Done testing
[depot.git] / vendor / rails / actionpack / lib / action_controller / routing / recognition_optimisation.rb
1 module ActionController
2 module Routing
3 # BEFORE: 0.191446860631307 ms/url
4 # AFTER: 0.029847304022858 ms/url
5 # Speed up: 6.4 times
6 #
7 # Route recognition is slow due to one-by-one iterating over
8 # a whole routeset (each map.resources generates at least 14 routes)
9 # and matching weird regexps on each step.
10 #
11 # We optimize this by skipping all URI segments that 100% sure can't
12 # be matched, moving deeper in a tree of routes (where node == segment)
13 # until first possible match is accured. In such case, we start walking
14 # a flat list of routes, matching them with accurate matcher.
15 # So, first step: search a segment tree for the first relevant index.
16 # Second step: iterate routes starting with that index.
17 #
18 # How tree is walked? We can do a recursive tests, but it's smarter:
19 # We just create a tree of if-s and elsif-s matching segments.
20 #
21 # We have segments of 3 flavors:
22 # 1) nil (no segment, route finished)
23 # 2) const-dot-dynamic (like "/posts.:xml", "/preview.:size.jpg")
24 # 3) const (like "/posts", "/comments")
25 # 4) dynamic ("/:id", "file.:size.:extension")
26 #
27 # We split incoming string into segments and iterate over them.
28 # When segment is nil, we drop immediately, on a current node index.
29 # When segment is equal to some const, we step into branch.
30 # If none constants matched, we step into 'dynamic' branch (it's a last).
31 # If we can't match anything, we drop to last index on a level.
32 #
33 # Note: we maintain the original routes order, so we finish building
34 # steps on a first dynamic segment.
35 #
36 #
37 # Example. Given the routes:
38 # 0 /posts/
39 # 1 /posts/:id
40 # 2 /posts/:id/comments
41 # 3 /posts/blah
42 # 4 /users/
43 # 5 /users/:id
44 # 6 /users/:id/profile
45 #
46 # request_uri = /users/123
47 #
48 # There will be only 4 iterations:
49 # 1) segm test for /posts prefix, skip all /posts/* routes
50 # 2) segm test for /users/
51 # 3) segm test for /users/:id
52 # (jump to list index = 5)
53 # 4) full test for /users/:id => here we are!
54 class RouteSet
55 def recognize_path(path, environment={})
56 result = recognize_optimized(path, environment) and return result
58 # Route was not recognized. Try to find out why (maybe wrong verb).
59 allows = { |verb| routes.find { |r| r.recognize(path, :method => verb) } }
61 if environment[:method] && !HTTP_METHODS.include?(environment[:method])
62 raise*allows)
63 elsif !allows.empty?
64 raise*allows)
65 else
66 raise RoutingError, "No route matches #{path.inspect} with #{environment.inspect}"
67 end
68 end
70 def segment_tree(routes)
71 tree = [0]
73 i = -1
74 routes.each do |route|
75 i += 1
76 # not fast, but runs only once
77 segments = to_plain_segments(route.segments.inject("") { |str,s| str << s.to_s })
79 node = tree
80 segments.each do |seg|
81 seg = :dynamic if seg && seg[0] == ?:
82 node << [seg, [i]] if node.empty? || node[node.size - 1][0] != seg
83 node = node[node.size - 1][1]
84 end
85 end
86 tree
87 end
89 def generate_code(list, padding=' ', level = 0)
90 # a digit
91 return padding + "#{list[0]}\n" if list.size == 1 && !(Array === list[0])
93 body = padding + "(seg = segments[#{level}]; \n"
95 i = 0
96 was_nil = false
97 list.each do |item|
98 if Array === item
99 i += 1
100 start = (i == 1)
101 final = (i == list.size)
102 tag, sub = item
103 if tag == :dynamic
104 body += padding + "#{start ? 'if' : 'elsif'} true\n"
105 body += generate_code(sub, padding + " ", level + 1)
106 break
107 elsif tag == nil && !was_nil
108 was_nil = true
109 body += padding + "#{start ? 'if' : 'elsif'} seg.nil?\n"
110 body += generate_code(sub, padding + " ", level + 1)
111 else
112 body += padding + "#{start ? 'if' : 'elsif'} seg == '#{tag}'\n"
113 body += generate_code(sub, padding + " ", level + 1)
114 end
115 end
116 end
117 body += padding + "else\n"
118 body += padding + " #{list[0]}\n"
119 body += padding + "end)\n"
120 body
121 end
123 # this must be really fast
124 def to_plain_segments(str)
125 str = str.dup
126 str.sub!(/^\/+/,'')
127 str.sub!(/\/+$/,'')
128 segments = str.split(/\.[^\/]+\/+|\/+|\.[^\/]+\Z/) # cut off ".format" also
129 segments << nil
130 segments
131 end
133 private
134 def write_recognize_optimized!
135 tree = segment_tree(routes)
136 body = generate_code(tree)
138 remove_recognize_optimized!
140 instance_eval %{
141 def recognize_optimized(path, env)
142 segments = to_plain_segments(path)
143 index = #{body}
144 return nil unless index
145 while index < routes.size
146 result = routes[index].recognize(path, env) and return result
147 index += 1
148 end
149 nil
150 end
151 }, '(recognize_optimized)', 1
152 end
154 def clear_recognize_optimized!
155 remove_recognize_optimized!
156 write_recognize_optimized!
157 end
159 def remove_recognize_optimized!
160 if respond_to?(:recognize_optimized)
161 class << self
162 remove_method :recognize_optimized
163 end
164 end
165 end
166 end
167 end
168 end