[cipher-challenge.git] / plaintext.6a.txt
1 harry i am sure this must be very hard for you as i know that charlie was a good friend but we cant
2 let that cloud our judgement given the content of her letter last week we have to assumes he is
3 involved somehow and work on that basis having said that charlie doesnt actually say anything that
4 proves that she is a member of the lighthouse conspiracy of course she is an experienced agent so
5 that might be deliberate but she does refer to the trinity group and its possible that the americans
6 were already investigating the conspiracy under that codename everything in the email takes on a
7 slightly different meaning if we view it that way but that raises the question of why they didnt
8 share the intelligence with us in the meantime i tried to trackback through agatha s record to see
9 if there is anything to suggest that she might have been a double agent nothing mentioned in the
10 file raised a flag but i noticed two things in the attached vetting summary after her initial run in
11 with the german treasure hunters seeking the babylon stone she went on the run and papers reported
12 that she was a passenger on the titanic as you know she never boarded and used that tragedy as away
13 to disappear according to the report she did not reappear for over fourteen months when she was
14 recruited as an intelligence source in cairo for the british embassy that raises the question of
15 what she was doing for the year the other thing that struck a chord was the mention of mass our ie
16 george everest built a retreat there and his name came up when i was researching the security files
17 of charles babbage it seems that babbage was introduced to ideas from indian mathematics by everest
18 and this influenced the development of the difference engine and its successors mary boole wrote
19 about this in her letter indian thought and western science in the nineteenth century given what ch
20 wrote about the difference engine this might be more than a coincidence though perhaps i am reading
21 too much into it for the sake of our trainees i should say that the vetting report has been double
22 encrypted using avi genere with a second very simple twist i mention it because that threw me off
23 for a while i suggest that they reflect on what might be going on given that we are now trying to
24 avoid raising suspicion by the us and the lighthouse conspirators i think we should change our own
25 protocols so i have switched up to a transposition cipher i suggest you do the same next time though
26 you could try something else like a polybius square jodie