Works with letters, added trimmed Lovecraft
[name-generation.git] / glorantha / sarta-ma.ele
1 #PRE
2 aber
3 ac
4 aelf
5 aelf
6 aelf
7 aelf
8 aelf
9 aes
10 aethel
11 aethel
12 aethel
13 aethel
14 aethel
15 aethel
16 aethel
17 aethel
18 agil
19 al
20 al
21 alch
22 ald
23 ald
24 athel
25 barn
26 barn
27 be
28 beo
29 beorh
30 berht
31 bur
32 byrht
33 byrht
34 caed
35 caed
36 caew
37 ced
38 cen
39 ceol
40 ceon
41 cer
42 cuth
43 cyn
44 cyne
45 deus
46 dic
47 ead
48 ead
49 ead
50 ead
51 eald
52 ecg
53 ecg
54 ed
55 ed
56 ed
57 ed
58 el
59 eg
60 eorp
61 er
62 god
63 god
64 guth
65 haes
66 har
67 hen
68 here
69 hil
70 hnaef
71 hor
72 jaen
73 leof
74 leof
75 lo
76 mil
77 of
78 oht
79 or
80 or
81 or
82 os
83 os
84 raed
85 raeg
86 saber
87 sigeber
88 sih
89 sti
90 theo
91 torht
92 tos
93 walt
94 wig
95 wih
96 wil
97 wille
98 wulf
99 wulf
100 #SUF
102 arn
103 bald
104 berht
105 berht
106 berht
107 bert
108 bert
109 c
110 c
111 ca
112 corn
113 cuin
114 d
115 d
116 da
117 de
118 dedit
119 dic
120 dore
121 fa
122 ferth
123 ferth
124 flaed
125 fred
126 fred
127 frith
128 frith
129 frith
130 frith
131 gand
132 gar
133 gar
134 gest
135 gifu
136 gred
137 had
138 hard
139 heah
140 helm
141 helm
142 heof
143 here
144 ht
145 ht
146 lac
147 lanth
148 lanth
149 lanth
150 lin
151 mal
152 man
153 mon
154 mund
155 nald
156 noth
157 old
158 red
159 red
160 red
161 red
162 red
163 ric
164 ric
165 ric
166 ric
167 ric
168 rith
169 sa
170 sige
171 stan
172 stan
173 tar
174 tar
175 te
176 tig
177 tred
178 tric
179 tric
180 uil
181 wald
182 wald
183 wald
184 wald
185 walh
186 ward
187 weard
188 wig
189 win
190 wine
191 wine
192 wine
193 wine
194 wold
195 wulf
196 wulf
197 wulf
198 wulf
199 #END