Functional tests now work properly, bearing in mind whether a user is logged in or...
[depot.git] / helpers / active_record_helper.rb
1 require 'cgi'
2 require 'action_view/helpers/form_helper'
4 module ActionView
5 class Base
6 @@field_error_proc ={ |html_tag, instance| "<div class=\"fieldWithErrors\">#{html_tag}</div>" }
7 cattr_accessor :field_error_proc
8 end
10 module Helpers
11 # The Active Record Helper makes it easier to create forms for records kept in instance variables. The most far-reaching is the +form+
12 # method that creates a complete form for all the basic content types of the record (not associations or aggregations, though). This
13 # is a great way of making the record quickly available for editing, but likely to prove lackluster for a complicated real-world form.
14 # In that case, it's better to use the +input+ method and the specialized +form+ methods in link:classes/ActionView/Helpers/FormHelper.html
15 module ActiveRecordHelper
16 # Returns a default input tag for the type of object returned by the method. For example, if <tt>@post</tt>
17 # has an attribute +title+ mapped to a +VARCHAR+ column that holds "Hello World":
18 #
19 # input("post", "title")
20 # # => <input id="post_title" name="post[title]" size="30" type="text" value="Hello World" />
21 def input(record_name, method, options = {})
22, method, self).to_tag(options)
23 end
25 # Returns an entire form with all needed input tags for a specified Active Record object. For example, if <tt>@post</tt>
26 # has attributes named +title+ of type +VARCHAR+ and +body+ of type +TEXT+ then
27 #
28 # form("post")
29 #
30 # would yield a form like the following (modulus formatting):
31 #
32 # <form action='/posts/create' method='post'>
33 # <p>
34 # <label for="post_title">Title</label><br />
35 # <input id="post_title" name="post[title]" size="30" type="text" value="Hello World" />
36 # </p>
37 # <p>
38 # <label for="post_body">Body</label><br />
39 # <textarea cols="40" id="post_body" name="post[body]" rows="20"></textarea>
40 # </p>
41 # <input name="commit" type="submit" value="Create" />
42 # </form>
43 #
44 # It's possible to specialize the form builder by using a different action name and by supplying another
45 # block renderer. For example, if <tt>@entry</tt> has an attribute +message+ of type +VARCHAR+ then
46 #
47 # form("entry",
48 # :action => "sign",
49 # :input_block => { |record, column|
50 # "#{column.human_name}: #{input(record,}<br />"
51 # })
52 #
53 # would yield a form like the following (modulus formatting):
54 #
55 # <form action="/entries/sign" method="post">
56 # Message:
57 # <input id="entry_message" name="entry[message]" size="30" type="text" /><br />
58 # <input name="commit" type="submit" value="Sign" />
59 # </form>
60 #
61 # It's also possible to add additional content to the form by giving it a block, such as:
62 #
63 # form("entry", :action => "sign") do |form|
64 # form << content_tag("b", "Department")
65 # form << collection_select("department", "id", @departments, "id", "name")
66 # end
67 #
68 # The following options are available:
69 #
70 # * <tt>:action</tt> - The action used when submitting the form (default: +create+ if a new record, otherwise +update+).
71 # * <tt>:input_block</tt> - Specialize the output using a different block, see above.
72 # * <tt>:method</tt> - The method used when submitting the form (default: +post+).
73 # * <tt>:multipart</tt> - Whether to change the enctype of the form to "multipart/form-data", used when uploading a file (default: +false+).
74 # * <tt>:submit_value</tt> - The text of the submit button (default: "Create" if a new record, otherwise "Update").
75 def form(record_name, options = {})
76 record = instance_variable_get("@#{record_name}")
78 options = options.symbolize_keys
79 options[:action] ||= record.new_record? ? "create" : "update"
80 action = url_for(:action => options[:action], :id => record)
82 submit_value = options[:submit_value] || options[:action].gsub(/[^\w]/, '').capitalize
84 contents = form_tag({:action => action}, :method =>(options[:method] || 'post'), :enctype => options[:multipart] ? 'multipart/form-data': nil)
85 contents << hidden_field(record_name, :id) unless record.new_record?
86 contents << all_input_tags(record, record_name, options)
87 yield contents if block_given?
88 contents << submit_tag(submit_value)
89 contents << '</form>'
90 end
92 # Returns a string containing the error message attached to the +method+ on the +object+ if one exists.
93 # This error message is wrapped in a <tt>DIV</tt> tag, which can be extended to include a <tt>:prepend_text</tt>
94 # and/or <tt>:append_text</tt> (to properly explain the error), and a <tt>:css_class</tt> to style it
95 # accordingly. +object+ should either be the name of an instance variable or the actual object. The method can be
96 # passed in either as a string or a symbol.
97 # As an example, let's say you have a model <tt>@post</tt> that has an error message on the +title+ attribute:
98 #
99 # <%= error_message_on "post", "title" %>
100 # # => <div class="formError">can't be empty</div>
101 #
102 # <%= error_message_on @post, :title %>
103 # # => <div class="formError">can't be empty</div>
104 #
105 # <%= error_message_on "post", "title",
106 # :prepend_text => "Title simply ",
107 # :append_text => " (or it won't work).",
108 # :css_class => "inputError" %>
109 def error_message_on(object, method, *args)
110 options = args.extract_options!
111 unless args.empty?
112 ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('error_message_on takes an option hash instead of separate ' +
113 'prepend_text, append_text, and css_class arguments', caller)
115 options[:prepend_text] = args[0] || ''
116 options[:append_text] = args[1] || ''
117 options[:css_class] = args[2] || 'formError'
118 end
119 options.reverse_merge!(:prepend_text => '', :append_text => '', :css_class => 'formError')
121 if (obj = (object.respond_to?(:errors) ? object : instance_variable_get("@#{object}"))) &&
122 (errors = obj.errors.on(method))
123 content_tag("div",
124 "#{options[:prepend_text]}#{errors.is_a?(Array) ? errors.first : errors}#{options[:append_text]}",
125 :class => options[:css_class]
126 )
127 else
128 ''
129 end
130 end
132 # Returns a string with a <tt>DIV</tt> containing all of the error messages for the objects located as instance variables by the names
133 # given. If more than one object is specified, the errors for the objects are displayed in the order that the object names are
134 # provided.
135 #
136 # This <tt>DIV</tt> can be tailored by the following options:
137 #
138 # * <tt>:header_tag</tt> - Used for the header of the error div (default: "h2").
139 # * <tt>:id</tt> - The id of the error div (default: "errorExplanation").
140 # * <tt>:class</tt> - The class of the error div (default: "errorExplanation").
141 # * <tt>:object</tt> - The object (or array of objects) for which to display errors,
142 # if you need to escape the instance variable convention.
143 # * <tt>:object_name</tt> - The object name to use in the header, or any text that you prefer.
144 # If <tt>:object_name</tt> is not set, the name of the first object will be used.
145 # * <tt>:header_message</tt> - The message in the header of the error div. Pass +nil+
146 # or an empty string to avoid the header message altogether. (Default: "X errors
147 # prohibited this object from being saved").
148 # * <tt>:message</tt> - The explanation message after the header message and before
149 # the error list. Pass +nil+ or an empty string to avoid the explanation message
150 # altogether. (Default: "There were problems with the following fields:").
151 #
152 # To specify the display for one object, you simply provide its name as a parameter.
153 # For example, for the <tt>@user</tt> model:
154 #
155 # error_messages_for 'user'
156 #
157 # To specify more than one object, you simply list them; optionally, you can add an extra <tt>:object_name</tt> parameter, which
158 # will be the name used in the header message:
159 #
160 # error_messages_for 'user_common', 'user', :object_name => 'user'
161 #
162 # If the objects cannot be located as instance variables, you can add an extra <tt>:object</tt> parameter which gives the actual
163 # object (or array of objects to use):
164 #
165 # error_messages_for 'user', :object => @question.user
166 #
167 # NOTE: This is a pre-packaged presentation of the errors with embedded strings and a certain HTML structure. If what
168 # you need is significantly different from the default presentation, it makes plenty of sense to access the <tt>object.errors</tt>
169 # instance yourself and set it up. View the source of this method to see how easy it is.
170 def error_messages_for(*params)
171 options = params.extract_options!.symbolize_keys
173 if object = options.delete(:object)
174 objects = [object].flatten
175 else
176 objects = params.collect {|object_name| instance_variable_get("@#{object_name}") }.compact
177 end
179 count = objects.inject(0) {|sum, object| sum + object.errors.count }
180 unless
181 html = {}
182 [:id, :class].each do |key|
183 if options.include?(key)
184 value = options[key]
185 html[key] = value unless value.blank?
186 else
187 html[key] = 'errorExplanation'
188 end
189 end
190 options[:object_name] ||= params.first
192 I18n.with_options :locale => options[:locale], :scope => [:activerecord, :errors, :template] do |locale|
193 header_message = if options.include?(:header_message)
194 options[:header_message]
195 else
196 object_name = options[:object_name].to_s.gsub('_', ' ')
197 object_name = I18n.t(object_name, :default => object_name, :scope => [:activerecord, :models], :count => 1)
198 locale.t :header, :count => count, :model => object_name
199 end
200 message = options.include?(:message) ? options[:message] : locale.t(:body)
201 error_messages = objects.sum {|object| {|msg| content_tag(:li, msg) } }.join
203 contents = ''
204 contents << content_tag(options[:header_tag] || :h2, header_message) unless header_message.blank?
205 contents << content_tag(:p, message) unless message.blank?
206 contents << content_tag(:ul, error_messages)
208 content_tag(:div, contents, html)
209 end
210 else
211 ''
212 end
213 end
215 private
216 def all_input_tags(record, record_name, options)
217 input_block = options[:input_block] || default_input_block
218 record.class.content_columns.collect{ |column|, column) }.join("\n")
219 end
221 def default_input_block
222 { |record, column| %(<p><label for="#{record}_#{}">#{column.human_name}</label><br />#{input(record,}</p>) }
223 end
224 end
226 class InstanceTag #:nodoc:
227 def to_tag(options = {})
228 case column_type
229 when :string
230 field_type = @method_name.include?("password") ? "password" : "text"
231 to_input_field_tag(field_type, options)
232 when :text
233 to_text_area_tag(options)
234 when :integer, :float, :decimal
235 to_input_field_tag("text", options)
236 when :date
237 to_date_select_tag(options)
238 when :datetime, :timestamp
239 to_datetime_select_tag(options)
240 when :time
241 to_time_select_tag(options)
242 when :boolean
243 to_boolean_select_tag(options)
244 end
245 end
247 alias_method :tag_without_error_wrapping, :tag
248 def tag(name, options)
249 if object.respond_to?(:errors) && object.errors.respond_to?(:on)
250 error_wrapping(tag_without_error_wrapping(name, options), object.errors.on(@method_name))
251 else
252 tag_without_error_wrapping(name, options)
253 end
254 end
256 alias_method :content_tag_without_error_wrapping, :content_tag
257 def content_tag(name, value, options)
258 if object.respond_to?(:errors) && object.errors.respond_to?(:on)
259 error_wrapping(content_tag_without_error_wrapping(name, value, options), object.errors.on(@method_name))
260 else
261 content_tag_without_error_wrapping(name, value, options)
262 end
263 end
265 alias_method :to_date_select_tag_without_error_wrapping, :to_date_select_tag
266 def to_date_select_tag(options = {}, html_options = {})
267 if object.respond_to?(:errors) && object.errors.respond_to?(:on)
268 error_wrapping(to_date_select_tag_without_error_wrapping(options, html_options), object.errors.on(@method_name))
269 else
270 to_date_select_tag_without_error_wrapping(options, html_options)
271 end
272 end
274 alias_method :to_datetime_select_tag_without_error_wrapping, :to_datetime_select_tag
275 def to_datetime_select_tag(options = {}, html_options = {})
276 if object.respond_to?(:errors) && object.errors.respond_to?(:on)
277 error_wrapping(to_datetime_select_tag_without_error_wrapping(options, html_options), object.errors.on(@method_name))
278 else
279 to_datetime_select_tag_without_error_wrapping(options, html_options)
280 end
281 end
283 alias_method :to_time_select_tag_without_error_wrapping, :to_time_select_tag
284 def to_time_select_tag(options = {}, html_options = {})
285 if object.respond_to?(:errors) && object.errors.respond_to?(:on)
286 error_wrapping(to_time_select_tag_without_error_wrapping(options, html_options), object.errors.on(@method_name))
287 else
288 to_time_select_tag_without_error_wrapping(options, html_options)
289 end
290 end
292 def error_wrapping(html_tag, has_error)
293 has_error ?, self) : html_tag
294 end
296 def error_message
297 object.errors.on(@method_name)
298 end
300 def column_type
301 object.send(:column_for_attribute, @method_name).type
302 end
303 end
304 end
305 end