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58 ---
60 # Taking this further
63 <table>
64 <tr valign="top">
65 <td>
66 ### Countdown
68 * Conundrum
69 * Letters
70 * Picking letters to maximise score
71 * Numbers
72 * Read the "Functional Pearl"
73 </td>
74 <td>
75 ### Hangman
76 * Letter probabilities based on each word occurring once in the dictionary
77 * Set of candidate words filtered by length, letters guessed
78 </td>
79 </tr>
80 <tr>
81 <td rowspan=2>
82 ### Full Enigma and Bombe
83 * Steckerboard
84 * Three wheels
85 * (and all the turnover logic)
86 * Wheel rings
87 * Extend the Bombe
88 </td>
89 <td>
90 ### Text generation
91 * Read some text, find the n-grams, generate more text from that.
92 </td>
93 <tr>
94 <td>
95 ### Spelling correction
96 * Suggest the most likely correct word, given the probability of these errors.
97 </td>
98 </tr>
99 </table>
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