[cipher-challenge.git] / plaintext.4a.txt
1 harry i am back i spent most of the last two weeks in the vault trying to unpack some of the mystery
2 surrounding the lighthouse conspiracy crew and i think i made some progress while i was away the
3 trainees tackled the letter from abc and they did a great job they are shaping up well i think we
4 will be glad of their help as this case progresses the librarian at the vault was very helpful and
5 when it old her what i was looking for she pointed me to an archive of victorian papers concerning
6 scientists engineers and social reformers that had recorded early background investigations into
7 people of interest i say people but i did notice that there was a heavy bias to investigating women
8 back then i was surprised at first i had assumed that they would have been largely ignored but i
9 suppose these remarkable women made their presence known and perhaps the establishment felt
10 threatened in most cases there are no standard security files for these women but where there were
11 they were at best thin the really interesting material was in the hidden archive where i found
12 reports and papers about lovelace nightingale and abc as establishment figures themselves they seem
13 to have been ignored by the secret service and clearly not considered a security threat but our boss
14 forebears did carryout investigations into their activities and there are clear signs that they may
15 have worked together obviously the fact that they were making such an impact on society was enough
16 to make some people nervous after all it was a time of great change and concerns about revolution
17 were very real one of the notes on file suggests that the growing campaign for womens suffrage and
18 social activism might have been the start of an insurrection and it named several of our
19 protagonists but it didnt say how they might have intended to trigger the uprising what we have seen
20 so far is that whatever the lighthouse conspiracy were up to they went to extraordinary lengths to
21 keep it secret and the fact that we are only now uncovering it suggests that it was much subtler
22 than a planned uprising i am still struggling with the idea that people who were part of the birth
23 of boss could have been acting secretly against us but that is certainly implied by some of the
24 files we have cracked and the attached document has added to my worries it was written in the
25 aftermath of the hindenburg disaster by someone i think you knew well she had a fantastic record
26 working deep undercover and reporting back to western intelligence agencies but the thing that
27 caught my eye was that here she used the codename augusta i dont know if you already spotted it but
28 the lettering around the edge of the lighthouse stamp reads ada add da a ada a a dad and
29 substituting the a and d for dot and dash spells out her codename i thought at first that i might be
30 reading too much into it the letter in her file seems never to have been broken someone wrote double
31 encrypted on the envelope and i guess that was enough to dissuade the agencies from spending much
32 time on it with hindsight it is pretty obvious that actually it has just been encrypted once and
33 then encoded as morsecode using the same convention a equals dotd equals dash once that had been
34 untangled i found it pretty easy to break and i am very worried about what i found i think you need
35 to take a look jodie