[cartagena.git] / rules.html.svn-base
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3 <title>Cartagena rules</title>
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7 <h1><a href="index.html">Cartagena</a> rules</h1>
9 <h2>Changes</h2>
10 <table cellpadding="3">
12 <tr valign="top">
13 <td>22 April 2008</td>
14 <td>Revised deck size: 17 cards of each type.<br>
15 Clarified that this is the Jamaica version</td>
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19 <td>4 April 2008</td>
20 <td>Initial version</td>
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25 <p><em>Cartena</em> is a simple race-based board game for 2-6 players. It is based on a famous jailbreak by a group of pirates in 1672. The board is a sequence of 36 positions. Each player controls a group of six 'pirate' pieces. Initially, all the pirates are in the jail at one end of the board. The first person to get all their pirates off the other end of the board (into the 'rescue sloop') is the winner.</p>
27 <p>These rules describe the Jamaica variant of the game.</p>
29 <h2>The board</h2>
30 <p>Each position on the board is marked with a symbol (one of <em>bottle</em>, <em>dagger</em>, <em>key</em>, <em>hat</em>, <em>gun</em>, and <em>skull</em>). The board is made from six segments, each of six positions. Each segment contains each symbol once, in an arbitrary order. Positions are numbered, 1-36, from the start to the end of the board. Each position can have zero, one, two, or three pirates on it at any time. Who owns the pirates is irrelevant: pirates owned by different players can be on the same space with no special effect. All pirates start the game before the first space (position zero). After the final space (position 37) is the goal (the rescue sloop). </p>
32 <h2>The cards</h2>
33 <p>There is a deck of 108 cards, consisting of seventeen each of the six symbols (<em>bottle</em>, <em>dagger</em>, <em>key</em>, <em>hat</em>, <em>gun</em>, and <em>skull</em>). </p>
35 <h2>Setup</h2>
36 <p>Each players pirates are placed on position zero. The deck of cards is shuffled and each player is dealt three cards. Players can see the contents of their hands, but not the contents of the other players' hands.</p>
38 <h2>Taking a turn</h2>
39 <p>Each players takes a turn in sequence. During a turn, each player may take up to three <em>actions</em>. The actions are either:</p>
41 <dl>
42 <dt><em>Advance a pirate</em></dt>
43 <dd>A player plays a card and moves one of their pirates forward on the board to the next empty space with the same symbol as the played card. The played card is placed on the discard pile.</dd>
44 <dt><em>Retreat a pirate</em></dt>
45 <dd>A player moves one of their pirates backward on the board to the next space with one or two pirates on it (spaces with zero or three pirates are skipped). The pirate cannot skip spaces with one or two pirates on it. The pirate cannot be moved back to the starting position. A pirate can be moved backard out of the rescue sloop. The player draws a number of cards equal to the number of pirates that were on the space before the move (i.e. one or two cards).</dd>
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48 <p>If the deck of cards is ever exhausted, the discard pile is shuffled and becomes the deck.</p>
50 <p>Back to the <a href="index.html">Cartagena page</a>.</p>
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