# File lib/libttc.rb, line 495
  def to_move(game)
    move_elements = self.downcase.split
    piece_name = move_elements[0]
    destination_name = move_elements[-1]
    if destination_name.length > 2 and 
        destination_name[-2,2] == game.board.centre.place[-2,2]
      destination_name = game.board.centre.place
    raise(InvalidMoveError, "Invalid piece in move read") unless game.pieces.has_key?(piece_name)
    raise(InvalidMoveError, "Invalid destination in move read") unless game.board.positions.has_key?(destination_name)
    # Deal with the synonyms for the centre position
    via_base = (destination_name.length == 1 or move_elements.length > 2)
    Move.new(game.pieces[piece_name], game.board.positions[destination_name], via_base)