Transposition ciphers working
[cipher-tools.git] /
1 import string
2 import collections
3 import logging
4 from itertools import zip_longest, cycle, chain
5 from language_models import *
7 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
8 logger.addHandler(logging.FileHandler('cipher.log'))
9 logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
10 #logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
11 #logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
14 modular_division_table = [[0]*26 for _ in range(26)]
15 for a in range(26):
16 for b in range(26):
17 c = (a * b) % 26
18 modular_division_table[b][c] = a
21 def ngrams(text, n):
22 """Returns all n-grams of a text
24 >>> ngrams(sanitise('the quick brown fox'), 2) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
25 ['th', 'he', 'eq', 'qu', 'ui', 'ic', 'ck', 'kb', 'br', 'ro', 'ow', 'wn',
26 'nf', 'fo', 'ox']
27 >>> ngrams(sanitise('the quick brown fox'), 4) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
28 ['theq', 'hequ', 'equi', 'quic', 'uick', 'ickb', 'ckbr', 'kbro', 'brow',
29 'rown', 'ownf', 'wnfo', 'nfox']
30 """
31 return [text[i:i+n] for i in range(len(text)-n+1)]
33 def every_nth(text, n, fillvalue=''):
34 """Returns n strings, each of which consists of every nth character,
35 starting with the 0th, 1st, 2nd, ... (n-1)th character
37 >>> every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 5)
38 ['afkpuz', 'bglqv', 'chmrw', 'dinsx', 'ejoty']
39 >>> every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 1)
40 ['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz']
41 >>> every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 26) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
42 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n',
43 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']
44 >>> every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 5, fillvalue='!')
45 ['afkpuz', 'bglqv!', 'chmrw!', 'dinsx!', 'ejoty!']
46 """
47 split_text = [text[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(text), n)]
48 return [''.join(l) for l in zip_longest(*split_text, fillvalue=fillvalue)]
50 def combine_every_nth(split_text):
51 """Reforms a text split into every_nth strings
53 >>> combine_every_nth(every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 5))
54 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
55 >>> combine_every_nth(every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 1))
56 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
57 >>> combine_every_nth(every_nth(string.ascii_lowercase, 26))
58 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
59 """
60 return ''.join([''.join(l)
61 for l in zip_longest(*split_text, fillvalue='')])
63 def chunks(text, n, fillvalue=None):
64 """Split a text into chunks of n characters
66 >>> chunks('abcdefghi', 3)
67 ['abc', 'def', 'ghi']
68 >>> chunks('abcdefghi', 4)
69 ['abcd', 'efgh', 'i']
70 >>> chunks('abcdefghi', 4, fillvalue='!')
71 ['abcd', 'efgh', 'i!!!']
72 """
73 if fillvalue:
74 padding = fillvalue[0] * (n - len(text) % n)
75 else:
76 padding = ''
77 return [(text+padding)[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(text), n)]
79 def transpose(items, transposition):
80 """Moves items around according to the given transposition
82 >>> transpose(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], (0,1,2,3))
83 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
84 >>> transpose(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], (3,1,2,0))
85 ['d', 'b', 'c', 'a']
86 >>> transpose([10,11,12,13,14,15], (3,2,4,1,5,0))
87 [13, 12, 14, 11, 15, 10]
88 """
89 transposed = [''] * len(transposition)
90 for p, t in enumerate(transposition):
91 transposed[p] = items[t]
92 return transposed
94 def untranspose(items, transposition):
95 """Undoes a transpose
97 >>> untranspose(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [0,1,2,3])
98 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
99 >>> untranspose(['d', 'b', 'c', 'a'], [3,1,2,0])
100 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
101 >>> untranspose([13, 12, 14, 11, 15, 10], [3,2,4,1,5,0])
102 [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
103 """
104 transposed = [''] * len(transposition)
105 for p, t in enumerate(transposition):
106 transposed[t] = items[p]
107 return transposed
109 def deduplicate(text):
110 return list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(text))
113 def caesar_encipher_letter(letter, shift):
114 """Encipher a letter, given a shift amount
116 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('a', 1)
117 'b'
118 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('a', 2)
119 'c'
120 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('b', 2)
121 'd'
122 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('x', 2)
123 'z'
124 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('y', 2)
125 'a'
126 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('z', 2)
127 'b'
128 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('z', -1)
129 'y'
130 >>> caesar_encipher_letter('a', -1)
131 'z'
132 """
133 if letter in string.ascii_letters:
134 if letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
135 alphabet_start = ord('A')
136 else:
137 alphabet_start = ord('a')
138 return chr(((ord(letter) - alphabet_start + shift) % 26) +
139 alphabet_start)
140 else:
141 return letter
143 def caesar_decipher_letter(letter, shift):
144 """Decipher a letter, given a shift amount
146 >>> caesar_decipher_letter('b', 1)
147 'a'
148 >>> caesar_decipher_letter('b', 2)
149 'z'
150 """
151 return caesar_encipher_letter(letter, -shift)
153 def caesar_encipher(message, shift):
154 """Encipher a message with the Caesar cipher of given shift
156 >>> caesar_encipher('abc', 1)
157 'bcd'
158 >>> caesar_encipher('abc', 2)
159 'cde'
160 >>> caesar_encipher('abcxyz', 2)
161 'cdezab'
162 >>> caesar_encipher('ab cx yz', 2)
163 'cd ez ab'
164 """
165 enciphered = [caesar_encipher_letter(l, shift) for l in message]
166 return ''.join(enciphered)
168 def caesar_decipher(message, shift):
169 """Encipher a message with the Caesar cipher of given shift
171 >>> caesar_decipher('bcd', 1)
172 'abc'
173 >>> caesar_decipher('cde', 2)
174 'abc'
175 >>> caesar_decipher('cd ez ab', 2)
176 'ab cx yz'
177 """
178 return caesar_encipher(message, -shift)
180 def affine_encipher_letter(letter, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
181 """Encipher a letter, given a multiplier and adder
183 >>> ''.join([affine_encipher_letter(l, 3, 5, True) \
184 for l in string.ascii_uppercase])
186 >>> ''.join([affine_encipher_letter(l, 3, 5, False) \
187 for l in string.ascii_uppercase])
189 """
190 if letter in string.ascii_letters:
191 if letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
192 alphabet_start = ord('A')
193 else:
194 alphabet_start = ord('a')
195 letter_number = ord(letter) - alphabet_start
196 if one_based: letter_number += 1
197 cipher_number = (letter_number * multiplier + adder) % 26
198 if one_based: cipher_number -= 1
199 return chr(cipher_number % 26 + alphabet_start)
200 else:
201 return letter
203 def affine_decipher_letter(letter, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
204 """Encipher a letter, given a multiplier and adder
206 >>> ''.join([affine_decipher_letter(l, 3, 5, True) \
209 >>> ''.join([affine_decipher_letter(l, 3, 5, False) \
212 """
213 if letter in string.ascii_letters:
214 if letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
215 alphabet_start = ord('A')
216 else:
217 alphabet_start = ord('a')
218 cipher_number = ord(letter) - alphabet_start
219 if one_based: cipher_number += 1
220 plaintext_number = (
221 modular_division_table[multiplier]
222 [(cipher_number - adder) % 26] )
223 if one_based: plaintext_number -= 1
224 return chr(plaintext_number % 26 + alphabet_start)
225 else:
226 return letter
228 def affine_encipher(message, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
229 """Encipher a message
231 >>> affine_encipher('hours passed during which jerico tried every ' \
232 'trick he could think of', 15, 22, True)
233 'lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls omytd jlaxe mh'
234 """
235 enciphered = [affine_encipher_letter(l, multiplier, adder, one_based)
236 for l in message]
237 return ''.join(enciphered)
239 def affine_decipher(message, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
240 """Decipher a message
242 >>> affine_decipher('lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg ' \
243 'jfaoe ls omytd jlaxe mh', 15, 22, True)
244 'hours passed during which jerico tried every trick he could think of'
245 """
246 enciphered = [affine_decipher_letter(l, multiplier, adder, one_based)
247 for l in message]
248 return ''.join(enciphered)
251 def keyword_cipher_alphabet_of(keyword, wrap_alphabet=0):
252 """Find the cipher alphabet given a keyword.
253 wrap_alphabet controls how the rest of the alphabet is added
254 after the keyword.
255 0 : from 'a'
256 1 : from the last letter in the sanitised keyword
257 2 : from the largest letter in the sanitised keyword
259 >>> keyword_cipher_alphabet_of('bayes')
260 'bayescdfghijklmnopqrtuvwxz'
261 >>> keyword_cipher_alphabet_of('bayes', 0)
262 'bayescdfghijklmnopqrtuvwxz'
263 >>> keyword_cipher_alphabet_of('bayes', 1)
264 'bayestuvwxzcdfghijklmnopqr'
265 >>> keyword_cipher_alphabet_of('bayes', 2)
266 'bayeszcdfghijklmnopqrtuvwx'
267 """
268 if wrap_alphabet == 0:
269 cipher_alphabet = ''.join(deduplicate(sanitise(keyword) +
270 string.ascii_lowercase))
271 else:
272 if wrap_alphabet == 1:
273 last_keyword_letter = deduplicate(sanitise(keyword))[-1]
274 else:
275 last_keyword_letter = sorted(sanitise(keyword))[-1]
276 last_keyword_position = string.ascii_lowercase.find(
277 last_keyword_letter) + 1
278 cipher_alphabet = ''.join(
279 deduplicate(sanitise(keyword) +
280 string.ascii_lowercase[last_keyword_position:] +
281 string.ascii_lowercase))
282 return cipher_alphabet
285 def keyword_encipher(message, keyword, wrap_alphabet=0):
286 """Enciphers a message with a keyword substitution cipher.
287 wrap_alphabet controls how the rest of the alphabet is added
288 after the keyword.
289 0 : from 'a'
290 1 : from the last letter in the sanitised keyword
291 2 : from the largest letter in the sanitised keyword
293 >>> keyword_encipher('test message', 'bayes')
294 'rsqr ksqqbds'
295 >>> keyword_encipher('test message', 'bayes', 0)
296 'rsqr ksqqbds'
297 >>> keyword_encipher('test message', 'bayes', 1)
298 'lskl dskkbus'
299 >>> keyword_encipher('test message', 'bayes', 2)
300 'qspq jsppbcs'
301 """
302 cipher_alphabet = keyword_cipher_alphabet_of(keyword, wrap_alphabet)
303 cipher_translation = ''.maketrans(string.ascii_lowercase, cipher_alphabet)
304 return message.lower().translate(cipher_translation)
306 def keyword_decipher(message, keyword, wrap_alphabet=0):
307 """Deciphers a message with a keyword substitution cipher.
308 wrap_alphabet controls how the rest of the alphabet is added
309 after the keyword.
310 0 : from 'a'
311 1 : from the last letter in the sanitised keyword
312 2 : from the largest letter in the sanitised keyword
314 >>> keyword_decipher('rsqr ksqqbds', 'bayes')
315 'test message'
316 >>> keyword_decipher('rsqr ksqqbds', 'bayes', 0)
317 'test message'
318 >>> keyword_decipher('lskl dskkbus', 'bayes', 1)
319 'test message'
320 >>> keyword_decipher('qspq jsppbcs', 'bayes', 2)
321 'test message'
322 """
323 cipher_alphabet = keyword_cipher_alphabet_of(keyword, wrap_alphabet)
324 cipher_translation = ''.maketrans(cipher_alphabet, string.ascii_lowercase)
325 return message.lower().translate(cipher_translation)
327 def scytale_encipher(message, rows):
328 """Enciphers using the scytale transposition cipher.
329 Message is padded with spaces to allow all rows to be the same length.
331 >>> scytale_encipher('thequickbrownfox', 3)
332 'tcnhkfeboqrxuo iw '
333 >>> scytale_encipher('thequickbrownfox', 4)
334 'tubnhirfecooqkwx'
335 >>> scytale_encipher('thequickbrownfox', 5)
336 'tubn hirf ecoo qkwx '
337 >>> scytale_encipher('thequickbrownfox', 6)
338 'tqcrnxhukof eibwo '
339 >>> scytale_encipher('thequickbrownfox', 7)
340 'tqcrnx hukof eibwo '
341 """
342 if len(message) % rows != 0:
343 message += ' '*(rows - len(message) % rows)
344 row_length = round(len(message) / rows)
345 slices = [message[i:i+row_length]
346 for i in range(0, len(message), row_length)]
347 return ''.join([''.join(r) for r in zip_longest(*slices, fillvalue='')])
349 def scytale_decipher(message, rows):
350 """Deciphers using the scytale transposition cipher.
351 Assumes the message is padded so that all rows are the same length.
353 >>> scytale_decipher('tcnhkfeboqrxuo iw ', 3)
354 'thequickbrownfox '
355 >>> scytale_decipher('tubnhirfecooqkwx', 4)
356 'thequickbrownfox'
357 >>> scytale_decipher('tubn hirf ecoo qkwx ', 5)
358 'thequickbrownfox '
359 >>> scytale_decipher('tqcrnxhukof eibwo ', 6)
360 'thequickbrownfox '
361 >>> scytale_decipher('tqcrnx hukof eibwo ', 7)
362 'thequickbrownfox '
363 """
364 cols = round(len(message) / rows)
365 columns = [message[i:i+rows] for i in range(0, cols * rows, rows)]
366 return ''.join([''.join(c) for c in zip_longest(*columns, fillvalue='')])
369 def transpositions_of(keyword):
370 """Finds the transpostions given by a keyword. For instance, the keyword
371 'clever' rearranges to 'celrv', so the first column (0) stays first, the
372 second column (1) moves to third, the third column (2) moves to second,
373 and so on.
375 If passed a tuple, assume it's already a transposition and just return it.
377 >>> transpositions_of('clever')
378 (0, 2, 1, 4, 3)
379 >>> transpositions_of('fred')
380 (3, 2, 0, 1)
381 >>> transpositions_of((3, 2, 0, 1))
382 (3, 2, 0, 1)
383 """
384 if isinstance(keyword, tuple):
385 return keyword
386 else:
387 key = deduplicate(keyword)
388 transpositions = tuple(key.index(l) for l in sorted(key))
389 return transpositions
391 def pad(message_len, group_len, fillvalue):
392 padding_length = group_len - message_len % group_len
393 if padding_length == group_len: padding_length = 0
394 padding = ''
395 for i in range(padding_length):
396 if callable(fillvalue):
397 padding += fillvalue()
398 else:
399 padding += fillvalue
400 return padding
402 def column_transposition_encipher(message, keyword, fillvalue=' ',
403 fillcolumnwise=False,
404 emptycolumnwise=False):
405 """Enciphers using the column transposition cipher.
406 Message is padded to allow all rows to be the same length.
408 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'abcdef', fillcolumnwise=True)
409 'hlohr eltee '
410 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'abcdef', fillcolumnwise=True, emptycolumnwise=True)
411 'hellothere '
412 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'abcdef')
413 'hellothere '
414 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'abcde')
415 'hellothere'
416 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'abcde', fillcolumnwise=True, emptycolumnwise=True)
417 'hellothere'
418 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'abcde', fillcolumnwise=True, emptycolumnwise=False)
419 'hlohreltee'
420 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'abcde', fillcolumnwise=False, emptycolumnwise=True)
421 'htehlelroe'
422 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'abcde', fillcolumnwise=False, emptycolumnwise=False)
423 'hellothere'
424 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'clever', fillcolumnwise=True, emptycolumnwise=True)
425 'heotllrehe'
426 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'clever', fillcolumnwise=True, emptycolumnwise=False)
427 'holrhetlee'
428 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'clever', fillcolumnwise=False, emptycolumnwise=True)
429 'htleehoelr'
430 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'clever', fillcolumnwise=False, emptycolumnwise=False)
431 'hleolteher'
432 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'cleverly')
433 'hleolthre e '
434 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'cleverly', fillvalue='!')
435 'hleolthre!e!'
436 >>> column_transposition_encipher('hellothere', 'cleverly', fillvalue=lambda: '*')
437 'hleolthre*e*'
438 """
439 transpositions = transpositions_of(keyword)
440 message += pad(len(message), len(transpositions), fillvalue)
441 if fillcolumnwise:
442 rows = every_nth(message, len(message) // len(transpositions))
443 else:
444 rows = chunks(message, len(transpositions))
445 transposed = [transpose(r, transpositions) for r in rows]
446 if emptycolumnwise:
447 return combine_every_nth(transposed)
448 else:
449 return ''.join(chain(*transposed))
451 def column_transposition_decipher(message, keyword, fillvalue=' ',
452 fillcolumnwise=False,
453 emptycolumnwise=False):
454 """Deciphers using the column transposition cipher.
455 Message is padded to allow all rows to be the same length.
457 >>> column_transposition_decipher('hellothere', 'abcde', fillcolumnwise=True, emptycolumnwise=True)
458 'hellothere'
459 >>> column_transposition_decipher('hlohreltee', 'abcde', fillcolumnwise=True, emptycolumnwise=False)
460 'hellothere'
461 >>> column_transposition_decipher('htehlelroe', 'abcde', fillcolumnwise=False, emptycolumnwise=True)
462 'hellothere'
463 >>> column_transposition_decipher('hellothere', 'abcde', fillcolumnwise=False, emptycolumnwise=False)
464 'hellothere'
465 >>> column_transposition_decipher('heotllrehe', 'clever', fillcolumnwise=True, emptycolumnwise=True)
466 'hellothere'
467 >>> column_transposition_decipher('holrhetlee', 'clever', fillcolumnwise=True, emptycolumnwise=False)
468 'hellothere'
469 >>> column_transposition_decipher('htleehoelr', 'clever', fillcolumnwise=False, emptycolumnwise=True)
470 'hellothere'
471 >>> column_transposition_decipher('hleolteher', 'clever', fillcolumnwise=False, emptycolumnwise=False)
472 'hellothere'
473 """
474 # >>> column_transposition_decipher('hleolteher', 'clever')
475 # 'hellothere'
476 # >>> column_transposition_decipher('hleolthre!e!', 'cleverly', fillvalue='?')
477 # 'hellothere!!'
478 # >>> column_transposition_decipher('htleehoelr', 'clever', columnwise=True)
479 # 'hellothere'
480 # """
481 transpositions = transpositions_of(keyword)
482 message += pad(len(message), len(transpositions), '*')
483 if emptycolumnwise:
484 rows = every_nth(message, len(message) // len(transpositions))
485 else:
486 rows = chunks(message, len(transpositions))
487 untransposed = [untranspose(r, transpositions) for r in rows]
488 if fillcolumnwise:
489 return combine_every_nth(untransposed)
490 else:
491 return ''.join(chain(*untransposed))
494 def vigenere_encipher(message, keyword):
495 """Vigenere encipher
497 >>> vigenere_encipher('hello', 'abc')
498 'hfnlp'
499 """
500 shifts = [ord(l) - ord('a') for l in sanitise(keyword)]
501 pairs = zip(message, cycle(shifts))
502 return ''.join([caesar_encipher_letter(l, k) for l, k in pairs])
504 def vigenere_decipher(message, keyword):
505 """Vigenere decipher
507 >>> vigenere_decipher('hfnlp', 'abc')
508 'hello'
509 """
510 shifts = [ord(l) - ord('a') for l in sanitise(keyword)]
511 pairs = zip(message, cycle(shifts))
512 return ''.join([caesar_decipher_letter(l, k) for l, k in pairs])
514 beaufort_encipher=vigenere_decipher
515 beaufort_decipher=vigenere_encipher
518 if __name__ == "__main__":
519 import doctest
520 doctest.testmod()