[cipher-challenge.git] / plaintext.7b.txt
1 charlie i dont think you should have come to london we cant risk meeting and your arrival has been
2 noticed by boss heightening suspicion harry steam is actively investigating our organisation and we
3 have to do everything we can to put them off the scent unfortunately im working with very
4 constrained resources despite all our pandemic preparations it has been hard work over the last
5 eighteen months as planned we used the crisis to embed more operatives at the heart of government
6 decisionmaking under the cover of sage and the other new committees we now have a network of
7 scientists and engineers in whitehall with the direct ear of senior civil servants and politicians
8 they also helped us to infiltrate cop giving us direct access to a number of other governments that
9 had remained beyond our reach while we were notable to fully deliver on our plans for that event the
10 connections we made with some of the worlds largest companies and smallest states will surely payoff
11 in the medium term on the downside i havent had the capacity i need to work on the boss
12 investigation into our organisation that is being run from the archaeology division here at gchq i
13 had hoped that assignment meant that the case was regarded as low priority but harry assigned his
14 best agent jodie to run it and gave her almost unlimited resources she has teams all across the uk
15 trawling through the papers we left behind at the lighthouse and trying to workout what they mean i
16 am so angry at myself for that but i have personally checked and all the major items from the
17 foundation archive were shipped out to mass our ie and have been secured at the park i assigned a
18 team to make sure that the key documents were properly encrypted in case jodie steam finds them but
19 given the talent she is working with i now think we might need to take further steps and i plan to
20 visit the hq as soon as i can getaway whether or not jodie and her teamwork out what we are doing
21 the best way to make sure that harry does not find out might be to convince her not to tell him i
22 have been carrying out some background checks and i am wondering if we should just try to recruit
23 her directly if she was working with us then im sure she would see the need for secrecy the direct
24 approach is risky but the organisation has never shied away from that before or you and i wouldnt be
25 working for it i think it is a risk worth taking your loving niece trinity