Done testing
[depot.git] / vendor / rails / activerecord / lib / active_record / callbacks.rb
1 require 'observer'
3 module ActiveRecord
4 # Callbacks are hooks into the lifecycle of an Active Record object that allow you to trigger logic
5 # before or after an alteration of the object state. This can be used to make sure that associated and
6 # dependent objects are deleted when +destroy+ is called (by overwriting +before_destroy+) or to massage attributes
7 # before they're validated (by overwriting +before_validation+). As an example of the callbacks initiated, consider
8 # the <tt>Base#save</tt> call for a new record:
9 #
10 # * (-) <tt>save</tt>
11 # * (-) <tt>valid</tt>
12 # * (1) <tt>before_validation</tt>
13 # * (2) <tt>before_validation_on_create</tt>
14 # * (-) <tt>validate</tt>
15 # * (-) <tt>validate_on_create</tt>
16 # * (3) <tt>after_validation</tt>
17 # * (4) <tt>after_validation_on_create</tt>
18 # * (5) <tt>before_save</tt>
19 # * (6) <tt>before_create</tt>
20 # * (-) <tt>create</tt>
21 # * (7) <tt>after_create</tt>
22 # * (8) <tt>after_save</tt>
23 #
24 # That's a total of eight callbacks, which gives you immense power to react and prepare for each state in the
25 # Active Record lifecycle. The sequence for calling <tt>Base#save</tt> an existing record is similar, except that each
26 # <tt>_on_create</tt> callback is replaced by the corresponding <tt>_on_update</tt> callback.
27 #
28 # Examples:
29 # class CreditCard < ActiveRecord::Base
30 # # Strip everything but digits, so the user can specify "555 234 34" or
31 # # "5552-3434" or both will mean "55523434"
32 # def before_validation_on_create
33 # self.number = number.gsub(/[^0-9]/, "") if attribute_present?("number")
34 # end
35 # end
36 #
37 # class Subscription < ActiveRecord::Base
38 # before_create :record_signup
39 #
40 # private
41 # def record_signup
42 # self.signed_up_on =
43 # end
44 # end
45 #
46 # class Firm < ActiveRecord::Base
47 # # Destroys the associated clients and people when the firm is destroyed
48 # before_destroy { |record| Person.destroy_all "firm_id = #{}" }
49 # before_destroy { |record| Client.destroy_all "client_of = #{}" }
50 # end
51 #
52 # == Inheritable callback queues
53 #
54 # Besides the overwritable callback methods, it's also possible to register callbacks through the use of the callback macros.
55 # Their main advantage is that the macros add behavior into a callback queue that is kept intact down through an inheritance
56 # hierarchy. Example:
57 #
58 # class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base
59 # before_destroy :destroy_author
60 # end
61 #
62 # class Reply < Topic
63 # before_destroy :destroy_readers
64 # end
65 #
66 # Now, when <tt>Topic#destroy</tt> is run only +destroy_author+ is called. When <tt>Reply#destroy</tt> is run, both +destroy_author+ and
67 # +destroy_readers+ are called. Contrast this to the situation where we've implemented the save behavior through overwriteable
68 # methods:
69 #
70 # class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base
71 # def before_destroy() destroy_author end
72 # end
73 #
74 # class Reply < Topic
75 # def before_destroy() destroy_readers end
76 # end
77 #
78 # In that case, <tt>Reply#destroy</tt> would only run +destroy_readers+ and _not_ +destroy_author+. So, use the callback macros when
79 # you want to ensure that a certain callback is called for the entire hierarchy, and use the regular overwriteable methods
80 # when you want to leave it up to each descendent to decide whether they want to call +super+ and trigger the inherited callbacks.
81 #
82 # *IMPORTANT:* In order for inheritance to work for the callback queues, you must specify the callbacks before specifying the
83 # associations. Otherwise, you might trigger the loading of a child before the parent has registered the callbacks and they won't
84 # be inherited.
85 #
86 # == Types of callbacks
87 #
88 # There are four types of callbacks accepted by the callback macros: Method references (symbol), callback objects,
89 # inline methods (using a proc), and inline eval methods (using a string). Method references and callback objects are the
90 # recommended approaches, inline methods using a proc are sometimes appropriate (such as for creating mix-ins), and inline
91 # eval methods are deprecated.
92 #
93 # The method reference callbacks work by specifying a protected or private method available in the object, like this:
94 #
95 # class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base
96 # before_destroy :delete_parents
97 #
98 # private
99 # def delete_parents
100 # self.class.delete_all "parent_id = #{id}"
101 # end
102 # end
103 #
104 # The callback objects have methods named after the callback called with the record as the only parameter, such as:
105 #
106 # class BankAccount < ActiveRecord::Base
107 # before_save"credit_card_number")
108 # after_save"credit_card_number")
109 # after_initialize"credit_card_number")
110 # end
111 #
112 # class EncryptionWrapper
113 # def initialize(attribute)
114 # @attribute = attribute
115 # end
116 #
117 # def before_save(record)
118 # record.credit_card_number = encrypt(record.credit_card_number)
119 # end
120 #
121 # def after_save(record)
122 # record.credit_card_number = decrypt(record.credit_card_number)
123 # end
124 #
125 # alias_method :after_find, :after_save
126 #
127 # private
128 # def encrypt(value)
129 # # Secrecy is committed
130 # end
131 #
132 # def decrypt(value)
133 # # Secrecy is unveiled
134 # end
135 # end
136 #
137 # So you specify the object you want messaged on a given callback. When that callback is triggered, the object has
138 # a method by the name of the callback messaged.
139 #
140 # The callback macros usually accept a symbol for the method they're supposed to run, but you can also pass a "method string",
141 # which will then be evaluated within the binding of the callback. Example:
142 #
143 # class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base
144 # before_destroy 'self.class.delete_all "parent_id = #{id}"'
145 # end
146 #
147 # Notice that single quotes (') are used so the <tt>#{id}</tt> part isn't evaluated until the callback is triggered. Also note that these
148 # inline callbacks can be stacked just like the regular ones:
149 #
150 # class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base
151 # before_destroy 'self.class.delete_all "parent_id = #{id}"',
152 # 'puts "Evaluated after parents are destroyed"'
153 # end
154 #
155 # == The +after_find+ and +after_initialize+ exceptions
156 #
157 # Because +after_find+ and +after_initialize+ are called for each object found and instantiated by a finder, such as <tt>Base.find(:all)</tt>, we've had
158 # to implement a simple performance constraint (50% more speed on a simple test case). Unlike all the other callbacks, +after_find+ and
159 # +after_initialize+ will only be run if an explicit implementation is defined (<tt>def after_find</tt>). In that case, all of the
160 # callback types will be called.
161 #
162 # == <tt>before_validation*</tt> returning statements
163 #
164 # If the returning value of a +before_validation+ callback can be evaluated to +false+, the process will be aborted and <tt>Base#save</tt> will return +false+.
165 # If Base#save! is called it will raise a ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid exception.
166 # Nothing will be appended to the errors object.
167 #
168 # == Canceling callbacks
169 #
170 # If a <tt>before_*</tt> callback returns +false+, all the later callbacks and the associated action are cancelled. If an <tt>after_*</tt> callback returns
171 # +false+, all the later callbacks are cancelled. Callbacks are generally run in the order they are defined, with the exception of callbacks
172 # defined as methods on the model, which are called last.
173 #
174 # == Transactions
175 #
176 # The entire callback chain of a +save+, <tt>save!</tt>, or +destroy+ call runs
177 # within a transaction. That includes <tt>after_*</tt> hooks. If everything
178 # goes fine a COMMIT is executed once the chain has been completed.
179 #
180 # If a <tt>before_*</tt> callback cancels the action a ROLLBACK is issued. You
181 # can also trigger a ROLLBACK raising an exception in any of the callbacks,
182 # including <tt>after_*</tt> hooks. Note, however, that in that case the client
183 # needs to be aware of it because an ordinary +save+ will raise such exception
184 # instead of quietly returning +false+.
185 module Callbacks
186 CALLBACKS = %w(
187 after_find after_initialize before_save after_save before_create after_create before_update after_update before_validation
188 after_validation before_validation_on_create after_validation_on_create before_validation_on_update
189 after_validation_on_update before_destroy after_destroy
190 )
192 def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
193 base.extend Observable
195 [:create_or_update, :valid?, :create, :update, :destroy].each do |method|
196 base.send :alias_method_chain, method, :callbacks
197 end
199 base.send :include, ActiveSupport::Callbacks
200 base.define_callbacks *CALLBACKS
201 end
203 # Is called when the object was instantiated by one of the finders, like <tt>Base.find</tt>.
204 #def after_find() end
206 # Is called after the object has been instantiated by a call to <tt></tt>.
207 #def after_initialize() end
209 # Is called _before_ <tt></tt> (regardless of whether it's a +create+ or +update+ save).
210 def before_save() end
212 # Is called _after_ <tt></tt> (regardless of whether it's a +create+ or +update+ save).
213 # Note that this callback is still wrapped in the transaction around +save+. For example, if you
214 # invoke an external indexer at this point it won't see the changes in the database.
215 #
216 # class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
217 # after_save { 'New contact saved!' ) }
218 # end
219 def after_save() end
220 def create_or_update_with_callbacks #:nodoc:
221 return false if callback(:before_save) == false
222 result = create_or_update_without_callbacks
223 callback(:after_save)
224 result
225 end
226 private :create_or_update_with_callbacks
228 # Is called _before_ <tt></tt> on new objects that haven't been saved yet (no record exists).
229 def before_create() end
231 # Is called _after_ <tt></tt> on new objects that haven't been saved yet (no record exists).
232 # Note that this callback is still wrapped in the transaction around +save+. For example, if you
233 # invoke an external indexer at this point it won't see the changes in the database.
234 def after_create() end
235 def create_with_callbacks #:nodoc:
236 return false if callback(:before_create) == false
237 result = create_without_callbacks
238 callback(:after_create)
239 result
240 end
241 private :create_with_callbacks
243 # Is called _before_ <tt></tt> on existing objects that have a record.
244 def before_update() end
246 # Is called _after_ <tt></tt> on existing objects that have a record.
247 # Note that this callback is still wrapped in the transaction around +save+. For example, if you
248 # invoke an external indexer at this point it won't see the changes in the database.
249 def after_update() end
251 def update_with_callbacks(*args) #:nodoc:
252 return false if callback(:before_update) == false
253 result = update_without_callbacks(*args)
254 callback(:after_update)
255 result
256 end
257 private :update_with_callbacks
259 # Is called _before_ <tt>Validations.validate</tt> (which is part of the <tt></tt> call).
260 def before_validation() end
262 # Is called _after_ <tt>Validations.validate</tt> (which is part of the <tt></tt> call).
263 def after_validation() end
265 # Is called _before_ <tt>Validations.validate</tt> (which is part of the <tt></tt> call) on new objects
266 # that haven't been saved yet (no record exists).
267 def before_validation_on_create() end
269 # Is called _after_ <tt>Validations.validate</tt> (which is part of the <tt></tt> call) on new objects
270 # that haven't been saved yet (no record exists).
271 def after_validation_on_create() end
273 # Is called _before_ <tt>Validations.validate</tt> (which is part of the <tt></tt> call) on
274 # existing objects that have a record.
275 def before_validation_on_update() end
277 # Is called _after_ <tt>Validations.validate</tt> (which is part of the <tt></tt> call) on
278 # existing objects that have a record.
279 def after_validation_on_update() end
281 def valid_with_callbacks? #:nodoc:
282 return false if callback(:before_validation) == false
283 if new_record? then result = callback(:before_validation_on_create) else result = callback(:before_validation_on_update) end
284 return false if false == result
286 result = valid_without_callbacks?
288 callback(:after_validation)
289 if new_record? then callback(:after_validation_on_create) else callback(:after_validation_on_update) end
291 return result
292 end
294 # Is called _before_ <tt>Base.destroy</tt>.
295 #
296 # Note: If you need to _destroy_ or _nullify_ associated records first,
297 # use the <tt>:dependent</tt> option on your associations.
298 def before_destroy() end
300 # Is called _after_ <tt>Base.destroy</tt> (and all the attributes have been frozen).
301 #
302 # class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
303 # after_destroy { |record| "Contact #{} was destroyed." ) }
304 # end
305 def after_destroy() end
306 def destroy_with_callbacks #:nodoc:
307 return false if callback(:before_destroy) == false
308 result = destroy_without_callbacks
309 callback(:after_destroy)
310 result
311 end
313 private
314 def callback(method)
315 result = run_callbacks(method) { |result, object| false == result }
317 if result != false && respond_to_without_attributes?(method)
318 result = send(method)
319 end
321 notify(method)
323 return result
324 end
326 def notify(method) #:nodoc:
327 self.class.changed
328 self.class.notify_observers(method, self)
329 end
330 end
331 end