsJEIV \n",
661 "\n",
662 " 3 \\\n",
663 "_id 2Pqkn9Dq2DFtdfkKAeqgMd \n",
664 "album_type album \n",
665 "artist_id NaN \n",
666 "artist_name NaN \n",
667 "artists [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/... \n",
668 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C... \n",
669 "copyrights [{'type': 'C', 'text': '© 2015 Apple Corps Ltd... \n",
670 "external_ids {'upc': '00602547670342'} \n",
671 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/album/2P... \n",
672 "genres [] \n",
673 "href https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/2Pqkn9Dq2DFt... \n",
674 "id 2Pqkn9Dq2DFtdfkKAeqgMd \n",
675 "images [{'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/9cab76ad73ce... \n",
676 "label EMI Catalogue \n",
677 "name Abbey Road (Remastered) \n",
678 "popularity 76 \n",
679 "release_date 1969-09-26 \n",
680 "release_date_precision day \n",
681 "tracks {'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/2P... \n",
682 "type album \n",
683 "uri spotify:album:2Pqkn9Dq2DFtdfkKAeqgMd \n",
684 "\n",
685 " 4 \n",
686 "_id 47bcKzmKgmMPHXNVOWpLiu \n",
687 "album_type album \n",
688 "artist_id NaN \n",
689 "artist_name NaN \n",
690 "artists [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/... \n",
691 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C... \n",
692 "copyrights [{'type': 'C', 'text': '© 2015 Apple Corps Ltd... \n",
693 "external_ids {'upc': '00602547670328'} \n",
694 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/album/47... \n",
695 "genres [] \n",
696 "href https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/47bcKzmKgmMP... \n",
697 "id 47bcKzmKgmMPHXNVOWpLiu \n",
698 "images [{'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/411d661890b8... \n",
699 "label EMI Catalogue \n",
700 "name Yellow Submarine (Remastered) \n",
701 "popularity 57 \n",
702 "release_date 1969-01-17 \n",
703 "release_date_precision day \n",
704 "tracks {'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/47... \n",
705 "type album \n",
706 "uri spotify:album:47bcKzmKgmMPHXNVOWpLiu "
707 ]
708 },
709 "execution_count": 32,
710 "metadata": {},
711 "output_type": "execute_result"
712 }
713 ],
714 "source": [
715 "pd.DataFrame(list(albums.find())).head().T"
716 ]
717 },
718 {
719 "cell_type": "markdown",
720 "metadata": {},
721 "source": [
722 "### Tag albums with artists<a name=\"tagalbumwithartist\"></a>\n",
723 "As we have tracks for two artists, let's keep the identification easy and insert the artist name and id into each track document.\n",
724 "\n",
725 "* [Top](#top)"
726 ]
727 },
728 {
729 "cell_type": "code",
730 "execution_count": 33,
731 "metadata": {},
732 "outputs": [],
733 "source": [
734 "for a in albums.find({}, ['artists']):\n",
735 " albums.update_one({'_id': a['_id']}, \n",
736 " {'$set': {'artist_name': a['artists'][0]['name'],\n",
737 " 'artist_id': a['artists'][0]['id']}})"
738 ]
739 },
740 {
741 "cell_type": "code",
742 "execution_count": 34,
743 "metadata": {
744 "scrolled": true
745 },
746 "outputs": [
747 {
748 "data": {
749 "text/html": [
750 "<div>\n",
751 "<style>\n",
752 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
753 " text-align: right;\n",
754 " }\n",
755 "\n",
756 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
757 " text-align: left;\n",
758 " }\n",
759 "\n",
760 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
761 " vertical-align: top;\n",
762 " }\n",
763 "</style>\n",
764 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
765 " <thead>\n",
766 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
767 " <th></th>\n",
768 " <th>_id</th>\n",
769 " <th>artist_name</th>\n",
770 " <th>name</th>\n",
771 " </tr>\n",
772 " </thead>\n",
773 " <tbody>\n",
774 " <tr>\n",
775 " <th>0</th>\n",
776 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
777 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
778 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
779 " </tr>\n",
780 " <tr>\n",
781 " <th>1</th>\n",
782 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
783 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
784 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
785 " </tr>\n",
786 " <tr>\n",
787 " <th>2</th>\n",
788 " <td>2pCqZLeavM2BMovJXsJEIV</td>\n",
789 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
790 " <td>Let It Be (Remastered)</td>\n",
791 " </tr>\n",
792 " <tr>\n",
793 " <th>3</th>\n",
794 " <td>2Pqkn9Dq2DFtdfkKAeqgMd</td>\n",
795 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
796 " <td>Abbey Road (Remastered)</td>\n",
797 " </tr>\n",
798 " <tr>\n",
799 " <th>4</th>\n",
800 " <td>47bcKzmKgmMPHXNVOWpLiu</td>\n",
801 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
802 " <td>Yellow Submarine (Remastered)</td>\n",
803 " </tr>\n",
804 " <tr>\n",
805 " <th>5</th>\n",
806 " <td>03Qh833fEdVT30Pfs93ea6</td>\n",
807 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
808 " <td>The Beatles (Remastered)</td>\n",
809 " </tr>\n",
810 " <tr>\n",
811 " <th>6</th>\n",
812 " <td>6P9yO0ukhOx3dvmhGKeYoC</td>\n",
813 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
814 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
815 " </tr>\n",
816 " <tr>\n",
817 " <th>7</th>\n",
818 " <td>1PULmKbHeOqlkIwcDMNwD4</td>\n",
819 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
820 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
821 " </tr>\n",
822 " <tr>\n",
823 " <th>8</th>\n",
824 " <td>0PYyrqs9NXtxPhf0CZkq2L</td>\n",
825 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
826 " <td>Revolver (Remastered)</td>\n",
827 " </tr>\n",
828 " <tr>\n",
829 " <th>9</th>\n",
830 " <td>3OdI6e43crvyAHhaqpxSyz</td>\n",
831 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
832 " <td>Rubber Soul (Remastered)</td>\n",
833 " </tr>\n",
834 " <tr>\n",
835 " <th>10</th>\n",
836 " <td>19K3IHYeVkUTjcBHGfbCOi</td>\n",
837 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
838 " <td>Help! (Remastered)</td>\n",
839 " </tr>\n",
840 " <tr>\n",
841 " <th>11</th>\n",
842 " <td>7BgGBZndAvDlKOcwe5rscZ</td>\n",
843 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
844 " <td>Beatles For Sale (Remastered)</td>\n",
845 " </tr>\n",
846 " <tr>\n",
847 " <th>12</th>\n",
848 " <td>71Mwd9tntFQYUk4k2DwA0D</td>\n",
849 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
850 " <td>A Hard Day's Night (Remastered)</td>\n",
851 " </tr>\n",
852 " <tr>\n",
853 " <th>13</th>\n",
854 " <td>1DBkJIEoeHrTX4WCBQGcCi</td>\n",
855 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
856 " <td>The King Of Limbs</td>\n",
857 " </tr>\n",
858 " <tr>\n",
859 " <th>14</th>\n",
860 " <td>3nkEsxmIX0zRNXGAexaHAn</td>\n",
861 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
862 " <td>With The Beatles (Remastered)</td>\n",
863 " </tr>\n",
864 " <tr>\n",
865 " <th>15</th>\n",
866 " <td>7gDXyW16byCQOgK965BRzn</td>\n",
867 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
868 " <td>Please Please Me (Remastered)</td>\n",
869 " </tr>\n",
870 " <tr>\n",
871 " <th>16</th>\n",
872 " <td>6vuykQgDLUCiZ7YggIpLM9</td>\n",
873 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
874 " <td>A Moon Shaped Pool</td>\n",
875 " </tr>\n",
876 " <tr>\n",
877 " <th>17</th>\n",
878 " <td>47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T</td>\n",
879 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
880 " <td>TKOL RMX 1234567</td>\n",
881 " </tr>\n",
882 " <tr>\n",
883 " <th>18</th>\n",
884 " <td>7eyQXxuf2nGj9d2367Gi5f</td>\n",
885 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
886 " <td>In Rainbows</td>\n",
887 " </tr>\n",
888 " <tr>\n",
889 " <th>19</th>\n",
890 " <td>36lJLPoPPOKNFddTAcirnc</td>\n",
891 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
892 " <td>In Rainbows Disk 2</td>\n",
893 " </tr>\n",
894 " <tr>\n",
895 " <th>20</th>\n",
896 " <td>6Eo5EkmdLvZrONzi046iC2</td>\n",
897 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
898 " <td>Com Lag: 2+2=5</td>\n",
899 " </tr>\n",
900 " <tr>\n",
901 " <th>21</th>\n",
902 " <td>1oW3v5Har9mvXnGk0x4fHm</td>\n",
903 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
904 " <td>Hail To the Thief</td>\n",
905 " </tr>\n",
906 " <tr>\n",
907 " <th>22</th>\n",
908 " <td>6svTt5o2lUgIrgYDKVmdnD</td>\n",
909 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
910 " <td>I Might Be Wrong</td>\n",
911 " </tr>\n",
912 " <tr>\n",
913 " <th>23</th>\n",
914 " <td>6V9YnBmFjWmXCBaUVRCVXP</td>\n",
915 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
916 " <td>Amnesiac</td>\n",
917 " </tr>\n",
918 " <tr>\n",
919 " <th>24</th>\n",
920 " <td>19RUXBFyM4PpmrLRdtqWbp</td>\n",
921 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
922 " <td>Kid A</td>\n",
923 " </tr>\n",
924 " <tr>\n",
925 " <th>25</th>\n",
926 " <td>7dxKtc08dYeRVHt3p9CZJn</td>\n",
927 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
928 " <td>OK Computer</td>\n",
929 " </tr>\n",
930 " <tr>\n",
931 " <th>26</th>\n",
932 " <td>500FEaUzn8lN9zWFyZG5C2</td>\n",
933 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
934 " <td>The Bends</td>\n",
935 " </tr>\n",
936 " <tr>\n",
937 " <th>27</th>\n",
938 " <td>6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN</td>\n",
939 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
940 " <td>Pablo Honey</td>\n",
941 " </tr>\n",
942 " <tr>\n",
943 " <th>28</th>\n",
944 " <td>4g9Jfls8z2nbQxj5PiXkiy</td>\n",
945 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
946 " <td>Blue &amp; Lonesome</td>\n",
947 " </tr>\n",
948 " <tr>\n",
949 " <th>29</th>\n",
950 " <td>4fhWcu56Bbh5wALuTouFVW</td>\n",
951 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
952 " <td>Havana Moon (Live)</td>\n",
953 " </tr>\n",
954 " <tr>\n",
955 " <th>...</th>\n",
956 " <td>...</td>\n",
957 " <td>...</td>\n",
958 " <td>...</td>\n",
959 " </tr>\n",
960 " <tr>\n",
961 " <th>32</th>\n",
962 " <td>3CHu7qW160uqPZHW3TMZ1l</td>\n",
963 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
964 " <td>Shine A Light</td>\n",
965 " </tr>\n",
966 " <tr>\n",
967 " <th>33</th>\n",
968 " <td>4FTHynKEtuP7eppERNfjyG</td>\n",
969 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
970 " <td>A Bigger Bang (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
971 " </tr>\n",
972 " <tr>\n",
973 " <th>34</th>\n",
974 " <td>50UGtgNA5bq1c0BDjPfmbD</td>\n",
975 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
976 " <td>Live Licks</td>\n",
977 " </tr>\n",
978 " <tr>\n",
979 " <th>35</th>\n",
980 " <td>0ZGddnvcVzHVHfE3WW1tV5</td>\n",
981 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
982 " <td>Bridges To Babylon (Remastered)</td>\n",
983 " </tr>\n",
984 " <tr>\n",
985 " <th>36</th>\n",
986 " <td>4M8Q1L9PZq0xK5tLUpO3jd</td>\n",
987 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
988 " <td>Stripped</td>\n",
989 " </tr>\n",
990 " <tr>\n",
991 " <th>37</th>\n",
992 " <td>62ZT16LY1phGM0O8x5qW1z</td>\n",
993 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
994 " <td>Voodoo Lounge (Remastered 2009)</td>\n",
995 " </tr>\n",
996 " <tr>\n",
997 " <th>38</th>\n",
998 " <td>1W1UJulgICjFDyYIMUwRs7</td>\n",
999 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1000 " <td>Flashpoint</td>\n",
1001 " </tr>\n",
1002 " <tr>\n",
1003 " <th>39</th>\n",
1004 " <td>25mfHGJNQkluvIqedXHSx3</td>\n",
1005 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1006 " <td>Steel Wheels (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
1007 " </tr>\n",
1008 " <tr>\n",
1009 " <th>40</th>\n",
1010 " <td>1TpcI1LEFVhBvDPSTMPGFG</td>\n",
1011 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1012 " <td>Dirty Work</td>\n",
1013 " </tr>\n",
1014 " <tr>\n",
1015 " <th>41</th>\n",
1016 " <td>1WSfNoPDPzgyKFN6OSYWUx</td>\n",
1017 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1018 " <td>Dirty Work (Remastered 2009)</td>\n",
1019 " </tr>\n",
1020 " <tr>\n",
1021 " <th>42</th>\n",
1022 " <td>064eFGemsrDcMvgRZ0gqtw</td>\n",
1023 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1024 " <td>Undercover (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
1025 " </tr>\n",
1026 " <tr>\n",
1027 " <th>43</th>\n",
1028 " <td>0hxrNynMDh5QeyALlf1CdS</td>\n",
1029 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1030 " <td>Still Life</td>\n",
1031 " </tr>\n",
1032 " <tr>\n",
1033 " <th>44</th>\n",
1034 " <td>1YvnuYGlblQ5vLnOhaZzpn</td>\n",
1035 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1036 " <td>Tattoo You (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
1037 " </tr>\n",
1038 " <tr>\n",
1039 " <th>45</th>\n",
1040 " <td>2wZgoXS06wSdu9C0ZJOvlc</td>\n",
1041 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1042 " <td>Emotional Rescue (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
1043 " </tr>\n",
1044 " <tr>\n",
1045 " <th>46</th>\n",
1046 " <td>54sqbAXxR1jFfyXb1WvrHK</td>\n",
1047 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1048 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
1049 " </tr>\n",
1050 " <tr>\n",
1051 " <th>47</th>\n",
1052 " <td>6FjXxl9VLURGuubdXUn2J3</td>\n",
1053 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1054 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
1055 " </tr>\n",
1056 " <tr>\n",
1057 " <th>48</th>\n",
1058 " <td>4jbWZmf7kRxCBD6tgVepYh</td>\n",
1059 " <td>Spice Girls</td>\n",
1060 " <td>Forever</td>\n",
1061 " </tr>\n",
1062 " <tr>\n",
1063 " <th>49</th>\n",
1064 " <td>3sr6lAuO3nmB1u8ZuQgpiX</td>\n",
1065 " <td>Spice Girls</td>\n",
1066 " <td>Spiceworld</td>\n",
1067 " </tr>\n",
1068 " <tr>\n",
1069 " <th>50</th>\n",
1070 " <td>3x2jF7blR6bFHtk4MccsyJ</td>\n",
1071 " <td>Spice Girls</td>\n",
1072 " <td>Spice</td>\n",
1073 " </tr>\n",
1074 " <tr>\n",
1075 " <th>51</th>\n",
1076 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
1077 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1078 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
1079 " </tr>\n",
1080 " <tr>\n",
1081 " <th>52</th>\n",
1082 " <td>7Hk1X2BCADxuR9saTIKfOW</td>\n",
1083 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1084 " <td>On Air (Deluxe)</td>\n",
1085 " </tr>\n",
1086 " <tr>\n",
1087 " <th>53</th>\n",
1088 " <td>6iCIB08bkoitQOL5y2uEsM</td>\n",
1089 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1090 " <td>Sticky Fingers Live At The Fonda Theatre</td>\n",
1091 " </tr>\n",
1092 " <tr>\n",
1093 " <th>54</th>\n",
1094 " <td>34d9ClCaKRoQ8pMeJ9Gfvt</td>\n",
1095 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1096 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
1097 " </tr>\n",
1098 " <tr>\n",
1099 " <th>55</th>\n",
1100 " <td>0aWIIpfY32rT1i3yO9LROl</td>\n",
1101 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1102 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
1103 " </tr>\n",
1104 " <tr>\n",
1105 " <th>56</th>\n",
1106 " <td>5D7RtaChuvF0Av1xXT3acu</td>\n",
1107 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1108 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
1109 " </tr>\n",
1110 " <tr>\n",
1111 " <th>57</th>\n",
1112 " <td>2b3y5k1DchDACjH5KMlgQv</td>\n",
1113 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1114 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
1115 " </tr>\n",
1116 " <tr>\n",
1117 " <th>58</th>\n",
1118 " <td>3wkyUMDuH56iNaSxKvukax</td>\n",
1119 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1120 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
1121 " </tr>\n",
1122 " <tr>\n",
1123 " <th>59</th>\n",
1124 " <td>6hB5kO3oV3tlnblCNSSA9Z</td>\n",
1125 " <td>Muddy Waters</td>\n",
1126 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
1127 " </tr>\n",
1128 " <tr>\n",
1129 " <th>60</th>\n",
1130 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
1131 " <td>Muddy Waters</td>\n",
1132 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
1133 " </tr>\n",
1134 " <tr>\n",
1135 " <th>61</th>\n",
1136 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
1137 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
1138 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
1139 " </tr>\n",
1140 " </tbody>\n",
1141 "</table>\n",
1142 "<p>62 rows × 3 columns</p>\n",
1143 "</div>"
1144 ],
1145 "text/plain": [
1146 " _id artist_name \\\n",
1147 "0 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn The Beatles \n",
1148 "1 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh The Beatles \n",
1149 "2 2pCqZLeavM2BMovJXsJEIV The Beatles \n",
1150 "3 2Pqkn9Dq2DFtdfkKAeqgMd The Beatles \n",
1151 "4 47bcKzmKgmMPHXNVOWpLiu The Beatles \n",
1152 "5 03Qh833fEdVT30Pfs93ea6 The Beatles \n",
1153 "6 6P9yO0ukhOx3dvmhGKeYoC The Beatles \n",
1154 "7 1PULmKbHeOqlkIwcDMNwD4 The Beatles \n",
1155 "8 0PYyrqs9NXtxPhf0CZkq2L The Beatles \n",
1156 "9 3OdI6e43crvyAHhaqpxSyz The Beatles \n",
1157 "10 19K3IHYeVkUTjcBHGfbCOi The Beatles \n",
1158 "11 7BgGBZndAvDlKOcwe5rscZ The Beatles \n",
1159 "12 71Mwd9tntFQYUk4k2DwA0D The Beatles \n",
1160 "13 1DBkJIEoeHrTX4WCBQGcCi Radiohead \n",
1161 "14 3nkEsxmIX0zRNXGAexaHAn The Beatles \n",
1162 "15 7gDXyW16byCQOgK965BRzn The Beatles \n",
1163 "16 6vuykQgDLUCiZ7YggIpLM9 Radiohead \n",
1164 "17 47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T Radiohead \n",
1165 "18 7eyQXxuf2nGj9d2367Gi5f Radiohead \n",
1166 "19 36lJLPoPPOKNFddTAcirnc Radiohead \n",
1167 "20 6Eo5EkmdLvZrONzi046iC2 Radiohead \n",
1168 "21 1oW3v5Har9mvXnGk0x4fHm Radiohead \n",
1169 "22 6svTt5o2lUgIrgYDKVmdnD Radiohead \n",
1170 "23 6V9YnBmFjWmXCBaUVRCVXP Radiohead \n",
1171 "24 19RUXBFyM4PpmrLRdtqWbp Radiohead \n",
1172 "25 7dxKtc08dYeRVHt3p9CZJn Radiohead \n",
1173 "26 500FEaUzn8lN9zWFyZG5C2 Radiohead \n",
1174 "27 6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN Radiohead \n",
1175 "28 4g9Jfls8z2nbQxj5PiXkiy The Rolling Stones \n",
1176 "29 4fhWcu56Bbh5wALuTouFVW The Rolling Stones \n",
1177 ".. ... ... \n",
1178 "32 3CHu7qW160uqPZHW3TMZ1l The Rolling Stones \n",
1179 "33 4FTHynKEtuP7eppERNfjyG The Rolling Stones \n",
1180 "34 50UGtgNA5bq1c0BDjPfmbD The Rolling Stones \n",
1181 "35 0ZGddnvcVzHVHfE3WW1tV5 The Rolling Stones \n",
1182 "36 4M8Q1L9PZq0xK5tLUpO3jd The Rolling Stones \n",
1183 "37 62ZT16LY1phGM0O8x5qW1z The Rolling Stones \n",
1184 "38 1W1UJulgICjFDyYIMUwRs7 The Rolling Stones \n",
1185 "39 25mfHGJNQkluvIqedXHSx3 The Rolling Stones \n",
1186 "40 1TpcI1LEFVhBvDPSTMPGFG The Rolling Stones \n",
1187 "41 1WSfNoPDPzgyKFN6OSYWUx The Rolling Stones \n",
1188 "42 064eFGemsrDcMvgRZ0gqtw The Rolling Stones \n",
1189 "43 0hxrNynMDh5QeyALlf1CdS The Rolling Stones \n",
1190 "44 1YvnuYGlblQ5vLnOhaZzpn The Rolling Stones \n",
1191 "45 2wZgoXS06wSdu9C0ZJOvlc The Rolling Stones \n",
1192 "46 54sqbAXxR1jFfyXb1WvrHK The Rolling Stones \n",
1193 "47 6FjXxl9VLURGuubdXUn2J3 The Rolling Stones \n",
1194 "48 4jbWZmf7kRxCBD6tgVepYh Spice Girls \n",
1195 "49 3sr6lAuO3nmB1u8ZuQgpiX Spice Girls \n",
1196 "50 3x2jF7blR6bFHtk4MccsyJ Spice Girls \n",
1197 "51 3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n The Beatles \n",
1198 "52 7Hk1X2BCADxuR9saTIKfOW The Rolling Stones \n",
1199 "53 6iCIB08bkoitQOL5y2uEsM The Rolling Stones \n",
1200 "54 34d9ClCaKRoQ8pMeJ9Gfvt The Rolling Stones \n",
1201 "55 0aWIIpfY32rT1i3yO9LROl The Rolling Stones \n",
1202 "56 5D7RtaChuvF0Av1xXT3acu The Rolling Stones \n",
1203 "57 2b3y5k1DchDACjH5KMlgQv The Rolling Stones \n",
1204 "58 3wkyUMDuH56iNaSxKvukax The Rolling Stones \n",
1205 "59 6hB5kO3oV3tlnblCNSSA9Z Muddy Waters \n",
1206 "60 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Muddy Waters \n",
1207 "61 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC The Rolling Stones \n",
1208 "\n",
1209 " name \n",
1210 "0 Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
1211 "1 1 (Remastered) \n",
1212 "2 Let It Be (Remastered) \n",
1213 "3 Abbey Road (Remastered) \n",
1214 "4 Yellow Submarine (Remastered) \n",
1215 "5 The Beatles (Remastered) \n",
1216 "6 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) \n",
1217 "7 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
1218 "8 Revolver (Remastered) \n",
1219 "9 Rubber Soul (Remastered) \n",
1220 "10 Help! (Remastered) \n",
1221 "11 Beatles For Sale (Remastered) \n",
1222 "12 A Hard Day's Night (Remastered) \n",
1223 "13 The King Of Limbs \n",
1224 "14 With The Beatles (Remastered) \n",
1225 "15 Please Please Me (Remastered) \n",
1226 "16 A Moon Shaped Pool \n",
1227 "17 TKOL RMX 1234567 \n",
1228 "18 In Rainbows \n",
1229 "19 In Rainbows Disk 2 \n",
1230 "20 Com Lag: 2+2=5 \n",
1231 "21 Hail To the Thief \n",
1232 "22 I Might Be Wrong \n",
1233 "23 Amnesiac \n",
1234 "24 Kid A \n",
1235 "25 OK Computer \n",
1236 "26 The Bends \n",
1237 "27 Pablo Honey \n",
1238 "28 Blue & Lonesome \n",
1239 "29 Havana Moon (Live) \n",
1240 ".. ... \n",
1241 "32 Shine A Light \n",
1242 "33 A Bigger Bang (2009 Re-Mastered) \n",
1243 "34 Live Licks \n",
1244 "35 Bridges To Babylon (Remastered) \n",
1245 "36 Stripped \n",
1246 "37 Voodoo Lounge (Remastered 2009) \n",
1247 "38 Flashpoint \n",
1248 "39 Steel Wheels (2009 Re-Mastered) \n",
1249 "40 Dirty Work \n",
1250 "41 Dirty Work (Remastered 2009) \n",
1251 "42 Undercover (2009 Re-Mastered) \n",
1252 "43 Still Life \n",
1253 "44 Tattoo You (2009 Re-Mastered) \n",
1254 "45 Emotional Rescue (2009 Re-Mastered) \n",
1255 "46 Some Girls \n",
1256 "47 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
1257 "48 Forever \n",
1258 "49 Spiceworld \n",
1259 "50 Spice \n",
1260 "51 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
1261 "52 On Air (Deluxe) \n",
1262 "53 Sticky Fingers Live At The Fonda Theatre \n",
1263 "54 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) \n",
1264 "55 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
1265 "56 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) \n",
1266 "57 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
1267 "58 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
1268 "59 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
1269 "60 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
1270 "61 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
1271 "\n",
1272 "[62 rows x 3 columns]"
1273 ]
1274 },
1275 "execution_count": 34,
1276 "metadata": {},
1277 "output_type": "execute_result"
1278 }
1279 ],
1280 "source": [
1281 "pd.DataFrame(list(albums.find({}, ['name', 'artist_name'])))"
1282 ]
1283 },
1284 {
1285 "cell_type": "markdown",
1286 "metadata": {},
1287 "source": [
1288 "According to the [Spotify documentation](https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/object-model/#track-object), some objects returned have only a bit of the data, and contain a `href` field for where to find the rest. The track details in the album documents fit that bill, so let's find the full track information.\n",
1289 "\n",
1290 "While doing this, not that Spotify will rate-limit the requests, so we have to include a loop to respect the timeout and retry the requests after the appropriate time."
1291 ]
1292 },
1293 {
1294 "cell_type": "code",
1295 "execution_count": 35,
1296 "metadata": {},
1297 "outputs": [],
1298 "source": [
1299 "def get_tracks(album_id, auth_type, auth_token):\n",
1300 " headers = {'Authorization': auth_type + ' ' + auth_token}\n",
1301 "\n",
1302 " album = albums.find_one({'_id': album_id})\n",
1303 " for t in album['tracks']['items']:\n",
1304 " for _ in range(10):\n",
1305 " try:\n",
1306 " track_request = urllib.request.Request(t['href'], headers=headers, method='GET')\n",
1307 " with urllib.request.urlopen(track_request) as f: \n",
1308 "# with urllib.request.urlopen(t['href']) as f:\n",
1309 " track = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
1310 " track['_id'] = track['id']\n",
1311 " track['album_id'] = album_id\n",
1312 " tracks.replace_one({'_id': track['_id']}, track, upsert=True)\n",
1313 " break\n",
1314 " except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:\n",
1315 " print(\"Rate limited. Pausing for\", e.info()['Retry-After'])\n",
1316 " time.sleep(int(e.info()['Retry-After']) + 0.5)\n",
1317 " continue"
1318 ]
1319 },
1320 {
1321 "cell_type": "code",
1322 "execution_count": 38,
1323 "metadata": {
1324 "scrolled": true
1325 },
1326 "outputs": [
1327 {
1328 "name": "stdout",
1329 "output_type": "stream",
1330 "text": [
1331 "Rate limited. Pausing for 1\n",
1332 "Rate limited. Pausing for 1\n",
1333 "Rate limited. Pausing for 2\n",
1334 "Rate limited. Pausing for 2\n",
1335 "Rate limited. Pausing for 1\n",
1336 "Rate limited. Pausing for 1\n",
1337 "Rate limited. Pausing for 1\n"
1338 ]
1339 },
1340 {
1341 "data": {
1342 "text/plain": [
1343 "924"
1344 ]
1345 },
1346 "execution_count": 38,
1347 "metadata": {},
1348 "output_type": "execute_result"
1349 }
1350 ],
1351 "source": [
1352 "a_type, a_token = get_spotify_auth_token()\n",
1353 "for album in albums.find():\n",
1354 " get_tracks(album['_id'], a_type, a_token)\n",
1355 "tracks.find().count()"
1356 ]
1357 },
1358 {
1359 "cell_type": "code",
1360 "execution_count": 39,
1361 "metadata": {
1362 "scrolled": true
1363 },
1364 "outputs": [
1365 {
1366 "data": {
1367 "text/html": [
1368 "<div>\n",
1369 "<style>\n",
1370 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
1371 " text-align: right;\n",
1372 " }\n",
1373 "\n",
1374 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
1375 " text-align: left;\n",
1376 " }\n",
1377 "\n",
1378 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
1379 " vertical-align: top;\n",
1380 " }\n",
1381 "</style>\n",
1382 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
1383 " <thead>\n",
1384 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
1385 " <th></th>\n",
1386 " <th>0</th>\n",
1387 " <th>1</th>\n",
1388 " <th>2</th>\n",
1389 " <th>3</th>\n",
1390 " <th>4</th>\n",
1391 " </tr>\n",
1392 " </thead>\n",
1393 " <tbody>\n",
1394 " <tr>\n",
1395 " <th>_id</th>\n",
1396 " <td>1jgefM2ZP7RnPVShhy1eUM</td>\n",
1397 " <td>7FagS2T3y5XwDpYvyHfvmc</td>\n",
1398 " <td>1NwDWbpg9dPH12xBd2ibrv</td>\n",
1399 " <td>0r5d5LmhLQwJVEw0kTEExp</td>\n",
1400 " <td>2vnY8xDhRSW1Cc0xPpUMXc</td>\n",
1401 " </tr>\n",
1402 " <tr>\n",
1403 " <th>album</th>\n",
1404 " <td>{'artists': [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com...</td>\n",
1405 " <td>{'artists': [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com...</td>\n",
1406 " <td>{'artists': [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com...</td>\n",
1407 " <td>{'artists': [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com...</td>\n",
1408 " <td>{'artists': [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com...</td>\n",
1409 " </tr>\n",
1410 " <tr>\n",
1411 " <th>album_id</th>\n",
1412 " <td>3PbRKFafwE7Of8e4dTee72</td>\n",
1413 " <td>3PbRKFafwE7Of8e4dTee72</td>\n",
1414 " <td>4jbWZmf7kRxCBD6tgVepYh</td>\n",
1415 " <td>4jbWZmf7kRxCBD6tgVepYh</td>\n",
1416 " <td>4jbWZmf7kRxCBD6tgVepYh</td>\n",
1417 " </tr>\n",
1418 " <tr>\n",
1419 " <th>artists</th>\n",
1420 " <td>[{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/...</td>\n",
1421 " <td>[{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/...</td>\n",
1422 " <td>[{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/...</td>\n",
1423 " <td>[{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/...</td>\n",
1424 " <td>[{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/...</td>\n",
1425 " </tr>\n",
1426 " <tr>\n",
1427 " <th>available_markets</th>\n",
1428 " <td>[GB]</td>\n",
1429 " <td>[GB]</td>\n",
1430 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
1431 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
1432 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
1433 " </tr>\n",
1434 " <tr>\n",
1435 " <th>disc_number</th>\n",
1436 " <td>1</td>\n",
1437 " <td>1</td>\n",
1438 " <td>1</td>\n",
1439 " <td>1</td>\n",
1440 " <td>1</td>\n",
1441 " </tr>\n",
1442 " <tr>\n",
1443 " <th>duration_ms</th>\n",
1444 " <td>191786</td>\n",
1445 " <td>303626</td>\n",
1446 " <td>255866</td>\n",
1447 " <td>254666</td>\n",
1448 " <td>246600</td>\n",
1449 " </tr>\n",
1450 " <tr>\n",
1451 " <th>explicit</th>\n",
1452 " <td>False</td>\n",
1453 " <td>False</td>\n",
1454 " <td>False</td>\n",
1455 " <td>False</td>\n",
1456 " <td>False</td>\n",
1457 " </tr>\n",
1458 " <tr>\n",
1459 " <th>external_ids</th>\n",
1460 " <td>{'isrc': 'GBCBR1500391'}</td>\n",
1461 " <td>{'isrc': 'GBCBR1500401'}</td>\n",
1462 " <td>{'isrc': 'GBAAA0000931'}</td>\n",
1463 " <td>{'isrc': 'GBAAA0000932'}</td>\n",
1464 " <td>{'isrc': 'GBAAA0000937'}</td>\n",
1465 " </tr>\n",
1466 " <tr>\n",
1467 " <th>external_urls</th>\n",
1468 " <td>{'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/1j...</td>\n",
1469 " <td>{'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/7F...</td>\n",
1470 " <td>{'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/1N...</td>\n",
1471 " <td>{'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/0r...</td>\n",
1472 " <td>{'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/2v...</td>\n",
1473 " </tr>\n",
1474 " <tr>\n",
1475 " <th>href</th>\n",
1476 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/1jgefM2ZP7Rn...</td>\n",
1477 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/7FagS2T3y5Xw...</td>\n",
1478 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/1NwDWbpg9dPH...</td>\n",
1479 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/0r5d5LmhLQwJ...</td>\n",
1480 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/2vnY8xDhRSW1...</td>\n",
1481 " </tr>\n",
1482 " <tr>\n",
1483 " <th>id</th>\n",
1484 " <td>1jgefM2ZP7RnPVShhy1eUM</td>\n",
1485 " <td>7FagS2T3y5XwDpYvyHfvmc</td>\n",
1486 " <td>1NwDWbpg9dPH12xBd2ibrv</td>\n",
1487 " <td>0r5d5LmhLQwJVEw0kTEExp</td>\n",
1488 " <td>2vnY8xDhRSW1Cc0xPpUMXc</td>\n",
1489 " </tr>\n",
1490 " <tr>\n",
1491 " <th>name</th>\n",
1492 " <td>Not Fade Away - Live</td>\n",
1493 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
1494 " <td>Holler</td>\n",
1495 " <td>Tell Me Why</td>\n",
1496 " <td>Weekend Love</td>\n",
1497 " </tr>\n",
1498 " <tr>\n",
1499 " <th>popularity</th>\n",
1500 " <td>14</td>\n",
1501 " <td>12</td>\n",
1502 " <td>51</td>\n",
1503 " <td>37</td>\n",
1504 " <td>31</td>\n",
1505 " </tr>\n",
1506 " <tr>\n",
1507 " <th>preview_url</th>\n",
1508 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bba1991141c6e594...</td>\n",
1509 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/17aed72343067677...</td>\n",
1510 " <td>None</td>\n",
1511 " <td>None</td>\n",
1512 " <td>None</td>\n",
1513 " </tr>\n",
1514 " <tr>\n",
1515 " <th>track_number</th>\n",
1516 " <td>1</td>\n",
1517 " <td>11</td>\n",
1518 " <td>1</td>\n",
1519 " <td>2</td>\n",
1520 " <td>7</td>\n",
1521 " </tr>\n",
1522 " <tr>\n",
1523 " <th>type</th>\n",
1524 " <td>track</td>\n",
1525 " <td>track</td>\n",
1526 " <td>track</td>\n",
1527 " <td>track</td>\n",
1528 " <td>track</td>\n",
1529 " </tr>\n",
1530 " <tr>\n",
1531 " <th>uri</th>\n",
1532 " <td>spotify:track:1jgefM2ZP7RnPVShhy1eUM</td>\n",
1533 " <td>spotify:track:7FagS2T3y5XwDpYvyHfvmc</td>\n",
1534 " <td>spotify:track:1NwDWbpg9dPH12xBd2ibrv</td>\n",
1535 " <td>spotify:track:0r5d5LmhLQwJVEw0kTEExp</td>\n",
1536 " <td>spotify:track:2vnY8xDhRSW1Cc0xPpUMXc</td>\n",
1537 " </tr>\n",
1538 " </tbody>\n",
1539 "</table>\n",
1540 "</div>"
1541 ],
1542 "text/plain": [
1543 " 0 \\\n",
1544 "_id 1jgefM2ZP7RnPVShhy1eUM \n",
1545 "album {'artists': [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com... \n",
1546 "album_id 3PbRKFafwE7Of8e4dTee72 \n",
1547 "artists [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/... \n",
1548 "available_markets [GB] \n",
1549 "disc_number 1 \n",
1550 "duration_ms 191786 \n",
1551 "explicit False \n",
1552 "external_ids {'isrc': 'GBCBR1500391'} \n",
1553 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/1j... \n",
1554 "href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/1jgefM2ZP7Rn... \n",
1555 "id 1jgefM2ZP7RnPVShhy1eUM \n",
1556 "name Not Fade Away - Live \n",
1557 "popularity 14 \n",
1558 "preview_url https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bba1991141c6e594... \n",
1559 "track_number 1 \n",
1560 "type track \n",
1561 "uri spotify:track:1jgefM2ZP7RnPVShhy1eUM \n",
1562 "\n",
1563 " 1 \\\n",
1564 "_id 7FagS2T3y5XwDpYvyHfvmc \n",
1565 "album {'artists': [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com... \n",
1566 "album_id 3PbRKFafwE7Of8e4dTee72 \n",
1567 "artists [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/... \n",
1568 "available_markets [GB] \n",
1569 "disc_number 1 \n",
1570 "duration_ms 303626 \n",
1571 "explicit False \n",
1572 "external_ids {'isrc': 'GBCBR1500401'} \n",
1573 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/7F... \n",
1574 "href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/7FagS2T3y5Xw... \n",
1575 "id 7FagS2T3y5XwDpYvyHfvmc \n",
1576 "name Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
1577 "popularity 12 \n",
1578 "preview_url https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/17aed72343067677... \n",
1579 "track_number 11 \n",
1580 "type track \n",
1581 "uri spotify:track:7FagS2T3y5XwDpYvyHfvmc \n",
1582 "\n",
1583 " 2 \\\n",
1584 "_id 1NwDWbpg9dPH12xBd2ibrv \n",
1585 "album {'artists': [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com... \n",
1586 "album_id 4jbWZmf7kRxCBD6tgVepYh \n",
1587 "artists [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/... \n",
1588 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C... \n",
1589 "disc_number 1 \n",
1590 "duration_ms 255866 \n",
1591 "explicit False \n",
1592 "external_ids {'isrc': 'GBAAA0000931'} \n",
1593 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/1N... \n",
1594 "href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/1NwDWbpg9dPH... \n",
1595 "id 1NwDWbpg9dPH12xBd2ibrv \n",
1596 "name Holler \n",
1597 "popularity 51 \n",
1598 "preview_url None \n",
1599 "track_number 1 \n",
1600 "type track \n",
1601 "uri spotify:track:1NwDWbpg9dPH12xBd2ibrv \n",
1602 "\n",
1603 " 3 \\\n",
1604 "_id 0r5d5LmhLQwJVEw0kTEExp \n",
1605 "album {'artists': [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com... \n",
1606 "album_id 4jbWZmf7kRxCBD6tgVepYh \n",
1607 "artists [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/... \n",
1608 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C... \n",
1609 "disc_number 1 \n",
1610 "duration_ms 254666 \n",
1611 "explicit False \n",
1612 "external_ids {'isrc': 'GBAAA0000932'} \n",
1613 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/0r... \n",
1614 "href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/0r5d5LmhLQwJ... \n",
1615 "id 0r5d5LmhLQwJVEw0kTEExp \n",
1616 "name Tell Me Why \n",
1617 "popularity 37 \n",
1618 "preview_url None \n",
1619 "track_number 2 \n",
1620 "type track \n",
1621 "uri spotify:track:0r5d5LmhLQwJVEw0kTEExp \n",
1622 "\n",
1623 " 4 \n",
1624 "_id 2vnY8xDhRSW1Cc0xPpUMXc \n",
1625 "album {'artists': [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com... \n",
1626 "album_id 4jbWZmf7kRxCBD6tgVepYh \n",
1627 "artists [{'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/... \n",
1628 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C... \n",
1629 "disc_number 1 \n",
1630 "duration_ms 246600 \n",
1631 "explicit False \n",
1632 "external_ids {'isrc': 'GBAAA0000937'} \n",
1633 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/2v... \n",
1634 "href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/2vnY8xDhRSW1... \n",
1635 "id 2vnY8xDhRSW1Cc0xPpUMXc \n",
1636 "name Weekend Love \n",
1637 "popularity 31 \n",
1638 "preview_url None \n",
1639 "track_number 7 \n",
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1641 "uri spotify:track:2vnY8xDhRSW1Cc0xPpUMXc "
1642 ]
1643 },
1644 "execution_count": 39,
1645 "metadata": {},
1646 "output_type": "execute_result"
1647 }
1648 ],
1649 "source": [
1650 "pd.DataFrame(list(tracks.find())).head().T"
1651 ]
1652 },
1653 {
1654 "cell_type": "code",
1655 "execution_count": 40,
1656 "metadata": {},
1657 "outputs": [
1658 {
1659 "data": {
1660 "text/plain": [
1661 "{'_id': '1jgefM2ZP7RnPVShhy1eUM'}"
1662 ]
1663 },
1664 "execution_count": 40,
1665 "metadata": {},
1666 "output_type": "execute_result"
1667 }
1668 ],
1669 "source": [
1670 "tracks.find_one({}, 'album.id')"
1671 ]
1672 },
1673 {
1674 "cell_type": "markdown",
1675 "metadata": {},
1676 "source": [
1677 "### Tag tracks with artist<a name=\"tagtrackwithartist\"></a>\n",
1678 "Again, make an easy tag for the artist of each track.\n",
1679 "\n",
1680 "* [Top](#top)"
1681 ]
1682 },
1683 {
1684 "cell_type": "code",
1685 "execution_count": 42,
1686 "metadata": {},
1687 "outputs": [],
1688 "source": [
1689 "for t in tracks.find({}, ['artists']):\n",
1690 " for a in t['artists']:\n",
1691 " #if a['id'] in [beatles_id, stones_id]:\n",
1692 " tracks.update_one({'_id': t['_id']}, \n",
1693 " {'$set': {'artist_name': a['name'],\n",
1694 " 'artist_id': a['id']}})"
1695 ]
1696 },
1697 {
1698 "cell_type": "code",
1699 "execution_count": 43,
1700 "metadata": {},
1701 "outputs": [
1702 {
1703 "data": {
1704 "text/plain": [
1705 "{'Billy Preston',\n",
1706 " 'Bob Clearmountain',\n",
1707 " 'Buddy Guy',\n",
1708 " 'Christina Aguilera',\n",
1709 " 'Duke Ellington',\n",
1710 " 'George Martin',\n",
1711 " 'Jack White',\n",
1712 " 'Jimi Hendrix',\n",
1713 " 'Muddy Waters',\n",
1714 " 'Radiohead',\n",
1715 " 'Sheryl Crow',\n",
1716 " 'Solomon Burke',\n",
1717 " 'Spice Girls',\n",
1718 " 'The Beatles',\n",
1719 " 'The Rolling Stones'}"
1720 ]
1721 },
1722 "execution_count": 43,
1723 "metadata": {},
1724 "output_type": "execute_result"
1725 }
1726 ],
1727 "source": [
1728 "set(t['artist_name'] for t in tracks.find({}))"
1729 ]
1730 },
1731 {
1732 "cell_type": "code",
1733 "execution_count": 44,
1734 "metadata": {
1735 "scrolled": true
1736 },
1737 "outputs": [
1738 {
1739 "data": {
1740 "text/html": [
1741 "<div>\n",
1742 "<style>\n",
1743 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
1744 " text-align: right;\n",
1745 " }\n",
1746 "\n",
1747 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
1748 " text-align: left;\n",
1749 " }\n",
1750 "\n",
1751 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
1752 " vertical-align: top;\n",
1753 " }\n",
1754 "</style>\n",
1755 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
1756 " <thead>\n",
1757 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
1758 " <th></th>\n",
1759 " <th>album_id</th>\n",
1760 " <th>album_name</th>\n",
1761 " <th>artist_name</th>\n",
1762 " <th>track_id</th>\n",
1763 " <th>track_name</th>\n",
1764 " </tr>\n",
1765 " </thead>\n",
1766 " <tbody>\n",
1767 " <tr>\n",
1768 " <th>0</th>\n",
1769 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1770 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1771 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1772 " <td>4edArG2VehvJdwOZfYOxtK</td>\n",
1773 " <td>Twist And Shout - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
1774 " </tr>\n",
1775 " <tr>\n",
1776 " <th>1</th>\n",
1777 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1778 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1779 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1780 " <td>150EAeMGWJRubuH8zyx7h8</td>\n",
1781 " <td>She's A Woman - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
1782 " </tr>\n",
1783 " <tr>\n",
1784 " <th>2</th>\n",
1785 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1786 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1787 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1788 " <td>1fVeHYkyMxrjbjRAD9uWsZ</td>\n",
1789 " <td>Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
1790 " </tr>\n",
1791 " <tr>\n",
1792 " <th>3</th>\n",
1793 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1794 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1795 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1796 " <td>0GRplBEB2FWCKutwMmS6nY</td>\n",
1797 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
1798 " </tr>\n",
1799 " <tr>\n",
1800 " <th>4</th>\n",
1801 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1802 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1803 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1804 " <td>1eVymk74iroqhsZxm0Vy3g</td>\n",
1805 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
1806 " </tr>\n",
1807 " <tr>\n",
1808 " <th>5</th>\n",
1809 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1810 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1811 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1812 " <td>2p5a9gu6NECVSvBtGSU1vm</td>\n",
1813 " <td>Things We Said Today - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
1814 " </tr>\n",
1815 " <tr>\n",
1816 " <th>6</th>\n",
1817 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1818 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1819 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1820 " <td>1HyLh5cctOnP186CBi8bhm</td>\n",
1821 " <td>Roll Over Beethoven - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
1822 " </tr>\n",
1823 " <tr>\n",
1824 " <th>7</th>\n",
1825 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1826 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1827 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1828 " <td>7fZEWm7TAL2oZDyiYrrgnk</td>\n",
1829 " <td>Boys - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
1830 " </tr>\n",
1831 " <tr>\n",
1832 " <th>8</th>\n",
1833 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1834 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1835 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1836 " <td>21nhooOxso7CCoHPE73w4L</td>\n",
1837 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
1838 " </tr>\n",
1839 " <tr>\n",
1840 " <th>9</th>\n",
1841 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1842 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1843 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1844 " <td>1alcPfZWUHh01l4Fnoo5Jt</td>\n",
1845 " <td>Help! - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
1846 " </tr>\n",
1847 " <tr>\n",
1848 " <th>10</th>\n",
1849 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1850 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1851 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1852 " <td>24gUDXSQysdnTaRpbWtYlK</td>\n",
1853 " <td>All My Loving - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
1854 " </tr>\n",
1855 " <tr>\n",
1856 " <th>11</th>\n",
1857 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1858 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1859 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1860 " <td>2VmFFbXSJzYxzEJSAeI0lM</td>\n",
1861 " <td>She Loves You - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
1862 " </tr>\n",
1863 " <tr>\n",
1864 " <th>12</th>\n",
1865 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1866 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1867 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1868 " <td>6b8lhQ86u5MddlmXulslpD</td>\n",
1869 " <td>Long Tall Sally - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
1870 " </tr>\n",
1871 " <tr>\n",
1872 " <th>13</th>\n",
1873 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1874 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1875 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1876 " <td>1oKfZ5MTCSrv07hsHqJ0JS</td>\n",
1877 " <td>You Can't Do That - Live / Bonus Track</td>\n",
1878 " </tr>\n",
1879 " <tr>\n",
1880 " <th>14</th>\n",
1881 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1882 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1883 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1884 " <td>04gBqA2mubcTgFqL9Domlj</td>\n",
1885 " <td>I Want To Hold Your Hand - Live / Bonus Track</td>\n",
1886 " </tr>\n",
1887 " <tr>\n",
1888 " <th>15</th>\n",
1889 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1890 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1891 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1892 " <td>79QDgDoBbS7pCrOjIH7ByA</td>\n",
1893 " <td>Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby - Live / Bonu...</td>\n",
1894 " </tr>\n",
1895 " <tr>\n",
1896 " <th>16</th>\n",
1897 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
1898 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
1899 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1900 " <td>1yV2I5c6efVSqSiuv9H2AD</td>\n",
1901 " <td>Baby's In Black - Live / Bonus Track</td>\n",
1902 " </tr>\n",
1903 " <tr>\n",
1904 " <th>17</th>\n",
1905 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
1906 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
1907 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1908 " <td>5JT7CoUSGNk7mMNkHMQjqr</td>\n",
1909 " <td>Love Me Do - Mono / Remastered</td>\n",
1910 " </tr>\n",
1911 " <tr>\n",
1912 " <th>18</th>\n",
1913 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
1914 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
1915 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1916 " <td>2Q2Gu7Bv8iLenuygtBgDUw</td>\n",
1917 " <td>From Me To You - Mono / Remastered</td>\n",
1918 " </tr>\n",
1919 " <tr>\n",
1920 " <th>19</th>\n",
1921 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
1922 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
1923 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1924 " <td>2Fk411Ix3qnMG8t8Qa74ZX</td>\n",
1925 " <td>She Loves You - Mono / Remastered</td>\n",
1926 " </tr>\n",
1927 " <tr>\n",
1928 " <th>20</th>\n",
1929 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
1930 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
1931 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1932 " <td>4DRBaZ760gyk7LWnaJFqsJ</td>\n",
1933 " <td>I Want To Hold Your Hand - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
1934 " </tr>\n",
1935 " <tr>\n",
1936 " <th>21</th>\n",
1937 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
1938 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
1939 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1940 " <td>7pQAq14Z73YUFMtxCyt0bG</td>\n",
1941 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
1942 " </tr>\n",
1943 " <tr>\n",
1944 " <th>22</th>\n",
1945 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
1946 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
1947 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1948 " <td>0mNQUZEATk2uItMUtiLWK5</td>\n",
1949 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
1950 " </tr>\n",
1951 " <tr>\n",
1952 " <th>23</th>\n",
1953 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
1954 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
1955 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1956 " <td>0Gm34HBxrXlaAf1jdJMjx2</td>\n",
1957 " <td>I Feel Fine - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
1958 " </tr>\n",
1959 " <tr>\n",
1960 " <th>24</th>\n",
1961 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
1962 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
1963 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1964 " <td>3nhJDVdUrm6DnDW4iBfpKz</td>\n",
1965 " <td>Eight Days A Week - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
1966 " </tr>\n",
1967 " <tr>\n",
1968 " <th>25</th>\n",
1969 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
1970 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
1971 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1972 " <td>6pkjW5srxjzRSKKMrl7et8</td>\n",
1973 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
1974 " </tr>\n",
1975 " <tr>\n",
1976 " <th>26</th>\n",
1977 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
1978 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
1979 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1980 " <td>1dfuJYDSIc41cw5RPsaCF1</td>\n",
1981 " <td>Help! - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
1982 " </tr>\n",
1983 " <tr>\n",
1984 " <th>27</th>\n",
1985 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
1986 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
1987 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1988 " <td>63uskN0xLezVg4281wzeQn</td>\n",
1989 " <td>Yesterday - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
1990 " </tr>\n",
1991 " <tr>\n",
1992 " <th>28</th>\n",
1993 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
1994 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
1995 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
1996 " <td>0vXGSlE4ft3n5JHZMHHSIj</td>\n",
1997 " <td>Day Tripper - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
1998 " </tr>\n",
1999 " <tr>\n",
2000 " <th>29</th>\n",
2001 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
2002 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
2003 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2004 " <td>0Lckblu9CJUXOeMV0XY3b9</td>\n",
2005 " <td>We Can Work It Out - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
2006 " </tr>\n",
2007 " <tr>\n",
2008 " <th>...</th>\n",
2009 " <td>...</td>\n",
2010 " <td>...</td>\n",
2011 " <td>...</td>\n",
2012 " <td>...</td>\n",
2013 " <td>...</td>\n",
2014 " </tr>\n",
2015 " <tr>\n",
2016 " <th>894</th>\n",
2017 " <td>6hB5kO3oV3tlnblCNSSA9Z</td>\n",
2018 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
2019 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2020 " <td>5AmdUA5aj3BKXBHqMcwpDL</td>\n",
2021 " <td>Instrumental 1 - Live</td>\n",
2022 " </tr>\n",
2023 " <tr>\n",
2024 " <th>895</th>\n",
2025 " <td>6hB5kO3oV3tlnblCNSSA9Z</td>\n",
2026 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
2027 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2028 " <td>1eIRZEohfewV7H1zGxZy0L</td>\n",
2029 " <td>Instrumental 2 - Live</td>\n",
2030 " </tr>\n",
2031 " <tr>\n",
2032 " <th>896</th>\n",
2033 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
2034 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
2035 " <td>Muddy Waters</td>\n",
2036 " <td>1ILxG8b0iynG1wQA7aqm58</td>\n",
2037 " <td>Introduction - Live</td>\n",
2038 " </tr>\n",
2039 " <tr>\n",
2040 " <th>897</th>\n",
2041 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
2042 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
2043 " <td>Muddy Waters</td>\n",
2044 " <td>6HRXy5YBKOlT3uiAQjCjjJ</td>\n",
2045 " <td>You Don't Have To Go - Live</td>\n",
2046 " </tr>\n",
2047 " <tr>\n",
2048 " <th>898</th>\n",
2049 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
2050 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
2051 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2052 " <td>7m6dBGKuagWUryeevcBrE0</td>\n",
2053 " <td>Baby Please Don't Go - Live</td>\n",
2054 " </tr>\n",
2055 " <tr>\n",
2056 " <th>899</th>\n",
2057 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
2058 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
2059 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2060 " <td>6yjQRBe4nt7KznxYqh7qfK</td>\n",
2061 " <td>Hoochie Coochie Man - Live</td>\n",
2062 " </tr>\n",
2063 " <tr>\n",
2064 " <th>900</th>\n",
2065 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
2066 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
2067 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2068 " <td>10eM8qubZ9IBU0v6LNLjNM</td>\n",
2069 " <td>Long Distance Call - Live</td>\n",
2070 " </tr>\n",
2071 " <tr>\n",
2072 " <th>901</th>\n",
2073 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
2074 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
2075 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2076 " <td>3nc2vvots8KXJIssvtJvh6</td>\n",
2077 " <td>Mannish Boy - Live</td>\n",
2078 " </tr>\n",
2079 " <tr>\n",
2080 " <th>902</th>\n",
2081 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
2082 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
2083 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2084 " <td>4kYnrUr98AZARciXJGjjzH</td>\n",
2085 " <td>Got My Mojo Workin' - Live</td>\n",
2086 " </tr>\n",
2087 " <tr>\n",
2088 " <th>903</th>\n",
2089 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
2090 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
2091 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2092 " <td>15RgKpCJ1rxwbNMpoA503m</td>\n",
2093 " <td>Next Time You See Me - Live</td>\n",
2094 " </tr>\n",
2095 " <tr>\n",
2096 " <th>904</th>\n",
2097 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
2098 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
2099 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2100 " <td>1yFFTCqtFerayfTq46m0P0</td>\n",
2101 " <td>One Eyed Woman - Live</td>\n",
2102 " </tr>\n",
2103 " <tr>\n",
2104 " <th>905</th>\n",
2105 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
2106 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
2107 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2108 " <td>402iDzjasfYVYx1LT5gNFS</td>\n",
2109 " <td>Clouds In My Heart - Live</td>\n",
2110 " </tr>\n",
2111 " <tr>\n",
2112 " <th>906</th>\n",
2113 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
2114 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
2115 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2116 " <td>0L8sAIZr2OcE45cGZ3qbb7</td>\n",
2117 " <td>Champagne And Reefer - Live</td>\n",
2118 " </tr>\n",
2119 " <tr>\n",
2120 " <th>907</th>\n",
2121 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2122 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2123 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2124 " <td>0cNyluZzzBVbsk2UY7Spca</td>\n",
2125 " <td>Let It Rock - Live</td>\n",
2126 " </tr>\n",
2127 " <tr>\n",
2128 " <th>908</th>\n",
2129 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2130 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2131 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2132 " <td>6dx6G9OexgRFCulfKI4sPN</td>\n",
2133 " <td>All Down The Line - Live</td>\n",
2134 " </tr>\n",
2135 " <tr>\n",
2136 " <th>909</th>\n",
2137 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2138 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2139 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2140 " <td>6fZKfyDrl9Nph0ifIGvOxs</td>\n",
2141 " <td>Honky Tonk Women - Live</td>\n",
2142 " </tr>\n",
2143 " <tr>\n",
2144 " <th>910</th>\n",
2145 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2146 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2147 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2148 " <td>660iobQYqexXXNfRomqz3o</td>\n",
2149 " <td>Star Star - Live</td>\n",
2150 " </tr>\n",
2151 " <tr>\n",
2152 " <th>911</th>\n",
2153 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2154 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2155 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2156 " <td>6AX8HMe53fbGdNNAnC8LSz</td>\n",
2157 " <td>When The Whip Comes Down - Live</td>\n",
2158 " </tr>\n",
2159 " <tr>\n",
2160 " <th>912</th>\n",
2161 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2162 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2163 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2164 " <td>16FlhqpxLT6WTfiLVEZ7Vv</td>\n",
2165 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
2166 " </tr>\n",
2167 " <tr>\n",
2168 " <th>913</th>\n",
2169 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2170 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2171 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2172 " <td>5UXwp4rKvtXtKJpe0iIctM</td>\n",
2173 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
2174 " </tr>\n",
2175 " <tr>\n",
2176 " <th>914</th>\n",
2177 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2178 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2179 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2180 " <td>4pKN6TNF59rJ1PCtPoeppg</td>\n",
2181 " <td>Just My Imagination - Live</td>\n",
2182 " </tr>\n",
2183 " <tr>\n",
2184 " <th>915</th>\n",
2185 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2186 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2187 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2188 " <td>2ZBmWii9Yt5EVO32P6oDXM</td>\n",
2189 " <td>Shattered - Live</td>\n",
2190 " </tr>\n",
2191 " <tr>\n",
2192 " <th>916</th>\n",
2193 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2194 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2195 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2196 " <td>7aJbjVaPvyaqjW47rDYijL</td>\n",
2197 " <td>Respectable - Live</td>\n",
2198 " </tr>\n",
2199 " <tr>\n",
2200 " <th>917</th>\n",
2201 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2202 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2203 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2204 " <td>39OF4xTwA6f5BaIeA9aAwF</td>\n",
2205 " <td>Far Away Eyes - Live</td>\n",
2206 " </tr>\n",
2207 " <tr>\n",
2208 " <th>918</th>\n",
2209 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2210 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2211 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2212 " <td>2PPqIlfmipTSfx79FvSvep</td>\n",
2213 " <td>Love In Vain - Live</td>\n",
2214 " </tr>\n",
2215 " <tr>\n",
2216 " <th>919</th>\n",
2217 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2218 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2219 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2220 " <td>5XQ2enmXsgp66RvyolR8qC</td>\n",
2221 " <td>Tumbling Dice - Live</td>\n",
2222 " </tr>\n",
2223 " <tr>\n",
2224 " <th>920</th>\n",
2225 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2226 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2227 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2228 " <td>4LPtVRXWYSJw0TmszHFivc</td>\n",
2229 " <td>Happy - Live</td>\n",
2230 " </tr>\n",
2231 " <tr>\n",
2232 " <th>921</th>\n",
2233 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2234 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2235 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2236 " <td>2dF1AaEhFCgS2e78JqmkOu</td>\n",
2237 " <td>Sweet Little Sixteen - Live</td>\n",
2238 " </tr>\n",
2239 " <tr>\n",
2240 " <th>922</th>\n",
2241 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2242 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2243 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2244 " <td>5SvY6KFdltqwqFR7ClMz7y</td>\n",
2245 " <td>Brown Sugar - Live</td>\n",
2246 " </tr>\n",
2247 " <tr>\n",
2248 " <th>923</th>\n",
2249 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
2250 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
2251 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
2252 " <td>2uO1HbJhQvmXpjclLmLEeK</td>\n",
2253 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
2254 " </tr>\n",
2255 " </tbody>\n",
2256 "</table>\n",
2257 "<p>924 rows × 5 columns</p>\n",
2258 "</div>"
2259 ],
2260 "text/plain": [
2261 " album_id album_name \\\n",
2262 "0 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2263 "1 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2264 "2 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2265 "3 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2266 "4 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2267 "5 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2268 "6 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2269 "7 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2270 "8 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2271 "9 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2272 "10 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2273 "11 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2274 "12 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2275 "13 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2276 "14 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2277 "15 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2278 "16 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
2279 "17 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh 1 (Remastered) \n",
2280 "18 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh 1 (Remastered) \n",
2281 "19 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh 1 (Remastered) \n",
2282 "20 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh 1 (Remastered) \n",
2283 "21 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh 1 (Remastered) \n",
2284 "22 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh 1 (Remastered) \n",
2285 "23 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh 1 (Remastered) \n",
2286 "24 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh 1 (Remastered) \n",
2287 "25 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh 1 (Remastered) \n",
2288 "26 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh 1 (Remastered) \n",
2289 "27 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh 1 (Remastered) \n",
2290 "28 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh 1 (Remastered) \n",
2291 "29 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh 1 (Remastered) \n",
2292 ".. ... ... \n",
2293 "894 6hB5kO3oV3tlnblCNSSA9Z Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
2294 "895 6hB5kO3oV3tlnblCNSSA9Z Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
2295 "896 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
2296 "897 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
2297 "898 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
2298 "899 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
2299 "900 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
2300 "901 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
2301 "902 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
2302 "903 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
2303 "904 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
2304 "905 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
2305 "906 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
2306 "907 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2307 "908 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2308 "909 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2309 "910 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2310 "911 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2311 "912 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2312 "913 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2313 "914 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2314 "915 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2315 "916 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2316 "917 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2317 "918 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2318 "919 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2319 "920 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2320 "921 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2321 "922 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2322 "923 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
2323 "\n",
2324 " artist_name track_id \\\n",
2325 "0 The Beatles 4edArG2VehvJdwOZfYOxtK \n",
2326 "1 The Beatles 150EAeMGWJRubuH8zyx7h8 \n",
2327 "2 The Beatles 1fVeHYkyMxrjbjRAD9uWsZ \n",
2328 "3 The Beatles 0GRplBEB2FWCKutwMmS6nY \n",
2329 "4 The Beatles 1eVymk74iroqhsZxm0Vy3g \n",
2330 "5 The Beatles 2p5a9gu6NECVSvBtGSU1vm \n",
2331 "6 The Beatles 1HyLh5cctOnP186CBi8bhm \n",
2332 "7 The Beatles 7fZEWm7TAL2oZDyiYrrgnk \n",
2333 "8 The Beatles 21nhooOxso7CCoHPE73w4L \n",
2334 "9 The Beatles 1alcPfZWUHh01l4Fnoo5Jt \n",
2335 "10 The Beatles 24gUDXSQysdnTaRpbWtYlK \n",
2336 "11 The Beatles 2VmFFbXSJzYxzEJSAeI0lM \n",
2337 "12 The Beatles 6b8lhQ86u5MddlmXulslpD \n",
2338 "13 The Beatles 1oKfZ5MTCSrv07hsHqJ0JS \n",
2339 "14 The Beatles 04gBqA2mubcTgFqL9Domlj \n",
2340 "15 The Beatles 79QDgDoBbS7pCrOjIH7ByA \n",
2341 "16 The Beatles 1yV2I5c6efVSqSiuv9H2AD \n",
2342 "17 The Beatles 5JT7CoUSGNk7mMNkHMQjqr \n",
2343 "18 The Beatles 2Q2Gu7Bv8iLenuygtBgDUw \n",
2344 "19 The Beatles 2Fk411Ix3qnMG8t8Qa74ZX \n",
2345 "20 The Beatles 4DRBaZ760gyk7LWnaJFqsJ \n",
2346 "21 The Beatles 7pQAq14Z73YUFMtxCyt0bG \n",
2347 "22 The Beatles 0mNQUZEATk2uItMUtiLWK5 \n",
2348 "23 The Beatles 0Gm34HBxrXlaAf1jdJMjx2 \n",
2349 "24 The Beatles 3nhJDVdUrm6DnDW4iBfpKz \n",
2350 "25 The Beatles 6pkjW5srxjzRSKKMrl7et8 \n",
2351 "26 The Beatles 1dfuJYDSIc41cw5RPsaCF1 \n",
2352 "27 The Beatles 63uskN0xLezVg4281wzeQn \n",
2353 "28 The Beatles 0vXGSlE4ft3n5JHZMHHSIj \n",
2354 "29 The Beatles 0Lckblu9CJUXOeMV0XY3b9 \n",
2355 ".. ... ... \n",
2356 "894 The Rolling Stones 5AmdUA5aj3BKXBHqMcwpDL \n",
2357 "895 The Rolling Stones 1eIRZEohfewV7H1zGxZy0L \n",
2358 "896 Muddy Waters 1ILxG8b0iynG1wQA7aqm58 \n",
2359 "897 Muddy Waters 6HRXy5YBKOlT3uiAQjCjjJ \n",
2360 "898 The Rolling Stones 7m6dBGKuagWUryeevcBrE0 \n",
2361 "899 The Rolling Stones 6yjQRBe4nt7KznxYqh7qfK \n",
2362 "900 The Rolling Stones 10eM8qubZ9IBU0v6LNLjNM \n",
2363 "901 The Rolling Stones 3nc2vvots8KXJIssvtJvh6 \n",
2364 "902 The Rolling Stones 4kYnrUr98AZARciXJGjjzH \n",
2365 "903 The Rolling Stones 15RgKpCJ1rxwbNMpoA503m \n",
2366 "904 The Rolling Stones 1yFFTCqtFerayfTq46m0P0 \n",
2367 "905 The Rolling Stones 402iDzjasfYVYx1LT5gNFS \n",
2368 "906 The Rolling Stones 0L8sAIZr2OcE45cGZ3qbb7 \n",
2369 "907 The Rolling Stones 0cNyluZzzBVbsk2UY7Spca \n",
2370 "908 The Rolling Stones 6dx6G9OexgRFCulfKI4sPN \n",
2371 "909 The Rolling Stones 6fZKfyDrl9Nph0ifIGvOxs \n",
2372 "910 The Rolling Stones 660iobQYqexXXNfRomqz3o \n",
2373 "911 The Rolling Stones 6AX8HMe53fbGdNNAnC8LSz \n",
2374 "912 The Rolling Stones 16FlhqpxLT6WTfiLVEZ7Vv \n",
2375 "913 The Rolling Stones 5UXwp4rKvtXtKJpe0iIctM \n",
2376 "914 The Rolling Stones 4pKN6TNF59rJ1PCtPoeppg \n",
2377 "915 The Rolling Stones 2ZBmWii9Yt5EVO32P6oDXM \n",
2378 "916 The Rolling Stones 7aJbjVaPvyaqjW47rDYijL \n",
2379 "917 The Rolling Stones 39OF4xTwA6f5BaIeA9aAwF \n",
2380 "918 The Rolling Stones 2PPqIlfmipTSfx79FvSvep \n",
2381 "919 The Rolling Stones 5XQ2enmXsgp66RvyolR8qC \n",
2382 "920 The Rolling Stones 4LPtVRXWYSJw0TmszHFivc \n",
2383 "921 The Rolling Stones 2dF1AaEhFCgS2e78JqmkOu \n",
2384 "922 The Rolling Stones 5SvY6KFdltqwqFR7ClMz7y \n",
2385 "923 The Rolling Stones 2uO1HbJhQvmXpjclLmLEeK \n",
2386 "\n",
2387 " track_name \n",
2388 "0 Twist And Shout - Live / Remastered \n",
2389 "1 She's A Woman - Live / Remastered \n",
2390 "2 Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Live / Remastered \n",
2391 "3 Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered \n",
2392 "4 Can't Buy Me Love - Live / Remastered \n",
2393 "5 Things We Said Today - Live / Remastered \n",
2394 "6 Roll Over Beethoven - Live / Remastered \n",
2395 "7 Boys - Live / Remastered \n",
2396 "8 A Hard Day's Night - Live / Remastered \n",
2397 "9 Help! - Live / Remastered \n",
2398 "10 All My Loving - Live / Remastered \n",
2399 "11 She Loves You - Live / Remastered \n",
2400 "12 Long Tall Sally - Live / Remastered \n",
2401 "13 You Can't Do That - Live / Bonus Track \n",
2402 "14 I Want To Hold Your Hand - Live / Bonus Track \n",
2403 "15 Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby - Live / Bonu... \n",
2404 "16 Baby's In Black - Live / Bonus Track \n",
2405 "17 Love Me Do - Mono / Remastered \n",
2406 "18 From Me To You - Mono / Remastered \n",
2407 "19 She Loves You - Mono / Remastered \n",
2408 "20 I Want To Hold Your Hand - Remastered 2015 \n",
2409 "21 Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered 2015 \n",
2410 "22 A Hard Day's Night - Remastered 2015 \n",
2411 "23 I Feel Fine - Remastered 2015 \n",
2412 "24 Eight Days A Week - Remastered 2015 \n",
2413 "25 Ticket To Ride - Remastered 2015 \n",
2414 "26 Help! - Remastered 2015 \n",
2415 "27 Yesterday - Remastered 2015 \n",
2416 "28 Day Tripper - Remastered 2015 \n",
2417 "29 We Can Work It Out - Remastered 2015 \n",
2418 ".. ... \n",
2419 "894 Instrumental 1 - Live \n",
2420 "895 Instrumental 2 - Live \n",
2421 "896 Introduction - Live \n",
2422 "897 You Don't Have To Go - Live \n",
2423 "898 Baby Please Don't Go - Live \n",
2424 "899 Hoochie Coochie Man - Live \n",
2425 "900 Long Distance Call - Live \n",
2426 "901 Mannish Boy - Live \n",
2427 "902 Got My Mojo Workin' - Live \n",
2428 "903 Next Time You See Me - Live \n",
2429 "904 One Eyed Woman - Live \n",
2430 "905 Clouds In My Heart - Live \n",
2431 "906 Champagne And Reefer - Live \n",
2432 "907 Let It Rock - Live \n",
2433 "908 All Down The Line - Live \n",
2434 "909 Honky Tonk Women - Live \n",
2435 "910 Star Star - Live \n",
2436 "911 When The Whip Comes Down - Live \n",
2437 "912 Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
2438 "913 Miss You - Live \n",
2439 "914 Just My Imagination - Live \n",
2440 "915 Shattered - Live \n",
2441 "916 Respectable - Live \n",
2442 "917 Far Away Eyes - Live \n",
2443 "918 Love In Vain - Live \n",
2444 "919 Tumbling Dice - Live \n",
2445 "920 Happy - Live \n",
2446 "921 Sweet Little Sixteen - Live \n",
2447 "922 Brown Sugar - Live \n",
2448 "923 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
2449 "\n",
2450 "[924 rows x 5 columns]"
2451 ]
2452 },
2453 "execution_count": 44,
2454 "metadata": {},
2455 "output_type": "execute_result"
2456 }
2457 ],
2458 "source": [
2459 "pd.DataFrame([{'album_id': a['id'], \n",
2460 " 'album_name': a['name'],\n",
2461 " 'track_id': t['id'],\n",
2462 " 'track_name': t['name'],\n",
2463 " 'artist_name': t['artist_name']}\n",
2464 " for a in albums.find()\n",
2465 " for tid in a['tracks']['items']\n",
2466 " for t in tracks.find({'_id': tid['id']})])"
2467 ]
2468 },
2469 {
2470 "cell_type": "markdown",
2471 "metadata": {},
2472 "source": [
2473 "### Get full track data<a name=\"fulltrackdata\"></a>\n",
2474 "The full audio analysis requires an API token to get the data. We use the client token to retreive an authorisation token, which will last for about ten minutes.\n",
2475 "\n",
2476 "* [Top](#top)"
2477 ]
2478 },
2479 {
2480 "cell_type": "code",
2481 "execution_count": 45,
2482 "metadata": {},
2483 "outputs": [],
2484 "source": [
2485 "def get_audio_features(track_ids, auth_type, auth_token):\n",
2486 " url = 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-features?ids={ids}'.format(ids=','.join(track_ids))\n",
2487 " headers = {'Authorization': auth_type + ' ' + auth_token}\n",
2488 " request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, method='GET')\n",
2489 " \n",
2490 " for _ in range(10):\n",
2491 " try:\n",
2492 " with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as f:\n",
2493 " response = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
2494 " for track in response['audio_features']:\n",
2495 " tracks.update_one({'_id': track['id']}, {'$set': track})\n",
2496 " break\n",
2497 " except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:\n",
2498 " print(\"Rate limited. Pausing for\", e.info()['Retry-After'])\n",
2499 " time.sleep(int(e.info()['Retry-After']) + 0.5)\n",
2500 " continue "
2501 ]
2502 },
2503 {
2504 "cell_type": "code",
2505 "execution_count": 46,
2506 "metadata": {},
2507 "outputs": [],
2508 "source": [
2509 "a_type, a_token = get_spotify_auth_token()\n",
2510 "for a in albums.find({}, []):\n",
2511 " track_ids = [t['_id'] for t in tracks.find({'album.id': a['_id']}, [])]\n",
2512 " get_audio_features(track_ids, a_type, a_token)"
2513 ]
2514 },
2515 {
2516 "cell_type": "code",
2517 "execution_count": 18,
2518 "metadata": {
2519 "scrolled": true
2520 },
2521 "outputs": [
2522 {
2523 "data": {
2524 "text/html": [
2525 "<div>\n",
2526 "<style>\n",
2527 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
2528 " text-align: right;\n",
2529 " }\n",
2530 "\n",
2531 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
2532 " text-align: left;\n",
2533 " }\n",
2534 "\n",
2535 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
2536 " vertical-align: top;\n",
2537 " }\n",
2538 "</style>\n",
2539 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
2540 " <thead>\n",
2541 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
2542 " <th></th>\n",
2543 " <th>0</th>\n",
2544 " <th>1</th>\n",
2545 " <th>2</th>\n",
2546 " <th>3</th>\n",
2547 " <th>4</th>\n",
2548 " <th>5</th>\n",
2549 " <th>6</th>\n",
2550 " <th>7</th>\n",
2551 " <th>8</th>\n",
2552 " <th>9</th>\n",
2553 " <th>...</th>\n",
2554 " <th>251</th>\n",
2555 " <th>252</th>\n",
2556 " <th>253</th>\n",
2557 " <th>254</th>\n",
2558 " <th>255</th>\n",
2559 " <th>256</th>\n",
2560 " <th>257</th>\n",
2561 " <th>258</th>\n",
2562 " <th>259</th>\n",
2563 " <th>260</th>\n",
2564 " </tr>\n",
2565 " </thead>\n",
2566 " <tbody>\n",
2567 " <tr>\n",
2568 " <th>_id</th>\n",
2569 " <td>2ucFulEWapRAmTn7l6f5Q7</td>\n",
2570 " <td>2z1p43SNSbeowzy8WdYHNk</td>\n",
2571 " <td>3ckvsHnEffhhS5c0Cs6Gv5</td>\n",
2572 " <td>5cXiWs6VoLlDlowJQo0UPk</td>\n",
2573 " <td>4edArG2VehvJdwOZfYOxtK</td>\n",
2574 " <td>150EAeMGWJRubuH8zyx7h8</td>\n",
2575 " <td>1fVeHYkyMxrjbjRAD9uWsZ</td>\n",
2576 " <td>0GRplBEB2FWCKutwMmS6nY</td>\n",
2577 " <td>1eVymk74iroqhsZxm0Vy3g</td>\n",
2578 " <td>2p5a9gu6NECVSvBtGSU1vm</td>\n",
2579 " <td>...</td>\n",
2580 " <td>3pY5chBSUotRa6RoIfwJjc</td>\n",
2581 " <td>5ToEv4nDN51OyAjK65A9YS</td>\n",
2582 " <td>3ZFPe2aiLQuEfDxSqQstZp</td>\n",
2583 " <td>2BOawXVznHmi2KJzRFstBN</td>\n",
2584 " <td>1alxZZpi5dBLcmV3WkYIzN</td>\n",
2585 " <td>1k1kJBeaL3FCUG2vOJ1z0g</td>\n",
2586 " <td>42uZOBjvKNv4QKnBmjOwb0</td>\n",
2587 " <td>5JnPM6eKhHJtkWfS6ymUMF</td>\n",
2588 " <td>3HEC6nzAo3U5z7blaCNBcF</td>\n",
2589 " <td>3qchAN1uJ1KiF8yxmqb3Ov</td>\n",
2590 " </tr>\n",
2591 " <tr>\n",
2592 " <th>acousticness</th>\n",
2593 " <td>0.425</td>\n",
2594 " <td>0.368</td>\n",
2595 " <td>0.614</td>\n",
2596 " <td>0.22</td>\n",
2597 " <td>7.67e-05</td>\n",
2598 " <td>0.00675</td>\n",
2599 " <td>0.0131</td>\n",
2600 " <td>0.00327</td>\n",
2601 " <td>0.00865</td>\n",
2602 " <td>0.0836</td>\n",
2603 " <td>...</td>\n",
2604 " <td>0.000366</td>\n",
2605 " <td>0.000236</td>\n",
2606 " <td>0.254</td>\n",
2607 " <td>0.291</td>\n",
2608 " <td>0.232</td>\n",
2609 " <td>0.749</td>\n",
2610 " <td>0.447</td>\n",
2611 " <td>0.162</td>\n",
2612 " <td>0.919</td>\n",
2613 " <td>0.482</td>\n",
2614 " </tr>\n",
2615 " <tr>\n",
2616 " <th>album</th>\n",
2617 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2618 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2619 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2620 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2621 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2622 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2623 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2624 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2625 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2626 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2627 " <td>...</td>\n",
2628 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2629 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2630 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2631 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2632 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2633 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2634 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2635 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2636 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2637 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
2638 " </tr>\n",
2639 " <tr>\n",
2640 " <th>album_id</th>\n",
2641 " <td>03Qh833fEdVT30Pfs93ea6</td>\n",
2642 " <td>6P9yO0ukhOx3dvmhGKeYoC</td>\n",
2643 " <td>7BgGBZndAvDlKOcwe5rscZ</td>\n",
2644 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
2645 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
2646 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
2647 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
2648 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
2649 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
2650 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
2651 " <td>...</td>\n",
2652 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
2653 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
2654 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
2655 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
2656 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
2657 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
2658 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
2659 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
2660 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
2661 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
2662 " </tr>\n",
2663 " <tr>\n",
2664 " <th>analysis_url</th>\n",
2665 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/2ucF...</td>\n",
2666 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/2z1p...</td>\n",
2667 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/3ckv...</td>\n",
2668 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/5cXi...</td>\n",
2669 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/4edA...</td>\n",
2670 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/150E...</td>\n",
2671 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/1fVe...</td>\n",
2672 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/0GRp...</td>\n",
2673 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/1eVy...</td>\n",
2674 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/2p5a...</td>\n",
2675 " <td>...</td>\n",
2676 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/3pY5...</td>\n",
2677 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/5ToE...</td>\n",
2678 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/3ZFP...</td>\n",
2679 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/2BOa...</td>\n",
2680 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/1alx...</td>\n",
2681 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/1k1k...</td>\n",
2682 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/42uZ...</td>\n",
2683 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/5JnP...</td>\n",
2684 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/3HEC...</td>\n",
2685 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/3qch...</td>\n",
2686 " </tr>\n",
2687 " <tr>\n",
2688 " <th>artist_id</th>\n",
2689 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2690 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2691 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2692 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2693 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2694 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2695 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2696 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2697 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2698 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2699 " <td>...</td>\n",
2700 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2701 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2702 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2703 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2704 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2705 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2706 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2707 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2708 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2709 " <td>3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2</td>\n",
2710 " </tr>\n",
2711 " <tr>\n",
2712 " <th>artist_name</th>\n",
2713 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2714 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2715 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2716 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2717 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2718 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2719 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2720 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2721 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2722 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2723 " <td>...</td>\n",
2724 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2725 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2726 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2727 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2728 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2729 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2730 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2731 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2732 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2733 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2734 " </tr>\n",
2735 " <tr>\n",
2736 " <th>artists</th>\n",
2737 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2738 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2739 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2740 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2741 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2742 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2743 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2744 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2745 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2746 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2747 " <td>...</td>\n",
2748 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2749 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2750 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2751 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2752 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2753 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2754 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2755 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2756 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2757 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
2758 " </tr>\n",
2759 " <tr>\n",
2760 " <th>available_markets</th>\n",
2761 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2762 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2763 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2764 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2765 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2766 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2767 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2768 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2769 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2770 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2771 " <td>...</td>\n",
2772 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2773 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2774 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2775 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2776 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2777 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2778 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2779 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2780 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2781 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
2782 " </tr>\n",
2783 " <tr>\n",
2784 " <th>ctitle</th>\n",
2785 " <td>wild honey pie</td>\n",
2786 " <td>flying</td>\n",
2787 " <td>kansas city heyheyheyhey</td>\n",
2788 " <td>when im sixtyfour</td>\n",
2789 " <td>twist and shout</td>\n",
2790 " <td>shes a woman</td>\n",
2791 " <td>dizzy miss lizzy</td>\n",
2792 " <td>ticket to ride</td>\n",
2793 " <td>cant buy me love</td>\n",
2794 " <td>things we said today</td>\n",
2795 " <td>...</td>\n",
2796 " <td>good morning good morning</td>\n",
2797 " <td>sgt peppers lonely hearts club band reprise</td>\n",
2798 " <td>a day in the life</td>\n",
2799 " <td>sgt peppers lonely hearts club band</td>\n",
2800 " <td>with a little help from my friends</td>\n",
2801 " <td>lucy in the sky with diamonds</td>\n",
2802 " <td>getting better</td>\n",
2803 " <td>fixing a hole</td>\n",
2804 " <td>shes leaving home</td>\n",
2805 " <td>being for the benefit of mr kite</td>\n",
2806 " </tr>\n",
2807 " <tr>\n",
2808 " <th>danceability</th>\n",
2809 " <td>0.792</td>\n",
2810 " <td>0.551</td>\n",
2811 " <td>0.588</td>\n",
2812 " <td>0.818</td>\n",
2813 " <td>0.311</td>\n",
2814 " <td>0.188</td>\n",
2815 " <td>0.406</td>\n",
2816 " <td>0.39</td>\n",
2817 " <td>0.2</td>\n",
2818 " <td>0.307</td>\n",
2819 " <td>...</td>\n",
2820 " <td>0.516</td>\n",
2821 " <td>0.576</td>\n",
2822 " <td>0.339</td>\n",
2823 " <td>0.583</td>\n",
2824 " <td>0.913</td>\n",
2825 " <td>0.423</td>\n",
2826 " <td>0.73</td>\n",
2827 " <td>0.591</td>\n",
2828 " <td>0.443</td>\n",
2829 " <td>0.595</td>\n",
2830 " </tr>\n",
2831 " <tr>\n",
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2833 " <td>1</td>\n",
2834 " <td>1</td>\n",
2835 " <td>1</td>\n",
2836 " <td>2</td>\n",
2837 " <td>1</td>\n",
2838 " <td>1</td>\n",
2839 " <td>1</td>\n",
2840 " <td>1</td>\n",
2841 " <td>1</td>\n",
2842 " <td>1</td>\n",
2843 " <td>...</td>\n",
2844 " <td>1</td>\n",
2845 " <td>1</td>\n",
2846 " <td>1</td>\n",
2847 " <td>2</td>\n",
2848 " <td>2</td>\n",
2849 " <td>2</td>\n",
2850 " <td>2</td>\n",
2851 " <td>2</td>\n",
2852 " <td>2</td>\n",
2853 " <td>2</td>\n",
2854 " </tr>\n",
2855 " <tr>\n",
2856 " <th>duration_ms</th>\n",
2857 " <td>52973</td>\n",
2858 " <td>135520</td>\n",
2859 " <td>158147</td>\n",
2860 " <td>178653</td>\n",
2861 " <td>93507</td>\n",
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2863 " <td>219733</td>\n",
2864 " <td>146240</td>\n",
2865 " <td>134867</td>\n",
2866 " <td>138733</td>\n",
2867 " <td>...</td>\n",
2868 " <td>154467</td>\n",
2869 " <td>80600</td>\n",
2870 " <td>330920</td>\n",
2871 " <td>156440</td>\n",
2872 " <td>196520</td>\n",
2873 " <td>238867</td>\n",
2874 " <td>138533</td>\n",
2875 " <td>207840</td>\n",
2876 " <td>229120</td>\n",
2877 " <td>187213</td>\n",
2878 " </tr>\n",
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2882 " <td>0.395</td>\n",
2883 " <td>0.724</td>\n",
2884 " <td>0.231</td>\n",
2885 " <td>0.822</td>\n",
2886 " <td>0.885</td>\n",
2887 " <td>0.867</td>\n",
2888 " <td>0.779</td>\n",
2889 " <td>0.849</td>\n",
2890 " <td>0.637</td>\n",
2891 " <td>...</td>\n",
2892 " <td>0.774</td>\n",
2893 " <td>0.945</td>\n",
2894 " <td>0.446</td>\n",
2895 " <td>0.687</td>\n",
2896 " <td>0.603</td>\n",
2897 " <td>0.361</td>\n",
2898 " <td>0.459</td>\n",
2899 " <td>0.554</td>\n",
2900 " <td>0.118</td>\n",
2901 " <td>0.378</td>\n",
2902 " </tr>\n",
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2908 " <td>False</td>\n",
2909 " <td>False</td>\n",
2910 " <td>False</td>\n",
2911 " <td>False</td>\n",
2912 " <td>False</td>\n",
2913 " <td>False</td>\n",
2914 " <td>False</td>\n",
2915 " <td>...</td>\n",
2916 " <td>False</td>\n",
2917 " <td>False</td>\n",
2918 " <td>False</td>\n",
2919 " <td>False</td>\n",
2920 " <td>False</td>\n",
2921 " <td>False</td>\n",
2922 " <td>False</td>\n",
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3036 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3037 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3038 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3039 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3040 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3041 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3042 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3043 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3044 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3045 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3046 " </tr>\n",
3047 " <tr>\n",
3048 " <th>instrumentalness</th>\n",
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3061 " <td>0.124</td>\n",
3062 " <td>0.000177</td>\n",
3063 " <td>0.0174</td>\n",
3064 " <td>0.531</td>\n",
3065 " <td>4.31e-05</td>\n",
3066 " <td>0.121</td>\n",
3067 " <td>7.85e-05</td>\n",
3068 " <td>0.928</td>\n",
3069 " <td>8.96e-06</td>\n",
3070 " </tr>\n",
3071 " <tr>\n",
3072 " <th>key</th>\n",
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3078 " <td>9</td>\n",
3079 " <td>11</td>\n",
3080 " <td>9</td>\n",
3081 " <td>5</td>\n",
3082 " <td>5</td>\n",
3083 " <td>...</td>\n",
3084 " <td>2</td>\n",
3085 " <td>0</td>\n",
3086 " <td>4</td>\n",
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3088 " <td>6</td>\n",
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3091 " <td>5</td>\n",
3092 " <td>4</td>\n",
3093 " <td>0</td>\n",
3094 " </tr>\n",
3095 " <tr>\n",
3096 " <th>liveness</th>\n",
3097 " <td>0.789</td>\n",
3098 " <td>0.0932</td>\n",
3099 " <td>0.877</td>\n",
3100 " <td>0.0747</td>\n",
3101 " <td>0.508</td>\n",
3102 " <td>0.85</td>\n",
3103 " <td>0.496</td>\n",
3104 " <td>0.366</td>\n",
3105 " <td>0.894</td>\n",
3106 " <td>0.756</td>\n",
3107 " <td>...</td>\n",
3108 " <td>0.5</td>\n",
3109 " <td>0.463</td>\n",
3110 " <td>0.9</td>\n",
3111 " <td>0.668</td>\n",
3112 " <td>0.154</td>\n",
3113 " <td>0.106</td>\n",
3114 " <td>0.183</td>\n",
3115 " <td>0.0437</td>\n",
3116 " <td>0.125</td>\n",
3117 " <td>0.432</td>\n",
3118 " </tr>\n",
3119 " <tr>\n",
3120 " <th>loudness</th>\n",
3121 " <td>-11.185</td>\n",
3122 " <td>-14.755</td>\n",
3123 " <td>-6.63</td>\n",
3124 " <td>-11.951</td>\n",
3125 " <td>-8.696</td>\n",
3126 " <td>-8.189</td>\n",
3127 " <td>-6.879</td>\n",
3128 " <td>-8.007</td>\n",
3129 " <td>-7.606</td>\n",
3130 " <td>-8.35</td>\n",
3131 " <td>...</td>\n",
3132 " <td>-6.955</td>\n",
3133 " <td>-5.376</td>\n",
3134 " <td>-10.854</td>\n",
3135 " <td>-7.932</td>\n",
3136 " <td>-7.878</td>\n",
3137 " <td>-12.382</td>\n",
3138 " <td>-10.511</td>\n",
3139 " <td>-7.154</td>\n",
3140 " <td>-12.964</td>\n",
3141 " <td>-11.467</td>\n",
3142 " </tr>\n",
3143 " <tr>\n",
3144 " <th>lyrical_density</th>\n",
3145 " <td>0.169898</td>\n",
3146 " <td>0</td>\n",
3147 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3148 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3149 " <td>2.82332</td>\n",
3150 " <td>0.577965</td>\n",
3151 " <td>0.796421</td>\n",
3152 " <td>1.85312</td>\n",
3153 " <td>1.47553</td>\n",
3154 " <td>1.29746</td>\n",
3155 " <td>...</td>\n",
3156 " <td>1.28183</td>\n",
3157 " <td>1.00496</td>\n",
3158 " <td>0.640638</td>\n",
3159 " <td>1.0675</td>\n",
3160 " <td>1.51639</td>\n",
3161 " <td>0.778676</td>\n",
3162 " <td>1.23436</td>\n",
3163 " <td>0.702463</td>\n",
3164 " <td>0.999476</td>\n",
3165 " <td>0.806568</td>\n",
3166 " </tr>\n",
3167 " <tr>\n",
3168 " <th>lyrics</th>\n",
3169 " <td>honey pie honey pie i love you honey pie</td>\n",
3170 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3171 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3172 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3173 " <td>well shake it up baby now (shake it up baby) t...</td>\n",
3174 " <td>my love don't give me presents i know that she...</td>\n",
3175 " <td>{intro} you make me dizzy miss lizzy the way y...</td>\n",
3176 " <td>i think i'm going to be sad i think it's today...</td>\n",
3177 " <td>can't buy me love love can't buy me love i'll ...</td>\n",
3178 " <td>you say you will love me if i have to go you'l...</td>\n",
3179 " <td>...</td>\n",
3180 " <td>nothing to do to save his life call his wife i...</td>\n",
3181 " <td>(1234) (bye) we're sgt pepper's lonely hearts ...</td>\n",
3182 " <td>i read the news today oh boy about a lucky man...</td>\n",
3183 " <td>it was twenty years ago today sgt pepper taugh...</td>\n",
3184 " <td>billy shears what would you think if i sang ou...</td>\n",
3185 " <td>picture yourself in a boat on a river with tan...</td>\n",
3186 " <td>it's getting better all the time i used to get...</td>\n",
3187 " <td>i'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in and s...</td>\n",
3188 " <td>wednesday morning at five o'clock as the day b...</td>\n",
3189 " <td>for the benefit of mr kite there will be a sho...</td>\n",
3190 " </tr>\n",
3191 " <tr>\n",
3192 " <th>mode</th>\n",
3193 " <td>1</td>\n",
3194 " <td>1</td>\n",
3195 " <td>1</td>\n",
3196 " <td>1</td>\n",
3197 " <td>1</td>\n",
3198 " <td>1</td>\n",
3199 " <td>0</td>\n",
3200 " <td>1</td>\n",
3201 " <td>1</td>\n",
3202 " <td>1</td>\n",
3203 " <td>...</td>\n",
3204 " <td>1</td>\n",
3205 " <td>1</td>\n",
3206 " <td>0</td>\n",
3207 " <td>1</td>\n",
3208 " <td>0</td>\n",
3209 " <td>1</td>\n",
3210 " <td>1</td>\n",
3211 " <td>1</td>\n",
3212 " <td>1</td>\n",
3213 " <td>1</td>\n",
3214 " </tr>\n",
3215 " <tr>\n",
3216 " <th>name</th>\n",
3217 " <td>Wild Honey Pie - Remastered</td>\n",
3218 " <td>Flying - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
3219 " <td>Kansas City / Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey - Remastered</td>\n",
3220 " <td>When I'm Sixty-Four - Take 2</td>\n",
3221 " <td>Twist And Shout - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
3222 " <td>She's A Woman - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
3223 " <td>Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
3224 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
3225 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
3226 " <td>Things We Said Today - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
3227 " <td>...</td>\n",
3228 " <td>Good Morning Good Morning - Remix</td>\n",
3229 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise...</td>\n",
3230 " <td>A Day In The Life - Remix</td>\n",
3231 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Take 9...</td>\n",
3232 " <td>With A Little Help From My Friends - Take 1 / ...</td>\n",
3233 " <td>Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Take 1</td>\n",
3234 " <td>Getting Better - Take 1 / Instrumental And Spe...</td>\n",
3235 " <td>Fixing A Hole - Speech And Take 3</td>\n",
3236 " <td>She's Leaving Home - Take 1 / Instrumental</td>\n",
3237 " <td>Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Take 4</td>\n",
3238 " </tr>\n",
3239 " <tr>\n",
3240 " <th>nnrc_sentiment</th>\n",
3241 " <td>{'joy': 0.25, 'positive': 1.0}</td>\n",
3242 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3243 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3244 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3245 " <td>{'anger': 0.2727272727272727, 'surprise': 0.36...</td>\n",
3246 " <td>{'anger': 0.4, 'trust': 0.4, 'sadness': 0.6, '...</td>\n",
3247 " <td>{'anger': 0.1, 'surprise': 0.1, 'negative': 0....</td>\n",
3248 " <td>{'anger': 0.3333333333333333, 'fear': 0.333333...</td>\n",
3249 " <td>{'anger': 0.2857142857142857, 'surprise': 0.28...</td>\n",
3250 " <td>{'anger': 0.07692307692307693, 'trust': 0.1538...</td>\n",
3251 " <td>...</td>\n",
3252 " <td>{'anger': 0.06666666666666667, 'trust': 0.8666...</td>\n",
3253 " <td>{'anger': 1.0, 'trust': 0.18181818181818182, '...</td>\n",
3254 " <td>{'trust': 0.625, 'fear': 0.125, 'surprise': 0....</td>\n",
3255 " <td>{'anger': 0.7, 'trust': 1.0, 'sadness': 1.0, '...</td>\n",
3256 " <td>{'fear': 0.125, 'negative': 0.125, 'joy': 1.0,...</td>\n",
3257 " <td>{'surprise': 0.14285714285714285, 'negative': ...</td>\n",
3258 " <td>{'anger': 0.42857142857142855, 'disgust': 0.57...</td>\n",
3259 " <td>{'anger': 0.2, 'sadness': 0.2, 'negative': 1.0...</td>\n",
3260 " <td>{'anger': 0.4, 'trust': 0.6, 'sadness': 0.2, '...</td>\n",
3261 " <td>{'anger': 0.09090909090909091, 'trust': 0.7272...</td>\n",
3262 " </tr>\n",
3263 " <tr>\n",
3264 " <th>nrc_sentiment</th>\n",
3265 " <td>{'joy': 1, 'positive': 4}</td>\n",
3266 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3267 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3268 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3269 " <td>{'anger': 3, 'surprise': 4, 'positive': 11, 't...</td>\n",
3270 " <td>{'anger': 2, 'trust': 2, 'fear': 1, 'surprise'...</td>\n",
3271 " <td>{'anger': 1, 'surprise': 1, 'negative': 9, 'jo...</td>\n",
3272 " <td>{'anger': 2, 'fear': 2, 'negative': 2, 'joy': ...</td>\n",
3273 " <td>{'anger': 10, 'surprise': 10, 'positive': 35, ...</td>\n",
3274 " <td>{'anger': 1, 'trust': 2, 'fear': 1, 'surprise'...</td>\n",
3275 " <td>...</td>\n",
3276 " <td>{'anger': 1, 'trust': 13, 'fear': 2, 'surprise...</td>\n",
3277 " <td>{'anger': 11, 'trust': 2, 'fear': 11, 'surpris...</td>\n",
3278 " <td>{'trust': 5, 'fear': 1, 'surprise': 2, 'negati...</td>\n",
3279 " <td>{'anger': 7, 'trust': 10, 'fear': 8, 'surprise...</td>\n",
3280 " <td>{'fear': 1, 'negative': 1, 'joy': 8, 'trust': ...</td>\n",
3281 " <td>{'surprise': 2, 'negative': 1, 'positive': 14,...</td>\n",
3282 " <td>{'anger': 3, 'disgust': 4, 'fear': 3, 'surpris...</td>\n",
3283 " <td>{'anger': 1, 'fear': 1, 'negative': 5, 'positi...</td>\n",
3284 " <td>{'anger': 4, 'trust': 6, 'fear': 1, 'surprise'...</td>\n",
3285 " <td>{'anger': 1, 'trust': 8, 'fear': 2, 'surprise'...</td>\n",
3286 " </tr>\n",
3287 " <tr>\n",
3288 " <th>original_lyrics</th>\n",
3289 " <td>\\n\\nHoney Pie\\nHoney Pie\\nI love you, Honey Pi...</td>\n",
3290 " <td>\\n\\n[Instrumental]\\n\\n</td>\n",
3291 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3292 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3293 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nWell shake it up baby now (shak...</td>\n",
3294 " <td>\\n\\n[Chorus]\\nMy love don't give me presents\\n...</td>\n",
3295 " <td>\\n\\n{Intro}\\n\\nYou make me dizzy, Miss Lizzy\\n...</td>\n",
3296 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nI think I'm going to be sad\\nI ...</td>\n",
3297 " <td>\\n\\n[Chorus 1]\\nCan't buy me love, love\\nCan't...</td>\n",
3298 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nYou say you will love me\\nIf I ...</td>\n",
3299 " <td>...</td>\n",
3300 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nNothing to do to save his life ...</td>\n",
3301 " <td>\\n\\n[Intro]\\n(1,2,3,4)\\n\\n(Bye!)\\n\\n[Verse]\\nW...</td>\n",
3302 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1: John Lennon]\\nI read the news to...</td>\n",
3303 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nIt was twenty years ago today\\n...</td>\n",
3304 " <td>\\n\\n[Segue]\\nBilly Shears!\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nWhat ...</td>\n",
3305 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nPicture yourself in a boat on a...</td>\n",
3306 " <td>\\n\\n[Intro]\\nIt's getting better all the time\\...</td>\n",
3307 " <td>\\n\\n[Chorus]\\nI'm fixing a hole where the rain...</td>\n",
3308 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nWednesday morning at five o'clo...</td>\n",
3309 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nFor the benefit of Mr. Kite\\nTh...</td>\n",
3310 " </tr>\n",
3311 " <tr>\n",
3312 " <th>popularity</th>\n",
3313 " <td>44</td>\n",
3314 " <td>45</td>\n",
3315 " <td>39</td>\n",
3316 " <td>35</td>\n",
3317 " <td>48</td>\n",
3318 " <td>46</td>\n",
3319 " <td>45</td>\n",
3320 " <td>45</td>\n",
3321 " <td>45</td>\n",
3322 " <td>43</td>\n",
3323 " <td>...</td>\n",
3324 " <td>40</td>\n",
3325 " <td>41</td>\n",
3326 " <td>44</td>\n",
3327 " <td>39</td>\n",
3328 " <td>38</td>\n",
3329 " <td>37</td>\n",
3330 " <td>36</td>\n",
3331 " <td>35</td>\n",
3332 " <td>35</td>\n",
3333 " <td>35</td>\n",
3334 " </tr>\n",
3335 " <tr>\n",
3336 " <th>preview_url</th>\n",
3337 " <td>None</td>\n",
3338 " <td>None</td>\n",
3339 " <td>None</td>\n",
3340 " <td>None</td>\n",
3341 " <td>None</td>\n",
3342 " <td>None</td>\n",
3343 " <td>None</td>\n",
3344 " <td>None</td>\n",
3345 " <td>None</td>\n",
3346 " <td>None</td>\n",
3347 " <td>...</td>\n",
3348 " <td>None</td>\n",
3349 " <td>None</td>\n",
3350 " <td>None</td>\n",
3351 " <td>None</td>\n",
3352 " <td>None</td>\n",
3353 " <td>None</td>\n",
3354 " <td>None</td>\n",
3355 " <td>None</td>\n",
3356 " <td>None</td>\n",
3357 " <td>None</td>\n",
3358 " </tr>\n",
3359 " <tr>\n",
3360 " <th>sentiment</th>\n",
3361 " <td>{'label': 'pos', 'probability': {'pos': 0.6088...</td>\n",
3362 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3363 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3364 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
3365 " <td>{'label': 'pos', 'probability': {'pos': 0.5000...</td>\n",
3366 " <td>{'label': 'neutral', 'probability': {'pos': 0....</td>\n",
3367 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.4047...</td>\n",
3368 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.1745...</td>\n",
3369 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.2616...</td>\n",
3370 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.3672...</td>\n",
3371 " <td>...</td>\n",
3372 " <td>{'label': 'neutral', 'probability': {'pos': 0....</td>\n",
3373 " <td>{'label': 'pos', 'probability': {'pos': 0.5616...</td>\n",
3374 " <td>{'label': 'neutral', 'probability': {'pos': 0....</td>\n",
3375 " <td>{'label': 'pos', 'probability': {'pos': 0.7184...</td>\n",
3376 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.4475...</td>\n",
3377 " <td>{'label': 'neutral', 'probability': {'pos': 0....</td>\n",
3378 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.1925...</td>\n",
3379 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.2385...</td>\n",
3380 " <td>{'label': 'neutral', 'probability': {'pos': 0....</td>\n",
3381 " <td>{'label': 'neutral', 'probability': {'pos': 0....</td>\n",
3382 " </tr>\n",
3383 " <tr>\n",
3384 " <th>speechiness</th>\n",
3385 " <td>0.0506</td>\n",
3386 " <td>0.0501</td>\n",
3387 " <td>0.0335</td>\n",
3388 " <td>0.127</td>\n",
3389 " <td>0.0395</td>\n",
3390 " <td>0.0662</td>\n",
3391 " <td>0.0461</td>\n",
3392 " <td>0.0423</td>\n",
3393 " <td>0.0571</td>\n",
3394 " <td>0.0392</td>\n",
3395 " <td>...</td>\n",
3396 " <td>0.0895</td>\n",
3397 " <td>0.0547</td>\n",
3398 " <td>0.0453</td>\n",
3399 " <td>0.0731</td>\n",
3400 " <td>0.107</td>\n",
3401 " <td>0.0481</td>\n",
3402 " <td>0.0729</td>\n",
3403 " <td>0.0538</td>\n",
3404 " <td>0.0369</td>\n",
3405 " <td>0.0488</td>\n",
3406 " </tr>\n",
3407 " <tr>\n",
3408 " <th>tempo</th>\n",
3409 " <td>89.9</td>\n",
3410 " <td>92.929</td>\n",
3411 " <td>131.36</td>\n",
3412 " <td>132.645</td>\n",
3413 " <td>126.441</td>\n",
3414 " <td>175.86</td>\n",
3415 " <td>129.417</td>\n",
3416 " <td>121.216</td>\n",
3417 " <td>173.283</td>\n",
3418 " <td>146.636</td>\n",
3419 " <td>...</td>\n",
3420 " <td>121.559</td>\n",
3421 " <td>118.778</td>\n",
3422 " <td>80.895</td>\n",
3423 " <td>94.509</td>\n",
3424 " <td>111.388</td>\n",
3425 " <td>99.567</td>\n",
3426 " <td>127.565</td>\n",
3427 " <td>113.629</td>\n",
3428 " <td>127.648</td>\n",
3429 " <td>111.717</td>\n",
3430 " </tr>\n",
3431 " <tr>\n",
3432 " <th>time_signature</th>\n",
3433 " <td>4</td>\n",
3434 " <td>4</td>\n",
3435 " <td>4</td>\n",
3436 " <td>4</td>\n",
3437 " <td>4</td>\n",
3438 " <td>4</td>\n",
3439 " <td>4</td>\n",
3440 " <td>4</td>\n",
3441 " <td>4</td>\n",
3442 " <td>4</td>\n",
3443 " <td>...</td>\n",
3444 " <td>4</td>\n",
3445 " <td>4</td>\n",
3446 " <td>4</td>\n",
3447 " <td>4</td>\n",
3448 " <td>4</td>\n",
3449 " <td>4</td>\n",
3450 " <td>4</td>\n",
3451 " <td>4</td>\n",
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3453 " <td>4</td>\n",
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3516 " <td>audio_features</td>\n",
3517 " <td>audio_features</td>\n",
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3556 " <td>0.462</td>\n",
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3563 " <td>...</td>\n",
3564 " <td>0.849</td>\n",
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3577 "<p>42 rows × 261 columns</p>\n",
3578 "</div>"
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3591 "ctitle wild honey pie \n",
3592 "danceability 0.792 \n",
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3609 "name Wild Honey Pie - Remastered \n",
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3611 "nrc_sentiment {'joy': 1, 'positive': 4} \n",
3612 "original_lyrics \\n\\nHoney Pie\\nHoney Pie\\nI love you, Honey Pi... \n",
3613 "popularity 44 \n",
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3624 "\n",
3625 " 1 \\\n",
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3636 "danceability 0.551 \n",
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3655 "nrc_sentiment NaN \n",
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3668 "\n",
3669 " 2 \\\n",
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4117 "artists [{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s... \n",
4118 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C... \n",
4119 "ctitle sgt peppers lonely hearts club band reprise \n",
4120 "danceability 0.576 \n",
4121 "disc_number 1 \n",
4122 "duration_ms 80600 \n",
4123 "energy 0.945 \n",
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4125 "external_ids {'isrc': 'GBUM71700957'} \n",
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4129 "ignore NaN \n",
4130 "instrumentalness 0.124 \n",
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4132 "liveness 0.463 \n",
4133 "loudness -5.376 \n",
4134 "lyrical_density 1.00496 \n",
4135 "lyrics (1234) (bye) we're sgt pepper's lonely hearts ... \n",
4136 "mode 1 \n",
4137 "name Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise... \n",
4138 "nnrc_sentiment {'anger': 1.0, 'trust': 0.18181818181818182, '... \n",
4139 "nrc_sentiment {'anger': 11, 'trust': 2, 'fear': 11, 'surpris... \n",
4140 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Intro]\\n(1,2,3,4)\\n\\n(Bye!)\\n\\n[Verse]\\nW... \n",
4141 "popularity 41 \n",
4142 "preview_url None \n",
4143 "sentiment {'label': 'pos', 'probability': {'pos': 0.5616... \n",
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4152 "\n",
4153 " 253 \\\n",
4154 "_id 3ZFPe2aiLQuEfDxSqQstZp \n",
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4156 "album {'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp... \n",
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4163 "ctitle a day in the life \n",
4164 "danceability 0.339 \n",
4165 "disc_number 1 \n",
4166 "duration_ms 330920 \n",
4167 "energy 0.446 \n",
4168 "explicit False \n",
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4173 "ignore NaN \n",
4174 "instrumentalness 0.000177 \n",
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4176 "liveness 0.9 \n",
4177 "loudness -10.854 \n",
4178 "lyrical_density 0.640638 \n",
4179 "lyrics i read the news today oh boy about a lucky man... \n",
4180 "mode 0 \n",
4181 "name A Day In The Life - Remix \n",
4182 "nnrc_sentiment {'trust': 0.625, 'fear': 0.125, 'surprise': 0.... \n",
4183 "nrc_sentiment {'trust': 5, 'fear': 1, 'surprise': 2, 'negati... \n",
4184 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Verse 1: John Lennon]\\nI read the news to... \n",
4185 "popularity 44 \n",
4186 "preview_url None \n",
4187 "sentiment {'label': 'neutral', 'probability': {'pos': 0.... \n",
4188 "speechiness 0.0453 \n",
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4192 "track_number 13 \n",
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4194 "uri spotify:track:3ZFPe2aiLQuEfDxSqQstZp \n",
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4196 "\n",
4197 " 254 \\\n",
4198 "_id 2BOawXVznHmi2KJzRFstBN \n",
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4200 "album {'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp... \n",
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4204 "artist_name The Beatles \n",
4205 "artists [{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s... \n",
4206 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C... \n",
4207 "ctitle sgt peppers lonely hearts club band \n",
4208 "danceability 0.583 \n",
4209 "disc_number 2 \n",
4210 "duration_ms 156440 \n",
4211 "energy 0.687 \n",
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4217 "ignore NaN \n",
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4220 "liveness 0.668 \n",
4221 "loudness -7.932 \n",
4222 "lyrical_density 1.0675 \n",
4223 "lyrics it was twenty years ago today sgt pepper taugh... \n",
4224 "mode 1 \n",
4225 "name Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Take 9... \n",
4226 "nnrc_sentiment {'anger': 0.7, 'trust': 1.0, 'sadness': 1.0, '... \n",
4227 "nrc_sentiment {'anger': 7, 'trust': 10, 'fear': 8, 'surprise... \n",
4228 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nIt was twenty years ago today\\n... \n",
4229 "popularity 39 \n",
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4236 "track_number 1 \n",
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4240 "\n",
4241 " 255 \\\n",
4242 "_id 1alxZZpi5dBLcmV3WkYIzN \n",
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4251 "ctitle with a little help from my friends \n",
4252 "danceability 0.913 \n",
4253 "disc_number 2 \n",
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4265 "loudness -7.878 \n",
4266 "lyrical_density 1.51639 \n",
4267 "lyrics billy shears what would you think if i sang ou... \n",
4268 "mode 0 \n",
4269 "name With A Little Help From My Friends - Take 1 / ... \n",
4270 "nnrc_sentiment {'fear': 0.125, 'negative': 0.125, 'joy': 1.0,... \n",
4271 "nrc_sentiment {'fear': 1, 'negative': 1, 'joy': 8, 'trust': ... \n",
4272 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Segue]\\nBilly Shears!\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nWhat ... \n",
4273 "popularity 38 \n",
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4280 "track_number 2 \n",
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4283 "valence 0.38 \n",
4284 "\n",
4285 " 256 \\\n",
4286 "_id 1k1kJBeaL3FCUG2vOJ1z0g \n",
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4288 "album {'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp... \n",
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4291 "artist_id 3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2 \n",
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4295 "ctitle lucy in the sky with diamonds \n",
4296 "danceability 0.423 \n",
4297 "disc_number 2 \n",
4298 "duration_ms 238867 \n",
4299 "energy 0.361 \n",
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4302 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/1k... \n",
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4309 "loudness -12.382 \n",
4310 "lyrical_density 0.778676 \n",
4311 "lyrics picture yourself in a boat on a river with tan... \n",
4312 "mode 1 \n",
4313 "name Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Take 1 \n",
4314 "nnrc_sentiment {'surprise': 0.14285714285714285, 'negative': ... \n",
4315 "nrc_sentiment {'surprise': 2, 'negative': 1, 'positive': 14,... \n",
4316 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nPicture yourself in a boat on a... \n",
4317 "popularity 37 \n",
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4321 "tempo 99.567 \n",
4322 "time_signature 4 \n",
4323 "track_href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/1k1kJBeaL3FC... \n",
4324 "track_number 3 \n",
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4328 "\n",
4329 " 257 \\\n",
4330 "_id 42uZOBjvKNv4QKnBmjOwb0 \n",
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4336 "artist_name The Beatles \n",
4337 "artists [{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s... \n",
4338 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C... \n",
4339 "ctitle getting better \n",
4340 "danceability 0.73 \n",
4341 "disc_number 2 \n",
4342 "duration_ms 138533 \n",
4343 "energy 0.459 \n",
4344 "explicit False \n",
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4346 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/42... \n",
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4352 "liveness 0.183 \n",
4353 "loudness -10.511 \n",
4354 "lyrical_density 1.23436 \n",
4355 "lyrics it's getting better all the time i used to get... \n",
4356 "mode 1 \n",
4357 "name Getting Better - Take 1 / Instrumental And Spe... \n",
4358 "nnrc_sentiment {'anger': 0.42857142857142855, 'disgust': 0.57... \n",
4359 "nrc_sentiment {'anger': 3, 'disgust': 4, 'fear': 3, 'surpris... \n",
4360 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Intro]\\nIt's getting better all the time\\... \n",
4361 "popularity 36 \n",
4362 "preview_url None \n",
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4364 "speechiness 0.0729 \n",
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4367 "track_href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/42uZOBjvKNv4... \n",
4368 "track_number 4 \n",
4369 "type audio_features \n",
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4372 "\n",
4373 " 258 \\\n",
4374 "_id 5JnPM6eKhHJtkWfS6ymUMF \n",
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4376 "album {'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp... \n",
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4378 "analysis_url https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/5JnP... \n",
4379 "artist_id 3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2 \n",
4380 "artist_name The Beatles \n",
4381 "artists [{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s... \n",
4382 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C... \n",
4383 "ctitle fixing a hole \n",
4384 "danceability 0.591 \n",
4385 "disc_number 2 \n",
4386 "duration_ms 207840 \n",
4387 "energy 0.554 \n",
4388 "explicit False \n",
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4393 "ignore NaN \n",
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4396 "liveness 0.0437 \n",
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4398 "lyrical_density 0.702463 \n",
4399 "lyrics i'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in and s... \n",
4400 "mode 1 \n",
4401 "name Fixing A Hole - Speech And Take 3 \n",
4402 "nnrc_sentiment {'anger': 0.2, 'sadness': 0.2, 'negative': 1.0... \n",
4403 "nrc_sentiment {'anger': 1, 'fear': 1, 'negative': 5, 'positi... \n",
4404 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Chorus]\\nI'm fixing a hole where the rain... \n",
4405 "popularity 35 \n",
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4416 "\n",
4417 " 259 \\\n",
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4442 "lyrical_density 0.999476 \n",
4443 "lyrics wednesday morning at five o'clock as the day b... \n",
4444 "mode 1 \n",
4445 "name She's Leaving Home - Take 1 / Instrumental \n",
4446 "nnrc_sentiment {'anger': 0.4, 'trust': 0.6, 'sadness': 0.2, '... \n",
4447 "nrc_sentiment {'anger': 4, 'trust': 6, 'fear': 1, 'surprise'... \n",
4448 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nWednesday morning at five o'clo... \n",
4449 "popularity 35 \n",
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4456 "track_number 6 \n",
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4460 "\n",
4461 " 260 \n",
4462 "_id 3qchAN1uJ1KiF8yxmqb3Ov \n",
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4469 "artists [{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s... \n",
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4471 "ctitle being for the benefit of mr kite \n",
4472 "danceability 0.595 \n",
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4474 "duration_ms 187213 \n",
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4487 "lyrics for the benefit of mr kite there will be a sho... \n",
4488 "mode 1 \n",
4489 "name Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Take 4 \n",
4490 "nnrc_sentiment {'anger': 0.09090909090909091, 'trust': 0.7272... \n",
4491 "nrc_sentiment {'anger': 1, 'trust': 8, 'fear': 2, 'surprise'... \n",
4492 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nFor the benefit of Mr. Kite\\nTh... \n",
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4499 "track_href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/3qchAN1uJ1Ki... \n",
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4502 "uri spotify:track:3qchAN1uJ1KiF8yxmqb3Ov \n",
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4504 "\n",
4505 "[42 rows x 261 columns]"
4506 ]
4507 },
4508 "execution_count": 18,
4509 "metadata": {},
4510 "output_type": "execute_result"
4511 }
4512 ],
4513 "source": [
4514 "beatles_tracks = pd.DataFrame(list(tracks.find({'artist_id': beatles_id})))\n",
4515 "beatles_tracks.T"
4516 ]
4517 },
4518 {
4519 "cell_type": "code",
4520 "execution_count": 19,
4521 "metadata": {
4522 "scrolled": true
4523 },
4524 "outputs": [
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4533 "\n",
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4537 "\n",
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4553 " <th>7</th>\n",
4554 " <th>8</th>\n",
4555 " <th>9</th>\n",
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4557 " <th>456</th>\n",
4558 " <th>457</th>\n",
4559 " <th>458</th>\n",
4560 " <th>459</th>\n",
4561 " <th>460</th>\n",
4562 " <th>461</th>\n",
4563 " <th>462</th>\n",
4564 " <th>463</th>\n",
4565 " <th>464</th>\n",
4566 " <th>465</th>\n",
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4569 " <tbody>\n",
4570 " <tr>\n",
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4582 " <td>...</td>\n",
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4593 " </tr>\n",
4594 " <tr>\n",
4595 " <th>acousticness</th>\n",
4596 " <td>0.148</td>\n",
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4598 " <td>0.000215</td>\n",
4599 " <td>0.27</td>\n",
4600 " <td>2.35e-05</td>\n",
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4612 " <td>0.0153</td>\n",
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4615 " <td>0.00309</td>\n",
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4640 " <td>{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp...</td>\n",
4641 " </tr>\n",
4642 " <tr>\n",
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4645 " <td>3PbRKFafwE7Of8e4dTee72</td>\n",
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4647 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
4648 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
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4651 " <td>3CHu7qW160uqPZHW3TMZ1l</td>\n",
4652 " <td>3CHu7qW160uqPZHW3TMZ1l</td>\n",
4653 " <td>3CHu7qW160uqPZHW3TMZ1l</td>\n",
4654 " <td>...</td>\n",
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4656 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
4657 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
4658 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
4659 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
4660 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
4661 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
4662 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
4663 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
4664 " <td>34d9ClCaKRoQ8pMeJ9Gfvt</td>\n",
4665 " </tr>\n",
4666 " <tr>\n",
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4672 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/2uO1...</td>\n",
4673 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/19LY...</td>\n",
4674 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/56lj...</td>\n",
4675 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/2Ax0...</td>\n",
4676 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/2l4g...</td>\n",
4677 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/7otI...</td>\n",
4678 " <td>...</td>\n",
4679 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/1F69...</td>\n",
4680 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/3nc2...</td>\n",
4681 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/0cNy...</td>\n",
4682 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/6dx6...</td>\n",
4683 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/6fZK...</td>\n",
4684 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/660i...</td>\n",
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4686 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/16Fl...</td>\n",
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4688 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/1tiy...</td>\n",
4689 " </tr>\n",
4690 " <tr>\n",
4691 " <th>artist_id</th>\n",
4692 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4693 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4694 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4695 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4696 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4697 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4698 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4699 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4700 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4701 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4702 " <td>...</td>\n",
4703 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4704 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4705 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4706 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4707 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4708 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4709 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4710 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4711 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4712 " <td>22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe</td>\n",
4713 " </tr>\n",
4714 " <tr>\n",
4715 " <th>artist_name</th>\n",
4716 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4717 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4718 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4719 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4720 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4721 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4722 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4723 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4724 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4725 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4726 " <td>...</td>\n",
4727 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4728 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4729 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4730 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4731 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4732 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4733 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4734 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4735 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4736 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
4737 " </tr>\n",
4738 " <tr>\n",
4739 " <th>artists</th>\n",
4740 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
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4742 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4743 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4744 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4745 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4746 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4747 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4748 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4749 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4750 " <td>...</td>\n",
4751 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4752 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4753 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4754 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4755 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4756 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4757 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4758 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4759 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4760 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
4761 " </tr>\n",
4762 " <tr>\n",
4763 " <th>available_markets</th>\n",
4764 " <td>[GB]</td>\n",
4765 " <td>[GB]</td>\n",
4766 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4767 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4768 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4769 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4770 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4771 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4772 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4773 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4774 " <td>...</td>\n",
4775 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4776 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4777 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4778 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4779 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4780 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4781 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4782 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4783 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4784 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C...</td>\n",
4785 " </tr>\n",
4786 " <tr>\n",
4787 " <th>ctitle</th>\n",
4788 " <td>not fade away</td>\n",
4789 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
4790 " <td>just my imagination</td>\n",
4791 " <td>far away eyes</td>\n",
4792 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
4793 " <td>everybody needs somebody to love finale</td>\n",
4794 " <td>just my imagination</td>\n",
4795 " <td>band introductions</td>\n",
4796 " <td>martin scorsese intro</td>\n",
4797 " <td>little ta</td>\n",
4798 " <td>...</td>\n",
4799 " <td>mannish boy</td>\n",
4800 " <td>mannish boy</td>\n",
4801 " <td>let it rock</td>\n",
4802 " <td>all down the line</td>\n",
4803 " <td>honky tonk women</td>\n",
4804 " <td>star star</td>\n",
4805 " <td>when the whip comes down</td>\n",
4806 " <td>beast of burden</td>\n",
4807 " <td>miss you</td>\n",
4808 " <td>you cant always get what you want</td>\n",
4809 " </tr>\n",
4810 " <tr>\n",
4811 " <th>danceability</th>\n",
4812 " <td>0.282</td>\n",
4813 " <td>0.318</td>\n",
4814 " <td>0.294</td>\n",
4815 " <td>0.405</td>\n",
4816 " <td>0.119</td>\n",
4817 " <td>0.243</td>\n",
4818 " <td>0.412</td>\n",
4819 " <td>0.322</td>\n",
4820 " <td>0</td>\n",
4821 " <td>0.385</td>\n",
4822 " <td>...</td>\n",
4823 " <td>0.33</td>\n",
4824 " <td>0.329</td>\n",
4825 " <td>0.378</td>\n",
4826 " <td>0.251</td>\n",
4827 " <td>0.361</td>\n",
4828 " <td>0.224</td>\n",
4829 " <td>0.223</td>\n",
4830 " <td>0.579</td>\n",
4831 " <td>0.47</td>\n",
4832 " <td>0.349</td>\n",
4833 " </tr>\n",
4834 " <tr>\n",
4835 " <th>disc_number</th>\n",
4836 " <td>1</td>\n",
4837 " <td>1</td>\n",
4838 " <td>1</td>\n",
4839 " <td>1</td>\n",
4840 " <td>1</td>\n",
4841 " <td>1</td>\n",
4842 " <td>1</td>\n",
4843 " <td>1</td>\n",
4844 " <td>2</td>\n",
4845 " <td>2</td>\n",
4846 " <td>...</td>\n",
4847 " <td>1</td>\n",
4848 " <td>1</td>\n",
4849 " <td>1</td>\n",
4850 " <td>1</td>\n",
4851 " <td>1</td>\n",
4852 " <td>1</td>\n",
4853 " <td>1</td>\n",
4854 " <td>1</td>\n",
4855 " <td>1</td>\n",
4856 " <td>1</td>\n",
4857 " </tr>\n",
4858 " <tr>\n",
4859 " <th>duration_ms</th>\n",
4860 " <td>191787</td>\n",
4861 " <td>303627</td>\n",
4862 " <td>400093</td>\n",
4863 " <td>351107</td>\n",
4864 " <td>375240</td>\n",
4865 " <td>246000</td>\n",
4866 " <td>399867</td>\n",
4867 " <td>99893</td>\n",
4868 " <td>12400</td>\n",
4869 " <td>249307</td>\n",
4870 " <td>...</td>\n",
4871 " <td>625413</td>\n",
4872 " <td>625480</td>\n",
4873 " <td>132533</td>\n",
4874 " <td>236627</td>\n",
4875 " <td>218280</td>\n",
4876 " <td>227547</td>\n",
4877 " <td>313213</td>\n",
4878 " <td>388907</td>\n",
4879 " <td>515560</td>\n",
4880 " <td>446907</td>\n",
4881 " </tr>\n",
4882 " <tr>\n",
4883 " <th>energy</th>\n",
4884 " <td>0.883</td>\n",
4885 " <td>0.976</td>\n",
4886 " <td>0.964</td>\n",
4887 " <td>0.646</td>\n",
4888 " <td>0.991</td>\n",
4889 " <td>0.978</td>\n",
4890 " <td>0.934</td>\n",
4891 " <td>0.995</td>\n",
4892 " <td>0.602</td>\n",
4893 " <td>0.929</td>\n",
4894 " <td>...</td>\n",
4895 " <td>0.73</td>\n",
4896 " <td>0.742</td>\n",
4897 " <td>0.983</td>\n",
4898 " <td>0.981</td>\n",
4899 " <td>0.957</td>\n",
4900 " <td>0.98</td>\n",
4901 " <td>0.991</td>\n",
4902 " <td>0.904</td>\n",
4903 " <td>0.946</td>\n",
4904 " <td>0.677</td>\n",
4905 " </tr>\n",
4906 " <tr>\n",
4907 " <th>explicit</th>\n",
4908 " <td>False</td>\n",
4909 " <td>False</td>\n",
4910 " <td>False</td>\n",
4911 " <td>False</td>\n",
4912 " <td>False</td>\n",
4913 " <td>False</td>\n",
4914 " <td>False</td>\n",
4915 " <td>False</td>\n",
4916 " <td>False</td>\n",
4917 " <td>False</td>\n",
4918 " <td>...</td>\n",
4919 " <td>False</td>\n",
4920 " <td>False</td>\n",
4921 " <td>False</td>\n",
4922 " <td>False</td>\n",
4923 " <td>False</td>\n",
4924 " <td>True</td>\n",
4925 " <td>False</td>\n",
4926 " <td>False</td>\n",
4927 " <td>False</td>\n",
4928 " <td>False</td>\n",
4929 " </tr>\n",
4930 " <tr>\n",
4931 " <th>external_ids</th>\n",
4932 " <td>{'isrc': 'GBCBR1500391'}</td>\n",
4933 " <td>{'isrc': 'GBCBR1500401'}</td>\n",
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4935 " <td>{'isrc': 'GBCBR1101708'}</td>\n",
4936 " <td>{'isrc': 'GBCBR1101714'}</td>\n",
4937 " <td>{'isrc': 'USA171210012'}</td>\n",
4938 " <td>{'isrc': 'GBUM70802502'}</td>\n",
4939 " <td>{'isrc': 'GBUM70802637'}</td>\n",
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5110 " <td>...</td>\n",
5111 " <td>0.575</td>\n",
5112 " <td>0.777</td>\n",
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5116 " <td>0.984</td>\n",
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5122 " <tr>\n",
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5158 " <td>...</td>\n",
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5160 " <td>0.225427</td>\n",
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5168 " <td>0.912942</td>\n",
5169 " </tr>\n",
5170 " <tr>\n",
5171 " <th>lyrics</th>\n",
5172 " <td>i'm going to tell you how it's going to be you...</td>\n",
5173 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5174 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5175 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5176 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5177 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5178 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5179 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5180 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5181 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5182 " <td>...</td>\n",
5183 " <td>everything gonna be alright oh yeah yeah now w...</td>\n",
5184 " <td>everything gonna be alright oh yeah yeah now w...</td>\n",
5185 " <td>in the heat of the day down in mobile alabama ...</td>\n",
5186 " <td>yeah heard the diesel drumming all down the li...</td>\n",
5187 " <td>i met a gin-soaked barroom queen in memphis sh...</td>\n",
5188 " <td>baby baby i've been so sad since you've been g...</td>\n",
5189 " <td>yeah mama and papa told me i was crazy to stay...</td>\n",
5190 " <td>i'll never be your beast of burden my back is ...</td>\n",
5191 " <td>i've been holding out so long i've been sleepi...</td>\n",
5192 " <td>i saw her today at the reception a glass of wi...</td>\n",
5193 " </tr>\n",
5194 " <tr>\n",
5195 " <th>mode</th>\n",
5196 " <td>1</td>\n",
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5208 " <td>1</td>\n",
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5216 " <td>1</td>\n",
5217 " </tr>\n",
5218 " <tr>\n",
5219 " <th>name</th>\n",
5220 " <td>Not Fade Away - Live</td>\n",
5221 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
5222 " <td>Just My Imagination - Live</td>\n",
5223 " <td>Far Away Eyes - Live</td>\n",
5224 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
5225 " <td>Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (Finale) - Li...</td>\n",
5226 " <td>Just My Imagination - Live At The Beacon Theat...</td>\n",
5227 " <td>Band Introductions - Live At The Beacon Theatr...</td>\n",
5228 " <td>Martin Scorsese Intro - Live At The Beacon The...</td>\n",
5229 " <td>Little T&amp;A - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New Y...</td>\n",
5230 " <td>...</td>\n",
5231 " <td>Mannish Boy - Live</td>\n",
5232 " <td>Mannish Boy - Live</td>\n",
5233 " <td>Let It Rock - Live</td>\n",
5234 " <td>All Down The Line - Live</td>\n",
5235 " <td>Honky Tonk Women - Live</td>\n",
5236 " <td>Star Star - Live</td>\n",
5237 " <td>When The Whip Comes Down - Live</td>\n",
5238 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
5239 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
5240 " <td>You Can’t Always Get What You Want - Live</td>\n",
5241 " </tr>\n",
5242 " <tr>\n",
5243 " <th>nnrc_sentiment</th>\n",
5244 " <td>{'negative': 0.3157894736842105, 'joy': 0.8421...</td>\n",
5245 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5246 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5247 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5248 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5249 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5250 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5251 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5252 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5253 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5254 " <td>...</td>\n",
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5256 " <td>{'anger': 0.07692307692307693, 'trust': 0.3076...</td>\n",
5257 " <td>{'anger': 0.3333333333333333, 'sadness': 0.111...</td>\n",
5258 " <td>{'anger': 0.5, 'sadness': 0.3333333333333333, ...</td>\n",
5259 " <td>{'anger': 0.2, 'trust': 0.4, 'sadness': 0.8, '...</td>\n",
5260 " <td>{'anger': 0.1, 'trust': 0.6, 'sadness': 0.0666...</td>\n",
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5263 " <td>{'anger': 0.16666666666666666, 'disgust': 0.75...</td>\n",
5264 " <td>{'anger': 0.4, 'trust': 0.5, 'sadness': 0.4, '...</td>\n",
5265 " </tr>\n",
5266 " <tr>\n",
5267 " <th>nrc_sentiment</th>\n",
5268 " <td>{'negative': 6, 'joy': 16, 'trust': 4, 'positi...</td>\n",
5269 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5270 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5271 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5272 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5273 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5274 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5275 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5276 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5277 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5278 " <td>...</td>\n",
5279 " <td>{'anger': 1, 'trust': 4, 'fear': 1, 'surprise'...</td>\n",
5280 " <td>{'anger': 1, 'trust': 4, 'fear': 1, 'surprise'...</td>\n",
5281 " <td>{'anger': 3, 'fear': 3, 'surprise': 4, 'negati...</td>\n",
5282 " <td>{'anger': 3, 'fear': 2, 'surprise': 1, 'negati...</td>\n",
5283 " <td>{'anger': 1, 'trust': 2, 'fear': 5, 'negative'...</td>\n",
5284 " <td>{'anger': 3, 'trust': 18, 'fear': 3, 'surprise...</td>\n",
5285 " <td>{'anger': 22, 'trust': 4, 'fear': 2, 'surprise...</td>\n",
5286 " <td>{'anger': 11, 'trust': 15, 'fear': 12, 'surpri...</td>\n",
5287 " <td>{'anger': 2, 'disgust': 9, 'fear': 3, 'surpris...</td>\n",
5288 " <td>{'anger': 4, 'trust': 5, 'fear': 3, 'surprise'...</td>\n",
5289 " </tr>\n",
5290 " <tr>\n",
5291 " <th>original_lyrics</th>\n",
5292 " <td>\\n\\n[Chorus]\\nI'm going to tell you how it's g...</td>\n",
5293 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5294 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5295 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5296 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5297 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5298 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5299 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5300 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5301 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
5302 " <td>...</td>\n",
5303 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nEverything gonna be alright\\nOh...</td>\n",
5304 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nEverything gonna be alright\\nOh...</td>\n",
5305 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse]\\nIn the heat of the day down in Mo...</td>\n",
5306 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse]\\nYeah, heard the diesel drumming a...</td>\n",
5307 " <td>\\n\\nI met a gin-soaked barroom queen in Memphi...</td>\n",
5308 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nBaby, baby, I've been so sad si...</td>\n",
5309 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nYeah, mama and papa told me\\nI ...</td>\n",
5310 " <td>\\n\\n[Intro]\\nI'll never be your beast of burde...</td>\n",
5311 " <td>\\n\\n[Produced by The Glimmer Twins]\\n\\n[Verse ...</td>\n",
5312 " <td>\\n\\n[Intro: London Bach Choir]\\nI saw her toda...</td>\n",
5313 " </tr>\n",
5314 " <tr>\n",
5315 " <th>popularity</th>\n",
5316 " <td>14</td>\n",
5317 " <td>12</td>\n",
5318 " <td>19</td>\n",
5319 " <td>18</td>\n",
5320 " <td>18</td>\n",
5321 " <td>21</td>\n",
5322 " <td>26</td>\n",
5323 " <td>21</td>\n",
5324 " <td>0</td>\n",
5325 " <td>22</td>\n",
5326 " <td>...</td>\n",
5327 " <td>21</td>\n",
5328 " <td>2</td>\n",
5329 " <td>20</td>\n",
5330 " <td>19</td>\n",
5331 " <td>21</td>\n",
5332 " <td>20</td>\n",
5333 " <td>19</td>\n",
5334 " <td>25</td>\n",
5335 " <td>22</td>\n",
5336 " <td>36</td>\n",
5337 " </tr>\n",
5338 " <tr>\n",
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5341 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/17aed72343067677...</td>\n",
5342 " <td>None</td>\n",
5343 " <td>None</td>\n",
5344 " <td>None</td>\n",
5345 " <td>None</td>\n",
5346 " <td>None</td>\n",
5347 " <td>None</td>\n",
5348 " <td>None</td>\n",
5349 " <td>None</td>\n",
5350 " <td>...</td>\n",
5351 " <td>None</td>\n",
5352 " <td>None</td>\n",
5353 " <td>None</td>\n",
5354 " <td>None</td>\n",
5355 " <td>None</td>\n",
5356 " <td>None</td>\n",
5357 " <td>None</td>\n",
5358 " <td>None</td>\n",
5359 " <td>None</td>\n",
5360 " <td>None</td>\n",
5361 " </tr>\n",
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5363 " <th>sentiment</th>\n",
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5415 " <td>93.57</td>\n",
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5417 " <td>181.122</td>\n",
5418 " <td>113.354</td>\n",
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5425 " <td>152.922</td>\n",
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5427 " <td>117.921</td>\n",
5428 " <td>159.078</td>\n",
5429 " <td>154.808</td>\n",
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5434 " <tr>\n",
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5519 " <td>audio_features</td>\n",
5520 " <td>audio_features</td>\n",
5521 " <td>audio_features</td>\n",
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5627 "\n",
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6268 "loudness -6.338 \n",
6269 "lyrical_density 0.650541 \n",
6270 "lyrics i met a gin-soaked barroom queen in memphis sh... \n",
6271 "mode 1 \n",
6272 "name Honky Tonk Women - Live \n",
6273 "nnrc_sentiment {'anger': 0.2, 'trust': 0.4, 'sadness': 0.8, '... \n",
6274 "nrc_sentiment {'anger': 1, 'trust': 2, 'fear': 5, 'negative'... \n",
6275 "original_lyrics \\n\\nI met a gin-soaked barroom queen in Memphi... \n",
6276 "popularity 21 \n",
6277 "preview_url None \n",
6278 "sentiment {'label': 'neutral', 'probability': {'pos': 0.... \n",
6279 "speechiness 0.0504 \n",
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6283 "track_number 3 \n",
6284 "type audio_features \n",
6285 "uri spotify:track:6fZKfyDrl9Nph0ifIGvOxs \n",
6286 "valence 0.727 \n",
6287 "\n",
6288 " 461 \\\n",
6289 "_id 660iobQYqexXXNfRomqz3o \n",
6290 "acousticness 0.0153 \n",
6291 "album {'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp... \n",
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6293 "analysis_url https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/660i... \n",
6294 "artist_id 22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe \n",
6295 "artist_name The Rolling Stones \n",
6296 "artists [{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s... \n",
6297 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C... \n",
6298 "ctitle star star \n",
6299 "danceability 0.224 \n",
6300 "disc_number 1 \n",
6301 "duration_ms 227547 \n",
6302 "energy 0.98 \n",
6303 "explicit True \n",
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6306 "href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/660iobQYqexX... \n",
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6312 "loudness -5.511 \n",
6313 "lyrical_density 1.04594 \n",
6314 "lyrics baby baby i've been so sad since you've been g... \n",
6315 "mode 1 \n",
6316 "name Star Star - Live \n",
6317 "nnrc_sentiment {'anger': 0.1, 'trust': 0.6, 'sadness': 0.0666... \n",
6318 "nrc_sentiment {'anger': 3, 'trust': 18, 'fear': 3, 'surprise... \n",
6319 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nBaby, baby, I've been so sad si... \n",
6320 "popularity 20 \n",
6321 "preview_url None \n",
6322 "sentiment {'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.3255... \n",
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6324 "tempo 159.078 \n",
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6326 "track_href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/660iobQYqexX... \n",
6327 "track_number 4 \n",
6328 "type audio_features \n",
6329 "uri spotify:track:660iobQYqexXXNfRomqz3o \n",
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6331 "\n",
6332 " 462 \\\n",
6333 "_id 6AX8HMe53fbGdNNAnC8LSz \n",
6334 "acousticness 0.000231 \n",
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6340 "artists [{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s... \n",
6341 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C... \n",
6342 "ctitle when the whip comes down \n",
6343 "danceability 0.223 \n",
6344 "disc_number 1 \n",
6345 "duration_ms 313213 \n",
6346 "energy 0.991 \n",
6347 "explicit False \n",
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6355 "liveness 0.988 \n",
6356 "loudness -5.136 \n",
6357 "lyrical_density 0.743903 \n",
6358 "lyrics yeah mama and papa told me i was crazy to stay... \n",
6359 "mode 1 \n",
6360 "name When The Whip Comes Down - Live \n",
6361 "nnrc_sentiment {'anger': 0.9565217391304348, 'trust': 0.17391... \n",
6362 "nrc_sentiment {'anger': 22, 'trust': 4, 'fear': 2, 'surprise... \n",
6363 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nYeah, mama and papa told me\\nI ... \n",
6364 "popularity 19 \n",
6365 "preview_url None \n",
6366 "sentiment {'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.2602... \n",
6367 "speechiness 0.11 \n",
6368 "tempo 154.808 \n",
6369 "time_signature 4 \n",
6370 "track_href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/6AX8HMe53fbG... \n",
6371 "track_number 5 \n",
6372 "type audio_features \n",
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6374 "valence 0.563 \n",
6375 "\n",
6376 " 463 \\\n",
6377 "_id 16FlhqpxLT6WTfiLVEZ7Vv \n",
6378 "acousticness 0.0248 \n",
6379 "album {'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp... \n",
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6381 "analysis_url https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/16Fl... \n",
6382 "artist_id 22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe \n",
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6384 "artists [{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s... \n",
6385 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CH, CL, CO, C... \n",
6386 "ctitle beast of burden \n",
6387 "danceability 0.579 \n",
6388 "disc_number 1 \n",
6389 "duration_ms 388907 \n",
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6391 "explicit False \n",
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6393 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/16... \n",
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6399 "liveness 0.92 \n",
6400 "loudness -6.108 \n",
6401 "lyrical_density 0.779107 \n",
6402 "lyrics i'll never be your beast of burden my back is ... \n",
6403 "mode 1 \n",
6404 "name Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
6405 "nnrc_sentiment {'anger': 0.4230769230769231, 'trust': 0.57692... \n",
6406 "nrc_sentiment {'anger': 11, 'trust': 15, 'fear': 12, 'surpri... \n",
6407 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Intro]\\nI'll never be your beast of burde... \n",
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6419 "\n",
6420 " 464 \\\n",
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6426 "artist_id 22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe \n",
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6428 "artists [{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s... \n",
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6446 "lyrics i've been holding out so long i've been sleepi... \n",
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6448 "name Miss You - Live \n",
6449 "nnrc_sentiment {'anger': 0.16666666666666666, 'disgust': 0.75... \n",
6450 "nrc_sentiment {'anger': 2, 'disgust': 9, 'fear': 3, 'surpris... \n",
6451 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Produced by The Glimmer Twins]\\n\\n[Verse ... \n",
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6463 "\n",
6464 " 465 \n",
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6474 "ctitle you cant always get what you want \n",
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6490 "lyrics i saw her today at the reception a glass of wi... \n",
6491 "mode 1 \n",
6492 "name You Can’t Always Get What You Want - Live \n",
6493 "nnrc_sentiment {'anger': 0.4, 'trust': 0.5, 'sadness': 0.4, '... \n",
6494 "nrc_sentiment {'anger': 4, 'trust': 5, 'fear': 3, 'surprise'... \n",
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6506 "valence 0.16 \n",
6507 "\n",
6508 "[42 rows x 466 columns]"
6509 ]
6510 },
6511 "execution_count": 19,
6512 "metadata": {},
6513 "output_type": "execute_result"
6514 }
6515 ],
6516 "source": [
6517 "stones_tracks = pd.DataFrame(list(tracks.find({'artist_id': stones_id})))\n",
6518 "stones_tracks.T"
6519 ]
6520 },
6521 {
6522 "cell_type": "code",
6523 "execution_count": 20,
6524 "metadata": {
6525 "scrolled": true
6526 },
6527 "outputs": [
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6650 " <td>47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T</td>\n",
6651 " <td>47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T</td>\n",
6652 " <td>47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T</td>\n",
6653 " <td>47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T</td>\n",
6654 " <td>47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T</td>\n",
6655 " <td>47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T</td>\n",
6656 " <td>47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T</td>\n",
6657 " <td>...</td>\n",
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6659 " <td>6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN</td>\n",
6660 " <td>6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN</td>\n",
6661 " <td>6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN</td>\n",
6662 " <td>6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN</td>\n",
6663 " <td>6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN</td>\n",
6664 " <td>6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN</td>\n",
6665 " <td>6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN</td>\n",
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6674 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/1Cxh...</td>\n",
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6677 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/7KKg...</td>\n",
6678 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/4rax...</td>\n",
6679 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/1gaA...</td>\n",
6680 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/7kri...</td>\n",
6681 " <td>...</td>\n",
6682 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/2zYm...</td>\n",
6683 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/3ovb...</td>\n",
6684 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/4NUc...</td>\n",
6685 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/4nkl...</td>\n",
6686 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/11qD...</td>\n",
6687 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/4D6Z...</td>\n",
6688 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/48IE...</td>\n",
6689 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/2B5P...</td>\n",
6690 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/6qtt...</td>\n",
6691 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/0eEC...</td>\n",
6692 " </tr>\n",
6693 " <tr>\n",
6694 " <th>artist_id</th>\n",
6695 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6696 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6697 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6698 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6699 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6700 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6701 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6702 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6703 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6704 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6705 " <td>...</td>\n",
6706 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6707 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6708 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6709 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6710 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6711 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6712 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6713 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6714 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6715 " <td>4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb</td>\n",
6716 " </tr>\n",
6717 " <tr>\n",
6718 " <th>artist_name</th>\n",
6719 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6720 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6721 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6722 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6723 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6724 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6725 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6726 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6727 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6728 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6729 " <td>...</td>\n",
6730 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6731 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6732 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6733 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6734 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6735 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6736 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6737 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6738 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6739 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
6740 " </tr>\n",
6741 " <tr>\n",
6742 " <th>artists</th>\n",
6743 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
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6748 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6749 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6750 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6751 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6752 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6753 " <td>...</td>\n",
6754 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6755 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6756 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6757 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6758 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6759 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6760 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6761 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6762 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6763 " <td>[{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s...</td>\n",
6764 " </tr>\n",
6765 " <tr>\n",
6766 " <th>available_markets</th>\n",
6767 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6768 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6769 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6770 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6771 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6772 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6773 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6774 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6775 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6776 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6777 " <td>...</td>\n",
6778 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6779 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6780 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6781 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6782 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6783 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6784 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6785 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6786 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6787 " <td>[AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C...</td>\n",
6788 " </tr>\n",
6789 " <tr>\n",
6790 " <th>ctitle</th>\n",
6791 " <td>little by little caribou rmx</td>\n",
6792 " <td>lotus flower jacques greene rmx</td>\n",
6793 " <td>morning mr magpie nathan fake rmx</td>\n",
6794 " <td>bloom harmonic 313 rmx</td>\n",
6795 " <td>bloom mark pritchard rmx</td>\n",
6796 " <td>feral lone rmx</td>\n",
6797 " <td>morning mr magpie pearson sound scavenger rmx</td>\n",
6798 " <td>separator four tet rmx</td>\n",
6799 " <td>give up the ghost thriller houseghost remix</td>\n",
6800 " <td>codex illum sphere</td>\n",
6801 " <td>...</td>\n",
6802 " <td>stop whispering</td>\n",
6803 " <td>thinking about you</td>\n",
6804 " <td>anyone can play guitar</td>\n",
6805 " <td>ripcord</td>\n",
6806 " <td>vegetable</td>\n",
6807 " <td>prove yourself</td>\n",
6808 " <td>i cant</td>\n",
6809 " <td>lurgee</td>\n",
6810 " <td>blow out</td>\n",
6811 " <td>feral</td>\n",
6812 " </tr>\n",
6813 " <tr>\n",
6814 " <th>danceability</th>\n",
6815 " <td>0.8</td>\n",
6816 " <td>0.629</td>\n",
6817 " <td>0.661</td>\n",
6818 " <td>0.443</td>\n",
6819 " <td>0.414</td>\n",
6820 " <td>0.761</td>\n",
6821 " <td>0.481</td>\n",
6822 " <td>0.461</td>\n",
6823 " <td>0.596</td>\n",
6824 " <td>0.441</td>\n",
6825 " <td>...</td>\n",
6826 " <td>0.212</td>\n",
6827 " <td>0.364</td>\n",
6828 " <td>0.294</td>\n",
6829 " <td>0.256</td>\n",
6830 " <td>0.384</td>\n",
6831 " <td>0.25</td>\n",
6832 " <td>0.284</td>\n",
6833 " <td>0.42</td>\n",
6834 " <td>0.284</td>\n",
6835 " <td>0.49</td>\n",
6836 " </tr>\n",
6837 " <tr>\n",
6838 " <th>disc_number</th>\n",
6839 " <td>1</td>\n",
6840 " <td>1</td>\n",
6841 " <td>1</td>\n",
6842 " <td>1</td>\n",
6843 " <td>1</td>\n",
6844 " <td>1</td>\n",
6845 " <td>1</td>\n",
6846 " <td>1</td>\n",
6847 " <td>1</td>\n",
6848 " <td>1</td>\n",
6849 " <td>...</td>\n",
6850 " <td>1</td>\n",
6851 " <td>1</td>\n",
6852 " <td>1</td>\n",
6853 " <td>1</td>\n",
6854 " <td>1</td>\n",
6855 " <td>1</td>\n",
6856 " <td>1</td>\n",
6857 " <td>1</td>\n",
6858 " <td>1</td>\n",
6859 " <td>1</td>\n",
6860 " </tr>\n",
6861 " <tr>\n",
6862 " <th>duration_ms</th>\n",
6863 " <td>340160</td>\n",
6864 " <td>429947</td>\n",
6865 " <td>291987</td>\n",
6866 " <td>304333</td>\n",
6867 " <td>367280</td>\n",
6868 " <td>317507</td>\n",
6869 " <td>278893</td>\n",
6870 " <td>423000</td>\n",
6871 " <td>373760</td>\n",
6872 " <td>274373</td>\n",
6873 " <td>...</td>\n",
6874 " <td>325627</td>\n",
6875 " <td>161533</td>\n",
6876 " <td>217800</td>\n",
6877 " <td>189733</td>\n",
6878 " <td>192667</td>\n",
6879 " <td>145373</td>\n",
6880 " <td>253093</td>\n",
6881 " <td>187867</td>\n",
6882 " <td>282067</td>\n",
6883 " <td>192743</td>\n",
6884 " </tr>\n",
6885 " <tr>\n",
6886 " <th>energy</th>\n",
6887 " <td>0.586</td>\n",
6888 " <td>0.592</td>\n",
6889 " <td>0.707</td>\n",
6890 " <td>0.665</td>\n",
6891 " <td>0.712</td>\n",
6892 " <td>0.877</td>\n",
6893 " <td>0.336</td>\n",
6894 " <td>0.455</td>\n",
6895 " <td>0.894</td>\n",
6896 " <td>0.575</td>\n",
6897 " <td>...</td>\n",
6898 " <td>0.696</td>\n",
6899 " <td>0.37</td>\n",
6900 " <td>0.813</td>\n",
6901 " <td>0.906</td>\n",
6902 " <td>0.717</td>\n",
6903 " <td>0.62</td>\n",
6904 " <td>0.825</td>\n",
6905 " <td>0.548</td>\n",
6906 " <td>0.719</td>\n",
6907 " <td>0.777</td>\n",
6908 " </tr>\n",
6909 " <tr>\n",
6910 " <th>explicit</th>\n",
6911 " <td>False</td>\n",
6912 " <td>False</td>\n",
6913 " <td>False</td>\n",
6914 " <td>False</td>\n",
6915 " <td>False</td>\n",
6916 " <td>False</td>\n",
6917 " <td>False</td>\n",
6918 " <td>False</td>\n",
6919 " <td>False</td>\n",
6920 " <td>False</td>\n",
6921 " <td>...</td>\n",
6922 " <td>False</td>\n",
6923 " <td>False</td>\n",
6924 " <td>False</td>\n",
6925 " <td>False</td>\n",
6926 " <td>False</td>\n",
6927 " <td>False</td>\n",
6928 " <td>False</td>\n",
6929 " <td>False</td>\n",
6930 " <td>False</td>\n",
6931 " <td>False</td>\n",
6932 " </tr>\n",
6933 " <tr>\n",
6934 " <th>external_ids</th>\n",
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6938 " <td>{'isrc': 'GBU4B1100016'}</td>\n",
6939 " <td>{'isrc': 'GBU4B1100017'}</td>\n",
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7019 " <td>3ovbSnT5NNhl1gzMcw1NRZ</td>\n",
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7021 " <td>4nklmaiY4gfQI3SB1sLGsd</td>\n",
7022 " <td>11qDTSr3Dj4TkPnBcIOqEJ</td>\n",
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7029 " <tr>\n",
7030 " <th>ignore</th>\n",
7031 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7032 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7033 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7034 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7035 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7036 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7037 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7038 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7039 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7040 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7041 " <td>...</td>\n",
7042 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7043 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7044 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7045 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7046 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7047 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7048 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7049 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7050 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7051 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7052 " </tr>\n",
7053 " <tr>\n",
7054 " <th>instrumentalness</th>\n",
7055 " <td>0.773</td>\n",
7056 " <td>0.938</td>\n",
7057 " <td>0.0772</td>\n",
7058 " <td>0.937</td>\n",
7059 " <td>0.936</td>\n",
7060 " <td>0.00018</td>\n",
7061 " <td>0.834</td>\n",
7062 " <td>0.641</td>\n",
7063 " <td>0.849</td>\n",
7064 " <td>0.00509</td>\n",
7065 " <td>...</td>\n",
7066 " <td>0.0165</td>\n",
7067 " <td>7.71e-06</td>\n",
7068 " <td>0.000756</td>\n",
7069 " <td>0.366</td>\n",
7070 " <td>0.569</td>\n",
7071 " <td>0.0848</td>\n",
7072 " <td>0.3</td>\n",
7073 " <td>0.399</td>\n",
7074 " <td>0.382</td>\n",
7075 " <td>0.898</td>\n",
7076 " </tr>\n",
7077 " <tr>\n",
7078 " <th>key</th>\n",
7079 " <td>2</td>\n",
7080 " <td>2</td>\n",
7081 " <td>0</td>\n",
7082 " <td>9</td>\n",
7083 " <td>0</td>\n",
7084 " <td>7</td>\n",
7085 " <td>0</td>\n",
7086 " <td>10</td>\n",
7087 " <td>4</td>\n",
7088 " <td>2</td>\n",
7089 " <td>...</td>\n",
7090 " <td>2</td>\n",
7091 " <td>7</td>\n",
7092 " <td>4</td>\n",
7093 " <td>2</td>\n",
7094 " <td>6</td>\n",
7095 " <td>0</td>\n",
7096 " <td>7</td>\n",
7097 " <td>0</td>\n",
7098 " <td>11</td>\n",
7099 " <td>7</td>\n",
7100 " </tr>\n",
7101 " <tr>\n",
7102 " <th>liveness</th>\n",
7103 " <td>0.0846</td>\n",
7104 " <td>0.0951</td>\n",
7105 " <td>0.117</td>\n",
7106 " <td>0.111</td>\n",
7107 " <td>0.119</td>\n",
7108 " <td>0.611</td>\n",
7109 " <td>0.232</td>\n",
7110 " <td>0.0812</td>\n",
7111 " <td>0.115</td>\n",
7112 " <td>0.387</td>\n",
7113 " <td>...</td>\n",
7114 " <td>0.129</td>\n",
7115 " <td>0.0883</td>\n",
7116 " <td>0.333</td>\n",
7117 " <td>0.322</td>\n",
7118 " <td>0.187</td>\n",
7119 " <td>0.175</td>\n",
7120 " <td>0.118</td>\n",
7121 " <td>0.111</td>\n",
7122 " <td>0.24</td>\n",
7123 " <td>0.0896</td>\n",
7124 " </tr>\n",
7125 " <tr>\n",
7126 " <th>loudness</th>\n",
7127 " <td>-9.633</td>\n",
7128 " <td>-8.405</td>\n",
7129 " <td>-7.023</td>\n",
7130 " <td>-13.055</td>\n",
7131 " <td>-7.97</td>\n",
7132 " <td>-7.806</td>\n",
7133 " <td>-12.43</td>\n",
7134 " <td>-12.403</td>\n",
7135 " <td>-9.477</td>\n",
7136 " <td>-10.58</td>\n",
7137 " <td>...</td>\n",
7138 " <td>-10.059</td>\n",
7139 " <td>-14.134</td>\n",
7140 " <td>-10.772</td>\n",
7141 " <td>-10.436</td>\n",
7142 " <td>-8.868</td>\n",
7143 " <td>-10.915</td>\n",
7144 " <td>-10.256</td>\n",
7145 " <td>-12.298</td>\n",
7146 " <td>-10.739</td>\n",
7147 " <td>-11.521</td>\n",
7148 " </tr>\n",
7149 " <tr>\n",
7150 " <th>lyrical_density</th>\n",
7151 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7152 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7153 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7154 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7155 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7156 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7157 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7158 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7159 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7160 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7161 " <td>...</td>\n",
7162 " <td>0.396159</td>\n",
7163 " <td>1.15147</td>\n",
7164 " <td>0.688705</td>\n",
7165 " <td>0.479621</td>\n",
7166 " <td>0.711071</td>\n",
7167 " <td>0.749795</td>\n",
7168 " <td>0.56501</td>\n",
7169 " <td>0.399219</td>\n",
7170 " <td>0.340345</td>\n",
7171 " <td>0.0933886</td>\n",
7172 " </tr>\n",
7173 " <tr>\n",
7174 " <th>lyrics</th>\n",
7175 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7176 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7177 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7178 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7179 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7180 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7181 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7182 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7183 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7184 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7185 " <td>...</td>\n",
7186 " <td>and the wise man said i don't want to hear you...</td>\n",
7187 " <td>been thinking about you your records are here ...</td>\n",
7188 " <td>destiny destiny protect me from the world dest...</td>\n",
7189 " <td>soul destroyed with clever toys for little boy...</td>\n",
7190 " <td>i never wanted anything but this i worked hard...</td>\n",
7191 " <td>i can't afford to breathe in this time nowhere...</td>\n",
7192 " <td>please forget the words that i just blurted ou...</td>\n",
7193 " <td>i feel better i feel better now you've gone i ...</td>\n",
7194 " <td>in my mind and nailed into my heels all the ti...</td>\n",
7195 " <td>you are not mine and i am not yours and that's...</td>\n",
7196 " </tr>\n",
7197 " <tr>\n",
7198 " <th>mode</th>\n",
7199 " <td>1</td>\n",
7200 " <td>0</td>\n",
7201 " <td>1</td>\n",
7202 " <td>0</td>\n",
7203 " <td>1</td>\n",
7204 " <td>1</td>\n",
7205 " <td>1</td>\n",
7206 " <td>0</td>\n",
7207 " <td>0</td>\n",
7208 " <td>0</td>\n",
7209 " <td>...</td>\n",
7210 " <td>1</td>\n",
7211 " <td>1</td>\n",
7212 " <td>0</td>\n",
7213 " <td>1</td>\n",
7214 " <td>1</td>\n",
7215 " <td>1</td>\n",
7216 " <td>1</td>\n",
7217 " <td>1</td>\n",
7218 " <td>0</td>\n",
7219 " <td>1</td>\n",
7220 " </tr>\n",
7221 " <tr>\n",
7222 " <th>name</th>\n",
7223 " <td>Little By Little (Caribou Rmx)</td>\n",
7224 " <td>Lotus Flower (Jacques Greene Rmx)</td>\n",
7225 " <td>Morning Mr Magpie (Nathan Fake Rmx)</td>\n",
7226 " <td>Bloom (Harmonic 313 Rmx)</td>\n",
7227 " <td>Bloom (Mark Pritchard Rmx)</td>\n",
7228 " <td>Feral (Lone RMX)</td>\n",
7229 " <td>Morning Mr Magpie (Pearson Sound Scavenger RMX)</td>\n",
7230 " <td>Separator (Four Tet RMX)</td>\n",
7231 " <td>Give Up The Ghost (Thriller Houseghost Remix)</td>\n",
7232 " <td>Codex (Illum Sphere)</td>\n",
7233 " <td>...</td>\n",
7234 " <td>Stop Whispering</td>\n",
7235 " <td>Thinking About You</td>\n",
7236 " <td>Anyone Can Play Guitar</td>\n",
7237 " <td>Ripcord</td>\n",
7238 " <td>Vegetable</td>\n",
7239 " <td>Prove Yourself</td>\n",
7240 " <td>I Can't</td>\n",
7241 " <td>Lurgee</td>\n",
7242 " <td>Blow Out</td>\n",
7243 " <td>Feral</td>\n",
7244 " </tr>\n",
7245 " <tr>\n",
7246 " <th>nnrc_sentiment</th>\n",
7247 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7248 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7249 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7250 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7251 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7252 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7253 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7254 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7255 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7256 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7257 " <td>...</td>\n",
7258 " <td>{'anger': 0.5, 'trust': 0.375, 'sadness': 0.25...</td>\n",
7259 " <td>{'joy': 0.5714285714285714, 'trust': 0.1428571...</td>\n",
7260 " <td>{'anger': 0.5714285714285714, 'negative': 0.57...</td>\n",
7261 " <td>{'negative': 0.6666666666666666, 'anger': 1.0,...</td>\n",
7262 " <td>{'anger': 0.5, 'trust': 0.125, 'sadness': 0.25...</td>\n",
7263 " <td>{'anger': 0.0625, 'sadness': 0.0625, 'surprise...</td>\n",
7264 " <td>{'anger': 0.4, 'fear': 0.2, 'negative': 1.0, '...</td>\n",
7265 " <td>{'negative': 1.0}</td>\n",
7266 " <td>{'negative': 1.0, 'anger': 0.625, 'sadness': 0...</td>\n",
7267 " <td>{}</td>\n",
7268 " </tr>\n",
7269 " <tr>\n",
7270 " <th>nrc_sentiment</th>\n",
7271 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7272 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7273 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7274 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7275 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7276 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7277 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7278 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7279 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7280 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7281 " <td>...</td>\n",
7282 " <td>{'anger': 4, 'trust': 3, 'fear': 1, 'surprise'...</td>\n",
7283 " <td>{'joy': 4, 'trust': 1, 'positive': 7, 'surpris...</td>\n",
7284 " <td>{'anger': 4, 'negative': 4, 'joy': 5, 'trust':...</td>\n",
7285 " <td>{'negative': 2, 'anger': 3, 'positive': 1, 'sa...</td>\n",
7286 " <td>{'anger': 4, 'trust': 1, 'fear': 3, 'negative'...</td>\n",
7287 " <td>{'anger': 1, 'fear': 2, 'surprise': 1, 'negati...</td>\n",
7288 " <td>{'anger': 2, 'fear': 1, 'negative': 5, 'trust'...</td>\n",
7289 " <td>{'negative': 1}</td>\n",
7290 " <td>{'negative': 8, 'anger': 5, 'sadness': 3, 'fea...</td>\n",
7291 " <td>{}</td>\n",
7292 " </tr>\n",
7293 " <tr>\n",
7294 " <th>original_lyrics</th>\n",
7295 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7296 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7297 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7298 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7299 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7300 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7301 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7302 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7303 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7304 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7305 " <td>...</td>\n",
7306 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nAnd the wise man said I don't w...</td>\n",
7307 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nBeen thinking about you\\nYour r...</td>\n",
7308 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nDestiny, destiny protect me fro...</td>\n",
7309 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nSoul destroyed with clever toys...</td>\n",
7310 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nI never wanted anything but thi...</td>\n",
7311 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nI can't afford to breathe in th...</td>\n",
7312 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nPlease forget the words that I ...</td>\n",
7313 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nI feel better\\nI feel better no...</td>\n",
7314 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nIn my mind\\nAnd nailed into my ...</td>\n",
7315 " <td>\\n\\n[Verse]\\nYou are not mine\\nAnd I am not yo...</td>\n",
7316 " </tr>\n",
7317 " <tr>\n",
7318 " <th>popularity</th>\n",
7319 " <td>43</td>\n",
7320 " <td>43</td>\n",
7321 " <td>37</td>\n",
7322 " <td>36</td>\n",
7323 " <td>36</td>\n",
7324 " <td>35</td>\n",
7325 " <td>34</td>\n",
7326 " <td>36</td>\n",
7327 " <td>34</td>\n",
7328 " <td>33</td>\n",
7329 " <td>...</td>\n",
7330 " <td>44</td>\n",
7331 " <td>48</td>\n",
7332 " <td>45</td>\n",
7333 " <td>42</td>\n",
7334 " <td>42</td>\n",
7335 " <td>42</td>\n",
7336 " <td>41</td>\n",
7337 " <td>41</td>\n",
7338 " <td>44</td>\n",
7339 " <td>45</td>\n",
7340 " </tr>\n",
7341 " <tr>\n",
7342 " <th>preview_url</th>\n",
7343 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/0e4982f830936c3c...</td>\n",
7344 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fb82884344aaffd3...</td>\n",
7345 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/e8aa276e76b8e753...</td>\n",
7346 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/686816b702063d96...</td>\n",
7347 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/7e51561e95c5a3aa...</td>\n",
7348 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/3d4ad1a19809193c...</td>\n",
7349 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/c62871a98cd382a0...</td>\n",
7350 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/d7e13aaa8cf0f949...</td>\n",
7351 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/19cf8afa026a7449...</td>\n",
7352 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/03dc62ba2d343861...</td>\n",
7353 " <td>...</td>\n",
7354 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/397951413134fe02...</td>\n",
7355 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ec90a4cef1ff0cbf...</td>\n",
7356 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/76e430500d399da2...</td>\n",
7357 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/a519caf188516bc5...</td>\n",
7358 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/22dd1bf01746cb6d...</td>\n",
7359 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/6d62fc6cd2849212...</td>\n",
7360 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/516d9e9499a86318...</td>\n",
7361 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ae0de4e9b90a15a7...</td>\n",
7362 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/69a5564e6733d6d2...</td>\n",
7363 " <td>https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9dc0af2fa010c41d...</td>\n",
7364 " </tr>\n",
7365 " <tr>\n",
7366 " <th>sentiment</th>\n",
7367 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7368 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7369 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7370 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7371 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7372 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7373 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7374 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7375 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7376 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
7377 " <td>...</td>\n",
7378 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.1440...</td>\n",
7379 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.2083...</td>\n",
7380 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.3734...</td>\n",
7381 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.3408...</td>\n",
7382 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.1167...</td>\n",
7383 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.1849...</td>\n",
7384 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.1502...</td>\n",
7385 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.2629...</td>\n",
7386 " <td>{'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.3796...</td>\n",
7387 " <td>{'label': 'pos', 'probability': {'pos': 0.5347...</td>\n",
7388 " </tr>\n",
7389 " <tr>\n",
7390 " <th>speechiness</th>\n",
7391 " <td>0.0601</td>\n",
7392 " <td>0.0327</td>\n",
7393 " <td>0.232</td>\n",
7394 " <td>0.0536</td>\n",
7395 " <td>0.0325</td>\n",
7396 " <td>0.174</td>\n",
7397 " <td>0.0674</td>\n",
7398 " <td>0.0716</td>\n",
7399 " <td>0.102</td>\n",
7400 " <td>0.0332</td>\n",
7401 " <td>...</td>\n",
7402 " <td>0.0472</td>\n",
7403 " <td>0.0331</td>\n",
7404 " <td>0.0547</td>\n",
7405 " <td>0.0548</td>\n",
7406 " <td>0.0339</td>\n",
7407 " <td>0.0611</td>\n",
7408 " <td>0.0595</td>\n",
7409 " <td>0.0268</td>\n",
7410 " <td>0.0506</td>\n",
7411 " <td>0.0974</td>\n",
7412 " </tr>\n",
7413 " <tr>\n",
7414 " <th>tempo</th>\n",
7415 " <td>115.62</td>\n",
7416 " <td>127.982</td>\n",
7417 " <td>139.976</td>\n",
7418 " <td>150.023</td>\n",
7419 " <td>75.007</td>\n",
7420 " <td>134.938</td>\n",
7421 " <td>132.035</td>\n",
7422 " <td>113.752</td>\n",
7423 " <td>119.968</td>\n",
7424 " <td>72.52</td>\n",
7425 " <td>...</td>\n",
7426 " <td>122.37</td>\n",
7427 " <td>103.44</td>\n",
7428 " <td>150.845</td>\n",
7429 " <td>137.949</td>\n",
7430 " <td>105.852</td>\n",
7431 " <td>114.098</td>\n",
7432 " <td>106.108</td>\n",
7433 " <td>101.9</td>\n",
7434 " <td>141.539</td>\n",
7435 " <td>135.991</td>\n",
7436 " </tr>\n",
7437 " <tr>\n",
7438 " <th>time_signature</th>\n",
7439 " <td>4</td>\n",
7440 " <td>4</td>\n",
7441 " <td>4</td>\n",
7442 " <td>4</td>\n",
7443 " <td>4</td>\n",
7444 " <td>4</td>\n",
7445 " <td>3</td>\n",
7446 " <td>4</td>\n",
7447 " <td>4</td>\n",
7448 " <td>1</td>\n",
7449 " <td>...</td>\n",
7450 " <td>4</td>\n",
7451 " <td>4</td>\n",
7452 " <td>4</td>\n",
7453 " <td>4</td>\n",
7454 " <td>4</td>\n",
7455 " <td>4</td>\n",
7456 " <td>4</td>\n",
7457 " <td>4</td>\n",
7458 " <td>4</td>\n",
7459 " <td>4</td>\n",
7460 " </tr>\n",
7461 " <tr>\n",
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7464 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/5hfzW7LG97Hx...</td>\n",
7465 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/64lecUR19lBS...</td>\n",
7466 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/1CxhtUbe1o2P...</td>\n",
7467 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/2H7Y8wYixrSl...</td>\n",
7468 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/3zkFTfcboFcO...</td>\n",
7469 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/7KKglMFf5KV0...</td>\n",
7470 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/4raxzmnFq93j...</td>\n",
7471 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/1gaAIZ4vGQ6Q...</td>\n",
7472 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/7krim8C3DpTu...</td>\n",
7473 " <td>...</td>\n",
7474 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/2zYmvi3w2T8a...</td>\n",
7475 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/3ovbSnT5NNhl...</td>\n",
7476 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/4NUc1M0CS7b6...</td>\n",
7477 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/4nklmaiY4gfQ...</td>\n",
7478 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/11qDTSr3Dj4T...</td>\n",
7479 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/4D6ZExVvYLZx...</td>\n",
7480 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/48IEDejXX5LH...</td>\n",
7481 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/2B5P22cfUadA...</td>\n",
7482 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/6qttbImnJ5wu...</td>\n",
7483 " <td>https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/0eECFDnWy0Rd...</td>\n",
7484 " </tr>\n",
7485 " <tr>\n",
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7493 " <td>7</td>\n",
7494 " <td>8</td>\n",
7495 " <td>9</td>\n",
7496 " <td>10</td>\n",
7497 " <td>...</td>\n",
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7525 " <td>audio_features</td>\n",
7526 " <td>audio_features</td>\n",
7527 " <td>audio_features</td>\n",
7528 " <td>audio_features</td>\n",
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7630 "\n",
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7718 "\n",
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7762 "\n",
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7806 "\n",
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8380 "_id 2B5P22cfUadACK7jLQegU6 \n",
8381 "acousticness 0.000135 \n",
8382 "album {'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp... \n",
8383 "album_id 6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN \n",
8384 "analysis_url https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/2B5P... \n",
8385 "artist_id 4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb \n",
8386 "artist_name Radiohead \n",
8387 "artists [{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s... \n",
8388 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C... \n",
8389 "ctitle lurgee \n",
8390 "danceability 0.42 \n",
8391 "disc_number 1 \n",
8392 "duration_ms 187867 \n",
8393 "energy 0.548 \n",
8394 "explicit False \n",
8395 "external_ids {'isrc': 'GBAYE9200116'} \n",
8396 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/2B... \n",
8397 "href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/2B5P22cfUadA... \n",
8398 "id 2B5P22cfUadACK7jLQegU6 \n",
8399 "ignore NaN \n",
8400 "instrumentalness 0.399 \n",
8401 "key 0 \n",
8402 "liveness 0.111 \n",
8403 "loudness -12.298 \n",
8404 "lyrical_density 0.399219 \n",
8405 "lyrics i feel better i feel better now you've gone i ... \n",
8406 "mode 1 \n",
8407 "name Lurgee \n",
8408 "nnrc_sentiment {'negative': 1.0} \n",
8409 "nrc_sentiment {'negative': 1} \n",
8410 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nI feel better\\nI feel better no... \n",
8411 "popularity 41 \n",
8412 "preview_url https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/ae0de4e9b90a15a7... \n",
8413 "sentiment {'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.2629... \n",
8414 "speechiness 0.0268 \n",
8415 "tempo 101.9 \n",
8416 "time_signature 4 \n",
8417 "track_href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/2B5P22cfUadA... \n",
8418 "track_number 11 \n",
8419 "type audio_features \n",
8420 "uri spotify:track:2B5P22cfUadACK7jLQegU6 \n",
8421 "valence 0.408 \n",
8422 "\n",
8423 " 144 \\\n",
8424 "_id 6qttbImnJ5wuA8AtDKEy18 \n",
8425 "acousticness 0.000465 \n",
8426 "album {'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp... \n",
8427 "album_id 6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN \n",
8428 "analysis_url https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/6qtt... \n",
8429 "artist_id 4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb \n",
8430 "artist_name Radiohead \n",
8431 "artists [{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s... \n",
8432 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C... \n",
8433 "ctitle blow out \n",
8434 "danceability 0.284 \n",
8435 "disc_number 1 \n",
8436 "duration_ms 282067 \n",
8437 "energy 0.719 \n",
8438 "explicit False \n",
8439 "external_ids {'isrc': 'GBAYE9300111'} \n",
8440 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/6q... \n",
8441 "href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/6qttbImnJ5wu... \n",
8442 "id 6qttbImnJ5wuA8AtDKEy18 \n",
8443 "ignore NaN \n",
8444 "instrumentalness 0.382 \n",
8445 "key 11 \n",
8446 "liveness 0.24 \n",
8447 "loudness -10.739 \n",
8448 "lyrical_density 0.340345 \n",
8449 "lyrics in my mind and nailed into my heels all the ti... \n",
8450 "mode 0 \n",
8451 "name Blow Out \n",
8452 "nnrc_sentiment {'negative': 1.0, 'anger': 0.625, 'sadness': 0... \n",
8453 "nrc_sentiment {'negative': 8, 'anger': 5, 'sadness': 3, 'fea... \n",
8454 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nIn my mind\\nAnd nailed into my ... \n",
8455 "popularity 44 \n",
8456 "preview_url https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/69a5564e6733d6d2... \n",
8457 "sentiment {'label': 'neg', 'probability': {'pos': 0.3796... \n",
8458 "speechiness 0.0506 \n",
8459 "tempo 141.539 \n",
8460 "time_signature 4 \n",
8461 "track_href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/6qttbImnJ5wu... \n",
8462 "track_number 12 \n",
8463 "type audio_features \n",
8464 "uri spotify:track:6qttbImnJ5wuA8AtDKEy18 \n",
8465 "valence 0.289 \n",
8466 "\n",
8467 " 145 \n",
8468 "_id 0eECFDnWy0RdjMmJ8NOeAL \n",
8469 "acousticness 0.00101 \n",
8470 "album {'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.sp... \n",
8471 "album_id 1DBkJIEoeHrTX4WCBQGcCi \n",
8472 "analysis_url https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/0eEC... \n",
8473 "artist_id 4Z8W4fKeB5YxbusRsdQVPb \n",
8474 "artist_name Radiohead \n",
8475 "artists [{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.s... \n",
8476 "available_markets [AD, AR, AT, AU, BE, BG, BO, BR, CA, CH, CL, C... \n",
8477 "ctitle feral \n",
8478 "danceability 0.49 \n",
8479 "disc_number 1 \n",
8480 "duration_ms 192743 \n",
8481 "energy 0.777 \n",
8482 "explicit False \n",
8483 "external_ids {'isrc': 'GBU4B1100006'} \n",
8484 "external_urls {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/0e... \n",
8485 "href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/0eECFDnWy0Rd... \n",
8486 "id 0eECFDnWy0RdjMmJ8NOeAL \n",
8487 "ignore NaN \n",
8488 "instrumentalness 0.898 \n",
8489 "key 7 \n",
8490 "liveness 0.0896 \n",
8491 "loudness -11.521 \n",
8492 "lyrical_density 0.0933886 \n",
8493 "lyrics you are not mine and i am not yours and that's... \n",
8494 "mode 1 \n",
8495 "name Feral \n",
8496 "nnrc_sentiment {} \n",
8497 "nrc_sentiment {} \n",
8498 "original_lyrics \\n\\n[Verse]\\nYou are not mine\\nAnd I am not yo... \n",
8499 "popularity 45 \n",
8500 "preview_url https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/9dc0af2fa010c41d... \n",
8501 "sentiment {'label': 'pos', 'probability': {'pos': 0.5347... \n",
8502 "speechiness 0.0974 \n",
8503 "tempo 135.991 \n",
8504 "time_signature 4 \n",
8505 "track_href https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/0eECFDnWy0Rd... \n",
8506 "track_number 4 \n",
8507 "type audio_features \n",
8508 "uri spotify:track:0eECFDnWy0RdjMmJ8NOeAL \n",
8509 "valence 0.729 \n",
8510 "\n",
8511 "[42 rows x 146 columns]"
8512 ]
8513 },
8514 "execution_count": 20,
8515 "metadata": {},
8516 "output_type": "execute_result"
8517 }
8518 ],
8519 "source": [
8520 "radiohead_tracks = pd.DataFrame(list(tracks.find({'artist_id': radiohead_id})))\n",
8521 "radiohead_tracks.T"
8522 ]
8523 },
8524 {
8525 "cell_type": "markdown",
8526 "metadata": {},
8527 "source": [
8528 "How happy are the Beatles and Stones tracks?"
8529 ]
8530 },
8531 {
8532 "cell_type": "code",
8533 "execution_count": 21,
8534 "metadata": {},
8535 "outputs": [
8536 {
8537 "data": {
8538 "text/plain": [
8539 "<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ff67835fd30>"
8540 ]
8541 },
8542 "execution_count": 21,
8543 "metadata": {},
8544 "output_type": "execute_result"
8545 },
8546 {
8547 "data": {
8548 "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAXQAAAD8CAYAAABn919SAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nRxsvAJ9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8549 "text/plain": [
8550 "<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7ff68a3fcf60>"
8551 ]
8552 },
8553 "metadata": {},
8554 "output_type": "display_data"
8555 }
8556 ],
8557 "source": [
8558 "beatles_tracks['valence'].hist()"
8559 ]
8560 },
8561 {
8562 "cell_type": "code",
8563 "execution_count": 22,
8564 "metadata": {},
8565 "outputs": [
8566 {
8567 "data": {
8568 "text/plain": [
8569 "<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ff6704b7c88>"
8570 ]
8571 },
8572 "execution_count": 22,
8573 "metadata": {},
8574 "output_type": "execute_result"
8575 },
8576 {
8577 "data": {
8578 "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAXQAAAD8CAYAAABn919SAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz\nAAALEgAACxIB0t1+/AAADutJREFUeJzt3X+s3fVdx/Hne1Tkx2UtA72Sgl4WmEpojOOGsBDnvWMx\nSA2QSAgL09Y0NtsiI1Ij1f0xo1lS/mATExJtxrSauQtDIo0MFRlX4mLRFnCXH26rrDAqA6ZQvYiO\nZm//OF9I6dp7vj33/Oh9n+cjafr9nvP98X73nPvq93zO9/u9kZlIkla+d4y6AElSfxjoklSEgS5J\nRRjoklSEgS5JRRjoklSEgS5JRRjoklSEgS5JRawa5s7OPPPMnJqa6mnd1157jVNPPbW/Ba0Q49r7\nuPYN9j6OvS/V9549e76TmT/UbRtDDfSpqSl2797d07rz8/PMzMz0t6AVYlx7H9e+wd7Hsfel+o6I\nZ9tswyEXSSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSpiqFeKSt1Mbb3vrekt\n6w6y8ZD5Qdq3bf1Q9iMNkkfoklSEgS5JRRjoklSEgS5JRRjoklSEgS5JRRjoklSEgS5JRRjoklSE\ngS5JRRjoklSEgS5JRbQK9Ij49Yh4MiKeiIgvRMRJEXFuRDwSEXsj4s6IOHHQxUqSjq5roEfEWuDj\nwHRmXgicAFwH3AJ8JjPPA14BNg2yUEnS0toOuawCTo6IVcApwAvAB4C7m+d3AFf3vzxJUluRmd0X\nirgR+BTwOvC3wI3ArubonIg4B7i/OYI/fN3NwGaAycnJi+bm5noqdHFxkYmJiZ7WXenGqfeF/Qfe\nmp48GV58fTj7Xbd29XB21NI4veaHG9fel+p7dnZ2T2ZOd9tG119wERGnA1cB5wKvAl8ELm9bZGZu\nB7YDTE9P58zMTNtV32Z+fp5e113pxqn3jYf9gotbF4bzO1j2XT8zlP20NU6v+eHGtfd+9N1myOWD\nwDcz8+XMfAO4B7gUWNMMwQCcDexfViWSpGVpE+jPAZdExCkREcBlwFPAQ8A1zTIbgHsHU6IkqY2u\ngZ6Zj9D58vNRYKFZZztwM3BTROwFzgDuGGCdkqQuWg1QZuYngU8e9vAzwMV9r0iS1BOvFJWkIgx0\nSSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIoZzKztJRzV1yB0m37Rl3cG33XlyEPZt\nWz/Q7Wv4PEKXpCIMdEkqwkCXpCIMdEkqwkCXpCIMdEkqwkCXpCIMdEkqwkCXpCIMdEkqwkCXpCK8\nl4vEke+nIq00HqFLUhEGuiQVYaBLUhEGuiQVYaBLUhEGuiQVYaBLUhEGuiQVYaBLUhEGuiQVYaBL\nUhEGuiQVYaBLUhEGuiQVYaBLUhEGuiQV0SrQI2JNRNwdEf8aEU9HxPsi4l0R8UBEfKP5+/RBFytJ\nOrq2R+i3AX+dmT8B/BTwNLAVeDAzzwcebOYlSSPSNdAjYjXwfuAOgMz8bma+ClwF7GgW2wFcPagi\nJUndtTlCPxd4GfjjiHgsIj4bEacCk5n5QrPMt4HJQRUpSeouMnPpBSKmgV3ApZn5SETcBvwXcENm\nrjlkuVcy8/vG0SNiM7AZYHJy8qK5ubmeCl1cXGRiYqKndVe6cep9Yf+Bt6YnT4YXXx9hMSM0jN7X\nrV092B30aJze74daqu/Z2dk9mTndbRttAv1HgF2ZOdXM/wyd8fLzgJnMfCEizgLmM/PHl9rW9PR0\n7t69u1tNRzQ/P8/MzExP665049T71Nb73presu4gty6sGmE1ozOM3vdtWz/Q7fdqnN7vh1qq74ho\nFehdh1wy89vAtyLizbC+DHgK2AlsaB7bANzbomZJ0oC0PQS4Afh8RJwIPAP8Cp3/DO6KiE3As8C1\ngylRktRGq0DPzMeBIx3uX9bfciRJvfJKUUkqwkCXpCLG8xQCLenQM01U1yhf5+P1DJuVziN0SSrC\nQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJek\nIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSpi1agLkDR+\nprbed9Tntqw7yMYlnl+OfdvWD2S7xwuP0CWpCANdkoow0CWpCANdkoow0CWpCANdkoow0CWpCANd\nkoow0CWpCANdkopoHegRcUJEPBYRf9XMnxsRj0TE3oi4MyJOHFyZkqRujuUI/Ubg6UPmbwE+k5nn\nAa8Am/pZmCTp2LQK9Ig4G1gPfLaZD+ADwN3NIjuAqwdRoCSpnbZH6L8P/CbwvWb+DODVzDzYzD8P\nrO1zbZKkYxCZufQCEb8AXJGZH4uIGeA3gI3Arma4hYg4B7g/My88wvqbgc0Ak5OTF83NzfVU6OLi\nIhMTEz2tu9INu/eF/QeGtq+lTJ4ML74+6ipGw94Hs+11a1cPZsN9sNTP+ezs7J7MnO62jTb3Q78U\nuDIirgBOAt4J3AasiYhVzVH62cD+I62cmduB7QDT09M5MzPTYpffb35+nl7XXemG3fug7kV9rLas\nO8itC+N5y357H0zv+66fGch2+6EfP+ddh1wy87cy8+zMnAKuA76cmdcDDwHXNIttAO5dViWSpGVZ\nznnoNwM3RcReOmPqd/SnJElSL47pc01mzgPzzfQzwMX9L0mS1AuvFJWkIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrC\nQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJek\nIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0SSrCQJekIgx0\nSSpi1agL0NFNbb0PgC3rDrKxmZbUu6kR/Rzt27Z+KPvxCF2SijDQJakIA12SijDQJakIA12SijDQ\nJakIA12SijDQJamIroEeEedExEMR8VREPBkRNzaPvysiHoiIbzR/nz74ciVJR9PmStGDwJbMfDQi\nTgP2RMQDwEbgwczcFhFbga3AzYMrdTRGdWWZJB2rrkfomflCZj7aTP838DSwFrgK2NEstgO4elBF\nSpK6i8xsv3DEFPAwcCHwXGauaR4P4JU35w9bZzOwGWBycvKiubm5ngpdXFxkYmKip3WXY2H/gaHv\n83CTJ8OLr4+6iuEb177B3qv1vm7t6q7LLJVxs7OzezJzuts2Wgd6REwAfw98KjPviYhXDw3wiHgl\nM5ccR5+ens7du3e32t/h5ufnmZmZ6Wnd5Tgehly2rDvIrQvjdx+1ce0b7L1a721uzrVUxkVEq0Bv\ndZZLRPwA8BfA5zPznubhFyPirOb5s4CX2mxLkjQYbc5yCeAO4OnM/PQhT+0ENjTTG4B7+1+eJKmt\nNp9rLgV+CViIiMebx34b2AbcFRGbgGeBawdToiSpja6Bnpn/AMRRnr6sv+VIknrllaKSVISBLklF\nGOiSVISBLklFGOiSVISBLklFGOiSVISBLklFGOiSVISBLklFGOiSVISBLklFGOiSVISBLklFGOiS\nVISBLklFGOiSVISBLklFGOiSVISBLklFGOiSVISBLklFGOiSVISBLklFGOiSVISBLklFGOiSVISB\nLklFGOiSVISBLklFrBp1AW0t7D/Axq33jboMSTpueYQuSUUY6JJUhIEuSUUY6JJUhIEuSUUY6JJU\nhIEuSUUsK9Aj4vKI+FpE7I2Irf0qSpJ07HoO9Ig4Abgd+HngAuBDEXFBvwqTJB2b5RyhXwzszcxn\nMvO7wBxwVX/KkiQdq+UE+lrgW4fMP988JkkagYHfyyUiNgObm9nFiPhaj5s6E/hOf6paWT4+pr2P\na99g7xTrPW5ptdhSff9Ymw0sJ9D3A+ccMn9289jbZOZ2YPsy9gNAROzOzOnlbmclGtfex7VvsPdx\n7L0ffS9nyOWfgfMj4tyIOBG4Dti5nGIkSb3r+Qg9Mw9GxK8BfwOcAHwuM5/sW2WSpGOyrDH0zPwS\n8KU+1dLNsodtVrBx7X1c+wZ7H0fLH5rOzH4UIkkaMS/9l6QijrtA73Y7gYj4wYi4s3n+kYiYGn6V\n/dei75si4qmI+GpEPBgRrU5jWgna3kIiIn4xIjIiypwB0ab3iLi2ee2fjIg/H3aNg9LiPf+jEfFQ\nRDzWvO+vGEWd/RYRn4uIlyLiiaM8HxHxB82/y1cj4r2tN56Zx80fOl+u/hvwbuBE4F+ACw5b5mPA\nHzbT1wF3jrruIfU9C5zSTH+0Qt9te2+WOw14GNgFTI+67iG+7ucDjwGnN/M/POq6h9j7duCjzfQF\nwL5R192n3t8PvBd44ijPXwHcDwRwCfBI220fb0fobW4ncBWwo5m+G7gsImKINQ5C174z86HM/J9m\ndhed8/4raHsLid8DbgH+d5jFDVib3n8VuD0zXwHIzJeGXOOgtOk9gXc206uBfx9ifQOTmQ8D/7nE\nIlcBf5odu4A1EXFWm20fb4He5nYCby2TmQeBA8AZQ6lucI71Ngqb6PwPXkHX3puPnOdk5n3DLGwI\n2rzu7wHeExFfiYhdEXH50KobrDa9/w7w4Yh4ns7ZdDcMp7SR6/m2KgO/9F/9FREfBqaBnx11LcMQ\nEe8APg1sHHEpo7KKzrDLDJ1PZQ9HxLrMfHWkVQ3Hh4A/ycxbI+J9wJ9FxIWZ+b1RF3a8Ot6O0Nvc\nTuCtZSJiFZ2PYv8xlOoGp9VtFCLig8AngCsz8/+GVNugdev9NOBCYD4i9tEZU9xZ5IvRNq/788DO\nzHwjM78JfJ1OwK90bXrfBNwFkJn/CJxE534n1bXKgyM53gK9ze0EdgIbmulrgC9n803CCta174j4\naeCP6IR5lXFU6NJ7Zh7IzDMzcyozp+h8f3BlZu4eTbl91eb9/pd0js6JiDPpDME8M8wiB6RN788B\nlwFExE/SCfSXh1rlaOwEfrk52+US4EBmvtBqzVF/43uUb3i/Tucb8E80j/0unR9i6LyoXwT2Av8E\nvHvUNQ+p778DXgQeb/7sHHXNw+r9sGXnKXKWS8vXPegMOT0FLADXjbrmIfZ+AfAVOmfAPA783Khr\n7lPfXwBeAN6g8wlsE/AR4COHvOa3N/8uC8fyfvdKUUkq4ngbcpEk9chAl6QiDHRJKsJAl6QiDHRJ\nKsJAl6QiDHRJKsJAl6Qi/h9fny9m92IivAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==\n",
8579 "text/plain": [
8580 "<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7ff6781b81d0>"
8581 ]
8582 },
8583 "metadata": {},
8584 "output_type": "display_data"
8585 }
8586 ],
8587 "source": [
8588 "stones_tracks['valence'].hist()"
8589 ]
8590 },
8591 {
8592 "cell_type": "code",
8593 "execution_count": 23,
8594 "metadata": {},
8595 "outputs": [
8596 {
8597 "data": {
8598 "text/plain": [
8599 "<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ff6707df978>"
8600 ]
8601 },
8602 "execution_count": 23,
8603 "metadata": {},
8604 "output_type": "execute_result"
8605 },
8606 {
8607 "data": {
8608 "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAXQAAAD8CAYAAABn919SAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nuyLiP6p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8609 "text/plain": [
8610 "<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7ff6707db4a8>"
8611 ]
8612 },
8613 "metadata": {},
8614 "output_type": "display_data"
8615 }
8616 ],
8617 "source": [
8618 "radiohead_tracks['valence'].hist()"
8619 ]
8620 },
8621 {
8622 "cell_type": "code",
8623 "execution_count": 24,
8624 "metadata": {},
8625 "outputs": [
8626 {
8627 "data": {
8628 "text/plain": [
8629 "<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ff6707b7828>"
8630 ]
8631 },
8632 "execution_count": 24,
8633 "metadata": {},
8634 "output_type": "execute_result"
8635 },
8636 {
8637 "data": {
8638 "image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAXQAAAD8CAYAAABn919SAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAAAlwSFlz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\nFcJAl6RCGOiSVAgDXZIKYaBLUiH+D+B9dHQ5ISmDAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC\n",
8639 "text/plain": [
8640 "<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7ff6880c7ac8>"
8641 ]
8642 },
8643 "metadata": {},
8644 "output_type": "display_data"
8645 }
8646 ],
8647 "source": [
8648 "beatles_tracks['valence'].hist(alpha=0.6, color='blue')\n",
8649 "stones_tracks['valence'].hist(alpha=0.6, color='red')\n",
8650 "radiohead_tracks['valence'].hist(alpha=0.6, color='green')"
8651 ]
8652 },
8653 {
8654 "cell_type": "code",
8655 "execution_count": 31,
8656 "metadata": {},
8657 "outputs": [
8658 {
8659 "data": {
8660 "text/plain": [
8661 "275"
8662 ]
8663 },
8664 "execution_count": 31,
8665 "metadata": {},
8666 "output_type": "execute_result"
8667 }
8668 ],
8669 "source": [
8670 "tracks.find({'artist_id': stones_id, 'valence': {'$exists': True}}).count()"
8671 ]
8672 },
8673 {
8674 "cell_type": "markdown",
8675 "metadata": {},
8676 "source": [
8677 "## Lyrics search<a name=\"lyricssearch\"></a>\n",
8678 "Now to find the lyrics for each track. \n",
8679 "\n",
8680 "We start by searching for the Genius ID for the artists.\n",
8681 "\n",
8682 "Note that Genius doesn't like Python-generated requests to its API, so we set the header to pretend to be a command-line `curl` request.\n",
8683 "\n",
8684 "* [Top](#top)"
8685 ]
8686 },
8687 {
8688 "cell_type": "code",
8689 "execution_count": 25,
8690 "metadata": {},
8691 "outputs": [],
8692 "source": [
8693 "def genius_artist_search(artist_name, per_page=20):\n",
8694 " query = urllib.parse.urlencode({'q': artist_name,\n",
8695 " 'per_page': str(per_page)\n",
8696 " })\n",
8697 " headers = {'Accept': 'application/json',\n",
8698 " 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + config['genius']['token'],\n",
8699 " 'User-Agent': 'curl/7.9.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl 7.9.8 (OpenSSL 0.9.6b) (ipv6 enabled)'}\n",
8700 " request = urllib.request.Request('https://api.genius.com/search?{}'.format(query), \n",
8701 " headers=headers,\n",
8702 " method='GET')\n",
8703 " with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as f:\n",
8704 " response = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
8705 " return response"
8706 ]
8707 },
8708 {
8709 "cell_type": "code",
8710 "execution_count": 26,
8711 "metadata": {},
8712 "outputs": [
8713 {
8714 "data": {
8715 "text/plain": [
8716 "586"
8717 ]
8718 },
8719 "execution_count": 26,
8720 "metadata": {},
8721 "output_type": "execute_result"
8722 }
8723 ],
8724 "source": [
8725 "response = genius_artist_search('the beatles')\n",
8726 "beatles_genius_id = [hit['result']['primary_artist']['id'] for hit in response['response']['hits']][0]\n",
8727 "beatles_genius_id"
8728 ]
8729 },
8730 {
8731 "cell_type": "code",
8732 "execution_count": 27,
8733 "metadata": {},
8734 "outputs": [
8735 {
8736 "data": {
8737 "text/plain": [
8738 "774"
8739 ]
8740 },
8741 "execution_count": 27,
8742 "metadata": {},
8743 "output_type": "execute_result"
8744 }
8745 ],
8746 "source": [
8747 "response = genius_artist_search('rolling stones')\n",
8748 "stones_genius_id = [hit['result']['primary_artist']['id'] for hit in response['response']['hits']][0]\n",
8749 "stones_genius_id"
8750 ]
8751 },
8752 {
8753 "cell_type": "code",
8754 "execution_count": 28,
8755 "metadata": {},
8756 "outputs": [
8757 {
8758 "data": {
8759 "text/plain": [
8760 "604"
8761 ]
8762 },
8763 "execution_count": 28,
8764 "metadata": {},
8765 "output_type": "execute_result"
8766 }
8767 ],
8768 "source": [
8769 "response = genius_artist_search('radiohead')\n",
8770 "radiohead_genius_id = [hit['result']['primary_artist']['id'] for hit in response['response']['hits']][0]\n",
8771 "radiohead_genius_id"
8772 ]
8773 },
8774 {
8775 "cell_type": "markdown",
8776 "metadata": {},
8777 "source": [
8778 "We can now get the song information for each track for each artist. Note that Genius keeps lots of things to do with artists, including sleeve notes and the like. We're just after the lyrics."
8779 ]
8780 },
8781 {
8782 "cell_type": "code",
8783 "execution_count": 42,
8784 "metadata": {},
8785 "outputs": [],
8786 "source": [
8787 "def genius_song_search(artist_id):\n",
8788 " songs = pd.DataFrame()\n",
8789 " page = 1\n",
8790 " while page:\n",
8791 " query = urllib.parse.urlencode({'page': page, 'per_page': 20})\n",
8792 " headers = {'Accept': 'application/json',\n",
8793 " 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + config['genius']['token'],\n",
8794 " 'User-Agent': 'curl/7.9.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl 7.9.8 (OpenSSL 0.9.6b) (ipv6 enabled)'}\n",
8795 " request = urllib.request.Request('https://api.genius.com/artists/{id}/songs?{query}'.format(id=artist_id,\n",
8796 " query=query), \n",
8797 " headers=headers,\n",
8798 " method='GET')\n",
8799 " with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as f:\n",
8800 " response = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
8801 " page = response['response']['next_page']\n",
8802 " for song in response['response']['songs']:\n",
8803 " if song['path'].endswith('lyrics'):\n",
8804 " song['_id'] = song['id']\n",
8805 " genius_tracks.replace_one({'_id': song['id']}, song, upsert=True)"
8806 ]
8807 },
8808 {
8809 "cell_type": "code",
8810 "execution_count": 43,
8811 "metadata": {},
8812 "outputs": [
8813 {
8814 "data": {
8815 "text/plain": [
8816 "1071"
8817 ]
8818 },
8819 "execution_count": 43,
8820 "metadata": {},
8821 "output_type": "execute_result"
8822 }
8823 ],
8824 "source": [
8825 "genius_song_search(beatles_genius_id)\n",
8826 "genius_tracks.find().count()"
8827 ]
8828 },
8829 {
8830 "cell_type": "code",
8831 "execution_count": 44,
8832 "metadata": {},
8833 "outputs": [
8834 {
8835 "data": {
8836 "text/plain": [
8837 "1071"
8838 ]
8839 },
8840 "execution_count": 44,
8841 "metadata": {},
8842 "output_type": "execute_result"
8843 }
8844 ],
8845 "source": [
8846 "genius_song_search(stones_genius_id)\n",
8847 "genius_tracks.find().count()"
8848 ]
8849 },
8850 {
8851 "cell_type": "code",
8852 "execution_count": 44,
8853 "metadata": {},
8854 "outputs": [
8855 {
8856 "data": {
8857 "text/plain": [
8858 "1071"
8859 ]
8860 },
8861 "execution_count": 44,
8862 "metadata": {},
8863 "output_type": "execute_result"
8864 }
8865 ],
8866 "source": [
8867 "genius_song_search(radiohead_genius_id)\n",
8868 "genius_tracks.find().count()"
8869 ]
8870 },
8871 {
8872 "cell_type": "code",
8873 "execution_count": 45,
8874 "metadata": {},
8875 "outputs": [
8876 {
8877 "data": {
8878 "text/plain": [
8879 "{'_id': 1497768,\n",
8880 " 'annotation_count': 1,\n",
8881 " 'api_path': '/songs/1497768',\n",
8882 " 'full_title': 'All Together on the Wireless Machine by\\xa0The\\xa0Beatles',\n",
8883 " 'header_image_thumbnail_url': 'https://images.genius.com/ad1f59e8a03be4eb521e88015d15d6e8.200x200x1.jpg',\n",
8884 " 'header_image_url': 'https://images.genius.com/ad1f59e8a03be4eb521e88015d15d6e8.200x200x1.jpg',\n",
8885 " 'id': 1497768,\n",
8886 " 'lyrics_owner_id': 1549345,\n",
8887 " 'path': '/The-beatles-all-together-on-the-wireless-machine-lyrics',\n",
8888 " 'primary_artist': {'api_path': '/artists/586',\n",
8889 " 'header_image_url': 'https://images.genius.com/b82dbb78926a812abfa10886ac84c1a8.1000x523x1.jpg',\n",
8890 " 'id': 586,\n",
8891 " 'image_url': 'https://images.genius.com/ad1f59e8a03be4eb521e88015d15d6e8.200x200x1.jpg',\n",
8892 " 'is_meme_verified': False,\n",
8893 " 'is_verified': False,\n",
8894 " 'name': 'The Beatles',\n",
8895 " 'url': 'https://genius.com/artists/The-beatles'},\n",
8896 " 'pyongs_count': None,\n",
8897 " 'song_art_image_thumbnail_url': 'https://images.genius.com/ad1f59e8a03be4eb521e88015d15d6e8.200x200x1.jpg',\n",
8898 " 'stats': {'hot': False, 'unreviewed_annotations': 0},\n",
8899 " 'title': 'All Together on the Wireless Machine',\n",
8900 " 'url': 'https://genius.com/The-beatles-all-together-on-the-wireless-machine-lyrics'}"
8901 ]
8902 },
8903 "execution_count": 45,
8904 "metadata": {},
8905 "output_type": "execute_result"
8906 }
8907 ],
8908 "source": [
8909 "genius_tracks.find_one()"
8910 ]
8911 },
8912 {
8913 "cell_type": "code",
8914 "execution_count": 46,
8915 "metadata": {
8916 "scrolled": false
8917 },
8918 "outputs": [
8919 {
8920 "data": {
8921 "text/html": [
8922 "<div>\n",
8923 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
8924 " <thead>\n",
8925 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
8926 " <th></th>\n",
8927 " <th>0</th>\n",
8928 " <th>1</th>\n",
8929 " <th>2</th>\n",
8930 " <th>3</th>\n",
8931 " <th>4</th>\n",
8932 " <th>5</th>\n",
8933 " <th>6</th>\n",
8934 " <th>7</th>\n",
8935 " <th>8</th>\n",
8936 " <th>9</th>\n",
8937 " <th>...</th>\n",
8938 " <th>1061</th>\n",
8939 " <th>1062</th>\n",
8940 " <th>1063</th>\n",
8941 " <th>1064</th>\n",
8942 " <th>1065</th>\n",
8943 " <th>1066</th>\n",
8944 " <th>1067</th>\n",
8945 " <th>1068</th>\n",
8946 " <th>1069</th>\n",
8947 " <th>1070</th>\n",
8948 " </tr>\n",
8949 " </thead>\n",
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8957 " <td>117722</td>\n",
8958 " <td>210284</td>\n",
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8960 " <td>107915</td>\n",
8961 " <td>1308579</td>\n",
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8963 " <td>...</td>\n",
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8985 " <td>1</td>\n",
8986 " <td>1</td>\n",
8987 " <td>...</td>\n",
8988 " <td>1</td>\n",
8989 " <td>1</td>\n",
8990 " <td>1</td>\n",
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8992 " <td>1</td>\n",
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9030 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9031 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9032 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9033 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9034 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9035 " <td>...</td>\n",
9036 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9037 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9038 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9039 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9040 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
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9045 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9046 " </tr>\n",
9047 " <tr>\n",
9048 " <th>full_title</th>\n",
9049 " <td>All Together on the Wireless Machine by The Be...</td>\n",
9050 " <td>A Little Rhyme by The Beatles (Ft. John &amp; Rodn...</td>\n",
9051 " <td>And I Love Her by The Beatles</td>\n",
9052 " <td>Any Time at All by The Beatles</td>\n",
9053 " <td>A Taste of Honey by The Beatles</td>\n",
9054 " <td>Beatle Greetings by The Beatles (Ft. George Ha...</td>\n",
9055 " <td>Can You Take Me Back by The Beatles</td>\n",
9056 " <td>Carry That Weight by The Beatles</td>\n",
9057 " <td>Down in Eastern Australia by The Beatles</td>\n",
9058 " <td>Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby by The Beatles</td>\n",
9059 " <td>...</td>\n",
9060 " <td>You Can't Catch Me by The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
9061 " <td>You Don't Have To Mean It by The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
9062 " <td>You Got Me Rocking by The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
9063 " <td>You Got the Silver by The Rolling Stones (Ft. ...</td>\n",
9064 " <td>Don't Look Back by The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
9065 " <td>Each and every day of the year by The Rolling ...</td>\n",
9066 " <td>I'm A King Bee by The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
9067 " <td>Little By Little by The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
9068 " <td>Brown Sugar by The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
9069 " <td>Citadel by The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
9070 " </tr>\n",
9071 " <tr>\n",
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9128 " <td>107915</td>\n",
9129 " <td>1308579</td>\n",
9130 " <td>123808</td>\n",
9131 " <td>...</td>\n",
9132 " <td>310483</td>\n",
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9134 " <td>313043</td>\n",
9135 " <td>2389345</td>\n",
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9137 " <td>311907</td>\n",
9138 " <td>310293</td>\n",
9139 " <td>310289</td>\n",
9140 " <td>106069</td>\n",
9141 " <td>310543</td>\n",
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9143 " <tr>\n",
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9146 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9147 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9148 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9149 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9150 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9151 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9152 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9153 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9154 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9155 " <td>...</td>\n",
9156 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9157 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9158 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9159 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9160 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9161 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9162 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9163 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9164 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9165 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
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9167 " <tr>\n",
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9172 " <td>46871</td>\n",
9173 " <td>70799</td>\n",
9174 " <td>250962</td>\n",
9175 " <td>1549345</td>\n",
9176 " <td>116340</td>\n",
9177 " <td>1549345</td>\n",
9178 " <td>22533</td>\n",
9179 " <td>...</td>\n",
9180 " <td>354383</td>\n",
9181 " <td>354608</td>\n",
9182 " <td>354382</td>\n",
9183 " <td>1217557</td>\n",
9184 " <td>1549345</td>\n",
9185 " <td>354385</td>\n",
9186 " <td>354383</td>\n",
9187 " <td>354383</td>\n",
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9189 " <td>354608</td>\n",
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9191 " <tr>\n",
9192 " <th>original_lyrics</th>\n",
9193 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9194 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9195 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9196 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9197 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9198 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9199 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9200 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9201 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9202 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9203 " <td>...</td>\n",
9204 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9205 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9206 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9207 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9208 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9209 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9210 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9211 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
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9213 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9214 " </tr>\n",
9215 " <tr>\n",
9216 " <th>path</th>\n",
9217 " <td>/The-beatles-all-together-on-the-wireless-mach...</td>\n",
9218 " <td>/The-beatles-a-little-rhyme-lyrics</td>\n",
9219 " <td>/The-beatles-and-i-love-her-lyrics</td>\n",
9220 " <td>/The-beatles-any-time-at-all-lyrics</td>\n",
9221 " <td>/The-beatles-a-taste-of-honey-lyrics</td>\n",
9222 " <td>/The-beatles-beatle-greetings-lyrics</td>\n",
9223 " <td>/The-beatles-can-you-take-me-back-lyrics</td>\n",
9224 " <td>/The-beatles-carry-that-weight-lyrics</td>\n",
9225 " <td>/The-beatles-down-in-eastern-australia-lyrics</td>\n",
9226 " <td>/The-beatles-everybodys-trying-to-be-my-baby-l...</td>\n",
9227 " <td>...</td>\n",
9228 " <td>/The-rolling-stones-you-cant-catch-me-lyrics</td>\n",
9229 " <td>/The-rolling-stones-you-dont-have-to-mean-it-l...</td>\n",
9230 " <td>/The-rolling-stones-you-got-me-rocking-lyrics</td>\n",
9231 " <td>/The-rolling-stones-you-got-the-silver-lyrics</td>\n",
9232 " <td>/The-rolling-stones-dont-look-back-lyrics</td>\n",
9233 " <td>/The-rolling-stones-each-and-every-day-of-the-...</td>\n",
9234 " <td>/The-rolling-stones-im-a-king-bee-lyrics</td>\n",
9235 " <td>/The-rolling-stones-little-by-little-lyrics</td>\n",
9236 " <td>/The-rolling-stones-brown-sugar-lyrics</td>\n",
9237 " <td>/The-rolling-stones-citadel-lyrics</td>\n",
9238 " </tr>\n",
9239 " <tr>\n",
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9262 " </tr>\n",
9263 " <tr>\n",
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9270 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9271 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
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9273 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9274 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9275 " <td>...</td>\n",
9276 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9277 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9278 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9279 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9280 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9281 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9282 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
9283 " <td>NaN</td>\n",
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9332 " <td>{'unreviewed_annotations': 0, 'hot': False, 'p...</td>\n",
9333 " <td>{'unreviewed_annotations': 14, 'hot': False}</td>\n",
9334 " </tr>\n",
9335 " <tr>\n",
9336 " <th>title</th>\n",
9337 " <td>All Together on the Wireless Machine</td>\n",
9338 " <td>A Little Rhyme</td>\n",
9339 " <td>And I Love Her</td>\n",
9340 " <td>Any Time at All</td>\n",
9341 " <td>A Taste of Honey</td>\n",
9342 " <td>Beatle Greetings</td>\n",
9343 " <td>Can You Take Me Back</td>\n",
9344 " <td>Carry That Weight</td>\n",
9345 " <td>Down in Eastern Australia</td>\n",
9346 " <td>Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby</td>\n",
9347 " <td>...</td>\n",
9348 " <td>You Can't Catch Me</td>\n",
9349 " <td>You Don't Have To Mean It</td>\n",
9350 " <td>You Got Me Rocking</td>\n",
9351 " <td>You Got the Silver</td>\n",
9352 " <td>Don't Look Back</td>\n",
9353 " <td>Each and every day of the year</td>\n",
9354 " <td>I'm A King Bee</td>\n",
9355 " <td>Little By Little</td>\n",
9356 " <td>Brown Sugar</td>\n",
9357 " <td>Citadel</td>\n",
9358 " </tr>\n",
9359 " <tr>\n",
9360 " <th>url</th>\n",
9361 " <td>https://genius.com/The-beatles-all-together-on...</td>\n",
9362 " <td>https://genius.com/The-beatles-a-little-rhyme-...</td>\n",
9363 " <td>https://genius.com/The-beatles-and-i-love-her-...</td>\n",
9364 " <td>https://genius.com/The-beatles-any-time-at-all...</td>\n",
9365 " <td>https://genius.com/The-beatles-a-taste-of-hone...</td>\n",
9366 " <td>https://genius.com/The-beatles-beatle-greeting...</td>\n",
9367 " <td>https://genius.com/The-beatles-can-you-take-me...</td>\n",
9368 " <td>https://genius.com/The-beatles-carry-that-weig...</td>\n",
9369 " <td>https://genius.com/The-beatles-down-in-eastern...</td>\n",
9370 " <td>https://genius.com/The-beatles-everybodys-tryi...</td>\n",
9371 " <td>...</td>\n",
9372 " <td>https://genius.com/The-rolling-stones-you-cant...</td>\n",
9373 " <td>https://genius.com/The-rolling-stones-you-dont...</td>\n",
9374 " <td>https://genius.com/The-rolling-stones-you-got-...</td>\n",
9375 " <td>https://genius.com/The-rolling-stones-you-got-...</td>\n",
9376 " <td>https://genius.com/The-rolling-stones-dont-loo...</td>\n",
9377 " <td>https://genius.com/The-rolling-stones-each-and...</td>\n",
9378 " <td>https://genius.com/The-rolling-stones-im-a-kin...</td>\n",
9379 " <td>https://genius.com/The-rolling-stones-little-b...</td>\n",
9380 " <td>https://genius.com/The-rolling-stones-brown-su...</td>\n",
9381 " <td>https://genius.com/The-rolling-stones-citadel-...</td>\n",
9382 " </tr>\n",
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9763 "pyongs_count NaN \n",
9764 "song_art_image_thumbnail_url https://images.genius.com/076d49bcc219432b68b4... \n",
9765 "stats {'unreviewed_annotations': 0, 'hot': False} \n",
9766 "title Little By Little \n",
9767 "url https://genius.com/The-rolling-stones-little-b... \n",
9768 "\n",
9769 " 1069 \\\n",
9770 "_id 106069 \n",
9771 "annotation_count 16 \n",
9772 "api_path /songs/106069 \n",
9773 "ctitle NaN \n",
9774 "full_title Brown Sugar by The Rolling Stones \n",
9775 "header_image_thumbnail_url https://images.genius.com/5b7d4f11893ff2fdeba7... \n",
9776 "header_image_url https://images.genius.com/5b7d4f11893ff2fdeba7... \n",
9777 "id 106069 \n",
9778 "lyrics NaN \n",
9779 "lyrics_owner_id 16 \n",
9780 "original_lyrics NaN \n",
9781 "path /The-rolling-stones-brown-sugar-lyrics \n",
9782 "primary_artist {'id': 774, 'image_url': 'https://images.geniu... \n",
9783 "pyongs_count 7 \n",
9784 "song_art_image_thumbnail_url https://images.genius.com/5b7d4f11893ff2fdeba7... \n",
9785 "stats {'unreviewed_annotations': 0, 'hot': False, 'p... \n",
9786 "title Brown Sugar \n",
9787 "url https://genius.com/The-rolling-stones-brown-su... \n",
9788 "\n",
9789 " 1070 \n",
9790 "_id 310543 \n",
9791 "annotation_count 15 \n",
9792 "api_path /songs/310543 \n",
9793 "ctitle NaN \n",
9794 "full_title Citadel by The Rolling Stones \n",
9795 "header_image_thumbnail_url https://images.genius.com/31323212a74c2a8d99eb... \n",
9796 "header_image_url https://images.genius.com/31323212a74c2a8d99eb... \n",
9797 "id 310543 \n",
9798 "lyrics NaN \n",
9799 "lyrics_owner_id 354608 \n",
9800 "original_lyrics NaN \n",
9801 "path /The-rolling-stones-citadel-lyrics \n",
9802 "primary_artist {'id': 774, 'image_url': 'https://images.geniu... \n",
9803 "pyongs_count NaN \n",
9804 "song_art_image_thumbnail_url https://images.genius.com/31323212a74c2a8d99eb... \n",
9805 "stats {'unreviewed_annotations': 14, 'hot': False} \n",
9806 "title Citadel \n",
9807 "url https://genius.com/The-rolling-stones-citadel-... \n",
9808 "\n",
9809 "[18 rows x 1071 columns]"
9810 ]
9811 },
9812 "execution_count": 46,
9813 "metadata": {},
9814 "output_type": "execute_result"
9815 }
9816 ],
9817 "source": [
9818 "gsongs = pd.DataFrame(list(genius_tracks.find()))\n",
9819 "gsongs.T"
9820 ]
9821 },
9822 {
9823 "cell_type": "markdown",
9824 "metadata": {},
9825 "source": [
9826 "Now we can get the lyrics for each song. We tidy it up as we go, to strip out formatting and the like.\n",
9827 "\n",
9828 "Note the use of [Beautiful Soup](https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/) to strip out the HTML from the lyrics."
9829 ]
9830 },
9831 {
9832 "cell_type": "code",
9833 "execution_count": 30,
9834 "metadata": {},
9835 "outputs": [],
9836 "source": [
9837 "def genius_lyrics(song_url):\n",
9838 " headers = {'Accept': 'application/json',\n",
9839 " 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + config['genius']['token'],\n",
9840 " 'User-Agent': 'curl/7.9.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl 7.9.8 (OpenSSL 0.9.6b) (ipv6 enabled)'}\n",
9841 " request = urllib.request.Request(song_url, headers=headers, method='GET')\n",
9842 " html_doc = urllib.request.urlopen(request)\n",
9843 " soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')\n",
9844 "# lyrics = soup.find('lyrics').get_text()\n",
9845 " if soup.find('div', class_='lyrics'):\n",
9846 " lyrics = soup.find('div', class_='lyrics').get_text()\n",
9847 " else:\n",
9848 " lyrics = ''\n",
9849 " return sanitise_lyrics(lyrics)"
9850 ]
9851 },
9852 {
9853 "cell_type": "code",
9854 "execution_count": 31,
9855 "metadata": {},
9856 "outputs": [],
9857 "source": [
9858 "def sanitise_lyrics(lyrics):\n",
9859 " l2 = re.sub('\\[[^\\]]*\\]', '', lyrics)\n",
9860 " l3 = re.sub('\\[|\\]', '', l2)\n",
9861 " l4 = re.sub('(\\s)+', ' ', l3)\n",
9862 " l5 = re.sub('[,.!?;:]', '', l4)\n",
9863 " return l5.strip().lower(), lyrics"
9864 ]
9865 },
9866 {
9867 "cell_type": "code",
9868 "execution_count": 32,
9869 "metadata": {},
9870 "outputs": [
9871 {
9872 "data": {
9873 "text/plain": [
9874 "(\"oh ain't she sweet well see her walking down that street yes i ask you very confidentially ain't she sweet oh ain't she nice well look her over once or twice yes i ask you very confidentially ain't she nice just cast an eye in her direction oh me oh my ain't that perfection oh i repeat well don't you think that's kind of neat yes i ask you very confidentially ain't she sweet oh ain't she sweet well see her walking down that street yes i ask you very confidentially ain't she sweet oh ain't she nice well look her over once or twice yes i ask you very confidentially ain't she nice just cast an eye in her direction oh me oh my ain't that perfection oh i repeat well don't you think that's kind of neat yes i ask you very confidentially ain't she sweet oh ain't she sweet well see her walking down that street well i ask you very confidentially ain't she sweet well i ask you very confidentially ain't she sweet\",\n",
9875 " \"\\n\\n[Chorus 1]\\nOh ain't she sweet\\nWell see her walking down that street\\nYes I ask you very confidentially\\nAin't she sweet?\\n\\n[Chorus 2]\\nOh ain't she nice\\nWell look her over once or twice\\nYes I ask you very confidentially\\nAin't she nice?\\n\\n[Chorus 3]\\nJust cast an eye\\nIn her direction\\nOh me oh my\\nAin't that perfection?\\n\\n[Chorus 4]\\nOh I repeat\\nWell don't you think that's kind of neat?\\nYes I ask you very confidentially\\nAin't she sweet?\\n\\n[Chorus 1]\\nOh ain't she sweet\\nWell see her walking down that street\\nYes I ask you very confidentially\\nAin't she sweet?\\n\\n[Chorus 2]\\nOh ain't she nice\\nWell look her over once or twice\\nYes I ask you very confidentially\\nAin't she nice?\\n\\n[Chorus 3]\\nJust cast an eye\\nIn her direction\\nOh me oh my\\nAin't that perfection?\\n\\n[Chorus 4]\\nOh I repeat\\nWell don't you think that's kind of neat?\\nYes I ask you very confidentially\\nAin't she sweet?\\n\\n[Chorus 1]\\nOh ain't she sweet\\nWell see her walking down that street\\nWell I ask you very confidentially\\nAin't she sweet?\\nWell I ask you very confidentially\\nAin't she sweet?\\n\\n\")"
9876 ]
9877 },
9878 "execution_count": 32,
9879 "metadata": {},
9880 "output_type": "execute_result"
9881 }
9882 ],
9883 "source": [
9884 "assl = genius_lyrics('https://genius.com/The-beatles-aint-she-sweet-lyrics')\n",
9885 "assl"
9886 ]
9887 },
9888 {
9889 "cell_type": "code",
9890 "execution_count": 54,
9891 "metadata": {},
9892 "outputs": [
9893 {
9894 "data": {
9895 "text/plain": [
9896 "{'_id': 1497768,\n",
9897 " 'lyrics': 'when i was sitting on my piano one day a magical thought came my way to write a number for the bbc kenny everett mccartney all together on the wireless machine kenny everett mccartney all together on the wireless machine kenny everett mccartney all together on the wireless machine',\n",
9898 " 'original_lyrics': '\\n\\nWhen I was sitting on my piano one day\\nA magical thought came my way\\nTo write a number for the BBC\\nKenny Everett McCartney\\nAll together on the wireless machine\\nKenny Everett McCartney\\nAll together on the wireless machine\\nKenny Everett McCartney\\nAll together on the wireless machine\\n\\n',\n",
9899 " 'title': 'All Together on the Wireless Machine'}"
9900 ]
9901 },
9902 "execution_count": 54,
9903 "metadata": {},
9904 "output_type": "execute_result"
9905 }
9906 ],
9907 "source": [
9908 "for gsong in genius_tracks.find():\n",
9909 " if 'lyrics' not in gsong:\n",
9910 " lyrics, original_lyrics = genius_lyrics(gsong['url'])\n",
9911 " genius_tracks.update_one({'_id': gsong['_id']}, \n",
9912 " {'$set': {'lyrics': lyrics, 'original_lyrics': original_lyrics}})\n",
9913 "genius_tracks.find_one({}, ['title', 'lyrics', 'original_lyrics'])"
9914 ]
9915 },
9916 {
9917 "cell_type": "code",
9918 "execution_count": 55,
9919 "metadata": {},
9920 "outputs": [
9921 {
9922 "data": {
9923 "text/plain": [
9924 "'original_lyrics_text'"
9925 ]
9926 },
9927 "execution_count": 55,
9928 "metadata": {},
9929 "output_type": "execute_result"
9930 }
9931 ],
9932 "source": [
9933 "genius_tracks.create_index([('original_lyrics', pymongo.TEXT)])"
9934 ]
9935 },
9936 {
9937 "cell_type": "code",
9938 "execution_count": 56,
9939 "metadata": {
9940 "scrolled": true
9941 },
9942 "outputs": [
9943 {
9944 "data": {
9945 "text/plain": [
9946 "[\"\\n\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine's back in jail (again)\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine\\n\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine's back in jail (again)\\nShe only does it at weekends\\nClaudine\\nOh, Claudine\\n\\nNow only Spider knows for sure\\nBut he ain't talkin' about it any more\\nIs he, Claudine?\\n\\nThere's blood in the chalet\\nAnd blood in the snow\\n(She)Washed her hands of the whole damn show\\nThe best thing you could do, Claudine\\n\\nShot him once right through the head\\nShot him twice right through the chest\\nThe judge says (ruled) it was an accident\\nClaudine\\nAccidents will happen\\n(In the best homes)\\n\\nAnd Claudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine\\n\\n(Claudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\n\\nClaudine) (additional chorus)\\nI'll tell you something\\nNow Claudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine\\n\\nTell you one more\\n\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\nHuh Claudine?\\n\\nOh Claudine...\\n\\nOooo ...\\nWhat about the children, baby?\\nPoor, poor children\\n\\nNow I threaten my wife with a gun\\nI always leave the safety on\\nI recommend it\\nClaudine\\n\\nNow she pistol whipped me once or twice\\nBut she never tried to take my life\\n(What do you think about that)\\nClaudine\\n\\nThe prettiest girl I ever seen\\nI saw you on the movie screen\\nHope you don't try to make a sacrifice of me\\nClaudine\\n(Don't get trigger happy with me)\\nDon't wave a gun at me\\n(Claudine)\\n\\nI said Claudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine\\n\\nI said Claudine's back in jail again\\nClaudine's back in jail again\\nShe only does it at weekends\\nClaudine\\n\\nKeith, will you put that weapon down?\\n\\nOh Claudine\\n\\nOh Claudine\\n\\n\",\n",
9947 " \"\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nI'm not talking about the kind of clothes she wears\\nLook at that stupid girl\\nI'm not talking about the way she combs her hair\\nLook at that stupid girl\\n\\nThe way she powders her nose\\nHer vanity shows and it shows\\nShe's the worst thing in this world\\nWell, look at that stupid girl\\n\\n[Verse 2]\\nI'm not talking about the way she digs for gold\\nLook at that stupid girl\\nWell, I'm talking about the way she grabs and holds\\nLook at that stupid girl\\n\\nThe way she talks about someone else\\nThat she don't even know herself\\nShe's the sickest thing in this world\\nWell, look at that stupid girl\\n\\n[Chorus]\\nWell, I'm sick and tired and I really have my doubts\\nI've tried and tried, but it never really works out\\n\\n[Verse 3]\\nLike a lady-in-waiting to a virgin queen\\nLook at that stupid girl\\nShe bitches about things that she's never seen\\nLook at that stupid girl\\n\\nIt doesn't matter if she dyes her hair\\nOr the color of the shoes she wears\\nShe's the worst thing in this world\\nWell, look at that stupid girl\\n\\n[Guitar Break]\\n\\n[Verse 4]\\nLike a lady-in-waiting to a virgin queen\\nLook at that stupid girl\\nShe bitches about things that she's never seen\\nLook at that stupid girl\\n\\nAnd she purrs like a pussycat\\nThen she turns around and hisses back\\nShe's the sickest thing in this world\\nLook at that stupid girl\\n\\n\",\n",
9948 " \"\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nWent out walking through the wood the other day\\nAnd the world was a carpet laid before me\\nThe buds were bursting and the air smelled sweet and strange\\nAnd it seemed about a hundred years ago\\nMary and I, we would sit upon a gate\\nJust gazing at some dragon in the sky\\nWhat tender days, we had no secrets hid away\\nWell, it seemed about a hundred years ago\\nNow all my friends are wearing worried smiles\\nLiving out a dream of what they was\\nDon't you think it's sometimes wise not to grow up?\\nWend out walking through the wood the other day\\nCan't you see the furrows in my forehead?\\nWhat tender days, we had no secrets hid away\\nNow it seems about a hundred years ago\\nNow if you see me drinking bad red wine\\nDon't worry 'bout this man that you love\\nDon't you think it's sometimes wise not to grow up?\\n\\n[Chorus]\\nYou're going to kiss and say good-bye, yeah, I warn you[x2]\\nYou're going to kiss and say good-bye, oh Lord, I warn you\\n\\n[Verse 2]\\nAnd please excuse me while I hide away\\nCall me lazy bones\\nIsn’t got no time to waste away\\nLazy bones has not got no time to waste away\\nDon't you think it's just about time to hide away? Yeah, yeah!\\n\\n\",\n",
9949 " \"\\n\\n[Instrument break]\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nI don't like you\\nBut I love you\\nSeems that I'm always\\nThinking of you\\nOh, oh, oh\\nYou treat me badly\\nI love you madly\\nYou've really got a hold on me\\nYou've really got a hold on me, baby\\n\\n[Verse 2]\\nI don't want you\\nBut I need you\\nDon't want to kiss you\\nBut I need to\\nOh, oh, oh\\nYou do me wrong now\\nMy love is strong now\\nYou've really got a hold on me\\nYou've really got a hold on me, baby\\n\\n[Chorus]\\nI love you and all I want you to do\\nIs just hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me\\nTighter\\nTighter\\n\\n[Verse 3]\\nI want to leave you\\nDon't want to stay here\\nDon't want to spend\\nAnother day here\\nOh, oh, oh, I want to split now\\nI just can quit now\\nYou've really got a hold on me\\nYou've really got a hold on me, baby\\n\\nI love you and all I want you to do\\nIs just hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me\\n\\n[Outro]\\nYou've really got a hold on me\\nYou've really got a hold on me\\n\\n\",\n",
9950 " \"\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nThe best things in life are free\\nBut you can keep them for the birds and bees\\nNow give me money\\nThat's what I want\\nThat's what I want, yeah\\nThat's what I want\\n\\nYour loving gives me a thrill\\nBut your loving don't pay my bills\\nNow give me money\\nThat's what I want\\nThat's what I want, yeah\\nThat's what I want\\n\\n[Chorus] [x2]\\nMoney don't get everything it's true\\nWhat it don't get, I can't use\\nNow give me money\\nThat's what I want\\nThat's what I want, yeah\\nThat's what I want, wah\\n\\n[Verse 2]\\nWell now give me money\\nA lot of money\\nWow, yeah, I want to be free\\nOh I want money\\nThat's what I want\\nThat's what I want, well\\nNow give me money\\nA lot of money\\nWow, yeah, you need money\\nNow, give me money\\nThat's what I want, yeah\\nThat's what I want\\n\\n\",\n",
9951 " '\\n\\n[Intro]\\nI say hey, Mona\\nOh, Mona\\nI say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Mona\\nOh, Mona\\n\\n[Chorus][x2]\\nI tell you Mona what I want to do\\nI will build a house next door to you\\nCan I see you sometimes?\\nWe can blow kisses through the blinds\\nYeah can I out come out on the front\\nAnd listen to my heart go bumped bump\\nI need you baby that is no lie\\nWithout your love I would surely die\\nI say hey, Mona\\nOh, Mona\\nI say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Mona\\nOh, Mona\\nI say hey, hey Mona\\nOh, Mona\\nI say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Mona\\nOh, Mona\\n\\n',\n",
9952 " \"\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nNow, if you want to hear some boogie like I am going to play\\nIt is just an old piano and a knockout bass\\nThe drummer's man's a cat, they call Charlie McCoy\\nYou know, remember that rubber legged boy?\\nMama, cooking chicken fried and bacon grease\\nCome on along boys, it is just down the road apiece\\n\\n[Chorus][x2]\\nWell there is a place you really get your kicks\\nIt is open every night about twelve to six\\nNow if you want to hear some boogie you can get your fill\\nAnd shove and sting like an old steam drill\\nCome on along you can lose your lead\\nDown the road, down the road, down the road apiece\\n\\n\",\n",
9953 " \"\\n\\n[Verse 1]\\nSun turnin' 'round with graceful motion\\nWe're setting off with soft explosion\\nBound for a star with fiery oceans\\nIt's so very lonely, you're a hundred light years from home\\nFreezing red deserts turn to dark\\nEnergy here in every part\\nIt's so very lonely, you're six hundred light years from home\\n\\n[Chorus]\\nIt's so very lonely, you're a thousand light years from home\\nIt's so very lonely, you're a thousand light years from home\\n\\n[Verse 2]\\nBell flight fourteen you now can land\\nSee you on Aldebaran, safe on the green desert sand\\nIt's so very lonely, you're two thousand light years from home\\nIt's so very lonely, you're two thousand light years from home\\n\\n\",\n",
9954 " '\\n\\n[Intro]\\nWell if you ever plan to motor west\\nJust take my way that is the highway that is the best\\n\\n[Verse]\\nGet your kicks on Route 66\\nWell it winds from Chicago to L.A\\nMore than 2000 miles all the way\\nGet your kicks on Route 66\\n\\n[Chorus][x2]\\nWell goes from St. Louie down to Missouri\\nOklahoma city looks oh so pretty\\nYou will see Amarillo and Gallup, New Mexico\\nFlagstaff, Arizona do not forget Winona\\nKingman, Barstow, San Bernardino\\nWould you get hip to this kindly tip\\nAnd go take that California trip\\nGet your kicks on Route 66\\n\\n',\n",
9955 " \"\\n\\nWell, they tell me of a pie up in the sky\\nWaiting for me when I die\\nBut between the day you're born and when you die\\nYou know, they never seem to hear even your cry\\n\\nChorus:\\nSo as sure as the sun will shine\\nI'm gonna get my share now what is mine\\nAnd then the harder they come\\nThe harder they fall\\nOne and all\\nThe harder they come\\nThe harder they fall\\nOne and all\\n\\nAnd the oppressors are trying to track me down\\nThey're trying to drive me underground\\nAnd they think that they have got the battle won\\nI say, forgive them Lord, they know not what they've done\\n\\nAnd I keep on fighting for the things I want\\nThough I know that when you're dead you can't\\nBut I'd rather be a free man in my grave\\nThan living as a puppet or a slave\\n\\n\"]"
9956 ]
9957 },
9958 "execution_count": 56,
9959 "metadata": {},
9960 "output_type": "execute_result"
9961 }
9962 ],
9963 "source": [
9964 "[t['original_lyrics'] for t in genius_tracks.find({'$text': {'$search': 'chorus'}}, limit=10)]"
9965 ]
9966 },
9967 {
9968 "cell_type": "markdown",
9969 "metadata": {},
9970 "source": [
9971 "## Matching datasets<a name=\"matchingdatasets\"></a>\n",
9972 "Now it's time to match up the datasets. First, we simplify the titles of the tracks, to sidestep differences in punctuation, capitalisation, and the like.\n",
9973 "\n",
9974 "* [Top](#top)"
9975 ]
9976 },
9977 {
9978 "cell_type": "code",
9979 "execution_count": 57,
9980 "metadata": {},
9981 "outputs": [],
9982 "source": [
9983 "def canonical_name(text):\n",
9984 " t1 = re.sub(' - .*', '', text) # Strip the \" - Remastered 2015\" suffix\n",
9985 " t2 = re.sub('[^\\w\\s]', '', t1) # strip all characters except letters, numbers, and whitespace\n",
9986 " t3 = re.sub('\\s+', ' ', t2) # collapse whitespace\n",
9987 " return t3.lower() # convert to lowercase and return"
9988 ]
9989 },
9990 {
9991 "cell_type": "code",
9992 "execution_count": 58,
9993 "metadata": {},
9994 "outputs": [
9995 {
9996 "data": {
9997 "text/plain": [
9998 "'a hard days night'"
9999 ]
10000 },
10001 "execution_count": 58,
10002 "metadata": {},
10003 "output_type": "execute_result"
10004 }
10005 ],
10006 "source": [
10007 "canonical_name(\"A Hard Day's Night - Live / Remastered\")"
10008 ]
10009 },
10010 {
10011 "cell_type": "markdown",
10012 "metadata": {},
10013 "source": [
10014 "Add the simplified title to each track in the Spotify and Genius collections."
10015 ]
10016 },
10017 {
10018 "cell_type": "code",
10019 "execution_count": 59,
10020 "metadata": {},
10021 "outputs": [],
10022 "source": [
10023 "for t in tracks.find():\n",
10024 " tracks.update_one({'_id': t['_id']}, {'$set': {'ctitle': canonical_name(t['name'])}})\n",
10025 "for t in genius_tracks.find():\n",
10026 " genius_tracks.update_one({'_id': t['_id']}, {'$set': {'ctitle': canonical_name(t['title'])}})"
10027 ]
10028 },
10029 {
10030 "cell_type": "code",
10031 "execution_count": 60,
10032 "metadata": {},
10033 "outputs": [
10034 {
10035 "data": {
10036 "text/plain": [
10037 "[('you cant always get what you want',\n",
10038 " ['You Can’t Always Get What You Want - Live',\n",
10039 " \"You Can't Always Get What You Want - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version\",\n",
10040 " \"You Can't Always Get What You Want - Live / Remastered 2009\",\n",
10041 " 'You Can’t Always Get What You Want - Live']),\n",
10042 " ('next time you see me',\n",
10043 " ['Next Time You See Me - Live', 'Next Time You See Me - Live']),\n",
10044 " ('fixing a hole',\n",
10045 " ['Fixing A Hole - Remastered',\n",
10046 " 'Fixing A Hole - Remix',\n",
10047 " 'Fixing A Hole - Speech And Take 3']),\n",
10048 " ('harlem shuffle', ['Harlem Shuffle', 'Harlem Shuffle - Remastered']),\n",
10049 " ('back to zero', ['Back To Zero', 'Back To Zero - Remastered']),\n",
10050 " ('sgt peppers lonely hearts club band',\n",
10051 " [\"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Remastered\",\n",
10052 " \"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Reprise / Remastered\",\n",
10053 " \"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Remix\",\n",
10054 " \"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Take 9 And Speech\"]),\n",
10055 " ('im free',\n",
10056 " [\"I'm Free - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006\",\n",
10057 " \"I'm Free - Live / Remastered 2009\"]),\n",
10058 " ('lies', ['Lies - Remastered', 'Lies - Remastered']),\n",
10059 " ('happy',\n",
10060 " ['Happy - Live',\n",
10061 " 'Happy - Live',\n",
10062 " 'Happy - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version']),\n",
10063 " ('get back', ['Get Back - Remastered 2015', 'Get Back - Remastered']),\n",
10064 " ('gimme shelter',\n",
10065 " ['Gimme Shelter - Live',\n",
10066 " 'Gimme Shelter - Live',\n",
10067 " 'Gimme Shelter - Live',\n",
10068 " 'Gimme Shelter - Live',\n",
10069 " 'Gimme Shelter - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version',\n",
10070 " 'Gimme Shelter - Live']),\n",
10071 " ('i want to hold your hand',\n",
10072 " ['I Want To Hold Your Hand - Live / Bonus Track',\n",
10073 " 'I Want To Hold Your Hand - Remastered 2015']),\n",
10074 " ('roll over beethoven',\n",
10075 " ['Roll Over Beethoven - Saturday Club / 1963',\n",
10076 " 'Roll Over Beethoven - Live / Remastered',\n",
10077 " 'Roll Over Beethoven - Remastered']),\n",
10078 " ('cant be seen',\n",
10079 " [\"Can't Be Seen - Live / Remastered 2009\", \"Can't Be Seen - Remastered\"]),\n",
10080 " ('midnight rambler',\n",
10081 " ['Midnight Rambler - Live',\n",
10082 " 'Midnight Rambler - Live',\n",
10083 " 'Midnight Rambler - Live',\n",
10084 " 'Midnight Rambler - Live',\n",
10085 " 'Midnight Rambler - Live',\n",
10086 " 'Midnight Rambler - Live']),\n",
10087 " ('dirty work', ['Dirty Work', 'Dirty Work - Remastered']),\n",
10088 " ('all you need is love',\n",
10089 " ['All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2015',\n",
10090 " 'All You Need Is Love - Remastered',\n",
10091 " 'All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2009']),\n",
10092 " ('not fade away',\n",
10093 " ['Not Fade Away - Live',\n",
10094 " 'Not Fade Away - Live',\n",
10095 " 'Not Fade Away - Live',\n",
10096 " 'Not Fade Away - Live / Remastered 2009']),\n",
10097 " ('slipping away',\n",
10098 " ['Slipping Away - Live',\n",
10099 " 'Slipping Away - Live',\n",
10100 " 'Slipping Away - Live',\n",
10101 " 'Slipping Away - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10102 " 'Slipping Away - Remastered']),\n",
10103 " ('faraway eyes',\n",
10104 " ['Faraway Eyes - Live',\n",
10105 " 'Faraway Eyes - Live',\n",
10106 " 'Faraway Eyes - Live',\n",
10107 " 'Faraway Eyes - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006']),\n",
10108 " ('angie',\n",
10109 " ['Angie - Live',\n",
10110 " 'Angie - Live',\n",
10111 " 'Angie - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version',\n",
10112 " 'Angie - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10113 " 'Angie - Live']),\n",
10114 " ('come together',\n",
10115 " ['Come Together - Remastered 2015', 'Come Together - Remastered']),\n",
10116 " ('cant buy me love',\n",
10117 " [\"Can't Buy Me Love - Live / Remastered\",\n",
10118 " \"Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered 2015\",\n",
10119 " \"Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered\"]),\n",
10120 " ('brown sugar',\n",
10121 " ['Brown Sugar - Live',\n",
10122 " 'Brown Sugar - Live',\n",
10123 " 'Brown Sugar - Live',\n",
10124 " 'Brown Sugar - Live',\n",
10125 " 'Brown Sugar - Live',\n",
10126 " 'Brown Sugar - Live',\n",
10127 " 'Brown Sugar - Live',\n",
10128 " 'Brown Sugar - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006',\n",
10129 " 'Brown Sugar - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version',\n",
10130 " 'Brown Sugar - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10131 " 'Brown Sugar - Live']),\n",
10132 " ('baby please dont go',\n",
10133 " [\"Baby Please Don't Go - Live / Instrumental\",\n",
10134 " \"Baby Please Don't Go - Live\",\n",
10135 " \"Baby Please Don't Go - Live\"]),\n",
10136 " ('sgt peppers lonely hearts club band reprise',\n",
10137 " [\"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) - Speech And Take 8\",\n",
10138 " \"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) - Remix\"]),\n",
10139 " ('the long and winding road',\n",
10140 " ['The Long And Winding Road - Remastered 2015',\n",
10141 " 'The Long And Winding Road - Remastered']),\n",
10142 " ('when im sixtyfour',\n",
10143 " [\"When I'm Sixty-Four - Take 2\", \"When I'm Sixty-Four - Remix\"]),\n",
10144 " ('some girls',\n",
10145 " ['Some Girls - Remastered',\n",
10146 " 'Some Girls - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006',\n",
10147 " 'Some Girls - Remastered']),\n",
10148 " ('connection',\n",
10149 " ['Connection - Live',\n",
10150 " 'Connection - Live',\n",
10151 " 'Connection - Live',\n",
10152 " 'Connection - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006']),\n",
10153 " ('shattered',\n",
10154 " ['Shattered - Live',\n",
10155 " 'Shattered - Live',\n",
10156 " 'Shattered - Remastered',\n",
10157 " 'Shattered - Remastered',\n",
10158 " 'Shattered - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006',\n",
10159 " 'Shattered - Live / Remastered 2009']),\n",
10160 " ('the worst', ['The Worst - Live', 'The Worst - Remastered']),\n",
10161 " ('little red rooster',\n",
10162 " ['Little Red Rooster - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10163 " 'Little Red Rooster - Live In Ireland / 1965']),\n",
10164 " ('sad sad sad',\n",
10165 " ['Sad Sad Sad - Live / Remastered 2009', 'Sad Sad Sad - Remastered']),\n",
10166 " ('the spider and the fly',\n",
10167 " ['The Spider And The Fly - Yeah Yeah / 1965',\n",
10168 " 'The Spider And The Fly - Live',\n",
10169 " 'The Spider And The Fly - Live / Remastered 2009']),\n",
10170 " ('a day in the life',\n",
10171 " ['A Day In The Life - Take 1 With Hums',\n",
10172 " 'A Day In The Life - Remastered',\n",
10173 " 'A Day In The Life - Remix']),\n",
10174 " ('you got me rockin',\n",
10175 " ['You Got Me Rockin’ - Live', 'You Got Me Rockin’ - Live']),\n",
10176 " ('things we said today',\n",
10177 " ['Things We Said Today - Live / Remastered',\n",
10178 " 'Things We Said Today - Remastered']),\n",
10179 " ('being for the benefit of mr kite',\n",
10180 " ['Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Remastered',\n",
10181 " 'Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Remix',\n",
10182 " 'Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Take 4']),\n",
10183 " ('had it with you', ['Had It With You', 'Had It With You - Remastered']),\n",
10184 " ('time is on my side',\n",
10185 " ['Time Is On My Side - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10186 " 'Time Is On My Side - Live In Ireland / 1965']),\n",
10187 " ('tumbling dice',\n",
10188 " ['Tumbling Dice - Live',\n",
10189 " 'Tumbling Dice - Live',\n",
10190 " 'Tumbling Dice - Live',\n",
10191 " 'Tumbling Dice - Live',\n",
10192 " 'Tumbling Dice - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006',\n",
10193 " 'Tumbling Dice - Live']),\n",
10194 " ('yellow submarine',\n",
10195 " ['Yellow Submarine - Remastered 2015',\n",
10196 " 'Yellow Submarine - Remastered',\n",
10197 " 'Yellow Submarine - Remastered']),\n",
10198 " ('beast of burden',\n",
10199 " ['Beast Of Burden - Live',\n",
10200 " 'Beast Of Burden - Live',\n",
10201 " 'Beast Of Burden - Live',\n",
10202 " 'Beast Of Burden - Remastered',\n",
10203 " 'Beast Of Burden - Remastered',\n",
10204 " 'Beast Of Burden - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version']),\n",
10205 " ('lovely rita',\n",
10206 " ['Lovely Rita - Speech And Take 9',\n",
10207 " 'Lovely Rita - Remastered',\n",
10208 " 'Lovely Rita - Remix']),\n",
10209 " ('neighbours',\n",
10210 " ['Neighbours - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version',\n",
10211 " 'Neighbours - Remastered']),\n",
10212 " ('dead flowers',\n",
10213 " ['Dead Flowers - Live',\n",
10214 " 'Dead Flowers - Live',\n",
10215 " 'Dead Flowers - Live',\n",
10216 " 'Dead Flowers - Live',\n",
10217 " 'Dead Flowers - Live',\n",
10218 " 'Dead Flowers - Live',\n",
10219 " 'Dead Flowers - Live / Remastered 2009']),\n",
10220 " ('paint it black',\n",
10221 " ['Paint It Black - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006',\n",
10222 " 'Paint It Black - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version',\n",
10223 " 'Paint It Black - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10224 " 'Paint It Black - Live']),\n",
10225 " ('respectable',\n",
10226 " ['Respectable - Live',\n",
10227 " 'Respectable - Live',\n",
10228 " 'Respectable - Remastered',\n",
10229 " 'Respectable - Remastered']),\n",
10230 " ('just my imagination',\n",
10231 " ['Just My Imagination - Live',\n",
10232 " 'Just My Imagination - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006']),\n",
10233 " ('tell me why', ['Tell Me Why', 'Tell Me Why - Remastered']),\n",
10234 " ('little by little',\n",
10235 " ['Little By Little - The Joe Loss Pop Show / 1964', 'Little By Little']),\n",
10236 " ('got my mojo workin',\n",
10237 " [\"Got My Mojo Workin' - Live\", \"Got My Mojo Workin' - Live\"]),\n",
10238 " ('little ta',\n",
10239 " ['Little T&A - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006',\n",
10240 " 'Little T&A - Remastered']),\n",
10241 " ('far away eyes',\n",
10242 " ['Far Away Eyes - Live',\n",
10243 " 'Far Away Eyes - Remastered',\n",
10244 " 'Far Away Eyes - Remastered']),\n",
10245 " ('rock and a hard place',\n",
10246 " ['Rock And A Hard Place - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10247 " 'Rock And A Hard Place - Remastered']),\n",
10248 " ('long distance call',\n",
10249 " ['Long Distance Call - Live', 'Long Distance Call - Live']),\n",
10250 " ('start me up',\n",
10251 " ['Start Me Up - Live',\n",
10252 " 'Start Me Up - Live',\n",
10253 " 'Start Me Up - Live',\n",
10254 " 'Start Me Up - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006',\n",
10255 " 'Start Me Up - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version',\n",
10256 " 'Start Me Up - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10257 " 'Start Me Up - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10258 " 'Start Me Up - Remastered',\n",
10259 " 'Start Me Up - Live']),\n",
10260 " ('let it bleed',\n",
10261 " ['Let It Bleed - Live',\n",
10262 " 'Let It Bleed - Live',\n",
10263 " 'Let It Bleed - Live / Remastered 2009']),\n",
10264 " ('fight', ['Fight', 'Fight - Remastered']),\n",
10265 " ('route 66',\n",
10266 " ['Route 66 - Blues In Rhythm / 1964', 'Route 66 - Live In Ireland / 1965']),\n",
10267 " ('one hit to the body',\n",
10268 " ['One Hit (To The Body)', 'One Hit (To The Body) - Remastered']),\n",
10269 " ('let me go',\n",
10270 " ['Let Me Go - Live / Remastered 2009', 'Let Me Go - Remastered']),\n",
10271 " ('just my imagination running away with me',\n",
10272 " ['Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) - Remastered',\n",
10273 " 'Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10274 " 'Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) - Remastered']),\n",
10275 " ('down in the bottom',\n",
10276 " ['Down In The Bottom - Live', 'Down In The Bottom - Live']),\n",
10277 " ('you got the silver',\n",
10278 " ['You Got The Silver - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006',\n",
10279 " 'You Got The Silver - Live']),\n",
10280 " ('i cant get no satisfaction',\n",
10281 " [\"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - Saturday Club / 1965\",\n",
10282 " \"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006\",\n",
10283 " \"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - Live Licks Tour / Remastered 2009\",\n",
10284 " \"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - Live / Remastered 2009\",\n",
10285 " \"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - Live / Remastered 2009\",\n",
10286 " \"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - Live\"]),\n",
10287 " ('sleep tonight', ['Sleep Tonight', 'Sleep Tonight - Remastered']),\n",
10288 " ('she loves you',\n",
10289 " ['She Loves You - Live / Remastered', 'She Loves You - Mono / Remastered']),\n",
10290 " ('clouds in my heart',\n",
10291 " ['Clouds In My Heart - Live', 'Clouds In My Heart - Live']),\n",
10292 " ('love me do',\n",
10293 " ['Love Me Do - Mono / Remastered', 'Love Me Do - Remastered 2009']),\n",
10294 " ('its all over now',\n",
10295 " [\"It's All Over Now - The Joe Loss Pop Show / 1964\",\n",
10296 " \"It's All Over Now - Live\"]),\n",
10297 " ('miss you',\n",
10298 " ['Miss You - Live',\n",
10299 " 'Miss You - Live',\n",
10300 " 'Miss You - Live',\n",
10301 " 'Miss You - Live',\n",
10302 " 'Miss You - Remastered',\n",
10303 " 'Miss You - Live',\n",
10304 " 'Miss You - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10305 " 'Miss You - Remastered',\n",
10306 " 'Miss You - Live']),\n",
10307 " ('mannish boy', ['Mannish Boy - Live', 'Mannish Boy - Live']),\n",
10308 " ('its only rock n roll but i like it',\n",
10309 " [\"It's Only Rock N Roll (But I Like It) - Live\",\n",
10310 " \"It's Only Rock 'n' Roll (But I Like It) - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version\",\n",
10311 " \"It's Only Rock 'N Roll (But I Like It) - Live\"]),\n",
10312 " ('when the whip comes down',\n",
10313 " ['When The Whip Comes Down - Live',\n",
10314 " 'When The Whip Comes Down - Live',\n",
10315 " 'When The Whip Comes Down - Remastered',\n",
10316 " 'When The Whip Comes Down - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version',\n",
10317 " 'When The Whip Comes Down - Remastered']),\n",
10318 " ('monkey man',\n",
10319 " ['Monkey Man - Live',\n",
10320 " 'Monkey Man - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version']),\n",
10321 " ('eight days a week',\n",
10322 " ['Eight Days A Week - Remastered 2015', 'Eight Days A Week - Remastered']),\n",
10323 " ('wild horses',\n",
10324 " ['Wild Horses - Live',\n",
10325 " 'Wild Horses - Live',\n",
10326 " 'Wild Horses - Live',\n",
10327 " 'Wild Horses - Live / Remastered 2009']),\n",
10328 " ('shes leaving home',\n",
10329 " [\"She's Leaving Home - Remastered\",\n",
10330 " \"She's Leaving Home - Remix\",\n",
10331 " \"She's Leaving Home - Take 1 / Instrumental\"]),\n",
10332 " ('everybody needs somebody to love',\n",
10333 " ['Everybody Needs Somebody To Love - Top Gear / 1965',\n",
10334 " 'Everybody Needs Somebody To Love - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version',\n",
10335 " 'Everybody Needs Somebody To Love - Live In Ireland / 1965']),\n",
10336 " ('one eyed woman', ['One Eyed Woman - Live', 'One Eyed Woman - Live']),\n",
10337 " ('rip this joint',\n",
10338 " ['Rip This Joint - Live',\n",
10339 " 'Rip This Joint - Live',\n",
10340 " 'Rip This Joint - Live',\n",
10341 " 'Rip This Joint - Live',\n",
10342 " 'Rip This Joint - Live',\n",
10343 " 'Rip This Joint - Live']),\n",
10344 " ('winning ugly', ['Winning Ugly', 'Winning Ugly - Remastered']),\n",
10345 " ('yesterday', ['Yesterday - Remastered 2015', 'Yesterday - Remastered']),\n",
10346 " ('street fighting man',\n",
10347 " ['Street Fighting Man - Live',\n",
10348 " 'Street Fighting Man - Live',\n",
10349 " 'Street Fighting Man - Live',\n",
10350 " 'Street Fighting Man - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version',\n",
10351 " 'Street Fighting Man - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10352 " 'Street Fighting Man - Live']),\n",
10353 " ('a hard days night',\n",
10354 " [\"A Hard Day's Night - Live / Remastered\",\n",
10355 " \"A Hard Day's Night - Remastered 2015\",\n",
10356 " \"A Hard Day's Night - Remastered\"]),\n",
10357 " ('within you without you',\n",
10358 " ['Within You Without You - Take 1 / Indian Instruments',\n",
10359 " 'Within You Without You - Remastered',\n",
10360 " 'Within You Without You - Remix']),\n",
10361 " ('all down the line',\n",
10362 " ['All Down The Line - Live',\n",
10363 " 'All Down The Line - Live',\n",
10364 " 'All Down The Line - Live',\n",
10365 " 'All Down The Line - Live',\n",
10366 " 'All Down The Line - Live',\n",
10367 " 'All Down The Line - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006',\n",
10368 " 'All Down The Line - Live']),\n",
10369 " ('good morning good morning',\n",
10370 " ['Good Morning Good Morning - Take 8',\n",
10371 " 'Good Morning Good Morning - Remastered',\n",
10372 " 'Good Morning Good Morning - Remix']),\n",
10373 " ('you dont have to mean it',\n",
10374 " [\"You Don't Have To Mean It - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version\",\n",
10375 " \"You Don't Have To Mean It - Remastered\"]),\n",
10376 " ('love in vain',\n",
10377 " ['Love In Vain - Live',\n",
10378 " 'Love In Vain - Live',\n",
10379 " 'Love In Vain - Live',\n",
10380 " 'Love In Vain - Live / Remastered 2009']),\n",
10381 " ('you dont have to go',\n",
10382 " [\"You Don't Have To Go - Live\", \"You Don't Have To Go - Live\"]),\n",
10383 " ('boys', ['Boys - Live / Remastered', 'Boys - Remastered 2009']),\n",
10384 " ('bitch', ['Bitch - Live', 'Bitch - Live']),\n",
10385 " ('the last time',\n",
10386 " ['The Last Time - Top Gear / 1965',\n",
10387 " 'The Last Time - Live In Ireland / 1965']),\n",
10388 " ('honky tonk women',\n",
10389 " ['Honky Tonk Women - Live',\n",
10390 " 'Honky Tonk Women - Live',\n",
10391 " 'Honky Tonk Women - Live',\n",
10392 " 'Honky Tonk Women - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version',\n",
10393 " 'Honky Tonk Women - Live',\n",
10394 " 'Honky Tonk Women - Live']),\n",
10395 " ('twist and shout',\n",
10396 " ['Twist And Shout - Live / Remastered',\n",
10397 " 'Twist And Shout - Remastered 2009']),\n",
10398 " ('hoochie coochie man',\n",
10399 " ['Hoochie Coochie Man - Live', 'Hoochie Coochie Man - Live']),\n",
10400 " ('introduction', ['Introduction - Live', 'Introduction - Live']),\n",
10401 " ('champagne and reefer',\n",
10402 " ['Champagne And Reefer - Live', 'Champagne And Reefer - Live']),\n",
10403 " ('i go wild',\n",
10404 " ['I Go Wild - Live',\n",
10405 " 'I Go Wild - Live',\n",
10406 " 'I Go Wild - Live',\n",
10407 " 'I Go Wild - Remastered',\n",
10408 " 'I Go Wild - Live']),\n",
10409 " ('help',\n",
10410 " ['Help! - Live / Remastered',\n",
10411 " 'Help! - Remastered 2015',\n",
10412 " 'Help! - Remastered']),\n",
10413 " ('she was hot',\n",
10414 " ['She Was Hot - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006',\n",
10415 " 'She Was Hot - Remastered']),\n",
10416 " ('sympathy for the devil',\n",
10417 " ['Sympathy For The Devil - Live At Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006',\n",
10418 " 'Sympathy For The Devil - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10419 " 'Sympathy For The Devil - Live']),\n",
10420 " ('ticket to ride',\n",
10421 " ['Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered',\n",
10422 " 'Ticket To Ride - Remastered 2015',\n",
10423 " 'Ticket To Ride - Remastered']),\n",
10424 " ('im moving on',\n",
10425 " [\"I'm Moving On - The Joe Loss Pop Show / 1964\",\n",
10426 " \"I'm Moving On - Live In Ireland / 1965\"]),\n",
10427 " ('black limousine',\n",
10428 " ['Black Limousine - Live', 'Black Limousine - Remastered']),\n",
10429 " ('out of control', ['Out Of Control - Remastered', 'Out Of Control - Live']),\n",
10430 " ('dizzy miss lizzy',\n",
10431 " ['Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Live / Remastered', 'Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Remastered']),\n",
10432 " ('you cant do that',\n",
10433 " [\"You Can't Do That - Live / Bonus Track\",\n",
10434 " \"You Can't Do That - Remastered\"]),\n",
10435 " ('with a little help from my friends',\n",
10436 " ['With A Little Help From My Friends - Remastered',\n",
10437 " 'With A Little Help From My Friends - Remix',\n",
10438 " 'With A Little Help From My Friends - Take 1 / False Start And Take 2 / Instrumental']),\n",
10439 " ('babys in black',\n",
10440 " [\"Baby's In Black - Live / Bonus Track\", \"Baby's In Black - Remastered\"]),\n",
10441 " ('i will', ['I Will - Remastered', 'I Will']),\n",
10442 " ('strawberry fields forever',\n",
10443 " ['Strawberry Fields Forever - Take 7',\n",
10444 " 'Strawberry Fields Forever - Take 26',\n",
10445 " 'Strawberry Fields Forever - Stereo Mix 2015',\n",
10446 " 'Strawberry Fields Forever - Remastered 2009']),\n",
10447 " ('eleanor rigby',\n",
10448 " ['Eleanor Rigby - Remastered 2015', 'Eleanor Rigby - Remastered']),\n",
10449 " ('jumpin jack flash',\n",
10450 " [\"Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live\",\n",
10451 " \"Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live\",\n",
10452 " 'Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live',\n",
10453 " \"Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live\",\n",
10454 " 'Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live',\n",
10455 " 'Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live',\n",
10456 " 'Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live',\n",
10457 " \"Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live / Remastered 2009\",\n",
10458 " \"Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live\"]),\n",
10459 " ('before they make me run',\n",
10460 " ['Before They Make Me Run - Remastered',\n",
10461 " 'Before They Make Me Run - Remastered',\n",
10462 " 'Before They Make Me Run - Live']),\n",
10463 " ('hello goodbye',\n",
10464 " ['Hello, Goodbye - Remastered 2015', 'Hello, Goodbye - Remastered 2009']),\n",
10465 " ('hold back', ['Hold Back', 'Hold Back - Remastered']),\n",
10466 " ('let it be', ['Let It Be - Remastered 2015', 'Let It Be - Remastered']),\n",
10467 " ('continental drift',\n",
10468 " ['Continental Drift - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10469 " 'Continental Drift - Remastered']),\n",
10470 " ('sweet virginia',\n",
10471 " ['Sweet Virginia - Live',\n",
10472 " 'Sweet Virginia - Live',\n",
10473 " 'Sweet Virginia - Live',\n",
10474 " 'Sweet Virginia - Live / Remastered 2009']),\n",
10475 " ('rock me baby',\n",
10476 " ['Rock Me Baby - Live',\n",
10477 " 'Rock Me, Baby - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version']),\n",
10478 " ('getting better',\n",
10479 " ['Getting Better - Remastered',\n",
10480 " 'Getting Better - Remix',\n",
10481 " 'Getting Better - Take 1 / Instrumental And Speech At The End']),\n",
10482 " ('penny lane',\n",
10483 " ['Penny Lane - Take 6 / Instrumental',\n",
10484 " 'Penny Lane - Stereo Mix 2017',\n",
10485 " 'Penny Lane - Remastered 2015',\n",
10486 " 'Penny Lane - Remastered 2009']),\n",
10487 " ('shine a light',\n",
10488 " ['Shine A Light - Live',\n",
10489 " 'Shine A Light - Live',\n",
10490 " 'Shine A Light - Live',\n",
10491 " 'Shine A Light - Live',\n",
10492 " 'Shine A Light - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006',\n",
10493 " 'Shine A Light - Live / Remastered 2009',\n",
10494 " 'Shine a Light - Live']),\n",
10495 " ('like a rolling stone',\n",
10496 " ['Like A Rolling Stone - Live',\n",
10497 " 'Like A Rolling Stone - Live',\n",
10498 " 'Like A Rolling Stone - Live',\n",
10499 " 'Like A Rolling Stone - Live',\n",
10500 " 'Like a Rolling Stone - Live',\n",
10501 " 'Like A Rolling Stone - Live / Remastered 2009']),\n",
10502 " ('lucy in the sky with diamonds',\n",
10503 " ['Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Remastered',\n",
10504 " 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Remix',\n",
10505 " 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Take 1']),\n",
10506 " ('worried about you',\n",
10507 " ['Worried About You - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version',\n",
10508 " 'Worried About You - Remastered']),\n",
10509 " ('cant you hear me knocking',\n",
10510 " [\"Can't You Hear Me Knocking - Live\",\n",
10511 " \"Can't You Hear Me Knocking - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version\"]),\n",
10512 " ('live with me',\n",
10513 " ['Live With Me - Live',\n",
10514 " 'Live With Me - Live',\n",
10515 " 'Live With Me - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006']),\n",
10516 " ('too rude', ['Too Rude', 'Too Rude - Remastered']),\n",
10517 " ('i wanna be your man',\n",
10518 " ['I Wanna Be Your Man - Saturday Club / 1964',\n",
10519 " 'I Wanna Be Your Man - Remastered']),\n",
10520 " ('key to the highway',\n",
10521 " ['Key To The Highway - Piano Instrumental',\n",
10522 " 'Key To The Highway - Piano Instrumental/Remastered 2009']),\n",
10523 " ('down the road apiece',\n",
10524 " ['Down The Road Apiece - Top Gear / 1965',\n",
10525 " 'Down The Road Apiece - Live In Ireland / 1965']),\n",
10526 " ('everybodys trying to be my baby',\n",
10527 " ['Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby - Live / Bonus Track',\n",
10528 " \"Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby - Remastered\"]),\n",
10529 " ('something', ['Something - Remastered 2015', 'Something - Remastered']),\n",
10530 " ('all my loving',\n",
10531 " ['All My Loving - Live / Remastered', 'All My Loving - Remastered'])]"
10532 ]
10533 },
10534 "execution_count": 60,
10535 "metadata": {},
10536 "output_type": "execute_result"
10537 }
10538 ],
10539 "source": [
10540 "ctitles = set([t['ctitle'] for t in tracks.find()])\n",
10541 "\n",
10542 "[(ct, [t['name'] for t in tracks.find({'ctitle': ct})]) \n",
10543 " for ct in ctitles\n",
10544 " if tracks.find({'ctitle': ct}).count() > 1\n",
10545 "]"
10546 ]
10547 },
10548 {
10549 "cell_type": "code",
10550 "execution_count": 61,
10551 "metadata": {
10552 "scrolled": true
10553 },
10554 "outputs": [
10555 {
10556 "data": {
10557 "text/plain": [
10558 "[('you cant always get what you want',\n",
10559 " [('You Can’t Always Get What You Want - Live', 0.409),\n",
10560 " (\"You Can't Always Get What You Want - Live / Remastered 2009\", 0.419)]),\n",
10561 " ('fixing a hole',\n",
10562 " [('Fixing A Hole - Remastered', 0.0783),\n",
10563 " ('Fixing A Hole - Remix', 0.0678),\n",
10564 " ('Fixing A Hole - Speech And Take 3', 0.0437)]),\n",
10565 " ('harlem shuffle',\n",
10566 " [('Harlem Shuffle', 0.224), ('Harlem Shuffle - Remastered', 0.319)]),\n",
10567 " ('back to zero',\n",
10568 " [('Back To Zero', 0.064), ('Back To Zero - Remastered', 0.0767)]),\n",
10569 " ('lies', [('Lies - Remastered', 0.524), ('Lies - Remastered', 0.472)]),\n",
10570 " ('get back',\n",
10571 " [('Get Back - Remastered 2015', 0.0959), ('Get Back - Remastered', 0.61)]),\n",
10572 " ('roll over beethoven',\n",
10573 " [('Roll Over Beethoven - Saturday Club / 1963', 0.316),\n",
10574 " ('Roll Over Beethoven - Live / Remastered', 0.634),\n",
10575 " ('Roll Over Beethoven - Remastered', 0.0952)]),\n",
10576 " ('dirty work', [('Dirty Work', 0.0878), ('Dirty Work - Remastered', 0.0808)]),\n",
10577 " ('all you need is love',\n",
10578 " [('All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2015', 0.263),\n",
10579 " ('All You Need Is Love - Remastered', 0.286),\n",
10580 " ('All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2009', 0.155)]),\n",
10581 " ('slipping away',\n",
10582 " [('Slipping Away - Live / Remastered 2009', 0.106),\n",
10583 " ('Slipping Away - Remastered', 0.421)]),\n",
10584 " ('come together',\n",
10585 " [('Come Together - Remastered 2015', 0.1),\n",
10586 " ('Come Together - Remastered', 0.0926)]),\n",
10587 " ('cant buy me love',\n",
10588 " [(\"Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered 2015\", 0.325),\n",
10589 " (\"Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered\", 0.321)]),\n",
10590 " ('sgt peppers lonely hearts club band reprise',\n",
10591 " [(\"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) - Speech And Take 8\",\n",
10592 " 0.148),\n",
10593 " (\"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) - Remix\", 0.463)]),\n",
10594 " ('the long and winding road',\n",
10595 " [('The Long And Winding Road - Remastered 2015', 0.0718),\n",
10596 " ('The Long And Winding Road - Remastered', 0.0559)]),\n",
10597 " ('when im sixtyfour',\n",
10598 " [(\"When I'm Sixty-Four - Take 2\", 0.0747),\n",
10599 " (\"When I'm Sixty-Four - Remix\", 0.142)]),\n",
10600 " ('some girls',\n",
10601 " [('Some Girls - Remastered', 0.409), ('Some Girls - Remastered', 0.51)]),\n",
10602 " ('shattered',\n",
10603 " [('Shattered - Remastered', 0.124), ('Shattered - Remastered', 0.122)]),\n",
10604 " ('the spider and the fly',\n",
10605 " [('The Spider And The Fly - Yeah Yeah / 1965', 0.0691),\n",
10606 " ('The Spider And The Fly - Live / Remastered 2009', 0.352)]),\n",
10607 " ('being for the benefit of mr kite',\n",
10608 " [('Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Remastered', 0.0992),\n",
10609 " ('Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Remix', 0.105),\n",
10610 " ('Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Take 4', 0.432)]),\n",
10611 " ('had it with you',\n",
10612 " [('Had It With You', 0.0655), ('Had It With You - Remastered', 0.0744)]),\n",
10613 " ('yellow submarine',\n",
10614 " [('Yellow Submarine - Remastered 2015', 0.543),\n",
10615 " ('Yellow Submarine - Remastered', 0.528),\n",
10616 " ('Yellow Submarine - Remastered', 0.438)]),\n",
10617 " ('beast of burden',\n",
10618 " [('Beast Of Burden - Remastered', 0.0389),\n",
10619 " ('Beast Of Burden - Remastered', 0.0382)]),\n",
10620 " ('lovely rita',\n",
10621 " [('Lovely Rita - Speech And Take 9', 0.384),\n",
10622 " ('Lovely Rita - Remastered', 0.118),\n",
10623 " ('Lovely Rita - Remix', 0.0946)]),\n",
10624 " ('respectable',\n",
10625 " [('Respectable - Remastered', 0.0677),\n",
10626 " ('Respectable - Remastered', 0.0677)]),\n",
10627 " ('tell me why',\n",
10628 " [('Tell Me Why', 0.0512), ('Tell Me Why - Remastered', 0.307)]),\n",
10629 " ('little by little',\n",
10630 " [('Little By Little - The Joe Loss Pop Show / 1964', 0.531),\n",
10631 " ('Little By Little', 0.212)]),\n",
10632 " ('got my mojo workin',\n",
10633 " [(\"Got My Mojo Workin' - Live\", 0.686),\n",
10634 " (\"Got My Mojo Workin' - Live\", 0.659)]),\n",
10635 " ('far away eyes',\n",
10636 " [('Far Away Eyes - Remastered', 0.258),\n",
10637 " ('Far Away Eyes - Remastered', 0.232)]),\n",
10638 " ('one hit to the body',\n",
10639 " [('One Hit (To The Body)', 0.62),\n",
10640 " ('One Hit (To The Body) - Remastered', 0.688)]),\n",
10641 " ('just my imagination running away with me',\n",
10642 " [('Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) - Remastered', 0.411),\n",
10643 " ('Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) - Remastered', 0.322)]),\n",
10644 " ('i cant get no satisfaction',\n",
10645 " [(\"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - Saturday Club / 1965\", 0.106),\n",
10646 " (\"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - Live / Remastered 2009\", 0.511),\n",
10647 " (\"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - Live\", 0.357)]),\n",
10648 " ('sleep tonight',\n",
10649 " [('Sleep Tonight', 0.273), ('Sleep Tonight - Remastered', 0.297)]),\n",
10650 " ('love me do',\n",
10651 " [('Love Me Do - Mono / Remastered', 0.154),\n",
10652 " ('Love Me Do - Remastered 2009', 0.227)]),\n",
10653 " ('miss you',\n",
10654 " [('Miss You - Remastered', 0.364),\n",
10655 " ('Miss You - Remastered', 0.236),\n",
10656 " ('Miss You - Live', 0.646)]),\n",
10657 " ('when the whip comes down',\n",
10658 " [('When The Whip Comes Down - Remastered', 0.242),\n",
10659 " ('When The Whip Comes Down - Remastered', 0.205)]),\n",
10660 " ('eight days a week',\n",
10661 " [('Eight Days A Week - Remastered 2015', 0.215),\n",
10662 " ('Eight Days A Week - Remastered', 0.119)]),\n",
10663 " ('shes leaving home',\n",
10664 " [(\"She's Leaving Home - Remastered\", 0.106),\n",
10665 " (\"She's Leaving Home - Remix\", 0.117),\n",
10666 " (\"She's Leaving Home - Take 1 / Instrumental\", 0.125)]),\n",
10667 " ('everybody needs somebody to love',\n",
10668 " [('Everybody Needs Somebody To Love - Top Gear / 1965', 0.496),\n",
10669 " ('Everybody Needs Somebody To Love - Live In Ireland / 1965', 0.296)]),\n",
10670 " ('winning ugly',\n",
10671 " [('Winning Ugly', 0.693), ('Winning Ugly - Remastered', 0.689)]),\n",
10672 " ('yesterday',\n",
10673 " [('Yesterday - Remastered 2015', 0.0968),\n",
10674 " ('Yesterday - Remastered', 0.0886)]),\n",
10675 " ('a hard days night',\n",
10676 " [(\"A Hard Day's Night - Remastered 2015\", 0.0983),\n",
10677 " (\"A Hard Day's Night - Remastered\", 0.0996)]),\n",
10678 " ('within you without you',\n",
10679 " [('Within You Without You - Take 1 / Indian Instruments', 0.134),\n",
10680 " ('Within You Without You - Remastered', 0.486),\n",
10681 " ('Within You Without You - Remix', 0.289)]),\n",
10682 " ('all down the line',\n",
10683 " [('All Down The Line - Live', 0.39),\n",
10684 " ('All Down The Line - Live At The Beacon Theatre, New York / 2006',\n",
10685 " 0.466)]),\n",
10686 " ('good morning good morning',\n",
10687 " [('Good Morning Good Morning - Take 8', 0.158),\n",
10688 " ('Good Morning Good Morning - Remix', 0.5)]),\n",
10689 " ('love in vain',\n",
10690 " [('Love In Vain - Live', 0.62),\n",
10691 " ('Love In Vain - Live / Remastered 2009', 0.158)]),\n",
10692 " ('twist and shout',\n",
10693 " [('Twist And Shout - Live / Remastered', 0.508),\n",
10694 " ('Twist And Shout - Remastered 2009', 0.0414)]),\n",
10695 " ('introduction',\n",
10696 " [('Introduction - Live', 0.389), ('Introduction - Live', 0.45)]),\n",
10697 " ('help',\n",
10698 " [('Help! - Remastered 2015', 0.0776), ('Help! - Remastered', 0.0994)]),\n",
10699 " ('ticket to ride',\n",
10700 " [('Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered', 0.366),\n",
10701 " ('Ticket To Ride - Remastered 2015', 0.259),\n",
10702 " ('Ticket To Ride - Remastered', 0.233)]),\n",
10703 " ('im moving on',\n",
10704 " [(\"I'm Moving On - The Joe Loss Pop Show / 1964\", 0.361),\n",
10705 " (\"I'm Moving On - Live In Ireland / 1965\", 0.616)]),\n",
10706 " ('dizzy miss lizzy',\n",
10707 " [('Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Live / Remastered', 0.496),\n",
10708 " ('Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Remastered', 0.0962)]),\n",
10709 " ('with a little help from my friends',\n",
10710 " [('With A Little Help From My Friends - Remastered', 0.389),\n",
10711 " ('With A Little Help From My Friends - Remix', 0.22),\n",
10712 " ('With A Little Help From My Friends - Take 1 / False Start And Take 2 / Instrumental',\n",
10713 " 0.154)]),\n",
10714 " ('i will', [('I Will - Remastered', 0.0822), ('I Will', 0.113)]),\n",
10715 " ('strawberry fields forever',\n",
10716 " [('Strawberry Fields Forever - Take 7', 0.111),\n",
10717 " ('Strawberry Fields Forever - Take 26', 0.335),\n",
10718 " ('Strawberry Fields Forever - Stereo Mix 2015', 0.0884),\n",
10719 " ('Strawberry Fields Forever - Remastered 2009', 0.0713)]),\n",
10720 " ('eleanor rigby',\n",
10721 " [('Eleanor Rigby - Remastered 2015', 0.359),\n",
10722 " ('Eleanor Rigby - Remastered', 0.305)]),\n",
10723 " ('before they make me run',\n",
10724 " [('Before They Make Me Run - Remastered', 0.0499),\n",
10725 " ('Before They Make Me Run - Remastered', 0.0532)]),\n",
10726 " ('hello goodbye',\n",
10727 " [('Hello, Goodbye - Remastered 2015', 0.525),\n",
10728 " ('Hello, Goodbye - Remastered 2009', 0.414)]),\n",
10729 " ('hold back', [('Hold Back', 0.343), ('Hold Back - Remastered', 0.368)]),\n",
10730 " ('let it be',\n",
10731 " [('Let It Be - Remastered 2015', 0.112), ('Let It Be - Remastered', 0.111)]),\n",
10732 " ('getting better',\n",
10733 " [('Getting Better - Remastered', 0.0712),\n",
10734 " ('Getting Better - Remix', 0.0953),\n",
10735 " ('Getting Better - Take 1 / Instrumental And Speech At The End', 0.183)]),\n",
10736 " ('penny lane',\n",
10737 " [('Penny Lane - Take 6 / Instrumental', 0.118),\n",
10738 " ('Penny Lane - Stereo Mix 2017', 0.113),\n",
10739 " ('Penny Lane - Remastered 2015', 0.16),\n",
10740 " ('Penny Lane - Remastered 2009', 0.136)]),\n",
10741 " ('lucy in the sky with diamonds',\n",
10742 " [('Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Remastered', 0.139),\n",
10743 " ('Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Remix', 0.156),\n",
10744 " ('Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Take 1', 0.106)]),\n",
10745 " ('worried about you',\n",
10746 " [('Worried About You - Live Licks Tour - 2009 Re-Mastered Digital Version',\n",
10747 " 0.47),\n",
10748 " ('Worried About You - Remastered', 0.0865)]),\n",
10749 " ('too rude', [('Too Rude', 0.0245), ('Too Rude - Remastered', 0.0231)]),\n",
10750 " ('i wanna be your man',\n",
10751 " [('I Wanna Be Your Man - Saturday Club / 1964', 0.0925),\n",
10752 " ('I Wanna Be Your Man - Remastered', 0.292)]),\n",
10753 " ('key to the highway',\n",
10754 " [('Key To The Highway - Piano Instrumental', 0.132),\n",
10755 " ('Key To The Highway - Piano Instrumental/Remastered 2009', 0.138)]),\n",
10756 " ('everybodys trying to be my baby',\n",
10757 " [('Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby - Live / Bonus Track', 0.448),\n",
10758 " (\"Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby - Remastered\", 0.134)]),\n",
10759 " ('something',\n",
10760 " [('Something - Remastered 2015', 0.144), ('Something - Remastered', 0.138)])]"
10761 ]
10762 },
10763 "execution_count": 61,
10764 "metadata": {},
10765 "output_type": "execute_result"
10766 }
10767 ],
10768 "source": [
10769 "ctitles = set([t['ctitle'] for t in tracks.find()])\n",
10770 "\n",
10771 "[(ct, [(t['name'], t['liveness']) for t in tracks.find({'ctitle': ct, 'liveness': {'$lt': 0.7}})]) \n",
10772 " for ct in ctitles\n",
10773 " if tracks.find({'ctitle': ct, 'liveness': {'$lt': 0.7}}).count() > 1\n",
10774 "]"
10775 ]
10776 },
10777 {
10778 "cell_type": "code",
10779 "execution_count": 62,
10780 "metadata": {},
10781 "outputs": [
10782 {
10783 "data": {
10784 "text/plain": [
10785 "[('sweet little sixteen',\n",
10786 " 'Sweet Little Sixteen - Live',\n",
10787 " 'Sweet Little Sixteen'),\n",
10788 " ('sweet little sixteen',\n",
10789 " 'Sweet Little Sixteen - Live',\n",
10790 " 'Sweet Little Sixteen'),\n",
10791 " ('roll over beethoven',\n",
10792 " 'Roll Over Beethoven - Saturday Club / 1963',\n",
10793 " 'Roll Over Beethoven'),\n",
10794 " ('roll over beethoven',\n",
10795 " 'Roll Over Beethoven - Saturday Club / 1963',\n",
10796 " 'Roll Over Beethoven'),\n",
10797 " ('memphis tennessee',\n",
10798 " 'Memphis, Tennessee - Saturday Club / 1963',\n",
10799 " 'Memphis, Tennessee'),\n",
10800 " ('memphis tennessee',\n",
10801 " 'Memphis, Tennessee - Saturday Club / 1963',\n",
10802 " 'Memphis Tennessee'),\n",
10803 " ('i wanna be your man',\n",
10804 " 'I Wanna Be Your Man - Saturday Club / 1964',\n",
10805 " 'I Wanna Be Your Man'),\n",
10806 " ('i wanna be your man',\n",
10807 " 'I Wanna Be Your Man - Saturday Club / 1964',\n",
10808 " 'I Wanna Be Your Man'),\n",
10809 " ('carol', 'Carol - Saturday Club / 1964', 'Carol'),\n",
10810 " ('carol', 'Carol - Saturday Club / 1964', 'Carol'),\n",
10811 " ('little by little',\n",
10812 " 'Little By Little - The Joe Loss Pop Show / 1964',\n",
10813 " 'Little by Little'),\n",
10814 " ('little by little',\n",
10815 " 'Little By Little - The Joe Loss Pop Show / 1964',\n",
10816 " 'Little By Little'),\n",
10817 " ('wild horses', 'Wild Horses - Live', 'Wild Horses'),\n",
10818 " ('wild horses', 'Wild Horses - Live', 'Wild Horses'),\n",
10819 " ('wild horses', 'Wild Horses - Live', 'Wild Horses'),\n",
10820 " ('wild horses', 'Wild Horses - Live', 'Wild Horses'),\n",
10821 " ('wild horses', 'Wild Horses - Live', 'Wild Horses'),\n",
10822 " ('wild horses', 'Wild Horses - Live', 'Wild Horses'),\n",
10823 " ('twist and shout', 'Twist And Shout - Live / Remastered', 'Twist and Shout'),\n",
10824 " ('twist and shout',\n",
10825 " 'Twist And Shout - Live / Remastered',\n",
10826 " 'Twist and shout - reloved version'),\n",
10827 " ('twist and shout',\n",
10828 " 'Twist And Shout - Live / Remastered',\n",
10829 " 'Twist And Shout - Remastered 2009'),\n",
10830 " ('roll over beethoven',\n",
10831 " 'Roll Over Beethoven - Live / Remastered',\n",
10832 " 'Roll Over Beethoven'),\n",
10833 " ('roll over beethoven',\n",
10834 " 'Roll Over Beethoven - Live / Remastered',\n",
10835 " 'Roll Over Beethoven'),\n",
10836 " ('she loves you', 'She Loves You - Live / Remastered', 'She Loves You'),\n",
10837 " ('she loves you',\n",
10838 " 'She Loves You - Live / Remastered',\n",
10839 " 'She loves you - reloved version'),\n",
10840 " ('i want to hold your hand',\n",
10841 " 'I Want To Hold Your Hand - Live / Bonus Track',\n",
10842 " 'I Want to Hold Your Hand'),\n",
10843 " ('i want to hold your hand',\n",
10844 " 'I Want To Hold Your Hand - Live / Bonus Track',\n",
10845 " 'I Want to Hold Your Hand'),\n",
10846 " ('love me do', 'Love Me Do - Mono / Remastered', 'Love Me Do'),\n",
10847 " ('love me do',\n",
10848 " 'Love Me Do - Mono / Remastered',\n",
10849 " 'Love Me Do - Spankox Liverpool Remix'),\n",
10850 " ('she loves you', 'She Loves You - Mono / Remastered', 'She Loves You'),\n",
10851 " ('she loves you',\n",
10852 " 'She Loves You - Mono / Remastered',\n",
10853 " 'She loves you - reloved version'),\n",
10854 " ('i want to hold your hand',\n",
10855 " 'I Want To Hold Your Hand - Remastered 2015',\n",
10856 " 'I Want to Hold Your Hand'),\n",
10857 " ('i want to hold your hand',\n",
10858 " 'I Want To Hold Your Hand - Remastered 2015',\n",
10859 " 'I Want to Hold Your Hand'),\n",
10860 " ('yesterday', 'Yesterday - Remastered 2015', 'Yesterday'),\n",
10861 " ('yesterday', 'Yesterday - Remastered 2015', 'Yesterday'),\n",
10862 " ('i will', 'I Will - Remastered', 'I Will'),\n",
10863 " ('i will', 'I Will - Remastered', 'I Will'),\n",
10864 " ('youve got to hide your love away',\n",
10865 " \"You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Remastered\",\n",
10866 " \"You've Got to Hide Your Love Away\"),\n",
10867 " ('youve got to hide your love away',\n",
10868 " \"You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Remastered\",\n",
10869 " \"You've Got To Hide Your Love Away - Take 5, Mono\"),\n",
10870 " ('yesterday', 'Yesterday - Remastered', 'Yesterday'),\n",
10871 " ('yesterday', 'Yesterday - Remastered', 'Yesterday'),\n",
10872 " ('little by little', 'Little By Little', 'Little by Little'),\n",
10873 " ('little by little', 'Little By Little', 'Little By Little'),\n",
10874 " ('roll over beethoven',\n",
10875 " 'Roll Over Beethoven - Remastered',\n",
10876 " 'Roll Over Beethoven'),\n",
10877 " ('roll over beethoven',\n",
10878 " 'Roll Over Beethoven - Remastered',\n",
10879 " 'Roll Over Beethoven'),\n",
10880 " ('i wanna be your man',\n",
10881 " 'I Wanna Be Your Man - Remastered',\n",
10882 " 'I Wanna Be Your Man'),\n",
10883 " ('i wanna be your man',\n",
10884 " 'I Wanna Be Your Man - Remastered',\n",
10885 " 'I Wanna Be Your Man'),\n",
10886 " ('money thats what i want',\n",
10887 " \"Money (That's What I Want) - Remastered\",\n",
10888 " \"Money (That's What I Want)\"),\n",
10889 " ('money thats what i want',\n",
10890 " \"Money (That's What I Want) - Remastered\",\n",
10891 " \"Money (That's What I Want) - Remastered 2009\"),\n",
10892 " ('please please me',\n",
10893 " 'Please Please Me - Remastered 2009',\n",
10894 " 'Please Please Me'),\n",
10895 " ('please please me',\n",
10896 " 'Please Please Me - Remastered 2009',\n",
10897 " 'Please, Please Me'),\n",
10898 " ('love me do', 'Love Me Do - Remastered 2009', 'Love Me Do'),\n",
10899 " ('love me do',\n",
10900 " 'Love Me Do - Remastered 2009',\n",
10901 " 'Love Me Do - Spankox Liverpool Remix'),\n",
10902 " ('ps i love you', 'P.S. I Love You - Remastered 2009', 'P.S. I Love You'),\n",
10903 " ('ps i love you',\n",
10904 " 'P.S. I Love You - Remastered 2009',\n",
10905 " 'P.s. i love you - reloved version'),\n",
10906 " ('twist and shout', 'Twist And Shout - Remastered 2009', 'Twist and Shout'),\n",
10907 " ('twist and shout',\n",
10908 " 'Twist And Shout - Remastered 2009',\n",
10909 " 'Twist and shout - reloved version'),\n",
10910 " ('twist and shout',\n",
10911 " 'Twist And Shout - Remastered 2009',\n",
10912 " 'Twist And Shout - Remastered 2009'),\n",
10913 " ('i will', 'I Will', 'I Will'),\n",
10914 " ('i will', 'I Will', 'I Will'),\n",
10915 " ('paranoid android', 'Paranoid Android', 'Paranoid Android'),\n",
10916 " ('paranoid android', 'Paranoid Android', 'Paranoid Android'),\n",
10917 " ('high and dry', 'High And Dry', 'High and Dry'),\n",
10918 " ('high and dry', 'High And Dry', 'High And Dry'),\n",
10919 " ('wild horses', 'Wild Horses - Live / Remastered 2009', 'Wild Horses'),\n",
10920 " ('wild horses', 'Wild Horses - Live / Remastered 2009', 'Wild Horses'),\n",
10921 " ('pain in my heart',\n",
10922 " 'Pain In My Heart - Live In Ireland / 1965',\n",
10923 " 'Pain In My Heart'),\n",
10924 " ('pain in my heart',\n",
10925 " 'Pain In My Heart - Live In Ireland / 1965',\n",
10926 " 'Pain In My Heart - Live In Ireland / 1965')]"
10927 ]
10928 },
10929 "execution_count": 62,
10930 "metadata": {},
10931 "output_type": "execute_result"
10932 }
10933 ],
10934 "source": [
10935 "[(t['ctitle'], t['name'], g['title']) \n",
10936 " for t in tracks.find()\n",
10937 " for g in genius_tracks.find({'ctitle': t['ctitle']})\n",
10938 " if genius_tracks.find({'ctitle': t['ctitle']}).count() > 1]"
10939 ]
10940 },
10941 {
10942 "cell_type": "markdown",
10943 "metadata": {},
10944 "source": [
10945 "Now to see what the differences are. Find the tracks that are in both collections, and tracks that are in only one."
10946 ]
10947 },
10948 {
10949 "cell_type": "code",
10950 "execution_count": 63,
10951 "metadata": {},
10952 "outputs": [
10953 {
10954 "data": {
10955 "text/plain": [
10956 "(541, 521, 107)"
10957 ]
10958 },
10959 "execution_count": 63,
10960 "metadata": {},
10961 "output_type": "execute_result"
10962 }
10963 ],
10964 "source": [
10965 "in_both = set((g['ctitle'], g['primary_artist']['name'])\n",
10966 " for g in genius_tracks.find({}, ['ctitle', 'primary_artist.name']) \n",
10967 " if tracks.find({'ctitle': g['ctitle']}).count())\n",
10968 "\n",
10969 "genius_only = set((g['ctitle'], g['primary_artist']['name']) \n",
10970 " for g in genius_tracks.find({}, ['ctitle', 'primary_artist.name']) \n",
10971 " if not tracks.find({'ctitle': g['ctitle']}).count())\n",
10972 "\n",
10973 "spotify_only = set((s['ctitle'], s['artist_name'])\n",
10974 " for s in tracks.find({}, ['ctitle', 'artist_name']) \n",
10975 " if not genius_tracks.find({'ctitle': s['ctitle']}).count())\n",
10976 "\n",
10977 "len(in_both), len(genius_only), len(spotify_only)"
10978 ]
10979 },
10980 {
10981 "cell_type": "code",
10982 "execution_count": 64,
10983 "metadata": {
10984 "scrolled": true
10985 },
10986 "outputs": [
10987 {
10988 "data": {
10989 "text/plain": [
10990 "[('if u cant dance', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
10991 " ('champagne and reefer', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
10992 " ('key to the highway', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
10993 " ('stop', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
10994 " ('right back at ya', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
10995 " ('you dont have to go', 'Muddy Waters'),\n",
10996 " ('let love lead the way', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
10997 " ('county jail', 'Muddy Waters'),\n",
10998 " ('trouble no more', 'Muddy Waters'),\n",
10999 " ('time goes by', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11000 " ('little ta', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11001 " ('pepperland', 'George Martin'),\n",
11002 " ('you got me rockin', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11003 " ('sea of holes', 'George Martin'),\n",
11004 " ('next time you see me', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11005 " ('something kinda funny', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11006 " ('untitled', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11007 " ('if you wanna have some fun', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11008 " ('wasting my time', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11009 " ('packt like sardines in a crushed tin box', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11010 " ('do it', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11011 " ('march of the meanies', 'George Martin'),\n",
11012 " ('codex illum sphere', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11013 " ('spice up your life', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11014 " ('oxygen', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11015 " ('the lady is a vamp', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11016 " ('last time lover', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11017 " ('sweet little angel', 'Muddy Waters'),\n",
11018 " ('instrumental 1', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11019 " ('long distance call', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11020 " ('who do you think you are', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11021 " ('wannabe', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11022 " ('one eyed woman', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11023 " ('love thing', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11024 " ('youre gonna miss me when im gone', 'Muddy Waters'),\n",
11025 " ('pepperland laid waste', 'George Martin'),\n",
11026 " ('outro', 'Jimi Hendrix'),\n",
11027 " ('everybody needs somebody to love finale', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11028 " ('sea of monsters', 'George Martin'),\n",
11029 " ('2 become 1', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11030 " ('just my imagination', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11031 " ('say youll be there', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11032 " ('viva forever', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11033 " ('bullet proof i wish i was', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11034 " ('holler', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11035 " ('flip flop and fly', 'Muddy Waters'),\n",
11036 " ('naked', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11037 " ('denying', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11038 " ('clouds in my heart', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11039 " ('when im sixty four', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11040 " ('fannie mae', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11041 " ('i will los angeles version', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11042 " ('little by little shed', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11043 " ('hi heel sneakers', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11044 " ('i cant turn you loose', 'Bob Clearmountain'),\n",
11045 " ('mama', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11046 " ('bloom jamie xx rework', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11047 " ('faraway eyes', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11048 " ('saturday night divas', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11049 " ('jumping jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11050 " ('got my mojo workin', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11051 " ('never give up on the good times', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11052 " ('get down with me', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11053 " ('revolution 1', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11054 " ('instrumental 2', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11055 " ('weekend love', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11056 " ('country boy', 'Muddy Waters'),\n",
11057 " ('move over', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11058 " ('kansas city heyheyheyhey', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11059 " ('dollars cents', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11060 " ('a punch up at a wedding', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11061 " ('too much', 'Spice Girls'),\n",
11062 " ('honky tonk woman', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11063 " ('sea of time', 'George Martin')]"
11064 ]
11065 },
11066 "execution_count": 64,
11067 "metadata": {},
11068 "output_type": "execute_result"
11069 }
11070 ],
11071 "source": [
11072 "[s for s in spotify_only \n",
11073 " if 'rmx' not in s[0]\n",
11074 " if 'remix' not in s[0]\n",
11075 " if 'live' not in s[0]\n",
11076 " if 'intro' not in s[0]\n",
11077 "]"
11078 ]
11079 },
11080 {
11081 "cell_type": "code",
11082 "execution_count": 65,
11083 "metadata": {},
11084 "outputs": [
11085 {
11086 "data": {
11087 "text/plain": [
11088 "[('sha la la la la', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11089 " ('susie q', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11090 " ('nobodys child', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11091 " ('prodigal son', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11092 " ('come and get it', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11093 " ('surprise surprise', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11094 " ('i promise', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11095 " ('keep your hands off my baby', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11096 " ('four guys', 'James Richards'),\n",
11097 " ('so divine aladdin story', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11098 " ('punchdrunk lovesick singalong', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11099 " ('im talking about you', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11100 " ('bebopalula', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11101 " ('gangsters maul', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11102 " ('the daily mail', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11103 " ('plundered my soul', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11104 " ('i need you baby mona', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11105 " ('clarabella', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11106 " ('everyone needs someone to hate', 'On A Friday'),\n",
11107 " ('what is that you say', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11108 " ('i call your name', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11109 " ('congratulations', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11110 " ('tell me', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11111 " ('gotta get away', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11112 " ('empty heart', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11113 " ('wake up in the morning', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11114 " ('crying waiting hoping', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11115 " ('if you cant rock me', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11116 " ('money', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11117 " ('the harder they come', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11118 " ('sympathy for the devil fatboy slim remix', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11119 " ('i just dont understand', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11120 " ('still a fool', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11121 " ('dandelion', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11122 " ('good times', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11123 " ('lull', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11124 " ('searchin', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11125 " ('down home girl', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11126 " ('lozenge of love', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11127 " ('harlem shuffle ny mix', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11128 " ('stop breaking down', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11129 " ('i froze up', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11130 " ('to know her is to love her', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11131 " ('drift away', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11132 " ('somewhere', 'Ali brustofski'),\n",
11133 " ('if i was a dancer dance part 2', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11134 " ('youve got a hold on me', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11135 " ('the beatles seventh christmas record', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11136 " ('how do you do it', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11137 " ('mailman bring me no more blues', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11138 " ('corinna', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11139 " ('the storm', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11140 " ('sweet black angel', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11141 " ('mothers little helper', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11142 " ('dont lie to me', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11143 " ('free as a bird', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11144 " ('the lantern', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11145 " ('molasses', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11146 " ('hello little girl', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11147 " ('yove got to hide your love away', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11148 " ('she said yeah', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11149 " ('the fool on the hill demo', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11150 " ('million dollar question', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11151 " ('19th nervous breakdown', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11152 " ('i forgot to remember to forget', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11153 " ('stoned', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11154 " ('have you seen your mother baby standing in the shadow',\n",
11155 " 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11156 " ('staircase', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11157 " ('cant get next to you', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11158 " ('a picture of you', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11159 " ('let it loose', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11160 " ('memphis', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11161 " ('rain fall down william remix', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11162 " ('riding on a bus', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11163 " ('in spite of all the danger', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11164 " ('bad to me', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11165 " ('eleanor rigbyjulia transition', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11166 " ('goin home', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11167 " ('anyway you look at it', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11168 " ('try a little harder', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11169 " ('suzy parker', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11170 " ('we want the stones', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11171 " ('cry for a shadow', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11172 " ('untogether', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11173 " ('sweet georgia brown', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11174 " ('cocksucker blues', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11175 " ('no expectations', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11176 " ('give peace a chance', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11177 " ('tell me why ep', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11178 " ('hand of fate', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11179 " ('swanee river', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11180 " ('cuttooth', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11181 " ('jazz piano song', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11182 " ('wonderwall', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11183 " ('that girl belongs to yesterday', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11184 " ('this boy', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11185 " ('country honk', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11186 " ('within you without youtomorrow never knows', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11187 " ('we love you', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11188 " ('diddley daddy', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11189 " ('get off of my cloud', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11190 " ('sing this all together', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11191 " ('stupid car', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11192 " ('sure to fall', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11193 " ('wish you were here', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11194 " ('meet me in the bottom', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11195 " ('harry patch in memory of', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11196 " ('lets dance', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11197 " ('what is it that you say', 'On A Friday'),\n",
11198 " ('set fire to that lot', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11199 " ('step inside love', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11200 " ('what goes on girl', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11201 " ('too much monkey business', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11202 " ('john lennon vs bill oreilly', 'Nice Peter'),\n",
11203 " ('sing this all together see what happens', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11204 " ('somebody else', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11205 " ('it should be you', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11206 " ('downtown suzie', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11207 " ('i want none of this', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11208 " ('revolution i', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11209 " ('100 years ago', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11210 " ('bishops robes', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11211 " ('whatd i say', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11212 " ('on with the show', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11213 " ('talkin about you', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11214 " ('nothin shakin', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11215 " ('road runner', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11216 " ('crinsk dee night', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11217 " ('dear doctor', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11218 " ('ventilator blues', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11219 " ('sure to fall in love with you', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11220 " ('short and curlies', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11221 " ('tell me baby how many times', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11222 " ('james bond theme', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11223 " ('someone else', 'On A Friday'),\n",
11224 " ('spectre', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11225 " ('doncha bother me', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11226 " ('three cool cats', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11227 " ('bright lights big city', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11228 " ('blood red wine', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11229 " ('if youve got trouble', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11230 " ('how can you be sure', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11231 " ('little t a', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11232 " ('matchbox', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11233 " ('ill wind', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11234 " ('what to do', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11235 " ('kansas city', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11236 " ('dance little sister', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11237 " ('being for the benefit of mr kitei want you shes so heavyhelter skelter',\n",
11238 " 'The Beatles'),\n",
11239 " ('da doo ron ron', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11240 " ('lewis mistreated', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11241 " ('besame mucho', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11242 " ('from fluff to you', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11243 " ('big ideas', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11244 " ('worrywort', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11245 " ('criss cross man', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11246 " ('heart of stone', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11247 " ('who am i', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11248 " ('ruby baby', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11249 " ('dream baby', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11250 " ('little queenie', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11251 " ('why', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11252 " ('winter', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11253 " ('im coming up', 'On A Friday'),\n",
11254 " ('i just want to see his face', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11255 " ('linda lu', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11256 " ('killer cars', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11257 " ('ceremony', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11258 " ('the beatles third christmas record', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11259 " ('all sold out', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11260 " ('a moon shaped pool tracklist album cover', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11261 " ('casino boogie', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11262 " ('yesterdays papers', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11263 " ('im gonna sit right down and cry over you', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11264 " ('ill get you', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11265 " ('ill wear it proudly', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11266 " ('im not signifying', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11267 " ('flight 505', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11268 " ('one more try', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11269 " ('shake your hips', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11270 " ('turd on the run', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11271 " ('luxury', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11272 " ('pay your dues', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11273 " ('ya ya', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11274 " ('banana co', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11275 " ('lucille', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11276 " ('the sheik of araby', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11277 " ('dear wack', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11278 " ('andrews blues', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11279 " ('gnik nus', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11280 " ('beautiful dreamer', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11281 " ('ooh my arms speech', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11282 " ('these are my twisted words', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11283 " ('nothing touches me', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11284 " ('sleepy city', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11285 " ('ive been loving you too long', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11286 " ('good times bad times', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11287 " ('john wesley harding', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11288 " ('miss you dr dre remix 2002', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11289 " ('everything is turning to gold', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11290 " ('pass the wine sophia loren', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11291 " ('reelin and rockin', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11292 " ('just a rumour', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11293 " ('highway child', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11294 " ('long long while', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11295 " ('miss amanda jones', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11296 " ('everybody lies through their teeth', 'On A Friday'),\n",
11297 " ('burning bush', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11298 " ('im down', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11299 " ('teddy boy', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11300 " ('i aint superstitious', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11301 " ('step inside love los paranoias', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11302 " ('fog', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11303 " ('the singer not the song', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11304 " ('soldier of love', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11305 " ('backstreet girl', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11306 " ('nothing from nothing', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11307 " ('shout', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11308 " ('melody', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11309 " ('just a rumour speech', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11310 " ('under the board walk', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11311 " ('doom and gloom', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11312 " ('whos been sleeping here', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11313 " ('cherry oh baby', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11314 " ('some other guy', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11315 " ('ride on baby', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11316 " ('crazy mama', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11317 " ('my bonnie', 'Tony Sheridan'),\n",
11318 " ('polyethylene parts 1 2', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11319 " ('please go home', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11320 " ('coke babies', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11321 " ('hey negrita', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11322 " ('2000 man', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11323 " ('shes a rainbow', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11324 " ('sittin on a fence', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11325 " ('i am waiting', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11326 " ('memo from turner', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11327 " ('drive my carthe wordwhat youre doing', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11328 " ('the under assistant west coast promotion man', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11329 " ('ill be on my way', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11330 " ('fingerprint file', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11331 " ('happy song', 'On A Friday'),\n",
11332 " ('dancing with mr d', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11333 " ('union city blue', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11334 " ('i want to be loved', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11335 " ('how i made my millions', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11336 " ('words of love ep', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11337 " ('pearly', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11338 " ('jump on top of me', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11339 " ('2000 light years from home', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11340 " ('the rocky road to dublin', 'The Chieftains'),\n",
11341 " ('kid a tracklist album cover', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11342 " ('if you really want to be my friend', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11343 " ('climbing up a bloody great hill', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11344 " ('glass onion love remix', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11345 " ('open pick', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11346 " ('it hurts me too', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11347 " ('dancing in the light', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11348 " ('from us to you', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11349 " ('some things just stick in your mind', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11350 " ('i dont know why', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11351 " ('real love', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11352 " ('my girl', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11353 " ('packt like sardines in a crushd tin box', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11354 " ('stranger in my arms', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11355 " ('the hippy hippy shake', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11356 " ('september in the rain', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11357 " ('look what youve done', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11358 " ('sing a song for you', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11359 " ('melatonin', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11360 " ('not guilty', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11361 " ('fanny mae', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11362 " ('its not easy', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11363 " ('im gonna drive', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11364 " ('inside my head', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11365 " ('supercollider', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11366 " ('hallelujah i love her so', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11367 " ('following the river', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11368 " ('out of time', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11369 " ('bad boy', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11370 " ('saints when the saints go marching in', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11371 " ('blue suede shoes', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11372 " ('come togetherdear prudence', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11373 " ('permanent daylight', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11374 " ('one and one is two', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11375 " ('love', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11376 " ('you know my name look up the number', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11377 " ('youll be mine', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11378 " ('lonesome tears in my eyes', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11379 " ('moonlight bay', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11380 " ('its for you', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11381 " ('parachute woman', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11382 " ('wish i never met you', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11383 " ('title 5', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11384 " ('paint it blacker', 'Plan B'),\n",
11385 " ('aint too proud to beg', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11386 " ('india rubber', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11387 " ('she smiled sweetly', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11388 " ('rain', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11389 " ('faithless the wonderboy', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11390 " ('love these goon shows', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11391 " ('dollars and cents', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11392 " ('so how come no one loves me', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11393 " ('hide your love', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11394 " ('talk show host', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11395 " ('a little rhyme', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11396 " ('rhinestone cowboy', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11397 " ('like dreamers do', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11398 " ('i dont know why aka dont know why i love you', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11399 " ('the honeymoon song', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11400 " ('upside down', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11401 " ('summertime blues', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11402 " ('lift', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11403 " ('jiving sister fanny', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11404 " ('the amazing sounds of orgy', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11405 " ('moonlight', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11406 " ('i get a kick out of you', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11407 " ('stray cat blues', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11408 " ('sinking ship', 'On A Friday'),\n",
11409 " ('give it up', 'On A Friday'),\n",
11410 " ('my bonnie', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11411 " ('con le mie lacrime', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11412 " ('slow down', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11413 " ('baby whats wrong', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11414 " ('dont ever change', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11415 " ('cinnamon girl', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11416 " ('can you hear the music', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11417 " ('were wastin time', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11418 " ('if you let me', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11419 " ('play with fire', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11420 " ('something happened to me yesterday', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11421 " ('goodbye girl', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11422 " ('memory motel', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11423 " ('thats alright mama', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11424 " ('palo alto', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11425 " ('grown up wrong', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11426 " ('hiheel sneakers', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11427 " ('ladies and gentlemen the rolling stones', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11428 " ('manowar', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11429 " ('fortune teller', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11430 " ('nobody does it better', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11431 " ('bullet proofi wish i was', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11432 " ('you know my name', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11433 " ('blackbirdyesterday', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11434 " ('junk', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11435 " ('my obsession', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11436 " ('yes i am', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11437 " ('because i know you love me so', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11438 " ('another beatles christmas record', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11439 " ('through the lonely nights', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11440 " ('i cant help it', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11441 " ('pop is dead', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11442 " ('losing my touch', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11443 " ('saints', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11444 " ('hitch hike', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11445 " ('the happy rishikesh song', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11446 " ('all together on the wireless machine', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11447 " ('dont look back', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11448 " ('fancyman blues', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11449 " ('cool calm and collected', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11450 " ('i think im going mad', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11451 " ('have a banana speech', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11452 " ('fasttrack', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11453 " ('till the next goodbye', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11454 " ('the beatles 1968 christmas record', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11455 " ('get back aka no pakistanis', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11456 " ('ladytron', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11457 " ('jingle bells', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11458 " ('hey crawdaddy', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11459 " ('complicated', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11460 " ('wicked child', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11461 " ('in another land', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11462 " ('coming down again', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11463 " ('on the beach', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11464 " ('travellin man', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11465 " ('reminiscing', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11466 " ('id much rather be with the boys', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11467 " ('citadel', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11468 " ('hound dog', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11469 " ('a reminder', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11470 " ('the butcher', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11471 " ('you can make it if you try', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11472 " ('watching rainbows', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11473 " ('child of the moon', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11474 " ('think', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11475 " ('thank you girl', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11476 " ('follow me around', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11477 " ('sympathy for the devil the neptunes remix', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11478 " ('sad day', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11479 " ('the trickster', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11480 " ('mr b', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11481 " ('johnny b goode', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11482 " ('you know what to do', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11483 " ('honest i do', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11484 " ('the thief', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11485 " ('blue turns to grey', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11486 " ('love of the loved', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11487 " ('revolution', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11488 " ('shake rattle and roll', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11489 " ('ooh my soul', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11490 " ('glad all over', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11491 " ('what a shame', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11492 " ('salt of the earth', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11493 " ('keep strong', 'On A Friday'),\n",
11494 " ('sour milk sea', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11495 " ('doo doo doo doo doo heartbreaker', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11496 " ('cut a hole', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11497 " ('stupid girl', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11498 " ('hot stuff', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11499 " ('i got to find my baby', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11500 " ('when the saints go marchin in', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11501 " ('poison ivy', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11502 " ('soul survivor', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11503 " ('each and every day of the year', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11504 " ('torn and frayed', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11505 " ('i got a woman', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11506 " ('pantomime everywhere its christmas', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11507 " ('if you love me baby', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11508 " ('falling in love again', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11509 " ('blue moon of kentucky', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11510 " ('cook cook blues', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11511 " ('big boots', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11512 " ('missing links bootleg', 'Plan B'),\n",
11513 " ('ooh my arms', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11514 " ('eds scary song', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11515 " ('crushed pearl', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11516 " ('you never wash up after yourself', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11517 " ('transatlantic drawl', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11518 " ('thatll be the day', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11519 " ('fool to cry', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11520 " ('stand by me', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11521 " ('family', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11522 " ('lady jane', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11523 " ('commonwealth', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11524 " ('dont stop', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11525 " ('hear me lord harrison', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11526 " ('im going down', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11527 " ('walking through the sleepy city', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11528 " ('set fire to that lot speech', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11529 " ('sgt peppers lonely hearts club band band documentary multimedia',\n",
11530 " 'The Beatles'),\n",
11531 " ('looking tired', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11532 " ('nothin shakin but the leaves on the trees', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11533 " ('dont let me down', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11534 " ('that means a lot', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11535 " ('beatle greetings', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11536 " ('time waits for no one', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11537 " ('bitches talkin', 'Frank Ocean'),\n",
11538 " ('a shot of rhythm and blues', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11539 " ('komm gib mir deine hand', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11540 " ('here comes the sunthe inner light transition', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11541 " ('across the universe wildlife version', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11542 " ('one more shot', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11543 " ('final show', 'Beatles Candlestick Park Setlist'),\n",
11544 " ('mantua', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11545 " ('something with blue jay way transition', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11546 " ('petrol gang', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11547 " ('dance', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11548 " ('keys to your love', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11549 " ('india', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11550 " ('have a banana', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11551 " ('we are wasting time', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11552 " ('3', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11553 " ('down in eastern australia', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11554 " ('yes it is', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11555 " ('tell me youre coming back', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11556 " ('the inner light', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11557 " ('whats the new mary jane', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11558 " ('can i get a witness', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11559 " ('no reply demo', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11560 " ('gomper', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11561 " ('pedro the fisherman', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11562 " ('lend me your comb', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11563 " ('old brown shoe', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11564 " ('stealing my heart', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11565 " ('young blood', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11566 " ('all things must pass', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11567 " ('you cant catch me', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11568 " ('1822', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11569 " ('child of nature', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11570 " ('egyptian song', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11571 " ('aint she sweet', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11572 " ('ready teddy', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11573 " ('the beatles christmas record', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11574 " ('to be a brilliant light', 'On A Friday'),\n",
11575 " ('good time women', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11576 " ('jigsaw puzzle', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11577 " ('a punchup at a wedding', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11578 " ('the new generation', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11579 " ('i want to know', 'On A Friday'),\n",
11580 " ('meeting in the aisle', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11581 " ('jerusalem', 'On A Friday'),\n",
11582 " ('phillipa chicken', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11583 " ('maquiladora', 'Radiohead'),\n",
11584 " ('silver train', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11585 " ('christmas time is here again', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11586 " ('stuck out all alone', 'The Rolling Stones'),\n",
11587 " ('sie liebt dich', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11588 " ('leave my kitten alone', 'The Beatles'),\n",
11589 " ('heavys pizza', 'Dallas Smart'),\n",
11590 " ('whos driving your plane', 'The Rolling Stones')]"
11591 ]
11592 },
11593 "execution_count": 65,
11594 "metadata": {},
11595 "output_type": "execute_result"
11596 }
11597 ],
11598 "source": [
11599 "[g for g in genius_only\n",
11600 " if 'take' not in g[0]\n",
11601 " if 'medley' not in g[0]\n",
11602 " if 'intro' not in g[0]\n",
11603 " if 'live' not in g[0]\n",
11604 "]"
11605 ]
11606 },
11607 {
11608 "cell_type": "code",
11609 "execution_count": 66,
11610 "metadata": {},
11611 "outputs": [
11612 {
11613 "data": {
11614 "text/plain": [
11615 "[('revolution i', 'The Beatles'), ('revolution', 'The Beatles')]"
11616 ]
11617 },
11618 "execution_count": 66,
11619 "metadata": {},
11620 "output_type": "execute_result"
11621 }
11622 ],
11623 "source": [
11624 "[t for t in genius_only if 'revolution' in t[0]]"
11625 ]
11626 },
11627 {
11628 "cell_type": "code",
11629 "execution_count": 67,
11630 "metadata": {},
11631 "outputs": [
11632 {
11633 "data": {
11634 "text/plain": [
11635 "[('revolution 1', 'The Beatles')]"
11636 ]
11637 },
11638 "execution_count": 67,
11639 "metadata": {},
11640 "output_type": "execute_result"
11641 }
11642 ],
11643 "source": [
11644 "[t for t in spotify_only if 'revolution' in t[0]]"
11645 ]
11646 },
11647 {
11648 "cell_type": "code",
11649 "execution_count": 68,
11650 "metadata": {},
11651 "outputs": [
11652 {
11653 "data": {
11654 "text/plain": [
11655 "([], [('jumping jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones')])"
11656 ]
11657 },
11658 "execution_count": 68,
11659 "metadata": {},
11660 "output_type": "execute_result"
11661 }
11662 ],
11663 "source": [
11664 "([t for t in in_both if 'jack flash' in t], [t for t in spotify_only if 'jack flash' in t[0]])"
11665 ]
11666 },
11667 {
11668 "cell_type": "code",
11669 "execution_count": 69,
11670 "metadata": {},
11671 "outputs": [
11672 {
11673 "name": "stdout",
11674 "output_type": "stream",
11675 "text": [
11676 "you cant always get what you want [('you cant always get what you want', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('you cant always get what you want', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('you cant always get what you want', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('you cant always get what you want', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('you cant always get what you want', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11677 "next time you see me [('next time you see me', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('next time you see me', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11678 "fixing a hole [('fixing a hole', 'The Beatles'), ('fixing a hole', 'The Beatles'), ('fixing a hole', 'The Beatles')] [('fixing a hole', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11679 "who do you think you are [('who do you think you are', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11680 "harlem shuffle [('harlem shuffle', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('harlem shuffle', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('harlem shuffle', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11681 "back to zero [('back to zero', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('back to zero', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('back to zero', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11682 "sgt peppers lonely hearts club band [('sgt peppers lonely hearts club band', 'The Beatles'), ('sgt peppers lonely hearts club band', 'The Beatles'), ('sgt peppers lonely hearts club band', 'The Beatles'), ('sgt peppers lonely hearts club band', 'The Beatles')] [('sgt peppers lonely hearts club band', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11683 "im free [('im free', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('im free', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('im free', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11684 "i will los angeles version [('i will los angeles version', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11685 "oxygen [('oxygen', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11686 "lies [('lies', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('lies', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('lies', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11687 "happy [('happy', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('happy', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('happy', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('happy', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11688 "memphis tennessee [('memphis tennessee', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('memphis tennessee', 'The Beatles'), ('memphis tennessee', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11689 "get back [('get back', 'Billy Preston'), ('get back', 'The Beatles')] [('get back', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11690 "little by little shed [('little by little shed', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11691 "gimme shelter [('gimme shelter', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('gimme shelter', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('gimme shelter', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('gimme shelter', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('gimme shelter', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('gimme shelter', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('gimme shelter', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11692 "flip flop and fly [('flip flop and fly', 'Muddy Waters')] []\n",
11693 "money thats what i want [('money thats what i want', 'The Beatles')] [('money thats what i want', 'The Beatles'), ('money thats what i want', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11694 "i want to hold your hand [('i want to hold your hand', 'The Beatles'), ('i want to hold your hand', 'The Beatles')] [('i want to hold your hand', 'The Beatles'), ('i want to hold your hand', 'Ali brustofski')]\n",
11695 "roll over beethoven [('roll over beethoven', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('roll over beethoven', 'The Beatles'), ('roll over beethoven', 'The Beatles')] [('roll over beethoven', 'The Beatles'), ('roll over beethoven', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11696 "2 2 5 live at earls court [('2 2 5 live at earls court', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11697 "good evening mrs magpie modeselektor rmx [('good evening mrs magpie modeselektor rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11698 "the national anthem live in france [('the national anthem live in france', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11699 "cant be seen [('cant be seen', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('cant be seen', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('cant be seen', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11700 "idioteque live in oxford [('idioteque live in oxford', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11701 "pepperland laid waste [('pepperland laid waste', 'George Martin')] []\n",
11702 "midnight rambler [('midnight rambler', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('midnight rambler', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('midnight rambler', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('midnight rambler', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('midnight rambler', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('midnight rambler', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('midnight rambler', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11703 "like spinning plates live [('like spinning plates live', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11704 "separator four tet rmx [('separator four tet rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11705 "dirty work [('dirty work', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('dirty work', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('dirty work', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11706 "all you need is love [('all you need is love', 'The Beatles'), ('all you need is love', 'The Beatles'), ('all you need is love', 'The Beatles')] [('all you need is love', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11707 "get down with me [('get down with me', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11708 "revolution 1 [('revolution 1', 'The Beatles')] []\n",
11709 "not fade away [('not fade away', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('not fade away', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('not fade away', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('not fade away', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('not fade away', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11710 "martin scorsese intro [('martin scorsese intro', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11711 "slipping away [('slipping away', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('slipping away', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('slipping away', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('slipping away', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('slipping away', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('slipping away', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11712 "faraway eyes [('faraway eyes', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('faraway eyes', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('faraway eyes', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('faraway eyes', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11713 "march of the meanies [('march of the meanies', 'George Martin')] []\n",
11714 "angie [('angie', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('angie', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('angie', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('angie', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('angie', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('angie', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11715 "stop [('stop', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11716 "too much [('too much', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11717 "dollars cents [('dollars cents', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11718 "come together [('come together', 'The Beatles'), ('come together', 'The Beatles')] [('come together', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11719 "cant buy me love [('cant buy me love', 'The Beatles'), ('cant buy me love', 'The Beatles'), ('cant buy me love', 'The Beatles')] [('cant buy me love', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11720 "naked [('naked', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11721 "brown sugar [('brown sugar', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('brown sugar', 'Bob Clearmountain'), ('brown sugar', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('brown sugar', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('brown sugar', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('brown sugar', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('brown sugar', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('brown sugar', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('brown sugar', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('brown sugar', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('brown sugar', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('brown sugar', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11722 "baby please dont go [('baby please dont go', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('baby please dont go', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('baby please dont go', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('baby please dont go', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11723 "sgt peppers lonely hearts club band reprise [('sgt peppers lonely hearts club band reprise', 'The Beatles'), ('sgt peppers lonely hearts club band reprise', 'The Beatles')] [('sgt peppers lonely hearts club band reprise', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11724 "the long and winding road [('the long and winding road', 'The Beatles'), ('the long and winding road', 'The Beatles')] [('the long and winding road', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11725 "when im sixtyfour [('when im sixtyfour', 'The Beatles'), ('when im sixtyfour', 'The Beatles')] [('when im sixtyfour', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11726 "charlies intro to little red rooster [('charlies intro to little red rooster', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11727 "high and dry [('high and dry', 'Radiohead')] [('high and dry', 'Radiohead'), ('high and dry', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11728 "bloom mark pritchard rmx [('bloom mark pritchard rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11729 "some girls [('some girls', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('some girls', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('some girls', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('some girls', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11730 "lotus flower jacques greene rmx [('lotus flower jacques greene rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11731 "connection [('connection', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('connection', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('connection', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('connection', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('connection', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11732 "shattered [('shattered', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('shattered', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('shattered', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('shattered', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('shattered', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('shattered', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('shattered', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11733 "let love lead the way [('let love lead the way', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11734 "jumping jack flash [('jumping jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11735 "the worst [('the worst', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('the worst', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('the worst', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11736 "little red rooster [('little red rooster', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('little red rooster', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('little red rooster', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11737 "sad sad sad [('sad sad sad', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('sad sad sad', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('sad sad sad', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11738 "holler [('holler', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11739 "the spider and the fly [('the spider and the fly', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('the spider and the fly', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('the spider and the fly', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('the spider and the fly', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11740 "a day in the life [('a day in the life', 'The Beatles'), ('a day in the life', 'The Beatles'), ('a day in the life', 'The Beatles')] [('a day in the life', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11741 "mama [('mama', 'Spice Girls')] []\n"
11742 ]
11743 },
11744 {
11745 "name": "stdout",
11746 "output_type": "stream",
11747 "text": [
11748 "you got me rockin [('you got me rockin', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('you got me rockin', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11749 "sea of monsters [('sea of monsters', 'George Martin')] []\n",
11750 "things we said today [('things we said today', 'The Beatles'), ('things we said today', 'The Beatles')] [('things we said today', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11751 "pepperland [('pepperland', 'George Martin')] []\n",
11752 "being for the benefit of mr kite [('being for the benefit of mr kite', 'The Beatles'), ('being for the benefit of mr kite', 'The Beatles'), ('being for the benefit of mr kite', 'The Beatles')] [('being for the benefit of mr kite', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11753 "had it with you [('had it with you', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('had it with you', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('had it with you', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11754 "true love waits live in oslo [('true love waits live in oslo', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11755 "bloom jamie xx rework [('bloom jamie xx rework', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11756 "sweet little angel [('sweet little angel', 'Muddy Waters')] []\n",
11757 "separator anstam rmx [('separator anstam rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11758 "time is on my side [('time is on my side', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('time is on my side', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('time is on my side', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11759 "tumbling dice [('tumbling dice', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('tumbling dice', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('tumbling dice', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('tumbling dice', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('tumbling dice', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('tumbling dice', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('tumbling dice', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11760 "yellow submarine [('yellow submarine', 'The Beatles'), ('yellow submarine', 'The Beatles'), ('yellow submarine', 'The Beatles')] [('yellow submarine', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11761 "beast of burden [('beast of burden', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('beast of burden', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('beast of burden', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('beast of burden', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('beast of burden', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('beast of burden', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('beast of burden', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11762 "honky tonk woman [('honky tonk woman', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11763 "lovely rita [('lovely rita', 'The Beatles'), ('lovely rita', 'The Beatles'), ('lovely rita', 'The Beatles')] [('lovely rita', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11764 "neighbours [('neighbours', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('neighbours', 'Bob Clearmountain')] [('neighbours', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11765 "dead flowers [('dead flowers', 'Bob Clearmountain'), ('dead flowers', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('dead flowers', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('dead flowers', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('dead flowers', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('dead flowers', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('dead flowers', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('dead flowers', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11766 "paint it black [('paint it black', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('paint it black', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('paint it black', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('paint it black', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('paint it black', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11767 "bloom harmonic 313 rmx [('bloom harmonic 313 rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11768 "respectable [('respectable', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('respectable', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('respectable', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('respectable', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('respectable', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11769 "just my imagination [('just my imagination', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('just my imagination', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11770 "tell me why [('tell me why', 'Spice Girls'), ('tell me why', 'The Beatles')] [('tell me why', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11771 "2 become 1 [('2 become 1', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11772 "little by little [('little by little', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('little by little', 'Radiohead')] [('little by little', 'Radiohead'), ('little by little', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11773 "got my mojo workin [('got my mojo workin', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('got my mojo workin', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11774 "little ta [('little ta', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('little ta', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11775 "bloom blawan rmx [('bloom blawan rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11776 "far away eyes [('far away eyes', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('far away eyes', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('far away eyes', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('far away eyes', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11777 "ps i love you [('ps i love you', 'The Beatles')] [('ps i love you', 'The Beatles'), ('ps i love you', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11778 "rock and a hard place [('rock and a hard place', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('rock and a hard place', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('rock and a hard place', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11779 "long distance call [('long distance call', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('long distance call', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11780 "start me up [('start me up', 'Bob Clearmountain'), ('start me up', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('start me up', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('start me up', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('start me up', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('start me up', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('start me up', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('start me up', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('start me up', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('start me up', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11781 "let it bleed [('let it bleed', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('let it bleed', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('let it bleed', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('let it bleed', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11782 "county jail [('county jail', 'Muddy Waters')] []\n",
11783 "fight [('fight', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('fight', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('fight', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11784 "sea of time [('sea of time', 'George Martin')] []\n",
11785 "route 66 [('route 66', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('route 66', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('route 66', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11786 "morning bell live in oxford [('morning bell live in oxford', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11787 "one hit to the body [('one hit to the body', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('one hit to the body', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('one hit to the body', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11788 "let me go [('let me go', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('let me go', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('let me go', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11789 "pain in my heart [('pain in my heart', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('pain in my heart', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('pain in my heart', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11790 "please please me [('please please me', 'The Beatles')] [('please please me', 'The Beatles'), ('please please me', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11791 "move over [('move over', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11792 "skttrbrain four tet remix [('skttrbrain four tet remix', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11793 "just my imagination running away with me [('just my imagination running away with me', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('just my imagination running away with me', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('just my imagination running away with me', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('just my imagination running away with me', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11794 "down in the bottom [('down in the bottom', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('down in the bottom', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('down in the bottom', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11795 "you got the silver [('you got the silver', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('you got the silver', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('you got the silver', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11796 "i cant get no satisfaction [('i cant get no satisfaction', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('i cant get no satisfaction', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('i cant get no satisfaction', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('i cant get no satisfaction', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('i cant get no satisfaction', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('i cant get no satisfaction', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('i cant get no satisfaction', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11797 "sleep tonight [('sleep tonight', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('sleep tonight', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('sleep tonight', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11798 "outro [('outro', 'Jimi Hendrix')] []\n",
11799 "she loves you [('she loves you', 'The Beatles'), ('she loves you', 'The Beatles')] [('she loves you', 'The Beatles'), ('she loves you', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11800 "clouds in my heart [('clouds in my heart', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('clouds in my heart', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11801 "feral lone rmx [('feral lone rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11802 "love me do [('love me do', 'The Beatles'), ('love me do', 'The Beatles')] [('love me do', 'The Beatles'), ('love me do', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11803 "its all over now [('its all over now', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('its all over now', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('its all over now', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11804 "miss you [('miss you', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('miss you', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('miss you', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('miss you', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('miss you', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('miss you', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('miss you', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('miss you', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('miss you', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('miss you', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11805 "mannish boy [('mannish boy', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('mannish boy', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('mannish boy', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n"
11806 ]
11807 },
11808 {
11809 "name": "stdout",
11810 "output_type": "stream",
11811 "text": [
11812 "its only rock n roll but i like it [('its only rock n roll but i like it', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('its only rock n roll but i like it', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('its only rock n roll but i like it', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('its only rock n roll but i like it', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11813 "bloom objekt rmx [('bloom objekt rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11814 "untitled [('untitled', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11815 "sea of holes [('sea of holes', 'George Martin')] []\n",
11816 "when the whip comes down [('when the whip comes down', 'Bob Clearmountain'), ('when the whip comes down', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('when the whip comes down', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('when the whip comes down', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('when the whip comes down', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('when the whip comes down', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11817 "codex illum sphere [('codex illum sphere', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11818 "monkey man [('monkey man', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('monkey man', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('monkey man', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11819 "give up the ghost thriller houseghost remix [('give up the ghost thriller houseghost remix', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11820 "eight days a week [('eight days a week', 'The Beatles'), ('eight days a week', 'The Beatles')] [('eight days a week', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11821 "kansas city heyheyheyhey [('kansas city heyheyheyhey', 'The Beatles')] []\n",
11822 "something kinda funny [('something kinda funny', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11823 "sweet little sixteen [('sweet little sixteen', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('sweet little sixteen', 'The Beatles'), ('sweet little sixteen', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11824 "wild horses [('wild horses', 'Bob Clearmountain'), ('wild horses', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('wild horses', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('wild horses', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('wild horses', 'Plan B'), ('wild horses', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11825 "everybody needs somebody to love finale [('everybody needs somebody to love finale', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11826 "shes leaving home [('shes leaving home', 'The Beatles'), ('shes leaving home', 'The Beatles'), ('shes leaving home', 'The Beatles')] [('shes leaving home', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11827 "everybody needs somebody to love [('everybody needs somebody to love', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('everybody needs somebody to love', 'Solomon Burke'), ('everybody needs somebody to love', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('everybody needs somebody to love', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11828 "i might be wrong live [('i might be wrong live', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11829 "lotus flower sbtrkt rmx [('lotus flower sbtrkt rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11830 "one eyed woman [('one eyed woman', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('one eyed woman', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11831 "rip this joint [('rip this joint', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('rip this joint', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('rip this joint', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('rip this joint', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('rip this joint', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('rip this joint', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('rip this joint', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11832 "a punch up at a wedding [('a punch up at a wedding', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11833 "intro take the a train [('intro take the a train', 'Duke Ellington')] []\n",
11834 "winning ugly [('winning ugly', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('winning ugly', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('winning ugly', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11835 "yesterday [('yesterday', 'The Beatles'), ('yesterday', 'The Beatles')] [('yesterday', 'Yusdrew'), ('yesterday', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11836 "fannie mae [('fannie mae', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11837 "street fighting man [('street fighting man', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('street fighting man', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('street fighting man', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('street fighting man', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('street fighting man', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('street fighting man', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('street fighting man', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11838 "a hard days night [('a hard days night', 'The Beatles'), ('a hard days night', 'The Beatles'), ('a hard days night', 'The Beatles')] [('a hard days night', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11839 "paranoid android [('paranoid android', 'Radiohead')] [('paranoid android', 'Sia'), ('paranoid android', 'Radiohead')]\n",
11840 "within you without you [('within you without you', 'The Beatles'), ('within you without you', 'The Beatles'), ('within you without you', 'The Beatles')] [('within you without you', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11841 "all down the line [('all down the line', 'Bob Clearmountain'), ('all down the line', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('all down the line', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('all down the line', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('all down the line', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('all down the line', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('all down the line', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('all down the line', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11842 "remyxomatosis cristian vogel rmx [('remyxomatosis cristian vogel rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11843 "the lady is a vamp [('the lady is a vamp', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11844 "good morning good morning [('good morning good morning', 'The Beatles'), ('good morning good morning', 'The Beatles'), ('good morning good morning', 'The Beatles')] [('good morning good morning', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11845 "you dont have to mean it [('you dont have to mean it', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('you dont have to mean it', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('you dont have to mean it', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11846 "hi heel sneakers [('hi heel sneakers', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11847 "viva forever [('viva forever', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11848 "time goes by [('time goes by', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11849 "i cant turn you loose [('i cant turn you loose', 'Bob Clearmountain')] []\n",
11850 "love in vain [('love in vain', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('love in vain', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('love in vain', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('love in vain', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('love in vain', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11851 "you dont have to go [('you dont have to go', 'Muddy Waters'), ('you dont have to go', 'Muddy Waters')] []\n",
11852 "boys [('boys', 'The Beatles'), ('boys', 'The Beatles')] [('boys', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11853 "bitch [('bitch', 'Bob Clearmountain'), ('bitch', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('bitch', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11854 "the last time [('the last time', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('the last time', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('the last time', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11855 "when im sixty four [('when im sixty four', 'The Beatles')] []\n",
11856 "honky tonk women [('honky tonk women', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('honky tonk women', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('honky tonk women', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('honky tonk women', 'Sheryl Crow'), ('honky tonk women', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('honky tonk women', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('honky tonk women', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11857 "twist and shout [('twist and shout', 'The Beatles'), ('twist and shout', 'The Beatles')] [('twist and shout', 'The Beatles'), ('twist and shout', 'The Beatles'), ('twist and shout', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11858 "bullet proof i wish i was [('bullet proof i wish i was', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11859 "hoochie coochie man [('hoochie coochie man', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('hoochie coochie man', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('hoochie coochie man', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11860 "introduction [('introduction', 'Muddy Waters'), ('introduction', 'Muddy Waters')] []\n",
11861 "champagne and reefer [('champagne and reefer', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('champagne and reefer', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11862 "i go wild [('i go wild', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('i go wild', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('i go wild', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('i go wild', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('i go wild', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('i go wild', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11863 "help [('help', 'The Beatles'), ('help', 'The Beatles'), ('help', 'The Beatles')] [('help', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11864 "she was hot [('she was hot', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('she was hot', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('she was hot', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11865 "sympathy for the devil [('sympathy for the devil', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('sympathy for the devil', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('sympathy for the devil', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('sympathy for the devil', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11866 "ticket to ride [('ticket to ride', 'The Beatles'), ('ticket to ride', 'The Beatles'), ('ticket to ride', 'The Beatles')] [('ticket to ride', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11867 "never give up on the good times [('never give up on the good times', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11868 "wasting my time [('wasting my time', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11869 "tkol altrice rmx [('tkol altrice rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11870 "band introductions [('band introductions', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11871 "if you wanna have some fun [('if you wanna have some fun', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11872 "im moving on [('im moving on', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('im moving on', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('im moving on', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n"
11873 ]
11874 },
11875 {
11876 "name": "stdout",
11877 "output_type": "stream",
11878 "text": [
11879 "black limousine [('black limousine', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('black limousine', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('black limousine', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11880 "out of control [('out of control', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('out of control', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('out of control', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11881 "dizzy miss lizzy [('dizzy miss lizzy', 'The Beatles'), ('dizzy miss lizzy', 'The Beatles')] [('dizzy miss lizzy', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11882 "little by little caribou rmx [('little by little caribou rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11883 "dollars cents live [('dollars cents live', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11884 "you cant do that [('you cant do that', 'The Beatles'), ('you cant do that', 'The Beatles')] [('you cant do that', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11885 "trouble no more [('trouble no more', 'Muddy Waters')] []\n",
11886 "with a little help from my friends [('with a little help from my friends', 'The Beatles'), ('with a little help from my friends', 'The Beatles'), ('with a little help from my friends', 'The Beatles')] [('with a little help from my friends', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11887 "last time lover [('last time lover', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11888 "babys in black [('babys in black', 'The Beatles'), ('babys in black', 'The Beatles')] [('babys in black', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11889 "packt like sardines in a crushed tin box [('packt like sardines in a crushed tin box', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11890 "i will [('i will', 'The Beatles'), ('i will', 'Radiohead')] [('i will', 'Radiohead'), ('i will', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11891 "saturday night divas [('saturday night divas', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11892 "strawberry fields forever [('strawberry fields forever', 'The Beatles'), ('strawberry fields forever', 'The Beatles'), ('strawberry fields forever', 'The Beatles'), ('strawberry fields forever', 'The Beatles')] [('strawberry fields forever', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11893 "eleanor rigby [('eleanor rigby', 'The Beatles'), ('eleanor rigby', 'The Beatles')] [('eleanor rigby', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11894 "love thing [('love thing', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11895 "jumpin jack flash [('jumpin jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('jumpin jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('jumpin jack flash', 'Bob Clearmountain'), ('jumpin jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('jumpin jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('jumpin jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('jumpin jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('jumpin jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('jumpin jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('jumpin jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11896 "say youll be there [('say youll be there', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11897 "do it [('do it', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11898 "before they make me run [('before they make me run', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('before they make me run', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('before they make me run', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('before they make me run', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11899 "hello goodbye [('hello goodbye', 'The Beatles'), ('hello goodbye', 'The Beatles')] [('hello goodbye', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11900 "youre gonna miss me when im gone [('youre gonna miss me when im gone', 'Muddy Waters')] []\n",
11901 "carol [('carol', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('carol', 'The Beatles'), ('carol', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11902 "hold back [('hold back', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('hold back', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('hold back', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11903 "youve got to hide your love away [('youve got to hide your love away', 'The Beatles')] [('youve got to hide your love away', 'The Beatles'), ('youve got to hide your love away', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11904 "give up the ghost brokenchord rmx [('give up the ghost brokenchord rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11905 "everything in its right place live in france [('everything in its right place live in france', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11906 "let it be [('let it be', 'The Beatles'), ('let it be', 'The Beatles')] [('let it be', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11907 "fog again live [('fog again live', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11908 "right back at ya [('right back at ya', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11909 "morning mr magpie nathan fake rmx [('morning mr magpie nathan fake rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11910 "continental drift [('continental drift', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('continental drift', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('continental drift', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11911 "spice up your life [('spice up your life', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11912 "instrumental 2 [('instrumental 2', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11913 "instrumental 1 [('instrumental 1', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11914 "sweet virginia [('sweet virginia', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('sweet virginia', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('sweet virginia', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('sweet virginia', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('sweet virginia', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11915 "rock me baby [('rock me baby', 'Bob Clearmountain'), ('rock me baby', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('rock me baby', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11916 "if u cant dance [('if u cant dance', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11917 "getting better [('getting better', 'The Beatles'), ('getting better', 'The Beatles'), ('getting better', 'The Beatles')] [('getting better', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11918 "penny lane [('penny lane', 'The Beatles'), ('penny lane', 'The Beatles'), ('penny lane', 'The Beatles'), ('penny lane', 'The Beatles')] [('penny lane', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11919 "country boy [('country boy', 'Muddy Waters')] []\n",
11920 "shine a light [('shine a light', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('shine a light', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('shine a light', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('shine a light', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('shine a light', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('shine a light', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('shine a light', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('shine a light', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11921 "like a rolling stone [('like a rolling stone', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('like a rolling stone', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('like a rolling stone', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('like a rolling stone', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('like a rolling stone', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('like a rolling stone', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('like a rolling stone', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11922 "lucy in the sky with diamonds [('lucy in the sky with diamonds', 'The Beatles'), ('lucy in the sky with diamonds', 'The Beatles'), ('lucy in the sky with diamonds', 'The Beatles')] [('lucy in the sky with diamonds', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11923 "wannabe [('wannabe', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11924 "worried about you [('worried about you', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('worried about you', 'Bob Clearmountain')] [('worried about you', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11925 "cant you hear me knocking [('cant you hear me knocking', 'Bob Clearmountain'), ('cant you hear me knocking', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('cant you hear me knocking', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11926 "morning mr magpie pearson sound scavenger rmx [('morning mr magpie pearson sound scavenger rmx', 'Radiohead')] []\n",
11927 "live with me [('live with me', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('live with me', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('live with me', 'Christina Aguilera')] [('live with me', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11928 "too rude [('too rude', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('too rude', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('too rude', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11929 "denying [('denying', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11930 "i wanna be your man [('i wanna be your man', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('i wanna be your man', 'The Beatles')] [('i wanna be your man', 'The Beatles'), ('i wanna be your man', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11931 "key to the highway [('key to the highway', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('key to the highway', 'The Rolling Stones')] []\n",
11932 "down the road apiece [('down the road apiece', 'The Rolling Stones'), ('down the road apiece', 'The Rolling Stones')] [('down the road apiece', 'The Rolling Stones')]\n",
11933 "everybodys trying to be my baby [('everybodys trying to be my baby', 'The Beatles'), ('everybodys trying to be my baby', 'The Beatles')] [('everybodys trying to be my baby', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11934 "weekend love [('weekend love', 'Spice Girls')] []\n",
11935 "something [('something', 'The Beatles'), ('something', 'The Beatles')] [('something', 'The Beatles')]\n",
11936 "all my loving [('all my loving', 'The Beatles'), ('all my loving', 'The Beatles')] [('all my loving', 'The Beatles')]\n"
11937 ]
11938 }
11939 ],
11940 "source": [
11941 "for ct in ctitles:\n",
11942 " sts = [(t['ctitle'], t['artist_name']) for t in tracks.find({'ctitle': ct}, ['ctitle', 'artist_name'])]\n",
11943 " gts = [(t['ctitle'], t['primary_artist']['name']) for t in genius_tracks.find({'ctitle': ct}, ['ctitle', 'primary_artist.name'])]\n",
11944 " if len(sts) != 1 or len(gts) != 1:\n",
11945 " print(ct, sts, gts)"
11946 ]
11947 },
11948 {
11949 "cell_type": "code",
11950 "execution_count": 70,
11951 "metadata": {},
11952 "outputs": [],
11953 "source": [
11954 "def levenshtein(s1, s2):\n",
11955 " if len(s1) < len(s2):\n",
11956 " return levenshtein(s2, s1)\n",
11957 "\n",
11958 " # len(s1) >= len(s2)\n",
11959 " if len(s2) == 0:\n",
11960 " return len(s1)\n",
11961 "\n",
11962 " previous_row = range(len(s2) + 1)\n",
11963 " for i, c1 in enumerate(s1):\n",
11964 " current_row = [i + 1]\n",
11965 " for j, c2 in enumerate(s2):\n",
11966 " insertions = previous_row[j + 1] + 1 # j+1 instead of j since previous_row and current_row are one character longer\n",
11967 " deletions = current_row[j] + 1 # than s2\n",
11968 " substitutions = previous_row[j] + (c1 != c2)\n",
11969 " current_row.append(min(insertions, deletions, substitutions))\n",
11970 " previous_row = current_row\n",
11971 " \n",
11972 " return previous_row[-1]"
11973 ]
11974 },
11975 {
11976 "cell_type": "code",
11977 "execution_count": 71,
11978 "metadata": {
11979 "scrolled": true
11980 },
11981 "outputs": [
11982 {
11983 "name": "stdout",
11984 "output_type": "stream",
11985 "text": [
11986 "('if u cant dance', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
11987 "('champagne and reefer', 'The Rolling Stones') ('champagne reefer', 'The Rolling Stones') 4 True\n",
11988 "('key to the highway', 'The Rolling Stones') ('thief in the night', 'The Rolling Stones') 10 True\n",
11989 "('stop', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
11990 "('right back at ya', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
11991 "('you dont have to go', 'Muddy Waters') Missing 99999 False\n",
11992 "('let love lead the way', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
11993 "('county jail', 'Muddy Waters') Missing 99999 False\n",
11994 "('trouble no more', 'Muddy Waters') Missing 99999 False\n",
11995 "('time goes by', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
11996 "('little ta', 'The Rolling Stones') ('little t a', 'The Rolling Stones') 1 False\n",
11997 "('pepperland', 'George Martin') ('yellow submarine in pepperland', 'George Martin') 20 True\n",
11998 "('you got me rockin', 'The Rolling Stones') ('you got me rocking', 'The Rolling Stones') 1 True\n",
11999 "('sea of holes', 'George Martin') ('yellow submarine in pepperland', 'George Martin') 25 True\n",
12000 "('next time you see me', 'The Rolling Stones') ('if you let me', 'The Rolling Stones') 10 False\n",
12001 "('something kinda funny', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12002 "('untitled', 'Radiohead') ('untogether', 'Radiohead') 5 False\n",
12003 "('if you wanna have some fun', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12004 "('wasting my time', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12005 "('packt like sardines in a crushed tin box', 'Radiohead') ('packt like sardines in a crushd tin box', 'Radiohead') 1 False\n",
12006 "('do it', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12007 "('march of the meanies', 'George Martin') ('yellow submarine in pepperland', 'George Martin') 24 True\n",
12008 "('codex illum sphere', 'Radiohead') ('there there', 'Radiohead') 12 True\n",
12009 "('spice up your life', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12010 "('oxygen', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12011 "('the lady is a vamp', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12012 "('last time lover', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12013 "('sweet little angel', 'Muddy Waters') Missing 99999 False\n",
12014 "('instrumental 1', 'The Rolling Stones') ('little t a', 'The Rolling Stones') 10 False\n",
12015 "('long distance call', 'The Rolling Stones') ('gangsters maul', 'The Rolling Stones') 11 False\n",
12016 "('who do you think you are', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12017 "('wannabe', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12018 "('one eyed woman', 'The Rolling Stones') ('monkey man', 'The Rolling Stones') 7 True\n",
12019 "('love thing', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12020 "('youre gonna miss me when im gone', 'Muddy Waters') Missing 99999 False\n",
12021 "('pepperland laid waste', 'George Martin') ('yellow submarine in pepperland', 'George Martin') 25 True\n",
12022 "('outro', 'Jimi Hendrix') Missing 99999 False\n",
12023 "('everybody needs somebody to love finale', 'The Rolling Stones') ('everybody needs somebody to love', 'The Rolling Stones') 7 True\n",
12024 "('sea of monsters', 'George Martin') ('yellow submarine in pepperland', 'George Martin') 23 True\n",
12025 "('2 become 1', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12026 "('just my imagination', 'The Rolling Stones') ('im moving on', 'The Rolling Stones') 12 True\n",
12027 "('say youll be there', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12028 "('viva forever', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12029 "('bullet proof i wish i was', 'Radiohead') ('bullet proofi wish i was', 'Radiohead') 1 False\n",
12030 "('holler', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12031 "('flip flop and fly', 'Muddy Waters') Missing 99999 False\n",
12032 "('naked', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12033 "('denying', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12034 "('clouds in my heart', 'The Rolling Stones') ('pain in my heart', 'The Rolling Stones') 6 True\n",
12035 "('when im sixty four', 'The Beatles') ('when im sixtyfour', 'The Beatles') 1 True\n",
12036 "('fannie mae', 'The Rolling Stones') ('fanny mae', 'The Rolling Stones') 2 False\n",
12037 "('i will los angeles version', 'Radiohead') ('million dollar question', 'Radiohead') 16 False\n",
12038 "('little by little shed', 'Radiohead') ('little by little', 'Radiohead') 5 True\n",
12039 "('hi heel sneakers', 'The Rolling Stones') ('hiheel sneakers', 'The Rolling Stones') 1 False\n",
12040 "('i cant turn you loose', 'Bob Clearmountain') Missing 99999 False\n",
12041 "('mama', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12042 "('faraway eyes', 'The Rolling Stones') ('far away eyes', 'The Rolling Stones') 1 True\n",
12043 "('saturday night divas', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12044 "('jumping jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones') ('jumpin jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones') 1 True\n",
12045 "('got my mojo workin', 'The Rolling Stones') ('honky tonk women', 'The Rolling Stones') 10 True\n",
12046 "('never give up on the good times', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12047 "('get down with me', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12048 "('revolution 1', 'The Beatles') ('revolution i', 'The Beatles') 1 False\n",
12049 "('instrumental 2', 'The Rolling Stones') ('little t a', 'The Rolling Stones') 10 False\n",
12050 "('weekend love', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12051 "('country boy', 'Muddy Waters') Missing 99999 False\n",
12052 "('move over', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12053 "('kansas city heyheyheyhey', 'The Beatles') ('medley kansas cityhey hey hey hey', 'The Beatles') 11 False\n",
12054 "('dollars cents', 'Radiohead') ('dollars and cents', 'Radiohead') 4 False\n",
12055 "('a punch up at a wedding', 'Radiohead') ('a punchup at a wedding', 'Radiohead') 1 False\n",
12056 "('too much', 'Spice Girls') Missing 99999 False\n",
12057 "('honky tonk woman', 'The Rolling Stones') ('honky tonk women', 'The Rolling Stones') 1 True\n",
12058 "('sea of time', 'George Martin') ('yellow submarine in pepperland', 'George Martin') 25 True\n"
12059 ]
12060 }
12061 ],
12062 "source": [
12063 "banned_substrings = ['rmx', 'remix', 'rework', 'live', 'intro', 'medley']\n",
12064 "genius_and_both = genius_only | in_both\n",
12065 "for s in spotify_only:\n",
12066 " if not any(banned in s[0] for banned in banned_substrings):\n",
12067 " candidates = [g for g in genius_and_both if g[1] == s[1]]\n",
12068 " if candidates:\n",
12069 " gt = min(candidates, key=lambda g: levenshtein(s[0], g[0]))\n",
12070 " d = levenshtein(s[0], gt[0])\n",
12071 " else:\n",
12072 " gt = 'Missing'\n",
12073 " d = 99999\n",
12074 " print(s, gt, d, gt in in_both)"
12075 ]
12076 },
12077 {
12078 "cell_type": "code",
12079 "execution_count": 73,
12080 "metadata": {},
12081 "outputs": [
12082 {
12083 "name": "stdout",
12084 "output_type": "stream",
12085 "text": [
12086 "('champagne and reefer', 'The Rolling Stones') [(('champagne reefer', 'The Rolling Stones'), 4)]\n",
12087 "('key to the highway', 'The Rolling Stones') []\n",
12088 "('little ta', 'The Rolling Stones') [(('little baby', 'The Rolling Stones'), 3), (('little t a', 'The Rolling Stones'), 1), (('little rain', 'The Rolling Stones'), 3), (('title 5', 'The Rolling Stones'), 4)]\n",
12089 "('pepperland', 'George Martin') []\n",
12090 "('you got me rockin', 'The Rolling Stones') [(('you got me rocking', 'The Rolling Stones'), 1)]\n",
12091 "('sea of holes', 'George Martin') []\n",
12092 "('next time you see me', 'The Rolling Stones') []\n",
12093 "('untitled', 'Radiohead') []\n",
12094 "('packt like sardines in a crushed tin box', 'Radiohead') [(('packt like sardines in a crushd tin box', 'Radiohead'), 1)]\n",
12095 "('march of the meanies', 'George Martin') []\n",
12096 "('codex illum sphere', 'Radiohead') []\n",
12097 "('charlies intro to little red rooster', 'The Rolling Stones') []\n",
12098 "('instrumental 1', 'The Rolling Stones') []\n",
12099 "('long distance call', 'The Rolling Stones') []\n",
12100 "('one eyed woman', 'The Rolling Stones') []\n",
12101 "('martin scorsese intro', 'The Rolling Stones') []\n",
12102 "('band introductions', 'The Rolling Stones') []\n",
12103 "('pepperland laid waste', 'George Martin') []\n",
12104 "('everybody needs somebody to love finale', 'The Rolling Stones') []\n",
12105 "('sea of monsters', 'George Martin') []\n",
12106 "('just my imagination', 'The Rolling Stones') []\n",
12107 "('bullet proof i wish i was', 'Radiohead') [(('bullet proofi wish i was', 'Radiohead'), 1)]\n",
12108 "('clouds in my heart', 'The Rolling Stones') []\n",
12109 "('when im sixty four', 'The Beatles') [(('when im sixtyfour', 'The Beatles'), 1)]\n",
12110 "('fannie mae', 'The Rolling Stones') [(('fanny mae', 'The Rolling Stones'), 2)]\n",
12111 "('i will los angeles version', 'Radiohead') []\n",
12112 "('little by little shed', 'Radiohead') []\n",
12113 "('hi heel sneakers', 'The Rolling Stones') [(('hiheel sneakers', 'The Rolling Stones'), 1)]\n",
12114 "('bloom jamie xx rework', 'Radiohead') []\n",
12115 "('faraway eyes', 'The Rolling Stones') [(('far away eyes', 'The Rolling Stones'), 1)]\n",
12116 "('jumping jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones') [(('jumpin jack flash', 'The Rolling Stones'), 1)]\n",
12117 "('got my mojo workin', 'The Rolling Stones') []\n",
12118 "('revolution 1', 'The Beatles') [(('revolution i', 'The Beatles'), 1), (('revolution 9', 'The Beatles'), 1), (('revolution', 'The Beatles'), 2)]\n",
12119 "('instrumental 2', 'The Rolling Stones') []\n",
12120 "('kansas city heyheyheyhey', 'The Beatles') []\n",
12121 "('dollars cents', 'Radiohead') [(('dollars and cents', 'Radiohead'), 4)]\n",
12122 "('a punch up at a wedding', 'Radiohead') [(('a punchup at a wedding', 'Radiohead'), 1)]\n",
12123 "('honky tonk woman', 'The Rolling Stones') [(('honky tonk women', 'The Rolling Stones'), 1)]\n",
12124 "('sea of time', 'George Martin') []\n"
12125 ]
12126 }
12127 ],
12128 "source": [
12129 "genius_and_both = genius_only | in_both\n",
12130 "for s in spotify_only:\n",
12131 " if 'rmx' not in s[0] and 'remix' not in s[0] and 'live' not in s[0]:\n",
12132 "# album = \n",
12133 " candidates = [g for g in genius_and_both if g[1] == s[1]]\n",
12134 " if candidates:\n",
12135 " gts = [(g, levenshtein(s[0], g[0])) for g in candidates if levenshtein(s[0], g[0]) < 5]\n",
12136 " print(s, gts)"
12137 ]
12138 },
12139 {
12140 "cell_type": "code",
12141 "execution_count": 74,
12142 "metadata": {
12143 "scrolled": true
12144 },
12145 "outputs": [
12146 {
12147 "data": {
12148 "text/html": [
12149 "<div>\n",
12150 "<style>\n",
12151 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
12152 " text-align: right;\n",
12153 " }\n",
12154 "\n",
12155 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
12156 " text-align: left;\n",
12157 " }\n",
12158 "\n",
12159 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
12160 " vertical-align: top;\n",
12161 " }\n",
12162 "</style>\n",
12163 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
12164 " <thead>\n",
12165 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
12166 " <th></th>\n",
12167 " <th>_id</th>\n",
12168 " <th>artist_name</th>\n",
12169 " <th>name</th>\n",
12170 " </tr>\n",
12171 " </thead>\n",
12172 " <tbody>\n",
12173 " <tr>\n",
12174 " <th>0</th>\n",
12175 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
12176 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12177 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
12178 " </tr>\n",
12179 " <tr>\n",
12180 " <th>1</th>\n",
12181 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
12182 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12183 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
12184 " </tr>\n",
12185 " <tr>\n",
12186 " <th>2</th>\n",
12187 " <td>2pCqZLeavM2BMovJXsJEIV</td>\n",
12188 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12189 " <td>Let It Be (Remastered)</td>\n",
12190 " </tr>\n",
12191 " <tr>\n",
12192 " <th>3</th>\n",
12193 " <td>2Pqkn9Dq2DFtdfkKAeqgMd</td>\n",
12194 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12195 " <td>Abbey Road (Remastered)</td>\n",
12196 " </tr>\n",
12197 " <tr>\n",
12198 " <th>4</th>\n",
12199 " <td>47bcKzmKgmMPHXNVOWpLiu</td>\n",
12200 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12201 " <td>Yellow Submarine (Remastered)</td>\n",
12202 " </tr>\n",
12203 " <tr>\n",
12204 " <th>5</th>\n",
12205 " <td>03Qh833fEdVT30Pfs93ea6</td>\n",
12206 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12207 " <td>The Beatles (Remastered)</td>\n",
12208 " </tr>\n",
12209 " <tr>\n",
12210 " <th>6</th>\n",
12211 " <td>6P9yO0ukhOx3dvmhGKeYoC</td>\n",
12212 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12213 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
12214 " </tr>\n",
12215 " <tr>\n",
12216 " <th>7</th>\n",
12217 " <td>1PULmKbHeOqlkIwcDMNwD4</td>\n",
12218 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12219 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
12220 " </tr>\n",
12221 " <tr>\n",
12222 " <th>8</th>\n",
12223 " <td>0PYyrqs9NXtxPhf0CZkq2L</td>\n",
12224 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12225 " <td>Revolver (Remastered)</td>\n",
12226 " </tr>\n",
12227 " <tr>\n",
12228 " <th>9</th>\n",
12229 " <td>3OdI6e43crvyAHhaqpxSyz</td>\n",
12230 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12231 " <td>Rubber Soul (Remastered)</td>\n",
12232 " </tr>\n",
12233 " <tr>\n",
12234 " <th>10</th>\n",
12235 " <td>19K3IHYeVkUTjcBHGfbCOi</td>\n",
12236 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12237 " <td>Help! (Remastered)</td>\n",
12238 " </tr>\n",
12239 " <tr>\n",
12240 " <th>11</th>\n",
12241 " <td>7BgGBZndAvDlKOcwe5rscZ</td>\n",
12242 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12243 " <td>Beatles For Sale (Remastered)</td>\n",
12244 " </tr>\n",
12245 " <tr>\n",
12246 " <th>12</th>\n",
12247 " <td>71Mwd9tntFQYUk4k2DwA0D</td>\n",
12248 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12249 " <td>A Hard Day's Night (Remastered)</td>\n",
12250 " </tr>\n",
12251 " <tr>\n",
12252 " <th>13</th>\n",
12253 " <td>1DBkJIEoeHrTX4WCBQGcCi</td>\n",
12254 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
12255 " <td>The King Of Limbs</td>\n",
12256 " </tr>\n",
12257 " <tr>\n",
12258 " <th>14</th>\n",
12259 " <td>3nkEsxmIX0zRNXGAexaHAn</td>\n",
12260 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12261 " <td>With The Beatles (Remastered)</td>\n",
12262 " </tr>\n",
12263 " <tr>\n",
12264 " <th>15</th>\n",
12265 " <td>7gDXyW16byCQOgK965BRzn</td>\n",
12266 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12267 " <td>Please Please Me (Remastered)</td>\n",
12268 " </tr>\n",
12269 " <tr>\n",
12270 " <th>16</th>\n",
12271 " <td>6vuykQgDLUCiZ7YggIpLM9</td>\n",
12272 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
12273 " <td>A Moon Shaped Pool</td>\n",
12274 " </tr>\n",
12275 " <tr>\n",
12276 " <th>17</th>\n",
12277 " <td>47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T</td>\n",
12278 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
12279 " <td>TKOL RMX 1234567</td>\n",
12280 " </tr>\n",
12281 " <tr>\n",
12282 " <th>18</th>\n",
12283 " <td>7eyQXxuf2nGj9d2367Gi5f</td>\n",
12284 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
12285 " <td>In Rainbows</td>\n",
12286 " </tr>\n",
12287 " <tr>\n",
12288 " <th>19</th>\n",
12289 " <td>36lJLPoPPOKNFddTAcirnc</td>\n",
12290 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
12291 " <td>In Rainbows Disk 2</td>\n",
12292 " </tr>\n",
12293 " <tr>\n",
12294 " <th>20</th>\n",
12295 " <td>6Eo5EkmdLvZrONzi046iC2</td>\n",
12296 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
12297 " <td>Com Lag: 2+2=5</td>\n",
12298 " </tr>\n",
12299 " <tr>\n",
12300 " <th>21</th>\n",
12301 " <td>1oW3v5Har9mvXnGk0x4fHm</td>\n",
12302 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
12303 " <td>Hail To the Thief</td>\n",
12304 " </tr>\n",
12305 " <tr>\n",
12306 " <th>22</th>\n",
12307 " <td>6svTt5o2lUgIrgYDKVmdnD</td>\n",
12308 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
12309 " <td>I Might Be Wrong</td>\n",
12310 " </tr>\n",
12311 " <tr>\n",
12312 " <th>23</th>\n",
12313 " <td>6V9YnBmFjWmXCBaUVRCVXP</td>\n",
12314 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
12315 " <td>Amnesiac</td>\n",
12316 " </tr>\n",
12317 " <tr>\n",
12318 " <th>24</th>\n",
12319 " <td>19RUXBFyM4PpmrLRdtqWbp</td>\n",
12320 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
12321 " <td>Kid A</td>\n",
12322 " </tr>\n",
12323 " <tr>\n",
12324 " <th>25</th>\n",
12325 " <td>7dxKtc08dYeRVHt3p9CZJn</td>\n",
12326 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
12327 " <td>OK Computer</td>\n",
12328 " </tr>\n",
12329 " <tr>\n",
12330 " <th>26</th>\n",
12331 " <td>500FEaUzn8lN9zWFyZG5C2</td>\n",
12332 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
12333 " <td>The Bends</td>\n",
12334 " </tr>\n",
12335 " <tr>\n",
12336 " <th>27</th>\n",
12337 " <td>6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN</td>\n",
12338 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
12339 " <td>Pablo Honey</td>\n",
12340 " </tr>\n",
12341 " <tr>\n",
12342 " <th>28</th>\n",
12343 " <td>4g9Jfls8z2nbQxj5PiXkiy</td>\n",
12344 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12345 " <td>Blue &amp; Lonesome</td>\n",
12346 " </tr>\n",
12347 " <tr>\n",
12348 " <th>29</th>\n",
12349 " <td>4fhWcu56Bbh5wALuTouFVW</td>\n",
12350 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12351 " <td>Havana Moon (Live)</td>\n",
12352 " </tr>\n",
12353 " <tr>\n",
12354 " <th>...</th>\n",
12355 " <td>...</td>\n",
12356 " <td>...</td>\n",
12357 " <td>...</td>\n",
12358 " </tr>\n",
12359 " <tr>\n",
12360 " <th>32</th>\n",
12361 " <td>3CHu7qW160uqPZHW3TMZ1l</td>\n",
12362 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12363 " <td>Shine A Light</td>\n",
12364 " </tr>\n",
12365 " <tr>\n",
12366 " <th>33</th>\n",
12367 " <td>4FTHynKEtuP7eppERNfjyG</td>\n",
12368 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12369 " <td>A Bigger Bang (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
12370 " </tr>\n",
12371 " <tr>\n",
12372 " <th>34</th>\n",
12373 " <td>50UGtgNA5bq1c0BDjPfmbD</td>\n",
12374 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12375 " <td>Live Licks</td>\n",
12376 " </tr>\n",
12377 " <tr>\n",
12378 " <th>35</th>\n",
12379 " <td>0ZGddnvcVzHVHfE3WW1tV5</td>\n",
12380 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12381 " <td>Bridges To Babylon (Remastered)</td>\n",
12382 " </tr>\n",
12383 " <tr>\n",
12384 " <th>36</th>\n",
12385 " <td>4M8Q1L9PZq0xK5tLUpO3jd</td>\n",
12386 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12387 " <td>Stripped</td>\n",
12388 " </tr>\n",
12389 " <tr>\n",
12390 " <th>37</th>\n",
12391 " <td>62ZT16LY1phGM0O8x5qW1z</td>\n",
12392 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12393 " <td>Voodoo Lounge (Remastered 2009)</td>\n",
12394 " </tr>\n",
12395 " <tr>\n",
12396 " <th>38</th>\n",
12397 " <td>1W1UJulgICjFDyYIMUwRs7</td>\n",
12398 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12399 " <td>Flashpoint</td>\n",
12400 " </tr>\n",
12401 " <tr>\n",
12402 " <th>39</th>\n",
12403 " <td>25mfHGJNQkluvIqedXHSx3</td>\n",
12404 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12405 " <td>Steel Wheels (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
12406 " </tr>\n",
12407 " <tr>\n",
12408 " <th>40</th>\n",
12409 " <td>1TpcI1LEFVhBvDPSTMPGFG</td>\n",
12410 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12411 " <td>Dirty Work</td>\n",
12412 " </tr>\n",
12413 " <tr>\n",
12414 " <th>41</th>\n",
12415 " <td>1WSfNoPDPzgyKFN6OSYWUx</td>\n",
12416 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12417 " <td>Dirty Work (Remastered 2009)</td>\n",
12418 " </tr>\n",
12419 " <tr>\n",
12420 " <th>42</th>\n",
12421 " <td>064eFGemsrDcMvgRZ0gqtw</td>\n",
12422 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12423 " <td>Undercover (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
12424 " </tr>\n",
12425 " <tr>\n",
12426 " <th>43</th>\n",
12427 " <td>0hxrNynMDh5QeyALlf1CdS</td>\n",
12428 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12429 " <td>Still Life</td>\n",
12430 " </tr>\n",
12431 " <tr>\n",
12432 " <th>44</th>\n",
12433 " <td>1YvnuYGlblQ5vLnOhaZzpn</td>\n",
12434 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12435 " <td>Tattoo You (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
12436 " </tr>\n",
12437 " <tr>\n",
12438 " <th>45</th>\n",
12439 " <td>2wZgoXS06wSdu9C0ZJOvlc</td>\n",
12440 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12441 " <td>Emotional Rescue (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
12442 " </tr>\n",
12443 " <tr>\n",
12444 " <th>46</th>\n",
12445 " <td>54sqbAXxR1jFfyXb1WvrHK</td>\n",
12446 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12447 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
12448 " </tr>\n",
12449 " <tr>\n",
12450 " <th>47</th>\n",
12451 " <td>6FjXxl9VLURGuubdXUn2J3</td>\n",
12452 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12453 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
12454 " </tr>\n",
12455 " <tr>\n",
12456 " <th>48</th>\n",
12457 " <td>4jbWZmf7kRxCBD6tgVepYh</td>\n",
12458 " <td>Spice Girls</td>\n",
12459 " <td>Forever</td>\n",
12460 " </tr>\n",
12461 " <tr>\n",
12462 " <th>49</th>\n",
12463 " <td>3sr6lAuO3nmB1u8ZuQgpiX</td>\n",
12464 " <td>Spice Girls</td>\n",
12465 " <td>Spiceworld</td>\n",
12466 " </tr>\n",
12467 " <tr>\n",
12468 " <th>50</th>\n",
12469 " <td>3x2jF7blR6bFHtk4MccsyJ</td>\n",
12470 " <td>Spice Girls</td>\n",
12471 " <td>Spice</td>\n",
12472 " </tr>\n",
12473 " <tr>\n",
12474 " <th>51</th>\n",
12475 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
12476 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
12477 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
12478 " </tr>\n",
12479 " <tr>\n",
12480 " <th>52</th>\n",
12481 " <td>7Hk1X2BCADxuR9saTIKfOW</td>\n",
12482 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12483 " <td>On Air (Deluxe)</td>\n",
12484 " </tr>\n",
12485 " <tr>\n",
12486 " <th>53</th>\n",
12487 " <td>6iCIB08bkoitQOL5y2uEsM</td>\n",
12488 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12489 " <td>Sticky Fingers Live At The Fonda Theatre</td>\n",
12490 " </tr>\n",
12491 " <tr>\n",
12492 " <th>54</th>\n",
12493 " <td>34d9ClCaKRoQ8pMeJ9Gfvt</td>\n",
12494 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12495 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
12496 " </tr>\n",
12497 " <tr>\n",
12498 " <th>55</th>\n",
12499 " <td>0aWIIpfY32rT1i3yO9LROl</td>\n",
12500 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12501 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
12502 " </tr>\n",
12503 " <tr>\n",
12504 " <th>56</th>\n",
12505 " <td>5D7RtaChuvF0Av1xXT3acu</td>\n",
12506 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12507 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
12508 " </tr>\n",
12509 " <tr>\n",
12510 " <th>57</th>\n",
12511 " <td>2b3y5k1DchDACjH5KMlgQv</td>\n",
12512 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12513 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
12514 " </tr>\n",
12515 " <tr>\n",
12516 " <th>58</th>\n",
12517 " <td>3wkyUMDuH56iNaSxKvukax</td>\n",
12518 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12519 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
12520 " </tr>\n",
12521 " <tr>\n",
12522 " <th>59</th>\n",
12523 " <td>6hB5kO3oV3tlnblCNSSA9Z</td>\n",
12524 " <td>Muddy Waters</td>\n",
12525 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
12526 " </tr>\n",
12527 " <tr>\n",
12528 " <th>60</th>\n",
12529 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
12530 " <td>Muddy Waters</td>\n",
12531 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
12532 " </tr>\n",
12533 " <tr>\n",
12534 " <th>61</th>\n",
12535 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
12536 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
12537 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
12538 " </tr>\n",
12539 " </tbody>\n",
12540 "</table>\n",
12541 "<p>62 rows × 3 columns</p>\n",
12542 "</div>"
12543 ],
12544 "text/plain": [
12545 " _id artist_name \\\n",
12546 "0 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn The Beatles \n",
12547 "1 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh The Beatles \n",
12548 "2 2pCqZLeavM2BMovJXsJEIV The Beatles \n",
12549 "3 2Pqkn9Dq2DFtdfkKAeqgMd The Beatles \n",
12550 "4 47bcKzmKgmMPHXNVOWpLiu The Beatles \n",
12551 "5 03Qh833fEdVT30Pfs93ea6 The Beatles \n",
12552 "6 6P9yO0ukhOx3dvmhGKeYoC The Beatles \n",
12553 "7 1PULmKbHeOqlkIwcDMNwD4 The Beatles \n",
12554 "8 0PYyrqs9NXtxPhf0CZkq2L The Beatles \n",
12555 "9 3OdI6e43crvyAHhaqpxSyz The Beatles \n",
12556 "10 19K3IHYeVkUTjcBHGfbCOi The Beatles \n",
12557 "11 7BgGBZndAvDlKOcwe5rscZ The Beatles \n",
12558 "12 71Mwd9tntFQYUk4k2DwA0D The Beatles \n",
12559 "13 1DBkJIEoeHrTX4WCBQGcCi Radiohead \n",
12560 "14 3nkEsxmIX0zRNXGAexaHAn The Beatles \n",
12561 "15 7gDXyW16byCQOgK965BRzn The Beatles \n",
12562 "16 6vuykQgDLUCiZ7YggIpLM9 Radiohead \n",
12563 "17 47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T Radiohead \n",
12564 "18 7eyQXxuf2nGj9d2367Gi5f Radiohead \n",
12565 "19 36lJLPoPPOKNFddTAcirnc Radiohead \n",
12566 "20 6Eo5EkmdLvZrONzi046iC2 Radiohead \n",
12567 "21 1oW3v5Har9mvXnGk0x4fHm Radiohead \n",
12568 "22 6svTt5o2lUgIrgYDKVmdnD Radiohead \n",
12569 "23 6V9YnBmFjWmXCBaUVRCVXP Radiohead \n",
12570 "24 19RUXBFyM4PpmrLRdtqWbp Radiohead \n",
12571 "25 7dxKtc08dYeRVHt3p9CZJn Radiohead \n",
12572 "26 500FEaUzn8lN9zWFyZG5C2 Radiohead \n",
12573 "27 6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN Radiohead \n",
12574 "28 4g9Jfls8z2nbQxj5PiXkiy The Rolling Stones \n",
12575 "29 4fhWcu56Bbh5wALuTouFVW The Rolling Stones \n",
12576 ".. ... ... \n",
12577 "32 3CHu7qW160uqPZHW3TMZ1l The Rolling Stones \n",
12578 "33 4FTHynKEtuP7eppERNfjyG The Rolling Stones \n",
12579 "34 50UGtgNA5bq1c0BDjPfmbD The Rolling Stones \n",
12580 "35 0ZGddnvcVzHVHfE3WW1tV5 The Rolling Stones \n",
12581 "36 4M8Q1L9PZq0xK5tLUpO3jd The Rolling Stones \n",
12582 "37 62ZT16LY1phGM0O8x5qW1z The Rolling Stones \n",
12583 "38 1W1UJulgICjFDyYIMUwRs7 The Rolling Stones \n",
12584 "39 25mfHGJNQkluvIqedXHSx3 The Rolling Stones \n",
12585 "40 1TpcI1LEFVhBvDPSTMPGFG The Rolling Stones \n",
12586 "41 1WSfNoPDPzgyKFN6OSYWUx The Rolling Stones \n",
12587 "42 064eFGemsrDcMvgRZ0gqtw The Rolling Stones \n",
12588 "43 0hxrNynMDh5QeyALlf1CdS The Rolling Stones \n",
12589 "44 1YvnuYGlblQ5vLnOhaZzpn The Rolling Stones \n",
12590 "45 2wZgoXS06wSdu9C0ZJOvlc The Rolling Stones \n",
12591 "46 54sqbAXxR1jFfyXb1WvrHK The Rolling Stones \n",
12592 "47 6FjXxl9VLURGuubdXUn2J3 The Rolling Stones \n",
12593 "48 4jbWZmf7kRxCBD6tgVepYh Spice Girls \n",
12594 "49 3sr6lAuO3nmB1u8ZuQgpiX Spice Girls \n",
12595 "50 3x2jF7blR6bFHtk4MccsyJ Spice Girls \n",
12596 "51 3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n The Beatles \n",
12597 "52 7Hk1X2BCADxuR9saTIKfOW The Rolling Stones \n",
12598 "53 6iCIB08bkoitQOL5y2uEsM The Rolling Stones \n",
12599 "54 34d9ClCaKRoQ8pMeJ9Gfvt The Rolling Stones \n",
12600 "55 0aWIIpfY32rT1i3yO9LROl The Rolling Stones \n",
12601 "56 5D7RtaChuvF0Av1xXT3acu The Rolling Stones \n",
12602 "57 2b3y5k1DchDACjH5KMlgQv The Rolling Stones \n",
12603 "58 3wkyUMDuH56iNaSxKvukax The Rolling Stones \n",
12604 "59 6hB5kO3oV3tlnblCNSSA9Z Muddy Waters \n",
12605 "60 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Muddy Waters \n",
12606 "61 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC The Rolling Stones \n",
12607 "\n",
12608 " name \n",
12609 "0 Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
12610 "1 1 (Remastered) \n",
12611 "2 Let It Be (Remastered) \n",
12612 "3 Abbey Road (Remastered) \n",
12613 "4 Yellow Submarine (Remastered) \n",
12614 "5 The Beatles (Remastered) \n",
12615 "6 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) \n",
12616 "7 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
12617 "8 Revolver (Remastered) \n",
12618 "9 Rubber Soul (Remastered) \n",
12619 "10 Help! (Remastered) \n",
12620 "11 Beatles For Sale (Remastered) \n",
12621 "12 A Hard Day's Night (Remastered) \n",
12622 "13 The King Of Limbs \n",
12623 "14 With The Beatles (Remastered) \n",
12624 "15 Please Please Me (Remastered) \n",
12625 "16 A Moon Shaped Pool \n",
12626 "17 TKOL RMX 1234567 \n",
12627 "18 In Rainbows \n",
12628 "19 In Rainbows Disk 2 \n",
12629 "20 Com Lag: 2+2=5 \n",
12630 "21 Hail To the Thief \n",
12631 "22 I Might Be Wrong \n",
12632 "23 Amnesiac \n",
12633 "24 Kid A \n",
12634 "25 OK Computer \n",
12635 "26 The Bends \n",
12636 "27 Pablo Honey \n",
12637 "28 Blue & Lonesome \n",
12638 "29 Havana Moon (Live) \n",
12639 ".. ... \n",
12640 "32 Shine A Light \n",
12641 "33 A Bigger Bang (2009 Re-Mastered) \n",
12642 "34 Live Licks \n",
12643 "35 Bridges To Babylon (Remastered) \n",
12644 "36 Stripped \n",
12645 "37 Voodoo Lounge (Remastered 2009) \n",
12646 "38 Flashpoint \n",
12647 "39 Steel Wheels (2009 Re-Mastered) \n",
12648 "40 Dirty Work \n",
12649 "41 Dirty Work (Remastered 2009) \n",
12650 "42 Undercover (2009 Re-Mastered) \n",
12651 "43 Still Life \n",
12652 "44 Tattoo You (2009 Re-Mastered) \n",
12653 "45 Emotional Rescue (2009 Re-Mastered) \n",
12654 "46 Some Girls \n",
12655 "47 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
12656 "48 Forever \n",
12657 "49 Spiceworld \n",
12658 "50 Spice \n",
12659 "51 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
12660 "52 On Air (Deluxe) \n",
12661 "53 Sticky Fingers Live At The Fonda Theatre \n",
12662 "54 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) \n",
12663 "55 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
12664 "56 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) \n",
12665 "57 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
12666 "58 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
12667 "59 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
12668 "60 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
12669 "61 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
12670 "\n",
12671 "[62 rows x 3 columns]"
12672 ]
12673 },
12674 "execution_count": 74,
12675 "metadata": {},
12676 "output_type": "execute_result"
12677 }
12678 ],
12679 "source": [
12680 "pd.DataFrame(list(albums.find({}, ['artist_name', 'name'])))"
12681 ]
12682 },
12683 {
12684 "cell_type": "markdown",
12685 "metadata": {
12686 "collapsed": true
12687 },
12688 "source": [
12689 "Manually fix a couple of errors."
12690 ]
12691 },
12692 {
12693 "cell_type": "code",
12694 "execution_count": 75,
12695 "metadata": {},
12696 "outputs": [
12697 {
12698 "data": {
12699 "text/plain": [
12700 "<pymongo.results.UpdateResult at 0x7f97602b8ec8>"
12701 ]
12702 },
12703 "execution_count": 75,
12704 "metadata": {},
12705 "output_type": "execute_result"
12706 }
12707 ],
12708 "source": [
12709 "genius_tracks.update_many({'ctitle': 'revolution i'}, \n",
12710 " {'$set': {'ctitle': 'revolution 1'}})\n",
12711 "genius_tracks.update_many({'ctitle': 'when im sixtyfour'}, \n",
12712 " {'$set': {'ctitle': 'when im sixty four'}})\n",
12713 "genius_tracks.update_many({'ctitle': 'packt like sardines in a crushd tin box'}, \n",
12714 " {'$set': {'ctitle': 'packt like sardines in a crushed tin box'}})\n",
12715 "genius_tracks.update_many({'ctitle': 'a punchup at a wedding'}, \n",
12716 " {'$set': {'ctitle': 'a punch up at a wedding'}})\n",
12717 "genius_tracks.update_many({'ctitle': 'dollars cents'}, \n",
12718 " {'$set': {'ctitle': 'dollars and cents'}})\n",
12719 "genius_tracks.update_many({'ctitle': 'bullet proofi wish i was'}, \n",
12720 " {'$set': {'ctitle': 'bullet proof i wish i was'}})\n",
12721 "genius_tracks.update_many({'ctitle': 'jumpin jack flash'}, \n",
12722 " {'$set': {'ctitle': 'jumping jack flash'}})\n",
12723 "genius_tracks.update_many({'ctitle': 'far away eyes'}, \n",
12724 " {'$set': {'ctitle': 'faraway eyes'}})"
12725 ]
12726 },
12727 {
12728 "cell_type": "code",
12729 "execution_count": 76,
12730 "metadata": {},
12731 "outputs": [
12732 {
12733 "data": {
12734 "text/plain": [
12735 "(532, 516, 103)"
12736 ]
12737 },
12738 "execution_count": 76,
12739 "metadata": {},
12740 "output_type": "execute_result"
12741 }
12742 ],
12743 "source": [
12744 "in_both = set(g['ctitle'] for g in genius_tracks.find({}, ['ctitle']) if tracks.find({'ctitle': g['ctitle']}).count())\n",
12745 "genius_only = set(g['ctitle'] for g in genius_tracks.find({}, ['ctitle']) if not tracks.find({'ctitle': g['ctitle']}).count())\n",
12746 "spotify_only = set(s['ctitle'] for s in tracks.find({}, ['ctitle']) if not genius_tracks.find({'ctitle': s['ctitle']}).count())\n",
12747 "len(in_both), len(genius_only), len(spotify_only)"
12748 ]
12749 },
12750 {
12751 "cell_type": "markdown",
12752 "metadata": {},
12753 "source": [
12754 "### Copy the lyrics over<a name=\"copylyrics\"></a>\n",
12755 "Now can can connect the tracks, let's copy across the lyrics from the Genius collection into the Spotify collection. We'll calculate the lyrical density at the same time.\n",
12756 "\n",
12757 "* [Top](#top)"
12758 ]
12759 },
12760 {
12761 "cell_type": "code",
12762 "execution_count": 77,
12763 "metadata": {},
12764 "outputs": [],
12765 "source": [
12766 "for t in tracks.find({}, ['ctitle', 'duration_ms']):\n",
12767 " gts = genius_tracks.find({'ctitle': t['ctitle'], 'lyrics': {'$exists': True}}, ['lyrics', 'original_lyrics'])\n",
12768 " for gt in gts:\n",
12769 " tracks.update_one({'_id': t['_id']}, \n",
12770 " {'$set': {'lyrics': gt['lyrics'], \n",
12771 " 'original_lyrics': gt['original_lyrics'],\n",
12772 " 'lyrical_density': 1000 * len(gt['lyrics'].split()) / t['duration_ms']}})"
12773 ]
12774 },
12775 {
12776 "cell_type": "markdown",
12777 "metadata": {},
12778 "source": [
12779 "## Sentiment analysis<a name=\"sentimentanalysis\"></a>\n",
12780 "I couldn't find an easily-installable equivalent to the NRC corpus, so I'm using a sentiment analysis API endpoint from [Text Processing](http://text-processing.com/docs/sentiment.html).\n",
12781 "\n",
12782 "* [Top](#top)"
12783 ]
12784 },
12785 {
12786 "cell_type": "code",
12787 "execution_count": 78,
12788 "metadata": {
12789 "scrolled": true
12790 },
12791 "outputs": [],
12792 "source": [
12793 "for t in tracks.find({'lyrics': {'$exists': True}}, ['lyrics']):\n",
12794 " text = t['lyrics']\n",
12795 " if text:\n",
12796 " query = urllib.parse.urlencode({'text': text}).encode('ascii')\n",
12797 " headers = {'Accept': 'application/json',\n",
12798 " 'User-Agent': 'curl/7.9.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl 7.9.8 (OpenSSL 0.9.6b) (ipv6 enabled)'}\n",
12799 " request = urllib.request.Request('http://text-processing.com/api/sentiment/', \n",
12800 " headers=headers, data=query)\n",
12801 " with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as f:\n",
12802 " response = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
12803 " tracks.update_one({'_id': t['_id']}, {'$set': {'sentiment': response}})"
12804 ]
12805 },
12806 {
12807 "cell_type": "code",
12808 "execution_count": 79,
12809 "metadata": {},
12810 "outputs": [
12811 {
12812 "data": {
12813 "text/plain": [
12814 "dict_keys(['explicit', 'artist_name', 'lyrics', 'uri', 'track_number', 'mode', 'album_id', '_id', 'preview_url', 'acousticness', 'liveness', 'energy', 'disc_number', 'valence', 'artist_id', 'lyrical_density', 'ctitle', 'popularity', 'original_lyrics', 'speechiness', 'sentiment', 'loudness', 'href', 'available_markets', 'type', 'name', 'external_ids', 'artists', 'id', 'key', 'instrumentalness', 'album', 'time_signature', 'danceability', 'duration_ms', 'tempo', 'external_urls', 'analysis_url', 'track_href'])"
12815 ]
12816 },
12817 "execution_count": 79,
12818 "metadata": {},
12819 "output_type": "execute_result"
12820 }
12821 ],
12822 "source": [
12823 "tracks.find_one({'sentiment': {'$exists': True}}).keys()"
12824 ]
12825 },
12826 {
12827 "cell_type": "code",
12828 "execution_count": 80,
12829 "metadata": {
12830 "scrolled": true
12831 },
12832 "outputs": [
12833 {
12834 "data": {
12835 "text/plain": [
12836 "{'_id': '1jgefM2ZP7RnPVShhy1eUM',\n",
12837 " 'acousticness': 0.148,\n",
12838 " 'album': {'album_type': 'album',\n",
12839 " 'artists': [{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/artist/22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe'},\n",
12840 " 'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe',\n",
12841 " 'id': '22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe',\n",
12842 " 'name': 'The Rolling Stones',\n",
12843 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
12844 " 'uri': 'spotify:artist:22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe'}],\n",
12845 " 'available_markets': ['GB'],\n",
12846 " 'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/album/3PbRKFafwE7Of8e4dTee72'},\n",
12847 " 'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/albums/3PbRKFafwE7Of8e4dTee72',\n",
12848 " 'id': '3PbRKFafwE7Of8e4dTee72',\n",
12849 " 'images': [{'height': 640,\n",
12850 " 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/4bd988736fe53e8109488f0f390cdfd5d119762d',\n",
12851 " 'width': 640},\n",
12852 " {'height': 300,\n",
12853 " 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/b5c53642ccdaac3120aa766ce5e29d9c1b61794f',\n",
12854 " 'width': 300},\n",
12855 " {'height': 64,\n",
12856 " 'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/9c6e2872cbd2688c528d5d43c57651d12c19eec1',\n",
12857 " 'width': 64}],\n",
12858 " 'name': 'Totally Stripped (Live)',\n",
12859 " 'type': 'album',\n",
12860 " 'uri': 'spotify:album:3PbRKFafwE7Of8e4dTee72'},\n",
12861 " 'album_id': '3PbRKFafwE7Of8e4dTee72',\n",
12862 " 'analysis_url': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/1jgefM2ZP7RnPVShhy1eUM',\n",
12863 " 'artist_id': '22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe',\n",
12864 " 'artist_name': 'The Rolling Stones',\n",
12865 " 'artists': [{'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/artist/22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe'},\n",
12866 " 'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/artists/22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe',\n",
12867 " 'id': '22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe',\n",
12868 " 'name': 'The Rolling Stones',\n",
12869 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
12870 " 'uri': 'spotify:artist:22bE4uQ6baNwSHPVcDxLCe'}],\n",
12871 " 'available_markets': ['GB'],\n",
12872 " 'ctitle': 'not fade away',\n",
12873 " 'danceability': 0.282,\n",
12874 " 'disc_number': 1,\n",
12875 " 'duration_ms': 191787,\n",
12876 " 'energy': 0.883,\n",
12877 " 'explicit': False,\n",
12878 " 'external_ids': {'isrc': 'GBCBR1500391'},\n",
12879 " 'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/1jgefM2ZP7RnPVShhy1eUM'},\n",
12880 " 'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/1jgefM2ZP7RnPVShhy1eUM',\n",
12881 " 'id': '1jgefM2ZP7RnPVShhy1eUM',\n",
12882 " 'instrumentalness': 0.00116,\n",
12883 " 'key': 9,\n",
12884 " 'liveness': 0.969,\n",
12885 " 'loudness': -7.634,\n",
12886 " 'lyrical_density': 0.6934776601125207,\n",
12887 " 'lyrics': \"i'm going to tell you how it's going to be you're going to give your love to me i'm going to love you night and day well love is love and not fade away well love is love and not fade away my love is bigger than a cadillac i try to show it and you're driving me back your love for me has got to be real for you to know just how i feel love is real and not fade away well love is real and not fade away i'm going to tell you how it's going to be you're going to give your love to me i'm going to love you night and day well love is love and not fade away well love is love and not fade away\",\n",
12888 " 'mode': 1,\n",
12889 " 'name': 'Not Fade Away - Live',\n",
12890 " 'original_lyrics': \"\\n\\n[Chorus]\\nI'm going to tell you how it's going to be\\nYou're going to give your love to me\\nI'm going to love you night and day\\nWell love is love and not fade away\\nWell love is love and not fade away\\n\\n[Verse]\\nMy love is bigger than a Cadillac\\nI try to show it and you're driving me back\\nYour love for me has got to be real\\nFor you to know just how I feel\\nLove is real and not fade away\\nWell love is real and not fade away\\n\\n[Chorus]\\nI'm going to tell you how it's going to be\\nYou're going to give your love to me\\nI'm going to love you night and day\\nWell love is love and not fade away\\nWell love is love and not fade away\\n\\n\",\n",
12891 " 'popularity': 14,\n",
12892 " 'preview_url': 'https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/bba1991141c6e594e0d6cee95bfd55357958e2fa?cid=62cfd0fb31d949b091487f6b71bd39ec',\n",
12893 " 'sentiment': {'label': 'pos',\n",
12894 " 'probability': {'neg': 0.4330417519459868,\n",
12895 " 'neutral': 0.16422979866211163,\n",
12896 " 'pos': 0.5669582480540132}},\n",
12897 " 'speechiness': 0.0936,\n",
12898 " 'tempo': 99.59,\n",
12899 " 'time_signature': 4,\n",
12900 " 'track_href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/1jgefM2ZP7RnPVShhy1eUM',\n",
12901 " 'track_number': 1,\n",
12902 " 'type': 'audio_features',\n",
12903 " 'uri': 'spotify:track:1jgefM2ZP7RnPVShhy1eUM',\n",
12904 " 'valence': 0.678}"
12905 ]
12906 },
12907 "execution_count": 80,
12908 "metadata": {},
12909 "output_type": "execute_result"
12910 }
12911 ],
12912 "source": [
12913 "tracks.find_one({'sentiment': {'$exists': True}})"
12914 ]
12915 },
12916 {
12917 "cell_type": "code",
12918 "execution_count": 81,
12919 "metadata": {},
12920 "outputs": [
12921 {
12922 "data": {
12923 "text/plain": [
12924 "(790, 134)"
12925 ]
12926 },
12927 "execution_count": 81,
12928 "metadata": {},
12929 "output_type": "execute_result"
12930 }
12931 ],
12932 "source": [
12933 "tracks.find({'sentiment': {'$exists': True}}).count(), tracks.find({'sentiment': {'$exists': False}}).count()"
12934 ]
12935 },
12936 {
12937 "cell_type": "code",
12938 "execution_count": 82,
12939 "metadata": {},
12940 "outputs": [
12941 {
12942 "data": {
12943 "text/plain": [
12944 "8"
12945 ]
12946 },
12947 "execution_count": 82,
12948 "metadata": {},
12949 "output_type": "execute_result"
12950 }
12951 ],
12952 "source": [
12953 "tracks.find({'sentiment': {'$exists': False}, 'lyrics': {'$exists': True}}).count()"
12954 ]
12955 },
12956 {
12957 "cell_type": "code",
12958 "execution_count": 83,
12959 "metadata": {},
12960 "outputs": [
12961 {
12962 "data": {
12963 "text/html": [
12964 "<div>\n",
12965 "<style>\n",
12966 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
12967 " text-align: right;\n",
12968 " }\n",
12969 "\n",
12970 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
12971 " text-align: left;\n",
12972 " }\n",
12973 "\n",
12974 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
12975 " vertical-align: top;\n",
12976 " }\n",
12977 "</style>\n",
12978 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
12979 " <thead>\n",
12980 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
12981 " <th></th>\n",
12982 " <th>_id</th>\n",
12983 " <th>artist_name</th>\n",
12984 " <th>lyrics</th>\n",
12985 " <th>name</th>\n",
12986 " </tr>\n",
12987 " </thead>\n",
12988 " <tbody>\n",
12989 " <tr>\n",
12990 " <th>0</th>\n",
12991 " <td>47DgFAFnhfwoSko23P7pz5</td>\n",
12992 " <td>George Martin</td>\n",
12993 " <td></td>\n",
12994 " <td>Yellow Submarine In Pepperland - Remastered</td>\n",
12995 " </tr>\n",
12996 " <tr>\n",
12997 " <th>1</th>\n",
12998 " <td>2z1p43SNSbeowzy8WdYHNk</td>\n",
12999 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13000 " <td></td>\n",
13001 " <td>Flying - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
13002 " </tr>\n",
13003 " <tr>\n",
13004 " <th>2</th>\n",
13005 " <td>3gKuywOm38axM8sJGq6Laq</td>\n",
13006 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13007 " <td></td>\n",
13008 " <td>MK 1</td>\n",
13009 " </tr>\n",
13010 " <tr>\n",
13011 " <th>3</th>\n",
13012 " <td>2uYSbsxAMmK1awUl06T7ix</td>\n",
13013 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13014 " <td></td>\n",
13015 " <td>MK 2</td>\n",
13016 " </tr>\n",
13017 " <tr>\n",
13018 " <th>4</th>\n",
13019 " <td>1q6X5sJSWQ2QnqvPghR0Kr</td>\n",
13020 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13021 " <td></td>\n",
13022 " <td>I Am Citizen Insane</td>\n",
13023 " </tr>\n",
13024 " <tr>\n",
13025 " <th>5</th>\n",
13026 " <td>4blz5SBUxKbtDNwMWstGNG</td>\n",
13027 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13028 " <td></td>\n",
13029 " <td>Where Bluebirds Fly</td>\n",
13030 " </tr>\n",
13031 " <tr>\n",
13032 " <th>6</th>\n",
13033 " <td>2zYrFer4QGSQkk5aUawfHB</td>\n",
13034 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13035 " <td></td>\n",
13036 " <td>Hunting Bears</td>\n",
13037 " </tr>\n",
13038 " <tr>\n",
13039 " <th>7</th>\n",
13040 " <td>4DPQvbgSM0IdX4O3HOACwL</td>\n",
13041 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13042 " <td></td>\n",
13043 " <td>Treefingers</td>\n",
13044 " </tr>\n",
13045 " </tbody>\n",
13046 "</table>\n",
13047 "</div>"
13048 ],
13049 "text/plain": [
13050 " _id artist_name lyrics \\\n",
13051 "0 47DgFAFnhfwoSko23P7pz5 George Martin \n",
13052 "1 2z1p43SNSbeowzy8WdYHNk The Beatles \n",
13053 "2 3gKuywOm38axM8sJGq6Laq Radiohead \n",
13054 "3 2uYSbsxAMmK1awUl06T7ix Radiohead \n",
13055 "4 1q6X5sJSWQ2QnqvPghR0Kr Radiohead \n",
13056 "5 4blz5SBUxKbtDNwMWstGNG Radiohead \n",
13057 "6 2zYrFer4QGSQkk5aUawfHB Radiohead \n",
13058 "7 4DPQvbgSM0IdX4O3HOACwL Radiohead \n",
13059 "\n",
13060 " name \n",
13061 "0 Yellow Submarine In Pepperland - Remastered \n",
13062 "1 Flying - Remastered 2009 \n",
13063 "2 MK 1 \n",
13064 "3 MK 2 \n",
13065 "4 I Am Citizen Insane \n",
13066 "5 Where Bluebirds Fly \n",
13067 "6 Hunting Bears \n",
13068 "7 Treefingers "
13069 ]
13070 },
13071 "execution_count": 83,
13072 "metadata": {},
13073 "output_type": "execute_result"
13074 }
13075 ],
13076 "source": [
13077 "pd.DataFrame(list(tracks.find({'sentiment': {'$exists': False}, \n",
13078 " 'lyrics': {'$exists': True}}, \n",
13079 " ['name', 'artist_name', 'lyrics'])))"
13080 ]
13081 },
13082 {
13083 "cell_type": "code",
13084 "execution_count": 84,
13085 "metadata": {},
13086 "outputs": [
13087 {
13088 "data": {
13089 "text/plain": [
13090 "[{'_id': '47DgFAFnhfwoSko23P7pz5',\n",
13091 " 'artist_name': 'George Martin',\n",
13092 " 'lyrics': '',\n",
13093 " 'name': 'Yellow Submarine In Pepperland - Remastered',\n",
13094 " 'original_lyrics': '\\n\\n[Instrumental]\\n\\n'},\n",
13095 " {'_id': '2z1p43SNSbeowzy8WdYHNk',\n",
13096 " 'artist_name': 'The Beatles',\n",
13097 " 'lyrics': '',\n",
13098 " 'name': 'Flying - Remastered 2009',\n",
13099 " 'original_lyrics': '\\n\\n[Instrumental]\\n\\n'},\n",
13100 " {'_id': '3gKuywOm38axM8sJGq6Laq',\n",
13101 " 'artist_name': 'Radiohead',\n",
13102 " 'lyrics': '',\n",
13103 " 'name': 'MK 1',\n",
13104 " 'original_lyrics': '\\n\\n[Instrumental]\\n\\n'},\n",
13105 " {'_id': '2uYSbsxAMmK1awUl06T7ix',\n",
13106 " 'artist_name': 'Radiohead',\n",
13107 " 'lyrics': '',\n",
13108 " 'name': 'MK 2',\n",
13109 " 'original_lyrics': '\\n\\n[Instrumental]\\n\\n'},\n",
13110 " {'_id': '1q6X5sJSWQ2QnqvPghR0Kr',\n",
13111 " 'artist_name': 'Radiohead',\n",
13112 " 'lyrics': '',\n",
13113 " 'name': 'I Am Citizen Insane',\n",
13114 " 'original_lyrics': '\\n\\n[Instrumental]\\n\\n'},\n",
13115 " {'_id': '4blz5SBUxKbtDNwMWstGNG',\n",
13116 " 'artist_name': 'Radiohead',\n",
13117 " 'lyrics': '',\n",
13118 " 'name': 'Where Bluebirds Fly',\n",
13119 " 'original_lyrics': '\\n\\n[Distorted \"Somewhere Over The Rainbow\" lyrics]\\n\\n'},\n",
13120 " {'_id': '2zYrFer4QGSQkk5aUawfHB',\n",
13121 " 'artist_name': 'Radiohead',\n",
13122 " 'lyrics': '',\n",
13123 " 'name': 'Hunting Bears',\n",
13124 " 'original_lyrics': '\\n\\n[Instrumental]\\n\\n'},\n",
13125 " {'_id': '4DPQvbgSM0IdX4O3HOACwL',\n",
13126 " 'artist_name': 'Radiohead',\n",
13127 " 'lyrics': '',\n",
13128 " 'name': 'Treefingers',\n",
13129 " 'original_lyrics': '\\n\\n[Instrumental]\\n\\n'}]"
13130 ]
13131 },
13132 "execution_count": 84,
13133 "metadata": {},
13134 "output_type": "execute_result"
13135 }
13136 ],
13137 "source": [
13138 "list(tracks.find({'sentiment': {'$exists': False}, \n",
13139 " 'lyrics': {'$exists': True}}, \n",
13140 " ['name', 'artist_name', 'lyrics', 'original_lyrics']))"
13141 ]
13142 },
13143 {
13144 "cell_type": "code",
13145 "execution_count": 85,
13146 "metadata": {},
13147 "outputs": [
13148 {
13149 "data": {
13150 "text/plain": [
13151 "<pymongo.results.UpdateResult at 0x7f976c0bbd08>"
13152 ]
13153 },
13154 "execution_count": 85,
13155 "metadata": {},
13156 "output_type": "execute_result"
13157 }
13158 ],
13159 "source": [
13160 "tracks.update_many({'lyrics': ''}, {'$unset': {'lyrics': ''}})"
13161 ]
13162 },
13163 {
13164 "cell_type": "code",
13165 "execution_count": 86,
13166 "metadata": {},
13167 "outputs": [
13168 {
13169 "data": {
13170 "text/html": [
13171 "<div>\n",
13172 "<style>\n",
13173 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
13174 " text-align: right;\n",
13175 " }\n",
13176 "\n",
13177 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
13178 " text-align: left;\n",
13179 " }\n",
13180 "\n",
13181 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
13182 " vertical-align: top;\n",
13183 " }\n",
13184 "</style>\n",
13185 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
13186 " <thead>\n",
13187 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
13188 " <th></th>\n",
13189 " </tr>\n",
13190 " </thead>\n",
13191 " <tbody>\n",
13192 " </tbody>\n",
13193 "</table>\n",
13194 "</div>"
13195 ],
13196 "text/plain": [
13197 "Empty DataFrame\n",
13198 "Columns: []\n",
13199 "Index: []"
13200 ]
13201 },
13202 "execution_count": 86,
13203 "metadata": {},
13204 "output_type": "execute_result"
13205 }
13206 ],
13207 "source": [
13208 "pd.DataFrame(list(tracks.find({'sentiment': {'$exists': False}, \n",
13209 " 'lyrics': {'$exists': True}}, \n",
13210 " ['name', 'artist_name', 'lyrics'])))"
13211 ]
13212 },
13213 {
13214 "cell_type": "markdown",
13215 "metadata": {},
13216 "source": [
13217 "## Remove live and duplicate tracks<a name=\"removedupliates\"></a>\n",
13218 "We don't want to include tracks from live albums and tracks that appear more than once, such as on deluxe, remastered, and basic versions of albums.\n",
13219 "\n",
13220 "There's no quick and easy way to do this, so this section is just a lot of faffing around. The upshot is that the tracks we want to ignore will end up with an `ignore: True` tag on them, and they will be filtered out in a view for the analysis later.\n",
13221 "\n",
13222 "* [Top](#top)"
13223 ]
13224 },
13225 {
13226 "cell_type": "code",
13227 "execution_count": 87,
13228 "metadata": {
13229 "scrolled": true
13230 },
13231 "outputs": [
13232 {
13233 "data": {
13234 "text/html": [
13235 "<div>\n",
13236 "<style>\n",
13237 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
13238 " text-align: right;\n",
13239 " }\n",
13240 "\n",
13241 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
13242 " text-align: left;\n",
13243 " }\n",
13244 "\n",
13245 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
13246 " vertical-align: top;\n",
13247 " }\n",
13248 "</style>\n",
13249 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
13250 " <thead>\n",
13251 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
13252 " <th></th>\n",
13253 " <th>_id</th>\n",
13254 " <th>artist_name</th>\n",
13255 " <th>name</th>\n",
13256 " <th>release_date</th>\n",
13257 " </tr>\n",
13258 " </thead>\n",
13259 " <tbody>\n",
13260 " <tr>\n",
13261 " <th>0</th>\n",
13262 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
13263 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13264 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
13265 " <td>2016-09-09</td>\n",
13266 " </tr>\n",
13267 " <tr>\n",
13268 " <th>1</th>\n",
13269 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
13270 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13271 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
13272 " <td>2000-11-13</td>\n",
13273 " </tr>\n",
13274 " <tr>\n",
13275 " <th>2</th>\n",
13276 " <td>2pCqZLeavM2BMovJXsJEIV</td>\n",
13277 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13278 " <td>Let It Be (Remastered)</td>\n",
13279 " <td>1970-05-08</td>\n",
13280 " </tr>\n",
13281 " <tr>\n",
13282 " <th>3</th>\n",
13283 " <td>2Pqkn9Dq2DFtdfkKAeqgMd</td>\n",
13284 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13285 " <td>Abbey Road (Remastered)</td>\n",
13286 " <td>1969-09-26</td>\n",
13287 " </tr>\n",
13288 " <tr>\n",
13289 " <th>4</th>\n",
13290 " <td>47bcKzmKgmMPHXNVOWpLiu</td>\n",
13291 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13292 " <td>Yellow Submarine (Remastered)</td>\n",
13293 " <td>1969-01-17</td>\n",
13294 " </tr>\n",
13295 " <tr>\n",
13296 " <th>5</th>\n",
13297 " <td>03Qh833fEdVT30Pfs93ea6</td>\n",
13298 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13299 " <td>The Beatles (Remastered)</td>\n",
13300 " <td>1968-11-22</td>\n",
13301 " </tr>\n",
13302 " <tr>\n",
13303 " <th>6</th>\n",
13304 " <td>6P9yO0ukhOx3dvmhGKeYoC</td>\n",
13305 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13306 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
13307 " <td>1967-11-27</td>\n",
13308 " </tr>\n",
13309 " <tr>\n",
13310 " <th>7</th>\n",
13311 " <td>1PULmKbHeOqlkIwcDMNwD4</td>\n",
13312 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13313 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
13314 " <td>1967-06-01</td>\n",
13315 " </tr>\n",
13316 " <tr>\n",
13317 " <th>8</th>\n",
13318 " <td>0PYyrqs9NXtxPhf0CZkq2L</td>\n",
13319 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13320 " <td>Revolver (Remastered)</td>\n",
13321 " <td>1966-08-05</td>\n",
13322 " </tr>\n",
13323 " <tr>\n",
13324 " <th>9</th>\n",
13325 " <td>3OdI6e43crvyAHhaqpxSyz</td>\n",
13326 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13327 " <td>Rubber Soul (Remastered)</td>\n",
13328 " <td>1965-12-03</td>\n",
13329 " </tr>\n",
13330 " <tr>\n",
13331 " <th>10</th>\n",
13332 " <td>19K3IHYeVkUTjcBHGfbCOi</td>\n",
13333 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13334 " <td>Help! (Remastered)</td>\n",
13335 " <td>1965-08-06</td>\n",
13336 " </tr>\n",
13337 " <tr>\n",
13338 " <th>11</th>\n",
13339 " <td>7BgGBZndAvDlKOcwe5rscZ</td>\n",
13340 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13341 " <td>Beatles For Sale (Remastered)</td>\n",
13342 " <td>1964-12-04</td>\n",
13343 " </tr>\n",
13344 " <tr>\n",
13345 " <th>12</th>\n",
13346 " <td>71Mwd9tntFQYUk4k2DwA0D</td>\n",
13347 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13348 " <td>A Hard Day's Night (Remastered)</td>\n",
13349 " <td>1964-07-10</td>\n",
13350 " </tr>\n",
13351 " <tr>\n",
13352 " <th>13</th>\n",
13353 " <td>1DBkJIEoeHrTX4WCBQGcCi</td>\n",
13354 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13355 " <td>The King Of Limbs</td>\n",
13356 " <td>2011-02-18</td>\n",
13357 " </tr>\n",
13358 " <tr>\n",
13359 " <th>14</th>\n",
13360 " <td>3nkEsxmIX0zRNXGAexaHAn</td>\n",
13361 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13362 " <td>With The Beatles (Remastered)</td>\n",
13363 " <td>1963-11-22</td>\n",
13364 " </tr>\n",
13365 " <tr>\n",
13366 " <th>15</th>\n",
13367 " <td>7gDXyW16byCQOgK965BRzn</td>\n",
13368 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13369 " <td>Please Please Me (Remastered)</td>\n",
13370 " <td>1963-03-22</td>\n",
13371 " </tr>\n",
13372 " <tr>\n",
13373 " <th>16</th>\n",
13374 " <td>6vuykQgDLUCiZ7YggIpLM9</td>\n",
13375 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13376 " <td>A Moon Shaped Pool</td>\n",
13377 " <td>2016-05-08</td>\n",
13378 " </tr>\n",
13379 " <tr>\n",
13380 " <th>17</th>\n",
13381 " <td>47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T</td>\n",
13382 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13383 " <td>TKOL RMX 1234567</td>\n",
13384 " <td>2011-10-10</td>\n",
13385 " </tr>\n",
13386 " <tr>\n",
13387 " <th>18</th>\n",
13388 " <td>7eyQXxuf2nGj9d2367Gi5f</td>\n",
13389 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13390 " <td>In Rainbows</td>\n",
13391 " <td>2007-12-28</td>\n",
13392 " </tr>\n",
13393 " <tr>\n",
13394 " <th>19</th>\n",
13395 " <td>36lJLPoPPOKNFddTAcirnc</td>\n",
13396 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13397 " <td>In Rainbows Disk 2</td>\n",
13398 " <td>2007</td>\n",
13399 " </tr>\n",
13400 " <tr>\n",
13401 " <th>20</th>\n",
13402 " <td>6Eo5EkmdLvZrONzi046iC2</td>\n",
13403 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13404 " <td>Com Lag: 2+2=5</td>\n",
13405 " <td>2004-03-24</td>\n",
13406 " </tr>\n",
13407 " <tr>\n",
13408 " <th>21</th>\n",
13409 " <td>1oW3v5Har9mvXnGk0x4fHm</td>\n",
13410 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13411 " <td>Hail To the Thief</td>\n",
13412 " <td>2003</td>\n",
13413 " </tr>\n",
13414 " <tr>\n",
13415 " <th>22</th>\n",
13416 " <td>6svTt5o2lUgIrgYDKVmdnD</td>\n",
13417 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13418 " <td>I Might Be Wrong</td>\n",
13419 " <td>2001</td>\n",
13420 " </tr>\n",
13421 " <tr>\n",
13422 " <th>23</th>\n",
13423 " <td>6V9YnBmFjWmXCBaUVRCVXP</td>\n",
13424 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13425 " <td>Amnesiac</td>\n",
13426 " <td>2001-03-12</td>\n",
13427 " </tr>\n",
13428 " <tr>\n",
13429 " <th>24</th>\n",
13430 " <td>19RUXBFyM4PpmrLRdtqWbp</td>\n",
13431 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13432 " <td>Kid A</td>\n",
13433 " <td>2000-10-01</td>\n",
13434 " </tr>\n",
13435 " <tr>\n",
13436 " <th>25</th>\n",
13437 " <td>7dxKtc08dYeRVHt3p9CZJn</td>\n",
13438 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13439 " <td>OK Computer</td>\n",
13440 " <td>1997-05-28</td>\n",
13441 " </tr>\n",
13442 " <tr>\n",
13443 " <th>26</th>\n",
13444 " <td>500FEaUzn8lN9zWFyZG5C2</td>\n",
13445 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13446 " <td>The Bends</td>\n",
13447 " <td>1995-03-28</td>\n",
13448 " </tr>\n",
13449 " <tr>\n",
13450 " <th>27</th>\n",
13451 " <td>6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN</td>\n",
13452 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
13453 " <td>Pablo Honey</td>\n",
13454 " <td>1993-02-22</td>\n",
13455 " </tr>\n",
13456 " <tr>\n",
13457 " <th>28</th>\n",
13458 " <td>4g9Jfls8z2nbQxj5PiXkiy</td>\n",
13459 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13460 " <td>Blue &amp; Lonesome</td>\n",
13461 " <td>2016-12-02</td>\n",
13462 " </tr>\n",
13463 " <tr>\n",
13464 " <th>29</th>\n",
13465 " <td>4fhWcu56Bbh5wALuTouFVW</td>\n",
13466 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13467 " <td>Havana Moon (Live)</td>\n",
13468 " <td>2016-11-11</td>\n",
13469 " </tr>\n",
13470 " <tr>\n",
13471 " <th>...</th>\n",
13472 " <td>...</td>\n",
13473 " <td>...</td>\n",
13474 " <td>...</td>\n",
13475 " <td>...</td>\n",
13476 " </tr>\n",
13477 " <tr>\n",
13478 " <th>32</th>\n",
13479 " <td>3CHu7qW160uqPZHW3TMZ1l</td>\n",
13480 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13481 " <td>Shine A Light</td>\n",
13482 " <td>2008-01-01</td>\n",
13483 " </tr>\n",
13484 " <tr>\n",
13485 " <th>33</th>\n",
13486 " <td>4FTHynKEtuP7eppERNfjyG</td>\n",
13487 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13488 " <td>A Bigger Bang (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
13489 " <td>2005-09-05</td>\n",
13490 " </tr>\n",
13491 " <tr>\n",
13492 " <th>34</th>\n",
13493 " <td>50UGtgNA5bq1c0BDjPfmbD</td>\n",
13494 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13495 " <td>Live Licks</td>\n",
13496 " <td>2004-11-01</td>\n",
13497 " </tr>\n",
13498 " <tr>\n",
13499 " <th>35</th>\n",
13500 " <td>0ZGddnvcVzHVHfE3WW1tV5</td>\n",
13501 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13502 " <td>Bridges To Babylon (Remastered)</td>\n",
13503 " <td>1997-09-29</td>\n",
13504 " </tr>\n",
13505 " <tr>\n",
13506 " <th>36</th>\n",
13507 " <td>4M8Q1L9PZq0xK5tLUpO3jd</td>\n",
13508 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13509 " <td>Stripped</td>\n",
13510 " <td>1995-01-13</td>\n",
13511 " </tr>\n",
13512 " <tr>\n",
13513 " <th>37</th>\n",
13514 " <td>62ZT16LY1phGM0O8x5qW1z</td>\n",
13515 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13516 " <td>Voodoo Lounge (Remastered 2009)</td>\n",
13517 " <td>1994-07-11</td>\n",
13518 " </tr>\n",
13519 " <tr>\n",
13520 " <th>38</th>\n",
13521 " <td>1W1UJulgICjFDyYIMUwRs7</td>\n",
13522 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13523 " <td>Flashpoint</td>\n",
13524 " <td>1991-04-02</td>\n",
13525 " </tr>\n",
13526 " <tr>\n",
13527 " <th>39</th>\n",
13528 " <td>25mfHGJNQkluvIqedXHSx3</td>\n",
13529 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13530 " <td>Steel Wheels (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
13531 " <td>1989-08-29</td>\n",
13532 " </tr>\n",
13533 " <tr>\n",
13534 " <th>40</th>\n",
13535 " <td>1TpcI1LEFVhBvDPSTMPGFG</td>\n",
13536 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13537 " <td>Dirty Work</td>\n",
13538 " <td>1986-03-24</td>\n",
13539 " </tr>\n",
13540 " <tr>\n",
13541 " <th>41</th>\n",
13542 " <td>1WSfNoPDPzgyKFN6OSYWUx</td>\n",
13543 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13544 " <td>Dirty Work (Remastered 2009)</td>\n",
13545 " <td>1986-03-24</td>\n",
13546 " </tr>\n",
13547 " <tr>\n",
13548 " <th>42</th>\n",
13549 " <td>064eFGemsrDcMvgRZ0gqtw</td>\n",
13550 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13551 " <td>Undercover (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
13552 " <td>1983-11-07</td>\n",
13553 " </tr>\n",
13554 " <tr>\n",
13555 " <th>43</th>\n",
13556 " <td>0hxrNynMDh5QeyALlf1CdS</td>\n",
13557 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13558 " <td>Still Life</td>\n",
13559 " <td>1982-06-01</td>\n",
13560 " </tr>\n",
13561 " <tr>\n",
13562 " <th>44</th>\n",
13563 " <td>1YvnuYGlblQ5vLnOhaZzpn</td>\n",
13564 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13565 " <td>Tattoo You (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
13566 " <td>1981-08-24</td>\n",
13567 " </tr>\n",
13568 " <tr>\n",
13569 " <th>45</th>\n",
13570 " <td>2wZgoXS06wSdu9C0ZJOvlc</td>\n",
13571 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13572 " <td>Emotional Rescue (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
13573 " <td>1980-06-20</td>\n",
13574 " </tr>\n",
13575 " <tr>\n",
13576 " <th>46</th>\n",
13577 " <td>54sqbAXxR1jFfyXb1WvrHK</td>\n",
13578 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13579 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
13580 " <td>1978-06-09</td>\n",
13581 " </tr>\n",
13582 " <tr>\n",
13583 " <th>47</th>\n",
13584 " <td>6FjXxl9VLURGuubdXUn2J3</td>\n",
13585 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13586 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
13587 " <td>1978-06-09</td>\n",
13588 " </tr>\n",
13589 " <tr>\n",
13590 " <th>48</th>\n",
13591 " <td>4jbWZmf7kRxCBD6tgVepYh</td>\n",
13592 " <td>Spice Girls</td>\n",
13593 " <td>Forever</td>\n",
13594 " <td>2000-11-06</td>\n",
13595 " </tr>\n",
13596 " <tr>\n",
13597 " <th>49</th>\n",
13598 " <td>3sr6lAuO3nmB1u8ZuQgpiX</td>\n",
13599 " <td>Spice Girls</td>\n",
13600 " <td>Spiceworld</td>\n",
13601 " <td>1997-11-03</td>\n",
13602 " </tr>\n",
13603 " <tr>\n",
13604 " <th>50</th>\n",
13605 " <td>3x2jF7blR6bFHtk4MccsyJ</td>\n",
13606 " <td>Spice Girls</td>\n",
13607 " <td>Spice</td>\n",
13608 " <td>1996-11-04</td>\n",
13609 " </tr>\n",
13610 " <tr>\n",
13611 " <th>51</th>\n",
13612 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
13613 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
13614 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
13615 " <td>1967-06-01</td>\n",
13616 " </tr>\n",
13617 " <tr>\n",
13618 " <th>52</th>\n",
13619 " <td>7Hk1X2BCADxuR9saTIKfOW</td>\n",
13620 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13621 " <td>On Air (Deluxe)</td>\n",
13622 " <td>2017-12-01</td>\n",
13623 " </tr>\n",
13624 " <tr>\n",
13625 " <th>53</th>\n",
13626 " <td>6iCIB08bkoitQOL5y2uEsM</td>\n",
13627 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13628 " <td>Sticky Fingers Live At The Fonda Theatre</td>\n",
13629 " <td>2017-09-29</td>\n",
13630 " </tr>\n",
13631 " <tr>\n",
13632 " <th>54</th>\n",
13633 " <td>34d9ClCaKRoQ8pMeJ9Gfvt</td>\n",
13634 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13635 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
13636 " <td>2017-06-07</td>\n",
13637 " </tr>\n",
13638 " <tr>\n",
13639 " <th>55</th>\n",
13640 " <td>0aWIIpfY32rT1i3yO9LROl</td>\n",
13641 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13642 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
13643 " <td>2016-06-17</td>\n",
13644 " </tr>\n",
13645 " <tr>\n",
13646 " <th>56</th>\n",
13647 " <td>5D7RtaChuvF0Av1xXT3acu</td>\n",
13648 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13649 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
13650 " <td>2016-06-06</td>\n",
13651 " </tr>\n",
13652 " <tr>\n",
13653 " <th>57</th>\n",
13654 " <td>2b3y5k1DchDACjH5KMlgQv</td>\n",
13655 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13656 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
13657 " <td>2016-06-03</td>\n",
13658 " </tr>\n",
13659 " <tr>\n",
13660 " <th>58</th>\n",
13661 " <td>3wkyUMDuH56iNaSxKvukax</td>\n",
13662 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13663 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
13664 " <td>2016-05-20</td>\n",
13665 " </tr>\n",
13666 " <tr>\n",
13667 " <th>59</th>\n",
13668 " <td>6hB5kO3oV3tlnblCNSSA9Z</td>\n",
13669 " <td>Muddy Waters</td>\n",
13670 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
13671 " <td>2012-07-09</td>\n",
13672 " </tr>\n",
13673 " <tr>\n",
13674 " <th>60</th>\n",
13675 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
13676 " <td>Muddy Waters</td>\n",
13677 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
13678 " <td>2012-07-09</td>\n",
13679 " </tr>\n",
13680 " <tr>\n",
13681 " <th>61</th>\n",
13682 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
13683 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
13684 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
13685 " <td>2011-11-21</td>\n",
13686 " </tr>\n",
13687 " </tbody>\n",
13688 "</table>\n",
13689 "<p>62 rows × 4 columns</p>\n",
13690 "</div>"
13691 ],
13692 "text/plain": [
13693 " _id artist_name \\\n",
13694 "0 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn The Beatles \n",
13695 "1 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh The Beatles \n",
13696 "2 2pCqZLeavM2BMovJXsJEIV The Beatles \n",
13697 "3 2Pqkn9Dq2DFtdfkKAeqgMd The Beatles \n",
13698 "4 47bcKzmKgmMPHXNVOWpLiu The Beatles \n",
13699 "5 03Qh833fEdVT30Pfs93ea6 The Beatles \n",
13700 "6 6P9yO0ukhOx3dvmhGKeYoC The Beatles \n",
13701 "7 1PULmKbHeOqlkIwcDMNwD4 The Beatles \n",
13702 "8 0PYyrqs9NXtxPhf0CZkq2L The Beatles \n",
13703 "9 3OdI6e43crvyAHhaqpxSyz The Beatles \n",
13704 "10 19K3IHYeVkUTjcBHGfbCOi The Beatles \n",
13705 "11 7BgGBZndAvDlKOcwe5rscZ The Beatles \n",
13706 "12 71Mwd9tntFQYUk4k2DwA0D The Beatles \n",
13707 "13 1DBkJIEoeHrTX4WCBQGcCi Radiohead \n",
13708 "14 3nkEsxmIX0zRNXGAexaHAn The Beatles \n",
13709 "15 7gDXyW16byCQOgK965BRzn The Beatles \n",
13710 "16 6vuykQgDLUCiZ7YggIpLM9 Radiohead \n",
13711 "17 47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T Radiohead \n",
13712 "18 7eyQXxuf2nGj9d2367Gi5f Radiohead \n",
13713 "19 36lJLPoPPOKNFddTAcirnc Radiohead \n",
13714 "20 6Eo5EkmdLvZrONzi046iC2 Radiohead \n",
13715 "21 1oW3v5Har9mvXnGk0x4fHm Radiohead \n",
13716 "22 6svTt5o2lUgIrgYDKVmdnD Radiohead \n",
13717 "23 6V9YnBmFjWmXCBaUVRCVXP Radiohead \n",
13718 "24 19RUXBFyM4PpmrLRdtqWbp Radiohead \n",
13719 "25 7dxKtc08dYeRVHt3p9CZJn Radiohead \n",
13720 "26 500FEaUzn8lN9zWFyZG5C2 Radiohead \n",
13721 "27 6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN Radiohead \n",
13722 "28 4g9Jfls8z2nbQxj5PiXkiy The Rolling Stones \n",
13723 "29 4fhWcu56Bbh5wALuTouFVW The Rolling Stones \n",
13724 ".. ... ... \n",
13725 "32 3CHu7qW160uqPZHW3TMZ1l The Rolling Stones \n",
13726 "33 4FTHynKEtuP7eppERNfjyG The Rolling Stones \n",
13727 "34 50UGtgNA5bq1c0BDjPfmbD The Rolling Stones \n",
13728 "35 0ZGddnvcVzHVHfE3WW1tV5 The Rolling Stones \n",
13729 "36 4M8Q1L9PZq0xK5tLUpO3jd The Rolling Stones \n",
13730 "37 62ZT16LY1phGM0O8x5qW1z The Rolling Stones \n",
13731 "38 1W1UJulgICjFDyYIMUwRs7 The Rolling Stones \n",
13732 "39 25mfHGJNQkluvIqedXHSx3 The Rolling Stones \n",
13733 "40 1TpcI1LEFVhBvDPSTMPGFG The Rolling Stones \n",
13734 "41 1WSfNoPDPzgyKFN6OSYWUx The Rolling Stones \n",
13735 "42 064eFGemsrDcMvgRZ0gqtw The Rolling Stones \n",
13736 "43 0hxrNynMDh5QeyALlf1CdS The Rolling Stones \n",
13737 "44 1YvnuYGlblQ5vLnOhaZzpn The Rolling Stones \n",
13738 "45 2wZgoXS06wSdu9C0ZJOvlc The Rolling Stones \n",
13739 "46 54sqbAXxR1jFfyXb1WvrHK The Rolling Stones \n",
13740 "47 6FjXxl9VLURGuubdXUn2J3 The Rolling Stones \n",
13741 "48 4jbWZmf7kRxCBD6tgVepYh Spice Girls \n",
13742 "49 3sr6lAuO3nmB1u8ZuQgpiX Spice Girls \n",
13743 "50 3x2jF7blR6bFHtk4MccsyJ Spice Girls \n",
13744 "51 3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n The Beatles \n",
13745 "52 7Hk1X2BCADxuR9saTIKfOW The Rolling Stones \n",
13746 "53 6iCIB08bkoitQOL5y2uEsM The Rolling Stones \n",
13747 "54 34d9ClCaKRoQ8pMeJ9Gfvt The Rolling Stones \n",
13748 "55 0aWIIpfY32rT1i3yO9LROl The Rolling Stones \n",
13749 "56 5D7RtaChuvF0Av1xXT3acu The Rolling Stones \n",
13750 "57 2b3y5k1DchDACjH5KMlgQv The Rolling Stones \n",
13751 "58 3wkyUMDuH56iNaSxKvukax The Rolling Stones \n",
13752 "59 6hB5kO3oV3tlnblCNSSA9Z Muddy Waters \n",
13753 "60 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Muddy Waters \n",
13754 "61 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC The Rolling Stones \n",
13755 "\n",
13756 " name release_date \n",
13757 "0 Live At The Hollywood Bowl 2016-09-09 \n",
13758 "1 1 (Remastered) 2000-11-13 \n",
13759 "2 Let It Be (Remastered) 1970-05-08 \n",
13760 "3 Abbey Road (Remastered) 1969-09-26 \n",
13761 "4 Yellow Submarine (Remastered) 1969-01-17 \n",
13762 "5 The Beatles (Remastered) 1968-11-22 \n",
13763 "6 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) 1967-11-27 \n",
13764 "7 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... 1967-06-01 \n",
13765 "8 Revolver (Remastered) 1966-08-05 \n",
13766 "9 Rubber Soul (Remastered) 1965-12-03 \n",
13767 "10 Help! (Remastered) 1965-08-06 \n",
13768 "11 Beatles For Sale (Remastered) 1964-12-04 \n",
13769 "12 A Hard Day's Night (Remastered) 1964-07-10 \n",
13770 "13 The King Of Limbs 2011-02-18 \n",
13771 "14 With The Beatles (Remastered) 1963-11-22 \n",
13772 "15 Please Please Me (Remastered) 1963-03-22 \n",
13773 "16 A Moon Shaped Pool 2016-05-08 \n",
13774 "17 TKOL RMX 1234567 2011-10-10 \n",
13775 "18 In Rainbows 2007-12-28 \n",
13776 "19 In Rainbows Disk 2 2007 \n",
13777 "20 Com Lag: 2+2=5 2004-03-24 \n",
13778 "21 Hail To the Thief 2003 \n",
13779 "22 I Might Be Wrong 2001 \n",
13780 "23 Amnesiac 2001-03-12 \n",
13781 "24 Kid A 2000-10-01 \n",
13782 "25 OK Computer 1997-05-28 \n",
13783 "26 The Bends 1995-03-28 \n",
13784 "27 Pablo Honey 1993-02-22 \n",
13785 "28 Blue & Lonesome 2016-12-02 \n",
13786 "29 Havana Moon (Live) 2016-11-11 \n",
13787 ".. ... ... \n",
13788 "32 Shine A Light 2008-01-01 \n",
13789 "33 A Bigger Bang (2009 Re-Mastered) 2005-09-05 \n",
13790 "34 Live Licks 2004-11-01 \n",
13791 "35 Bridges To Babylon (Remastered) 1997-09-29 \n",
13792 "36 Stripped 1995-01-13 \n",
13793 "37 Voodoo Lounge (Remastered 2009) 1994-07-11 \n",
13794 "38 Flashpoint 1991-04-02 \n",
13795 "39 Steel Wheels (2009 Re-Mastered) 1989-08-29 \n",
13796 "40 Dirty Work 1986-03-24 \n",
13797 "41 Dirty Work (Remastered 2009) 1986-03-24 \n",
13798 "42 Undercover (2009 Re-Mastered) 1983-11-07 \n",
13799 "43 Still Life 1982-06-01 \n",
13800 "44 Tattoo You (2009 Re-Mastered) 1981-08-24 \n",
13801 "45 Emotional Rescue (2009 Re-Mastered) 1980-06-20 \n",
13802 "46 Some Girls 1978-06-09 \n",
13803 "47 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) 1978-06-09 \n",
13804 "48 Forever 2000-11-06 \n",
13805 "49 Spiceworld 1997-11-03 \n",
13806 "50 Spice 1996-11-04 \n",
13807 "51 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... 1967-06-01 \n",
13808 "52 On Air (Deluxe) 2017-12-01 \n",
13809 "53 Sticky Fingers Live At The Fonda Theatre 2017-09-29 \n",
13810 "54 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) 2017-06-07 \n",
13811 "55 Totally Stripped (Live) 2016-06-17 \n",
13812 "56 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) 2016-06-06 \n",
13813 "57 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) 2016-06-03 \n",
13814 "58 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) 2016-05-20 \n",
13815 "59 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge 2012-07-09 \n",
13816 "60 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge 2012-07-09 \n",
13817 "61 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 2011-11-21 \n",
13818 "\n",
13819 "[62 rows x 4 columns]"
13820 ]
13821 },
13822 "execution_count": 87,
13823 "metadata": {},
13824 "output_type": "execute_result"
13825 }
13826 ],
13827 "source": [
13828 "pd.DataFrame(list(albums.find({}, ['name', 'artist_name', 'release_date'])))"
13829 ]
13830 },
13831 {
13832 "cell_type": "code",
13833 "execution_count": 88,
13834 "metadata": {},
13835 "outputs": [
13836 {
13837 "data": {
13838 "text/plain": [
13839 "dict_keys(['genres', 'artist_id', '_id', 'copyrights', 'album_type', 'available_markets', 'release_date_precision', 'label', 'type', 'name', 'images', 'uri', 'href', 'id', 'release_date', 'artist_name', 'tracks', 'external_ids', 'artists', 'external_urls', 'popularity'])"
13840 ]
13841 },
13842 "execution_count": 88,
13843 "metadata": {},
13844 "output_type": "execute_result"
13845 }
13846 ],
13847 "source": [
13848 "albums.find_one().keys()"
13849 ]
13850 },
13851 {
13852 "cell_type": "code",
13853 "execution_count": 89,
13854 "metadata": {
13855 "scrolled": true
13856 },
13857 "outputs": [
13858 {
13859 "data": {
13860 "text/html": [
13861 "<div>\n",
13862 "<style>\n",
13863 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
13864 " text-align: right;\n",
13865 " }\n",
13866 "\n",
13867 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
13868 " text-align: left;\n",
13869 " }\n",
13870 "\n",
13871 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
13872 " vertical-align: top;\n",
13873 " }\n",
13874 "</style>\n",
13875 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
13876 " <thead>\n",
13877 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
13878 " <th></th>\n",
13879 " <th>_id</th>\n",
13880 " <th>ctitle</th>\n",
13881 " <th>name</th>\n",
13882 " </tr>\n",
13883 " </thead>\n",
13884 " <tbody>\n",
13885 " <tr>\n",
13886 " <th>0</th>\n",
13887 " <td>5JT7CoUSGNk7mMNkHMQjqr</td>\n",
13888 " <td>love me do</td>\n",
13889 " <td>Love Me Do - Mono / Remastered</td>\n",
13890 " </tr>\n",
13891 " <tr>\n",
13892 " <th>1</th>\n",
13893 " <td>2Q2Gu7Bv8iLenuygtBgDUw</td>\n",
13894 " <td>from me to you</td>\n",
13895 " <td>From Me To You - Mono / Remastered</td>\n",
13896 " </tr>\n",
13897 " <tr>\n",
13898 " <th>2</th>\n",
13899 " <td>2Fk411Ix3qnMG8t8Qa74ZX</td>\n",
13900 " <td>she loves you</td>\n",
13901 " <td>She Loves You - Mono / Remastered</td>\n",
13902 " </tr>\n",
13903 " <tr>\n",
13904 " <th>3</th>\n",
13905 " <td>4DRBaZ760gyk7LWnaJFqsJ</td>\n",
13906 " <td>i want to hold your hand</td>\n",
13907 " <td>I Want To Hold Your Hand - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13908 " </tr>\n",
13909 " <tr>\n",
13910 " <th>4</th>\n",
13911 " <td>7pQAq14Z73YUFMtxCyt0bG</td>\n",
13912 " <td>cant buy me love</td>\n",
13913 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13914 " </tr>\n",
13915 " <tr>\n",
13916 " <th>5</th>\n",
13917 " <td>0mNQUZEATk2uItMUtiLWK5</td>\n",
13918 " <td>a hard days night</td>\n",
13919 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13920 " </tr>\n",
13921 " <tr>\n",
13922 " <th>6</th>\n",
13923 " <td>0Gm34HBxrXlaAf1jdJMjx2</td>\n",
13924 " <td>i feel fine</td>\n",
13925 " <td>I Feel Fine - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13926 " </tr>\n",
13927 " <tr>\n",
13928 " <th>7</th>\n",
13929 " <td>3nhJDVdUrm6DnDW4iBfpKz</td>\n",
13930 " <td>eight days a week</td>\n",
13931 " <td>Eight Days A Week - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13932 " </tr>\n",
13933 " <tr>\n",
13934 " <th>8</th>\n",
13935 " <td>6pkjW5srxjzRSKKMrl7et8</td>\n",
13936 " <td>ticket to ride</td>\n",
13937 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13938 " </tr>\n",
13939 " <tr>\n",
13940 " <th>9</th>\n",
13941 " <td>1dfuJYDSIc41cw5RPsaCF1</td>\n",
13942 " <td>help</td>\n",
13943 " <td>Help! - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13944 " </tr>\n",
13945 " <tr>\n",
13946 " <th>10</th>\n",
13947 " <td>63uskN0xLezVg4281wzeQn</td>\n",
13948 " <td>yesterday</td>\n",
13949 " <td>Yesterday - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13950 " </tr>\n",
13951 " <tr>\n",
13952 " <th>11</th>\n",
13953 " <td>0vXGSlE4ft3n5JHZMHHSIj</td>\n",
13954 " <td>day tripper</td>\n",
13955 " <td>Day Tripper - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13956 " </tr>\n",
13957 " <tr>\n",
13958 " <th>12</th>\n",
13959 " <td>0Lckblu9CJUXOeMV0XY3b9</td>\n",
13960 " <td>we can work it out</td>\n",
13961 " <td>We Can Work It Out - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13962 " </tr>\n",
13963 " <tr>\n",
13964 " <th>13</th>\n",
13965 " <td>4VFYrwy5mEuZeBywCplc2j</td>\n",
13966 " <td>paperback writer</td>\n",
13967 " <td>Paperback Writer - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13968 " </tr>\n",
13969 " <tr>\n",
13970 " <th>14</th>\n",
13971 " <td>727YRTVI7pKH1uCnXnyZul</td>\n",
13972 " <td>yellow submarine</td>\n",
13973 " <td>Yellow Submarine - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13974 " </tr>\n",
13975 " <tr>\n",
13976 " <th>15</th>\n",
13977 " <td>0TRkjwb4uY3CHb5zhr9bBd</td>\n",
13978 " <td>eleanor rigby</td>\n",
13979 " <td>Eleanor Rigby - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13980 " </tr>\n",
13981 " <tr>\n",
13982 " <th>16</th>\n",
13983 " <td>5Kw6fC8wyRgMYfBDtEklYM</td>\n",
13984 " <td>penny lane</td>\n",
13985 " <td>Penny Lane - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13986 " </tr>\n",
13987 " <tr>\n",
13988 " <th>17</th>\n",
13989 " <td>56rXurvdpjoSIVggfd5ANS</td>\n",
13990 " <td>all you need is love</td>\n",
13991 " <td>All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13992 " </tr>\n",
13993 " <tr>\n",
13994 " <th>18</th>\n",
13995 " <td>0wFW5NQJdNDJPcZyfYSExx</td>\n",
13996 " <td>hello goodbye</td>\n",
13997 " <td>Hello, Goodbye - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
13998 " </tr>\n",
13999 " <tr>\n",
14000 " <th>19</th>\n",
14001 " <td>3yf4uaeB2ibXSIPbfUYC2k</td>\n",
14002 " <td>lady madonna</td>\n",
14003 " <td>Lady Madonna - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14004 " </tr>\n",
14005 " <tr>\n",
14006 " <th>20</th>\n",
14007 " <td>3H7sv3Krffn15BufUuXzf3</td>\n",
14008 " <td>hey jude</td>\n",
14009 " <td>Hey Jude - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14010 " </tr>\n",
14011 " <tr>\n",
14012 " <th>21</th>\n",
14013 " <td>4ajbplh2IXiJkXjQiq5aqq</td>\n",
14014 " <td>get back</td>\n",
14015 " <td>Get Back - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14016 " </tr>\n",
14017 " <tr>\n",
14018 " <th>22</th>\n",
14019 " <td>69zeDbyVmHDSH4GKZD1fv5</td>\n",
14020 " <td>the ballad of john and yoko</td>\n",
14021 " <td>The Ballad Of John And Yoko - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14022 " </tr>\n",
14023 " <tr>\n",
14024 " <th>23</th>\n",
14025 " <td>6Y6UBWhifUnkJIO2mdy0S3</td>\n",
14026 " <td>something</td>\n",
14027 " <td>Something - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14028 " </tr>\n",
14029 " <tr>\n",
14030 " <th>24</th>\n",
14031 " <td>7iABnSNZciNepqGtjMQxxd</td>\n",
14032 " <td>come together</td>\n",
14033 " <td>Come Together - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14034 " </tr>\n",
14035 " <tr>\n",
14036 " <th>25</th>\n",
14037 " <td>22QadBPe0QCuqraFVAr1m3</td>\n",
14038 " <td>let it be</td>\n",
14039 " <td>Let It Be - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14040 " </tr>\n",
14041 " <tr>\n",
14042 " <th>26</th>\n",
14043 " <td>0Oroc0HXQaxs8ONgI7dLnw</td>\n",
14044 " <td>the long and winding road</td>\n",
14045 " <td>The Long And Winding Road - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14046 " </tr>\n",
14047 " </tbody>\n",
14048 "</table>\n",
14049 "</div>"
14050 ],
14051 "text/plain": [
14052 " _id ctitle \\\n",
14053 "0 5JT7CoUSGNk7mMNkHMQjqr love me do \n",
14054 "1 2Q2Gu7Bv8iLenuygtBgDUw from me to you \n",
14055 "2 2Fk411Ix3qnMG8t8Qa74ZX she loves you \n",
14056 "3 4DRBaZ760gyk7LWnaJFqsJ i want to hold your hand \n",
14057 "4 7pQAq14Z73YUFMtxCyt0bG cant buy me love \n",
14058 "5 0mNQUZEATk2uItMUtiLWK5 a hard days night \n",
14059 "6 0Gm34HBxrXlaAf1jdJMjx2 i feel fine \n",
14060 "7 3nhJDVdUrm6DnDW4iBfpKz eight days a week \n",
14061 "8 6pkjW5srxjzRSKKMrl7et8 ticket to ride \n",
14062 "9 1dfuJYDSIc41cw5RPsaCF1 help \n",
14063 "10 63uskN0xLezVg4281wzeQn yesterday \n",
14064 "11 0vXGSlE4ft3n5JHZMHHSIj day tripper \n",
14065 "12 0Lckblu9CJUXOeMV0XY3b9 we can work it out \n",
14066 "13 4VFYrwy5mEuZeBywCplc2j paperback writer \n",
14067 "14 727YRTVI7pKH1uCnXnyZul yellow submarine \n",
14068 "15 0TRkjwb4uY3CHb5zhr9bBd eleanor rigby \n",
14069 "16 5Kw6fC8wyRgMYfBDtEklYM penny lane \n",
14070 "17 56rXurvdpjoSIVggfd5ANS all you need is love \n",
14071 "18 0wFW5NQJdNDJPcZyfYSExx hello goodbye \n",
14072 "19 3yf4uaeB2ibXSIPbfUYC2k lady madonna \n",
14073 "20 3H7sv3Krffn15BufUuXzf3 hey jude \n",
14074 "21 4ajbplh2IXiJkXjQiq5aqq get back \n",
14075 "22 69zeDbyVmHDSH4GKZD1fv5 the ballad of john and yoko \n",
14076 "23 6Y6UBWhifUnkJIO2mdy0S3 something \n",
14077 "24 7iABnSNZciNepqGtjMQxxd come together \n",
14078 "25 22QadBPe0QCuqraFVAr1m3 let it be \n",
14079 "26 0Oroc0HXQaxs8ONgI7dLnw the long and winding road \n",
14080 "\n",
14081 " name \n",
14082 "0 Love Me Do - Mono / Remastered \n",
14083 "1 From Me To You - Mono / Remastered \n",
14084 "2 She Loves You - Mono / Remastered \n",
14085 "3 I Want To Hold Your Hand - Remastered 2015 \n",
14086 "4 Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered 2015 \n",
14087 "5 A Hard Day's Night - Remastered 2015 \n",
14088 "6 I Feel Fine - Remastered 2015 \n",
14089 "7 Eight Days A Week - Remastered 2015 \n",
14090 "8 Ticket To Ride - Remastered 2015 \n",
14091 "9 Help! - Remastered 2015 \n",
14092 "10 Yesterday - Remastered 2015 \n",
14093 "11 Day Tripper - Remastered 2015 \n",
14094 "12 We Can Work It Out - Remastered 2015 \n",
14095 "13 Paperback Writer - Remastered 2015 \n",
14096 "14 Yellow Submarine - Remastered 2015 \n",
14097 "15 Eleanor Rigby - Remastered 2015 \n",
14098 "16 Penny Lane - Remastered 2015 \n",
14099 "17 All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2015 \n",
14100 "18 Hello, Goodbye - Remastered 2015 \n",
14101 "19 Lady Madonna - Remastered 2015 \n",
14102 "20 Hey Jude - Remastered 2015 \n",
14103 "21 Get Back - Remastered 2015 \n",
14104 "22 The Ballad Of John And Yoko - Remastered 2015 \n",
14105 "23 Something - Remastered 2015 \n",
14106 "24 Come Together - Remastered 2015 \n",
14107 "25 Let It Be - Remastered 2015 \n",
14108 "26 The Long And Winding Road - Remastered 2015 "
14109 ]
14110 },
14111 "execution_count": 89,
14112 "metadata": {},
14113 "output_type": "execute_result"
14114 }
14115 ],
14116 "source": [
14117 "pd.DataFrame(list(tracks.find({'album_id': '5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh'}, ['name', 'ctitle'])))"
14118 ]
14119 },
14120 {
14121 "cell_type": "code",
14122 "execution_count": 90,
14123 "metadata": {
14124 "scrolled": true
14125 },
14126 "outputs": [
14127 {
14128 "data": {
14129 "text/html": [
14130 "<div>\n",
14131 "<style>\n",
14132 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
14133 " text-align: right;\n",
14134 " }\n",
14135 "\n",
14136 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
14137 " text-align: left;\n",
14138 " }\n",
14139 "\n",
14140 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
14141 " vertical-align: top;\n",
14142 " }\n",
14143 "</style>\n",
14144 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
14145 " <thead>\n",
14146 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
14147 " <th></th>\n",
14148 " <th>ctitle</th>\n",
14149 " <th>t_name</th>\n",
14150 " <th>tt_alb</th>\n",
14151 " <th>tt_name</th>\n",
14152 " </tr>\n",
14153 " </thead>\n",
14154 " <tbody>\n",
14155 " <tr>\n",
14156 " <th>0</th>\n",
14157 " <td>love me do</td>\n",
14158 " <td>Love Me Do - Mono / Remastered</td>\n",
14159 " <td>Please Please Me (Remastered)</td>\n",
14160 " <td>Love Me Do - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
14161 " </tr>\n",
14162 " <tr>\n",
14163 " <th>1</th>\n",
14164 " <td>she loves you</td>\n",
14165 " <td>She Loves You - Mono / Remastered</td>\n",
14166 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
14167 " <td>She Loves You - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14168 " </tr>\n",
14169 " <tr>\n",
14170 " <th>2</th>\n",
14171 " <td>i want to hold your hand</td>\n",
14172 " <td>I Want To Hold Your Hand - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14173 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
14174 " <td>I Want To Hold Your Hand - Live / Bonus Track</td>\n",
14175 " </tr>\n",
14176 " <tr>\n",
14177 " <th>3</th>\n",
14178 " <td>cant buy me love</td>\n",
14179 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14180 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
14181 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14182 " </tr>\n",
14183 " <tr>\n",
14184 " <th>4</th>\n",
14185 " <td>cant buy me love</td>\n",
14186 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14187 " <td>A Hard Day's Night (Remastered)</td>\n",
14188 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered</td>\n",
14189 " </tr>\n",
14190 " <tr>\n",
14191 " <th>5</th>\n",
14192 " <td>a hard days night</td>\n",
14193 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14194 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
14195 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14196 " </tr>\n",
14197 " <tr>\n",
14198 " <th>6</th>\n",
14199 " <td>a hard days night</td>\n",
14200 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14201 " <td>A Hard Day's Night (Remastered)</td>\n",
14202 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Remastered</td>\n",
14203 " </tr>\n",
14204 " <tr>\n",
14205 " <th>7</th>\n",
14206 " <td>eight days a week</td>\n",
14207 " <td>Eight Days A Week - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14208 " <td>Beatles For Sale (Remastered)</td>\n",
14209 " <td>Eight Days A Week - Remastered</td>\n",
14210 " </tr>\n",
14211 " <tr>\n",
14212 " <th>8</th>\n",
14213 " <td>ticket to ride</td>\n",
14214 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14215 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
14216 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14217 " </tr>\n",
14218 " <tr>\n",
14219 " <th>9</th>\n",
14220 " <td>ticket to ride</td>\n",
14221 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14222 " <td>Help! (Remastered)</td>\n",
14223 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Remastered</td>\n",
14224 " </tr>\n",
14225 " <tr>\n",
14226 " <th>10</th>\n",
14227 " <td>help</td>\n",
14228 " <td>Help! - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14229 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
14230 " <td>Help! - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14231 " </tr>\n",
14232 " <tr>\n",
14233 " <th>11</th>\n",
14234 " <td>help</td>\n",
14235 " <td>Help! - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14236 " <td>Help! (Remastered)</td>\n",
14237 " <td>Help! - Remastered</td>\n",
14238 " </tr>\n",
14239 " <tr>\n",
14240 " <th>12</th>\n",
14241 " <td>yesterday</td>\n",
14242 " <td>Yesterday - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14243 " <td>Help! (Remastered)</td>\n",
14244 " <td>Yesterday - Remastered</td>\n",
14245 " </tr>\n",
14246 " <tr>\n",
14247 " <th>13</th>\n",
14248 " <td>yellow submarine</td>\n",
14249 " <td>Yellow Submarine - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14250 " <td>Yellow Submarine (Remastered)</td>\n",
14251 " <td>Yellow Submarine - Remastered</td>\n",
14252 " </tr>\n",
14253 " <tr>\n",
14254 " <th>14</th>\n",
14255 " <td>yellow submarine</td>\n",
14256 " <td>Yellow Submarine - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14257 " <td>Revolver (Remastered)</td>\n",
14258 " <td>Yellow Submarine - Remastered</td>\n",
14259 " </tr>\n",
14260 " <tr>\n",
14261 " <th>15</th>\n",
14262 " <td>eleanor rigby</td>\n",
14263 " <td>Eleanor Rigby - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14264 " <td>Revolver (Remastered)</td>\n",
14265 " <td>Eleanor Rigby - Remastered</td>\n",
14266 " </tr>\n",
14267 " <tr>\n",
14268 " <th>16</th>\n",
14269 " <td>penny lane</td>\n",
14270 " <td>Penny Lane - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14271 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
14272 " <td>Penny Lane - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
14273 " </tr>\n",
14274 " <tr>\n",
14275 " <th>17</th>\n",
14276 " <td>penny lane</td>\n",
14277 " <td>Penny Lane - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14278 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
14279 " <td>Penny Lane - Take 6 / Instrumental</td>\n",
14280 " </tr>\n",
14281 " <tr>\n",
14282 " <th>18</th>\n",
14283 " <td>penny lane</td>\n",
14284 " <td>Penny Lane - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14285 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
14286 " <td>Penny Lane - Stereo Mix 2017</td>\n",
14287 " </tr>\n",
14288 " <tr>\n",
14289 " <th>19</th>\n",
14290 " <td>all you need is love</td>\n",
14291 " <td>All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14292 " <td>Yellow Submarine (Remastered)</td>\n",
14293 " <td>All You Need Is Love - Remastered</td>\n",
14294 " </tr>\n",
14295 " <tr>\n",
14296 " <th>20</th>\n",
14297 " <td>all you need is love</td>\n",
14298 " <td>All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14299 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
14300 " <td>All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
14301 " </tr>\n",
14302 " <tr>\n",
14303 " <th>21</th>\n",
14304 " <td>hello goodbye</td>\n",
14305 " <td>Hello, Goodbye - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14306 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
14307 " <td>Hello, Goodbye - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
14308 " </tr>\n",
14309 " <tr>\n",
14310 " <th>22</th>\n",
14311 " <td>get back</td>\n",
14312 " <td>Get Back - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14313 " <td>Let It Be (Remastered)</td>\n",
14314 " <td>Get Back - Remastered</td>\n",
14315 " </tr>\n",
14316 " <tr>\n",
14317 " <th>23</th>\n",
14318 " <td>something</td>\n",
14319 " <td>Something - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14320 " <td>Abbey Road (Remastered)</td>\n",
14321 " <td>Something - Remastered</td>\n",
14322 " </tr>\n",
14323 " <tr>\n",
14324 " <th>24</th>\n",
14325 " <td>come together</td>\n",
14326 " <td>Come Together - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14327 " <td>Abbey Road (Remastered)</td>\n",
14328 " <td>Come Together - Remastered</td>\n",
14329 " </tr>\n",
14330 " <tr>\n",
14331 " <th>25</th>\n",
14332 " <td>let it be</td>\n",
14333 " <td>Let It Be - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14334 " <td>Let It Be (Remastered)</td>\n",
14335 " <td>Let It Be - Remastered</td>\n",
14336 " </tr>\n",
14337 " <tr>\n",
14338 " <th>26</th>\n",
14339 " <td>the long and winding road</td>\n",
14340 " <td>The Long And Winding Road - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14341 " <td>Let It Be (Remastered)</td>\n",
14342 " <td>The Long And Winding Road - Remastered</td>\n",
14343 " </tr>\n",
14344 " </tbody>\n",
14345 "</table>\n",
14346 "</div>"
14347 ],
14348 "text/plain": [
14349 " ctitle t_name \\\n",
14350 "0 love me do Love Me Do - Mono / Remastered \n",
14351 "1 she loves you She Loves You - Mono / Remastered \n",
14352 "2 i want to hold your hand I Want To Hold Your Hand - Remastered 2015 \n",
14353 "3 cant buy me love Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered 2015 \n",
14354 "4 cant buy me love Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered 2015 \n",
14355 "5 a hard days night A Hard Day's Night - Remastered 2015 \n",
14356 "6 a hard days night A Hard Day's Night - Remastered 2015 \n",
14357 "7 eight days a week Eight Days A Week - Remastered 2015 \n",
14358 "8 ticket to ride Ticket To Ride - Remastered 2015 \n",
14359 "9 ticket to ride Ticket To Ride - Remastered 2015 \n",
14360 "10 help Help! - Remastered 2015 \n",
14361 "11 help Help! - Remastered 2015 \n",
14362 "12 yesterday Yesterday - Remastered 2015 \n",
14363 "13 yellow submarine Yellow Submarine - Remastered 2015 \n",
14364 "14 yellow submarine Yellow Submarine - Remastered 2015 \n",
14365 "15 eleanor rigby Eleanor Rigby - Remastered 2015 \n",
14366 "16 penny lane Penny Lane - Remastered 2015 \n",
14367 "17 penny lane Penny Lane - Remastered 2015 \n",
14368 "18 penny lane Penny Lane - Remastered 2015 \n",
14369 "19 all you need is love All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2015 \n",
14370 "20 all you need is love All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2015 \n",
14371 "21 hello goodbye Hello, Goodbye - Remastered 2015 \n",
14372 "22 get back Get Back - Remastered 2015 \n",
14373 "23 something Something - Remastered 2015 \n",
14374 "24 come together Come Together - Remastered 2015 \n",
14375 "25 let it be Let It Be - Remastered 2015 \n",
14376 "26 the long and winding road The Long And Winding Road - Remastered 2015 \n",
14377 "\n",
14378 " tt_alb \\\n",
14379 "0 Please Please Me (Remastered) \n",
14380 "1 Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
14381 "2 Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
14382 "3 Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
14383 "4 A Hard Day's Night (Remastered) \n",
14384 "5 Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
14385 "6 A Hard Day's Night (Remastered) \n",
14386 "7 Beatles For Sale (Remastered) \n",
14387 "8 Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
14388 "9 Help! (Remastered) \n",
14389 "10 Live At The Hollywood Bowl \n",
14390 "11 Help! (Remastered) \n",
14391 "12 Help! (Remastered) \n",
14392 "13 Yellow Submarine (Remastered) \n",
14393 "14 Revolver (Remastered) \n",
14394 "15 Revolver (Remastered) \n",
14395 "16 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) \n",
14396 "17 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
14397 "18 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
14398 "19 Yellow Submarine (Remastered) \n",
14399 "20 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) \n",
14400 "21 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) \n",
14401 "22 Let It Be (Remastered) \n",
14402 "23 Abbey Road (Remastered) \n",
14403 "24 Abbey Road (Remastered) \n",
14404 "25 Let It Be (Remastered) \n",
14405 "26 Let It Be (Remastered) \n",
14406 "\n",
14407 " tt_name \n",
14408 "0 Love Me Do - Remastered 2009 \n",
14409 "1 She Loves You - Live / Remastered \n",
14410 "2 I Want To Hold Your Hand - Live / Bonus Track \n",
14411 "3 Can't Buy Me Love - Live / Remastered \n",
14412 "4 Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered \n",
14413 "5 A Hard Day's Night - Live / Remastered \n",
14414 "6 A Hard Day's Night - Remastered \n",
14415 "7 Eight Days A Week - Remastered \n",
14416 "8 Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered \n",
14417 "9 Ticket To Ride - Remastered \n",
14418 "10 Help! - Live / Remastered \n",
14419 "11 Help! - Remastered \n",
14420 "12 Yesterday - Remastered \n",
14421 "13 Yellow Submarine - Remastered \n",
14422 "14 Yellow Submarine - Remastered \n",
14423 "15 Eleanor Rigby - Remastered \n",
14424 "16 Penny Lane - Remastered 2009 \n",
14425 "17 Penny Lane - Take 6 / Instrumental \n",
14426 "18 Penny Lane - Stereo Mix 2017 \n",
14427 "19 All You Need Is Love - Remastered \n",
14428 "20 All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2009 \n",
14429 "21 Hello, Goodbye - Remastered 2009 \n",
14430 "22 Get Back - Remastered \n",
14431 "23 Something - Remastered \n",
14432 "24 Come Together - Remastered \n",
14433 "25 Let It Be - Remastered \n",
14434 "26 The Long And Winding Road - Remastered "
14435 ]
14436 },
14437 "execution_count": 90,
14438 "metadata": {},
14439 "output_type": "execute_result"
14440 }
14441 ],
14442 "source": [
14443 "pd.DataFrame(list({'ctitle': t['ctitle'], 't_name': t['name'],\n",
14444 " 'tt_name': tt['name'], 'tt_alb': tt['album']['name']}\n",
14445 " for t in tracks.find({'album_id': '5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh'}, ['name', 'ctitle'])\n",
14446 " for tt in tracks.find({'ctitle': t['ctitle']}, ['name', 'ctitle', 'album.name', 'album_id'])\n",
14447 " if tt['album_id'] != '5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh'))"
14448 ]
14449 },
14450 {
14451 "cell_type": "code",
14452 "execution_count": 91,
14453 "metadata": {},
14454 "outputs": [
14455 {
14456 "data": {
14457 "text/html": [
14458 "<div>\n",
14459 "<style>\n",
14460 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
14461 " text-align: right;\n",
14462 " }\n",
14463 "\n",
14464 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
14465 " text-align: left;\n",
14466 " }\n",
14467 "\n",
14468 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
14469 " vertical-align: top;\n",
14470 " }\n",
14471 "</style>\n",
14472 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
14473 " <thead>\n",
14474 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
14475 " <th></th>\n",
14476 " <th>ctitle</th>\n",
14477 " <th>t_name</th>\n",
14478 " </tr>\n",
14479 " </thead>\n",
14480 " <tbody>\n",
14481 " <tr>\n",
14482 " <th>0</th>\n",
14483 " <td>from me to you</td>\n",
14484 " <td>From Me To You - Mono / Remastered</td>\n",
14485 " </tr>\n",
14486 " <tr>\n",
14487 " <th>1</th>\n",
14488 " <td>i feel fine</td>\n",
14489 " <td>I Feel Fine - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14490 " </tr>\n",
14491 " <tr>\n",
14492 " <th>2</th>\n",
14493 " <td>day tripper</td>\n",
14494 " <td>Day Tripper - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14495 " </tr>\n",
14496 " <tr>\n",
14497 " <th>3</th>\n",
14498 " <td>we can work it out</td>\n",
14499 " <td>We Can Work It Out - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14500 " </tr>\n",
14501 " <tr>\n",
14502 " <th>4</th>\n",
14503 " <td>paperback writer</td>\n",
14504 " <td>Paperback Writer - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14505 " </tr>\n",
14506 " <tr>\n",
14507 " <th>5</th>\n",
14508 " <td>lady madonna</td>\n",
14509 " <td>Lady Madonna - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14510 " </tr>\n",
14511 " <tr>\n",
14512 " <th>6</th>\n",
14513 " <td>hey jude</td>\n",
14514 " <td>Hey Jude - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14515 " </tr>\n",
14516 " <tr>\n",
14517 " <th>7</th>\n",
14518 " <td>the ballad of john and yoko</td>\n",
14519 " <td>The Ballad Of John And Yoko - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
14520 " </tr>\n",
14521 " </tbody>\n",
14522 "</table>\n",
14523 "</div>"
14524 ],
14525 "text/plain": [
14526 " ctitle t_name\n",
14527 "0 from me to you From Me To You - Mono / Remastered\n",
14528 "1 i feel fine I Feel Fine - Remastered 2015\n",
14529 "2 day tripper Day Tripper - Remastered 2015\n",
14530 "3 we can work it out We Can Work It Out - Remastered 2015\n",
14531 "4 paperback writer Paperback Writer - Remastered 2015\n",
14532 "5 lady madonna Lady Madonna - Remastered 2015\n",
14533 "6 hey jude Hey Jude - Remastered 2015\n",
14534 "7 the ballad of john and yoko The Ballad Of John And Yoko - Remastered 2015"
14535 ]
14536 },
14537 "execution_count": 91,
14538 "metadata": {},
14539 "output_type": "execute_result"
14540 }
14541 ],
14542 "source": [
14543 "pd.DataFrame(list({'ctitle': t['ctitle'], 't_name': t['name']}\n",
14544 " for t in tracks.find({'album_id': '5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh'}, ['name', 'ctitle'])\n",
14545 " if len(list(tracks.find({'ctitle': t['ctitle'],\n",
14546 " 'album_id': {'$ne': '5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh' }}))) == 0))"
14547 ]
14548 },
14549 {
14550 "cell_type": "code",
14551 "execution_count": 92,
14552 "metadata": {},
14553 "outputs": [
14554 {
14555 "data": {
14556 "text/plain": [
14557 "[{'_id': '3H7sv3Krffn15BufUuXzf3',\n",
14558 " 'album': {'name': '1 (Remastered)'},\n",
14559 " 'ctitle': 'hey jude'}]"
14560 ]
14561 },
14562 "execution_count": 92,
14563 "metadata": {},
14564 "output_type": "execute_result"
14565 }
14566 ],
14567 "source": [
14568 "[t for t in tracks.find({}, ['album.name', 'ctitle']) if 'jude' in t['ctitle']]"
14569 ]
14570 },
14571 {
14572 "cell_type": "code",
14573 "execution_count": 93,
14574 "metadata": {},
14575 "outputs": [
14576 {
14577 "data": {
14578 "text/html": [
14579 "<div>\n",
14580 "<style>\n",
14581 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
14582 " text-align: right;\n",
14583 " }\n",
14584 "\n",
14585 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
14586 " text-align: left;\n",
14587 " }\n",
14588 "\n",
14589 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
14590 " vertical-align: top;\n",
14591 " }\n",
14592 "</style>\n",
14593 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
14594 " <thead>\n",
14595 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
14596 " <th></th>\n",
14597 " <th>_id</th>\n",
14598 " <th>ctitle</th>\n",
14599 " <th>name</th>\n",
14600 " </tr>\n",
14601 " </thead>\n",
14602 " <tbody>\n",
14603 " <tr>\n",
14604 " <th>0</th>\n",
14605 " <td>4edArG2VehvJdwOZfYOxtK</td>\n",
14606 " <td>twist and shout</td>\n",
14607 " <td>Twist And Shout - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14608 " </tr>\n",
14609 " <tr>\n",
14610 " <th>1</th>\n",
14611 " <td>150EAeMGWJRubuH8zyx7h8</td>\n",
14612 " <td>shes a woman</td>\n",
14613 " <td>She's A Woman - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14614 " </tr>\n",
14615 " <tr>\n",
14616 " <th>2</th>\n",
14617 " <td>1fVeHYkyMxrjbjRAD9uWsZ</td>\n",
14618 " <td>dizzy miss lizzy</td>\n",
14619 " <td>Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14620 " </tr>\n",
14621 " <tr>\n",
14622 " <th>3</th>\n",
14623 " <td>0GRplBEB2FWCKutwMmS6nY</td>\n",
14624 " <td>ticket to ride</td>\n",
14625 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14626 " </tr>\n",
14627 " <tr>\n",
14628 " <th>4</th>\n",
14629 " <td>1eVymk74iroqhsZxm0Vy3g</td>\n",
14630 " <td>cant buy me love</td>\n",
14631 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14632 " </tr>\n",
14633 " <tr>\n",
14634 " <th>5</th>\n",
14635 " <td>2p5a9gu6NECVSvBtGSU1vm</td>\n",
14636 " <td>things we said today</td>\n",
14637 " <td>Things We Said Today - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14638 " </tr>\n",
14639 " <tr>\n",
14640 " <th>6</th>\n",
14641 " <td>1HyLh5cctOnP186CBi8bhm</td>\n",
14642 " <td>roll over beethoven</td>\n",
14643 " <td>Roll Over Beethoven - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14644 " </tr>\n",
14645 " <tr>\n",
14646 " <th>7</th>\n",
14647 " <td>7fZEWm7TAL2oZDyiYrrgnk</td>\n",
14648 " <td>boys</td>\n",
14649 " <td>Boys - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14650 " </tr>\n",
14651 " <tr>\n",
14652 " <th>8</th>\n",
14653 " <td>21nhooOxso7CCoHPE73w4L</td>\n",
14654 " <td>a hard days night</td>\n",
14655 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14656 " </tr>\n",
14657 " <tr>\n",
14658 " <th>9</th>\n",
14659 " <td>1alcPfZWUHh01l4Fnoo5Jt</td>\n",
14660 " <td>help</td>\n",
14661 " <td>Help! - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14662 " </tr>\n",
14663 " <tr>\n",
14664 " <th>10</th>\n",
14665 " <td>24gUDXSQysdnTaRpbWtYlK</td>\n",
14666 " <td>all my loving</td>\n",
14667 " <td>All My Loving - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14668 " </tr>\n",
14669 " <tr>\n",
14670 " <th>11</th>\n",
14671 " <td>2VmFFbXSJzYxzEJSAeI0lM</td>\n",
14672 " <td>she loves you</td>\n",
14673 " <td>She Loves You - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14674 " </tr>\n",
14675 " <tr>\n",
14676 " <th>12</th>\n",
14677 " <td>6b8lhQ86u5MddlmXulslpD</td>\n",
14678 " <td>long tall sally</td>\n",
14679 " <td>Long Tall Sally - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14680 " </tr>\n",
14681 " <tr>\n",
14682 " <th>13</th>\n",
14683 " <td>1oKfZ5MTCSrv07hsHqJ0JS</td>\n",
14684 " <td>you cant do that</td>\n",
14685 " <td>You Can't Do That - Live / Bonus Track</td>\n",
14686 " </tr>\n",
14687 " <tr>\n",
14688 " <th>14</th>\n",
14689 " <td>04gBqA2mubcTgFqL9Domlj</td>\n",
14690 " <td>i want to hold your hand</td>\n",
14691 " <td>I Want To Hold Your Hand - Live / Bonus Track</td>\n",
14692 " </tr>\n",
14693 " <tr>\n",
14694 " <th>15</th>\n",
14695 " <td>79QDgDoBbS7pCrOjIH7ByA</td>\n",
14696 " <td>everybodys trying to be my baby</td>\n",
14697 " <td>Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby - Live / Bonu...</td>\n",
14698 " </tr>\n",
14699 " <tr>\n",
14700 " <th>16</th>\n",
14701 " <td>1yV2I5c6efVSqSiuv9H2AD</td>\n",
14702 " <td>babys in black</td>\n",
14703 " <td>Baby's In Black - Live / Bonus Track</td>\n",
14704 " </tr>\n",
14705 " </tbody>\n",
14706 "</table>\n",
14707 "</div>"
14708 ],
14709 "text/plain": [
14710 " _id ctitle \\\n",
14711 "0 4edArG2VehvJdwOZfYOxtK twist and shout \n",
14712 "1 150EAeMGWJRubuH8zyx7h8 shes a woman \n",
14713 "2 1fVeHYkyMxrjbjRAD9uWsZ dizzy miss lizzy \n",
14714 "3 0GRplBEB2FWCKutwMmS6nY ticket to ride \n",
14715 "4 1eVymk74iroqhsZxm0Vy3g cant buy me love \n",
14716 "5 2p5a9gu6NECVSvBtGSU1vm things we said today \n",
14717 "6 1HyLh5cctOnP186CBi8bhm roll over beethoven \n",
14718 "7 7fZEWm7TAL2oZDyiYrrgnk boys \n",
14719 "8 21nhooOxso7CCoHPE73w4L a hard days night \n",
14720 "9 1alcPfZWUHh01l4Fnoo5Jt help \n",
14721 "10 24gUDXSQysdnTaRpbWtYlK all my loving \n",
14722 "11 2VmFFbXSJzYxzEJSAeI0lM she loves you \n",
14723 "12 6b8lhQ86u5MddlmXulslpD long tall sally \n",
14724 "13 1oKfZ5MTCSrv07hsHqJ0JS you cant do that \n",
14725 "14 04gBqA2mubcTgFqL9Domlj i want to hold your hand \n",
14726 "15 79QDgDoBbS7pCrOjIH7ByA everybodys trying to be my baby \n",
14727 "16 1yV2I5c6efVSqSiuv9H2AD babys in black \n",
14728 "\n",
14729 " name \n",
14730 "0 Twist And Shout - Live / Remastered \n",
14731 "1 She's A Woman - Live / Remastered \n",
14732 "2 Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Live / Remastered \n",
14733 "3 Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered \n",
14734 "4 Can't Buy Me Love - Live / Remastered \n",
14735 "5 Things We Said Today - Live / Remastered \n",
14736 "6 Roll Over Beethoven - Live / Remastered \n",
14737 "7 Boys - Live / Remastered \n",
14738 "8 A Hard Day's Night - Live / Remastered \n",
14739 "9 Help! - Live / Remastered \n",
14740 "10 All My Loving - Live / Remastered \n",
14741 "11 She Loves You - Live / Remastered \n",
14742 "12 Long Tall Sally - Live / Remastered \n",
14743 "13 You Can't Do That - Live / Bonus Track \n",
14744 "14 I Want To Hold Your Hand - Live / Bonus Track \n",
14745 "15 Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby - Live / Bonu... \n",
14746 "16 Baby's In Black - Live / Bonus Track "
14747 ]
14748 },
14749 "execution_count": 93,
14750 "metadata": {},
14751 "output_type": "execute_result"
14752 }
14753 ],
14754 "source": [
14755 "pd.DataFrame(list(tracks.find({'album_id': '5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn'}, ['name', 'ctitle'])))"
14756 ]
14757 },
14758 {
14759 "cell_type": "code",
14760 "execution_count": 94,
14761 "metadata": {},
14762 "outputs": [
14763 {
14764 "data": {
14765 "text/plain": [
14766 "<pymongo.results.UpdateResult at 0x7f976c0bb748>"
14767 ]
14768 },
14769 "execution_count": 94,
14770 "metadata": {},
14771 "output_type": "execute_result"
14772 }
14773 ],
14774 "source": [
14775 "tracks.update_many({'album_id': '5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn'}, {'$set': {'ignore': True}})"
14776 ]
14777 },
14778 {
14779 "cell_type": "code",
14780 "execution_count": 95,
14781 "metadata": {},
14782 "outputs": [
14783 {
14784 "data": {
14785 "text/html": [
14786 "<div>\n",
14787 "<style>\n",
14788 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
14789 " text-align: right;\n",
14790 " }\n",
14791 "\n",
14792 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
14793 " text-align: left;\n",
14794 " }\n",
14795 "\n",
14796 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
14797 " vertical-align: top;\n",
14798 " }\n",
14799 "</style>\n",
14800 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
14801 " <thead>\n",
14802 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
14803 " <th></th>\n",
14804 " <th>_id</th>\n",
14805 " <th>ctitle</th>\n",
14806 " <th>ignore</th>\n",
14807 " <th>name</th>\n",
14808 " </tr>\n",
14809 " </thead>\n",
14810 " <tbody>\n",
14811 " <tr>\n",
14812 " <th>0</th>\n",
14813 " <td>4edArG2VehvJdwOZfYOxtK</td>\n",
14814 " <td>twist and shout</td>\n",
14815 " <td>True</td>\n",
14816 " <td>Twist And Shout - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14817 " </tr>\n",
14818 " <tr>\n",
14819 " <th>1</th>\n",
14820 " <td>150EAeMGWJRubuH8zyx7h8</td>\n",
14821 " <td>shes a woman</td>\n",
14822 " <td>True</td>\n",
14823 " <td>She's A Woman - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14824 " </tr>\n",
14825 " <tr>\n",
14826 " <th>2</th>\n",
14827 " <td>1fVeHYkyMxrjbjRAD9uWsZ</td>\n",
14828 " <td>dizzy miss lizzy</td>\n",
14829 " <td>True</td>\n",
14830 " <td>Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14831 " </tr>\n",
14832 " <tr>\n",
14833 " <th>3</th>\n",
14834 " <td>0GRplBEB2FWCKutwMmS6nY</td>\n",
14835 " <td>ticket to ride</td>\n",
14836 " <td>True</td>\n",
14837 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14838 " </tr>\n",
14839 " <tr>\n",
14840 " <th>4</th>\n",
14841 " <td>1eVymk74iroqhsZxm0Vy3g</td>\n",
14842 " <td>cant buy me love</td>\n",
14843 " <td>True</td>\n",
14844 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14845 " </tr>\n",
14846 " <tr>\n",
14847 " <th>5</th>\n",
14848 " <td>2p5a9gu6NECVSvBtGSU1vm</td>\n",
14849 " <td>things we said today</td>\n",
14850 " <td>True</td>\n",
14851 " <td>Things We Said Today - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14852 " </tr>\n",
14853 " <tr>\n",
14854 " <th>6</th>\n",
14855 " <td>1HyLh5cctOnP186CBi8bhm</td>\n",
14856 " <td>roll over beethoven</td>\n",
14857 " <td>True</td>\n",
14858 " <td>Roll Over Beethoven - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14859 " </tr>\n",
14860 " <tr>\n",
14861 " <th>7</th>\n",
14862 " <td>7fZEWm7TAL2oZDyiYrrgnk</td>\n",
14863 " <td>boys</td>\n",
14864 " <td>True</td>\n",
14865 " <td>Boys - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14866 " </tr>\n",
14867 " <tr>\n",
14868 " <th>8</th>\n",
14869 " <td>21nhooOxso7CCoHPE73w4L</td>\n",
14870 " <td>a hard days night</td>\n",
14871 " <td>True</td>\n",
14872 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14873 " </tr>\n",
14874 " <tr>\n",
14875 " <th>9</th>\n",
14876 " <td>1alcPfZWUHh01l4Fnoo5Jt</td>\n",
14877 " <td>help</td>\n",
14878 " <td>True</td>\n",
14879 " <td>Help! - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14880 " </tr>\n",
14881 " <tr>\n",
14882 " <th>10</th>\n",
14883 " <td>24gUDXSQysdnTaRpbWtYlK</td>\n",
14884 " <td>all my loving</td>\n",
14885 " <td>True</td>\n",
14886 " <td>All My Loving - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14887 " </tr>\n",
14888 " <tr>\n",
14889 " <th>11</th>\n",
14890 " <td>2VmFFbXSJzYxzEJSAeI0lM</td>\n",
14891 " <td>she loves you</td>\n",
14892 " <td>True</td>\n",
14893 " <td>She Loves You - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14894 " </tr>\n",
14895 " <tr>\n",
14896 " <th>12</th>\n",
14897 " <td>6b8lhQ86u5MddlmXulslpD</td>\n",
14898 " <td>long tall sally</td>\n",
14899 " <td>True</td>\n",
14900 " <td>Long Tall Sally - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
14901 " </tr>\n",
14902 " <tr>\n",
14903 " <th>13</th>\n",
14904 " <td>1oKfZ5MTCSrv07hsHqJ0JS</td>\n",
14905 " <td>you cant do that</td>\n",
14906 " <td>True</td>\n",
14907 " <td>You Can't Do That - Live / Bonus Track</td>\n",
14908 " </tr>\n",
14909 " <tr>\n",
14910 " <th>14</th>\n",
14911 " <td>04gBqA2mubcTgFqL9Domlj</td>\n",
14912 " <td>i want to hold your hand</td>\n",
14913 " <td>True</td>\n",
14914 " <td>I Want To Hold Your Hand - Live / Bonus Track</td>\n",
14915 " </tr>\n",
14916 " <tr>\n",
14917 " <th>15</th>\n",
14918 " <td>79QDgDoBbS7pCrOjIH7ByA</td>\n",
14919 " <td>everybodys trying to be my baby</td>\n",
14920 " <td>True</td>\n",
14921 " <td>Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby - Live / Bonu...</td>\n",
14922 " </tr>\n",
14923 " <tr>\n",
14924 " <th>16</th>\n",
14925 " <td>1yV2I5c6efVSqSiuv9H2AD</td>\n",
14926 " <td>babys in black</td>\n",
14927 " <td>True</td>\n",
14928 " <td>Baby's In Black - Live / Bonus Track</td>\n",
14929 " </tr>\n",
14930 " </tbody>\n",
14931 "</table>\n",
14932 "</div>"
14933 ],
14934 "text/plain": [
14935 " _id ctitle ignore \\\n",
14936 "0 4edArG2VehvJdwOZfYOxtK twist and shout True \n",
14937 "1 150EAeMGWJRubuH8zyx7h8 shes a woman True \n",
14938 "2 1fVeHYkyMxrjbjRAD9uWsZ dizzy miss lizzy True \n",
14939 "3 0GRplBEB2FWCKutwMmS6nY ticket to ride True \n",
14940 "4 1eVymk74iroqhsZxm0Vy3g cant buy me love True \n",
14941 "5 2p5a9gu6NECVSvBtGSU1vm things we said today True \n",
14942 "6 1HyLh5cctOnP186CBi8bhm roll over beethoven True \n",
14943 "7 7fZEWm7TAL2oZDyiYrrgnk boys True \n",
14944 "8 21nhooOxso7CCoHPE73w4L a hard days night True \n",
14945 "9 1alcPfZWUHh01l4Fnoo5Jt help True \n",
14946 "10 24gUDXSQysdnTaRpbWtYlK all my loving True \n",
14947 "11 2VmFFbXSJzYxzEJSAeI0lM she loves you True \n",
14948 "12 6b8lhQ86u5MddlmXulslpD long tall sally True \n",
14949 "13 1oKfZ5MTCSrv07hsHqJ0JS you cant do that True \n",
14950 "14 04gBqA2mubcTgFqL9Domlj i want to hold your hand True \n",
14951 "15 79QDgDoBbS7pCrOjIH7ByA everybodys trying to be my baby True \n",
14952 "16 1yV2I5c6efVSqSiuv9H2AD babys in black True \n",
14953 "\n",
14954 " name \n",
14955 "0 Twist And Shout - Live / Remastered \n",
14956 "1 She's A Woman - Live / Remastered \n",
14957 "2 Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Live / Remastered \n",
14958 "3 Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered \n",
14959 "4 Can't Buy Me Love - Live / Remastered \n",
14960 "5 Things We Said Today - Live / Remastered \n",
14961 "6 Roll Over Beethoven - Live / Remastered \n",
14962 "7 Boys - Live / Remastered \n",
14963 "8 A Hard Day's Night - Live / Remastered \n",
14964 "9 Help! - Live / Remastered \n",
14965 "10 All My Loving - Live / Remastered \n",
14966 "11 She Loves You - Live / Remastered \n",
14967 "12 Long Tall Sally - Live / Remastered \n",
14968 "13 You Can't Do That - Live / Bonus Track \n",
14969 "14 I Want To Hold Your Hand - Live / Bonus Track \n",
14970 "15 Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby - Live / Bonu... \n",
14971 "16 Baby's In Black - Live / Bonus Track "
14972 ]
14973 },
14974 "execution_count": 95,
14975 "metadata": {},
14976 "output_type": "execute_result"
14977 }
14978 ],
14979 "source": [
14980 "pd.DataFrame(list(tracks.find({'album_id': '5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn'}, ['name', 'ctitle', 'ignore'])))"
14981 ]
14982 },
14983 {
14984 "cell_type": "code",
14985 "execution_count": 96,
14986 "metadata": {},
14987 "outputs": [
14988 {
14989 "data": {
14990 "text/html": [
14991 "<div>\n",
14992 "<style>\n",
14993 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
14994 " text-align: right;\n",
14995 " }\n",
14996 "\n",
14997 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
14998 " text-align: left;\n",
14999 " }\n",
15000 "\n",
15001 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
15002 " vertical-align: top;\n",
15003 " }\n",
15004 "</style>\n",
15005 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
15006 " <thead>\n",
15007 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
15008 " <th></th>\n",
15009 " <th>ctitle</th>\n",
15010 " <th>t_name</th>\n",
15011 " <th>tt_alb</th>\n",
15012 " <th>tt_name</th>\n",
15013 " </tr>\n",
15014 " </thead>\n",
15015 " <tbody>\n",
15016 " <tr>\n",
15017 " <th>0</th>\n",
15018 " <td>twist and shout</td>\n",
15019 " <td>Twist And Shout - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15020 " <td>Please Please Me (Remastered)</td>\n",
15021 " <td>Twist And Shout - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
15022 " </tr>\n",
15023 " <tr>\n",
15024 " <th>1</th>\n",
15025 " <td>dizzy miss lizzy</td>\n",
15026 " <td>Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15027 " <td>Help! (Remastered)</td>\n",
15028 " <td>Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Remastered</td>\n",
15029 " </tr>\n",
15030 " <tr>\n",
15031 " <th>2</th>\n",
15032 " <td>ticket to ride</td>\n",
15033 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15034 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
15035 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15036 " </tr>\n",
15037 " <tr>\n",
15038 " <th>3</th>\n",
15039 " <td>ticket to ride</td>\n",
15040 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15041 " <td>Help! (Remastered)</td>\n",
15042 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Remastered</td>\n",
15043 " </tr>\n",
15044 " <tr>\n",
15045 " <th>4</th>\n",
15046 " <td>cant buy me love</td>\n",
15047 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15048 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
15049 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15050 " </tr>\n",
15051 " <tr>\n",
15052 " <th>5</th>\n",
15053 " <td>cant buy me love</td>\n",
15054 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15055 " <td>A Hard Day's Night (Remastered)</td>\n",
15056 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered</td>\n",
15057 " </tr>\n",
15058 " <tr>\n",
15059 " <th>6</th>\n",
15060 " <td>things we said today</td>\n",
15061 " <td>Things We Said Today - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15062 " <td>A Hard Day's Night (Remastered)</td>\n",
15063 " <td>Things We Said Today - Remastered</td>\n",
15064 " </tr>\n",
15065 " <tr>\n",
15066 " <th>7</th>\n",
15067 " <td>roll over beethoven</td>\n",
15068 " <td>Roll Over Beethoven - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15069 " <td>With The Beatles (Remastered)</td>\n",
15070 " <td>Roll Over Beethoven - Remastered</td>\n",
15071 " </tr>\n",
15072 " <tr>\n",
15073 " <th>8</th>\n",
15074 " <td>roll over beethoven</td>\n",
15075 " <td>Roll Over Beethoven - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15076 " <td>On Air (Deluxe)</td>\n",
15077 " <td>Roll Over Beethoven - Saturday Club / 1963</td>\n",
15078 " </tr>\n",
15079 " <tr>\n",
15080 " <th>9</th>\n",
15081 " <td>boys</td>\n",
15082 " <td>Boys - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15083 " <td>Please Please Me (Remastered)</td>\n",
15084 " <td>Boys - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
15085 " </tr>\n",
15086 " <tr>\n",
15087 " <th>10</th>\n",
15088 " <td>a hard days night</td>\n",
15089 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15090 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
15091 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15092 " </tr>\n",
15093 " <tr>\n",
15094 " <th>11</th>\n",
15095 " <td>a hard days night</td>\n",
15096 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15097 " <td>A Hard Day's Night (Remastered)</td>\n",
15098 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Remastered</td>\n",
15099 " </tr>\n",
15100 " <tr>\n",
15101 " <th>12</th>\n",
15102 " <td>help</td>\n",
15103 " <td>Help! - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15104 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
15105 " <td>Help! - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15106 " </tr>\n",
15107 " <tr>\n",
15108 " <th>13</th>\n",
15109 " <td>help</td>\n",
15110 " <td>Help! - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15111 " <td>Help! (Remastered)</td>\n",
15112 " <td>Help! - Remastered</td>\n",
15113 " </tr>\n",
15114 " <tr>\n",
15115 " <th>14</th>\n",
15116 " <td>all my loving</td>\n",
15117 " <td>All My Loving - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15118 " <td>With The Beatles (Remastered)</td>\n",
15119 " <td>All My Loving - Remastered</td>\n",
15120 " </tr>\n",
15121 " <tr>\n",
15122 " <th>15</th>\n",
15123 " <td>she loves you</td>\n",
15124 " <td>She Loves You - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15125 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
15126 " <td>She Loves You - Mono / Remastered</td>\n",
15127 " </tr>\n",
15128 " <tr>\n",
15129 " <th>16</th>\n",
15130 " <td>you cant do that</td>\n",
15131 " <td>You Can't Do That - Live / Bonus Track</td>\n",
15132 " <td>A Hard Day's Night (Remastered)</td>\n",
15133 " <td>You Can't Do That - Remastered</td>\n",
15134 " </tr>\n",
15135 " <tr>\n",
15136 " <th>17</th>\n",
15137 " <td>i want to hold your hand</td>\n",
15138 " <td>I Want To Hold Your Hand - Live / Bonus Track</td>\n",
15139 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
15140 " <td>I Want To Hold Your Hand - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15141 " </tr>\n",
15142 " <tr>\n",
15143 " <th>18</th>\n",
15144 " <td>everybodys trying to be my baby</td>\n",
15145 " <td>Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby - Live / Bonu...</td>\n",
15146 " <td>Beatles For Sale (Remastered)</td>\n",
15147 " <td>Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby - Remastered</td>\n",
15148 " </tr>\n",
15149 " <tr>\n",
15150 " <th>19</th>\n",
15151 " <td>babys in black</td>\n",
15152 " <td>Baby's In Black - Live / Bonus Track</td>\n",
15153 " <td>Beatles For Sale (Remastered)</td>\n",
15154 " <td>Baby's In Black - Remastered</td>\n",
15155 " </tr>\n",
15156 " </tbody>\n",
15157 "</table>\n",
15158 "</div>"
15159 ],
15160 "text/plain": [
15161 " ctitle \\\n",
15162 "0 twist and shout \n",
15163 "1 dizzy miss lizzy \n",
15164 "2 ticket to ride \n",
15165 "3 ticket to ride \n",
15166 "4 cant buy me love \n",
15167 "5 cant buy me love \n",
15168 "6 things we said today \n",
15169 "7 roll over beethoven \n",
15170 "8 roll over beethoven \n",
15171 "9 boys \n",
15172 "10 a hard days night \n",
15173 "11 a hard days night \n",
15174 "12 help \n",
15175 "13 help \n",
15176 "14 all my loving \n",
15177 "15 she loves you \n",
15178 "16 you cant do that \n",
15179 "17 i want to hold your hand \n",
15180 "18 everybodys trying to be my baby \n",
15181 "19 babys in black \n",
15182 "\n",
15183 " t_name \\\n",
15184 "0 Twist And Shout - Live / Remastered \n",
15185 "1 Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Live / Remastered \n",
15186 "2 Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered \n",
15187 "3 Ticket To Ride - Live / Remastered \n",
15188 "4 Can't Buy Me Love - Live / Remastered \n",
15189 "5 Can't Buy Me Love - Live / Remastered \n",
15190 "6 Things We Said Today - Live / Remastered \n",
15191 "7 Roll Over Beethoven - Live / Remastered \n",
15192 "8 Roll Over Beethoven - Live / Remastered \n",
15193 "9 Boys - Live / Remastered \n",
15194 "10 A Hard Day's Night - Live / Remastered \n",
15195 "11 A Hard Day's Night - Live / Remastered \n",
15196 "12 Help! - Live / Remastered \n",
15197 "13 Help! - Live / Remastered \n",
15198 "14 All My Loving - Live / Remastered \n",
15199 "15 She Loves You - Live / Remastered \n",
15200 "16 You Can't Do That - Live / Bonus Track \n",
15201 "17 I Want To Hold Your Hand - Live / Bonus Track \n",
15202 "18 Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby - Live / Bonu... \n",
15203 "19 Baby's In Black - Live / Bonus Track \n",
15204 "\n",
15205 " tt_alb \\\n",
15206 "0 Please Please Me (Remastered) \n",
15207 "1 Help! (Remastered) \n",
15208 "2 1 (Remastered) \n",
15209 "3 Help! (Remastered) \n",
15210 "4 1 (Remastered) \n",
15211 "5 A Hard Day's Night (Remastered) \n",
15212 "6 A Hard Day's Night (Remastered) \n",
15213 "7 With The Beatles (Remastered) \n",
15214 "8 On Air (Deluxe) \n",
15215 "9 Please Please Me (Remastered) \n",
15216 "10 1 (Remastered) \n",
15217 "11 A Hard Day's Night (Remastered) \n",
15218 "12 1 (Remastered) \n",
15219 "13 Help! (Remastered) \n",
15220 "14 With The Beatles (Remastered) \n",
15221 "15 1 (Remastered) \n",
15222 "16 A Hard Day's Night (Remastered) \n",
15223 "17 1 (Remastered) \n",
15224 "18 Beatles For Sale (Remastered) \n",
15225 "19 Beatles For Sale (Remastered) \n",
15226 "\n",
15227 " tt_name \n",
15228 "0 Twist And Shout - Remastered 2009 \n",
15229 "1 Dizzy Miss Lizzy - Remastered \n",
15230 "2 Ticket To Ride - Remastered 2015 \n",
15231 "3 Ticket To Ride - Remastered \n",
15232 "4 Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered 2015 \n",
15233 "5 Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered \n",
15234 "6 Things We Said Today - Remastered \n",
15235 "7 Roll Over Beethoven - Remastered \n",
15236 "8 Roll Over Beethoven - Saturday Club / 1963 \n",
15237 "9 Boys - Remastered 2009 \n",
15238 "10 A Hard Day's Night - Remastered 2015 \n",
15239 "11 A Hard Day's Night - Remastered \n",
15240 "12 Help! - Remastered 2015 \n",
15241 "13 Help! - Remastered \n",
15242 "14 All My Loving - Remastered \n",
15243 "15 She Loves You - Mono / Remastered \n",
15244 "16 You Can't Do That - Remastered \n",
15245 "17 I Want To Hold Your Hand - Remastered 2015 \n",
15246 "18 Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby - Remastered \n",
15247 "19 Baby's In Black - Remastered "
15248 ]
15249 },
15250 "execution_count": 96,
15251 "metadata": {},
15252 "output_type": "execute_result"
15253 }
15254 ],
15255 "source": [
15256 "pd.DataFrame(list({'ctitle': t['ctitle'], 't_name': t['name'],\n",
15257 " 'tt_name': tt['name'], 'tt_alb': tt['album']['name']}\n",
15258 " for t in tracks.find({'album_id': '5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn'}, ['name', 'ctitle'])\n",
15259 " for tt in tracks.find({'ctitle': t['ctitle'], \n",
15260 " 'album_id': {'$ne': '5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn'}}, \n",
15261 " ['name', 'ctitle', 'album.name', 'album_id'])))"
15262 ]
15263 },
15264 {
15265 "cell_type": "code",
15266 "execution_count": 97,
15267 "metadata": {},
15268 "outputs": [
15269 {
15270 "data": {
15271 "text/html": [
15272 "<div>\n",
15273 "<style>\n",
15274 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
15275 " text-align: right;\n",
15276 " }\n",
15277 "\n",
15278 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
15279 " text-align: left;\n",
15280 " }\n",
15281 "\n",
15282 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
15283 " vertical-align: top;\n",
15284 " }\n",
15285 "</style>\n",
15286 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
15287 " <thead>\n",
15288 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
15289 " <th></th>\n",
15290 " <th>ctitle</th>\n",
15291 " <th>t_name</th>\n",
15292 " </tr>\n",
15293 " </thead>\n",
15294 " <tbody>\n",
15295 " <tr>\n",
15296 " <th>0</th>\n",
15297 " <td>shes a woman</td>\n",
15298 " <td>She's A Woman - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15299 " </tr>\n",
15300 " <tr>\n",
15301 " <th>1</th>\n",
15302 " <td>long tall sally</td>\n",
15303 " <td>Long Tall Sally - Live / Remastered</td>\n",
15304 " </tr>\n",
15305 " </tbody>\n",
15306 "</table>\n",
15307 "</div>"
15308 ],
15309 "text/plain": [
15310 " ctitle t_name\n",
15311 "0 shes a woman She's A Woman - Live / Remastered\n",
15312 "1 long tall sally Long Tall Sally - Live / Remastered"
15313 ]
15314 },
15315 "execution_count": 97,
15316 "metadata": {},
15317 "output_type": "execute_result"
15318 }
15319 ],
15320 "source": [
15321 "pd.DataFrame(list({'ctitle': t['ctitle'], 't_name': t['name']}\n",
15322 " for t in tracks.find({'album_id': '5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn'}, ['name', 'ctitle'])\n",
15323 " if len(list(tracks.find({'ctitle': t['ctitle'],\n",
15324 " 'album_id': {'$ne': '5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn' }}))) == 0))"
15325 ]
15326 },
15327 {
15328 "cell_type": "code",
15329 "execution_count": 98,
15330 "metadata": {},
15331 "outputs": [
15332 {
15333 "data": {
15334 "text/plain": [
15335 "dict_keys(['artists', 'id', 'images', 'href', 'album_type', 'available_markets', 'uri', 'type', 'name', 'external_urls'])"
15336 ]
15337 },
15338 "execution_count": 98,
15339 "metadata": {},
15340 "output_type": "execute_result"
15341 }
15342 ],
15343 "source": [
15344 "tracks.find_one()['album'].keys()"
15345 ]
15346 },
15347 {
15348 "cell_type": "code",
15349 "execution_count": 99,
15350 "metadata": {},
15351 "outputs": [
15352 {
15353 "data": {
15354 "text/html": [
15355 "<div>\n",
15356 "<style>\n",
15357 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
15358 " text-align: right;\n",
15359 " }\n",
15360 "\n",
15361 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
15362 " text-align: left;\n",
15363 " }\n",
15364 "\n",
15365 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
15366 " vertical-align: top;\n",
15367 " }\n",
15368 "</style>\n",
15369 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
15370 " <thead>\n",
15371 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
15372 " <th></th>\n",
15373 " <th>_id</th>\n",
15374 " <th>ctitle</th>\n",
15375 " <th>t_name</th>\n",
15376 " <th>tt_alb</th>\n",
15377 " <th>tt_name</th>\n",
15378 " </tr>\n",
15379 " </thead>\n",
15380 " <tbody>\n",
15381 " <tr>\n",
15382 " <th>0</th>\n",
15383 " <td>5JT7CoUSGNk7mMNkHMQjqr</td>\n",
15384 " <td>love me do</td>\n",
15385 " <td>Love Me Do - Mono / Remastered</td>\n",
15386 " <td>Please Please Me (Remastered)</td>\n",
15387 " <td>Love Me Do - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
15388 " </tr>\n",
15389 " <tr>\n",
15390 " <th>1</th>\n",
15391 " <td>7pQAq14Z73YUFMtxCyt0bG</td>\n",
15392 " <td>cant buy me love</td>\n",
15393 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15394 " <td>A Hard Day's Night (Remastered)</td>\n",
15395 " <td>Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered</td>\n",
15396 " </tr>\n",
15397 " <tr>\n",
15398 " <th>2</th>\n",
15399 " <td>0mNQUZEATk2uItMUtiLWK5</td>\n",
15400 " <td>a hard days night</td>\n",
15401 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15402 " <td>A Hard Day's Night (Remastered)</td>\n",
15403 " <td>A Hard Day's Night - Remastered</td>\n",
15404 " </tr>\n",
15405 " <tr>\n",
15406 " <th>3</th>\n",
15407 " <td>3nhJDVdUrm6DnDW4iBfpKz</td>\n",
15408 " <td>eight days a week</td>\n",
15409 " <td>Eight Days A Week - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15410 " <td>Beatles For Sale (Remastered)</td>\n",
15411 " <td>Eight Days A Week - Remastered</td>\n",
15412 " </tr>\n",
15413 " <tr>\n",
15414 " <th>4</th>\n",
15415 " <td>6pkjW5srxjzRSKKMrl7et8</td>\n",
15416 " <td>ticket to ride</td>\n",
15417 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15418 " <td>Help! (Remastered)</td>\n",
15419 " <td>Ticket To Ride - Remastered</td>\n",
15420 " </tr>\n",
15421 " <tr>\n",
15422 " <th>5</th>\n",
15423 " <td>1dfuJYDSIc41cw5RPsaCF1</td>\n",
15424 " <td>help</td>\n",
15425 " <td>Help! - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15426 " <td>Help! (Remastered)</td>\n",
15427 " <td>Help! - Remastered</td>\n",
15428 " </tr>\n",
15429 " <tr>\n",
15430 " <th>6</th>\n",
15431 " <td>63uskN0xLezVg4281wzeQn</td>\n",
15432 " <td>yesterday</td>\n",
15433 " <td>Yesterday - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15434 " <td>Help! (Remastered)</td>\n",
15435 " <td>Yesterday - Remastered</td>\n",
15436 " </tr>\n",
15437 " <tr>\n",
15438 " <th>7</th>\n",
15439 " <td>727YRTVI7pKH1uCnXnyZul</td>\n",
15440 " <td>yellow submarine</td>\n",
15441 " <td>Yellow Submarine - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15442 " <td>Yellow Submarine (Remastered)</td>\n",
15443 " <td>Yellow Submarine - Remastered</td>\n",
15444 " </tr>\n",
15445 " <tr>\n",
15446 " <th>8</th>\n",
15447 " <td>727YRTVI7pKH1uCnXnyZul</td>\n",
15448 " <td>yellow submarine</td>\n",
15449 " <td>Yellow Submarine - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15450 " <td>Revolver (Remastered)</td>\n",
15451 " <td>Yellow Submarine - Remastered</td>\n",
15452 " </tr>\n",
15453 " <tr>\n",
15454 " <th>9</th>\n",
15455 " <td>0TRkjwb4uY3CHb5zhr9bBd</td>\n",
15456 " <td>eleanor rigby</td>\n",
15457 " <td>Eleanor Rigby - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15458 " <td>Revolver (Remastered)</td>\n",
15459 " <td>Eleanor Rigby - Remastered</td>\n",
15460 " </tr>\n",
15461 " <tr>\n",
15462 " <th>10</th>\n",
15463 " <td>5Kw6fC8wyRgMYfBDtEklYM</td>\n",
15464 " <td>penny lane</td>\n",
15465 " <td>Penny Lane - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15466 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
15467 " <td>Penny Lane - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
15468 " </tr>\n",
15469 " <tr>\n",
15470 " <th>11</th>\n",
15471 " <td>5Kw6fC8wyRgMYfBDtEklYM</td>\n",
15472 " <td>penny lane</td>\n",
15473 " <td>Penny Lane - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15474 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
15475 " <td>Penny Lane - Take 6 / Instrumental</td>\n",
15476 " </tr>\n",
15477 " <tr>\n",
15478 " <th>12</th>\n",
15479 " <td>5Kw6fC8wyRgMYfBDtEklYM</td>\n",
15480 " <td>penny lane</td>\n",
15481 " <td>Penny Lane - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15482 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
15483 " <td>Penny Lane - Stereo Mix 2017</td>\n",
15484 " </tr>\n",
15485 " <tr>\n",
15486 " <th>13</th>\n",
15487 " <td>56rXurvdpjoSIVggfd5ANS</td>\n",
15488 " <td>all you need is love</td>\n",
15489 " <td>All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15490 " <td>Yellow Submarine (Remastered)</td>\n",
15491 " <td>All You Need Is Love - Remastered</td>\n",
15492 " </tr>\n",
15493 " <tr>\n",
15494 " <th>14</th>\n",
15495 " <td>56rXurvdpjoSIVggfd5ANS</td>\n",
15496 " <td>all you need is love</td>\n",
15497 " <td>All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15498 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
15499 " <td>All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
15500 " </tr>\n",
15501 " <tr>\n",
15502 " <th>15</th>\n",
15503 " <td>0wFW5NQJdNDJPcZyfYSExx</td>\n",
15504 " <td>hello goodbye</td>\n",
15505 " <td>Hello, Goodbye - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15506 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
15507 " <td>Hello, Goodbye - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
15508 " </tr>\n",
15509 " <tr>\n",
15510 " <th>16</th>\n",
15511 " <td>4ajbplh2IXiJkXjQiq5aqq</td>\n",
15512 " <td>get back</td>\n",
15513 " <td>Get Back - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15514 " <td>Let It Be (Remastered)</td>\n",
15515 " <td>Get Back - Remastered</td>\n",
15516 " </tr>\n",
15517 " <tr>\n",
15518 " <th>17</th>\n",
15519 " <td>6Y6UBWhifUnkJIO2mdy0S3</td>\n",
15520 " <td>something</td>\n",
15521 " <td>Something - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15522 " <td>Abbey Road (Remastered)</td>\n",
15523 " <td>Something - Remastered</td>\n",
15524 " </tr>\n",
15525 " <tr>\n",
15526 " <th>18</th>\n",
15527 " <td>7iABnSNZciNepqGtjMQxxd</td>\n",
15528 " <td>come together</td>\n",
15529 " <td>Come Together - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15530 " <td>Abbey Road (Remastered)</td>\n",
15531 " <td>Come Together - Remastered</td>\n",
15532 " </tr>\n",
15533 " <tr>\n",
15534 " <th>19</th>\n",
15535 " <td>22QadBPe0QCuqraFVAr1m3</td>\n",
15536 " <td>let it be</td>\n",
15537 " <td>Let It Be - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15538 " <td>Let It Be (Remastered)</td>\n",
15539 " <td>Let It Be - Remastered</td>\n",
15540 " </tr>\n",
15541 " <tr>\n",
15542 " <th>20</th>\n",
15543 " <td>0Oroc0HXQaxs8ONgI7dLnw</td>\n",
15544 " <td>the long and winding road</td>\n",
15545 " <td>The Long And Winding Road - Remastered 2015</td>\n",
15546 " <td>Let It Be (Remastered)</td>\n",
15547 " <td>The Long And Winding Road - Remastered</td>\n",
15548 " </tr>\n",
15549 " </tbody>\n",
15550 "</table>\n",
15551 "</div>"
15552 ],
15553 "text/plain": [
15554 " _id ctitle \\\n",
15555 "0 5JT7CoUSGNk7mMNkHMQjqr love me do \n",
15556 "1 7pQAq14Z73YUFMtxCyt0bG cant buy me love \n",
15557 "2 0mNQUZEATk2uItMUtiLWK5 a hard days night \n",
15558 "3 3nhJDVdUrm6DnDW4iBfpKz eight days a week \n",
15559 "4 6pkjW5srxjzRSKKMrl7et8 ticket to ride \n",
15560 "5 1dfuJYDSIc41cw5RPsaCF1 help \n",
15561 "6 63uskN0xLezVg4281wzeQn yesterday \n",
15562 "7 727YRTVI7pKH1uCnXnyZul yellow submarine \n",
15563 "8 727YRTVI7pKH1uCnXnyZul yellow submarine \n",
15564 "9 0TRkjwb4uY3CHb5zhr9bBd eleanor rigby \n",
15565 "10 5Kw6fC8wyRgMYfBDtEklYM penny lane \n",
15566 "11 5Kw6fC8wyRgMYfBDtEklYM penny lane \n",
15567 "12 5Kw6fC8wyRgMYfBDtEklYM penny lane \n",
15568 "13 56rXurvdpjoSIVggfd5ANS all you need is love \n",
15569 "14 56rXurvdpjoSIVggfd5ANS all you need is love \n",
15570 "15 0wFW5NQJdNDJPcZyfYSExx hello goodbye \n",
15571 "16 4ajbplh2IXiJkXjQiq5aqq get back \n",
15572 "17 6Y6UBWhifUnkJIO2mdy0S3 something \n",
15573 "18 7iABnSNZciNepqGtjMQxxd come together \n",
15574 "19 22QadBPe0QCuqraFVAr1m3 let it be \n",
15575 "20 0Oroc0HXQaxs8ONgI7dLnw the long and winding road \n",
15576 "\n",
15577 " t_name \\\n",
15578 "0 Love Me Do - Mono / Remastered \n",
15579 "1 Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered 2015 \n",
15580 "2 A Hard Day's Night - Remastered 2015 \n",
15581 "3 Eight Days A Week - Remastered 2015 \n",
15582 "4 Ticket To Ride - Remastered 2015 \n",
15583 "5 Help! - Remastered 2015 \n",
15584 "6 Yesterday - Remastered 2015 \n",
15585 "7 Yellow Submarine - Remastered 2015 \n",
15586 "8 Yellow Submarine - Remastered 2015 \n",
15587 "9 Eleanor Rigby - Remastered 2015 \n",
15588 "10 Penny Lane - Remastered 2015 \n",
15589 "11 Penny Lane - Remastered 2015 \n",
15590 "12 Penny Lane - Remastered 2015 \n",
15591 "13 All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2015 \n",
15592 "14 All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2015 \n",
15593 "15 Hello, Goodbye - Remastered 2015 \n",
15594 "16 Get Back - Remastered 2015 \n",
15595 "17 Something - Remastered 2015 \n",
15596 "18 Come Together - Remastered 2015 \n",
15597 "19 Let It Be - Remastered 2015 \n",
15598 "20 The Long And Winding Road - Remastered 2015 \n",
15599 "\n",
15600 " tt_alb \\\n",
15601 "0 Please Please Me (Remastered) \n",
15602 "1 A Hard Day's Night (Remastered) \n",
15603 "2 A Hard Day's Night (Remastered) \n",
15604 "3 Beatles For Sale (Remastered) \n",
15605 "4 Help! (Remastered) \n",
15606 "5 Help! (Remastered) \n",
15607 "6 Help! (Remastered) \n",
15608 "7 Yellow Submarine (Remastered) \n",
15609 "8 Revolver (Remastered) \n",
15610 "9 Revolver (Remastered) \n",
15611 "10 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) \n",
15612 "11 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
15613 "12 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
15614 "13 Yellow Submarine (Remastered) \n",
15615 "14 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) \n",
15616 "15 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) \n",
15617 "16 Let It Be (Remastered) \n",
15618 "17 Abbey Road (Remastered) \n",
15619 "18 Abbey Road (Remastered) \n",
15620 "19 Let It Be (Remastered) \n",
15621 "20 Let It Be (Remastered) \n",
15622 "\n",
15623 " tt_name \n",
15624 "0 Love Me Do - Remastered 2009 \n",
15625 "1 Can't Buy Me Love - Remastered \n",
15626 "2 A Hard Day's Night - Remastered \n",
15627 "3 Eight Days A Week - Remastered \n",
15628 "4 Ticket To Ride - Remastered \n",
15629 "5 Help! - Remastered \n",
15630 "6 Yesterday - Remastered \n",
15631 "7 Yellow Submarine - Remastered \n",
15632 "8 Yellow Submarine - Remastered \n",
15633 "9 Eleanor Rigby - Remastered \n",
15634 "10 Penny Lane - Remastered 2009 \n",
15635 "11 Penny Lane - Take 6 / Instrumental \n",
15636 "12 Penny Lane - Stereo Mix 2017 \n",
15637 "13 All You Need Is Love - Remastered \n",
15638 "14 All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2009 \n",
15639 "15 Hello, Goodbye - Remastered 2009 \n",
15640 "16 Get Back - Remastered \n",
15641 "17 Something - Remastered \n",
15642 "18 Come Together - Remastered \n",
15643 "19 Let It Be - Remastered \n",
15644 "20 The Long And Winding Road - Remastered "
15645 ]
15646 },
15647 "execution_count": 99,
15648 "metadata": {},
15649 "output_type": "execute_result"
15650 }
15651 ],
15652 "source": [
15653 "pd.DataFrame(list({'_id': t['_id'], 'ctitle': t['ctitle'], 't_name': t['name'],\n",
15654 " 'tt_name': tt['name'], 'tt_alb': tt['album']['name']}\n",
15655 " for t in tracks.find({'album_id': '5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh'}, ['name', 'ctitle'])\n",
15656 " for tt in tracks.find({'ctitle': t['ctitle'], \n",
15657 " 'album_id': {'$ne': '5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh'},\n",
15658 " 'ignore': {'$exists': False}}, \n",
15659 " ['name', 'ctitle', 'album.name', 'album_id'])))"
15660 ]
15661 },
15662 {
15663 "cell_type": "code",
15664 "execution_count": 100,
15665 "metadata": {},
15666 "outputs": [
15667 {
15668 "data": {
15669 "text/plain": [
15670 "['5JT7CoUSGNk7mMNkHMQjqr',\n",
15671 " '7pQAq14Z73YUFMtxCyt0bG',\n",
15672 " '0mNQUZEATk2uItMUtiLWK5',\n",
15673 " '3nhJDVdUrm6DnDW4iBfpKz',\n",
15674 " '6pkjW5srxjzRSKKMrl7et8',\n",
15675 " '1dfuJYDSIc41cw5RPsaCF1',\n",
15676 " '63uskN0xLezVg4281wzeQn',\n",
15677 " '727YRTVI7pKH1uCnXnyZul',\n",
15678 " '727YRTVI7pKH1uCnXnyZul',\n",
15679 " '0TRkjwb4uY3CHb5zhr9bBd',\n",
15680 " '5Kw6fC8wyRgMYfBDtEklYM',\n",
15681 " '5Kw6fC8wyRgMYfBDtEklYM',\n",
15682 " '5Kw6fC8wyRgMYfBDtEklYM',\n",
15683 " '56rXurvdpjoSIVggfd5ANS',\n",
15684 " '56rXurvdpjoSIVggfd5ANS',\n",
15685 " '0wFW5NQJdNDJPcZyfYSExx',\n",
15686 " '4ajbplh2IXiJkXjQiq5aqq',\n",
15687 " '6Y6UBWhifUnkJIO2mdy0S3',\n",
15688 " '7iABnSNZciNepqGtjMQxxd',\n",
15689 " '22QadBPe0QCuqraFVAr1m3',\n",
15690 " '0Oroc0HXQaxs8ONgI7dLnw']"
15691 ]
15692 },
15693 "execution_count": 100,
15694 "metadata": {},
15695 "output_type": "execute_result"
15696 }
15697 ],
15698 "source": [
15699 "ignore_tracks = [t['_id']\n",
15700 " for t in tracks.find({'album_id': '5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh'}, ['name', 'ctitle'])\n",
15701 " for tt in tracks.find({'ctitle': t['ctitle'], \n",
15702 " 'album_id': {'$ne': '5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh'},\n",
15703 " 'ignore': {'$exists': False}}, \n",
15704 " ['name', 'ctitle', 'album.name', 'album_id'])]\n",
15705 "ignore_tracks"
15706 ]
15707 },
15708 {
15709 "cell_type": "code",
15710 "execution_count": 101,
15711 "metadata": {},
15712 "outputs": [],
15713 "source": [
15714 "for t in ignore_tracks:\n",
15715 " tracks.update_one({'_id': t}, {'$set': {'ignore': True}})"
15716 ]
15717 },
15718 {
15719 "cell_type": "code",
15720 "execution_count": 102,
15721 "metadata": {},
15722 "outputs": [],
15723 "source": [
15724 "stones_live_albums = ['4fhWcu56Bbh5wALuTouFVW', '3PbRKFafwE7Of8e4dTee72', '5eTqRwTGKPBUiUuN1rFaXD',\n",
15725 " '50UGtgNA5bq1c0BDjPfmbD', '4M8Q1L9PZq0xK5tLUpO3jd', '1W1UJulgICjFDyYIMUwRs7',\n",
15726 " '0hxrNynMDh5QeyALlf1CdS', '3CHu7qW160uqPZHW3TMZ1l']"
15727 ]
15728 },
15729 {
15730 "cell_type": "code",
15731 "execution_count": 103,
15732 "metadata": {},
15733 "outputs": [],
15734 "source": [
15735 "for a in stones_live_albums:\n",
15736 " tracks.update_many({'album_id': a}, {'$set': {'ignore': True}})"
15737 ]
15738 },
15739 {
15740 "cell_type": "code",
15741 "execution_count": 104,
15742 "metadata": {
15743 "scrolled": true
15744 },
15745 "outputs": [
15746 {
15747 "data": {
15748 "text/html": [
15749 "<div>\n",
15750 "<style>\n",
15751 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
15752 " text-align: right;\n",
15753 " }\n",
15754 "\n",
15755 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
15756 " text-align: left;\n",
15757 " }\n",
15758 "\n",
15759 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
15760 " vertical-align: top;\n",
15761 " }\n",
15762 "</style>\n",
15763 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
15764 " <thead>\n",
15765 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
15766 " <th></th>\n",
15767 " <th>_id</th>\n",
15768 " <th>ctitle</th>\n",
15769 " <th>t_alb</th>\n",
15770 " <th>t_name</th>\n",
15771 " <th>tt_alb</th>\n",
15772 " <th>tt_name</th>\n",
15773 " </tr>\n",
15774 " </thead>\n",
15775 " <tbody>\n",
15776 " <tr>\n",
15777 " <th>0</th>\n",
15778 " <td>2uO1HbJhQvmXpjclLmLEeK</td>\n",
15779 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
15780 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
15781 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15782 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
15783 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15784 " </tr>\n",
15785 " <tr>\n",
15786 " <th>1</th>\n",
15787 " <td>1oluhsJUDe1uAVGwfsFpfg</td>\n",
15788 " <td>key to the highway</td>\n",
15789 " <td>Dirty Work (Remastered 2009)</td>\n",
15790 " <td>Key To The Highway - Piano Instrumental/Remast...</td>\n",
15791 " <td>Dirty Work</td>\n",
15792 " <td>Key To The Highway - Piano Instrumental</td>\n",
15793 " </tr>\n",
15794 " <tr>\n",
15795 " <th>2</th>\n",
15796 " <td>3v2SyLXNg7IY3I3N6QTZ45</td>\n",
15797 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
15798 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
15799 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15800 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
15801 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15802 " </tr>\n",
15803 " <tr>\n",
15804 " <th>3</th>\n",
15805 " <td>3v2SyLXNg7IY3I3N6QTZ45</td>\n",
15806 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
15807 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
15808 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15809 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
15810 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15811 " </tr>\n",
15812 " <tr>\n",
15813 " <th>4</th>\n",
15814 " <td>5Y77giAAAmU9EpfHBDbBV8</td>\n",
15815 " <td>you got me rockin</td>\n",
15816 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
15817 " <td>You Got Me Rockin’ - Live</td>\n",
15818 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
15819 " <td>You Got Me Rockin’ - Live</td>\n",
15820 " </tr>\n",
15821 " <tr>\n",
15822 " <th>5</th>\n",
15823 " <td>1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3</td>\n",
15824 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
15825 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
15826 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15827 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
15828 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15829 " </tr>\n",
15830 " <tr>\n",
15831 " <th>6</th>\n",
15832 " <td>1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3</td>\n",
15833 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
15834 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
15835 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15836 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
15837 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15838 " </tr>\n",
15839 " <tr>\n",
15840 " <th>7</th>\n",
15841 " <td>1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3</td>\n",
15842 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
15843 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
15844 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15845 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
15846 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15847 " </tr>\n",
15848 " <tr>\n",
15849 " <th>8</th>\n",
15850 " <td>1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3</td>\n",
15851 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
15852 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
15853 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15854 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
15855 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15856 " </tr>\n",
15857 " <tr>\n",
15858 " <th>9</th>\n",
15859 " <td>1tEdH58k6r4CvjEhmxxbMC</td>\n",
15860 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
15861 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
15862 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15863 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
15864 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15865 " </tr>\n",
15866 " <tr>\n",
15867 " <th>10</th>\n",
15868 " <td>1tEdH58k6r4CvjEhmxxbMC</td>\n",
15869 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
15870 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
15871 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15872 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
15873 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15874 " </tr>\n",
15875 " <tr>\n",
15876 " <th>11</th>\n",
15877 " <td>1tEdH58k6r4CvjEhmxxbMC</td>\n",
15878 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
15879 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
15880 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15881 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
15882 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
15883 " </tr>\n",
15884 " <tr>\n",
15885 " <th>12</th>\n",
15886 " <td>0Za26pWVLQpKfXmb9FX10S</td>\n",
15887 " <td>respectable</td>\n",
15888 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
15889 " <td>Respectable - Remastered</td>\n",
15890 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
15891 " <td>Respectable - Live</td>\n",
15892 " </tr>\n",
15893 " <tr>\n",
15894 " <th>13</th>\n",
15895 " <td>0Za26pWVLQpKfXmb9FX10S</td>\n",
15896 " <td>respectable</td>\n",
15897 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
15898 " <td>Respectable - Remastered</td>\n",
15899 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
15900 " <td>Respectable - Live</td>\n",
15901 " </tr>\n",
15902 " <tr>\n",
15903 " <th>14</th>\n",
15904 " <td>0832Tptls5YicHPGgw7ssP</td>\n",
15905 " <td>beast of burden</td>\n",
15906 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
15907 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Remastered</td>\n",
15908 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
15909 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
15910 " </tr>\n",
15911 " <tr>\n",
15912 " <th>15</th>\n",
15913 " <td>0832Tptls5YicHPGgw7ssP</td>\n",
15914 " <td>beast of burden</td>\n",
15915 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
15916 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Remastered</td>\n",
15917 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
15918 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
15919 " </tr>\n",
15920 " <tr>\n",
15921 " <th>16</th>\n",
15922 " <td>0832Tptls5YicHPGgw7ssP</td>\n",
15923 " <td>beast of burden</td>\n",
15924 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
15925 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Remastered</td>\n",
15926 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
15927 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
15928 " </tr>\n",
15929 " <tr>\n",
15930 " <th>17</th>\n",
15931 " <td>6yq33zsqWCd8cYXQdtAFZ9</td>\n",
15932 " <td>shattered</td>\n",
15933 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
15934 " <td>Shattered - Remastered</td>\n",
15935 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
15936 " <td>Shattered - Live</td>\n",
15937 " </tr>\n",
15938 " <tr>\n",
15939 " <th>18</th>\n",
15940 " <td>6yq33zsqWCd8cYXQdtAFZ9</td>\n",
15941 " <td>shattered</td>\n",
15942 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
15943 " <td>Shattered - Remastered</td>\n",
15944 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
15945 " <td>Shattered - Live</td>\n",
15946 " </tr>\n",
15947 " <tr>\n",
15948 " <th>19</th>\n",
15949 " <td>5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj</td>\n",
15950 " <td>miss you</td>\n",
15951 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
15952 " <td>Miss You - Remastered</td>\n",
15953 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
15954 " <td>Miss You - Remastered</td>\n",
15955 " </tr>\n",
15956 " <tr>\n",
15957 " <th>20</th>\n",
15958 " <td>5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj</td>\n",
15959 " <td>miss you</td>\n",
15960 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
15961 " <td>Miss You - Remastered</td>\n",
15962 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
15963 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
15964 " </tr>\n",
15965 " <tr>\n",
15966 " <th>21</th>\n",
15967 " <td>5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj</td>\n",
15968 " <td>miss you</td>\n",
15969 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
15970 " <td>Miss You - Remastered</td>\n",
15971 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
15972 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
15973 " </tr>\n",
15974 " <tr>\n",
15975 " <th>22</th>\n",
15976 " <td>5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj</td>\n",
15977 " <td>miss you</td>\n",
15978 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
15979 " <td>Miss You - Remastered</td>\n",
15980 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
15981 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
15982 " </tr>\n",
15983 " <tr>\n",
15984 " <th>23</th>\n",
15985 " <td>5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj</td>\n",
15986 " <td>miss you</td>\n",
15987 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
15988 " <td>Miss You - Remastered</td>\n",
15989 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
15990 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
15991 " </tr>\n",
15992 " <tr>\n",
15993 " <th>24</th>\n",
15994 " <td>4E8qFhiuYAWEYYAsYIf4dW</td>\n",
15995 " <td>when the whip comes down</td>\n",
15996 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
15997 " <td>When The Whip Comes Down - Remastered</td>\n",
15998 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
15999 " <td>When The Whip Comes Down - Remastered</td>\n",
16000 " </tr>\n",
16001 " <tr>\n",
16002 " <th>25</th>\n",
16003 " <td>4E8qFhiuYAWEYYAsYIf4dW</td>\n",
16004 " <td>when the whip comes down</td>\n",
16005 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
16006 " <td>When The Whip Comes Down - Remastered</td>\n",
16007 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
16008 " <td>When The Whip Comes Down - Live</td>\n",
16009 " </tr>\n",
16010 " <tr>\n",
16011 " <th>26</th>\n",
16012 " <td>7sDQlyQACyT7mNHFwwEMI7</td>\n",
16013 " <td>just my imagination running away with me</td>\n",
16014 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
16015 " <td>Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) - R...</td>\n",
16016 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
16017 " <td>Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) - R...</td>\n",
16018 " </tr>\n",
16019 " <tr>\n",
16020 " <th>27</th>\n",
16021 " <td>48bJ1sWhJKdB8M43uqi924</td>\n",
16022 " <td>some girls</td>\n",
16023 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
16024 " <td>Some Girls - Remastered</td>\n",
16025 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
16026 " <td>Some Girls - Remastered</td>\n",
16027 " </tr>\n",
16028 " <tr>\n",
16029 " <th>28</th>\n",
16030 " <td>6362zAWHGgbrQaoeCFZpuO</td>\n",
16031 " <td>lies</td>\n",
16032 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
16033 " <td>Lies - Remastered</td>\n",
16034 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
16035 " <td>Lies - Remastered</td>\n",
16036 " </tr>\n",
16037 " <tr>\n",
16038 " <th>29</th>\n",
16039 " <td>4RlD0KvoqPZy5n9Zi76X9l</td>\n",
16040 " <td>far away eyes</td>\n",
16041 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
16042 " <td>Far Away Eyes - Remastered</td>\n",
16043 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
16044 " <td>Far Away Eyes - Live</td>\n",
16045 " </tr>\n",
16046 " <tr>\n",
16047 " <th>...</th>\n",
16048 " <td>...</td>\n",
16049 " <td>...</td>\n",
16050 " <td>...</td>\n",
16051 " <td>...</td>\n",
16052 " <td>...</td>\n",
16053 " <td>...</td>\n",
16054 " </tr>\n",
16055 " <tr>\n",
16056 " <th>153</th>\n",
16057 " <td>7tXuNR6xy9wGBXatDfqFEj</td>\n",
16058 " <td>all down the line</td>\n",
16059 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16060 " <td>All Down The Line - Live</td>\n",
16061 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
16062 " <td>All Down The Line - Live</td>\n",
16063 " </tr>\n",
16064 " <tr>\n",
16065 " <th>154</th>\n",
16066 " <td>3nGR1fpxsAfDdZc9wwm16u</td>\n",
16067 " <td>shattered</td>\n",
16068 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16069 " <td>Shattered - Live</td>\n",
16070 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
16071 " <td>Shattered - Live</td>\n",
16072 " </tr>\n",
16073 " <tr>\n",
16074 " <th>155</th>\n",
16075 " <td>4Uq4cdVjNDZFtiuzTopRac</td>\n",
16076 " <td>beast of burden</td>\n",
16077 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16078 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
16079 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
16080 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
16081 " </tr>\n",
16082 " <tr>\n",
16083 " <th>156</th>\n",
16084 " <td>4Uq4cdVjNDZFtiuzTopRac</td>\n",
16085 " <td>beast of burden</td>\n",
16086 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16087 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
16088 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
16089 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
16090 " </tr>\n",
16091 " <tr>\n",
16092 " <th>157</th>\n",
16093 " <td>7i0HwPhGd77HqpGliF8hWC</td>\n",
16094 " <td>let it bleed</td>\n",
16095 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16096 " <td>Let It Bleed - Live</td>\n",
16097 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
16098 " <td>Let It Bleed - Live</td>\n",
16099 " </tr>\n",
16100 " <tr>\n",
16101 " <th>158</th>\n",
16102 " <td>7ccGJ2vLgjqUDmfn9m66ob</td>\n",
16103 " <td>angie</td>\n",
16104 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16105 " <td>Angie - Live</td>\n",
16106 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
16107 " <td>Angie - Live</td>\n",
16108 " </tr>\n",
16109 " <tr>\n",
16110 " <th>159</th>\n",
16111 " <td>57H3scKLSd9UOWzjfxa8Ct</td>\n",
16112 " <td>wild horses</td>\n",
16113 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16114 " <td>Wild Horses - Live</td>\n",
16115 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
16116 " <td>Wild Horses - Live</td>\n",
16117 " </tr>\n",
16118 " <tr>\n",
16119 " <th>160</th>\n",
16120 " <td>3ovO4GmtWckNKeFItjPDVP</td>\n",
16121 " <td>shine a light</td>\n",
16122 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16123 " <td>Shine A Light - Live</td>\n",
16124 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
16125 " <td>Shine A Light - Live</td>\n",
16126 " </tr>\n",
16127 " <tr>\n",
16128 " <th>161</th>\n",
16129 " <td>3ovO4GmtWckNKeFItjPDVP</td>\n",
16130 " <td>shine a light</td>\n",
16131 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16132 " <td>Shine A Light - Live</td>\n",
16133 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
16134 " <td>Shine A Light - Live</td>\n",
16135 " </tr>\n",
16136 " <tr>\n",
16137 " <th>162</th>\n",
16138 " <td>2jaOxamwOcyjN1E4ut6CK1</td>\n",
16139 " <td>like a rolling stone</td>\n",
16140 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16141 " <td>Like A Rolling Stone - Live</td>\n",
16142 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
16143 " <td>Like A Rolling Stone - Live</td>\n",
16144 " </tr>\n",
16145 " <tr>\n",
16146 " <th>163</th>\n",
16147 " <td>2jaOxamwOcyjN1E4ut6CK1</td>\n",
16148 " <td>like a rolling stone</td>\n",
16149 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16150 " <td>Like A Rolling Stone - Live</td>\n",
16151 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
16152 " <td>Like A Rolling Stone - Live</td>\n",
16153 " </tr>\n",
16154 " <tr>\n",
16155 " <th>164</th>\n",
16156 " <td>6zL5bMJTpJKrf2xkU85b0j</td>\n",
16157 " <td>i go wild</td>\n",
16158 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16159 " <td>I Go Wild - Live</td>\n",
16160 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
16161 " <td>I Go Wild - Live</td>\n",
16162 " </tr>\n",
16163 " <tr>\n",
16164 " <th>165</th>\n",
16165 " <td>6WKiTv7SJ486taXpKIMANr</td>\n",
16166 " <td>miss you</td>\n",
16167 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16168 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
16169 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
16170 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
16171 " </tr>\n",
16172 " <tr>\n",
16173 " <th>166</th>\n",
16174 " <td>6WKiTv7SJ486taXpKIMANr</td>\n",
16175 " <td>miss you</td>\n",
16176 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16177 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
16178 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
16179 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
16180 " </tr>\n",
16181 " <tr>\n",
16182 " <th>167</th>\n",
16183 " <td>0v4MSSHsVfsog0miOeNCDM</td>\n",
16184 " <td>connection</td>\n",
16185 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16186 " <td>Connection - Live</td>\n",
16187 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
16188 " <td>Connection - Live</td>\n",
16189 " </tr>\n",
16190 " <tr>\n",
16191 " <th>168</th>\n",
16192 " <td>4Eh4q5GJegCgMQU1E7rRl7</td>\n",
16193 " <td>slipping away</td>\n",
16194 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16195 " <td>Slipping Away - Live</td>\n",
16196 " <td>Steel Wheels (Remastered 2009)</td>\n",
16197 " <td>Slipping Away - Remastered</td>\n",
16198 " </tr>\n",
16199 " <tr>\n",
16200 " <th>169</th>\n",
16201 " <td>4Eh4q5GJegCgMQU1E7rRl7</td>\n",
16202 " <td>slipping away</td>\n",
16203 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16204 " <td>Slipping Away - Live</td>\n",
16205 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
16206 " <td>Slipping Away - Live</td>\n",
16207 " </tr>\n",
16208 " <tr>\n",
16209 " <th>170</th>\n",
16210 " <td>0DK2fsv7gaw2q4P41wtW94</td>\n",
16211 " <td>midnight rambler</td>\n",
16212 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16213 " <td>Midnight Rambler - Live</td>\n",
16214 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
16215 " <td>Midnight Rambler - Live</td>\n",
16216 " </tr>\n",
16217 " <tr>\n",
16218 " <th>171</th>\n",
16219 " <td>0DK2fsv7gaw2q4P41wtW94</td>\n",
16220 " <td>midnight rambler</td>\n",
16221 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16222 " <td>Midnight Rambler - Live</td>\n",
16223 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
16224 " <td>Midnight Rambler - Live</td>\n",
16225 " </tr>\n",
16226 " <tr>\n",
16227 " <th>172</th>\n",
16228 " <td>1mnDusx7zn2yzmr42hUksE</td>\n",
16229 " <td>rip this joint</td>\n",
16230 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16231 " <td>Rip This Joint - Live</td>\n",
16232 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
16233 " <td>Rip This Joint - Live</td>\n",
16234 " </tr>\n",
16235 " <tr>\n",
16236 " <th>173</th>\n",
16237 " <td>1mnDusx7zn2yzmr42hUksE</td>\n",
16238 " <td>rip this joint</td>\n",
16239 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16240 " <td>Rip This Joint - Live</td>\n",
16241 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
16242 " <td>Rip This Joint - Live</td>\n",
16243 " </tr>\n",
16244 " <tr>\n",
16245 " <th>174</th>\n",
16246 " <td>1mnDusx7zn2yzmr42hUksE</td>\n",
16247 " <td>rip this joint</td>\n",
16248 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16249 " <td>Rip This Joint - Live</td>\n",
16250 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
16251 " <td>Rip This Joint - Live</td>\n",
16252 " </tr>\n",
16253 " <tr>\n",
16254 " <th>175</th>\n",
16255 " <td>5lWzRBoBzcfr1oNYNhR5ac</td>\n",
16256 " <td>start me up</td>\n",
16257 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16258 " <td>Start Me Up - Live</td>\n",
16259 " <td>Tattoo You (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
16260 " <td>Start Me Up - Remastered</td>\n",
16261 " </tr>\n",
16262 " <tr>\n",
16263 " <th>176</th>\n",
16264 " <td>4EllMMamxvLvwvOQLsyc9W</td>\n",
16265 " <td>brown sugar</td>\n",
16266 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16267 " <td>Brown Sugar - Live</td>\n",
16268 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
16269 " <td>Brown Sugar - Live</td>\n",
16270 " </tr>\n",
16271 " <tr>\n",
16272 " <th>177</th>\n",
16273 " <td>4EllMMamxvLvwvOQLsyc9W</td>\n",
16274 " <td>brown sugar</td>\n",
16275 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16276 " <td>Brown Sugar - Live</td>\n",
16277 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
16278 " <td>Brown Sugar - Live</td>\n",
16279 " </tr>\n",
16280 " <tr>\n",
16281 " <th>178</th>\n",
16282 " <td>4EllMMamxvLvwvOQLsyc9W</td>\n",
16283 " <td>brown sugar</td>\n",
16284 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
16285 " <td>Brown Sugar - Live</td>\n",
16286 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
16287 " <td>Brown Sugar - Live</td>\n",
16288 " </tr>\n",
16289 " <tr>\n",
16290 " <th>179</th>\n",
16291 " <td>1F69leTp8WQHMFVQ5gOtIS</td>\n",
16292 " <td>mannish boy</td>\n",
16293 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
16294 " <td>Mannish Boy - Live</td>\n",
16295 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
16296 " <td>Mannish Boy - Live</td>\n",
16297 " </tr>\n",
16298 " <tr>\n",
16299 " <th>180</th>\n",
16300 " <td>6dx6G9OexgRFCulfKI4sPN</td>\n",
16301 " <td>all down the line</td>\n",
16302 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
16303 " <td>All Down The Line - Live</td>\n",
16304 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
16305 " <td>All Down The Line - Live</td>\n",
16306 " </tr>\n",
16307 " <tr>\n",
16308 " <th>181</th>\n",
16309 " <td>16FlhqpxLT6WTfiLVEZ7Vv</td>\n",
16310 " <td>beast of burden</td>\n",
16311 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
16312 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
16313 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
16314 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
16315 " </tr>\n",
16316 " <tr>\n",
16317 " <th>182</th>\n",
16318 " <td>5UXwp4rKvtXtKJpe0iIctM</td>\n",
16319 " <td>miss you</td>\n",
16320 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
16321 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
16322 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
16323 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
16324 " </tr>\n",
16325 " </tbody>\n",
16326 "</table>\n",
16327 "<p>183 rows × 6 columns</p>\n",
16328 "</div>"
16329 ],
16330 "text/plain": [
16331 " _id ctitle \\\n",
16332 "0 2uO1HbJhQvmXpjclLmLEeK jumpin jack flash \n",
16333 "1 1oluhsJUDe1uAVGwfsFpfg key to the highway \n",
16334 "2 3v2SyLXNg7IY3I3N6QTZ45 jumpin jack flash \n",
16335 "3 3v2SyLXNg7IY3I3N6QTZ45 jumpin jack flash \n",
16336 "4 5Y77giAAAmU9EpfHBDbBV8 you got me rockin \n",
16337 "5 1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3 jumpin jack flash \n",
16338 "6 1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3 jumpin jack flash \n",
16339 "7 1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3 jumpin jack flash \n",
16340 "8 1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3 jumpin jack flash \n",
16341 "9 1tEdH58k6r4CvjEhmxxbMC jumpin jack flash \n",
16342 "10 1tEdH58k6r4CvjEhmxxbMC jumpin jack flash \n",
16343 "11 1tEdH58k6r4CvjEhmxxbMC jumpin jack flash \n",
16344 "12 0Za26pWVLQpKfXmb9FX10S respectable \n",
16345 "13 0Za26pWVLQpKfXmb9FX10S respectable \n",
16346 "14 0832Tptls5YicHPGgw7ssP beast of burden \n",
16347 "15 0832Tptls5YicHPGgw7ssP beast of burden \n",
16348 "16 0832Tptls5YicHPGgw7ssP beast of burden \n",
16349 "17 6yq33zsqWCd8cYXQdtAFZ9 shattered \n",
16350 "18 6yq33zsqWCd8cYXQdtAFZ9 shattered \n",
16351 "19 5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj miss you \n",
16352 "20 5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj miss you \n",
16353 "21 5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj miss you \n",
16354 "22 5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj miss you \n",
16355 "23 5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj miss you \n",
16356 "24 4E8qFhiuYAWEYYAsYIf4dW when the whip comes down \n",
16357 "25 4E8qFhiuYAWEYYAsYIf4dW when the whip comes down \n",
16358 "26 7sDQlyQACyT7mNHFwwEMI7 just my imagination running away with me \n",
16359 "27 48bJ1sWhJKdB8M43uqi924 some girls \n",
16360 "28 6362zAWHGgbrQaoeCFZpuO lies \n",
16361 "29 4RlD0KvoqPZy5n9Zi76X9l far away eyes \n",
16362 ".. ... ... \n",
16363 "153 7tXuNR6xy9wGBXatDfqFEj all down the line \n",
16364 "154 3nGR1fpxsAfDdZc9wwm16u shattered \n",
16365 "155 4Uq4cdVjNDZFtiuzTopRac beast of burden \n",
16366 "156 4Uq4cdVjNDZFtiuzTopRac beast of burden \n",
16367 "157 7i0HwPhGd77HqpGliF8hWC let it bleed \n",
16368 "158 7ccGJ2vLgjqUDmfn9m66ob angie \n",
16369 "159 57H3scKLSd9UOWzjfxa8Ct wild horses \n",
16370 "160 3ovO4GmtWckNKeFItjPDVP shine a light \n",
16371 "161 3ovO4GmtWckNKeFItjPDVP shine a light \n",
16372 "162 2jaOxamwOcyjN1E4ut6CK1 like a rolling stone \n",
16373 "163 2jaOxamwOcyjN1E4ut6CK1 like a rolling stone \n",
16374 "164 6zL5bMJTpJKrf2xkU85b0j i go wild \n",
16375 "165 6WKiTv7SJ486taXpKIMANr miss you \n",
16376 "166 6WKiTv7SJ486taXpKIMANr miss you \n",
16377 "167 0v4MSSHsVfsog0miOeNCDM connection \n",
16378 "168 4Eh4q5GJegCgMQU1E7rRl7 slipping away \n",
16379 "169 4Eh4q5GJegCgMQU1E7rRl7 slipping away \n",
16380 "170 0DK2fsv7gaw2q4P41wtW94 midnight rambler \n",
16381 "171 0DK2fsv7gaw2q4P41wtW94 midnight rambler \n",
16382 "172 1mnDusx7zn2yzmr42hUksE rip this joint \n",
16383 "173 1mnDusx7zn2yzmr42hUksE rip this joint \n",
16384 "174 1mnDusx7zn2yzmr42hUksE rip this joint \n",
16385 "175 5lWzRBoBzcfr1oNYNhR5ac start me up \n",
16386 "176 4EllMMamxvLvwvOQLsyc9W brown sugar \n",
16387 "177 4EllMMamxvLvwvOQLsyc9W brown sugar \n",
16388 "178 4EllMMamxvLvwvOQLsyc9W brown sugar \n",
16389 "179 1F69leTp8WQHMFVQ5gOtIS mannish boy \n",
16390 "180 6dx6G9OexgRFCulfKI4sPN all down the line \n",
16391 "181 16FlhqpxLT6WTfiLVEZ7Vv beast of burden \n",
16392 "182 5UXwp4rKvtXtKJpe0iIctM miss you \n",
16393 "\n",
16394 " t_alb \\\n",
16395 "0 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16396 "1 Dirty Work (Remastered 2009) \n",
16397 "2 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) \n",
16398 "3 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) \n",
16399 "4 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) \n",
16400 "5 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) \n",
16401 "6 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) \n",
16402 "7 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) \n",
16403 "8 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) \n",
16404 "9 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16405 "10 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16406 "11 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16407 "12 Some Girls \n",
16408 "13 Some Girls \n",
16409 "14 Some Girls \n",
16410 "15 Some Girls \n",
16411 "16 Some Girls \n",
16412 "17 Some Girls \n",
16413 "18 Some Girls \n",
16414 "19 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
16415 "20 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
16416 "21 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
16417 "22 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
16418 "23 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
16419 "24 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
16420 "25 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
16421 "26 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
16422 "27 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
16423 "28 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
16424 "29 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
16425 ".. ... \n",
16426 "153 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16427 "154 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16428 "155 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16429 "156 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16430 "157 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16431 "158 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16432 "159 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16433 "160 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16434 "161 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16435 "162 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16436 "163 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16437 "164 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16438 "165 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16439 "166 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16440 "167 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16441 "168 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16442 "169 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16443 "170 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16444 "171 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16445 "172 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16446 "173 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16447 "174 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16448 "175 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16449 "176 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16450 "177 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16451 "178 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16452 "179 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
16453 "180 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16454 "181 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16455 "182 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16456 "\n",
16457 " t_name \\\n",
16458 "0 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
16459 "1 Key To The Highway - Piano Instrumental/Remast... \n",
16460 "2 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
16461 "3 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
16462 "4 You Got Me Rockin’ - Live \n",
16463 "5 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
16464 "6 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
16465 "7 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
16466 "8 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
16467 "9 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
16468 "10 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
16469 "11 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
16470 "12 Respectable - Remastered \n",
16471 "13 Respectable - Remastered \n",
16472 "14 Beast Of Burden - Remastered \n",
16473 "15 Beast Of Burden - Remastered \n",
16474 "16 Beast Of Burden - Remastered \n",
16475 "17 Shattered - Remastered \n",
16476 "18 Shattered - Remastered \n",
16477 "19 Miss You - Remastered \n",
16478 "20 Miss You - Remastered \n",
16479 "21 Miss You - Remastered \n",
16480 "22 Miss You - Remastered \n",
16481 "23 Miss You - Remastered \n",
16482 "24 When The Whip Comes Down - Remastered \n",
16483 "25 When The Whip Comes Down - Remastered \n",
16484 "26 Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) - R... \n",
16485 "27 Some Girls - Remastered \n",
16486 "28 Lies - Remastered \n",
16487 "29 Far Away Eyes - Remastered \n",
16488 ".. ... \n",
16489 "153 All Down The Line - Live \n",
16490 "154 Shattered - Live \n",
16491 "155 Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
16492 "156 Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
16493 "157 Let It Bleed - Live \n",
16494 "158 Angie - Live \n",
16495 "159 Wild Horses - Live \n",
16496 "160 Shine A Light - Live \n",
16497 "161 Shine A Light - Live \n",
16498 "162 Like A Rolling Stone - Live \n",
16499 "163 Like A Rolling Stone - Live \n",
16500 "164 I Go Wild - Live \n",
16501 "165 Miss You - Live \n",
16502 "166 Miss You - Live \n",
16503 "167 Connection - Live \n",
16504 "168 Slipping Away - Live \n",
16505 "169 Slipping Away - Live \n",
16506 "170 Midnight Rambler - Live \n",
16507 "171 Midnight Rambler - Live \n",
16508 "172 Rip This Joint - Live \n",
16509 "173 Rip This Joint - Live \n",
16510 "174 Rip This Joint - Live \n",
16511 "175 Start Me Up - Live \n",
16512 "176 Brown Sugar - Live \n",
16513 "177 Brown Sugar - Live \n",
16514 "178 Brown Sugar - Live \n",
16515 "179 Mannish Boy - Live \n",
16516 "180 All Down The Line - Live \n",
16517 "181 Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
16518 "182 Miss You - Live \n",
16519 "\n",
16520 " tt_alb \\\n",
16521 "0 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
16522 "1 Dirty Work \n",
16523 "2 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16524 "3 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
16525 "4 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16526 "5 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16527 "6 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) \n",
16528 "7 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
16529 "8 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16530 "9 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16531 "10 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) \n",
16532 "11 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
16533 "12 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16534 "13 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
16535 "14 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
16536 "15 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16537 "16 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16538 "17 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16539 "18 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16540 "19 Some Girls \n",
16541 "20 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
16542 "21 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) \n",
16543 "22 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
16544 "23 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16545 "24 Some Girls \n",
16546 "25 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16547 "26 Some Girls \n",
16548 "27 Some Girls \n",
16549 "28 Some Girls \n",
16550 "29 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16551 ".. ... \n",
16552 "153 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16553 "154 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16554 "155 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
16555 "156 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16556 "157 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
16557 "158 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
16558 "159 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
16559 "160 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
16560 "161 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
16561 "162 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
16562 "163 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
16563 "164 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
16564 "165 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
16565 "166 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16566 "167 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
16567 "168 Steel Wheels (Remastered 2009) \n",
16568 "169 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
16569 "170 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) \n",
16570 "171 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
16571 "172 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) \n",
16572 "173 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
16573 "174 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
16574 "175 Tattoo You (2009 Re-Mastered) \n",
16575 "176 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
16576 "177 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) \n",
16577 "178 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
16578 "179 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
16579 "180 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
16580 "181 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
16581 "182 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
16582 "\n",
16583 " tt_name \n",
16584 "0 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
16585 "1 Key To The Highway - Piano Instrumental \n",
16586 "2 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
16587 "3 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
16588 "4 You Got Me Rockin’ - Live \n",
16589 "5 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
16590 "6 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
16591 "7 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
16592 "8 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
16593 "9 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
16594 "10 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
16595 "11 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
16596 "12 Respectable - Live \n",
16597 "13 Respectable - Live \n",
16598 "14 Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
16599 "15 Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
16600 "16 Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
16601 "17 Shattered - Live \n",
16602 "18 Shattered - Live \n",
16603 "19 Miss You - Remastered \n",
16604 "20 Miss You - Live \n",
16605 "21 Miss You - Live \n",
16606 "22 Miss You - Live \n",
16607 "23 Miss You - Live \n",
16608 "24 When The Whip Comes Down - Remastered \n",
16609 "25 When The Whip Comes Down - Live \n",
16610 "26 Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me) - R... \n",
16611 "27 Some Girls - Remastered \n",
16612 "28 Lies - Remastered \n",
16613 "29 Far Away Eyes - Live \n",
16614 ".. ... \n",
16615 "153 All Down The Line - Live \n",
16616 "154 Shattered - Live \n",
16617 "155 Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
16618 "156 Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
16619 "157 Let It Bleed - Live \n",
16620 "158 Angie - Live \n",
16621 "159 Wild Horses - Live \n",
16622 "160 Shine A Light - Live \n",
16623 "161 Shine A Light - Live \n",
16624 "162 Like A Rolling Stone - Live \n",
16625 "163 Like A Rolling Stone - Live \n",
16626 "164 I Go Wild - Live \n",
16627 "165 Miss You - Live \n",
16628 "166 Miss You - Live \n",
16629 "167 Connection - Live \n",
16630 "168 Slipping Away - Remastered \n",
16631 "169 Slipping Away - Live \n",
16632 "170 Midnight Rambler - Live \n",
16633 "171 Midnight Rambler - Live \n",
16634 "172 Rip This Joint - Live \n",
16635 "173 Rip This Joint - Live \n",
16636 "174 Rip This Joint - Live \n",
16637 "175 Start Me Up - Remastered \n",
16638 "176 Brown Sugar - Live \n",
16639 "177 Brown Sugar - Live \n",
16640 "178 Brown Sugar - Live \n",
16641 "179 Mannish Boy - Live \n",
16642 "180 All Down The Line - Live \n",
16643 "181 Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
16644 "182 Miss You - Live \n",
16645 "\n",
16646 "[183 rows x 6 columns]"
16647 ]
16648 },
16649 "execution_count": 104,
16650 "metadata": {},
16651 "output_type": "execute_result"
16652 }
16653 ],
16654 "source": [
16655 "pd.DataFrame(list({'_id': t['_id'], 'ctitle': t['ctitle'], 't_name': t['name'], 't_alb': t['album']['name'],\n",
16656 " 'tt_name': tt['name'], 'tt_alb': tt['album']['name']}\n",
16657 " for t in tracks.find({'artist_id': stones_id, 'ignore': {'$exists': False}}, \n",
16658 " ['name', 'ctitle', 'album_id', 'album.name'])\n",
16659 " for tt in tracks.find({'ctitle': t['ctitle'], \n",
16660 " 'album_id': {'$lt': t['album_id']},\n",
16661 " 'ignore': {'$exists': False}}, \n",
16662 " ['name', 'ctitle', 'album.name', 'album_id'])))"
16663 ]
16664 },
16665 {
16666 "cell_type": "code",
16667 "execution_count": 105,
16668 "metadata": {},
16669 "outputs": [
16670 {
16671 "data": {
16672 "text/plain": [
16673 "(set(), set())"
16674 ]
16675 },
16676 "execution_count": 105,
16677 "metadata": {},
16678 "output_type": "execute_result"
16679 }
16680 ],
16681 "source": [
16682 "# Dirty Work and Dirty Work Remastered\n",
16683 "dw = set(t['ctitle'] for t in tracks.find({'album_id': '1TpcI1LEFVhBvDPSTMPGFG'}))\n",
16684 "dwd = set(t['ctitle'] for t in tracks.find({'album_id': '1WSfNoPDPzgyKFN6OSYWUx'}))\n",
16685 "\n",
16686 "dw - dwd, dwd - dw"
16687 ]
16688 },
16689 {
16690 "cell_type": "code",
16691 "execution_count": 106,
16692 "metadata": {},
16693 "outputs": [
16694 {
16695 "data": {
16696 "text/plain": [
16697 "(set(),\n",
16698 " {'claudine',\n",
16699 " 'do you think i really care',\n",
16700 " 'dont be a stranger',\n",
16701 " 'i love you too much',\n",
16702 " 'keep up blues',\n",
16703 " 'no spare parts',\n",
16704 " 'petrol blues',\n",
16705 " 'so young',\n",
16706 " 'tallahassee lassie',\n",
16707 " 'we had it all',\n",
16708 " 'when youre gone',\n",
16709 " 'you win again'})"
16710 ]
16711 },
16712 "execution_count": 106,
16713 "metadata": {},
16714 "output_type": "execute_result"
16715 }
16716 ],
16717 "source": [
16718 "# Some Girls and Some Girls Deluxe\n",
16719 "sg = set(t['ctitle'] for t in tracks.find({'album_id': '54sqbAXxR1jFfyXb1WvrHK'}))\n",
16720 "sgd = set(t['ctitle'] for t in tracks.find({'album_id': '6FjXxl9VLURGuubdXUn2J3'}))\n",
16721 "\n",
16722 "sg - sgd, sgd - sg"
16723 ]
16724 },
16725 {
16726 "cell_type": "code",
16727 "execution_count": 107,
16728 "metadata": {},
16729 "outputs": [],
16730 "source": [
16731 "for a in ['1TpcI1LEFVhBvDPSTMPGFG', '54sqbAXxR1jFfyXb1WvrHK']:\n",
16732 " tracks.update_many({'album_id': a}, {'$set': {'ignore': True}})"
16733 ]
16734 },
16735 {
16736 "cell_type": "code",
16737 "execution_count": 108,
16738 "metadata": {
16739 "scrolled": false
16740 },
16741 "outputs": [
16742 {
16743 "data": {
16744 "text/html": [
16745 "<div>\n",
16746 "<style>\n",
16747 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
16748 " text-align: right;\n",
16749 " }\n",
16750 "\n",
16751 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
16752 " text-align: left;\n",
16753 " }\n",
16754 "\n",
16755 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
16756 " vertical-align: top;\n",
16757 " }\n",
16758 "</style>\n",
16759 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
16760 " <thead>\n",
16761 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
16762 " <th></th>\n",
16763 " <th>_id</th>\n",
16764 " <th>artist_name</th>\n",
16765 " <th>name</th>\n",
16766 " <th>release_date</th>\n",
16767 " </tr>\n",
16768 " </thead>\n",
16769 " <tbody>\n",
16770 " <tr>\n",
16771 " <th>0</th>\n",
16772 " <td>5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn</td>\n",
16773 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16774 " <td>Live At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
16775 " <td>2016-09-09</td>\n",
16776 " </tr>\n",
16777 " <tr>\n",
16778 " <th>1</th>\n",
16779 " <td>5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh</td>\n",
16780 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16781 " <td>1 (Remastered)</td>\n",
16782 " <td>2000-11-13</td>\n",
16783 " </tr>\n",
16784 " <tr>\n",
16785 " <th>2</th>\n",
16786 " <td>2pCqZLeavM2BMovJXsJEIV</td>\n",
16787 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16788 " <td>Let It Be (Remastered)</td>\n",
16789 " <td>1970-05-08</td>\n",
16790 " </tr>\n",
16791 " <tr>\n",
16792 " <th>3</th>\n",
16793 " <td>2Pqkn9Dq2DFtdfkKAeqgMd</td>\n",
16794 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16795 " <td>Abbey Road (Remastered)</td>\n",
16796 " <td>1969-09-26</td>\n",
16797 " </tr>\n",
16798 " <tr>\n",
16799 " <th>4</th>\n",
16800 " <td>47bcKzmKgmMPHXNVOWpLiu</td>\n",
16801 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16802 " <td>Yellow Submarine (Remastered)</td>\n",
16803 " <td>1969-01-17</td>\n",
16804 " </tr>\n",
16805 " <tr>\n",
16806 " <th>5</th>\n",
16807 " <td>03Qh833fEdVT30Pfs93ea6</td>\n",
16808 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16809 " <td>The Beatles (Remastered)</td>\n",
16810 " <td>1968-11-22</td>\n",
16811 " </tr>\n",
16812 " <tr>\n",
16813 " <th>6</th>\n",
16814 " <td>6P9yO0ukhOx3dvmhGKeYoC</td>\n",
16815 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16816 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
16817 " <td>1967-11-27</td>\n",
16818 " </tr>\n",
16819 " <tr>\n",
16820 " <th>7</th>\n",
16821 " <td>1PULmKbHeOqlkIwcDMNwD4</td>\n",
16822 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16823 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
16824 " <td>1967-06-01</td>\n",
16825 " </tr>\n",
16826 " <tr>\n",
16827 " <th>8</th>\n",
16828 " <td>0PYyrqs9NXtxPhf0CZkq2L</td>\n",
16829 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16830 " <td>Revolver (Remastered)</td>\n",
16831 " <td>1966-08-05</td>\n",
16832 " </tr>\n",
16833 " <tr>\n",
16834 " <th>9</th>\n",
16835 " <td>3OdI6e43crvyAHhaqpxSyz</td>\n",
16836 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16837 " <td>Rubber Soul (Remastered)</td>\n",
16838 " <td>1965-12-03</td>\n",
16839 " </tr>\n",
16840 " <tr>\n",
16841 " <th>10</th>\n",
16842 " <td>19K3IHYeVkUTjcBHGfbCOi</td>\n",
16843 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16844 " <td>Help! (Remastered)</td>\n",
16845 " <td>1965-08-06</td>\n",
16846 " </tr>\n",
16847 " <tr>\n",
16848 " <th>11</th>\n",
16849 " <td>7BgGBZndAvDlKOcwe5rscZ</td>\n",
16850 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16851 " <td>Beatles For Sale (Remastered)</td>\n",
16852 " <td>1964-12-04</td>\n",
16853 " </tr>\n",
16854 " <tr>\n",
16855 " <th>12</th>\n",
16856 " <td>71Mwd9tntFQYUk4k2DwA0D</td>\n",
16857 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16858 " <td>A Hard Day's Night (Remastered)</td>\n",
16859 " <td>1964-07-10</td>\n",
16860 " </tr>\n",
16861 " <tr>\n",
16862 " <th>13</th>\n",
16863 " <td>1DBkJIEoeHrTX4WCBQGcCi</td>\n",
16864 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
16865 " <td>The King Of Limbs</td>\n",
16866 " <td>2011-02-18</td>\n",
16867 " </tr>\n",
16868 " <tr>\n",
16869 " <th>14</th>\n",
16870 " <td>3nkEsxmIX0zRNXGAexaHAn</td>\n",
16871 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16872 " <td>With The Beatles (Remastered)</td>\n",
16873 " <td>1963-11-22</td>\n",
16874 " </tr>\n",
16875 " <tr>\n",
16876 " <th>15</th>\n",
16877 " <td>7gDXyW16byCQOgK965BRzn</td>\n",
16878 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
16879 " <td>Please Please Me (Remastered)</td>\n",
16880 " <td>1963-03-22</td>\n",
16881 " </tr>\n",
16882 " <tr>\n",
16883 " <th>16</th>\n",
16884 " <td>6vuykQgDLUCiZ7YggIpLM9</td>\n",
16885 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
16886 " <td>A Moon Shaped Pool</td>\n",
16887 " <td>2016-05-08</td>\n",
16888 " </tr>\n",
16889 " <tr>\n",
16890 " <th>17</th>\n",
16891 " <td>47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T</td>\n",
16892 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
16893 " <td>TKOL RMX 1234567</td>\n",
16894 " <td>2011-10-10</td>\n",
16895 " </tr>\n",
16896 " <tr>\n",
16897 " <th>18</th>\n",
16898 " <td>7eyQXxuf2nGj9d2367Gi5f</td>\n",
16899 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
16900 " <td>In Rainbows</td>\n",
16901 " <td>2007-12-28</td>\n",
16902 " </tr>\n",
16903 " <tr>\n",
16904 " <th>19</th>\n",
16905 " <td>36lJLPoPPOKNFddTAcirnc</td>\n",
16906 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
16907 " <td>In Rainbows Disk 2</td>\n",
16908 " <td>2007</td>\n",
16909 " </tr>\n",
16910 " <tr>\n",
16911 " <th>20</th>\n",
16912 " <td>6Eo5EkmdLvZrONzi046iC2</td>\n",
16913 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
16914 " <td>Com Lag: 2+2=5</td>\n",
16915 " <td>2004-03-24</td>\n",
16916 " </tr>\n",
16917 " <tr>\n",
16918 " <th>21</th>\n",
16919 " <td>1oW3v5Har9mvXnGk0x4fHm</td>\n",
16920 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
16921 " <td>Hail To the Thief</td>\n",
16922 " <td>2003</td>\n",
16923 " </tr>\n",
16924 " <tr>\n",
16925 " <th>22</th>\n",
16926 " <td>6svTt5o2lUgIrgYDKVmdnD</td>\n",
16927 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
16928 " <td>I Might Be Wrong</td>\n",
16929 " <td>2001</td>\n",
16930 " </tr>\n",
16931 " <tr>\n",
16932 " <th>23</th>\n",
16933 " <td>6V9YnBmFjWmXCBaUVRCVXP</td>\n",
16934 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
16935 " <td>Amnesiac</td>\n",
16936 " <td>2001-03-12</td>\n",
16937 " </tr>\n",
16938 " <tr>\n",
16939 " <th>24</th>\n",
16940 " <td>19RUXBFyM4PpmrLRdtqWbp</td>\n",
16941 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
16942 " <td>Kid A</td>\n",
16943 " <td>2000-10-01</td>\n",
16944 " </tr>\n",
16945 " <tr>\n",
16946 " <th>25</th>\n",
16947 " <td>7dxKtc08dYeRVHt3p9CZJn</td>\n",
16948 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
16949 " <td>OK Computer</td>\n",
16950 " <td>1997-05-28</td>\n",
16951 " </tr>\n",
16952 " <tr>\n",
16953 " <th>26</th>\n",
16954 " <td>500FEaUzn8lN9zWFyZG5C2</td>\n",
16955 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
16956 " <td>The Bends</td>\n",
16957 " <td>1995-03-28</td>\n",
16958 " </tr>\n",
16959 " <tr>\n",
16960 " <th>27</th>\n",
16961 " <td>6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN</td>\n",
16962 " <td>Radiohead</td>\n",
16963 " <td>Pablo Honey</td>\n",
16964 " <td>1993-02-22</td>\n",
16965 " </tr>\n",
16966 " <tr>\n",
16967 " <th>28</th>\n",
16968 " <td>4g9Jfls8z2nbQxj5PiXkiy</td>\n",
16969 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
16970 " <td>Blue &amp; Lonesome</td>\n",
16971 " <td>2016-12-02</td>\n",
16972 " </tr>\n",
16973 " <tr>\n",
16974 " <th>29</th>\n",
16975 " <td>4fhWcu56Bbh5wALuTouFVW</td>\n",
16976 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
16977 " <td>Havana Moon (Live)</td>\n",
16978 " <td>2016-11-11</td>\n",
16979 " </tr>\n",
16980 " <tr>\n",
16981 " <th>...</th>\n",
16982 " <td>...</td>\n",
16983 " <td>...</td>\n",
16984 " <td>...</td>\n",
16985 " <td>...</td>\n",
16986 " </tr>\n",
16987 " <tr>\n",
16988 " <th>32</th>\n",
16989 " <td>3CHu7qW160uqPZHW3TMZ1l</td>\n",
16990 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
16991 " <td>Shine A Light</td>\n",
16992 " <td>2008-01-01</td>\n",
16993 " </tr>\n",
16994 " <tr>\n",
16995 " <th>33</th>\n",
16996 " <td>4FTHynKEtuP7eppERNfjyG</td>\n",
16997 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
16998 " <td>A Bigger Bang (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
16999 " <td>2005-09-05</td>\n",
17000 " </tr>\n",
17001 " <tr>\n",
17002 " <th>34</th>\n",
17003 " <td>50UGtgNA5bq1c0BDjPfmbD</td>\n",
17004 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17005 " <td>Live Licks</td>\n",
17006 " <td>2004-11-01</td>\n",
17007 " </tr>\n",
17008 " <tr>\n",
17009 " <th>35</th>\n",
17010 " <td>0ZGddnvcVzHVHfE3WW1tV5</td>\n",
17011 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17012 " <td>Bridges To Babylon (Remastered)</td>\n",
17013 " <td>1997-09-29</td>\n",
17014 " </tr>\n",
17015 " <tr>\n",
17016 " <th>36</th>\n",
17017 " <td>4M8Q1L9PZq0xK5tLUpO3jd</td>\n",
17018 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17019 " <td>Stripped</td>\n",
17020 " <td>1995-01-13</td>\n",
17021 " </tr>\n",
17022 " <tr>\n",
17023 " <th>37</th>\n",
17024 " <td>62ZT16LY1phGM0O8x5qW1z</td>\n",
17025 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17026 " <td>Voodoo Lounge (Remastered 2009)</td>\n",
17027 " <td>1994-07-11</td>\n",
17028 " </tr>\n",
17029 " <tr>\n",
17030 " <th>38</th>\n",
17031 " <td>1W1UJulgICjFDyYIMUwRs7</td>\n",
17032 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17033 " <td>Flashpoint</td>\n",
17034 " <td>1991-04-02</td>\n",
17035 " </tr>\n",
17036 " <tr>\n",
17037 " <th>39</th>\n",
17038 " <td>25mfHGJNQkluvIqedXHSx3</td>\n",
17039 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17040 " <td>Steel Wheels (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
17041 " <td>1989-08-29</td>\n",
17042 " </tr>\n",
17043 " <tr>\n",
17044 " <th>40</th>\n",
17045 " <td>1TpcI1LEFVhBvDPSTMPGFG</td>\n",
17046 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17047 " <td>Dirty Work</td>\n",
17048 " <td>1986-03-24</td>\n",
17049 " </tr>\n",
17050 " <tr>\n",
17051 " <th>41</th>\n",
17052 " <td>1WSfNoPDPzgyKFN6OSYWUx</td>\n",
17053 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17054 " <td>Dirty Work (Remastered 2009)</td>\n",
17055 " <td>1986-03-24</td>\n",
17056 " </tr>\n",
17057 " <tr>\n",
17058 " <th>42</th>\n",
17059 " <td>064eFGemsrDcMvgRZ0gqtw</td>\n",
17060 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17061 " <td>Undercover (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
17062 " <td>1983-11-07</td>\n",
17063 " </tr>\n",
17064 " <tr>\n",
17065 " <th>43</th>\n",
17066 " <td>0hxrNynMDh5QeyALlf1CdS</td>\n",
17067 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17068 " <td>Still Life</td>\n",
17069 " <td>1982-06-01</td>\n",
17070 " </tr>\n",
17071 " <tr>\n",
17072 " <th>44</th>\n",
17073 " <td>1YvnuYGlblQ5vLnOhaZzpn</td>\n",
17074 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17075 " <td>Tattoo You (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
17076 " <td>1981-08-24</td>\n",
17077 " </tr>\n",
17078 " <tr>\n",
17079 " <th>45</th>\n",
17080 " <td>2wZgoXS06wSdu9C0ZJOvlc</td>\n",
17081 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17082 " <td>Emotional Rescue (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
17083 " <td>1980-06-20</td>\n",
17084 " </tr>\n",
17085 " <tr>\n",
17086 " <th>46</th>\n",
17087 " <td>54sqbAXxR1jFfyXb1WvrHK</td>\n",
17088 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17089 " <td>Some Girls</td>\n",
17090 " <td>1978-06-09</td>\n",
17091 " </tr>\n",
17092 " <tr>\n",
17093 " <th>47</th>\n",
17094 " <td>6FjXxl9VLURGuubdXUn2J3</td>\n",
17095 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17096 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
17097 " <td>1978-06-09</td>\n",
17098 " </tr>\n",
17099 " <tr>\n",
17100 " <th>48</th>\n",
17101 " <td>4jbWZmf7kRxCBD6tgVepYh</td>\n",
17102 " <td>Spice Girls</td>\n",
17103 " <td>Forever</td>\n",
17104 " <td>2000-11-06</td>\n",
17105 " </tr>\n",
17106 " <tr>\n",
17107 " <th>49</th>\n",
17108 " <td>3sr6lAuO3nmB1u8ZuQgpiX</td>\n",
17109 " <td>Spice Girls</td>\n",
17110 " <td>Spiceworld</td>\n",
17111 " <td>1997-11-03</td>\n",
17112 " </tr>\n",
17113 " <tr>\n",
17114 " <th>50</th>\n",
17115 " <td>3x2jF7blR6bFHtk4MccsyJ</td>\n",
17116 " <td>Spice Girls</td>\n",
17117 " <td>Spice</td>\n",
17118 " <td>1996-11-04</td>\n",
17119 " </tr>\n",
17120 " <tr>\n",
17121 " <th>51</th>\n",
17122 " <td>3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n</td>\n",
17123 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
17124 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17125 " <td>1967-06-01</td>\n",
17126 " </tr>\n",
17127 " <tr>\n",
17128 " <th>52</th>\n",
17129 " <td>7Hk1X2BCADxuR9saTIKfOW</td>\n",
17130 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17131 " <td>On Air (Deluxe)</td>\n",
17132 " <td>2017-12-01</td>\n",
17133 " </tr>\n",
17134 " <tr>\n",
17135 " <th>53</th>\n",
17136 " <td>6iCIB08bkoitQOL5y2uEsM</td>\n",
17137 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17138 " <td>Sticky Fingers Live At The Fonda Theatre</td>\n",
17139 " <td>2017-09-29</td>\n",
17140 " </tr>\n",
17141 " <tr>\n",
17142 " <th>54</th>\n",
17143 " <td>34d9ClCaKRoQ8pMeJ9Gfvt</td>\n",
17144 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17145 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
17146 " <td>2017-06-07</td>\n",
17147 " </tr>\n",
17148 " <tr>\n",
17149 " <th>55</th>\n",
17150 " <td>0aWIIpfY32rT1i3yO9LROl</td>\n",
17151 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17152 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
17153 " <td>2016-06-17</td>\n",
17154 " </tr>\n",
17155 " <tr>\n",
17156 " <th>56</th>\n",
17157 " <td>5D7RtaChuvF0Av1xXT3acu</td>\n",
17158 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17159 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
17160 " <td>2016-06-06</td>\n",
17161 " </tr>\n",
17162 " <tr>\n",
17163 " <th>57</th>\n",
17164 " <td>2b3y5k1DchDACjH5KMlgQv</td>\n",
17165 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17166 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
17167 " <td>2016-06-03</td>\n",
17168 " </tr>\n",
17169 " <tr>\n",
17170 " <th>58</th>\n",
17171 " <td>3wkyUMDuH56iNaSxKvukax</td>\n",
17172 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17173 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
17174 " <td>2016-05-20</td>\n",
17175 " </tr>\n",
17176 " <tr>\n",
17177 " <th>59</th>\n",
17178 " <td>6hB5kO3oV3tlnblCNSSA9Z</td>\n",
17179 " <td>Muddy Waters</td>\n",
17180 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
17181 " <td>2012-07-09</td>\n",
17182 " </tr>\n",
17183 " <tr>\n",
17184 " <th>60</th>\n",
17185 " <td>3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC</td>\n",
17186 " <td>Muddy Waters</td>\n",
17187 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
17188 " <td>2012-07-09</td>\n",
17189 " </tr>\n",
17190 " <tr>\n",
17191 " <th>61</th>\n",
17192 " <td>2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC</td>\n",
17193 " <td>The Rolling Stones</td>\n",
17194 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
17195 " <td>2011-11-21</td>\n",
17196 " </tr>\n",
17197 " </tbody>\n",
17198 "</table>\n",
17199 "<p>62 rows × 4 columns</p>\n",
17200 "</div>"
17201 ],
17202 "text/plain": [
17203 " _id artist_name \\\n",
17204 "0 5XfJmldgWzrc1AIdbBaVZn The Beatles \n",
17205 "1 5ju5Ouzan3QwXqQt1Tihbh The Beatles \n",
17206 "2 2pCqZLeavM2BMovJXsJEIV The Beatles \n",
17207 "3 2Pqkn9Dq2DFtdfkKAeqgMd The Beatles \n",
17208 "4 47bcKzmKgmMPHXNVOWpLiu The Beatles \n",
17209 "5 03Qh833fEdVT30Pfs93ea6 The Beatles \n",
17210 "6 6P9yO0ukhOx3dvmhGKeYoC The Beatles \n",
17211 "7 1PULmKbHeOqlkIwcDMNwD4 The Beatles \n",
17212 "8 0PYyrqs9NXtxPhf0CZkq2L The Beatles \n",
17213 "9 3OdI6e43crvyAHhaqpxSyz The Beatles \n",
17214 "10 19K3IHYeVkUTjcBHGfbCOi The Beatles \n",
17215 "11 7BgGBZndAvDlKOcwe5rscZ The Beatles \n",
17216 "12 71Mwd9tntFQYUk4k2DwA0D The Beatles \n",
17217 "13 1DBkJIEoeHrTX4WCBQGcCi Radiohead \n",
17218 "14 3nkEsxmIX0zRNXGAexaHAn The Beatles \n",
17219 "15 7gDXyW16byCQOgK965BRzn The Beatles \n",
17220 "16 6vuykQgDLUCiZ7YggIpLM9 Radiohead \n",
17221 "17 47xaqCsJcYFWqD1gwujl1T Radiohead \n",
17222 "18 7eyQXxuf2nGj9d2367Gi5f Radiohead \n",
17223 "19 36lJLPoPPOKNFddTAcirnc Radiohead \n",
17224 "20 6Eo5EkmdLvZrONzi046iC2 Radiohead \n",
17225 "21 1oW3v5Har9mvXnGk0x4fHm Radiohead \n",
17226 "22 6svTt5o2lUgIrgYDKVmdnD Radiohead \n",
17227 "23 6V9YnBmFjWmXCBaUVRCVXP Radiohead \n",
17228 "24 19RUXBFyM4PpmrLRdtqWbp Radiohead \n",
17229 "25 7dxKtc08dYeRVHt3p9CZJn Radiohead \n",
17230 "26 500FEaUzn8lN9zWFyZG5C2 Radiohead \n",
17231 "27 6400dnyeDyD2mIFHfkwHXN Radiohead \n",
17232 "28 4g9Jfls8z2nbQxj5PiXkiy The Rolling Stones \n",
17233 "29 4fhWcu56Bbh5wALuTouFVW The Rolling Stones \n",
17234 ".. ... ... \n",
17235 "32 3CHu7qW160uqPZHW3TMZ1l The Rolling Stones \n",
17236 "33 4FTHynKEtuP7eppERNfjyG The Rolling Stones \n",
17237 "34 50UGtgNA5bq1c0BDjPfmbD The Rolling Stones \n",
17238 "35 0ZGddnvcVzHVHfE3WW1tV5 The Rolling Stones \n",
17239 "36 4M8Q1L9PZq0xK5tLUpO3jd The Rolling Stones \n",
17240 "37 62ZT16LY1phGM0O8x5qW1z The Rolling Stones \n",
17241 "38 1W1UJulgICjFDyYIMUwRs7 The Rolling Stones \n",
17242 "39 25mfHGJNQkluvIqedXHSx3 The Rolling Stones \n",
17243 "40 1TpcI1LEFVhBvDPSTMPGFG The Rolling Stones \n",
17244 "41 1WSfNoPDPzgyKFN6OSYWUx The Rolling Stones \n",
17245 "42 064eFGemsrDcMvgRZ0gqtw The Rolling Stones \n",
17246 "43 0hxrNynMDh5QeyALlf1CdS The Rolling Stones \n",
17247 "44 1YvnuYGlblQ5vLnOhaZzpn The Rolling Stones \n",
17248 "45 2wZgoXS06wSdu9C0ZJOvlc The Rolling Stones \n",
17249 "46 54sqbAXxR1jFfyXb1WvrHK The Rolling Stones \n",
17250 "47 6FjXxl9VLURGuubdXUn2J3 The Rolling Stones \n",
17251 "48 4jbWZmf7kRxCBD6tgVepYh Spice Girls \n",
17252 "49 3sr6lAuO3nmB1u8ZuQgpiX Spice Girls \n",
17253 "50 3x2jF7blR6bFHtk4MccsyJ Spice Girls \n",
17254 "51 3LXItxKnnJcEDc5QdTc00n The Beatles \n",
17255 "52 7Hk1X2BCADxuR9saTIKfOW The Rolling Stones \n",
17256 "53 6iCIB08bkoitQOL5y2uEsM The Rolling Stones \n",
17257 "54 34d9ClCaKRoQ8pMeJ9Gfvt The Rolling Stones \n",
17258 "55 0aWIIpfY32rT1i3yO9LROl The Rolling Stones \n",
17259 "56 5D7RtaChuvF0Av1xXT3acu The Rolling Stones \n",
17260 "57 2b3y5k1DchDACjH5KMlgQv The Rolling Stones \n",
17261 "58 3wkyUMDuH56iNaSxKvukax The Rolling Stones \n",
17262 "59 6hB5kO3oV3tlnblCNSSA9Z Muddy Waters \n",
17263 "60 3yNf6JVyEEqvM4OqKEmZSC Muddy Waters \n",
17264 "61 2gCp8kyDcL93s4kVP4VMTC The Rolling Stones \n",
17265 "\n",
17266 " name release_date \n",
17267 "0 Live At The Hollywood Bowl 2016-09-09 \n",
17268 "1 1 (Remastered) 2000-11-13 \n",
17269 "2 Let It Be (Remastered) 1970-05-08 \n",
17270 "3 Abbey Road (Remastered) 1969-09-26 \n",
17271 "4 Yellow Submarine (Remastered) 1969-01-17 \n",
17272 "5 The Beatles (Remastered) 1968-11-22 \n",
17273 "6 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) 1967-11-27 \n",
17274 "7 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... 1967-06-01 \n",
17275 "8 Revolver (Remastered) 1966-08-05 \n",
17276 "9 Rubber Soul (Remastered) 1965-12-03 \n",
17277 "10 Help! (Remastered) 1965-08-06 \n",
17278 "11 Beatles For Sale (Remastered) 1964-12-04 \n",
17279 "12 A Hard Day's Night (Remastered) 1964-07-10 \n",
17280 "13 The King Of Limbs 2011-02-18 \n",
17281 "14 With The Beatles (Remastered) 1963-11-22 \n",
17282 "15 Please Please Me (Remastered) 1963-03-22 \n",
17283 "16 A Moon Shaped Pool 2016-05-08 \n",
17284 "17 TKOL RMX 1234567 2011-10-10 \n",
17285 "18 In Rainbows 2007-12-28 \n",
17286 "19 In Rainbows Disk 2 2007 \n",
17287 "20 Com Lag: 2+2=5 2004-03-24 \n",
17288 "21 Hail To the Thief 2003 \n",
17289 "22 I Might Be Wrong 2001 \n",
17290 "23 Amnesiac 2001-03-12 \n",
17291 "24 Kid A 2000-10-01 \n",
17292 "25 OK Computer 1997-05-28 \n",
17293 "26 The Bends 1995-03-28 \n",
17294 "27 Pablo Honey 1993-02-22 \n",
17295 "28 Blue & Lonesome 2016-12-02 \n",
17296 "29 Havana Moon (Live) 2016-11-11 \n",
17297 ".. ... ... \n",
17298 "32 Shine A Light 2008-01-01 \n",
17299 "33 A Bigger Bang (2009 Re-Mastered) 2005-09-05 \n",
17300 "34 Live Licks 2004-11-01 \n",
17301 "35 Bridges To Babylon (Remastered) 1997-09-29 \n",
17302 "36 Stripped 1995-01-13 \n",
17303 "37 Voodoo Lounge (Remastered 2009) 1994-07-11 \n",
17304 "38 Flashpoint 1991-04-02 \n",
17305 "39 Steel Wheels (2009 Re-Mastered) 1989-08-29 \n",
17306 "40 Dirty Work 1986-03-24 \n",
17307 "41 Dirty Work (Remastered 2009) 1986-03-24 \n",
17308 "42 Undercover (2009 Re-Mastered) 1983-11-07 \n",
17309 "43 Still Life 1982-06-01 \n",
17310 "44 Tattoo You (2009 Re-Mastered) 1981-08-24 \n",
17311 "45 Emotional Rescue (2009 Re-Mastered) 1980-06-20 \n",
17312 "46 Some Girls 1978-06-09 \n",
17313 "47 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) 1978-06-09 \n",
17314 "48 Forever 2000-11-06 \n",
17315 "49 Spiceworld 1997-11-03 \n",
17316 "50 Spice 1996-11-04 \n",
17317 "51 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... 1967-06-01 \n",
17318 "52 On Air (Deluxe) 2017-12-01 \n",
17319 "53 Sticky Fingers Live At The Fonda Theatre 2017-09-29 \n",
17320 "54 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) 2017-06-07 \n",
17321 "55 Totally Stripped (Live) 2016-06-17 \n",
17322 "56 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) 2016-06-06 \n",
17323 "57 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) 2016-06-03 \n",
17324 "58 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) 2016-05-20 \n",
17325 "59 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge 2012-07-09 \n",
17326 "60 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge 2012-07-09 \n",
17327 "61 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 2011-11-21 \n",
17328 "\n",
17329 "[62 rows x 4 columns]"
17330 ]
17331 },
17332 "execution_count": 108,
17333 "metadata": {},
17334 "output_type": "execute_result"
17335 }
17336 ],
17337 "source": [
17338 "pd.DataFrame(list(albums.find({}, ['name', 'artist_name', 'release_date'])))"
17339 ]
17340 },
17341 {
17342 "cell_type": "code",
17343 "execution_count": 109,
17344 "metadata": {
17345 "scrolled": true
17346 },
17347 "outputs": [
17348 {
17349 "data": {
17350 "text/html": [
17351 "<div>\n",
17352 "<style>\n",
17353 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
17354 " text-align: right;\n",
17355 " }\n",
17356 "\n",
17357 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
17358 " text-align: left;\n",
17359 " }\n",
17360 "\n",
17361 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
17362 " vertical-align: top;\n",
17363 " }\n",
17364 "</style>\n",
17365 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
17366 " <thead>\n",
17367 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
17368 " <th></th>\n",
17369 " <th>_id</th>\n",
17370 " <th>ctitle</th>\n",
17371 " <th>t_alb</th>\n",
17372 " <th>t_name</th>\n",
17373 " <th>tt_alb</th>\n",
17374 " <th>tt_name</th>\n",
17375 " </tr>\n",
17376 " </thead>\n",
17377 " <tbody>\n",
17378 " <tr>\n",
17379 " <th>0</th>\n",
17380 " <td>2uO1HbJhQvmXpjclLmLEeK</td>\n",
17381 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
17382 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
17383 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17384 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
17385 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17386 " </tr>\n",
17387 " <tr>\n",
17388 " <th>1</th>\n",
17389 " <td>3v2SyLXNg7IY3I3N6QTZ45</td>\n",
17390 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
17391 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
17392 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17393 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
17394 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17395 " </tr>\n",
17396 " <tr>\n",
17397 " <th>2</th>\n",
17398 " <td>3v2SyLXNg7IY3I3N6QTZ45</td>\n",
17399 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
17400 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
17401 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17402 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
17403 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17404 " </tr>\n",
17405 " <tr>\n",
17406 " <th>3</th>\n",
17407 " <td>5Y77giAAAmU9EpfHBDbBV8</td>\n",
17408 " <td>you got me rockin</td>\n",
17409 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
17410 " <td>You Got Me Rockin’ - Live</td>\n",
17411 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
17412 " <td>You Got Me Rockin’ - Live</td>\n",
17413 " </tr>\n",
17414 " <tr>\n",
17415 " <th>4</th>\n",
17416 " <td>1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3</td>\n",
17417 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
17418 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
17419 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17420 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
17421 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17422 " </tr>\n",
17423 " <tr>\n",
17424 " <th>5</th>\n",
17425 " <td>1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3</td>\n",
17426 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
17427 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
17428 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17429 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
17430 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17431 " </tr>\n",
17432 " <tr>\n",
17433 " <th>6</th>\n",
17434 " <td>1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3</td>\n",
17435 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
17436 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
17437 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17438 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
17439 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17440 " </tr>\n",
17441 " <tr>\n",
17442 " <th>7</th>\n",
17443 " <td>1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3</td>\n",
17444 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
17445 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
17446 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17447 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
17448 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17449 " </tr>\n",
17450 " <tr>\n",
17451 " <th>8</th>\n",
17452 " <td>1tEdH58k6r4CvjEhmxxbMC</td>\n",
17453 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
17454 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
17455 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17456 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
17457 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17458 " </tr>\n",
17459 " <tr>\n",
17460 " <th>9</th>\n",
17461 " <td>1tEdH58k6r4CvjEhmxxbMC</td>\n",
17462 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
17463 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
17464 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17465 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
17466 " <td>Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17467 " </tr>\n",
17468 " <tr>\n",
17469 " <th>10</th>\n",
17470 " <td>1tEdH58k6r4CvjEhmxxbMC</td>\n",
17471 " <td>jumpin jack flash</td>\n",
17472 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
17473 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17474 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
17475 " <td>Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live</td>\n",
17476 " </tr>\n",
17477 " <tr>\n",
17478 " <th>11</th>\n",
17479 " <td>5jWDi16gJx7N2oexwjGx5y</td>\n",
17480 " <td>introduction</td>\n",
17481 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
17482 " <td>Introduction - Live</td>\n",
17483 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
17484 " <td>Introduction - Live</td>\n",
17485 " </tr>\n",
17486 " <tr>\n",
17487 " <th>12</th>\n",
17488 " <td>6M75z4blVIRMeWtjSU1UyR</td>\n",
17489 " <td>you dont have to go</td>\n",
17490 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
17491 " <td>You Don't Have To Go - Live</td>\n",
17492 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
17493 " <td>You Don't Have To Go - Live</td>\n",
17494 " </tr>\n",
17495 " <tr>\n",
17496 " <th>13</th>\n",
17497 " <td>6NqtddM4j4X9dG75yOmy0S</td>\n",
17498 " <td>yellow submarine</td>\n",
17499 " <td>Yellow Submarine (Remastered)</td>\n",
17500 " <td>Yellow Submarine - Remastered</td>\n",
17501 " <td>Revolver (Remastered)</td>\n",
17502 " <td>Yellow Submarine - Remastered</td>\n",
17503 " </tr>\n",
17504 " <tr>\n",
17505 " <th>14</th>\n",
17506 " <td>5EuraV2jbqB15ihd3d2Hex</td>\n",
17507 " <td>strawberry fields forever</td>\n",
17508 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
17509 " <td>Strawberry Fields Forever - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
17510 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17511 " <td>Strawberry Fields Forever - Take 7</td>\n",
17512 " </tr>\n",
17513 " <tr>\n",
17514 " <th>15</th>\n",
17515 " <td>5EuraV2jbqB15ihd3d2Hex</td>\n",
17516 " <td>strawberry fields forever</td>\n",
17517 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
17518 " <td>Strawberry Fields Forever - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
17519 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17520 " <td>Strawberry Fields Forever - Take 26</td>\n",
17521 " </tr>\n",
17522 " <tr>\n",
17523 " <th>16</th>\n",
17524 " <td>5EuraV2jbqB15ihd3d2Hex</td>\n",
17525 " <td>strawberry fields forever</td>\n",
17526 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
17527 " <td>Strawberry Fields Forever - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
17528 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17529 " <td>Strawberry Fields Forever - Stereo Mix 2015</td>\n",
17530 " </tr>\n",
17531 " <tr>\n",
17532 " <th>17</th>\n",
17533 " <td>5RStjc42UAYI2NMY3cYpgz</td>\n",
17534 " <td>penny lane</td>\n",
17535 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
17536 " <td>Penny Lane - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
17537 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17538 " <td>Penny Lane - Take 6 / Instrumental</td>\n",
17539 " </tr>\n",
17540 " <tr>\n",
17541 " <th>18</th>\n",
17542 " <td>5RStjc42UAYI2NMY3cYpgz</td>\n",
17543 " <td>penny lane</td>\n",
17544 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
17545 " <td>Penny Lane - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
17546 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17547 " <td>Penny Lane - Stereo Mix 2017</td>\n",
17548 " </tr>\n",
17549 " <tr>\n",
17550 " <th>19</th>\n",
17551 " <td>3xMSaDC9TU6AQJIsxQB7MK</td>\n",
17552 " <td>all you need is love</td>\n",
17553 " <td>Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered)</td>\n",
17554 " <td>All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2009</td>\n",
17555 " <td>Yellow Submarine (Remastered)</td>\n",
17556 " <td>All You Need Is Love - Remastered</td>\n",
17557 " </tr>\n",
17558 " <tr>\n",
17559 " <th>20</th>\n",
17560 " <td>5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj</td>\n",
17561 " <td>miss you</td>\n",
17562 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
17563 " <td>Miss You - Remastered</td>\n",
17564 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
17565 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
17566 " </tr>\n",
17567 " <tr>\n",
17568 " <th>21</th>\n",
17569 " <td>5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj</td>\n",
17570 " <td>miss you</td>\n",
17571 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
17572 " <td>Miss You - Remastered</td>\n",
17573 " <td>Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live)</td>\n",
17574 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
17575 " </tr>\n",
17576 " <tr>\n",
17577 " <th>22</th>\n",
17578 " <td>5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj</td>\n",
17579 " <td>miss you</td>\n",
17580 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
17581 " <td>Miss You - Remastered</td>\n",
17582 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
17583 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
17584 " </tr>\n",
17585 " <tr>\n",
17586 " <th>23</th>\n",
17587 " <td>5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj</td>\n",
17588 " <td>miss you</td>\n",
17589 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
17590 " <td>Miss You - Remastered</td>\n",
17591 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
17592 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
17593 " </tr>\n",
17594 " <tr>\n",
17595 " <th>24</th>\n",
17596 " <td>4E8qFhiuYAWEYYAsYIf4dW</td>\n",
17597 " <td>when the whip comes down</td>\n",
17598 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
17599 " <td>When The Whip Comes Down - Remastered</td>\n",
17600 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
17601 " <td>When The Whip Comes Down - Live</td>\n",
17602 " </tr>\n",
17603 " <tr>\n",
17604 " <th>25</th>\n",
17605 " <td>4RlD0KvoqPZy5n9Zi76X9l</td>\n",
17606 " <td>far away eyes</td>\n",
17607 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
17608 " <td>Far Away Eyes - Remastered</td>\n",
17609 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
17610 " <td>Far Away Eyes - Live</td>\n",
17611 " </tr>\n",
17612 " <tr>\n",
17613 " <th>26</th>\n",
17614 " <td>33PXyHrkIHxp6PBVPlQGx7</td>\n",
17615 " <td>respectable</td>\n",
17616 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
17617 " <td>Respectable - Remastered</td>\n",
17618 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
17619 " <td>Respectable - Live</td>\n",
17620 " </tr>\n",
17621 " <tr>\n",
17622 " <th>27</th>\n",
17623 " <td>33PXyHrkIHxp6PBVPlQGx7</td>\n",
17624 " <td>respectable</td>\n",
17625 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
17626 " <td>Respectable - Remastered</td>\n",
17627 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
17628 " <td>Respectable - Live</td>\n",
17629 " </tr>\n",
17630 " <tr>\n",
17631 " <th>28</th>\n",
17632 " <td>7pfVe0VrMK5QhTaAYzkuYn</td>\n",
17633 " <td>beast of burden</td>\n",
17634 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
17635 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Remastered</td>\n",
17636 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
17637 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
17638 " </tr>\n",
17639 " <tr>\n",
17640 " <th>29</th>\n",
17641 " <td>7pfVe0VrMK5QhTaAYzkuYn</td>\n",
17642 " <td>beast of burden</td>\n",
17643 " <td>Some Girls (Deluxe Version)</td>\n",
17644 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Remastered</td>\n",
17645 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
17646 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
17647 " </tr>\n",
17648 " <tr>\n",
17649 " <th>...</th>\n",
17650 " <td>...</td>\n",
17651 " <td>...</td>\n",
17652 " <td>...</td>\n",
17653 " <td>...</td>\n",
17654 " <td>...</td>\n",
17655 " <td>...</td>\n",
17656 " </tr>\n",
17657 " <tr>\n",
17658 " <th>149</th>\n",
17659 " <td>1mnDusx7zn2yzmr42hUksE</td>\n",
17660 " <td>rip this joint</td>\n",
17661 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
17662 " <td>Rip This Joint - Live</td>\n",
17663 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
17664 " <td>Rip This Joint - Live</td>\n",
17665 " </tr>\n",
17666 " <tr>\n",
17667 " <th>150</th>\n",
17668 " <td>1mnDusx7zn2yzmr42hUksE</td>\n",
17669 " <td>rip this joint</td>\n",
17670 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
17671 " <td>Rip This Joint - Live</td>\n",
17672 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
17673 " <td>Rip This Joint - Live</td>\n",
17674 " </tr>\n",
17675 " <tr>\n",
17676 " <th>151</th>\n",
17677 " <td>5lWzRBoBzcfr1oNYNhR5ac</td>\n",
17678 " <td>start me up</td>\n",
17679 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
17680 " <td>Start Me Up - Live</td>\n",
17681 " <td>Tattoo You (2009 Re-Mastered)</td>\n",
17682 " <td>Start Me Up - Remastered</td>\n",
17683 " </tr>\n",
17684 " <tr>\n",
17685 " <th>152</th>\n",
17686 " <td>4EllMMamxvLvwvOQLsyc9W</td>\n",
17687 " <td>brown sugar</td>\n",
17688 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
17689 " <td>Brown Sugar - Live</td>\n",
17690 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
17691 " <td>Brown Sugar - Live</td>\n",
17692 " </tr>\n",
17693 " <tr>\n",
17694 " <th>153</th>\n",
17695 " <td>4EllMMamxvLvwvOQLsyc9W</td>\n",
17696 " <td>brown sugar</td>\n",
17697 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
17698 " <td>Brown Sugar - Live</td>\n",
17699 " <td>Ladies &amp; Gentlemen (Live)</td>\n",
17700 " <td>Brown Sugar - Live</td>\n",
17701 " </tr>\n",
17702 " <tr>\n",
17703 " <th>154</th>\n",
17704 " <td>4EllMMamxvLvwvOQLsyc9W</td>\n",
17705 " <td>brown sugar</td>\n",
17706 " <td>Totally Stripped - Paris (Live)</td>\n",
17707 " <td>Brown Sugar - Live</td>\n",
17708 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
17709 " <td>Brown Sugar - Live</td>\n",
17710 " </tr>\n",
17711 " <tr>\n",
17712 " <th>155</th>\n",
17713 " <td>1F69leTp8WQHMFVQ5gOtIS</td>\n",
17714 " <td>mannish boy</td>\n",
17715 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
17716 " <td>Mannish Boy - Live</td>\n",
17717 " <td>Live At The Checkerboard Lounge</td>\n",
17718 " <td>Mannish Boy - Live</td>\n",
17719 " </tr>\n",
17720 " <tr>\n",
17721 " <th>156</th>\n",
17722 " <td>6dx6G9OexgRFCulfKI4sPN</td>\n",
17723 " <td>all down the line</td>\n",
17724 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
17725 " <td>All Down The Line - Live</td>\n",
17726 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
17727 " <td>All Down The Line - Live</td>\n",
17728 " </tr>\n",
17729 " <tr>\n",
17730 " <th>157</th>\n",
17731 " <td>16FlhqpxLT6WTfiLVEZ7Vv</td>\n",
17732 " <td>beast of burden</td>\n",
17733 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
17734 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
17735 " <td>Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live)</td>\n",
17736 " <td>Beast Of Burden - Live</td>\n",
17737 " </tr>\n",
17738 " <tr>\n",
17739 " <th>158</th>\n",
17740 " <td>5UXwp4rKvtXtKJpe0iIctM</td>\n",
17741 " <td>miss you</td>\n",
17742 " <td>Some Girls: Live In Texas '78</td>\n",
17743 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
17744 " <td>Totally Stripped (Live)</td>\n",
17745 " <td>Miss You - Live</td>\n",
17746 " </tr>\n",
17747 " <tr>\n",
17748 " <th>159</th>\n",
17749 " <td>6bxyTE0a0SFneMeIxXDCm7</td>\n",
17750 " <td>sgt peppers lonely hearts club band</td>\n",
17751 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17752 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Remix</td>\n",
17753 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17754 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Remast...</td>\n",
17755 " </tr>\n",
17756 " <tr>\n",
17757 " <th>160</th>\n",
17758 " <td>6bxyTE0a0SFneMeIxXDCm7</td>\n",
17759 " <td>sgt peppers lonely hearts club band</td>\n",
17760 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17761 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Remix</td>\n",
17762 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17763 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Repris...</td>\n",
17764 " </tr>\n",
17765 " <tr>\n",
17766 " <th>161</th>\n",
17767 " <td>4sOAk2nNTildSyJSLSlXuG</td>\n",
17768 " <td>with a little help from my friends</td>\n",
17769 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17770 " <td>With A Little Help From My Friends - Remix</td>\n",
17771 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17772 " <td>With A Little Help From My Friends - Remastered</td>\n",
17773 " </tr>\n",
17774 " <tr>\n",
17775 " <th>162</th>\n",
17776 " <td>7jqsBIOx7CGhtNPNYxBWIj</td>\n",
17777 " <td>lucy in the sky with diamonds</td>\n",
17778 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17779 " <td>Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Remix</td>\n",
17780 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17781 " <td>Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Remastered</td>\n",
17782 " </tr>\n",
17783 " <tr>\n",
17784 " <th>163</th>\n",
17785 " <td>7FgFsmFqGDWduAW4vdgya1</td>\n",
17786 " <td>getting better</td>\n",
17787 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17788 " <td>Getting Better - Remix</td>\n",
17789 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17790 " <td>Getting Better - Remastered</td>\n",
17791 " </tr>\n",
17792 " <tr>\n",
17793 " <th>164</th>\n",
17794 " <td>4qYGe6lTon2cHuTQF45xov</td>\n",
17795 " <td>fixing a hole</td>\n",
17796 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17797 " <td>Fixing A Hole - Remix</td>\n",
17798 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17799 " <td>Fixing A Hole - Remastered</td>\n",
17800 " </tr>\n",
17801 " <tr>\n",
17802 " <th>165</th>\n",
17803 " <td>55kc3bnwWdGFCqthgjqR9l</td>\n",
17804 " <td>shes leaving home</td>\n",
17805 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17806 " <td>She's Leaving Home - Remix</td>\n",
17807 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17808 " <td>She's Leaving Home - Remastered</td>\n",
17809 " </tr>\n",
17810 " <tr>\n",
17811 " <th>166</th>\n",
17812 " <td>1Yk5EOxuBEClupjWcUX0Ti</td>\n",
17813 " <td>being for the benefit of mr kite</td>\n",
17814 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17815 " <td>Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Remix</td>\n",
17816 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17817 " <td>Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Remastered</td>\n",
17818 " </tr>\n",
17819 " <tr>\n",
17820 " <th>167</th>\n",
17821 " <td>2UGZC7jvYr11WFSd6xvbk9</td>\n",
17822 " <td>within you without you</td>\n",
17823 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17824 " <td>Within You Without You - Remix</td>\n",
17825 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17826 " <td>Within You Without You - Remastered</td>\n",
17827 " </tr>\n",
17828 " <tr>\n",
17829 " <th>168</th>\n",
17830 " <td>59dYBIJ4cOrjtgkuwUnqQq</td>\n",
17831 " <td>lovely rita</td>\n",
17832 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17833 " <td>Lovely Rita - Remix</td>\n",
17834 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17835 " <td>Lovely Rita - Remastered</td>\n",
17836 " </tr>\n",
17837 " <tr>\n",
17838 " <th>169</th>\n",
17839 " <td>3pY5chBSUotRa6RoIfwJjc</td>\n",
17840 " <td>good morning good morning</td>\n",
17841 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17842 " <td>Good Morning Good Morning - Remix</td>\n",
17843 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17844 " <td>Good Morning Good Morning - Remastered</td>\n",
17845 " </tr>\n",
17846 " <tr>\n",
17847 " <th>170</th>\n",
17848 " <td>3ZFPe2aiLQuEfDxSqQstZp</td>\n",
17849 " <td>a day in the life</td>\n",
17850 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17851 " <td>A Day In The Life - Remix</td>\n",
17852 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17853 " <td>A Day In The Life - Remastered</td>\n",
17854 " </tr>\n",
17855 " <tr>\n",
17856 " <th>171</th>\n",
17857 " <td>2BOawXVznHmi2KJzRFstBN</td>\n",
17858 " <td>sgt peppers lonely hearts club band</td>\n",
17859 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17860 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Take 9...</td>\n",
17861 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17862 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Remast...</td>\n",
17863 " </tr>\n",
17864 " <tr>\n",
17865 " <th>172</th>\n",
17866 " <td>2BOawXVznHmi2KJzRFstBN</td>\n",
17867 " <td>sgt peppers lonely hearts club band</td>\n",
17868 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17869 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Take 9...</td>\n",
17870 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17871 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Repris...</td>\n",
17872 " </tr>\n",
17873 " <tr>\n",
17874 " <th>173</th>\n",
17875 " <td>1alxZZpi5dBLcmV3WkYIzN</td>\n",
17876 " <td>with a little help from my friends</td>\n",
17877 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17878 " <td>With A Little Help From My Friends - Take 1 / ...</td>\n",
17879 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17880 " <td>With A Little Help From My Friends - Remastered</td>\n",
17881 " </tr>\n",
17882 " <tr>\n",
17883 " <th>174</th>\n",
17884 " <td>1k1kJBeaL3FCUG2vOJ1z0g</td>\n",
17885 " <td>lucy in the sky with diamonds</td>\n",
17886 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17887 " <td>Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Take 1</td>\n",
17888 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17889 " <td>Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Remastered</td>\n",
17890 " </tr>\n",
17891 " <tr>\n",
17892 " <th>175</th>\n",
17893 " <td>42uZOBjvKNv4QKnBmjOwb0</td>\n",
17894 " <td>getting better</td>\n",
17895 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17896 " <td>Getting Better - Take 1 / Instrumental And Spe...</td>\n",
17897 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17898 " <td>Getting Better - Remastered</td>\n",
17899 " </tr>\n",
17900 " <tr>\n",
17901 " <th>176</th>\n",
17902 " <td>5JnPM6eKhHJtkWfS6ymUMF</td>\n",
17903 " <td>fixing a hole</td>\n",
17904 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17905 " <td>Fixing A Hole - Speech And Take 3</td>\n",
17906 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17907 " <td>Fixing A Hole - Remastered</td>\n",
17908 " </tr>\n",
17909 " <tr>\n",
17910 " <th>177</th>\n",
17911 " <td>3HEC6nzAo3U5z7blaCNBcF</td>\n",
17912 " <td>shes leaving home</td>\n",
17913 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17914 " <td>She's Leaving Home - Take 1 / Instrumental</td>\n",
17915 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17916 " <td>She's Leaving Home - Remastered</td>\n",
17917 " </tr>\n",
17918 " <tr>\n",
17919 " <th>178</th>\n",
17920 " <td>3qchAN1uJ1KiF8yxmqb3Ov</td>\n",
17921 " <td>being for the benefit of mr kite</td>\n",
17922 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ...</td>\n",
17923 " <td>Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Take 4</td>\n",
17924 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste...</td>\n",
17925 " <td>Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Remastered</td>\n",
17926 " </tr>\n",
17927 " </tbody>\n",
17928 "</table>\n",
17929 "<p>179 rows × 6 columns</p>\n",
17930 "</div>"
17931 ],
17932 "text/plain": [
17933 " _id ctitle \\\n",
17934 "0 2uO1HbJhQvmXpjclLmLEeK jumpin jack flash \n",
17935 "1 3v2SyLXNg7IY3I3N6QTZ45 jumpin jack flash \n",
17936 "2 3v2SyLXNg7IY3I3N6QTZ45 jumpin jack flash \n",
17937 "3 5Y77giAAAmU9EpfHBDbBV8 you got me rockin \n",
17938 "4 1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3 jumpin jack flash \n",
17939 "5 1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3 jumpin jack flash \n",
17940 "6 1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3 jumpin jack flash \n",
17941 "7 1w9FiXsMcaxb5SD8vIZgm3 jumpin jack flash \n",
17942 "8 1tEdH58k6r4CvjEhmxxbMC jumpin jack flash \n",
17943 "9 1tEdH58k6r4CvjEhmxxbMC jumpin jack flash \n",
17944 "10 1tEdH58k6r4CvjEhmxxbMC jumpin jack flash \n",
17945 "11 5jWDi16gJx7N2oexwjGx5y introduction \n",
17946 "12 6M75z4blVIRMeWtjSU1UyR you dont have to go \n",
17947 "13 6NqtddM4j4X9dG75yOmy0S yellow submarine \n",
17948 "14 5EuraV2jbqB15ihd3d2Hex strawberry fields forever \n",
17949 "15 5EuraV2jbqB15ihd3d2Hex strawberry fields forever \n",
17950 "16 5EuraV2jbqB15ihd3d2Hex strawberry fields forever \n",
17951 "17 5RStjc42UAYI2NMY3cYpgz penny lane \n",
17952 "18 5RStjc42UAYI2NMY3cYpgz penny lane \n",
17953 "19 3xMSaDC9TU6AQJIsxQB7MK all you need is love \n",
17954 "20 5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj miss you \n",
17955 "21 5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj miss you \n",
17956 "22 5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj miss you \n",
17957 "23 5pTWpY8l7B1XcQnijEFGFj miss you \n",
17958 "24 4E8qFhiuYAWEYYAsYIf4dW when the whip comes down \n",
17959 "25 4RlD0KvoqPZy5n9Zi76X9l far away eyes \n",
17960 "26 33PXyHrkIHxp6PBVPlQGx7 respectable \n",
17961 "27 33PXyHrkIHxp6PBVPlQGx7 respectable \n",
17962 "28 7pfVe0VrMK5QhTaAYzkuYn beast of burden \n",
17963 "29 7pfVe0VrMK5QhTaAYzkuYn beast of burden \n",
17964 ".. ... ... \n",
17965 "149 1mnDusx7zn2yzmr42hUksE rip this joint \n",
17966 "150 1mnDusx7zn2yzmr42hUksE rip this joint \n",
17967 "151 5lWzRBoBzcfr1oNYNhR5ac start me up \n",
17968 "152 4EllMMamxvLvwvOQLsyc9W brown sugar \n",
17969 "153 4EllMMamxvLvwvOQLsyc9W brown sugar \n",
17970 "154 4EllMMamxvLvwvOQLsyc9W brown sugar \n",
17971 "155 1F69leTp8WQHMFVQ5gOtIS mannish boy \n",
17972 "156 6dx6G9OexgRFCulfKI4sPN all down the line \n",
17973 "157 16FlhqpxLT6WTfiLVEZ7Vv beast of burden \n",
17974 "158 5UXwp4rKvtXtKJpe0iIctM miss you \n",
17975 "159 6bxyTE0a0SFneMeIxXDCm7 sgt peppers lonely hearts club band \n",
17976 "160 6bxyTE0a0SFneMeIxXDCm7 sgt peppers lonely hearts club band \n",
17977 "161 4sOAk2nNTildSyJSLSlXuG with a little help from my friends \n",
17978 "162 7jqsBIOx7CGhtNPNYxBWIj lucy in the sky with diamonds \n",
17979 "163 7FgFsmFqGDWduAW4vdgya1 getting better \n",
17980 "164 4qYGe6lTon2cHuTQF45xov fixing a hole \n",
17981 "165 55kc3bnwWdGFCqthgjqR9l shes leaving home \n",
17982 "166 1Yk5EOxuBEClupjWcUX0Ti being for the benefit of mr kite \n",
17983 "167 2UGZC7jvYr11WFSd6xvbk9 within you without you \n",
17984 "168 59dYBIJ4cOrjtgkuwUnqQq lovely rita \n",
17985 "169 3pY5chBSUotRa6RoIfwJjc good morning good morning \n",
17986 "170 3ZFPe2aiLQuEfDxSqQstZp a day in the life \n",
17987 "171 2BOawXVznHmi2KJzRFstBN sgt peppers lonely hearts club band \n",
17988 "172 2BOawXVznHmi2KJzRFstBN sgt peppers lonely hearts club band \n",
17989 "173 1alxZZpi5dBLcmV3WkYIzN with a little help from my friends \n",
17990 "174 1k1kJBeaL3FCUG2vOJ1z0g lucy in the sky with diamonds \n",
17991 "175 42uZOBjvKNv4QKnBmjOwb0 getting better \n",
17992 "176 5JnPM6eKhHJtkWfS6ymUMF fixing a hole \n",
17993 "177 3HEC6nzAo3U5z7blaCNBcF shes leaving home \n",
17994 "178 3qchAN1uJ1KiF8yxmqb3Ov being for the benefit of mr kite \n",
17995 "\n",
17996 " t_alb \\\n",
17997 "0 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
17998 "1 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) \n",
17999 "2 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) \n",
18000 "3 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) \n",
18001 "4 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) \n",
18002 "5 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) \n",
18003 "6 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) \n",
18004 "7 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) \n",
18005 "8 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
18006 "9 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
18007 "10 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
18008 "11 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
18009 "12 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
18010 "13 Yellow Submarine (Remastered) \n",
18011 "14 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) \n",
18012 "15 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) \n",
18013 "16 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) \n",
18014 "17 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) \n",
18015 "18 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) \n",
18016 "19 Magical Mystery Tour (Remastered) \n",
18017 "20 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
18018 "21 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
18019 "22 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
18020 "23 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
18021 "24 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
18022 "25 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
18023 "26 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
18024 "27 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
18025 "28 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
18026 "29 Some Girls (Deluxe Version) \n",
18027 ".. ... \n",
18028 "149 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
18029 "150 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
18030 "151 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
18031 "152 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
18032 "153 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
18033 "154 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
18034 "155 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
18035 "156 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
18036 "157 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
18037 "158 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
18038 "159 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18039 "160 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18040 "161 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18041 "162 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18042 "163 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18043 "164 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18044 "165 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18045 "166 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18046 "167 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18047 "168 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18048 "169 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18049 "170 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18050 "171 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18051 "172 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18052 "173 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18053 "174 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18054 "175 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18055 "176 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18056 "177 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18057 "178 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18058 "\n",
18059 " t_name \\\n",
18060 "0 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
18061 "1 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
18062 "2 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
18063 "3 You Got Me Rockin’ - Live \n",
18064 "4 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
18065 "5 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
18066 "6 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
18067 "7 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
18068 "8 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
18069 "9 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
18070 "10 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
18071 "11 Introduction - Live \n",
18072 "12 You Don't Have To Go - Live \n",
18073 "13 Yellow Submarine - Remastered \n",
18074 "14 Strawberry Fields Forever - Remastered 2009 \n",
18075 "15 Strawberry Fields Forever - Remastered 2009 \n",
18076 "16 Strawberry Fields Forever - Remastered 2009 \n",
18077 "17 Penny Lane - Remastered 2009 \n",
18078 "18 Penny Lane - Remastered 2009 \n",
18079 "19 All You Need Is Love - Remastered 2009 \n",
18080 "20 Miss You - Remastered \n",
18081 "21 Miss You - Remastered \n",
18082 "22 Miss You - Remastered \n",
18083 "23 Miss You - Remastered \n",
18084 "24 When The Whip Comes Down - Remastered \n",
18085 "25 Far Away Eyes - Remastered \n",
18086 "26 Respectable - Remastered \n",
18087 "27 Respectable - Remastered \n",
18088 "28 Beast Of Burden - Remastered \n",
18089 "29 Beast Of Burden - Remastered \n",
18090 ".. ... \n",
18091 "149 Rip This Joint - Live \n",
18092 "150 Rip This Joint - Live \n",
18093 "151 Start Me Up - Live \n",
18094 "152 Brown Sugar - Live \n",
18095 "153 Brown Sugar - Live \n",
18096 "154 Brown Sugar - Live \n",
18097 "155 Mannish Boy - Live \n",
18098 "156 All Down The Line - Live \n",
18099 "157 Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
18100 "158 Miss You - Live \n",
18101 "159 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Remix \n",
18102 "160 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Remix \n",
18103 "161 With A Little Help From My Friends - Remix \n",
18104 "162 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Remix \n",
18105 "163 Getting Better - Remix \n",
18106 "164 Fixing A Hole - Remix \n",
18107 "165 She's Leaving Home - Remix \n",
18108 "166 Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Remix \n",
18109 "167 Within You Without You - Remix \n",
18110 "168 Lovely Rita - Remix \n",
18111 "169 Good Morning Good Morning - Remix \n",
18112 "170 A Day In The Life - Remix \n",
18113 "171 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Take 9... \n",
18114 "172 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Take 9... \n",
18115 "173 With A Little Help From My Friends - Take 1 / ... \n",
18116 "174 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Take 1 \n",
18117 "175 Getting Better - Take 1 / Instrumental And Spe... \n",
18118 "176 Fixing A Hole - Speech And Take 3 \n",
18119 "177 She's Leaving Home - Take 1 / Instrumental \n",
18120 "178 Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Take 4 \n",
18121 "\n",
18122 " tt_alb \\\n",
18123 "0 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
18124 "1 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
18125 "2 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
18126 "3 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
18127 "4 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
18128 "5 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) \n",
18129 "6 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
18130 "7 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
18131 "8 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
18132 "9 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) \n",
18133 "10 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
18134 "11 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
18135 "12 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
18136 "13 Revolver (Remastered) \n",
18137 "14 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18138 "15 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18139 "16 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18140 "17 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18141 "18 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Deluxe ... \n",
18142 "19 Yellow Submarine (Remastered) \n",
18143 "20 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
18144 "21 Totally Stripped - Brixton (Live) \n",
18145 "22 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
18146 "23 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
18147 "24 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
18148 "25 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
18149 "26 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
18150 "27 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
18151 "28 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
18152 "29 Totally Stripped - Paris (Live) \n",
18153 ".. ... \n",
18154 "149 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
18155 "150 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
18156 "151 Tattoo You (2009 Re-Mastered) \n",
18157 "152 Some Girls: Live In Texas '78 \n",
18158 "153 Ladies & Gentlemen (Live) \n",
18159 "154 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
18160 "155 Live At The Checkerboard Lounge \n",
18161 "156 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
18162 "157 Totally Stripped - Amsterdam (Live) \n",
18163 "158 Totally Stripped (Live) \n",
18164 "159 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18165 "160 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18166 "161 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18167 "162 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18168 "163 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18169 "164 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18170 "165 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18171 "166 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18172 "167 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18173 "168 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18174 "169 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18175 "170 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18176 "171 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18177 "172 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18178 "173 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18179 "174 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18180 "175 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18181 "176 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18182 "177 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18183 "178 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remaste... \n",
18184 "\n",
18185 " tt_name \n",
18186 "0 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
18187 "1 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
18188 "2 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
18189 "3 You Got Me Rockin’ - Live \n",
18190 "4 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
18191 "5 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
18192 "6 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
18193 "7 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
18194 "8 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
18195 "9 Jumpin' Jack Flash - Live \n",
18196 "10 Jumpin’ Jack Flash - Live \n",
18197 "11 Introduction - Live \n",
18198 "12 You Don't Have To Go - Live \n",
18199 "13 Yellow Submarine - Remastered \n",
18200 "14 Strawberry Fields Forever - Take 7 \n",
18201 "15 Strawberry Fields Forever - Take 26 \n",
18202 "16 Strawberry Fields Forever - Stereo Mix 2015 \n",
18203 "17 Penny Lane - Take 6 / Instrumental \n",
18204 "18 Penny Lane - Stereo Mix 2017 \n",
18205 "19 All You Need Is Love - Remastered \n",
18206 "20 Miss You - Live \n",
18207 "21 Miss You - Live \n",
18208 "22 Miss You - Live \n",
18209 "23 Miss You - Live \n",
18210 "24 When The Whip Comes Down - Live \n",
18211 "25 Far Away Eyes - Live \n",
18212 "26 Respectable - Live \n",
18213 "27 Respectable - Live \n",
18214 "28 Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
18215 "29 Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
18216 ".. ... \n",
18217 "149 Rip This Joint - Live \n",
18218 "150 Rip This Joint - Live \n",
18219 "151 Start Me Up - Remastered \n",
18220 "152 Brown Sugar - Live \n",
18221 "153 Brown Sugar - Live \n",
18222 "154 Brown Sugar - Live \n",
18223 "155 Mannish Boy - Live \n",
18224 "156 All Down The Line - Live \n",
18225 "157 Beast Of Burden - Live \n",
18226 "158 Miss You - Live \n",
18227 "159 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Remast... \n",
18228 "160 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Repris... \n",
18229 "161 With A Little Help From My Friends - Remastered \n",
18230 "162 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Remastered \n",
18231 "163 Getting Better - Remastered \n",
18232 "164 Fixing A Hole - Remastered \n",
18233 "165 She's Leaving Home - Remastered \n",
18234 "166 Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Remastered \n",
18235 "167 Within You Without You - Remastered \n",
18236 "168 Lovely Rita - Remastered \n",
18237 "169 Good Morning Good Morning - Remastered \n",
18238 "170 A Day In The Life - Remastered \n",
18239 "171 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Remast... \n",
18240 "172 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Repris... \n",
18241 "173 With A Little Help From My Friends - Remastered \n",
18242 "174 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Remastered \n",
18243 "175 Getting Better - Remastered \n",
18244 "176 Fixing A Hole - Remastered \n",
18245 "177 She's Leaving Home - Remastered \n",
18246 "178 Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! - Remastered \n",
18247 "\n",
18248 "[179 rows x 6 columns]"
18249 ]
18250 },
18251 "execution_count": 109,
18252 "metadata": {},
18253 "output_type": "execute_result"
18254 }
18255 ],
18256 "source": [
18257 "pd.DataFrame(list({'_id': t['_id'], 'ctitle': t['ctitle'], 't_name': t['name'], 't_alb': t['album']['name'],\n",
18258 " 'tt_name': tt['name'], 'tt_alb': tt['album']['name']}\n",
18259 " for t in tracks.find({'ignore': {'$exists': False}}, \n",
18260 " ['name', 'ctitle', 'artist_id', 'album_id', 'album.name'])\n",
18261 " for tt in tracks.find({'ctitle': t['ctitle'], \n",
18262 " 'artist_id': t['artist_id'],\n",
18263 " 'album_id': {'$lt': t['album_id']},\n",
18264 " 'ignore': {'$exists': False}}, \n",
18265 " ['name', 'ctitle', 'album.name', 'album_id'])))"
18266 ]
18267 },
18268 {
18269 "cell_type": "code",
18270 "execution_count": 110,
18271 "metadata": {},
18272 "outputs": [
18273 {
18274 "data": {
18275 "text/plain": [
18276 "<pymongo.results.UpdateResult at 0x7f97604daa48>"
18277 ]
18278 },
18279 "execution_count": 110,
18280 "metadata": {},
18281 "output_type": "execute_result"
18282 }
18283 ],
18284 "source": [
18285 "# Radiohead: I Might be Wrong (live album)\n",
18286 "tracks.update_many({'album_id': '6svTt5o2lUgIrgYDKVmdnD'}, {'$set': {'ignore': True}})"
18287 ]
18288 },
18289 {
18290 "cell_type": "code",
18291 "execution_count": null,
18292 "metadata": {},
18293 "outputs": [],
18294 "source": []
18295 }
18296 ],
18297 "metadata": {
18298 "kernelspec": {
18299 "display_name": "Python 3",
18300 "language": "python",
18301 "name": "python3"
18302 },
18303 "language_info": {
18304 "codemirror_mode": {
18305 "name": "ipython",
18306 "version": 3
18307 },
18308 "file_extension": ".py",
18309 "mimetype": "text/x-python",
18310 "name": "python",
18311 "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
18312 "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
18313 "version": "3.5.3"
18314 }
18315 },
18316 "nbformat": 4,
18317 "nbformat_minor": 1
18318 }