/// /// Editorial by HTML5 UP /// html5up.net | @ajlkn /// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license) /// /* Section/Article */ section, article { &.special { text-align: center; } } header { p { font-family: _font(family-heading); font-size: 1em; font-weight: _font(weight-heading-alt); letter-spacing: _font(kerning-heading); margin-top: -0.5em; text-transform: uppercase; } &.major { > :last-child { border-bottom: solid 3px _palette(accent); display: inline-block; margin: 0 0 _size(element-margin) 0; padding: 0 0.75em 0.5em 0; } } &.main { > :last-child { margin: 0 0 (_size(element-margin) * 0.5) 0; } } }