Merge branch 'columns' into neil
[cipher-tools.git] /
1 import string
2 import collections
3 import norms
4 import logging
5 import math
6 from itertools import zip_longest, repeat
7 from segment import segment
8 from multiprocessing import Pool
10 # To time a run:
11 #
12 # import timeit
13 # c5a = open('2012/5a.ciphertext', 'r').read()
14 # timeit.timeit('keyword_break(c5a)', setup='gc.enable() ; from __main__ import c5a ; from cipher import keyword_break', number=1)
15 # timeit.repeat('keyword_break_mp(c5a, chunksize=500)', setup='gc.enable() ; from __main__ import c5a ; from cipher import keyword_break_mp', repeat=5, number=1
17 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
18 logger.addHandler(logging.FileHandler('cipher.log'))
19 logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
20 #logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
21 #logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
23 english_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
24 with open('count_1l.txt', 'r') as f:
25 for line in f:
26 (letter, count) = line.split("\t")
27 english_counts[letter] = int(count)
28 normalised_english_counts = norms.normalise(english_counts)
30 english_bigram_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
31 with open('count_2l.txt', 'r') as f:
32 for line in f:
33 (bigram, count) = line.split("\t")
34 english_bigram_counts[bigram] = int(count)
35 normalised_english_bigram_counts = norms.normalise(english_bigram_counts)
37 english_trigram_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
38 with open('count_3l.txt', 'r') as f:
39 for line in f:
40 (trigram, count) = line.split("\t")
41 english_trigram_counts[trigram] = int(count)
42 normalised_english_trigram_counts = norms.normalise(english_trigram_counts)
45 with open('words.txt', 'r') as f:
46 keywords = [line.rstrip() for line in f]
48 modular_division_table = [[0]*26 for x in range(26)]
49 for a in range(26):
50 for b in range(26):
51 c = (a * b) % 26
52 modular_division_table[b][c] = a
54 def letters(text):
55 """Remove all non-alphabetic characters from a text
56 >>> letters('The Quick')
57 'TheQuick'
58 >>> letters('The Quick BROWN fox jumped! over... the (9lazy) DOG')
59 'TheQuickBROWNfoxjumpedoverthelazyDOG'
60 """
61 return ''.join([c for c in text if c in string.ascii_letters])
63 def sanitise(text):
64 """Remove all non-alphabetic characters and convert the text to lowercase
66 >>> sanitise('The Quick')
67 'thequick'
68 >>> sanitise('The Quick BROWN fox jumped! over... the (9lazy) DOG')
69 'thequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydog'
70 """
71 # sanitised = [c.lower() for c in text if c in string.ascii_letters]
72 # return ''.join(sanitised)
73 return letters(text).lower()
75 def ngrams(text, n):
76 """Returns all n-grams of a text
78 >>> ngrams(sanitise('the quick brown fox'), 2) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
79 ['th', 'he', 'eq', 'qu', 'ui', 'ic', 'ck', 'kb', 'br', 'ro', 'ow', 'wn',
80 'nf', 'fo', 'ox']
81 >>> ngrams(sanitise('the quick brown fox'), 4) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
82 ['theq', 'hequ', 'equi', 'quic', 'uick', 'ickb', 'ckbr', 'kbro', 'brow',
83 'rown', 'ownf', 'wnfo', 'nfox']
84 """
85 return [text[i:i+n] for i in range(len(text)-n+1)]
87 def every_nth(text, n, fillvalue=''):
88 """Returns n strings, each of which consists of every nth character,
89 starting with the 0th, 1st, 2nd, ... (n-1)th character
91 >>> every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 5)
92 ['afkpuz', 'bglqv', 'chmrw', 'dinsx', 'ejoty']
93 >>> every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 1)
94 ['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz']
95 >>> every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 26) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
96 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n',
97 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']
98 >>> every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 5, fillvalue='!')
99 ['afkpuz', 'bglqv!', 'chmrw!', 'dinsx!', 'ejoty!']
100 """
101 split_text = [text[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(text), n)]
102 return [''.join(l) for l in zip_longest(*split_text, fillvalue=fillvalue)]
104 def combine_every_nth(split_text):
105 """Reforms a text split into every_nth strings
107 >>> combine_every_nth(every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 5))
108 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
109 >>> combine_every_nth(every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 1))
110 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
111 >>> combine_every_nth(every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 26))
112 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
113 """
114 return ''.join([''.join(l)
115 for l in zip_longest(*split_text, fillvalue='')])
117 def transpose(items, transposition):
118 """Moves items around according to the given transposition
120 >>> transpose(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [0,1,2,3])
121 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
122 >>> transpose(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [3,1,2,0])
123 ['d', 'b', 'c', 'a']
124 >>> transpose([10,11,12,13,14,15], [3,2,4,1,5,0])
125 [13, 12, 14, 11, 15, 10]
126 """
127 transposed = list(repeat('', len(transposition)))
128 for p, t in enumerate(transposition):
129 transposed[p] = items[t]
130 return transposed
132 def untranspose(items, transposition):
133 """Undoes a transpose
135 >>> untranspose(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [0,1,2,3])
136 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
137 >>> untranspose(['d', 'b', 'c', 'a'], [3,1,2,0])
138 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
139 >>> untranspose([13, 12, 14, 11, 15, 10], [3,2,4,1,5,0])
140 [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
141 """
142 transposed = list(repeat('', len(transposition)))
143 for p, t in enumerate(transposition):
144 transposed[t] = items[p]
145 return transposed
148 def frequencies(text):
149 """Count the number of occurrences of each character in text
151 >>> sorted(frequencies('abcdefabc').items())
152 [('a', 2), ('b', 2), ('c', 2), ('d', 1), ('e', 1), ('f', 1)]
153 >>> sorted(frequencies('the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy ' \
154 'dog').items()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
155 [(' ', 8), ('a', 1), ('b', 1), ('c', 1), ('d', 2), ('e', 4), ('f', 1),
156 ('g', 1), ('h', 2), ('i', 1), ('j', 1), ('k', 1), ('l', 1), ('m', 1),
157 ('n', 1), ('o', 4), ('p', 1), ('q', 1), ('r', 2), ('t', 2), ('u', 2),
158 ('v', 1), ('w', 1), ('x', 1), ('y', 1), ('z', 1)]
159 >>> sorted(frequencies('The Quick BROWN fox jumped! over... the ' \
160 '(9lazy) DOG').items()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
161 [(' ', 8), ('!', 1), ('(', 1), (')', 1), ('.', 3), ('9', 1), ('B', 1),
162 ('D', 1), ('G', 1), ('N', 1), ('O', 2), ('Q', 1), ('R', 1), ('T', 1),
163 ('W', 1), ('a', 1), ('c', 1), ('d', 1), ('e', 4), ('f', 1), ('h', 2),
164 ('i', 1), ('j', 1), ('k', 1), ('l', 1), ('m', 1), ('o', 2), ('p', 1),
165 ('r', 1), ('t', 1), ('u', 2), ('v', 1), ('x', 1), ('y', 1), ('z', 1)]
166 >>> sorted(frequencies(sanitise('The Quick BROWN fox jumped! over... ' \
167 'the (9lazy) DOG')).items()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
168 [('a', 1), ('b', 1), ('c', 1), ('d', 2), ('e', 4), ('f', 1), ('g', 1),
169 ('h', 2), ('i', 1), ('j', 1), ('k', 1), ('l', 1), ('m', 1), ('n', 1),
170 ('o', 4), ('p', 1), ('q', 1), ('r', 2), ('t', 2), ('u', 2), ('v', 1),
171 ('w', 1), ('x', 1), ('y', 1), ('z', 1)]
172 >>> frequencies('abcdefabcdef')['x']
173 0
174 """
175 #counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
176 #for c in text:
177 # counts[c] += 1
178 #return counts
179 return collections.Counter(c for c in text)
180 letter_frequencies = frequencies
182 def deduplicate(text):
183 return list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(text))
187 def caesar_encipher_letter(letter, shift):
188 """Encipher a letter, given a shift amount
190 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('a', 1)
191 'b'
192 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('a', 2)
193 'c'
194 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('b', 2)
195 'd'
196 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('x', 2)
197 'z'
198 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('y', 2)
199 'a'
200 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('z', 2)
201 'b'
202 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('z', -1)
203 'y'
204 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('a', -1)
205 'z'
206 """
207 if letter in string.ascii_letters:
208 if letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
209 alphabet_start = ord('A')
210 else:
211 alphabet_start = ord('a')
212 return chr(((ord(letter) - alphabet_start + shift) % 26) +
213 alphabet_start)
214 else:
215 return letter
217 def caesar_decipher_letter(letter, shift):
218 """Decipher a letter, given a shift amount
220 >>> caesar_decipher_letter('b', 1)
221 'a'
222 >>> caesar_decipher_letter('b', 2)
223 'z'
224 """
225 return caesar_encipher_letter(letter, -shift)
227 def caesar_encipher(message, shift):
228 """Encipher a message with the Caesar cipher of given shift
230 >>> caesar_encipher('abc', 1)
231 'bcd'
232 >>> caesar_encipher('abc', 2)
233 'cde'
234 >>> caesar_encipher('abcxyz', 2)
235 'cdezab'
236 >>> caesar_encipher('ab cx yz', 2)
237 'cd ez ab'
238 """
239 enciphered = [caesar_encipher_letter(l, shift) for l in message]
240 return ''.join(enciphered)
242 def caesar_decipher(message, shift):
243 """Encipher a message with the Caesar cipher of given shift
245 >>> caesar_decipher('bcd', 1)
246 'abc'
247 >>> caesar_decipher('cde', 2)
248 'abc'
249 >>> caesar_decipher('cd ez ab', 2)
250 'ab cx yz'
251 """
252 return caesar_encipher(message, -shift)
254 def affine_encipher_letter(letter, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
255 """Encipher a letter, given a multiplier and adder
257 >>> ''.join([affine_encipher_letter(l, 3, 5, True) \
258 for l in string.ascii_uppercase])
260 >>> ''.join([affine_encipher_letter(l, 3, 5, False) \
261 for l in string.ascii_uppercase])
263 """
264 if letter in string.ascii_letters:
265 if letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
266 alphabet_start = ord('A')
267 else:
268 alphabet_start = ord('a')
269 letter_number = ord(letter) - alphabet_start
270 if one_based: letter_number += 1
271 cipher_number = (letter_number * multiplier + adder) % 26
272 if one_based: cipher_number -= 1
273 return chr(cipher_number % 26 + alphabet_start)
274 else:
275 return letter
277 def affine_decipher_letter(letter, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
278 """Encipher a letter, given a multiplier and adder
280 >>> ''.join([affine_decipher_letter(l, 3, 5, True) \
283 >>> ''.join([affine_decipher_letter(l, 3, 5, False) \
286 """
287 if letter in string.ascii_letters:
288 if letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
289 alphabet_start = ord('A')
290 else:
291 alphabet_start = ord('a')
292 cipher_number = ord(letter) - alphabet_start
293 if one_based: cipher_number += 1
294 plaintext_number = ( modular_division_table[multiplier]
295 [(cipher_number - adder) % 26] )
296 if one_based: plaintext_number -= 1
297 return chr(plaintext_number % 26 + alphabet_start)
298 else:
299 return letter
301 def affine_encipher(message, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
302 """Encipher a message
304 >>> affine_encipher('hours passed during which jerico tried every ' \
305 'trick he could think of', 15, 22, True)
306 'lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls omytd jlaxe mh'
307 """
308 enciphered = [affine_encipher_letter(l, multiplier, adder, one_based)
309 for l in message]
310 return ''.join(enciphered)
312 def affine_decipher(message, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
313 """Decipher a message
315 >>> affine_decipher('lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg ' \
316 'jfaoe ls omytd jlaxe mh', 15, 22, True)
317 'hours passed during which jerico tried every trick he could think of'
318 """
319 enciphered = [affine_decipher_letter(l, multiplier, adder, one_based)
320 for l in message]
321 return ''.join(enciphered)
324 def keyword_cipher_alphabet_of(keyword, wrap_alphabet=0):
325 """Find the cipher alphabet given a keyword.
326 wrap_alphabet controls how the rest of the alphabet is added
327 after the keyword.
328 0 : from 'a'
329 1 : from the last letter in the sanitised keyword
330 2 : from the largest letter in the sanitised keyword
332 >>> keyword_cipher_alphabet_of('bayes')
333 'bayescdfghijklmnopqrtuvwxz'
334 >>> keyword_cipher_alphabet_of('bayes', 0)
335 'bayescdfghijklmnopqrtuvwxz'
336 >>> keyword_cipher_alphabet_of('bayes', 1)
337 'bayestuvwxzcdfghijklmnopqr'
338 >>> keyword_cipher_alphabet_of('bayes', 2)
339 'bayeszcdfghijklmnopqrtuvwx'
340 """
341 if wrap_alphabet == 0:
342 cipher_alphabet = ''.join(deduplicate(sanitise(keyword) +
343 string.ascii_lowercase))
344 else:
345 if wrap_alphabet == 1:
346 last_keyword_letter = deduplicate(sanitise(keyword))[-1]
347 else:
348 last_keyword_letter = sorted(sanitise(keyword))[-1]
349 last_keyword_position = string.ascii_lowercase.find(
350 last_keyword_letter) + 1
351 cipher_alphabet = ''.join(
352 deduplicate(sanitise(keyword) +
353 string.ascii_lowercase[last_keyword_position:] +
354 string.ascii_lowercase))
355 return cipher_alphabet
358 def keyword_encipher(message, keyword, wrap_alphabet=0):
359 """Enciphers a message with a keyword substitution cipher.
360 wrap_alphabet controls how the rest of the alphabet is added
361 after the keyword.
362 0 : from 'a'
363 1 : from the last letter in the sanitised keyword
364 2 : from the largest letter in the sanitised keyword
366 >>> keyword_encipher('test message', 'bayes')
367 'rsqr ksqqbds'
368 >>> keyword_encipher('test message', 'bayes', 0)
369 'rsqr ksqqbds'
370 >>> keyword_encipher('test message', 'bayes', 1)
371 'lskl dskkbus'
372 >>> keyword_encipher('test message', 'bayes', 2)
373 'qspq jsppbcs'
374 """
375 cipher_alphabet = keyword_cipher_alphabet_of(keyword, wrap_alphabet)
376 cipher_translation = ''.maketrans(string.ascii_lowercase, cipher_alphabet)
377 return message.lower().translate(cipher_translation)
379 def keyword_decipher(message, keyword, wrap_alphabet=0):
380 """Deciphers a message with a keyword substitution cipher.
381 wrap_alphabet controls how the rest of the alphabet is added
382 after the keyword.
383 0 : from 'a'
384 1 : from the last letter in the sanitised keyword
385 2 : from the largest letter in the sanitised keyword
387 >>> keyword_decipher('rsqr ksqqbds', 'bayes')
388 'test message'
389 >>> keyword_decipher('rsqr ksqqbds', 'bayes', 0)
390 'test message'
391 >>> keyword_decipher('lskl dskkbus', 'bayes', 1)
392 'test message'
393 >>> keyword_decipher('qspq jsppbcs', 'bayes', 2)
394 'test message'
395 """
396 cipher_alphabet = keyword_cipher_alphabet_of(keyword, wrap_alphabet)
397 cipher_translation = ''.maketrans(cipher_alphabet, string.ascii_lowercase)
398 return message.lower().translate(cipher_translation)
400 def scytale_encipher(message, rows):
401 """Enciphers using the scytale transposition cipher.
402 Message is padded with spaces to allow all rows to be the same length.
404 >>> scytale_encipher('thequickbrownfox', 3)
405 'tcnhkfeboqrxuo iw '
406 >>> scytale_encipher('thequickbrownfox', 4)
407 'tubnhirfecooqkwx'
408 >>> scytale_encipher('thequickbrownfox', 5)
409 'tubn hirf ecoo qkwx '
410 >>> scytale_encipher('thequickbrownfox', 6)
411 'tqcrnxhukof eibwo '
412 >>> scytale_encipher('thequickbrownfox', 7)
413 'tqcrnx hukof eibwo '
414 """
415 if len(message) % rows != 0:
416 message += ' '*(rows - len(message) % rows)
417 row_length = round(len(message) / rows)
418 slices = [message[i:i+row_length]
419 for i in range(0, len(message), row_length)]
420 return ''.join([''.join(r) for r in zip_longest(*slices, fillvalue='')])
422 def scytale_decipher(message, rows):
423 """Deciphers using the scytale transposition cipher.
424 Assumes the message is padded so that all rows are the same length.
426 >>> scytale_decipher('tcnhkfeboqrxuo iw ', 3)
427 'thequickbrownfox '
428 >>> scytale_decipher('tubnhirfecooqkwx', 4)
429 'thequickbrownfox'
430 >>> scytale_decipher('tubn hirf ecoo qkwx ', 5)
431 'thequickbrownfox '
432 >>> scytale_decipher('tqcrnxhukof eibwo ', 6)
433 'thequickbrownfox '
434 >>> scytale_decipher('tqcrnx hukof eibwo ', 7)
435 'thequickbrownfox '
436 """
437 cols = round(len(message) / rows)
438 columns = [message[i:i+rows] for i in range(0, cols * rows, rows)]
439 return ''.join([''.join(c) for c in zip_longest(*columns, fillvalue='')])
442 def transpositions_of(keyword):
443 """Finds the transpostions given by a keyword. For instance, the keyword
444 'clever' rearranges to 'celrv', so the first column (0) stays first, the
445 second column (1) moves to third, the third column (2) moves to second,
446 and so on.
448 >>> transpositions_of('clever')
449 [0, 2, 1, 4, 3]
450 """
451 key = deduplicate(keyword)
452 transpositions = [key.index(l) for l in sorted(key)]
453 return transpositions
455 def column_transposition_encipher(message, keyword, fillvalue=' '):
456 """Enciphers using the column transposition cipher.
457 Message is padded to allow all rows to be the same length.
459 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'clever')
460 'hleolteher'
461 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'cleverly', fillvalue='!')
462 'hleolthre!e!'
463 """
464 return column_transposition_worker(message, keyword, encipher=True,
465 fillvalue=fillvalue)
467 def column_transposition_decipher(message, keyword, fillvalue=' '):
468 """Deciphers using the column transposition cipher.
469 Message is padded to allow all rows to be the same length.
471 >>> column_transposition_decipher('hleolteher', 'clever')
472 'hellothere'
473 >>> column_transposition_decipher('hleolthre!e!', 'cleverly', fillvalue='?')
474 'hellothere!!'
475 """
476 return column_transposition_worker(message, keyword, encipher=False,
477 fillvalue=fillvalue)
479 def column_transposition_worker(message, keyword,
480 encipher=True, fillvalue=' '):
481 """Does the actual work of the column transposition cipher.
482 Message is padded with spaces to allow all rows to be the same length.
484 >>> column_transposition_worker('hellothere', 'clever')
485 'hleolteher'
486 >>> column_transposition_worker('hellothere', 'clever', encipher=True)
487 'hleolteher'
488 >>> column_transposition_worker('hleolteher', 'clever', encipher=False)
489 'hellothere'
490 """
491 transpositions = transpositions_of(keyword)
492 columns = every_nth(message, len(transpositions), fillvalue=fillvalue)
493 if encipher:
494 transposed_columns = transpose(columns, transpositions)
495 else:
496 transposed_columns = untranspose(columns, transpositions)
497 return combine_every_nth(transposed_columns)
501 def caesar_break(message,
502 metric=norms.euclidean_distance,
503 target_counts=normalised_english_counts,
504 message_frequency_scaling=norms.normalise):
505 """Breaks a Caesar cipher using frequency analysis
507 >>> caesar_break('ibxcsyorsaqcheyklxivoexlevmrimwxsfiqevvmihrsasrxliwyrh' \
508 'ecjsppsamrkwleppfmergefifvmhixscsymjcsyqeoixlm') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
509 (4, 0.31863952890183...)
510 >>> caesar_break('wxwmaxdgheetgwuxztgptedbgznitgwwhpguxyhkxbmhvvtlbhgtee' \
511 'raxlmhiixweblmxgxwmhmaxybkbgztgwztsxwbgmxgmert') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
512 (19, 0.42152901235832...)
513 >>> caesar_break('yltbbqnqnzvguvaxurorgenafsbezqvagbnornfgsbevpnaabjurer' \
514 'svaquvzyvxrnznazlybequrvfohgriraabjtbaruraprur') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
515 (13, 0.316029208075451...)
516 """
517 sanitised_message = sanitise(message)
518 best_shift = 0
519 best_fit = float("inf")
520 for shift in range(26):
521 plaintext = caesar_decipher(sanitised_message, shift)
522 counts = message_frequency_scaling(letter_frequencies(plaintext))
523 fit = metric(target_counts, counts)
524 logger.debug('Caesar break attempt using key {0} gives fit of {1} '
525 'and decrypt starting: {2}'.format(shift, fit, plaintext[:50]))
526 if fit < best_fit:
527 best_fit = fit
528 best_shift = shift
529'Caesar break best fit: key {0} gives fit of {1} and '
530 'decrypt starting: {2}'.format(best_shift, best_fit,
531 caesar_decipher(sanitised_message, best_shift)[:50]))
532 return best_shift, best_fit
534 def affine_break(message,
535 metric=norms.euclidean_distance,
536 target_counts=normalised_english_counts,
537 message_frequency_scaling=norms.normalise):
538 """Breaks an affine cipher using frequency analysis
540 >>> affine_break('lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls ' \
541 'omytd jlaxe mh jm bfmibj umis hfsul axubafkjamx. ls kffkxwsd jls ' \
542 'ofgbjmwfkiu olfmxmtmwaokttg jlsx ls kffkxwsd jlsi zg tsxwjl. jlsx ' \
543 'ls umfjsd jlsi zg hfsqysxog. ls dmmdtsd mx jls bats mh bkbsf. ls ' \
544 'bfmctsd kfmyxd jls lyj, mztanamyu xmc jm clm cku tmmeaxw kj lai kxd ' \
545 'clm ckuxj.') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
546 ((15, 22, True), 0.23570361818655...)
547 """
548 sanitised_message = sanitise(message)
549 best_multiplier = 0
550 best_adder = 0
551 best_one_based = True
552 best_fit = float("inf")
553 for one_based in [True, False]:
554 for multiplier in range(1, 26, 2):
555 for adder in range(26):
556 plaintext = affine_decipher(sanitised_message,
557 multiplier, adder, one_based)
558 counts = message_frequency_scaling(letter_frequencies(plaintext))
559 fit = metric(target_counts, counts)
560 logger.debug('Affine break attempt using key {0}x+{1} ({2}) '
561 'gives fit of {3} and decrypt starting: {4}'.
562 format(multiplier, adder, one_based, fit,
563 plaintext[:50]))
564 if fit < best_fit:
565 best_fit = fit
566 best_multiplier = multiplier
567 best_adder = adder
568 best_one_based = one_based
569'Affine break best fit with key {0}x+{1} ({2}) gives fit of {3} '
570 'and decrypt starting: {4}'.format(
571 best_multiplier, best_adder, best_one_based, best_fit,
572 affine_decipher(sanitised_message, best_multiplier,
573 best_adder, best_one_based)[:50]))
574 return (best_multiplier, best_adder, best_one_based), best_fit
576 def keyword_break(message,
577 wordlist=keywords,
578 metric=norms.euclidean_distance,
579 target_counts=normalised_english_counts,
580 message_frequency_scaling=norms.normalise):
581 """Breaks a keyword substitution cipher using a dictionary and
582 frequency analysis
584 >>> keyword_break(keyword_encipher('this is a test message for the ' \
585 'keyword decipherment', 'elephant', 1), \
586 wordlist=['cat', 'elephant', 'kangaroo']) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
587 (('elephant', 1), 0.41643991598441...)
588 """
589 best_keyword = ''
590 best_wrap_alphabet = True
591 best_fit = float("inf")
592 for wrap_alphabet in range(3):
593 for keyword in wordlist:
594 plaintext = keyword_decipher(message, keyword, wrap_alphabet)
595 counts = message_frequency_scaling(letter_frequencies(plaintext))
596 fit = metric(target_counts, counts)
597 logger.debug('Keyword break attempt using key {0} (wrap={1}) '
598 'gives fit of {2} and decrypt starting: {3}'.format(
599 keyword, wrap_alphabet, fit,
600 sanitise(plaintext)[:50]))
601 if fit < best_fit:
602 best_fit = fit
603 best_keyword = keyword
604 best_wrap_alphabet = wrap_alphabet
605'Keyword break best fit with key {0} (wrap={1}) gives fit of '
606 '{2} and decrypt starting: {3}'.format(best_keyword,
607 best_wrap_alphabet, best_fit, sanitise(
608 keyword_decipher(message, best_keyword,
609 best_wrap_alphabet))[:50]))
610 return (best_keyword, best_wrap_alphabet), best_fit
612 def keyword_break_mp(message,
613 wordlist=keywords,
614 metric=norms.euclidean_distance,
615 target_counts=normalised_english_counts,
616 message_frequency_scaling=norms.normalise,
617 chunksize=500):
618 """Breaks a keyword substitution cipher using a dictionary and
619 frequency analysis
621 >>> keyword_break_mp(keyword_encipher('this is a test message for the ' \
622 'keyword decipherment', 'elephant', 1), \
623 wordlist=['cat', 'elephant', 'kangaroo']) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
624 (('elephant', 1), 0.41643991598441...)
625 """
626 with Pool() as pool:
627 helper_args = [(message, word, wrap, metric, target_counts,
628 message_frequency_scaling)
629 for word in wordlist for wrap in range(3)]
630 # Gotcha: the helper function here needs to be defined at the top level
631 # (limitation of Pool.starmap)
632 breaks = pool.starmap(keyword_break_one, helper_args, chunksize)
633 return min(breaks, key=lambda k: k[1])
635 def keyword_break_one(message, keyword, wrap_alphabet, metric, target_counts,
636 message_frequency_scaling):
637 plaintext = keyword_decipher(message, keyword, wrap_alphabet)
638 counts = message_frequency_scaling(letter_frequencies(plaintext))
639 fit = metric(target_counts, counts)
640 logger.debug('Keyword break attempt using key {0} (wrap={1}) gives fit of '
641 '{2} and decrypt starting: {3}'.format(keyword,
642 wrap_alphabet, fit, sanitise(plaintext)[:50]))
643 return (keyword, wrap_alphabet), fit
645 def scytale_break(message,
646 metric=norms.euclidean_distance,
647 target_counts=normalised_english_bigram_counts,
648 message_frequency_scaling=norms.normalise):
649 """Breaks a Scytale cipher
651 >>> scytale_break('tfeulchtrtteehwahsdehneoifeayfsondmwpltmaoalhikotoere' \
652 'dcweatehiplwxsnhooacgorrcrcraotohsgullasenylrendaianeplscdriioto' \
653 'aek') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
654 (6, 0.83453041115025...)
655 """
656 best_key = 0
657 best_fit = float("inf")
658 for key in range(1, 20):
659 if len(message) % key == 0:
660 plaintext = scytale_decipher(message, key)
661 counts = message_frequency_scaling(frequencies(
662 ngrams(sanitise(plaintext), 2)))
663 fit = metric(target_counts, counts)
664 logger.debug('Scytale break attempt using key {0} gives fit of '
665 '{1} and decrypt starting: {2}'.format(key,
666 fit, sanitise(plaintext)[:50]))
667 if fit < best_fit:
668 best_fit = fit
669 best_key = key
670'Scytale break best fit with key {0} gives fit of {1} and '
671 'decrypt starting: {2}'.format(best_key, best_fit,
672 sanitise(scytale_decipher(message, best_key))[:50]))
673 return best_key, best_fit
675 def column_transposition_break(message,
676 wordlist=keywords,
677 metric=norms.euclidean_distance,
678 target_counts=normalised_english_bigram_counts,
679 message_frequency_scaling=norms.normalise):
680 """Breaks a column transposition cipher using a dictionary and
681 n-gram frequency analysis
683 >>> column_transposition_break(column_transposition_encipher(sanitise( \
684 "Turing's homosexuality resulted in a criminal prosecution in 1952, \
685 when homosexual acts were still illegal in the United Kingdom. "), \
686 'encipher'), \
687 wordlist=['encipher', 'keyword', 'fourteen']) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
688 ('encipher', 0.898128626285...)
689 >>> column_transposition_break(column_transposition_encipher(sanitise( \
690 "Turing's homosexuality resulted in a criminal prosecution in 1952, " \
691 "when homosexual acts were still illegal in the United Kingdom."), \
692 'encipher'), \
693 wordlist=['encipher', 'keyword', 'fourteen'], \
694 target_counts=normalised_english_trigram_counts) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
695 ('encipher', 1.1958792913127...)
696 """
697 best_keyword = ''
698 best_fit = float("inf")
699 ngram_length = len(next(iter(target_counts.keys())))
700 for keyword in wordlist:
701 if len(message) % len(deduplicate(keyword)) == 0:
702 plaintext = column_transposition_decipher(message, keyword)
703 counts = message_frequency_scaling(frequencies(
704 ngrams(sanitise(plaintext), ngram_length)))
705 fit = metric(target_counts, counts)
706 logger.debug('Column transposition break attempt using key {0} '
707 'gives fit of {1} and decrypt starting: {2}'.format(
708 keyword, fit,
709 sanitise(plaintext)[:50]))
710 if fit < best_fit:
711 best_fit = fit
712 best_keyword = keyword
713'Column transposition break best fit with key {0} gives fit '
714 'of {1} and decrypt starting: {2}'.format(best_keyword,
715 best_fit, sanitise(
716 column_transposition_decipher(message,
717 best_keyword))[:50]))
718 return best_keyword, best_fit
721 def column_transposition_break_mp(message,
722 wordlist=keywords,
723 metric=norms.euclidean_distance,
724 target_counts=normalised_english_bigram_counts,
725 message_frequency_scaling=norms.normalise,
726 chunksize=500):
727 """Breaks a column transposition cipher using a dictionary and
728 n-gram frequency analysis
730 >>> column_transposition_break_mp(column_transposition_encipher(sanitise( \
731 "Turing's homosexuality resulted in a criminal prosecution in 1952, \
732 when homosexual acts were still illegal in the United Kingdom. "), \
733 'encipher'), \
734 wordlist=['encipher', 'keyword', 'fourteen']) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
735 ('encipher', 0.898128626285...)
736 >>> column_transposition_break_mp(column_transposition_encipher(sanitise( \
737 "Turing's homosexuality resulted in a criminal prosecution in 1952, " \
738 "when homosexual acts were still illegal in the United Kingdom."), \
739 'encipher'), \
740 wordlist=['encipher', 'keyword', 'fourteen'], \
741 target_counts=normalised_english_trigram_counts) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
742 ('encipher', 1.1958792913127...)
743 """
744 ngram_length = len(next(iter(target_counts.keys())))
745 with Pool() as pool:
746 helper_args = [(message, word, metric, target_counts, ngram_length,
747 message_frequency_scaling)
748 for word in wordlist]
749 # Gotcha: the helper function here needs to be defined at the top level
750 # (limitation of Pool.starmap)
751 breaks = pool.starmap(column_transposition_break_worker, helper_args, chunksize)
752 return min(breaks, key=lambda k: k[1])
754 def column_transposition_break_worker(message, keyword, metric, target_counts,
755 ngram_length, message_frequency_scaling):
756 plaintext = column_transposition_decipher(message, keyword)
757 counts = message_frequency_scaling(frequencies(
758 ngrams(sanitise(plaintext), ngram_length)))
759 fit = metric(target_counts, counts)
760 logger.debug('Column transposition break attempt using key {0} '
761 'gives fit of {1} and decrypt starting: {2}'.format(
762 keyword, fit,
763 sanitise(plaintext)[:50]))
764 return keyword, fit
768 if __name__ == "__main__":
769 import doctest
770 doctest.testmod()