[battle-of-the-bands.git] / discogs.ipynb
1 {
2 "cells": [
3 {
4 "cell_type": "code",
5 "execution_count": 1,
6 "metadata": {},
7 "outputs": [],
8 "source": [
9 "import pandas as pd\n",
10 "import numpy as np\n",
11 "import matplotlib\n",
12 "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
13 "%matplotlib inline \n",
14 "import urllib.request\n",
15 "import urllib.parse\n",
16 "import urllib.error\n",
17 "import json\n",
18 "import base64\n",
19 "import configparser\n",
20 "from bs4 import BeautifulSoup\n",
21 "import re\n",
22 "import pymongo\n",
23 "from datetime import datetime\n",
24 "import time\n",
25 "import collections\n",
26 "import editdistance"
27 ]
28 },
29 {
30 "cell_type": "code",
31 "execution_count": 2,
32 "metadata": {},
33 "outputs": [],
34 "source": [
35 "# Open a connection to the Mongo server\n",
36 "client = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')"
37 ]
38 },
39 {
40 "cell_type": "code",
41 "execution_count": 40,
42 "metadata": {},
43 "outputs": [],
44 "source": [
45 "# Create a database and a collections within it.\n",
46 "songs_db = client.songs\n",
47 "albums = songs_db.albums\n",
48 "tracks = songs_db.tracks\n",
49 "genius_tracks = songs_db.gtracks\n",
50 "discog_tracks = songs_db.discog_tracks"
51 ]
52 },
53 {
54 "cell_type": "code",
55 "execution_count": 4,
56 "metadata": {},
57 "outputs": [
58 {
59 "data": {
60 "text/plain": [
61 "['app_name', 'consumer_key', 'consumer_secret', 'token']"
62 ]
63 },
64 "execution_count": 4,
65 "metadata": {},
66 "output_type": "execute_result"
67 }
68 ],
69 "source": [
70 "config = configparser.ConfigParser()\n",
71 "config.read('secrets.ini')\n",
72 "[k for k in config['discogs']]"
73 ]
74 },
75 {
76 "cell_type": "code",
77 "execution_count": 5,
78 "metadata": {},
79 "outputs": [],
80 "source": [
81 "def get_audio_features(track_ids, auth_type, auth_token):\n",
82 " url = 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-features?ids={ids}'.format(ids=','.join(track_ids))\n",
83 " headers = {'Authorization': auth_type + ' ' + auth_token}\n",
84 " request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, method='GET')\n",
85 " \n",
86 " for _ in range(10):\n",
87 " try:\n",
88 " with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as f:\n",
89 " response = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
90 " for track in response['audio_features']:\n",
91 " tracks.update_one({'_id': track['id']}, {'$set': track})\n",
92 " break\n",
93 " except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:\n",
94 " print(\"Rate limited. Pausing for\", e.info()['Retry-After'])\n",
95 " time.sleep(int(e.info()['Retry-After']) + 0.5)\n",
96 " continue "
97 ]
98 },
99 {
100 "cell_type": "code",
101 "execution_count": null,
102 "metadata": {
103 "collapsed": true
104 },
105 "outputs": [],
106 "source": [
107 "/database/search?q={query}&{?type,title,release_title,credit,artist,anv,label,genre,style,country,year,format,catno,barcode,track,submitter,contributor}"
108 ]
109 },
110 {
111 "cell_type": "code",
112 "execution_count": 7,
113 "metadata": {},
114 "outputs": [],
115 "source": [
116 "def get_artists(artist_name):\n",
117 " query = urllib.parse.urlencode({'q': artist_name, 'type': 'artist'})\n",
118 " # query = urllib.parse.urlencode({'q': artist_name})\n",
119 " url = 'https://api.discogs.com/database/search?{}'.format(query)\n",
120 " headers = {'Authorization': 'Discogs token=' + config['discogs']['token']}\n",
121 " artists = []\n",
122 " while url:\n",
123 " request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, method='GET')\n",
124 " with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as f:\n",
125 " response = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
126 " artists += response['results']\n",
127 " if 'next' in response['pagination']['urls']:\n",
128 " url = response['pagination']['urls']['next']\n",
129 " else:\n",
130 " url = None\n",
131 " return artists"
132 ]
133 },
134 {
135 "cell_type": "code",
136 "execution_count": 148,
137 "metadata": {},
138 "outputs": [],
139 "source": [
140 "def discogs_search(search_params, show_progress=False):\n",
141 " query = urllib.parse.urlencode(search_params)\n",
142 " url = 'https://api.discogs.com/database/search?{}'.format(query)\n",
143 " headers = {'Authorization': 'Discogs token=' + config['discogs']['token']}\n",
144 " results = []\n",
145 " while url:\n",
146 " try:\n",
147 " request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, method='GET')\n",
148 " with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as f:\n",
149 " response = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
150 " if show_progress:\n",
151 " print('Retrieved page', response['pagination']['page'], 'of', response['pagination']['pages'],\n",
152 " ';', f.info()['X-Discogs-Ratelimit-Remaining'], 'requests before rate limit')\n",
153 " results += response['results']\n",
154 " if 'next' in response['pagination']['urls']:\n",
155 " url = response['pagination']['urls']['next']\n",
156 " else:\n",
157 " url = None\n",
158 " if int(f.info()['X-Discogs-Ratelimit-Remaining']) <= 1:\n",
159 " if show_progress:\n",
160 " print('Rate limit: sleeping')\n",
161 " time.sleep(3)\n",
162 " except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:\n",
163 "# print(\"Rate limited. Pausing for\", e.info()['Retry-After'])\n",
164 "# time.sleep(int(e.info()['Retry-After']) + 0.5)\n",
165 " print('Rate limited. Sleeping for 62 seconds')\n",
166 " time.sleep(62)\n",
167 " continue\n",
168 " return results"
169 ]
170 },
171 {
172 "cell_type": "code",
173 "execution_count": 128,
174 "metadata": {},
175 "outputs": [],
176 "source": [
177 "def get_artist_albums(artist_name, show_progress=False):\n",
178 " return discogs_search({'artist': artist_name, \n",
179 " 'format': 'album'},\n",
180 " show_progress=show_progress) "
181 ]
182 },
183 {
184 "cell_type": "code",
185 "execution_count": 8,
186 "metadata": {},
187 "outputs": [
188 {
189 "data": {
190 "text/plain": [
191 "211"
192 ]
193 },
194 "execution_count": 8,
195 "metadata": {},
196 "output_type": "execute_result"
197 }
198 ],
199 "source": [
200 "nivs = get_artists('Nirvana')\n",
201 "len(nivs)"
202 ]
203 },
204 {
205 "cell_type": "code",
206 "execution_count": 9,
207 "metadata": {},
208 "outputs": [
209 {
210 "data": {
211 "text/plain": [
212 "[{'id': 125246,\n",
213 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/125246',\n",
214 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/_W4bvRx11IqhvAG8eqjofA5MqhM=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-125246-1501285200-3058.jpeg.jpg',\n",
215 " 'title': 'Nirvana',\n",
216 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
217 " 'uri': '/artist/125246-Nirvana'},\n",
218 " {'id': 307513,\n",
219 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/307513',\n",
220 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/ib710cDa2aK62NZIOqgb3AyGqd8=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-307513-1270236942.jpeg.jpg',\n",
221 " 'title': 'Nirvana (2)',\n",
222 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
223 " 'uri': '/artist/307513-Nirvana-2'},\n",
224 " {'id': 1087206,\n",
225 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/1087206',\n",
226 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/rRzxkphLYtHr8bD9v8UPucd1zos=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-1087206-1266869411.jpeg.jpg',\n",
227 " 'title': 'Nirvana 2002',\n",
228 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
229 " 'uri': '/artist/1087206-Nirvana-2002'},\n",
230 " {'id': 2744248,\n",
231 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/2744248',\n",
232 " 'thumb': '',\n",
233 " 'title': 'Nirvana (10)',\n",
234 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
235 " 'uri': '/artist/2744248-Nirvana-10'},\n",
236 " {'id': 1082359,\n",
237 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/1082359',\n",
238 " 'thumb': '',\n",
239 " 'title': 'Nirvana (6)',\n",
240 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
241 " 'uri': '/artist/1082359-Nirvana-6'},\n",
242 " {'id': 1176738,\n",
243 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/1176738',\n",
244 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/aNOZPb9y_N9oBE3GsBSOyAbl8Jw=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-1176738-1317705549.jpeg.jpg',\n",
245 " 'title': 'Nirvana (7)',\n",
246 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
247 " 'uri': '/artist/1176738-Nirvana-7'},\n",
248 " {'id': 457609,\n",
249 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/457609',\n",
250 " 'thumb': '',\n",
251 " 'title': 'Nirvana (4)',\n",
252 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
253 " 'uri': '/artist/457609-Nirvana-4'},\n",
254 " {'id': 816495,\n",
255 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/816495',\n",
256 " 'thumb': '',\n",
257 " 'title': 'Nirvana (5)',\n",
258 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
259 " 'uri': '/artist/816495-Nirvana-5'},\n",
260 " {'id': 1389061,\n",
261 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/1389061',\n",
262 " 'thumb': '',\n",
263 " 'title': 'Nirvana (8)',\n",
264 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
265 " 'uri': '/artist/1389061-Nirvana-8'},\n",
266 " {'id': 319676,\n",
267 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/319676',\n",
268 " 'thumb': '',\n",
269 " 'title': 'Nirvana (3)',\n",
270 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
271 " 'uri': '/artist/319676-Nirvana-3'},\n",
272 " {'id': 2414323,\n",
273 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/2414323',\n",
274 " 'thumb': '',\n",
275 " 'title': 'El Nirvana',\n",
276 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
277 " 'uri': '/artist/2414323-El-Nirvana'},\n",
278 " {'id': 965460,\n",
279 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/965460',\n",
280 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/lKd9XKjjA4UdM3EACxpFyvx2EAg=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-965460-1370853336-6662.jpeg.jpg',\n",
281 " 'title': 'The Nirvana Devils',\n",
282 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
283 " 'uri': '/artist/965460-The-Nirvana-Devils'},\n",
284 " {'id': 934885,\n",
285 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/934885',\n",
286 " 'thumb': '',\n",
287 " 'title': 'Nirvana Bros.',\n",
288 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
289 " 'uri': '/artist/934885-Nirvana-Bros'},\n",
290 " {'id': 45870,\n",
291 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/45870',\n",
292 " 'thumb': '',\n",
293 " 'title': 'The Nirvana Sitar & String Group',\n",
294 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
295 " 'uri': '/artist/45870-The-Nirvana-Sitar-String-Group'},\n",
296 " {'id': 5145389,\n",
297 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/5145389',\n",
298 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/EA_6CSDYYf766HuxqrbsAvxxYyA=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-5145389-1468099375-2943.jpeg.jpg',\n",
299 " 'title': 'Nirvana (14)',\n",
300 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
301 " 'uri': '/artist/5145389-Nirvana-14'},\n",
302 " {'id': 3465490,\n",
303 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/3465490',\n",
304 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/0gpHsrsKw94p0y2PaQwxIhUjjng=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-3465490-1379316060-1118.jpeg.jpg',\n",
305 " 'title': 'Approaching Nirvana',\n",
306 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
307 " 'uri': '/artist/3465490-Approaching-Nirvana'},\n",
308 " {'id': 4634135,\n",
309 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/4634135',\n",
310 " 'thumb': '',\n",
311 " 'title': 'Nirvana (13)',\n",
312 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
313 " 'uri': '/artist/4634135-Nirvana-13'},\n",
314 " {'id': 5047262,\n",
315 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/5047262',\n",
316 " 'thumb': '',\n",
317 " 'title': 'Nirvana Kelly',\n",
318 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
319 " 'uri': '/artist/5047262-Nirvana-Kelly'},\n",
320 " {'id': 520870,\n",
321 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/520870',\n",
322 " 'thumb': '',\n",
323 " 'title': 'The Attainment Of Nirvana',\n",
324 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
325 " 'uri': '/artist/520870-The-Attainment-Of-Nirvana'},\n",
326 " {'id': 1907189,\n",
327 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/1907189',\n",
328 " 'thumb': '',\n",
329 " 'title': 'Paulette \"Nirvana\" Buckley',\n",
330 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
331 " 'uri': '/artist/1907189-Paulette-Nirvana-Buckley'},\n",
332 " {'id': 1286267,\n",
333 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/1286267',\n",
334 " 'thumb': '',\n",
335 " 'title': 'The Nirvana',\n",
336 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
337 " 'uri': '/artist/1286267-The-Nirvana'},\n",
338 " {'id': 2888206,\n",
339 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/2888206',\n",
340 " 'thumb': '',\n",
341 " 'title': 'Nada Nirvana',\n",
342 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
343 " 'uri': '/artist/2888206-Nada-Nirvana'},\n",
344 " {'id': 4809078,\n",
345 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/4809078',\n",
346 " 'thumb': '',\n",
347 " 'title': 'The Nirvana Ensemble',\n",
348 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
349 " 'uri': '/artist/4809078-The-Nirvana-Ensemble'},\n",
350 " {'id': 1459803,\n",
351 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/1459803',\n",
352 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/WLzN-1q-wHw4_Jy_YzS3hcVSohA=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-1459803-1420753729-4099.jpeg.jpg',\n",
353 " 'title': 'Nirvana Savoury',\n",
354 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
355 " 'uri': '/artist/1459803-Nirvana-Savoury'},\n",
356 " {'id': 2728399,\n",
357 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/2728399',\n",
358 " 'thumb': '',\n",
359 " 'title': 'The Nirvana (2)',\n",
360 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
361 " 'uri': '/artist/2728399-The-Nirvana-2'},\n",
362 " {'id': 501548,\n",
363 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/501548',\n",
364 " 'thumb': '',\n",
365 " 'title': 'Nirvana 1 Way',\n",
366 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
367 " 'uri': '/artist/501548-Nirvana-1-Way'},\n",
368 " {'id': 2100392,\n",
369 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/2100392',\n",
370 " 'thumb': '',\n",
371 " 'title': 'Last Casino In Nirvana',\n",
372 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
373 " 'uri': '/artist/2100392-Last-Casino-In-Nirvana'},\n",
374 " {'id': 2852124,\n",
375 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/2852124',\n",
376 " 'thumb': '',\n",
377 " 'title': 'The Nirvana Banana',\n",
378 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
379 " 'uri': '/artist/2852124-The-Nirvana-Banana'},\n",
380 " {'id': 1285360,\n",
381 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/1285360',\n",
382 " 'thumb': '',\n",
383 " 'title': 'Nirvana Banana',\n",
384 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
385 " 'uri': '/artist/1285360-Nirvana-Banana'},\n",
386 " {'id': 3574712,\n",
387 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/3574712',\n",
388 " 'thumb': '',\n",
389 " 'title': 'Ricky Nirvana',\n",
390 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
391 " 'uri': '/artist/3574712-Ricky-Nirvana'},\n",
392 " {'id': 3995371,\n",
393 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/3995371',\n",
394 " 'thumb': '',\n",
395 " 'title': 'Nirvana (12)',\n",
396 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
397 " 'uri': '/artist/3995371-Nirvana-12'},\n",
398 " {'id': 2966881,\n",
399 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/2966881',\n",
400 " 'thumb': '',\n",
401 " 'title': 'Weed Nirvana',\n",
402 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
403 " 'uri': '/artist/2966881-Weed-Nirvana'},\n",
404 " {'id': 3105291,\n",
405 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/3105291',\n",
406 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/5AlLJ0bpJ3E8l0YeeK0VJ8a9zhw=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-3105291-1358422778-8324.jpeg.jpg',\n",
407 " 'title': 'Nirvana (11)',\n",
408 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
409 " 'uri': '/artist/3105291-Nirvana-11'},\n",
410 " {'id': 3758745,\n",
411 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/3758745',\n",
412 " 'thumb': '',\n",
413 " 'title': 'Nihil Nirvana',\n",
414 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
415 " 'uri': '/artist/3758745-Nihil-Nirvana'},\n",
416 " {'id': 4143675,\n",
417 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/4143675',\n",
418 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/1ZeMPWI6ymipI8HTLBrlAyRL88A=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-4143675-1486326311-8056.jpeg.jpg',\n",
419 " 'title': 'Nirvanass',\n",
420 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
421 " 'uri': '/artist/4143675-Nirvanass'},\n",
422 " {'id': 3189817,\n",
423 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/3189817',\n",
424 " 'thumb': '',\n",
425 " 'title': 'Takis Nirvanas And The 4 Chambers',\n",
426 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
427 " 'uri': '/artist/3189817-Takis-Nirvanas-And-The-4-Chambers'},\n",
428 " {'id': 3221382,\n",
429 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/3221382',\n",
430 " 'thumb': '',\n",
431 " 'title': 'Nirvana Groove',\n",
432 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
433 " 'uri': '/artist/3221382-Nirvana-Groove'},\n",
434 " {'id': 6117976,\n",
435 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/6117976',\n",
436 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/m30asJH43XlR40lgQA2eo6oRwlY=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-6117976-1510262760-3077.jpeg.jpg',\n",
437 " 'title': 'Nirvana (15)',\n",
438 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
439 " 'uri': '/artist/6117976-Nirvana-15'},\n",
440 " {'id': 2337392,\n",
441 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/2337392',\n",
442 " 'thumb': '',\n",
443 " 'title': 'Nirvana Curve',\n",
444 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
445 " 'uri': '/artist/2337392-Nirvana-Curve'},\n",
446 " {'id': 3801487,\n",
447 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/3801487',\n",
448 " 'thumb': '',\n",
449 " 'title': 'Nirvana Gherbaz Duraković',\n",
450 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
451 " 'uri': '/artist/3801487-Nirvana-Gherbaz-Duraković'},\n",
452 " {'id': 5305718,\n",
453 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/5305718',\n",
454 " 'thumb': '',\n",
455 " 'title': 'Nirvana Teen Spirit',\n",
456 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
457 " 'uri': '/artist/5305718-Nirvana-Teen-Spirit'},\n",
458 " {'id': 5753423,\n",
459 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/5753423',\n",
460 " 'thumb': '',\n",
461 " 'title': 'Nirvana Meditation Orchestra',\n",
462 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
463 " 'uri': '/artist/5753423-Nirvana-Meditation-Orchestra'}]"
464 ]
465 },
466 "execution_count": 9,
467 "metadata": {},
468 "output_type": "execute_result"
469 }
470 ],
471 "source": [
472 "[n for n in nivs if 'Nirvana' in n['title']]"
473 ]
474 },
475 {
476 "cell_type": "code",
477 "execution_count": 10,
478 "metadata": {},
479 "outputs": [
480 {
481 "data": {
482 "text/plain": [
483 "701"
484 ]
485 },
486 "execution_count": 10,
487 "metadata": {},
488 "output_type": "execute_result"
489 }
490 ],
491 "source": [
492 "tbs = get_artists('The Beatles')\n",
493 "len(tbs)"
494 ]
495 },
496 {
497 "cell_type": "code",
498 "execution_count": 11,
499 "metadata": {},
500 "outputs": [
501 {
502 "data": {
503 "text/plain": [
504 "3"
505 ]
506 },
507 "execution_count": 11,
508 "metadata": {},
509 "output_type": "execute_result"
510 }
511 ],
512 "source": [
513 "atbs = [a for a in tbs if re.match('^The Beatles(\\s\\(\\d+\\))?$', a['title'])]\n",
514 "len(atbs)"
515 ]
516 },
517 {
518 "cell_type": "code",
519 "execution_count": 12,
520 "metadata": {},
521 "outputs": [
522 {
523 "data": {
524 "text/plain": [
525 "[{'id': 82730,\n",
526 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/82730',\n",
527 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/z5jHbqQZ7JJ-g0OKPfpX-3luLpo=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-82730-1319532675.jpeg.jpg',\n",
528 " 'title': 'The Beatles',\n",
529 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
530 " 'uri': '/artist/82730-The-Beatles'},\n",
531 " {'id': 2517607,\n",
532 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/2517607',\n",
533 " 'thumb': '',\n",
534 " 'title': 'The Beatles (2)',\n",
535 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
536 " 'uri': '/artist/2517607-The-Beatles-2'},\n",
537 " {'id': 4290435,\n",
538 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/4290435',\n",
539 " 'thumb': '',\n",
540 " 'title': 'The Beatles (3)',\n",
541 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
542 " 'uri': '/artist/4290435-The-Beatles-3'}]"
543 ]
544 },
545 "execution_count": 12,
546 "metadata": {},
547 "output_type": "execute_result"
548 }
549 ],
550 "source": [
551 "atbs"
552 ]
553 },
554 {
555 "cell_type": "code",
556 "execution_count": 13,
557 "metadata": {},
558 "outputs": [
559 {
560 "data": {
561 "text/plain": [
562 "{'id': 82730,\n",
563 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/artists/82730',\n",
564 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/z5jHbqQZ7JJ-g0OKPfpX-3luLpo=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-82730-1319532675.jpeg.jpg',\n",
565 " 'title': 'The Beatles',\n",
566 " 'type': 'artist',\n",
567 " 'uri': '/artist/82730-The-Beatles'}"
568 ]
569 },
570 "execution_count": 13,
571 "metadata": {},
572 "output_type": "execute_result"
573 }
574 ],
575 "source": [
576 "beatles_keys = [a for a in atbs if a['id'] == 82730][0]\n",
577 "beatles_keys"
578 ]
579 },
580 {
581 "cell_type": "code",
582 "execution_count": 20,
583 "metadata": {},
584 "outputs": [],
585 "source": [
586 "def get_artist(artist_keys):\n",
587 " url = artist_keys['resource_url']\n",
588 " headers = {'Authorization': 'Discogs token=' + config['discogs']['token']}\n",
589 " request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, method='GET')\n",
590 " with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as f:\n",
591 " response = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
592 " return response "
593 ]
594 },
595 {
596 "cell_type": "code",
597 "execution_count": 94,
598 "metadata": {},
599 "outputs": [],
600 "source": [
601 "def get_by_url(url):\n",
602 " headers = {'Authorization': 'Discogs token=' + config['discogs']['token']}\n",
603 " request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, method='GET')\n",
604 " with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as f:\n",
605 " response = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
606 " return response "
607 ]
608 },
609 {
610 "cell_type": "code",
611 "execution_count": 22,
612 "metadata": {},
613 "outputs": [
614 {
615 "data": {
616 "text/plain": [
617 "dict_keys(['urls', 'members', 'images', 'name', 'profile', 'uri', 'resource_url', 'namevariations', 'releases_url', 'aliases', 'data_quality', 'id'])"
618 ]
619 },
620 "execution_count": 22,
621 "metadata": {},
622 "output_type": "execute_result"
623 }
624 ],
625 "source": [
626 "beatles_data = get_artist(beatles_keys)\n",
627 "beatles_data.keys()"
628 ]
629 },
630 {
631 "cell_type": "code",
632 "execution_count": 26,
633 "metadata": {},
634 "outputs": [
635 {
636 "data": {
637 "text/plain": [
638 "'Needs Vote'"
639 ]
640 },
641 "execution_count": 26,
642 "metadata": {},
643 "output_type": "execute_result"
644 }
645 ],
646 "source": [
647 "beatles_data['data_quality']"
648 ]
649 },
650 {
651 "cell_type": "code",
652 "execution_count": 37,
653 "metadata": {},
654 "outputs": [],
655 "source": [
656 "def get_releases(releases_url, show_progress=False):\n",
657 " url = releases_url\n",
658 " headers = {'Authorization': 'Discogs token=' + config['discogs']['token']}\n",
659 " releases = []\n",
660 " while url:\n",
661 " request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, method='GET')\n",
662 " try:\n",
663 " with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as f:\n",
664 " response = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
665 " if show_progress:\n",
666 " print('Retrieved page', response['pagination']['page'], 'of', response['pagination']['pages'])\n",
667 " releases += response['releases']\n",
668 " if 'next' in response['pagination']['urls']:\n",
669 " url = response['pagination']['urls']['next']\n",
670 " else:\n",
671 " url = None\n",
672 " except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:\n",
673 "# print(\"Rate limited. Pausing for\", e.info()['Retry-After'])\n",
674 "# time.sleep(int(e.info()['Retry-After']) + 0.5)\n",
675 " print('Rate limited. Sleeping for 62 seconds')\n",
676 " time.sleep(62)\n",
677 " continue\n",
678 "\n",
679 " return releases"
680 ]
681 },
682 {
683 "cell_type": "code",
684 "execution_count": 32,
685 "metadata": {},
686 "outputs": [
687 {
688 "ename": "KeyError",
689 "evalue": "'results'",
690 "output_type": "error",
691 "traceback": [
692 "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m",
693 "\u001b[0;31mKeyError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
694 "\u001b[0;32m<ipython-input-32-1f92b5cd487a>\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m<module>\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mbeatles_releases\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mget_releases\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mbeatles_data\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'releases_url'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 2\u001b[0m \u001b[0mbeatles_releases\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mkeys\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
695 "\u001b[0;32m<ipython-input-31-f9e9eb8e0106>\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mget_releases\u001b[0;34m(releases_url)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 8\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mwith\u001b[0m \u001b[0murllib\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mrequest\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0murlopen\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mrequest\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mas\u001b[0m \u001b[0mf\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 9\u001b[0m \u001b[0mresponse\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mjson\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mloads\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mf\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mread\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdecode\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'utf-8'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 10\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mreleases\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m+=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mresponse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'results'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 11\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m'next'\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32min\u001b[0m \u001b[0mresponse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'pagination'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'urls'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 12\u001b[0m \u001b[0murl\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mresponse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'pagination'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'urls'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'next'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n",
696 "\u001b[0;31mKeyError\u001b[0m: 'results'"
697 ]
698 }
699 ],
700 "source": [
701 "beatles_releases = get_releases(beatles_data['releases_url'])\n",
702 "beatles_releases.keys()"
703 ]
704 },
705 {
706 "cell_type": "code",
707 "execution_count": 35,
708 "metadata": {
709 "scrolled": true
710 },
711 "outputs": [
712 {
713 "name": "stdout",
714 "output_type": "stream",
715 "text": [
716 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
717 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
718 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
719 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
720 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
721 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
722 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
723 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
724 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
725 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
726 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
727 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
728 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
729 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
730 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
731 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
732 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
733 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
734 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
735 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
736 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
737 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
738 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
739 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
740 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
741 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
742 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
743 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
744 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
745 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
746 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
747 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
748 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
749 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
750 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
751 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
752 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
753 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
754 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
755 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
756 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
757 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
758 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
759 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
760 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
761 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
762 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
763 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
764 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
765 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
766 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
767 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
768 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
769 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
770 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
771 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
772 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
773 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
774 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
775 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
776 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
777 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
778 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
779 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
780 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
781 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
782 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
783 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
784 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
785 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
786 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
787 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
788 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
789 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
790 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
791 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
792 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
793 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
794 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
795 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
796 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
797 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
798 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
799 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
800 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
801 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
802 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
803 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
804 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
805 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
806 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
807 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
808 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
809 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
810 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
811 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
812 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
813 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
814 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
815 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
816 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
817 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
818 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
819 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
820 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
821 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
822 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
823 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
824 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n",
825 "dict_keys(['pagination', 'releases'])\n"
826 ]
827 }
828 ],
829 "source": [
830 "url = beatles_data['releases_url']\n",
831 "headers = {'Authorization': 'Discogs token=' + config['discogs']['token']}\n",
832 "releases = []\n",
833 "while url:\n",
834 " request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, method='GET')\n",
835 " try:\n",
836 " with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as f:\n",
837 " response = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8'))\n",
838 " print(response.keys())\n",
839 " releases += response['releases']\n",
840 " if 'next' in response['pagination']['urls']:\n",
841 " url = response['pagination']['urls']['next']\n",
842 " else:\n",
843 " url = None\n",
844 " except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:\n",
845 "# print(\"Rate limited. Pausing for\", e.info()['Retry-After'])\n",
846 "# time.sleep(int(e.info()['Retry-After']) + 0.5)\n",
847 " print('Rate limited. Sleeping for 62 seconds')\n",
848 " time.sleep(62)\n",
849 " continue"
850 ]
851 },
852 {
853 "cell_type": "code",
854 "execution_count": 57,
855 "metadata": {},
856 "outputs": [
857 {
858 "ename": "AttributeError",
859 "evalue": "'dict' object has no attribute 'info'",
860 "output_type": "error",
861 "traceback": [
862 "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m",
863 "\u001b[0;31mAttributeError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
864 "\u001b[0;32m<ipython-input-57-3daec2f60ee2>\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m<module>\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mresponse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0minfo\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m",
865 "\u001b[0;31mAttributeError\u001b[0m: 'dict' object has no attribute 'info'"
866 ]
867 }
868 ],
869 "source": [
870 "response.info()"
871 ]
872 },
873 {
874 "cell_type": "code",
875 "execution_count": 38,
876 "metadata": {},
877 "outputs": [
878 {
879 "data": {
880 "text/plain": [
881 "5488"
882 ]
883 },
884 "execution_count": 38,
885 "metadata": {},
886 "output_type": "execute_result"
887 }
888 ],
889 "source": [
890 "len(releases)"
891 ]
892 },
893 {
894 "cell_type": "code",
895 "execution_count": 39,
896 "metadata": {},
897 "outputs": [
898 {
899 "data": {
900 "text/plain": [
901 "{'artist': 'The Beatles',\n",
902 " 'id': 846231,\n",
903 " 'main_release': 6849682,\n",
904 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/masters/846231',\n",
905 " 'role': 'Main',\n",
906 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/uGrpdgGIbyvuYjkM4ndGsZ_ri8c=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-6849682-1475807872-1981.jpeg.jpg',\n",
907 " 'title': 'The Beatles In Hamburg',\n",
908 " 'type': 'master',\n",
909 " 'year': 1961}"
910 ]
911 },
912 "execution_count": 39,
913 "metadata": {},
914 "output_type": "execute_result"
915 }
916 ],
917 "source": [
918 "releases[0]"
919 ]
920 },
921 {
922 "cell_type": "code",
923 "execution_count": 41,
924 "metadata": {},
925 "outputs": [
926 {
927 "data": {
928 "text/plain": [
929 "{'Appearance', 'Main', 'TrackAppearance', 'UnofficialRelease'}"
930 ]
931 },
932 "execution_count": 41,
933 "metadata": {},
934 "output_type": "execute_result"
935 }
936 ],
937 "source": [
938 "set(r['role'] for r in releases)"
939 ]
940 },
941 {
942 "cell_type": "code",
943 "execution_count": 42,
944 "metadata": {},
945 "outputs": [
946 {
947 "data": {
948 "text/plain": [
949 "Counter({'Appearance': 278,\n",
950 " 'Main': 1234,\n",
951 " 'TrackAppearance': 813,\n",
952 " 'UnofficialRelease': 3163})"
953 ]
954 },
955 "execution_count": 42,
956 "metadata": {},
957 "output_type": "execute_result"
958 }
959 ],
960 "source": [
961 "collections.Counter(r['role'] for r in releases)"
962 ]
963 },
964 {
965 "cell_type": "code",
966 "execution_count": 48,
967 "metadata": {},
968 "outputs": [
969 {
970 "data": {
971 "text/plain": [
972 "[]"
973 ]
974 },
975 "execution_count": 48,
976 "metadata": {},
977 "output_type": "execute_result"
978 }
979 ],
980 "source": [
981 "[r for r in releases if r.get('format') == 'Album'][:5]"
982 ]
983 },
984 {
985 "cell_type": "code",
986 "execution_count": 50,
987 "metadata": {},
988 "outputs": [
989 {
990 "data": {
991 "text/plain": [
992 "{'Cass, Club',\n",
993 " '2xLP, Album, Unofficial',\n",
994 " '2xLP, Unofficial, Red',\n",
995 " '4xCD, Album, Comp, Mono',\n",
996 " 'CD, EP',\n",
997 " 'Lathe, 7\", Num, Unofficial',\n",
998 " '2x12\", Comp, Unofficial, W/Lbl',\n",
999 " '5xCD, Album, Unofficial + DVD, Unofficial, NTSC, C',\n",
1000 " '4xCD, Comp, Ltd, RM, Unofficial, Gol',\n",
1001 " 'CD, Promo, 14 ',\n",
1002 " 'Flexi, 7\", S/Sided, Unofficial',\n",
1003 " 'Cass, Comp, Ltd, Num',\n",
1004 " 'DVD, Unofficial, NTSC, NTS + CD, Album, Unofficial',\n",
1005 " 'CD, Comp, Rem',\n",
1006 " '2xCD, Comp, Promo, Gat',\n",
1007 " '5xCD, Unofficial, Ltd, RM',\n",
1008 " 'Acetate, 7\", Unofficial',\n",
1009 " '2xLP, Comp, Ltd, Num, RM',\n",
1010 " '9xLP, Comp + Box',\n",
1011 " '7\", EP, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1012 " 'Flexi, 7\"',\n",
1013 " 'DVD-V, Comp',\n",
1014 " '8-Trk, Unofficial',\n",
1015 " 'DVD-V, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1016 " 'Box + 13xCD, Album, RE, RM + 7xCD, Comp, RM + 5xDV',\n",
1017 " '2xCD, Comp, Promo, Dig',\n",
1018 " 'CD, Album, RM, Unofficial + CD',\n",
1019 " '6\", S/Sided, Unofficial, Pos',\n",
1020 " 'CD, Mixed, Unofficial, Comp',\n",
1021 " '7\", Ltd, Promo',\n",
1022 " '2xLP, Comp, Ltd',\n",
1023 " 'LP, Ltd, Num, Unofficial, Blu',\n",
1024 " 'CDr, Comp, Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1025 " 'LP, Unofficial, Blu',\n",
1026 " 'CD, mp3',\n",
1027 " '7\", EP, MP, M/Print, 1st',\n",
1028 " 'Cass, Album, Comp, RE',\n",
1029 " 'Flexi, 9\", Red',\n",
1030 " '12\", Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1031 " 'CDr, Mixed, Promo',\n",
1032 " '10x12\" + Box, Comp, Promo, RM',\n",
1033 " 'CD, Single, Promo',\n",
1034 " '24xFile, MP3, Album',\n",
1035 " '2xLP, Num, Unofficial',\n",
1036 " '9x7\", Mono, Ltd, Box',\n",
1037 " '3xLP, Comp, Ltd',\n",
1038 " '9xCD, Comp, Mono, RM, SHM + Box, Ltd',\n",
1039 " 'PlayTape, Unofficial, 1/4',\n",
1040 " '2xLP, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1041 " 'Lathe, 10\", Num, Unofficial, Cle',\n",
1042 " 'Flexi, S/Sided, Mono, Gre',\n",
1043 " '7\", Single, Promo',\n",
1044 " '3xCD, Ltd, Promo, Rad',\n",
1045 " 'CD, Comp, Enh + DVD-V, Reg',\n",
1046 " 'LP, Unofficial, Mono',\n",
1047 " '6\", Shape, S/Sided, Pos',\n",
1048 " '6xDVD, Dlx, Ltd, Num, Unofficial',\n",
1049 " 'Cass, S/Sided, Ltd',\n",
1050 " 'LP, Album, Unofficial, Pin',\n",
1051 " 'CDr, Mixed, Mixtape',\n",
1052 " '7\", EP, Unofficial, Mono',\n",
1053 " 'DVD-V, Unofficial, NTSC',\n",
1054 " '30xLP, Comp + Box',\n",
1055 " '7\", Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1056 " '4xCD, Unofficial + DVD, NTSC, cod',\n",
1057 " 'CD, Ltd, Pic',\n",
1058 " 'CD, Shape',\n",
1059 " 'Cass, Album, MiniAlbum, Comp',\n",
1060 " 'CD, Unofficial + 2xDVD-V, Unofficial',\n",
1061 " 'Box, Mono, Ltd, Unofficial + 10xCD, Album, Mono, U',\n",
1062 " 'Cass, Album, c-6',\n",
1063 " 'CDr, EP',\n",
1064 " '13xFile, FLAC, Album',\n",
1065 " 'Flexi, 7\", S/Sided, EP',\n",
1066 " '5xDVD-V, Unofficial, Mono',\n",
1067 " 'DVDr, Num, Unofficial + CDr, Num, Unofficial',\n",
1068 " '3xLP, Comp, Mono',\n",
1069 " 'CD, Mini, MiniAlbum, Comp, Mono',\n",
1070 " '4xCD, Comp, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1071 " '4xCD, Album, Comp, Promo, S/Edition, Unofficial',\n",
1072 " '5xLP, Col + 3xCD + Box, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1073 " '3xCD, Comp, Unofficial + DVD-V, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1074 " 'DVD, Promo, NTSC',\n",
1075 " '7\", Single, Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1076 " 'DVD-V, RE, PAL',\n",
1077 " 'Box, Comp, Unofficial + 4xCD, RM, Unofficial',\n",
1078 " 'CD, Single, Unofficial',\n",
1079 " 'LP, Comp, P/Mixed',\n",
1080 " 'File, MP3, Comp, P/Unofficial, Promo, RM, 19x',\n",
1081 " '5xLP, Col + 4xCD + DVD + Box, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1082 " 'LP, Ltd, Num, Unofficial, Yel',\n",
1083 " '3xCD, Unofficial + 3xDVD, Unofficial',\n",
1084 " '3xCD, Comp',\n",
1085 " '23xFile, MP3, Comp, 320 + File, MP3, Mixed, 320',\n",
1086 " '5xCD, Unofficial + Box',\n",
1087 " 'CD, Ltd, Num, Unofficial, Tin',\n",
1088 " '7\", Shape, Pic, Unofficial, App',\n",
1089 " 'CDr, Album, Comp',\n",
1090 " 'LP, Album, Comp',\n",
1091 " 'PlayTape',\n",
1092 " 'CD, Comp, Mixed, Promo',\n",
1093 " 'CD-ROM, Comp, MP3',\n",
1094 " '4xDVD-V, NTSC, Lon',\n",
1095 " '52xCD, Comp + Box',\n",
1096 " 'CD, Comp, Mono, RE, Unofficial, Dig',\n",
1097 " '2xBlu-ray-R, Unofficial',\n",
1098 " '4xCD, Comp, Unofficial + Box, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1099 " 'Laserdisc, 12\", S/Sided, Comp, Mono, NTSC, CLV',\n",
1100 " 'Box, RE, Unofficial + 8xCD, Comp',\n",
1101 " 'CD, Unofficial, Comp, RE',\n",
1102 " '12\", Album, Unofficial',\n",
1103 " '3xCD, Unofficial + 2xDVD, Unofficial',\n",
1104 " 'CD, Unofficial + DVD-V, Unofficial',\n",
1105 " '4xLP, Comp, Mixed',\n",
1106 " '2xCass, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1107 " '4xCD, Unofficial + 2xDVD, Unofficial',\n",
1108 " '7\", TP, Unofficial, Mono',\n",
1109 " 'DVD-V, Comp, PAL',\n",
1110 " 'DVD-V, NTSC, B &',\n",
1111 " 'CD, Album, Comp, Mono, Dlx, RM, S/Edition',\n",
1112 " 'CDr, CD-ROM, Comp, Unofficial, Mp3',\n",
1113 " '4xCD, Comp, Ltd + Box, Ltd',\n",
1114 " '2xLP, Unofficial, Gat',\n",
1115 " '10xFile, MP3, Comp, 320',\n",
1116 " 'Cass, Comp, Promo, Smplr',\n",
1117 " 'CD, Comp, Unofficial, Gol',\n",
1118 " '12\", EP, Comp, Mixed',\n",
1119 " '7\", Single, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1120 " '2xDVD, Unofficial, NTSC, NTS',\n",
1121 " 'CD, Album',\n",
1122 " 'Box, Comp, Unofficial + 3xCD + DVD-V, NTSC',\n",
1123 " '3xLP, Comp, Ltd, Mono, Gat',\n",
1124 " 'CD, Mini, Maxi',\n",
1125 " '2x7\", Single',\n",
1126 " 'CD, Enh',\n",
1127 " '50xFile, MP3, Comp, 320',\n",
1128 " '7\", Promo, RE',\n",
1129 " 'LP, Comp, Unofficial, W/Lbl',\n",
1130 " '7\", Single, RE',\n",
1131 " '7\", Pic, Promo',\n",
1132 " 'VHS, Comp, Promo, PAL, Car',\n",
1133 " 'Cass, Comp, RE',\n",
1134 " '2xLP, Comp, Ltd, Tra + LP, Ltd, Tra + 7\", Single, ',\n",
1135 " '12\", Ltd, Smplr, Unofficial',\n",
1136 " '16xFile, FLAC, Album',\n",
1137 " 'CD, Unofficial + 2xDVD, Unofficial',\n",
1138 " '12\", Comp, Pic, Unofficial',\n",
1139 " 'LP, Comp, Mono, Blu',\n",
1140 " 'LP, S/Edition',\n",
1141 " 'CD, Comp, M/Print, Unofficial',\n",
1142 " '6xCD, Comp',\n",
1143 " '30xFile, MP3, Comp, Unofficial, 320',\n",
1144 " '7\", Single, Jukebox, Gre',\n",
1145 " 'LP, Pic, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1146 " 'LP, Album, Comp, Mono',\n",
1147 " 'LP, Transcription',\n",
1148 " '2xCD, Comp, Sli',\n",
1149 " '8xLP, Comp',\n",
1150 " '2xLP, P/Unofficial, Transcription, Tra',\n",
1151 " 'Box, Promo + 3xCD, Comp',\n",
1152 " 'CD, Promo, Smplr, Comp',\n",
1153 " '2xLP, Pic, Unofficial',\n",
1154 " 'LP, Comp, Promo, Smplr',\n",
1155 " '3xDVD, Unofficial + 2xCD, Unofficial',\n",
1156 " 'LP, Unofficial, Gre',\n",
1157 " '8-Trk, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1158 " 'Cass, Comp, Dol',\n",
1159 " 'Box, Unofficial + 6xCD, Album, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1160 " '4xLP + , Blu3xCD + Box, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1161 " '7xCD, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1162 " 'LP, Album, Comp, Ltd, Promo',\n",
1163 " '2xCD, Unofficial, Pap',\n",
1164 " 'CD, Comp, RM, Unofficial, Dig',\n",
1165 " '8xFile, MP3, Comp, 320',\n",
1166 " 'LP, Comp, S/Edition',\n",
1167 " 'CD, Mixed, Promo',\n",
1168 " '3xCD, Unofficial + DVD, NTSC, Unofficial',\n",
1169 " '41xFile, MP3, VBR',\n",
1170 " '2xLP, Comp, Mono, Pic, Unofficial',\n",
1171 " 'LP, Comp, Unofficial, Ora',\n",
1172 " '4xLP, Col + 2xCD + Box, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1173 " 'LP, Comp, Club, Ltd, Num',\n",
1174 " 'Acetate, 7\", Two',\n",
1175 " 'LP, Unofficial, Cle',\n",
1176 " '2xDVD-V, Unofficial, NTSC',\n",
1177 " '3xLP, Comp + Box',\n",
1178 " '3xDVD, Unofficial',\n",
1179 " '7\", EP, Promo, Pic',\n",
1180 " 'DVD, Unofficial + CD, Unofficial + Box',\n",
1181 " 'CD, Album, Num, Unofficial, Mono',\n",
1182 " '7\", EP, Unofficial',\n",
1183 " 'LP, Ltd, RE',\n",
1184 " '7\", Comp',\n",
1185 " '10\", Unofficial, Gre',\n",
1186 " '2xCD, Album, Comp, P/Unofficial, RM',\n",
1187 " 'CD, Mixed, Unofficial, Ltd',\n",
1188 " '10\", Shape, Mono, Pic, Unofficial',\n",
1189 " '15xFile, MP3, Album, VBR',\n",
1190 " '5xCD + Box, Comp',\n",
1191 " 'DVD, Mul',\n",
1192 " 'CD, Unofficial + 2xDVD, Unofficial, NTSC',\n",
1193 " '2xLP, Smplr',\n",
1194 " 'CD, Unofficial, Album',\n",
1195 " '16xCD, Comp, Enh, Ltd, RM + Box',\n",
1196 " 'Blu-ray-R, Album, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1197 " 'LP, Comp, Mono, Promo',\n",
1198 " '7\", S/Sided, Unofficial',\n",
1199 " 'LP, Album, Comp, S/Edition, Unofficial',\n",
1200 " '3xLP, Pic, Unofficial + Box',\n",
1201 " 'CD, Comp, Mixed',\n",
1202 " 'Flexi, 7\", S/Sided',\n",
1203 " 'VHS, Comp, Promo',\n",
1204 " 'CD, Comp, Pic',\n",
1205 " 'LP, Ltd, Pic, Unofficial',\n",
1206 " '7\", Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1207 " 'File, MP3, Comp, Mixed',\n",
1208 " '12\", Comp, P/Mixed, Unofficial',\n",
1209 " 'LP, S/Sided, Ltd, Num, Unofficial, Whi',\n",
1210 " 'Blu-ray-R, Unofficial',\n",
1211 " 'CD, Comp, RM, Unofficial + CD, Album, RM, Unoffici',\n",
1212 " '2xLP, Promo',\n",
1213 " '3xDVD, Unofficial, NTSC + CD, Unofficial',\n",
1214 " 'CD, Unofficial + CD-ROM',\n",
1215 " '12\", EP, W/Lbl',\n",
1216 " 'File, Mixed, P/Unofficial, M4A',\n",
1217 " '2xCDr',\n",
1218 " 'Cass, Comp, P/Unofficial, Ltd, C90',\n",
1219 " 'Cass, Comp',\n",
1220 " 'Laserdisc, 12\", Comp, Promo, NTSC',\n",
1221 " 'CDr',\n",
1222 " 'CD, Promo, Mixed',\n",
1223 " '5xLP, col + 3xCD + DVD + Box, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1224 " 'File, MP3, 320',\n",
1225 " 'CD, Album, RE, Unofficial',\n",
1226 " '2xLP, Comp, Promo, S/Edition',\n",
1227 " 'LP, Mono, Unofficial, RED',\n",
1228 " '2xCD, Comp + CD-ROM',\n",
1229 " '2xLP, Unofficial',\n",
1230 " '4xCD, Comp + Box',\n",
1231 " '10\", Ltd, S/Edition, Unofficial, Int',\n",
1232 " '14xFile, MP3, Album, VBR',\n",
1233 " '16xFile, MP3, Comp, 320',\n",
1234 " 'DVDr, Comp, Unofficial, NTSC',\n",
1235 " 'CD, Album, Unofficial, RE',\n",
1236 " 'LP, Ltd, Unofficial, Red',\n",
1237 " 'LP, Transcription, Ver',\n",
1238 " '2xHDCD, Album, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1239 " '7xLP, Comp, S/Edition + Box',\n",
1240 " 'DVD-V, D/Sided, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1241 " '2xLP, Mono, Transcription',\n",
1242 " 'CD, Mono, Num, Unofficial',\n",
1243 " 'LP, Ltd, Unofficial, Mul',\n",
1244 " 'Cass, Album',\n",
1245 " '3xLP, Comp, Mono + Box',\n",
1246 " 'CD, Dig',\n",
1247 " 'CD, Comp, Unofficial, Mono, Dig',\n",
1248 " 'LP, Comp, Mono, P/Unofficial, Blu',\n",
1249 " 'LP, Album, RE + LP, Album, RE + Comp, Ltd',\n",
1250 " '41xDVD-V, Mono, Unofficial, NTSC, Reg',\n",
1251 " 'CDr, Mixed, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1252 " 'CD, Unofficial + DVD, Unofficial, NTSC',\n",
1253 " 'VHS, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1254 " 'DVD-V, PAL',\n",
1255 " '9xCDr, Unofficial',\n",
1256 " '2xCD, Comp, RM, Unofficial',\n",
1257 " 'DVDr, Unofficial',\n",
1258 " 'CD, Comp, Mixed, Unofficial',\n",
1259 " '2xCDr, Mixed, Ltd, Promo',\n",
1260 " 'Blu-ray-R, Dlx, Enh, Unofficial',\n",
1261 " '2xLP, Comp, Num, Col + 2xCass',\n",
1262 " '7\", Single, Mono',\n",
1263 " '15x7\", Single, Unofficial + Box',\n",
1264 " '2xCDr, Comp, P/Mixed',\n",
1265 " '2xCD, Unofficial, RM',\n",
1266 " 'File, MP3, Album',\n",
1267 " '2xCD, Unofficial + DVD, Unofficial',\n",
1268 " '5xDVD-V, Unofficial, NTSC, Reg',\n",
1269 " '10\", Mono, Comp, Unofficial, Ora',\n",
1270 " '2xCD, Album',\n",
1271 " 'LP, Pic, Unofficial, lim',\n",
1272 " 'File, MP3, Mixed, 320',\n",
1273 " '12\", S/Sided, Unofficial',\n",
1274 " '2xDVDr, DVD-V, Unofficial, NTSC',\n",
1275 " 'CD, Album, Ltd, Num, Promo, Unofficial, Pic',\n",
1276 " '2x12\", Comp',\n",
1277 " 'Cass, Comp, Promo',\n",
1278 " 'CD, Comp, Unofficial + CD, Album, RE, RM, Unoffici',\n",
1279 " 'LP, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1280 " 'LP, Num, Unofficial',\n",
1281 " '7\", Mono',\n",
1282 " '21xFile, MP3, Comp, 320',\n",
1283 " '2xDVD, Unofficial',\n",
1284 " 'Cass, MiniAlbum',\n",
1285 " '3xCD, Album, Comp',\n",
1286 " '3xLP, Comp, P/Unofficial, Promo, Unofficial, BOX',\n",
1287 " '10\", Comp, Mono, Unofficial, Ora',\n",
1288 " 'Cass, Comp, Ltd',\n",
1289 " 'Box, Ltd, Unofficial, Num, 5LP',\n",
1290 " 'CD, Album, RM, S/Edition, Unofficial',\n",
1291 " 'CDr, Comp, Ltd, P/Mixed',\n",
1292 " 'Cass, Comp, Dou',\n",
1293 " 'Cass, Album, Comp',\n",
1294 " '2xCDr, Comp, Promo',\n",
1295 " 'Cass, Comp, Unofficial, Dol',\n",
1296 " 'CD, Comp, Ltd, Unofficial + 7\", Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1297 " 'LP, Pic, Unofficial',\n",
1298 " 'LP, Album, Com',\n",
1299 " 'Flexi, Mono, Unofficial, S/Sided, Gre',\n",
1300 " '5xCD, Comp, Copy Prot. + Box',\n",
1301 " 'CD, Unofficial, Dig',\n",
1302 " '4xCD, Comp, Ltd + Box',\n",
1303 " '2x10\", Pic, Unofficial',\n",
1304 " 'LP, Album, Unofficial, Lam',\n",
1305 " '7\", Jukebox, Yel',\n",
1306 " '2xLP, Transcription',\n",
1307 " '14xFile, FLAC, Comp',\n",
1308 " '4xLP, Transcription',\n",
1309 " 'CD, Mini, Single',\n",
1310 " 'Flexi, Unofficial',\n",
1311 " '7\", EP, Ltd, Num, Unofficial',\n",
1312 " 'VHS, Unofficial, PAL, Uno',\n",
1313 " 'DVDr, DVD-V, Mixtape, Unofficial, NTSC',\n",
1314 " '7\", Jukebox, Tra',\n",
1315 " '8xLP, Album, Unofficial + 2xLP, Comp, Unofficial +',\n",
1316 " '2xCD, Unofficial, Mono',\n",
1317 " '12\", Maxi, Comp, Promo',\n",
1318 " 'CD, Album, Comp',\n",
1319 " 'DVDr, DVD-V, Unofficial, NTSC',\n",
1320 " '3xCD, Comp + Box',\n",
1321 " '2xFile, MP3, Single',\n",
1322 " 'CDr, Album',\n",
1323 " '12\", Promo, Mixed, Unofficial',\n",
1324 " '12\", Comp, Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1325 " 'CD, RM, Unofficial + DVD, RM, Unofficial',\n",
1326 " '3xCD, Album, Unofficial',\n",
1327 " '2xDVD, Unofficial, Tri',\n",
1328 " 'CD, Comp, Unofficial, Mono',\n",
1329 " 'DVD, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1330 " '7xLP, Mono, Transcription',\n",
1331 " 'LP, Cle + LP, Cle + LP, Sol + Album, Ltd',\n",
1332 " 'Box + CD, Album, Mono, RE + CD, Album, RE + CD, Co',\n",
1333 " 'CD, Comp, Ltd, Mixed, Unofficial, Dig',\n",
1334 " 'LP, Comp, Mono, 1st',\n",
1335 " '4xCD, Unofficial + Box, Comp',\n",
1336 " 'LP, Comp, RE',\n",
1337 " '7\", EP',\n",
1338 " 'CDr, Single',\n",
1339 " 'Cass, EP',\n",
1340 " 'CD, Album, Spl',\n",
1341 " 'CD, Unofficial, Vin',\n",
1342 " 'CD, Comp, RM, Unofficial, Pap',\n",
1343 " 'LP, Ltd, Num, Unofficial',\n",
1344 " 'CD, Transcription, Unofficial',\n",
1345 " 'LP, Album, Unofficial, Red',\n",
1346 " '8-Trk, Comp',\n",
1347 " 'LP, Num, P/Unofficial, Pic, S/Edition',\n",
1348 " '2xLP, Rad',\n",
1349 " 'DVD-V, Comp, Mono, Unofficial, Dig',\n",
1350 " 'LP, Promo, Comp, P/Unofficial',\n",
1351 " '9xDVD-V, Comp, NTSC + Box',\n",
1352 " '2xCD, Album, RE + CD, Comp, RE + Comp',\n",
1353 " '2xLP, Album',\n",
1354 " 'LP, Col + CD + Unofficial',\n",
1355 " 'CD-ROM, Comp, Unofficial, Mp3',\n",
1356 " 'CD, Comp, Unofficial + DVD, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1357 " '3xLP, Promo, Transcription, Box',\n",
1358 " '5xLP, Pic, Unofficial, Box',\n",
1359 " '3xDVD-V, NTSC + 3xCD + Box, Unofficial',\n",
1360 " '8-Trk',\n",
1361 " 'CD, Comp, Promo + CD, Comp, Promo, Mixed, Enh + CD',\n",
1362 " '12\", P/Unofficial, W/Lbl',\n",
1363 " '12xLP, P/Unofficial, Promo',\n",
1364 " '9xCD, Comp, Club + Box',\n",
1365 " '4xLP, Blu + 3xCD + Box, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1366 " '5xDVD-V, Comp, Unofficial, Dig',\n",
1367 " 'CD-ROM, Comp, Unofficial, WAV',\n",
1368 " '6\", S/Sided, Mono, Unofficial, Pos',\n",
1369 " 'LP, Unofficial, Aqu',\n",
1370 " 'CD, Unofficial, CD ',\n",
1371 " 'CDr, Album, RE, Unofficial',\n",
1372 " '3xLP, Comp, Whi + 7\", Whi + Box, Unofficial',\n",
1373 " '7\", S/Sided, Single',\n",
1374 " 'DVD-V, Comp, Mono, Unofficial, NTSC',\n",
1375 " '10\", EP, Ace',\n",
1376 " '4xCD, Comp',\n",
1377 " 'Box, Unofficial + 7xCD',\n",
1378 " 'LP, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1379 " '5xLP, Ora + 3xCD + Box, Unofficial, Ltd',\n",
1380 " '193xM/Stick, WAV, Comp, RM, Unofficial, 24- + 193x',\n",
1381 " '2xCD, Comp, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1382 " '8xCD, Unofficial',\n",
1383 " 'VHS, Comp, Promo, NTSC',\n",
1384 " 'CD, Comp, P/Mixed, Promo',\n",
1385 " 'Cass, Comp, CAS',\n",
1386 " 'Box, Ltd, Unofficial + 13x7\", Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1387 " 'File, MP3, Unofficial, 320',\n",
1388 " '2xLP, Comp, Num + LP, Num + 7\", Single, RE, Tra + ',\n",
1389 " 'CD, Unofficial + DVD, Unofficial',\n",
1390 " 'LP, Comp, M/Print, Unofficial',\n",
1391 " 'CD, Mixed, Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1392 " 'Box, Single, Comp + 5x7\", Single',\n",
1393 " 'Cass, Ltd',\n",
1394 " 'CD + CD, Maxi',\n",
1395 " 'DVD-V, Comp, Unofficial, NTSC + CD, Comp, Unoffici',\n",
1396 " '7\", EP, Pic, Unofficial',\n",
1397 " '7\"',\n",
1398 " 'LP, Comp, Smplr',\n",
1399 " 'LP, Unofficial, Red',\n",
1400 " 'CD, Transcription',\n",
1401 " '26xFile, MP3, 192',\n",
1402 " 'CDr, Comp, Promo + CDr, Single, Promo',\n",
1403 " 'Flexi, S/Sided, Unofficial, Mono, Pos',\n",
1404 " '10\", Single',\n",
1405 " '34x7\", Single, RE + Box, Comp',\n",
1406 " '22xFile, MP3, Comp',\n",
1407 " '3xCD, Comp, P/Unofficial + Box, P/Unofficial',\n",
1408 " 'LP, Album, Mono, Unofficial, W/Lbl',\n",
1409 " 'LP, Album, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1410 " '2xCD, Unofficial',\n",
1411 " 'CD, Unofficial, Hol',\n",
1412 " 'CD, Mono, RE, Unofficial, Dig',\n",
1413 " '6xLP, Promo',\n",
1414 " 'Cass, Unofficial',\n",
1415 " '4x12\", Ltd, Unofficial, Col',\n",
1416 " 'LP, Unofficial',\n",
1417 " '2xLP, Comp, Mono',\n",
1418 " '9xCD, Unofficial',\n",
1419 " 'LP, Comp, Unofficial, Yel',\n",
1420 " 'Cass, Album, Promo',\n",
1421 " '10\", Shape, Unofficial, Gre',\n",
1422 " 'CD, Album, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1423 " 'VHS, Unofficial, PAL',\n",
1424 " '7\", Album, Unofficial',\n",
1425 " '7\", Pic',\n",
1426 " 'LP, Album, Comp, M/Print',\n",
1427 " '8xCD, Unofficial + Box',\n",
1428 " '2xCD-ROM, Comp, Unofficial, MP3',\n",
1429 " 'DVD-V, Unofficial',\n",
1430 " 'DVDr, Unofficial, PAL',\n",
1431 " 'DVDr, DVD-V, Num, RM, Unofficial + CDr, Num, RM, U',\n",
1432 " 'LP, Comp, Unofficial, Red',\n",
1433 " '7\", Single, Mono, Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1434 " '2xLP, Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1435 " 'CDr, Unofficial + DVDr, DVD-V, Unofficial, 5.1',\n",
1436 " '2xCD, Album, Mono, Unofficial, Num',\n",
1437 " 'CD, Comp, Ltd, Num, Unofficial',\n",
1438 " 'DVD-V, Comp, NTSC',\n",
1439 " '25xFile, MP3, Comp, 224',\n",
1440 " 'LP, Mono, Unofficial, W/Lbl',\n",
1441 " '5xCD, Comp, Dig',\n",
1442 " 'Cass, Comp, Club',\n",
1443 " '2xCass, Unofficial',\n",
1444 " 'CD, Unofficial + Cass, Unofficial + VHS, Unofficia',\n",
1445 " '3xLP, Album, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1446 " 'Flexi, S/Sided, Single, M/Print, Unofficial',\n",
1447 " '15xCD, EP, Car + Box, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1448 " 'Cass, Mixed, Mixtape',\n",
1449 " '7\", EP, Mono',\n",
1450 " 'CD, Shape, Unofficial, Pic',\n",
1451 " 'CD, Unofficial, 5.1',\n",
1452 " 'LP, Unofficial + CD, Unofficial',\n",
1453 " '2xLP, Comp, Gat',\n",
1454 " 'LP, Album, Ltd, Pic, Promo',\n",
1455 " '2xLP, Comp + Box, Comp',\n",
1456 " '2xLP, Comp, Promo',\n",
1457 " '2xCDr, Mixed, Unofficial, Boo',\n",
1458 " '9xCD, Comp',\n",
1459 " '3xCD, Unofficial + Box',\n",
1460 " '2xCD, Comp, HDC',\n",
1461 " '5xLP, Comp',\n",
1462 " '4xCD, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1463 " '3xCD, Comp + Box, Unofficial',\n",
1464 " 'CD, Album, P/Unofficial',\n",
1465 " '3xLP, Album, Unofficial',\n",
1466 " 'CDr, Mixed, P/Unofficial',\n",
1467 " 'Cass, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1468 " 'CD, Album, Comp, Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1469 " '16xFile, MP3, Comp, Unofficial, 320',\n",
1470 " '12\", Comp, Ltd, Maxi, Promo',\n",
1471 " '12\", Ltd, Unofficial, Blu',\n",
1472 " '8-Trk, Comp, Club',\n",
1473 " 'CD, Album, Unofficial, Pap',\n",
1474 " '16xCD, Comp + Box, Ltd, Num',\n",
1475 " 'CD, Comp, Ltd, Mixed',\n",
1476 " '2xCD, Comp, Mixed, P/Mixed',\n",
1477 " 'LP, 180',\n",
1478 " 'LP, Mono, Red',\n",
1479 " '6xFlexi, 7\", Mono',\n",
1480 " '11xLP, Ltd, Unofficial, Mul + Box',\n",
1481 " 'Flexi, 6\", Shape, S/Sided, Mono, Card, Pic, Unoffi',\n",
1482 " '7\", EP, Unofficial, Blu',\n",
1483 " 'DVD-V, Comp, Pic',\n",
1484 " '5xLP + 2xCD + DVD + Box, Unofficial, Ltd',\n",
1485 " '7\", Num, Promo',\n",
1486 " 'CD, Comp, Ltd',\n",
1487 " '10\", Unofficial, Cle',\n",
1488 " '7xFile, MP3, Album, 320',\n",
1489 " '2xLP, Comp, Box',\n",
1490 " 'LP, Unofficial, Gat',\n",
1491 " '2xLP',\n",
1492 " 'Vinyl, Shape, Unofficial, Pic',\n",
1493 " '2x12\", Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1494 " '2xLaserdisc, 12\", PAL, SECAM, 625',\n",
1495 " '3xLP, Comp, Box',\n",
1496 " '12\", Ltd, Num, Unofficial',\n",
1497 " '7\", Single, Tri',\n",
1498 " '4x7\", Ltd, Pic, Unofficial',\n",
1499 " '3xCD, Unofficial',\n",
1500 " '7\", EP, Ltd',\n",
1501 " 'Laserdisc, 12\", S/Sided, NTSC, CLV',\n",
1502 " 'LP, Comp, Mono, Pic, Unofficial',\n",
1503 " 'DVDr, Unofficial, NTSC, 5.1',\n",
1504 " 'CD, Mini, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1505 " 'LP, Comp, Mono, Unofficial, Ora',\n",
1506 " '7\", Promo, Red',\n",
1507 " '13xLP, Transcription',\n",
1508 " 'LP, Comp, Ltd',\n",
1509 " '6\", Single, Fle',\n",
1510 " 'Shellac, 10\"',\n",
1511 " 'LP, Comp, Ltd, Mixed, Promo',\n",
1512 " '3xDVD-V, NTSC, Unofficial',\n",
1513 " '5xCDr, Comp, Dlx, Ltd, P/Mixed, RM, S/Edition, Uno',\n",
1514 " '7\", Ltd, Num, Pin',\n",
1515 " '3xLP, Comp, Rad',\n",
1516 " 'CDr, Comp, Ltd, Mixed, Unofficial, 6 c',\n",
1517 " '2xCD, Unofficial + 2xDVD, Unofficial',\n",
1518 " '2xCD, Comp, Unofficial, Pap',\n",
1519 " 'LP, Unofficial, Comp',\n",
1520 " '12\", Pic, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1521 " 'Flexi, 6\", S/Sided, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1522 " 'CDr, Ltd',\n",
1523 " '2xDVD-V, Comp, RM, Unofficial, Dig',\n",
1524 " '10xLP, Album + Box, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1525 " 'CD, Unofficial, RM + DVD, Unofficial, Mono, RM',\n",
1526 " 'CD, RM, Unofficial',\n",
1527 " '7\", EP, Jukebox',\n",
1528 " 'CDr, Comp, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1529 " '13xCD, Unofficial + 2xDVD, Unofficial, NTSC',\n",
1530 " 'Flexi, S/Sided',\n",
1531 " '2xCD, Comp, Num, Unofficial',\n",
1532 " 'Album, Dig + CD, Album + DVD-V, NTSC, Album',\n",
1533 " 'CD, Single, Mono, Ltd, Promo, 200',\n",
1534 " '5xCD, Comp, Ltd + Box, Ltd',\n",
1535 " '2xCD, Comp, Promo, Smplr',\n",
1536 " 'LP, Comp, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1537 " '17xFile, MP3, Comp, Unofficial, 320',\n",
1538 " 'LP, Ltd, Unofficial, 17x',\n",
1539 " '5xCD, Unofficial',\n",
1540 " 'CD, Unofficial + DVDr, Unofficial',\n",
1541 " '12\", Album, Promo, Unofficial, Fak',\n",
1542 " '4xCD, Comp + Box, Unofficial',\n",
1543 " '2xDVD-V, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1544 " 'LP, Comp, Pic',\n",
1545 " 'File, MP3, Mixed',\n",
1546 " 'Flexi, 7\", S/Sided, Promo, Smplr',\n",
1547 " 'CD, Album, Comp, Ltd, Num, Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1548 " 'Acetate, LP, Unofficial',\n",
1549 " 'LP',\n",
1550 " 'LP, Transcription + LP, S/Sided, Transcription',\n",
1551 " 'VHS, Comp, PAL',\n",
1552 " 'LP, Num, S/Edition, Unofficial, Gre',\n",
1553 " '7\", Mono, Promo, Unofficial, Col',\n",
1554 " 'LP, Comp, Mono',\n",
1555 " '12\"',\n",
1556 " '4xDVD, Unofficial',\n",
1557 " 'LP, Mono, Pic, Unofficial',\n",
1558 " 'CD, Comp, Mono, Gol',\n",
1559 " 'Cass, Comp, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1560 " 'CD, Album, RM, RE, Unofficial + CD, Album',\n",
1561 " '24xCD + Box, Unofficial',\n",
1562 " '7\", Single, Jukebox, RE, Red',\n",
1563 " '7\", Promo, Mono',\n",
1564 " 'CD, Single',\n",
1565 " 'Box + 5xCD, Comp, Promo',\n",
1566 " '2xCDr, Comp, Mixed, Promo',\n",
1567 " 'CD-ROM, Comp, Unofficial, MP3',\n",
1568 " '2xLP, Album, Comp, Fol',\n",
1569 " 'LP, S/Sided, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1570 " '10xCD, Comp + Box',\n",
1571 " 'CDr, Album, Ltd',\n",
1572 " 'CD',\n",
1573 " 'DVD-A, NTSC, Unofficial',\n",
1574 " '12\", EP',\n",
1575 " '18xFile, MP3, Comp, 320',\n",
1576 " 'CDr, CD-ROM, Comp, Unofficial, MP3',\n",
1577 " 'LP, Unofficial, Sil',\n",
1578 " '7\", Single',\n",
1579 " 'CD, Comp, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1580 " '11xCD, Unofficial + DVD, Unofficial, NTSC, NTS',\n",
1581 " 'CD, Ltd, Mixed, Promo',\n",
1582 " 'CD, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1583 " '2xCDr, Comp',\n",
1584 " 'CD, Comp, Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1585 " 'CDr, Comp, Promo, RM',\n",
1586 " 'Cass, Album, Ltd',\n",
1587 " '3xLP, Transcription, Rad',\n",
1588 " 'VHS',\n",
1589 " 'Acetate, 7\", S/Sided, Single, W/Lbl, Ace',\n",
1590 " 'CD, Comp, P/Mixed',\n",
1591 " '10\", Album, Mono, Red',\n",
1592 " '7\", Unofficial, Gre',\n",
1593 " 'CD, Unofficial, Comp',\n",
1594 " 'File, MP3, Comp, Mixed, 320',\n",
1595 " '2xLP, P/Unofficial',\n",
1596 " '12\", Unofficial',\n",
1597 " 'CD, Unofficial, Ltd',\n",
1598 " '7\", S/Sided, Promo, Smplr, W/Lbl',\n",
1599 " 'CD, Mini, 3\" ',\n",
1600 " 'DVD, Kar',\n",
1601 " '2xLP, Comp, Unofficial, Col',\n",
1602 " '7\", Single, Pus',\n",
1603 " '7\", EP, Transcription, Unofficial',\n",
1604 " 'CD-ROM, Unofficial, MPE',\n",
1605 " '2xCDr, Unofficial',\n",
1606 " 'CDr, Promo, Smplr',\n",
1607 " 'LP, Unofficial, Album, Red',\n",
1608 " '5xCD, Comp, Mono, Unofficial + DVD, Comp, Mono, NT',\n",
1609 " 'LP, Club, Ltd, Unofficial, W/Lbl',\n",
1610 " 'Laserdisc, 12\", S/Sided, Comp, Promo, NTSC',\n",
1611 " 'LP, Comp, Unofficial, Blu',\n",
1612 " 'SACD, Hybrid, Comp',\n",
1613 " 'LP, Album',\n",
1614 " 'CD-ROM, Unofficial, WAV',\n",
1615 " 'LP, Album, Unofficial, W/Lbl',\n",
1616 " 'DVD-V, D/Sided, Comp, Unofficial, PAL, Dig',\n",
1617 " '6\", Single',\n",
1618 " '3x12\"',\n",
1619 " '2xLP, Gat',\n",
1620 " '4xCD, Ltd, RM, Unofficial',\n",
1621 " '7\", Jukebox',\n",
1622 " '3xLP, Comp',\n",
1623 " '7\", Single, Gre',\n",
1624 " 'CDr, Comp, Mixed',\n",
1625 " '4xCDr, Album, Unofficial',\n",
1626 " '2xLP, Comp, RE, Gat',\n",
1627 " 'LP, Mono, Unofficial, Col',\n",
1628 " 'LP, Unofficial, Shape',\n",
1629 " 'Flexi, 7\", S/Sided, Mono',\n",
1630 " '7xCD, Unofficial + DVD-V, Unofficial, NTSC + Box, ',\n",
1631 " '2xDVD-V, Unofficial, NTSC, Cod',\n",
1632 " 'Flexi, 5½\", Card, Unofficial, Pos',\n",
1633 " 'CD, Unofficial, Mono, Liv',\n",
1634 " 'CD, Album, Comp, Promo, RM',\n",
1635 " '4xCD, Unofficial',\n",
1636 " '4xCDr, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1637 " 'LP, Comp, Club',\n",
1638 " '3xLP, Transcription',\n",
1639 " '7\", Single, S/Edition, Unofficial',\n",
1640 " 'CD, Comp, Promo, Smplr',\n",
1641 " 'LP, Ltd, Pic, Unofficial, Lim',\n",
1642 " '2xCD, Mono, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1643 " '7\", Single, Mono, Unofficial, Red',\n",
1644 " 'LP, Unofficial, Ltd, Mul',\n",
1645 " 'LP, Comp, Mixed, Ltd, Promo',\n",
1646 " '7\", EP, Promo',\n",
1647 " '2xVCD, RM, S/Edition, PAL',\n",
1648 " 'LP, Album, Mixed',\n",
1649 " '3xLP, Comp, Dlx + Box',\n",
1650 " '30xFile, AAC, Comp, 256',\n",
1651 " '6xCD, Unofficial',\n",
1652 " 'CD, Comp, Dig',\n",
1653 " '33xFile, MP3, Album, Unofficial, 320 + File, MP3, ',\n",
1654 " '2xLP, Mixed',\n",
1655 " 'Betacam SP, PAL',\n",
1656 " '4xLP, Comp, Unofficial, Box + 2xCD, Comp, Unoffici',\n",
1657 " 'CD, MiniAlbum, RE, Unofficial',\n",
1658 " 'Cass, Comp, Ltd, C-4',\n",
1659 " 'Box + 3xLP, Album, Comp',\n",
1660 " 'LP, Comp, Pic, Unofficial',\n",
1661 " 'CDr, Ltd, Mixed, Num, Promo',\n",
1662 " '4xCD + Box, Ltd',\n",
1663 " 'CD, Album, Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1664 " 'Shellac, 10\", Single',\n",
1665 " '22x7\" + Box, Unofficial',\n",
1666 " '2xCD, Unofficial + Box, Ltd, Num',\n",
1667 " '12xCD, Comp, RM, Ltd + Box, Unofficial',\n",
1668 " 'CD, Comp, Car',\n",
1669 " 'Cass, Comp, Unofficial, HX-',\n",
1670 " '7\", Mixed, Promo, Blu',\n",
1671 " 'CD, Single, Ltd, Promo',\n",
1672 " 'CD, Album, Promo, RM',\n",
1673 " 'LP, Unofficial, Col',\n",
1674 " 'VHS, Promo, NTSC + Box',\n",
1675 " '8xCD, Comp + Box, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1676 " '2xCD, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1677 " 'LP, Unofficial, Tru',\n",
1678 " '4xCD, Album, Comp, RM, Unofficial',\n",
1679 " '3xCD, Unofficial, Tri',\n",
1680 " '2xCD, Album, Unofficial + 2xDVD-V, Unofficial, NTS',\n",
1681 " 'Flexi, 6\", S/Sided',\n",
1682 " '2xCass, Comp',\n",
1683 " '7\", EP, RE',\n",
1684 " '9xLP, Album, Mono, Ltd, Promo',\n",
1685 " 'CD, EP, Comp, Ltd',\n",
1686 " '7\", Unofficial, W/Lbl',\n",
1687 " '17xFile, MP3, Comp, 320',\n",
1688 " 'LP, Comp, Col',\n",
1689 " 'File, AAC, Album, Comp',\n",
1690 " 'CD, RE, Unofficial',\n",
1691 " '2xCD, Album, Comp, RM, Unofficial',\n",
1692 " '10xLP, Comp + Box',\n",
1693 " '2xCD, Comp, Promo',\n",
1694 " '4xLP, Album, Comp',\n",
1695 " '2xCDr, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1696 " 'DVD-D, MP3 + DVD-V, D/Sided + Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1697 " 'VHS, Ltd, Pic + CD, Rar + Box, Vid',\n",
1698 " '2xCD',\n",
1699 " '7\", S/Sided, Mono, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1700 " '2xLP, Ltd, Unofficial, Yel',\n",
1701 " 'File, MP3, Mixed, P/Unofficial, 320',\n",
1702 " '7\", EP, M/Print',\n",
1703 " 'PlayTape, EP, Mono',\n",
1704 " 'CD, Comp, Smplr',\n",
1705 " '12\", Pic, Unofficial',\n",
1706 " '2xCD, RM, Unofficial',\n",
1707 " 'Shellac, 5½\", EP, Unofficial',\n",
1708 " '3xCD, Comp, RM',\n",
1709 " 'LP, Album, Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1710 " '2xCD, Unofficial, Comp, Dig',\n",
1711 " 'LP, Comp, Unofficial, Gre',\n",
1712 " 'Flexi, 6\", Shape, S/Sided, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1713 " 'CD, Comp, ',\n",
1714 " 'Box, Unofficial + 10xCD',\n",
1715 " '62xCD, Comp + 10xDVD + Box, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1716 " 'CD, Album, RM, Unofficial',\n",
1717 " 'LP, Album, Mono, Comp',\n",
1718 " 'DVD-V, A5 ',\n",
1719 " '7\", Single, Unofficial, Red',\n",
1720 " '7\", Single, Promo, Juk',\n",
1721 " 'CD, Comp, Unofficial, Dig',\n",
1722 " '10\", Comp, Unofficial, Ora',\n",
1723 " '16xFile, FLAC, Comp',\n",
1724 " 'Cass, Mono, RE',\n",
1725 " 'DVDr, Comp, Mono, Unofficial, NTSC',\n",
1726 " 'CD, Album, Promo',\n",
1727 " 'CD, Album, Unofficial, Dig',\n",
1728 " 'Reel, 4tr Stereo, 7\" Reel, Album, Comp',\n",
1729 " '2xCD, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1730 " 'LP, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1731 " '2xDVD, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1732 " 'LP, Album, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1733 " '6xLP, Comp + LP, S/Sided + Box, Comp',\n",
1734 " '12\", Mono',\n",
1735 " '6xLP, Ltd, Unofficial, Num + Box',\n",
1736 " '2xLP, Album, Unofficial, Gat',\n",
1737 " 'LP, Comp, Promo',\n",
1738 " 'CD-ROM, Promo, PAL',\n",
1739 " '10\", Shape, Unofficial, Red',\n",
1740 " '4xCD, Comp, Unofficial + Box',\n",
1741 " '7\", Unofficial, EP, Num, Whi',\n",
1742 " '10\", Shape, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1743 " 'DVD-V, Unofficial, NTSC, Dol',\n",
1744 " '7\", Single, Num, RE',\n",
1745 " '7\", EP, Pic',\n",
1746 " '3xCD, RM, Unofficial',\n",
1747 " '5xLP, Col + 3xCD + DVD + Box, Unofficial, Ltd',\n",
1748 " 'Cass, Album, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1749 " 'CD, Unofficial, Jew',\n",
1750 " '2xFlexi, 7\", Comp, Mono',\n",
1751 " 'Cass, Album, Unofficial',\n",
1752 " 'CD, Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1753 " 'CDr, Unofficial, Jew',\n",
1754 " '3xCD, Unofficial + DVD, Unofficial',\n",
1755 " 'LP, Comp, Red',\n",
1756 " 'VCD, Comp, NTSC',\n",
1757 " 'DVD-V, Comp, PAL, Dol',\n",
1758 " 'File, MP3, Unofficial, 192',\n",
1759 " '12\", S/Sided, Mixed, Unofficial',\n",
1760 " '2xCD, Comp, P/Mixed',\n",
1761 " 'CD, Comp',\n",
1762 " '22xFile, MP3, Liv',\n",
1763 " '6xFile, MP3, 320',\n",
1764 " 'CD, Album, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1765 " '7\", EP, Comp',\n",
1766 " '16xFile, MP3, Album, Ltd, 320',\n",
1767 " '2xCD, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1768 " '2xLP, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1769 " '3xCD, Comp, Club',\n",
1770 " 'LP, Smplr',\n",
1771 " '5xCDr, Ltd, Num + DVD, Unofficial',\n",
1772 " 'CD, Mixed, P/Unofficial, Promo',\n",
1773 " '2xCD, Album, RM, Unofficial',\n",
1774 " 'CD, Unofficial, Ltd, Num',\n",
1775 " '10\"',\n",
1776 " 'CD-ROM, Comp, Mp3',\n",
1777 " 'CD, Promo, Smplr',\n",
1778 " 'LP, Ltd, Unofficial, Bla',\n",
1779 " 'CD, Ltd, Unofficial + 7\", Unofficial',\n",
1780 " '12\", W/Lbl',\n",
1781 " '6xCD, Album, Comp, lon',\n",
1782 " '5xCD, Comp + Box',\n",
1783 " 'DVD-V, D/Sided, Comp, Unofficial, DVD',\n",
1784 " 'CD, Mixed, Unofficial',\n",
1785 " '2xDVD, Unofficial, NTSC',\n",
1786 " 'CD, Comp, P/Unofficial',\n",
1787 " 'LP, Comp, Num, Pic, Com',\n",
1788 " 'Blu-ray-R, Album, Unofficial',\n",
1789 " '12\", Unofficial, W/Lbl',\n",
1790 " 'LP, Comp, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1791 " 'CDr, CD-ROM, Comp, RM, Unofficial',\n",
1792 " '10xFile, MP3, Mixed, 128',\n",
1793 " 'Flexi, Card, S/Sided',\n",
1794 " '7\", Unofficial',\n",
1795 " 'LP, Comp, Ltd, RM, Unofficial, Red',\n",
1796 " '2xCDr, Comp, P/Mixed, Unofficial',\n",
1797 " 'File, MP3, Mixed, 192',\n",
1798 " 'CD, Shape, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1799 " 'File, MP3, Mixed, 320 + 5xFile, MP3, EP, 320',\n",
1800 " 'CD, Unofficial',\n",
1801 " '2xCD, Comp, Unofficial, Dig',\n",
1802 " 'Flexi, S/Sided, Mono, Unofficial, Gre',\n",
1803 " 'LP, Album, Unofficial, Pur',\n",
1804 " 'CD-ROM, Comp, Unofficial, mp3',\n",
1805 " '7\", Jukebox, S/Edition',\n",
1806 " '2xCD, Unofficial, Promo, Bla',\n",
1807 " 'Flexi, 8\", 5½\", S/Sided',\n",
1808 " '4xDVD, Unofficial, NTSC, Cod',\n",
1809 " '2x12\"',\n",
1810 " 'CD, Album, Unofficial + DVD, Album, Unofficial, NT',\n",
1811 " 'CDr, Comp, RM',\n",
1812 " '3xFile, MP3, Mixed, 320',\n",
1813 " '2xLP, Unofficial, Mul',\n",
1814 " 'CD, Album, S/Edition',\n",
1815 " '2xLP, Comp, Pic',\n",
1816 " '16xFile, MP3, Comp, Mixed',\n",
1817 " '7\", Single, Unofficial',\n",
1818 " 'CD, Ltd, Num',\n",
1819 " '7\", EP, Mon',\n",
1820 " '12\", Mono, P/Unofficial',\n",
1821 " 'CDr, Mixtape',\n",
1822 " 'Flexi, 7\", Unofficial',\n",
1823 " '4xCD, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1824 " '7\", Jukebox, Blu',\n",
1825 " 'CD, Comp, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1826 " '15xFile, MP3, Comp, 320',\n",
1827 " '7\", Single, P/Unofficial',\n",
1828 " 'DVD-V, Comp, Unofficial, NTSC',\n",
1829 " '25xFile, MP3, Comp, 320',\n",
1830 " 'CD, Album, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1831 " '2xCD, Comp + Box',\n",
1832 " '7\", Single, TP, Sin',\n",
1833 " 'CDr, Promo',\n",
1834 " '4xCD, Comp, Str',\n",
1835 " 'CDr, Comp, P/Mixed, S/Edition',\n",
1836 " 'CD-ROM, Comp, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1837 " 'LP, P/Unofficial',\n",
1838 " '2xCD, Comp, Mixed',\n",
1839 " 'Box, Comp, S/Edition + 12x7\", EP, RE',\n",
1840 " 'DVD-V, RM, PAL',\n",
1841 " '4x7\", Comp, Promo',\n",
1842 " 'Flexi, Mono, Promo, Smplr',\n",
1843 " 'LP, Album, Gat',\n",
1844 " 'File, MP3, Unofficial, 128',\n",
1845 " 'CD, Album, Unofficial + DVD, Unofficial, NTSC, NTS',\n",
1846 " 'Flexi, S/Sided, Unofficial, Mono, Bro',\n",
1847 " 'Cass',\n",
1848 " 'Flexi, 7\", S/Sided, Gat',\n",
1849 " '12xCD, Unofficial + DVD, Unofficial + Box, Unoffic',\n",
1850 " 'DVDr, Promo, PAL',\n",
1851 " '2x12\", Comp, P/Mixed, Promo',\n",
1852 " '10xCD, Unofficial',\n",
1853 " '12\", Single, Promo',\n",
1854 " '2xCDr, Mixed, Promo',\n",
1855 " '2xLP, Unofficial, Blu',\n",
1856 " '7\", MP, Pic',\n",
1857 " 'Flexi, S/Sided, Unofficial',\n",
1858 " 'LP, Mono, Unofficial, Bla + LP, Mono, Unofficial, ',\n",
1859 " '7\", EP, Mono, Red',\n",
1860 " 'VHS, Unofficial',\n",
1861 " 'Acetate, 7\", S/Sided',\n",
1862 " 'File, FLAC, EP',\n",
1863 " 'VHS, Comp',\n",
1864 " 'CD, Comp, Promo',\n",
1865 " '7\", EP, Mono, Club',\n",
1866 " '4xCD, Comp, Box',\n",
1867 " '17xFile, MP3, Album, 320',\n",
1868 " 'LP, Comp, MP, M/Print, RE',\n",
1869 " 'LP, Comp, Promo, Red',\n",
1870 " 'CD-ROM, Comp, Unofficial + 222xFile, MP3, 160',\n",
1871 " 'Box, Unofficial + 2xCD, Comp',\n",
1872 " '4xCD, Unofficial, Ltd',\n",
1873 " 'CD, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1874 " 'Cass, Mixed, Unofficial',\n",
1875 " '2xLP, Pic, Unofficial, Yel',\n",
1876 " 'LP, Ltd, Mono',\n",
1877 " '7\", Single, Mono, Pic, Unofficial',\n",
1878 " 'LP, Ltd, Num, Unofficial, Gre',\n",
1879 " 'CD, Comp, RM, Unofficial',\n",
1880 " '3xCD, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1881 " '5xLP + 3xCD + DVD + Box, Unofficial, Ltd',\n",
1882 " 'CDr, Album, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1883 " '2xCD, Comp',\n",
1884 " 'Box, Comp + CD, Album, RE, RM, Mono + CD, Album, R',\n",
1885 " 'CD, Shape, Ltd',\n",
1886 " '2xLP, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1887 " 'CDr, Album, Unofficial',\n",
1888 " 'Box, Comp + CD, Album, RE, RM + CD, Album, RE, RM ',\n",
1889 " 'LP, P/Unofficial, Transcription',\n",
1890 " 'CD, Comp, Ltd, Promo',\n",
1891 " 'DVD + CD',\n",
1892 " 'LP, Album, Unofficial',\n",
1893 " 'Box, Tal + 10xCD, Comp, Mono',\n",
1894 " 'CDr, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1895 " '12\", Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1896 " 'CD, P/Unofficial',\n",
1897 " 'CD, Mini',\n",
1898 " '2xCD, Unofficial + Box',\n",
1899 " 'LP, Album, Mono, Ltd, Unofficial, Blu',\n",
1900 " 'Cass, Comp, Mixed, Unofficial',\n",
1901 " '2xCD, Mixed, Unofficial, Dig',\n",
1902 " 'VHS, PAL',\n",
1903 " '3xCD, Comp, Ltd, Num, Unofficial + DVD-V, Comp, Un',\n",
1904 " 'CD, Album, Comp, Mono, Dlx, RM, S/Edition, Unoffic',\n",
1905 " '4xLP, Comp + Box',\n",
1906 " 'LP, Comp, Gat',\n",
1907 " '7\", Ltd, Pic, Promo',\n",
1908 " '12\", Unofficial, W/Lbl, S/Sided',\n",
1909 " 'Box, Unofficial, Ltd, Num, 5LP',\n",
1910 " '3xCD, Promo, Unofficial + Box',\n",
1911 " '10xCD, Comp, Unofficial + Box',\n",
1912 " '7\", Mono, Red',\n",
1913 " '3xLP, Album, Comp',\n",
1914 " '12\", EP, Promo',\n",
1915 " 'CD, Dem',\n",
1916 " '2xDVD-V, NTSC',\n",
1917 " '2xCD, Comp, Mixed, Promo',\n",
1918 " '4xCD, Comp, RM, S/Edition',\n",
1919 " 'LP, Unofficial, Bla',\n",
1920 " '7\", Single, Jukebox, Ora',\n",
1921 " 'CD, Comp, Mono, Dlx, Ltd, RM, Unofficial + 2xDVD-V',\n",
1922 " 'File, AAC, Mixed, LC',\n",
1923 " 'CDr, EP, Ltd',\n",
1924 " 'LP, Club',\n",
1925 " '2xCD, Comp, RM',\n",
1926 " '22xFile, MP3, Comp, 320',\n",
1927 " 'Flexi, S/Sided, Unofficial, Mono',\n",
1928 " '7\", Promo, RE, Unofficial, Mono',\n",
1929 " '3xCD, B/card, Comp, Unofficial, Box',\n",
1930 " '2xHDCD, Comp',\n",
1931 " '7\", EP, RP',\n",
1932 " 'DVD-V, D/Sided, Unofficial',\n",
1933 " '19xFile, MP3, Comp, 192',\n",
1934 " 'Flexi, 7\", Card, Blu',\n",
1935 " '4xCD, Unofficial + Box, Unofficial',\n",
1936 " '7\", EP, Mono, Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1937 " '5xCD, Comp',\n",
1938 " '8xLP, Comp, Box',\n",
1939 " '7\", Single, Unofficial, Blu',\n",
1940 " '2xCD, Promo, Smplr, Comp',\n",
1941 " 'CD, Comp, RM',\n",
1942 " '7\", EP, Comp, Ltd, Num, Unofficial',\n",
1943 " 'CD, Comp, P/Unofficial, RP',\n",
1944 " '2xCD, Comp, Mono, Unofficial',\n",
1945 " 'CD, Ltd, Num, Promo',\n",
1946 " 'LP, Unofficial, Ltd, Blu',\n",
1947 " 'CD, Promo',\n",
1948 " 'CD, Album, RM, Ltd, Unofficial, Vin',\n",
1949 " '7\", Single, Jukebox, Blu',\n",
1950 " 'CD, Comp, Unofficial, Ann',\n",
1951 " '2xCD, P/Unofficial',\n",
1952 " '2xCD, Comp, Unofficial + Box',\n",
1953 " '6xCD, Comp, Ltd, S/Edition',\n",
1954 " 'LP, Album, Unofficial, YEL',\n",
1955 " '10\", Comp, Mono, Unofficial, Red',\n",
1956 " 'CDr, Wit',\n",
1957 " '6xLP + LP, S/Sided + Box, Comp',\n",
1958 " 'CD-ROM, Comp',\n",
1959 " '2xFile, MP3, 320 + File, AAC, 256 + 7xFile, MP3, 1',\n",
1960 " 'CDr, Promo, Unofficial',\n",
1961 " 'CDr, Comp, P/Mixed',\n",
1962 " '4xLP, Comp',\n",
1963 " 'Flexi, 7\", S/Sided, Ltd, Gat',\n",
1964 " 'DVDr, Comp, Unofficial',\n",
1965 " '2xCD, Album, Unofficial',\n",
1966 " 'DVDr, DVD-V, Ltd, Num, Unofficial',\n",
1967 " '12x7\", EP, RE',\n",
1968 " '7\", Promo, Fle',\n",
1969 " 'DVD-V, Comp, Mono, Unofficial, NTSC, Dig',\n",
1970 " '14xFile, MP3, Album, 320',\n",
1971 " '10xLP, Album, RE + Box, Comp',\n",
1972 " '12\", EP, Unofficial, W/Lbl',\n",
1973 " '3xLP, Comp, Smplr + Box',\n",
1974 " 'Laserdisc, 12\", S/Sided, Comp, PAL, SECAM, CLV',\n",
1975 " '12\", P/Mixed, Unofficial',\n",
1976 " '10xCD, Comp, Unofficial, Mono',\n",
1977 " '4xLP, Blu + 2xCD + Box, Ltd, Unofficial',\n",
1978 " 'CD-ROM, Win',\n",
1979 " '3xCD, Comp, Unofficial + Box',\n",
1980 " 'CD, Album, Ltd, Mixed, Num',\n",
1981 " '10xFile, MP3, 256',\n",
1982 " 'CD, Mixed',\n",
1983 " '10\", Unofficial, W/Lbl, Bla',\n",
1984 " 'LP, Unofficial, Ltd, Num',\n",
1985 " '4x7\", Single + Box, Comp, Promo',\n",
1986 " 'CD, Album, Unofficial',\n",
1987 " '16xFile, MP3, Comp, 256',\n",
1988 " 'File, MP3',\n",
1989 " '3xLP, Red + 2xCD + Box, Unofficial',\n",
1990 " 'Lathe, 7\", S/Sided, Ltd, Num, Unofficial',\n",
1991 " 'Cass, Comp, P/Unofficial',\n",
1992 " ...}"
1993 ]
1994 },
1995 "execution_count": 50,
1996 "metadata": {},
1997 "output_type": "execute_result"
1998 }
1999 ],
2000 "source": [
2001 "set(r['format'] for r in releases if 'format' in r)"
2002 ]
2003 },
2004 {
2005 "cell_type": "code",
2006 "execution_count": 51,
2007 "metadata": {
2008 "scrolled": true
2009 },
2010 "outputs": [
2011 {
2012 "data": {
2013 "text/plain": [
2014 "[{'artist': 'Los Beatles*',\n",
2015 " 'format': 'LP, Comp, Mono',\n",
2016 " 'id': 3709625,\n",
2017 " 'label': 'Odeon',\n",
2018 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/releases/3709625',\n",
2019 " 'role': 'Main',\n",
2020 " 'status': 'Accepted',\n",
2021 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/Q9TRW_NGja6wOMeHAlOP9_9fj0M=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-3709625-1341255067-5666.jpeg.jpg',\n",
2022 " 'title': 'Surfin Con Los Beatles',\n",
2023 " 'type': 'release',\n",
2024 " 'year': 1964},\n",
2025 " {'artist': 'The Beatles',\n",
2026 " 'format': 'LP, Comp, Mono',\n",
2027 " 'id': 3709649,\n",
2028 " 'label': 'Odeon',\n",
2029 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/releases/3709649',\n",
2030 " 'role': 'Main',\n",
2031 " 'status': 'Accepted',\n",
2032 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/iPFUHDU7ce_qyj3j04gFJfQ1F-4=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-3709649-1341255732-4215.jpeg.jpg',\n",
2033 " 'title': 'The Beatles Hits',\n",
2034 " 'type': 'release',\n",
2035 " 'year': 1964},\n",
2036 " {'artist': 'The Beatles',\n",
2037 " 'format': 'LP, Album, Mono, Comp',\n",
2038 " 'id': 3709693,\n",
2039 " 'label': 'Odeon',\n",
2040 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/releases/3709693',\n",
2041 " 'role': 'Main',\n",
2042 " 'status': 'Accepted',\n",
2043 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/_Bu2t8NM4ZNAUISYTJGMQ2MRo4c=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-3709693-1341259575-8345.jpeg.jpg',\n",
2044 " 'title': 'Musica De Su Pelicula Yeah, Yeah, Yeah',\n",
2045 " 'type': 'release',\n",
2046 " 'year': 1964},\n",
2047 " {'artist': 'The Beatles',\n",
2048 " 'format': '3xLP, Comp, Ltd, Mono, Gat',\n",
2049 " 'id': 6789410,\n",
2050 " 'label': 'Musart',\n",
2051 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/releases/6789410',\n",
2052 " 'role': 'Main',\n",
2053 " 'status': 'Accepted',\n",
2054 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/KuFiYq9c_paCjU8PLn8Wq_GSM9Y=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-6789410-1430616945-9641.jpeg.jpg',\n",
2055 " 'title': 'The Beatles',\n",
2056 " 'type': 'release',\n",
2057 " 'year': 1964},\n",
2058 " {'artist': 'The Beatles / Julie Dawn',\n",
2059 " 'format': 'LP, Mono, Transcription',\n",
2060 " 'id': 8951737,\n",
2061 " 'label': 'BBC Transcription Services',\n",
2062 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/releases/8951737',\n",
2063 " 'role': 'Main',\n",
2064 " 'status': 'Accepted',\n",
2065 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/ibi0q7o5JwsEmJS0Ol058ecFPQQ=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-8951737-1472117174-3531.jpeg.jpg',\n",
2066 " 'title': 'Alan Freeman Introduces',\n",
2067 " 'type': 'release',\n",
2068 " 'year': 1964}]"
2069 ]
2070 },
2071 "execution_count": 51,
2072 "metadata": {},
2073 "output_type": "execute_result"
2074 }
2075 ],
2076 "source": [
2077 "[r for r in releases \n",
2078 " if 'format' in r\n",
2079 " if 'CD' in r['format'] or 'LP' in r['format'] or 'Album' in r['format']][:5]"
2080 ]
2081 },
2082 {
2083 "cell_type": "code",
2084 "execution_count": 129,
2085 "metadata": {
2086 "scrolled": true
2087 },
2088 "outputs": [
2089 {
2090 "name": "stdout",
2091 "output_type": "stream",
2092 "text": [
2093 "Retrieved page 1 of 142 ; 59 requests before rate limit\n",
2094 "Retrieved page 2 of 142 ; 58 requests before rate limit\n",
2095 "Retrieved page 3 of 142 ; 57 requests before rate limit\n",
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2097 "Retrieved page 5 of 142 ; 55 requests before rate limit\n",
2098 "Retrieved page 6 of 142 ; 54 requests before rate limit\n",
2099 "Retrieved page 7 of 142 ; 53 requests before rate limit\n",
2100 "Retrieved page 8 of 142 ; 52 requests before rate limit\n",
2101 "Retrieved page 9 of 142 ; 51 requests before rate limit\n",
2102 "Retrieved page 10 of 142 ; 50 requests before rate limit\n",
2103 "Retrieved page 11 of 142 ; 49 requests before rate limit\n",
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2105 "Retrieved page 13 of 142 ; 47 requests before rate limit\n",
2106 "Retrieved page 14 of 142 ; 46 requests before rate limit\n",
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2108 "Retrieved page 16 of 142 ; 44 requests before rate limit\n",
2109 "Retrieved page 17 of 142 ; 43 requests before rate limit\n",
2110 "Retrieved page 18 of 142 ; 42 requests before rate limit\n",
2111 "Retrieved page 19 of 142 ; 41 requests before rate limit\n",
2112 "Retrieved page 20 of 142 ; 40 requests before rate limit\n",
2113 "Retrieved page 21 of 142 ; 39 requests before rate limit\n",
2114 "Retrieved page 22 of 142 ; 38 requests before rate limit\n",
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2119 "Retrieved page 27 of 142 ; 33 requests before rate limit\n",
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2137 "Retrieved page 45 of 142 ; 15 requests before rate limit\n",
2138 "Retrieved page 46 of 142 ; 14 requests before rate limit\n",
2139 "Retrieved page 47 of 142 ; 13 requests before rate limit\n",
2140 "Retrieved page 48 of 142 ; 12 requests before rate limit\n",
2141 "Retrieved page 49 of 142 ; 11 requests before rate limit\n",
2142 "Retrieved page 50 of 142 ; 10 requests before rate limit\n",
2143 "Retrieved page 51 of 142 ; 9 requests before rate limit\n",
2144 "Retrieved page 52 of 142 ; 8 requests before rate limit\n",
2145 "Retrieved page 53 of 142 ; 7 requests before rate limit\n",
2146 "Retrieved page 54 of 142 ; 6 requests before rate limit\n",
2147 "Retrieved page 55 of 142 ; 5 requests before rate limit\n",
2148 "Retrieved page 56 of 142 ; 4 requests before rate limit\n",
2149 "Retrieved page 57 of 142 ; 3 requests before rate limit\n",
2150 "Retrieved page 58 of 142 ; 2 requests before rate limit\n",
2151 "Retrieved page 59 of 142 ; 1 requests before rate limit\n",
2152 "Rate limited. Sleeping for 62 seconds\n",
2153 "Retrieved page 60 of 142 ; 59 requests before rate limit\n",
2154 "Retrieved page 61 of 142 ; 58 requests before rate limit\n",
2155 "Retrieved page 62 of 142 ; 57 requests before rate limit\n",
2156 "Retrieved page 63 of 142 ; 56 requests before rate limit\n",
2157 "Retrieved page 64 of 142 ; 55 requests before rate limit\n",
2158 "Retrieved page 65 of 142 ; 54 requests before rate limit\n",
2159 "Retrieved page 66 of 142 ; 53 requests before rate limit\n",
2160 "Retrieved page 67 of 142 ; 52 requests before rate limit\n",
2161 "Retrieved page 68 of 142 ; 51 requests before rate limit\n",
2162 "Retrieved page 69 of 142 ; 50 requests before rate limit\n",
2163 "Retrieved page 70 of 142 ; 49 requests before rate limit\n",
2164 "Retrieved page 71 of 142 ; 48 requests before rate limit\n",
2165 "Retrieved page 72 of 142 ; 47 requests before rate limit\n",
2166 "Retrieved page 73 of 142 ; 46 requests before rate limit\n",
2167 "Retrieved page 74 of 142 ; 45 requests before rate limit\n",
2168 "Retrieved page 75 of 142 ; 44 requests before rate limit\n",
2169 "Retrieved page 76 of 142 ; 43 requests before rate limit\n",
2170 "Retrieved page 77 of 142 ; 42 requests before rate limit\n",
2171 "Retrieved page 78 of 142 ; 41 requests before rate limit\n",
2172 "Retrieved page 79 of 142 ; 40 requests before rate limit\n",
2173 "Retrieved page 80 of 142 ; 39 requests before rate limit\n",
2174 "Retrieved page 81 of 142 ; 38 requests before rate limit\n",
2175 "Retrieved page 82 of 142 ; 37 requests before rate limit\n",
2176 "Retrieved page 83 of 142 ; 36 requests before rate limit\n",
2177 "Retrieved page 84 of 142 ; 35 requests before rate limit\n",
2178 "Retrieved page 85 of 142 ; 34 requests before rate limit\n",
2179 "Retrieved page 86 of 142 ; 33 requests before rate limit\n",
2180 "Retrieved page 87 of 142 ; 32 requests before rate limit\n",
2181 "Retrieved page 88 of 142 ; 31 requests before rate limit\n",
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2183 "Retrieved page 90 of 142 ; 29 requests before rate limit\n",
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2185 "Retrieved page 92 of 142 ; 27 requests before rate limit\n",
2186 "Retrieved page 93 of 142 ; 26 requests before rate limit\n",
2187 "Retrieved page 94 of 142 ; 25 requests before rate limit\n",
2188 "Retrieved page 95 of 142 ; 24 requests before rate limit\n",
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2199 "Retrieved page 106 of 142 ; 13 requests before rate limit\n",
2200 "Retrieved page 107 of 142 ; 12 requests before rate limit\n",
2201 "Retrieved page 108 of 142 ; 11 requests before rate limit\n",
2202 "Retrieved page 109 of 142 ; 10 requests before rate limit\n",
2203 "Retrieved page 110 of 142 ; 9 requests before rate limit\n",
2204 "Retrieved page 111 of 142 ; 8 requests before rate limit\n",
2205 "Retrieved page 112 of 142 ; 7 requests before rate limit\n",
2206 "Retrieved page 113 of 142 ; 6 requests before rate limit\n",
2207 "Retrieved page 114 of 142 ; 5 requests before rate limit\n",
2208 "Retrieved page 115 of 142 ; 4 requests before rate limit\n",
2209 "Retrieved page 116 of 142 ; 3 requests before rate limit\n",
2210 "Retrieved page 117 of 142 ; 2 requests before rate limit\n",
2211 "Retrieved page 118 of 142 ; 1 requests before rate limit\n",
2212 "Rate limited. Sleeping for 62 seconds\n",
2213 "Retrieved page 119 of 142 ; 59 requests before rate limit\n",
2214 "Retrieved page 120 of 142 ; 58 requests before rate limit\n",
2215 "Retrieved page 121 of 142 ; 57 requests before rate limit\n",
2216 "Retrieved page 122 of 142 ; 56 requests before rate limit\n",
2217 "Retrieved page 123 of 142 ; 55 requests before rate limit\n",
2218 "Retrieved page 124 of 142 ; 54 requests before rate limit\n",
2219 "Retrieved page 125 of 142 ; 53 requests before rate limit\n",
2220 "Retrieved page 126 of 142 ; 52 requests before rate limit\n",
2221 "Retrieved page 127 of 142 ; 51 requests before rate limit\n",
2222 "Retrieved page 128 of 142 ; 50 requests before rate limit\n",
2223 "Retrieved page 129 of 142 ; 49 requests before rate limit\n",
2224 "Retrieved page 130 of 142 ; 48 requests before rate limit\n",
2225 "Retrieved page 131 of 142 ; 47 requests before rate limit\n",
2226 "Retrieved page 132 of 142 ; 46 requests before rate limit\n",
2227 "Retrieved page 133 of 142 ; 45 requests before rate limit\n",
2228 "Retrieved page 134 of 142 ; 44 requests before rate limit\n",
2229 "Retrieved page 135 of 142 ; 43 requests before rate limit\n",
2230 "Retrieved page 136 of 142 ; 42 requests before rate limit\n",
2231 "Retrieved page 137 of 142 ; 41 requests before rate limit\n",
2232 "Retrieved page 138 of 142 ; 40 requests before rate limit\n",
2233 "Retrieved page 139 of 142 ; 39 requests before rate limit\n",
2234 "Retrieved page 140 of 142 ; 38 requests before rate limit\n",
2235 "Retrieved page 141 of 142 ; 37 requests before rate limit\n",
2236 "Retrieved page 142 of 142 ; 36 requests before rate limit\n"
2237 ]
2238 },
2239 {
2240 "data": {
2241 "text/plain": [
2242 "7081"
2243 ]
2244 },
2245 "execution_count": 129,
2246 "metadata": {},
2247 "output_type": "execute_result"
2248 }
2249 ],
2250 "source": [
2251 "beatles_albums = get_artist_albums('The Beatles', show_progress=True)\n",
2252 "len(beatles_albums)"
2253 ]
2254 },
2255 {
2256 "cell_type": "code",
2257 "execution_count": 130,
2258 "metadata": {},
2259 "outputs": [
2260 {
2261 "data": {
2262 "text/plain": [
2263 "{'barcode': ['7464-48544-2', 'DIDP-076121 2', '[DADC logo]', 'AAD'],\n",
2264 " 'catno': 'AK 48544',\n",
2265 " 'community': {'have': 46, 'want': 6},\n",
2266 " 'country': 'US',\n",
2267 " 'format': ['CD', 'Album', 'Remastered'],\n",
2268 " 'genre': ['Rock'],\n",
2269 " 'id': 1180927,\n",
2270 " 'label': ['Sony Music Special Products', 'Star-Club Hamburg', 'DADC'],\n",
2271 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/masters/1180927',\n",
2272 " 'style': ['Rock & Roll'],\n",
2273 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/eStw6Cr2L3xHUD8Wwmw2n-nuu5k=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-1436372-1355136570-4485.jpeg.jpg',\n",
2274 " 'title': 'The Beatles - Live! At The Star-Club In Hamburg, Germany; 1962 (Vol. 1)',\n",
2275 " 'type': 'master',\n",
2276 " 'uri': '/The-Beatles-Live-At-The-Star-Club-In-Hamburg-Germany-1962-Vol-1/master/1180927',\n",
2277 " 'year': '1991'}"
2278 ]
2279 },
2280 "execution_count": 130,
2281 "metadata": {},
2282 "output_type": "execute_result"
2283 }
2284 ],
2285 "source": [
2286 "beatles_albums[0]"
2287 ]
2288 },
2289 {
2290 "cell_type": "code",
2291 "execution_count": 133,
2292 "metadata": {
2293 "scrolled": true
2294 },
2295 "outputs": [
2296 {
2297 "data": {
2298 "text/html": [
2299 "<div>\n",
2300 "<style>\n",
2301 " .dataframe thead tr:only-child th {\n",
2302 " text-align: right;\n",
2303 " }\n",
2304 "\n",
2305 " .dataframe thead th {\n",
2306 " text-align: left;\n",
2307 " }\n",
2308 "\n",
2309 " .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
2310 " vertical-align: top;\n",
2311 " }\n",
2312 "</style>\n",
2313 "<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
2314 " <thead>\n",
2315 " <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
2316 " <th></th>\n",
2317 " <th>id</th>\n",
2318 " <th>resource_url</th>\n",
2319 " <th>title</th>\n",
2320 " <th>year</th>\n",
2321 " </tr>\n",
2322 " </thead>\n",
2323 " <tbody>\n",
2324 " <tr>\n",
2325 " <th>0</th>\n",
2326 " <td>24047</td>\n",
2327 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/24047</td>\n",
2328 " <td>Abbey Road</td>\n",
2329 " <td>1969</td>\n",
2330 " </tr>\n",
2331 " <tr>\n",
2332 " <th>1</th>\n",
2333 " <td>1060866</td>\n",
2334 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/1060866</td>\n",
2335 " <td>Live! At The Star Club, Hamburg, Germany 1962 ...</td>\n",
2336 " <td>1985</td>\n",
2337 " </tr>\n",
2338 " <tr>\n",
2339 " <th>2</th>\n",
2340 " <td>45895</td>\n",
2341 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/45895</td>\n",
2342 " <td>Help!</td>\n",
2343 " <td>1965</td>\n",
2344 " </tr>\n",
2345 " <tr>\n",
2346 " <th>3</th>\n",
2347 " <td>45362</td>\n",
2348 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/45362</td>\n",
2349 " <td>Please Please Me</td>\n",
2350 " <td>1963</td>\n",
2351 " </tr>\n",
2352 " <tr>\n",
2353 " <th>4</th>\n",
2354 " <td>54585</td>\n",
2355 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/54585</td>\n",
2356 " <td>Rock 'N' Roll Music</td>\n",
2357 " <td>1976</td>\n",
2358 " </tr>\n",
2359 " <tr>\n",
2360 " <th>5</th>\n",
2361 " <td>24003</td>\n",
2362 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/24003</td>\n",
2363 " <td>A Hard Day's Night</td>\n",
2364 " <td>1964</td>\n",
2365 " </tr>\n",
2366 " <tr>\n",
2367 " <th>6</th>\n",
2368 " <td>45729</td>\n",
2369 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/45729</td>\n",
2370 " <td>With The Beatles</td>\n",
2371 " <td>1963</td>\n",
2372 " </tr>\n",
2373 " <tr>\n",
2374 " <th>7</th>\n",
2375 " <td>347141</td>\n",
2376 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/347141</td>\n",
2377 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band</td>\n",
2378 " <td>1967</td>\n",
2379 " </tr>\n",
2380 " <tr>\n",
2381 " <th>8</th>\n",
2382 " <td>54829</td>\n",
2383 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/54829</td>\n",
2384 " <td>The Beatles At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
2385 " <td>1977</td>\n",
2386 " </tr>\n",
2387 " <tr>\n",
2388 " <th>9</th>\n",
2389 " <td>45799</td>\n",
2390 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/45799</td>\n",
2391 " <td>Beatles For Sale</td>\n",
2392 " <td>1964</td>\n",
2393 " </tr>\n",
2394 " <tr>\n",
2395 " <th>10</th>\n",
2396 " <td>23934</td>\n",
2397 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/23934</td>\n",
2398 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band</td>\n",
2399 " <td>1967</td>\n",
2400 " </tr>\n",
2401 " <tr>\n",
2402 " <th>11</th>\n",
2403 " <td>31249</td>\n",
2404 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/31249</td>\n",
2405 " <td>A Collection Of Beatles Oldies</td>\n",
2406 " <td>1966</td>\n",
2407 " </tr>\n",
2408 " <tr>\n",
2409 " <th>12</th>\n",
2410 " <td>45526</td>\n",
2411 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/45526</td>\n",
2412 " <td>Rubber Soul</td>\n",
2413 " <td>1965</td>\n",
2414 " </tr>\n",
2415 " <tr>\n",
2416 " <th>13</th>\n",
2417 " <td>23881</td>\n",
2418 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/23881</td>\n",
2419 " <td>1962-1966</td>\n",
2420 " <td>1973</td>\n",
2421 " </tr>\n",
2422 " <tr>\n",
2423 " <th>14</th>\n",
2424 " <td>347141</td>\n",
2425 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/347141</td>\n",
2426 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band</td>\n",
2427 " <td>1967</td>\n",
2428 " </tr>\n",
2429 " <tr>\n",
2430 " <th>15</th>\n",
2431 " <td>54829</td>\n",
2432 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/54829</td>\n",
2433 " <td>The Beatles At The Hollywood Bowl</td>\n",
2434 " <td>1977</td>\n",
2435 " </tr>\n",
2436 " <tr>\n",
2437 " <th>16</th>\n",
2438 " <td>45799</td>\n",
2439 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/45799</td>\n",
2440 " <td>Beatles For Sale</td>\n",
2441 " <td>1964</td>\n",
2442 " </tr>\n",
2443 " <tr>\n",
2444 " <th>17</th>\n",
2445 " <td>23934</td>\n",
2446 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/23934</td>\n",
2447 " <td>Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band</td>\n",
2448 " <td>1967</td>\n",
2449 " </tr>\n",
2450 " <tr>\n",
2451 " <th>18</th>\n",
2452 " <td>24212</td>\n",
2453 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/24212</td>\n",
2454 " <td>Let It Be</td>\n",
2455 " <td>1970</td>\n",
2456 " </tr>\n",
2457 " <tr>\n",
2458 " <th>19</th>\n",
2459 " <td>46402</td>\n",
2460 " <td>https://api.discogs.com/masters/46402</td>\n",
2461 " <td>The Beatles</td>\n",
2462 " <td>1968</td>\n",
2463 " </tr>\n",
2464 " </tbody>\n",
2465 "</table>\n",
2466 "</div>"
2467 ],
2468 "text/plain": [
2469 " id resource_url \\\n",
2470 "0 24047 https://api.discogs.com/masters/24047 \n",
2471 "1 1060866 https://api.discogs.com/masters/1060866 \n",
2472 "2 45895 https://api.discogs.com/masters/45895 \n",
2473 "3 45362 https://api.discogs.com/masters/45362 \n",
2474 "4 54585 https://api.discogs.com/masters/54585 \n",
2475 "5 24003 https://api.discogs.com/masters/24003 \n",
2476 "6 45729 https://api.discogs.com/masters/45729 \n",
2477 "7 347141 https://api.discogs.com/masters/347141 \n",
2478 "8 54829 https://api.discogs.com/masters/54829 \n",
2479 "9 45799 https://api.discogs.com/masters/45799 \n",
2480 "10 23934 https://api.discogs.com/masters/23934 \n",
2481 "11 31249 https://api.discogs.com/masters/31249 \n",
2482 "12 45526 https://api.discogs.com/masters/45526 \n",
2483 "13 23881 https://api.discogs.com/masters/23881 \n",
2484 "14 347141 https://api.discogs.com/masters/347141 \n",
2485 "15 54829 https://api.discogs.com/masters/54829 \n",
2486 "16 45799 https://api.discogs.com/masters/45799 \n",
2487 "17 23934 https://api.discogs.com/masters/23934 \n",
2488 "18 24212 https://api.discogs.com/masters/24212 \n",
2489 "19 46402 https://api.discogs.com/masters/46402 \n",
2490 "\n",
2491 " title year \n",
2492 "0 Abbey Road 1969 \n",
2493 "1 Live! At The Star Club, Hamburg, Germany 1962 ... 1985 \n",
2494 "2 Help! 1965 \n",
2495 "3 Please Please Me 1963 \n",
2496 "4 Rock 'N' Roll Music 1976 \n",
2497 "5 A Hard Day's Night 1964 \n",
2498 "6 With The Beatles 1963 \n",
2499 "7 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967 \n",
2500 "8 The Beatles At The Hollywood Bowl 1977 \n",
2501 "9 Beatles For Sale 1964 \n",
2502 "10 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967 \n",
2503 "11 A Collection Of Beatles Oldies 1966 \n",
2504 "12 Rubber Soul 1965 \n",
2505 "13 1962-1966 1973 \n",
2506 "14 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967 \n",
2507 "15 The Beatles At The Hollywood Bowl 1977 \n",
2508 "16 Beatles For Sale 1964 \n",
2509 "17 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967 \n",
2510 "18 Let It Be 1970 \n",
2511 "19 The Beatles 1968 "
2512 ]
2513 },
2514 "execution_count": 133,
2515 "metadata": {},
2516 "output_type": "execute_result"
2517 }
2518 ],
2519 "source": [
2520 "beatles_df = pd.DataFrame([{'id': a['id'], 'year': a.get('year'), \n",
2521 " 'title': a['title'][14:],\n",
2522 " 'resource_url': a['resource_url']}\n",
2523 " for a in beatles_albums\n",
2524 " if 'year' in a\n",
2525 " if a['country'] == 'UK'\n",
2526 " if a['title'].startswith('The Beatles - ')\n",
2527 " if a['type'] == 'master'])\n",
2528 "beatles_df"
2529 ]
2530 },
2531 {
2532 "cell_type": "code",
2533 "execution_count": 134,
2534 "metadata": {},
2535 "outputs": [
2536 {
2537 "data": {
2538 "text/plain": [
2539 "[(\"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band\", 4),\n",
2540 " ('The Beatles At The Hollywood Bowl', 2),\n",
2541 " ('Beatles For Sale', 2),\n",
2542 " ('1962-1966', 1),\n",
2543 " (\"Rock 'N' Roll Music\", 1)]"
2544 ]
2545 },
2546 "execution_count": 134,
2547 "metadata": {},
2548 "output_type": "execute_result"
2549 }
2550 ],
2551 "source": [
2552 "collections.Counter(beatles_df['title']).most_common(5)"
2553 ]
2554 },
2555 {
2556 "cell_type": "code",
2557 "execution_count": 135,
2558 "metadata": {},
2559 "outputs": [
2560 {
2561 "data": {
2562 "text/plain": [
2563 "dict_keys(['year', 'images', 'videos', 'artists', 'num_for_sale', 'uri', 'title', 'resource_url', 'genres', 'versions_url', 'id', 'main_release_url', 'main_release', 'tracklist', 'data_quality', 'lowest_price', 'notes', 'styles'])"
2564 ]
2565 },
2566 "execution_count": 135,
2567 "metadata": {},
2568 "output_type": "execute_result"
2569 }
2570 ],
2571 "source": [
2572 "abbey_road = get_by_url('https://api.discogs.com/masters/24047')\n",
2573 "abbey_road.keys()"
2574 ]
2575 },
2576 {
2577 "cell_type": "code",
2578 "execution_count": 136,
2579 "metadata": {},
2580 "outputs": [
2581 {
2582 "data": {
2583 "text/plain": [
2584 "[('Come Together', 'A1'),\n",
2585 " ('Something', 'A2'),\n",
2586 " (\"Maxwell's Silver Hammer\", 'A3'),\n",
2587 " ('Oh! Darling', 'A4'),\n",
2588 " (\"Octopus's Garden\", 'A5'),\n",
2589 " (\"I Want You (She's So Heavy)\", 'A6'),\n",
2590 " ('Here Comes The Sun', 'B1'),\n",
2591 " ('Because', 'B2'),\n",
2592 " ('You Never Give Me Your Money', 'B3'),\n",
2593 " ('Sun King', 'B4'),\n",
2594 " ('Mean Mr. Mustard', 'B5'),\n",
2595 " ('Polythene Pam', 'B6'),\n",
2596 " ('She Came In Through The Bathroom Window', 'B7'),\n",
2597 " ('Golden Slumbers', 'B8'),\n",
2598 " ('Carry That Weight', 'B9'),\n",
2599 " ('The End', 'B10'),\n",
2600 " ('Her Majesty', 'B11')]"
2601 ]
2602 },
2603 "execution_count": 136,
2604 "metadata": {},
2605 "output_type": "execute_result"
2606 }
2607 ],
2608 "source": [
2609 "[(t['title'], t['position']) for t in abbey_road['tracklist']]"
2610 ]
2611 },
2612 {
2613 "cell_type": "code",
2614 "execution_count": 137,
2615 "metadata": {},
2616 "outputs": [
2617 {
2618 "data": {
2619 "text/plain": [
2620 "'https://api.discogs.com/releases/2498807'"
2621 ]
2622 },
2623 "execution_count": 137,
2624 "metadata": {},
2625 "output_type": "execute_result"
2626 }
2627 ],
2628 "source": [
2629 "abbey_road['main_release_url']"
2630 ]
2631 },
2632 {
2633 "cell_type": "code",
2634 "execution_count": 139,
2635 "metadata": {},
2636 "outputs": [
2637 {
2638 "name": "stdout",
2639 "output_type": "stream",
2640 "text": [
2641 "Retrieved page 1 of 2 ; 59 requests before rate limit\n",
2642 "Retrieved page 2 of 2 ; 58 requests before rate limit\n"
2643 ]
2644 },
2645 {
2646 "data": {
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2652 " 'format': ['Vinyl', '7\"', 'Reissue'],\n",
2653 " 'genre': ['Rock', 'Pop'],\n",
2654 " 'id': 1833079,\n",
2655 " 'label': ['Apple Records', 'The Greatest Story'],\n",
2656 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/releases/1833079',\n",
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2659 " 'title': 'The Beatles - Come Together',\n",
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2674 " 'title': 'The Beatles - Come Together',\n",
2675 " 'type': 'release',\n",
2676 " 'uri': '/Beatles-Come-Together/release/2753401',\n",
2677 " 'year': '1969'},\n",
2678 " {'barcode': [],\n",
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2689 " 'title': 'The Beatles - Come Together',\n",
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2692 " {'barcode': ['04266 M/A',\n",
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2707 " 'title': 'The Beatles - Come Together / Something',\n",
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2722 " 'title': 'The Beatles - Something / Come Together',\n",
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2741 " {'barcode': ['7XCE.21369',\n",
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3987 " 'title': 'The Beatles / The Guess Who / Steam - Something / Come Together',\n",
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3998 " 'label': ['Apple Records',\n",
3999 " '100 Years Of Recorded Sound 1877-1977',\n",
4000 " '結成15周年記念',\n",
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4007 " 'title': 'The Beatles - サムシング (Something) / カム・トゥゲザー (Come Together)',\n",
4008 " 'type': 'release',\n",
4009 " 'uri': '/Beatles-%E3%82%B5%E3%83%A0%E3%82%B7%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0-Something-%E3%82%AB%E3%83%A0%E3%83%88%E3%82%A5%E3%82%B2%E3%82%B6%E3%83%BC-Come-Together/release/5561022',\n",
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4018 " 'label': ['Apple Records',\n",
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4020 " '結成15周年記念',\n",
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4027 " 'title': 'The Beatles - サムシング (Something) / カム・トゥゲザー (Come Together)',\n",
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4035 " 'format': ['Vinyl', '7\"', 'Single Sided', 'Unofficial Release'],\n",
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4042 " 'title': \"Mary J. Blige Vs The Beatles - Family's Come Together\",\n",
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4044 " 'uri': '/Mary-J-Blige-Vs-The-Beatles-Familys-Come-Together/release/6145192',\n",
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4061 " 'title': 'ビートルズ* - カム・トゥゲザー (Come Together) / サムシング (Something)',\n",
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4105 " 'title': 'The Beatles, Zager & Evans, Motherlode (2) - Come Together / Something',\n",
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4135 " 'title': 'The Beatles - Come Together (Lisboa & Luthier Remix)',\n",
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4150 " 'title': \"The Beatles - Come Together (Beatles In The '90s)\",\n",
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4161 " 'label': ['Fab'],\n",
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4165 " 'title': \"The Beatles - Come Together (Beatles In The '90s)\",\n",
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4167 " 'uri': '/Beatles-Come-Together-Beatles-In-The-90s/release/4094798',\n",
4168 " 'year': '1996'}]"
4169 ]
4170 },
4171 "execution_count": 139,
4172 "metadata": {},
4173 "output_type": "execute_result"
4174 }
4175 ],
4176 "source": [
4177 "come_together_search = discogs_search({'artist': 'The Beatles', 'title': 'Come Together'}, show_progress=True)\n",
4178 "come_together_search"
4179 ]
4180 },
4181 {
4182 "cell_type": "code",
4183 "execution_count": 141,
4184 "metadata": {},
4185 "outputs": [
4186 {
4187 "data": {
4188 "text/plain": [
4189 "[{'barcode': ['7YCE.21369', '7YCE.21370', '7YCE 21369-1U', '7YCE 21370-1U'],\n",
4190 " 'catno': 'R 5814',\n",
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4192 " 'country': 'UK',\n",
4193 " 'format': ['Vinyl', '7\"', 'Single'],\n",
4194 " 'genre': ['Rock'],\n",
4195 " 'id': 54558,\n",
4196 " 'label': ['Apple Records', 'Northern Songs', 'Harrisongs'],\n",
4197 " 'resource_url': 'https://api.discogs.com/masters/54558',\n",
4198 " 'style': ['Pop Rock'],\n",
4199 " 'thumb': 'https://img.discogs.com/lNA75bhNCWcBY42-g-Mf0zoAYPs=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-513427-1278590203.jpeg.jpg',\n",
4200 " 'title': 'The Beatles - Something / Come Together',\n",
4201 " 'type': 'master',\n",
4202 " 'uri': '/The-Beatles-Something-Come-Together/master/54558',\n",
4203 " 'year': '1969'}]"
4204 ]
4205 },
4206 "execution_count": 141,
4207 "metadata": {},
4208 "output_type": "execute_result"
4209 }
4210 ],
4211 "source": [
4212 "[t for t in come_together_search\n",
4213 "if t['country'] == 'UK'\n",
4214 "if t['type'] == 'master']"
4215 ]
4216 },
4217 {
4218 "cell_type": "code",
4219 "execution_count": 142,
4220 "metadata": {
4221 "scrolled": true
4222 },
4223 "outputs": [
4224 {
4225 "data": {
4226 "text/plain": [
4227 "<http.client.HTTPMessage at 0x7f690f1cc1d0>"
4228 ]
4229 },
4230 "execution_count": 142,
4231 "metadata": {},
4232 "output_type": "execute_result"
4233 }
4234 ],
4235 "source": [
4236 "url = 'https://api.discogs.com/releases/2498807'\n",
4237 "headers = {'Authorization': 'Discogs token=' + config['discogs']['token']}\n",
4238 "releases = []\n",
4239 "request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers, method='GET')\n",
4240 "response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)\n",
4241 "response.info()"
4242 ]
4243 },
4244 {
4245 "cell_type": "code",
4246 "execution_count": 147,
4247 "metadata": {},
4248 "outputs": [
4249 {
4250 "data": {
4251 "text/plain": [
4252 "int"
4253 ]
4254 },
4255 "execution_count": 147,
4256 "metadata": {},
4257 "output_type": "execute_result"
4258 }
4259 ],
4260 "source": [
4261 "type(int(response.info()['X-Discogs-Ratelimit-Remaining']))"
4262 ]
4263 },
4264 {
4265 "cell_type": "code",
4266 "execution_count": null,
4267 "metadata": {},
4268 "outputs": [],
4269 "source": []
4270 }
4271 ],
4272 "metadata": {
4273 "kernelspec": {
4274 "display_name": "Python 3",
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4276 "name": "python3"
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