[trapthecap.git] / index.html.svn-base
1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <title>Trap the Cap</title>
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7 <h1>Trap The Cap</h1>
9 <table border=1 align=right>
10 <tr><td><a href="board.jpg"><img src="board-thumb.jpg"></a></td></tr>
11 <tr><td>The board</a></td></tr>
12 </table>
14 <h2>Changes</h2>
15 <table cellpadding="3">
17 <tr valign="top">
18 <td>23 February 2009</td>
19 <td>Added a new player robot and fixed the sample game file to a legal one.</tr>
21 <tr valign="top">
22 <td>22 April 2008</td>
23 <td>Updated <a
24 href="robots/libttc.rb">library</a> again: fixed bugs to detect a winner, and also eliminate players that have no uncaptured pieces.</td>
25 </tr>
27 <tr valign="top">
28 <td>10 September 2007</td>
29 <td>Updated <a
30 href="robots/libttc.rb">library</a> again: <code>Game#possible_moves</code> now shows the legal moves as described below.</td>
31 </tr>
33 <tr>
34 <td>7 September 2007</td>
35 <td>Updated <a
36 href="robots/libttc.rb">library</a>: now prevents moves via base without captured pieces and prevents more than three pieces on a safe position.<br>
37 Changed format for moves that end on a base</td>
38 </tr>
39 </table>
41 <p><em>Trap The Cap</em> is a simple board game of captuing (and
42 recapturing) pieces. You can <a href="trap-the-cap.pdf">read the
43 rules</a> and look at the board to see how the game is played (rules
44 and image both from <a
45 href="http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/1730#files">Board Game
46 Geek</a>).</p>
48 <p>The challenge is to build a computer program that will play the
49 game well. The structure of the challenge is heavily based on the one
50 for <a href="../pousse/index.html">Pousse</a>. What needs to be fixed
51 for the game is <a href="layout.html">how the various pieces and
52 places on the board are identified</a> and <a
53 href="interface.html">how your player will be called</a> (updated 22 April 2008).</p>
55 <p>There is a <a href="simple.html">simple interface</a> to a test for
56 your programs, with two simple robots to play against. </p>
58 <p>'Always clockwise simple' [<a href="robots/1/runme">source
59 code</a>] always moves the lowest-valued piece clockwise around the
60 rim of the board. 'Clockwise cloud' [<a href="robots/2/runme">source
61 code</a>] always moves the least clockwise piece clockwise around the
62 rim. They should be pretty easy to beat. Both robots are witten in
63 <a href="http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/">Ruby</a> and use the <code><a
64 href="robots/libttc.rb">libttc.rb</a></code> library (updated 10
65 September 2007). Feel free to base your own robots on this code. All
66 this code is released under the <a href="">GNU General Public Licence
67 v3</a>.</p>
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