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The Porter 2 stemmer

This is the Porter 2 stemming algorithm, as described at The original paper is:

Porter, 1980, “An algorithm for suffix stripping”, Program, Vol. 14, no. 3, pp 130-137

Constants for the stemmer are in the Porter2 module.

Procedures that implement the stemmer are added to the String class.

The stemmer algorithm is implemented in the porter2_stem procedure.


There isn’t much, as this is a stemmer that only works for English.

The gb_english flag to the various procedures allows the stemmer to treat the British English ’-ise’ the same as the American English ’-ize’.

Longest suffixes

Several places in the algorithm require matching the longest suffix of a word. The regexp engine in Ruby 1.9 seems to handle alterntives in regexps by finding the alternative that matches at the first position in the string. As we’re only talking about suffixes, that first match is also the longest suffix. If the regexp engine changes, this behaviour may change and break the stemmer.

Public Instance Methods

porter2_ends_with_short_syllable?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the word ends with a short syllable

    # File lib/porter2.rb, line 87
87:   def porter2_ends_with_short_syllable?
88:     self =~ /#{Porter2::SHORT_SYLLABLE}$/ ? true : false
89:   end
porter2_is_short_word?() click to toggle source

A word is short if it ends in a short syllable, and R1 is null

    # File lib/porter2.rb, line 93
93:   def porter2_is_short_word?
94:     self.porter2_ends_with_short_syllable? and self.porter2_r1.empty?
95:   end
porter2_postprocess() click to toggle source

Turn all Y letters into y

     # File lib/porter2.rb, line 289
289:   def porter2_postprocess
290:     self.gsub(/Y/, 'y')
291:   end
porter2_preprocess() click to toggle source

Preprocess the word. Remove any initial ’, if present. Then, set initial y, or y after a vowel, to Y

(The comment to ‘establish the regions R1 and R2’ in the original description is an implementation optimisation that identifies where the regions start. As no modifications are made to the word that affect those positions, you may want to cache them now. This implementation doesn’t do that.)

    # File lib/porter2.rb, line 53
53:   def porter2_preprocess    
54:     w = self.dup
56:     # remove any initial apostrophe
57:     w.gsub!(/^'*(.)/, '\1')
59:     # set initial y, or y after a vowel, to Y
60:     w.gsub!(/^y/, "Y")
61:     w.gsub!(/(#{Porter2::V})y/, '\1Y')
63:     w
64:   end
porter2_r1() click to toggle source

R1 is the portion of the word after the first non-vowel after the first vowel (with words beginning ‘gener-’, ‘commun-’, and ‘arsen-’ treated as special cases

    # File lib/porter2.rb, line 69
69:   def porter2_r1
70:     if self =~ /^(gener|commun|arsen)(?<r1>.*)/
71:       Regexp.last_match(:r1)
72:     else
73:       self =~ /#{Porter2::V}#{Porter2::C}(?<r1>.*)$/
74:       Regexp.last_match(:r1) || ""
75:     end
76:   end
porter2_r2() click to toggle source

R2 is the portion of R1 (porter2_r1) after the first non-vowel after the first vowel

    # File lib/porter2.rb, line 80
80:   def porter2_r2
81:     self.porter2_r1 =~ /#{Porter2::V}#{Porter2::C}(?<r2>.*)$/
82:     Regexp.last_match(:r2) || ""
83:   end
porter2_stem(gb_english = false) click to toggle source

Perform the stemming procedure. If gb_english is true, treat ’-ise’ and similar suffixes as ’-ize’ in American English.

     # File lib/porter2.rb, line 297
297:   def porter2_stem(gb_english = false)
298:     preword = self.porter2_tidy
299:     return preword if preword.length <= 2
301:     word = preword.porter2_preprocess
303:     if Porter2::SPECIAL_CASES.has_key? word
304:       Porter2::SPECIAL_CASES[word]
305:     else
306:       w1a = word.porter2_step0.porter2_step1a
307:       if Porter2::STEP_1A_SPECIAL_CASES.include? w1a 
308:         w1a
309:       else
310:         w1a.porter2_step1b(gb_english).porter2_step1c.porter2_step2(gb_english).porter2_step3(gb_english).porter2_step4(gb_english).porter2_step5.porter2_postprocess
311:       end
312:     end
313:   end
Also aliased as: stem
porter2_stem_verbose(gb_english = false) click to toggle source

A verbose version of porter2_stem that prints the output of each stage to STDOUT

     # File lib/porter2.rb, line 316
316:   def porter2_stem_verbose(gb_english = false)
317:     preword = self.porter2_tidy
318:     puts "Preword: #{preword}"
319:     return preword if preword.length <= 2
321:     word = preword.porter2_preprocess
322:     puts "Preprocessed: #{word}"
324:     if Porter2::SPECIAL_CASES.has_key? word
325:       puts "Returning #{word} as special case #{Porter2::SPECIAL_CASES[word]}"
326:       Porter2::SPECIAL_CASES[word]
327:     else
328:       r1 = word.porter2_r1
329:       r2 = word.porter2_r2
330:       puts "R1 = #{r1}, R2 = #{r2}"
332:       w0 = word.porter2_step0 ; puts "After step 0:  #{w0} (R1 = #{w0.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w0.porter2_r2})"
333:       w1a = w0.porter2_step1a ; puts "After step 1a: #{w1a} (R1 = #{w1a.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w1a.porter2_r2})"
335:       if Porter2::STEP_1A_SPECIAL_CASES.include? w1a
336:         puts "Returning #{w1a} as 1a special case"
337:         w1a
338:       else
339:         w1b = w1a.porter2_step1b(gb_english) ; puts "After step 1b: #{w1b} (R1 = #{w1b.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w1b.porter2_r2})"
340:         w1c = w1b.porter2_step1c ; puts "After step 1c: #{w1c} (R1 = #{w1c.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w1c.porter2_r2})"
341:         w2 = w1c.porter2_step2(gb_english) ; puts "After step 2:  #{w2} (R1 = #{w2.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w2.porter2_r2})"
342:         w3 = w2.porter2_step3(gb_english) ; puts "After step 3:  #{w3} (R1 = #{w3.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w3.porter2_r2})"
343:         w4 = w3.porter2_step4(gb_english) ; puts "After step 4:  #{w4} (R1 = #{w4.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w4.porter2_r2})"
344:         w5 = w4.porter2_step5 ; puts "After step 5:  #{w5}"
345:         wpost = w5.porter2_postprocess ; puts "After postprocess: #{wpost}"
346:         wpost
347:       end
348:     end
349:   end
porter2_step0() click to toggle source

Search for the longest among the suffixes,

  • ’s

  • ’s’

and remove if found.

     # File lib/porter2.rb, line 103
103:   def porter2_step0
104:     self.sub!(/(.)('s'|'s|')$/, '\1') || self
105:   end
porter2_step1a() click to toggle source

Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and perform the action indicated.


replace by ss

ied, ies

replace by i if preceded by more than one letter, otherwise by ie


delete if the preceding word part contains a vowel not immediately before the s

us, ss

do nothing

     # File lib/porter2.rb, line 113
113:   def porter2_step1a
114:     if self =~ /sses$/
115:       self.sub(/sses$/, 'ss')
116:     elsif self =~ /..(ied|ies)$/
117:       self.sub(/(ied|ies)$/, 'i')
118:     elsif self =~ /(ied|ies)$/
119:       self.sub(/(ied|ies)$/, 'ie')
120:     elsif self =~ /(us|ss)$/
121:       self
122:     elsif self =~ /s$/
123:       if self =~ /(#{Porter2::V}.+)s$/
124:         self.sub(/s$/, '') 
125:       else
126:         self
127:       end
128:     else
129:       self
130:     end
131:   end
porter2_step1b(gb_english = false) click to toggle source

Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and perform the action indicated.

eed, eedly

replace by ee if the suffix is also in R1

ed, edly, ing, ingly

delete if the preceding word part contains a vowel and, after the deletion:

  • if the word ends at, bl or iz: add e, or

  • if the word ends with a double: remove the last letter, or

  • if the word is short: add e

(If gb_english is true, treat the ‘is’ suffix as ‘iz’ above.)

     # File lib/porter2.rb, line 143
143:   def porter2_step1b(gb_english = false)
144:     if self =~ /(eed|eedly)$/
145:       if self.porter2_r1 =~ /(eed|eedly)$/
146:         self.sub(/(eed|eedly)$/, 'ee')
147:       else
148:         self
149:       end
150:     else
151:       w = self.dup
152:       if w =~ /#{Porter2::V}.*(ed|edly|ing|ingly)$/
153:         w.sub!(/(ed|edly|ing|ingly)$/, '')
154:         if w =~ /(at|lb|iz)$/
155:           w += 'e' 
156:         elsif w =~ /is$/ and gb_english
157:           w += 'e' 
158:         elsif w =~ /#{Porter2::Double}$/
159:           w.chop!
160:         elsif w.porter2_is_short_word?
161:           w += 'e'
162:         end
163:       end
164:       w
165:     end
166:   end
porter2_step1c() click to toggle source

Replace a suffix of y or Y by i if it is preceded by a non-vowel which is not the first letter of the word.

     # File lib/porter2.rb, line 171
171:   def porter2_step1c
172:     if self =~ /.+#{Porter2::C}(y|Y)$/
173:       self.sub(/(y|Y)$/, 'i')
174:     else
175:       self
176:     end
177:   end
porter2_step2(gb_english = false) click to toggle source

Search for the longest among the suffixes listed in the keys of Porter2::STEP_2_MAPS. If one is found and that suffix occurs in R1, replace it with the value found in STEP_2_MAPS.

(Suffixes ‘ogi’ and ‘li’ are treated as special cases in the procedure.)

(If gb_english is true, replace the ‘iser’ and ‘isation’ suffixes with ‘ise’, similarly to how ‘izer’ and ‘ization’ are treated.)

     # File lib/porter2.rb, line 188
188:   def porter2_step2(gb_english = false)
189:     r1 = self.porter2_r1
190:     s2m = Porter2::STEP_2_MAPS.dup
191:     if gb_english
192:       s2m["iser"] = "ise"
193:       s2m["isation"] = "ise"
194:     end
195:     step_2_re = Regexp.union( {|r| + "$")})
196:     if self =~ step_2_re
197:       if r1 =~ /#{$&}$/
198:         self.sub(/#{$&}$/, s2m[$&])
199:       else
200:         self
201:       end
202:     elsif r1 =~ /li$/ and self =~ /(#{Porter2::Valid_LI})li$/
203:       self.sub(/li$/, '')
204:     elsif r1 =~ /ogi$/ and self =~ /logi$/
205:       self.sub(/ogi$/, 'og')
206:     else
207:       self
208:     end
209:   end
porter2_step3(gb_english = false) click to toggle source

Search for the longest among the suffixes listed in the keys of Porter2::STEP_3_MAPS. If one is found and that suffix occurs in R1, replace it with the value found in STEP_3_MAPS.

(Suffix ‘ative’ is treated as a special case in the procedure.)

(If gb_english is true, replace the ‘alise’ suffix with ‘al’, similarly to how ‘alize’ is treated.)

     # File lib/porter2.rb, line 220
220:   def porter2_step3(gb_english = false)
221:     if self =~ /ative$/ and self.porter2_r2 =~ /ative$/
222:       self.sub(/ative$/, '')
223:     else
224:       s3m = Porter2::STEP_3_MAPS.dup
225:       if gb_english
226:         s3m["alise"] = "al"
227:       end
228:       step_3_re = Regexp.union( {|r| + "$")})
229:       r1 = self.porter2_r1
230:       if self =~ step_3_re and r1 =~ /#{$&}$/ 
231:         self.sub(/#{$&}$/, s3m[$&])
232:       else
233:         self
234:       end
235:     end
236:   end
porter2_step4(gb_english = false) click to toggle source

Search for the longest among the suffixes listed in the keys of Porter2::STEP_4_MAPS. If one is found and that suffix occurs in R2, replace it with the value found in STEP_4_MAPS.

(Suffix ‘ion’ is treated as a special case in the procedure.)

(If gb_english is true, delete the ‘ise’ suffix if found.)

     # File lib/porter2.rb, line 246
246:   def porter2_step4(gb_english = false)
247:     if self.porter2_r2 =~ /ion$/ and self =~ /(s|t)ion$/
248:       self.sub(/ion$/, '')
249:     else
250:       s4m = Porter2::STEP_4_MAPS.dup
251:       if gb_english
252:         s4m["ise"] = ""
253:       end
254:       step_4_re = Regexp.union( {|r| + "$")})
255:       r2 = self.porter2_r2
256:       if self =~ step_4_re
257:         if r2 =~ /#{$&}/
258:           self.sub(/#{$&}$/, s4m[$&])
259:         else
260:           self
261:         end
262:       else
263:         self
264:       end
265:     end
266:   end
porter2_step5() click to toggle source

Search for the the following suffixes, and, if found, perform the action indicated.


delete if in R2, or in R1 and not preceded by a short syllable


delete if in R2 and preceded by l

     # File lib/porter2.rb, line 272
272:   def porter2_step5
273:     if self =~ /ll$/ and self.porter2_r2 =~ /l$/
274:       self.sub(/ll$/, 'l') 
275:     elsif self =~ /e$/ and self.porter2_r2 =~ /e$/ 
276:       self.sub(/e$/, '') 
277:     else
278:       r1 = self.porter2_r1
279:       if self =~ /e$/ and r1 =~ /e$/ and not self =~ /#{Porter2::SHORT_SYLLABLE}e$/
280:         self.sub(/e$/, '')
281:       else
282:         self
283:       end
284:     end
285:   end
porter2_tidy() click to toggle source

Tidy up the word before we get down to the algorithm

    # File lib/porter2.rb, line 35
35:   def porter2_tidy
36:     preword = self.to_s.strip.downcase
38:     # map apostrophe-like characters to apostrophes
39:     preword.gsub!(/‘/, "'")
40:     preword.gsub!(/’/, "'")
42:     preword
43:   end
stem(gb_english = false) click to toggle source
Alias for: porter2_stem

Disabled; run with --debug to generate this.


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