Code to solve the Advent of Code puzzles. This year, I'm trying to use the puzzles as a prompt to learn Haskell.

Learn you a Haskell, Introduction to Haskell 98, and Hackage are good resources.

I'm using the basic Haskell Platform installation (install with

$ sudo aptitude install haskell-platform


I'm also using some extra libraries. Before installing, run cabal update then set library-profiling: True in ~/.cabal/config . Then install the packages with

$ cabal install MissingH
$ cabal install parsec-numbers
$ cabal install cryptonite
$ cabal install pqueue

Compile the code with

ghc --make advent01.hs

then run it as


If you're profiling, compile and run with

ghc -O2 --make advent01.hs -prof -auto-all -caf-all -fforce-recomp -rstopts
time ./advent01 +RTS -p -hy

and create the profile picture with h2ps advent01.hp .

Build this readme file wth

pandoc -s > README.html

(Using the Modest style.)