[cipher-challenge.git] / plaintext.9a.txt
1 harry if you are reading this then you are probably also wondering where i am i am sorry to
2 disappear but i have alot to think about and need to work things out on my own i am on the train to
3 mass our ie now and hoping that i will find the answers i need there though i have already begun to
4 put the pieces together the story started at michael far a days lighthouse at trinity wharf and that
5 should have been a big clue especially with the reference to the facility in florence s letter to
6 him we take it so much for granted now that we missed the importance of that place it was when i
7 looked into souter point that i realised why it might be relevant and no was i travel through the
8 foothills of the himalaya it is all coming into focus the attached report was discovered by one of
9 the elves in the lamp at souter point and was clearly left there for met of india m still not sure
10 what the conspiracy set out to do but i now know the significance of trinity wharf and souter and i
11 can take a good guess at why they were interested in george everest s house in the mountains i dont
12 know why i think there might still be something to find there but since the conspiracy is clearly
13 still active i have to know what they are doing and this is the only lead i have the connection
14 between the early conspirators is also much clearer to me now they all had an interest in
15 mathematics and the natural sciences ada lovelace was a key member of babbage steam with her early
16 experiments with programming mary everest boole was an expert in logic highly educated and well
17 versed in indian mathematical thought at first florence nightingale doesnt look like a great fit
18 with the group she is celebrated more for modernising nursing but her innovations were based on
19 serious data analysis using everything she knew about statistics and that was alot caroline herschel
20 was another remarkable woman the first to be paid a salary as a scientist but i think her role was
21 something more she had huge influence in society and also held a position in government like charlie
22 and trinity she was technically gifted and well placed to take full advantage of those gifts i need
23 to know what they are trying to do why and how trinity warned me not to tell you about her letter
24 but that was never a possibility even if i didnt let you know what was going on i am pretty sure
25 that you would have found out and i would much rather tell you myself the only reason i didnt come
26 to you straightaway is that i still dont know what is going on and i didnt want to put you in the
27 difficult position of having to decide whether to trust me or not hopefully this visit will provide
28 the evidence we need to unravel the conspiracy and to clear my name i will write to you again with
29 news from the park jodie