[depot.git] / source_annotation_extractor.rb
1 # Implements the logic behind the rake tasks for annotations like
2 #
3 # rake notes
4 # rake notes:optimize
5 #
6 # and friends. See <tt>rake -T notes</tt> and <tt>railties/lib/tasks/annotations.rake</tt>.
7 #
8 # Annotation objects are triplets <tt>:line</tt>, <tt>:tag</tt>, <tt>:text</tt> that
9 # represent the line where the annotation lives, its tag, and its text. Note
10 # the filename is not stored.
11 #
12 # Annotations are looked for in comments and modulus whitespace they have to
13 # start with the tag optionally followed by a colon. Everything up to the end
14 # of the line (or closing ERb comment tag) is considered to be their text.
15 class SourceAnnotationExtractor
16 class Annotation < Struct.new(:line, :tag, :text)
18 # Returns a representation of the annotation that looks like this:
19 #
20 # [126] [TODO] This algorithm is simple and clearly correct, make it faster.
21 #
22 # If +options+ has a flag <tt>:tag</tt> the tag is shown as in the example above.
23 # Otherwise the string contains just line and text.
24 def to_s(options={})
25 s = "[%3d] " % line
26 s << "[#{tag}] " if options[:tag]
27 s << text
28 end
29 end
31 # Prints all annotations with tag +tag+ under the root directories +app+, +lib+,
32 # and +test+ (recursively). Only filenames with extension +.builder+, +.rb+,
33 # +.rxml+, +.rjs+, +.rhtml+, or +.erb+ are taken into account. The +options+
34 # hash is passed to each annotation's +to_s+.
35 #
36 # This class method is the single entry point for the rake tasks.
37 def self.enumerate(tag, options={})
38 extractor = new(tag)
39 extractor.display(extractor.find, options)
40 end
42 attr_reader :tag
44 def initialize(tag)
45 @tag = tag
46 end
48 # Returns a hash that maps filenames under +dirs+ (recursively) to arrays
49 # with their annotations. Only files with annotations are included, and only
50 # those with extension +.builder+, +.rb+, +.rxml+, +.rjs+, +.rhtml+, and +.erb+
51 # are taken into account.
52 def find(dirs=%w(app lib test))
53 dirs.inject({}) { |h, dir| h.update(find_in(dir)) }
54 end
56 # Returns a hash that maps filenames under +dir+ (recursively) to arrays
57 # with their annotations. Only files with annotations are included, and only
58 # those with extension +.builder+, +.rb+, +.rxml+, +.rjs+, +.rhtml+, and +.erb+
59 # are taken into account.
60 def find_in(dir)
61 results = {}
63 Dir.glob("#{dir}/*") do |item|
64 next if File.basename(item)[0] == ?.
66 if File.directory?(item)
67 results.update(find_in(item))
68 elsif item =~ /\.(builder|(r(?:b|xml|js)))$/
69 results.update(extract_annotations_from(item, /#\s*(#{tag}):?\s*(.*)$/))
70 elsif item =~ /\.(rhtml|erb)$/
71 results.update(extract_annotations_from(item, /<%\s*#\s*(#{tag}):?\s*(.*?)\s*%>/))
72 end
73 end
75 results
76 end
78 # If +file+ is the filename of a file that contains annotations this method returns
79 # a hash with a single entry that maps +file+ to an array of its annotations.
80 # Otherwise it returns an empty hash.
81 def extract_annotations_from(file, pattern)
82 lineno = 0
83 result = File.readlines(file).inject([]) do |list, line|
84 lineno += 1
85 next list unless line =~ pattern
86 list << Annotation.new(lineno, $1, $2)
87 end
88 result.empty? ? {} : { file => result }
89 end
91 # Prints the mapping from filenames to annotations in +results+ ordered by filename.
92 # The +options+ hash is passed to each annotation's +to_s+.
93 def display(results, options={})
94 results.keys.sort.each do |file|
95 puts "#{file}:"
96 results[file].each do |note|
97 puts " * #{note.to_s(options)}"
98 end
99 puts
100 end
101 end
102 end