Deleted unused ./test directory
[feedcatcher.git] / rack / lint.rb
1 require 'rack/utils'
3 module Rack
4 # Rack::Lint validates your application and the requests and
5 # responses according to the Rack spec.
7 class Lint
8 def initialize(app)
9 @app = app
10 end
12 # :stopdoc:
14 class LintError < RuntimeError; end
15 module Assertion
16 def assert(message, &block)
17 unless
18 raise LintError, message
19 end
20 end
21 end
22 include Assertion
24 ## This specification aims to formalize the Rack protocol. You
25 ## can (and should) use Rack::Lint to enforce it.
26 ##
27 ## When you develop middleware, be sure to add a Lint before and
28 ## after to catch all mistakes.
30 ## = Rack applications
32 ## A Rack application is an Ruby object (not a class) that
33 ## responds to +call+.
34 def call(env=nil)
35 dup._call(env)
36 end
38 def _call(env)
39 ## It takes exactly one argument, the *environment*
40 assert("No env given") { env }
41 check_env env
43 env['rack.input'] =['rack.input'])
44 env['rack.errors'] =['rack.errors'])
46 ## and returns an Array of exactly three values:
47 status, headers, @body =
48 ## The *status*,
49 check_status status
50 ## the *headers*,
51 check_headers headers
52 ## and the *body*.
53 check_content_type status, headers
54 check_content_length status, headers, env
55 [status, headers, self]
56 end
58 ## == The Environment
59 def check_env(env)
60 ## The environment must be an true instance of Hash (no
61 ## subclassing allowed) that includes CGI-like headers.
62 ## The application is free to modify the environment.
63 assert("env #{env.inspect} is not a Hash, but #{env.class}") {
64 env.instance_of? Hash
65 }
67 ##
68 ## The environment is required to include these variables
69 ## (adopted from PEP333), except when they'd be empty, but see
70 ## below.
72 ## <tt>REQUEST_METHOD</tt>:: The HTTP request method, such as
73 ## "GET" or "POST". This cannot ever
74 ## be an empty string, and so is
75 ## always required.
77 ## <tt>SCRIPT_NAME</tt>:: The initial portion of the request
78 ## URL's "path" that corresponds to the
79 ## application object, so that the
80 ## application knows its virtual
81 ## "location". This may be an empty
82 ## string, if the application corresponds
83 ## to the "root" of the server.
85 ## <tt>PATH_INFO</tt>:: The remainder of the request URL's
86 ## "path", designating the virtual
87 ## "location" of the request's target
88 ## within the application. This may be an
89 ## empty string, if the request URL targets
90 ## the application root and does not have a
91 ## trailing slash. This information should be
92 ## decoded by the server if it comes from a
93 ## URL.
95 ## <tt>QUERY_STRING</tt>:: The portion of the request URL that
96 ## follows the <tt>?</tt>, if any. May be
97 ## empty, but is always required!
99 ## <tt>SERVER_NAME</tt>, <tt>SERVER_PORT</tt>:: When combined with <tt>SCRIPT_NAME</tt> and <tt>PATH_INFO</tt>, these variables can be used to complete the URL. Note, however, that <tt>HTTP_HOST</tt>, if present, should be used in preference to <tt>SERVER_NAME</tt> for reconstructing the request URL. <tt>SERVER_NAME</tt> and <tt>SERVER_PORT</tt> can never be empty strings, and so are always required.
101 ## <tt>HTTP_</tt> Variables:: Variables corresponding to the
102 ## client-supplied HTTP request
103 ## headers (i.e., variables whose
104 ## names begin with <tt>HTTP_</tt>). The
105 ## presence or absence of these
106 ## variables should correspond with
107 ## the presence or absence of the
108 ## appropriate HTTP header in the
109 ## request.
111 ## In addition to this, the Rack environment must include these
112 ## Rack-specific variables:
114 ## <tt>rack.version</tt>:: The Array [0,1], representing this version of Rack.
115 ## <tt>rack.url_scheme</tt>:: +http+ or +https+, depending on the request URL.
116 ## <tt>rack.input</tt>:: See below, the input stream.
117 ## <tt>rack.errors</tt>:: See below, the error stream.
118 ## <tt>rack.multithread</tt>:: true if the application object may be simultaneously invoked by another thread in the same process, false otherwise.
119 ## <tt>rack.multiprocess</tt>:: true if an equivalent application object may be simultaneously invoked by another process, false otherwise.
120 ## <tt>rack.run_once</tt>:: true if the server expects (but does not guarantee!) that the application will only be invoked this one time during the life of its containing process. Normally, this will only be true for a server based on CGI (or something similar).
122 ## The server or the application can store their own data in the
123 ## environment, too. The keys must contain at least one dot,
124 ## and should be prefixed uniquely. The prefix <tt>rack.</tt>
125 ## is reserved for use with the Rack core distribution and must
126 ## not be used otherwise.
127 ##
131 rack.version rack.input rack.errors
132 rack.multithread rack.multiprocess rack.run_once].each { |header|
133 assert("env missing required key #{header}") { env.include? header }
134 }
136 ## The environment must not contain the keys
137 ## <tt>HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE</tt> or <tt>HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH</tt>
138 ## (use the versions without <tt>HTTP_</tt>).
140 assert("env contains #{header}, must use #{header[5,-1]}") {
141 not env.include? header
142 }
143 }
145 ## The CGI keys (named without a period) must have String values.
146 env.each { |key, value|
147 next if key.include? "." # Skip extensions
148 assert("env variable #{key} has non-string value #{value.inspect}") {
149 value.instance_of? String
150 }
151 }
153 ##
154 ## There are the following restrictions:
156 ## * <tt>rack.version</tt> must be an array of Integers.
157 assert("rack.version must be an Array, was #{env["rack.version"].class}") {
158 env["rack.version"].instance_of? Array
159 }
160 ## * <tt>rack.url_scheme</tt> must either be +http+ or +https+.
161 assert("rack.url_scheme unknown: #{env["rack.url_scheme"].inspect}") {
162 %w[http https].include? env["rack.url_scheme"]
163 }
165 ## * There must be a valid input stream in <tt>rack.input</tt>.
166 check_input env["rack.input"]
167 ## * There must be a valid error stream in <tt>rack.errors</tt>.
168 check_error env["rack.errors"]
170 ## * The <tt>REQUEST_METHOD</tt> must be a valid token.
171 assert("REQUEST_METHOD unknown: #{env["REQUEST_METHOD"]}") {
172 env["REQUEST_METHOD"] =~ /\A[0-9A-Za-z!\#$%&'*+.^_`|~-]+\z/
173 }
175 ## * The <tt>SCRIPT_NAME</tt>, if non-empty, must start with <tt>/</tt>
176 assert("SCRIPT_NAME must start with /") {
177 !env.include?("SCRIPT_NAME") ||
178 env["SCRIPT_NAME"] == "" ||
179 env["SCRIPT_NAME"] =~ /\A\//
180 }
181 ## * The <tt>PATH_INFO</tt>, if non-empty, must start with <tt>/</tt>
182 assert("PATH_INFO must start with /") {
183 !env.include?("PATH_INFO") ||
184 env["PATH_INFO"] == "" ||
185 env["PATH_INFO"] =~ /\A\//
186 }
187 ## * The <tt>CONTENT_LENGTH</tt>, if given, must consist of digits only.
188 assert("Invalid CONTENT_LENGTH: #{env["CONTENT_LENGTH"]}") {
189 !env.include?("CONTENT_LENGTH") || env["CONTENT_LENGTH"] =~ /\A\d+\z/
190 }
192 ## * One of <tt>SCRIPT_NAME</tt> or <tt>PATH_INFO</tt> must be
193 ## set. <tt>PATH_INFO</tt> should be <tt>/</tt> if
194 ## <tt>SCRIPT_NAME</tt> is empty.
195 assert("One of SCRIPT_NAME or PATH_INFO must be set (make PATH_INFO '/' if SCRIPT_NAME is empty)") {
196 env["SCRIPT_NAME"] || env["PATH_INFO"]
197 }
198 ## <tt>SCRIPT_NAME</tt> never should be <tt>/</tt>, but instead be empty.
199 assert("SCRIPT_NAME cannot be '/', make it '' and PATH_INFO '/'") {
200 env["SCRIPT_NAME"] != "/"
201 }
202 end
204 ## === The Input Stream
205 def check_input(input)
206 ## The input stream must respond to +gets+, +each+ and +read+.
207 [:gets, :each, :read].each { |method|
208 assert("rack.input #{input} does not respond to ##{method}") {
209 input.respond_to? method
210 }
211 }
212 end
214 class InputWrapper
215 include Assertion
217 def initialize(input)
218 @input = input
219 end
221 def size
222 @input.size
223 end
225 def rewind
226 @input.rewind
227 end
229 ## * +gets+ must be called without arguments and return a string,
230 ## or +nil+ on EOF.
231 def gets(*args)
232 assert("rack.input#gets called with arguments") { args.size == 0 }
233 v = @input.gets
234 assert("rack.input#gets didn't return a String") {
235 v.nil? or v.instance_of? String
236 }
237 v
238 end
240 ## * +read+ must be called without or with one integer argument
241 ## and return a string, or +nil+ on EOF.
242 def read(*args)
243 assert("rack.input#read called with too many arguments") {
244 args.size <= 1
245 }
246 if args.size == 1
247 assert("rack.input#read called with non-integer argument") {
248 args.first.kind_of? Integer
249 }
250 end
251 v =*args)
252 assert("rack.input#read didn't return a String") {
253 v.nil? or v.instance_of? String
254 }
255 v
256 end
258 ## * +each+ must be called without arguments and only yield Strings.
259 def each(*args)
260 assert("rack.input#each called with arguments") { args.size == 0 }
261 @input.each { |line|
262 assert("rack.input#each didn't yield a String") {
263 line.instance_of? String
264 }
265 yield line
266 }
267 end
269 ## * +close+ must never be called on the input stream.
270 def close(*args)
271 assert("rack.input#close must not be called") { false }
272 end
273 end
275 ## === The Error Stream
276 def check_error(error)
277 ## The error stream must respond to +puts+, +write+ and +flush+.
278 [:puts, :write, :flush].each { |method|
279 assert("rack.error #{error} does not respond to ##{method}") {
280 error.respond_to? method
281 }
282 }
283 end
285 class ErrorWrapper
286 include Assertion
288 def initialize(error)
289 @error = error
290 end
292 ## * +puts+ must be called with a single argument that responds to +to_s+.
293 def puts(str)
294 @error.puts str
295 end
297 ## * +write+ must be called with a single argument that is a String.
298 def write(str)
299 assert("rack.errors#write not called with a String") { str.instance_of? String }
300 @error.write str
301 end
303 ## * +flush+ must be called without arguments and must be called
304 ## in order to make the error appear for sure.
305 def flush
306 @error.flush
307 end
309 ## * +close+ must never be called on the error stream.
310 def close(*args)
311 assert("rack.errors#close must not be called") { false }
312 end
313 end
315 ## == The Response
317 ## === The Status
318 def check_status(status)
319 ## The status, if parsed as integer (+to_i+), must be greater than or equal to 100.
320 assert("Status must be >=100 seen as integer") { status.to_i >= 100 }
321 end
323 ## === The Headers
324 def check_headers(header)
325 ## The header must respond to each, and yield values of key and value.
326 assert("headers object should respond to #each, but doesn't (got #{header.class} as headers)") {
327 header.respond_to? :each
328 }
329 header.each { |key, value|
330 ## The header keys must be Strings.
331 assert("header key must be a string, was #{key.class}") {
332 key.instance_of? String
333 }
334 ## The header must not contain a +Status+ key,
335 assert("header must not contain Status") { key.downcase != "status" }
336 ## contain keys with <tt>:</tt> or newlines in their name,
337 assert("header names must not contain : or \\n") { key !~ /[:\n]/ }
338 ## contain keys names that end in <tt>-</tt> or <tt>_</tt>,
339 assert("header names must not end in - or _") { key !~ /[-_]\z/ }
340 ## but only contain keys that consist of
341 ## letters, digits, <tt>_</tt> or <tt>-</tt> and start with a letter.
342 assert("invalid header name: #{key}") { key =~ /\A[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\z/ }
344 ## The values of the header must be Strings,
345 assert("a header value must be a String, but the value of " +
346 "'#{key}' is a #{value.class}") { value.kind_of? String }
347 ## consisting of lines (for multiple header values) seperated by "\n".
348 value.split("\n").each { |item|
349 ## The lines must not contain characters below 037.
350 assert("invalid header value #{key}: #{item.inspect}") {
351 item !~ /[\000-\037]/
352 }
353 }
354 }
355 end
357 ## === The Content-Type
358 def check_content_type(status, headers)
359 headers.each { |key, value|
360 ## There must be a <tt>Content-Type</tt>, except when the
361 ## +Status+ is 1xx, 204 or 304, in which case there must be none
362 ## given.
363 if key.downcase == "content-type"
364 assert("Content-Type header found in #{status} response, not allowed") {
365 not Rack::Utils::STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY.include? status.to_i
366 }
367 return
368 end
369 }
370 assert("No Content-Type header found") {
371 Rack::Utils::STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY.include? status.to_i
372 }
373 end
375 ## === The Content-Length
376 def check_content_length(status, headers, env)
377 headers.each { |key, value|
378 if key.downcase == 'content-length'
379 ## There must not be a <tt>Content-Length</tt> header when the
380 ## +Status+ is 1xx, 204 or 304.
381 assert("Content-Length header found in #{status} response, not allowed") {
382 not Rack::Utils::STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY.include? status.to_i
383 }
385 bytes = 0
386 string_body = true
388 if @body.respond_to?(:to_ary)
389 @body.each { |part|
390 unless part.kind_of?(String)
391 string_body = false
392 break
393 end
395 bytes += Rack::Utils.bytesize(part)
396 }
398 if env["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "HEAD"
399 assert("Response body was given for HEAD request, but should be empty") {
400 bytes == 0
401 }
402 else
403 if string_body
404 assert("Content-Length header was #{value}, but should be #{bytes}") {
405 value == bytes.to_s
406 }
407 end
408 end
409 end
411 return
412 end
413 }
414 end
416 ## === The Body
417 def each
418 @closed = false
419 ## The Body must respond to #each
420 @body.each { |part|
421 ## and must only yield String values.
422 assert("Body yielded non-string value #{part.inspect}") {
423 part.instance_of? String
424 }
425 yield part
426 }
427 ##
428 ## If the Body responds to #close, it will be called after iteration.
429 # XXX howto: assert("Body has not been closed") { @closed }
432 ##
433 ## If the Body responds to #to_path, it must return a String
434 ## identifying the location of a file whose contents are identical
435 ## to that produced by calling #each.
437 if @body.respond_to?(:to_path)
438 assert("The file identified by body.to_path does not exist") {
439 ::File.exist? @body.to_path
440 }
441 end
443 ##
444 ## The Body commonly is an Array of Strings, the application
445 ## instance itself, or a File-like object.
446 end
448 def close
449 @closed = true
450 @body.close if @body.respond_to?(:close)
451 end
453 # :startdoc:
455 end
456 end
458 ## == Thanks
459 ## Some parts of this specification are adopted from PEP333: Python
460 ## Web Server Gateway Interface
461 ## v1.0 ( I'd like to thank
462 ## everyone involved in that effort.