
Descriptive models of a natural language (in this case, English).

The functions Pwords(), Pletters(), Pbigrams(), and Ptrigrams() return the log probability of a section of text.

If you want to use a different language, replace the data files in szyfrow/language_model_files.

  • count_1l.txt: counts of single letters
  • count_2l.txt: counts of pairs letters, bigrams
  • count_3l.txt: counts of triples of letters, triagrams
  • words.txt: a dictionary of words, used for keyword-based cipher breaking. These words should only contain characters cointained in string.ascii_letters.
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"""Descriptive models of a natural language (in this case, English).

The functions `Pwords`, `Pletters`, `Pbigrams`, and `Ptrigrams` return the 
log probability of a section of text.

If you want to use a different language, replace the data files in 

* `count_1l.txt`: counts of single letters
* `count_2l.txt`: counts of pairs letters, bigrams
* `count_3l.txt`: counts of triples of letters, triagrams
* `words.txt`: a dictionary of words, used for keyword-based cipher breaking.
  These words should only contain characters cointained in 


import string
import random
import collections
import itertools
from math import log10
import os 
import importlib.resources as pkg_resources

from import sanitise, deduplicate
from szyfrow import language_model_files

def datafile(name, sep='\t'):
    """Read key,value pairs from file.
    with pkg_resources.open_text(language_model_files, name) as f:
    # with open(p name), 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            splits = line.split(sep)
            yield [splits[0], int(splits[1])]

english_counts = collections.Counter(dict(datafile('count_1l.txt')))
"""Counts of single letters in English."""
normalised_english_counts =
"""Normalised counts of single letters in English (the sum of all counts
adds to 1)."""

english_bigram_counts = collections.Counter(dict(datafile('count_2l.txt')))
"""Counts of letter bigrams in English."""
normalised_english_bigram_counts =
"""Normalised counts of letter bigrams in English (the sum of all counts
adds to 1)."""

english_trigram_counts = collections.Counter(dict(datafile('count_3l.txt')))
"""Counts of letter trigrams in English."""
normalised_english_trigram_counts =
"""Normalised counts of letter trigrams in English (the sum of all counts
adds to 1)."""

keywords = []
"""A sample list of keywords, to act as a dictionary for 
dictionary-based cipher breaking attempts."""
with pkg_resources.open_text(language_model_files, 'words.txt') as f:
    keywords = [line.rstrip() for line in f]

def transpositions_of(keyword):
    """Finds the transpostions given by a keyword. For instance, the keyword
    'clever' rearranges to 'celrv', so the first column (0) stays first, the
    second column (1) moves to third, the third column (2) moves to second, 
    and so on.

    If passed a tuple, assume it's already a transposition and just return it.

    >>> transpositions_of('clever')
    (0, 2, 1, 4, 3)
    >>> transpositions_of('fred')
    (3, 2, 0, 1)
    >>> transpositions_of((3, 2, 0, 1))
    (3, 2, 0, 1)
    if isinstance(keyword, tuple):
        return keyword
        key = deduplicate(keyword)
        transpositions = tuple(key.index(l) for l in sorted(key))
        return transpositions

transpositions = collections.defaultdict(list)
"""A sample dict of transpositions, to act as a dictionary for 
dictionary-based cipher breaking attempts. Each key is a transposition, 
each value is a list of words that give that transposition."""
for word in keywords:
    transpositions[transpositions_of(word)] += [word]

def weighted_choice(d):
    """Generate random item from a dictionary of item counts
    delems, dweights = list(zip(*d.items()))
    return random.choices(delems, dweights)[0] 
    # target = random.uniform(0, sum(d.values()))
    # cuml = 0.0
    # for (l, p) in d.items():
    #     cuml += p
    #     if cuml > target:
    #         return l
    # return None

def random_english_letter():
    """Generate a random letter based on English letter counts
    return weighted_choice(normalised_english_counts)

def ngrams(text, n):
    """Returns all n-grams of a text
    >>> ngrams(sanitise('the quick brown fox'), 2) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    ['th', 'he', 'eq', 'qu', 'ui', 'ic', 'ck', 'kb', 'br', 'ro', 'ow', 'wn', 
     'nf', 'fo', 'ox']
    >>> ngrams(sanitise('the quick brown fox'), 4) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    ['theq', 'hequ', 'equi', 'quic', 'uick', 'ickb', 'ckbr', 'kbro', 'brow', 
     'rown', 'ownf', 'wnfo', 'nfox']
    return [text[i:i+n] for i in range(len(text)-n+1)]

class Pdist(dict):
    """A probability distribution estimated from counts in datafile.
    Values are stored and returned as log probabilities.
    def __init__(self, data=[], estimate_of_missing=None):
        data1, data2 = itertools.tee(data) = sum([d[1] for d in data1])
        for key, count in data2:
            self[key] = log10(count /
        self.estimate_of_missing = estimate_of_missing or (lambda k, N: 1./N)
    def __missing__(self, key):
        return self.estimate_of_missing(key,

def log_probability_of_unknown_word(key, N):
    """Estimate the probability of an unknown word.
    return -log10(N * 10**((len(key) - 2) * 1.4))

Pw = Pdist(datafile('count_1w.txt'), log_probability_of_unknown_word)
"""A [Pdist]( holding log probabilities 
of words. Unknown words have their probability estimated by 
Pl = Pdist(datafile('count_1l.txt'), lambda _k, _N: 0)
"""A [Pdist]( holding log probabilities 
of single letters. Unknown words have their probability estimated as zero."""
P2l = Pdist(datafile('count_2l.txt'), lambda _k, _N: 0)
"""A [Pdist]( holding log probabilities 
of letter bigrams. Unknown words have their probability estimated as zero."""
P3l = Pdist(datafile('count_3l.txt'), lambda _k, _N: 0)
"""A [Pdist]( holding log probabilities 
of letter trigrams. Unknown words have their probability estimated as zero."""

def Pwords(words): 
    """The Naive Bayes log probability of a sequence of words.
    return sum(Pw[w.lower()] for w in words)

def Pletters(letters):
    """The Naive Bayes log probability of a sequence of letters.
    return sum(Pl[l.lower()] for l in letters)

def Pbigrams(letters):
    """The Naive Bayes log probability of the bigrams formed from a sequence 
    of letters.
    return sum(P2l[p] for p in ngrams(letters, 2))

def Ptrigrams(letters):
    """The Naive Bayes log probability of the trigrams formed from a sequence
    of letters.
    return sum(P3l[p] for p in ngrams(letters, 3))

def cosine_distance_score(text):
    """Finds the dissimilarity of a text to English, using the cosine distance
    of the frequency distribution.

    >>> cosine_distance_score('abcabc') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    # return, 
    #     collections.Counter(sanitise(text)))
    return 1 -, 

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest

Global variables

var P2l

A Pdist holding log probabilities of letter bigrams. Unknown words have their probability estimated as zero.

var P3l

A Pdist holding log probabilities of letter trigrams. Unknown words have their probability estimated as zero.

var Pl

A Pdist holding log probabilities of single letters. Unknown words have their probability estimated as zero.

var Pw

A Pdist holding log probabilities of words. Unknown words have their probability estimated by log_probability_of_unknown_word

var english_bigram_counts

Counts of letter bigrams in English.

var english_counts

Counts of single letters in English.

var english_trigram_counts

Counts of letter trigrams in English.

var keywords

A sample list of keywords, to act as a dictionary for dictionary-based cipher breaking attempts.

var normalised_english_bigram_counts

Normalised counts of letter bigrams in English (the sum of all counts adds to 1).

var normalised_english_counts

Normalised counts of single letters in English (the sum of all counts adds to 1).

var normalised_english_trigram_counts

Normalised counts of letter trigrams in English (the sum of all counts adds to 1).

var transpositions

A sample dict of transpositions, to act as a dictionary for dictionary-based cipher breaking attempts. Each key is a transposition, each value is a list of words that give that transposition.


def Pbigrams(letters)

The Naive Bayes log probability of the bigrams formed from a sequence of letters.

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def Pbigrams(letters):
    """The Naive Bayes log probability of the bigrams formed from a sequence 
    of letters.
    return sum(P2l[p] for p in ngrams(letters, 2))
def Pletters(letters)

The Naive Bayes log probability of a sequence of letters.

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def Pletters(letters):
    """The Naive Bayes log probability of a sequence of letters.
    return sum(Pl[l.lower()] for l in letters)
def Ptrigrams(letters)

The Naive Bayes log probability of the trigrams formed from a sequence of letters.

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def Ptrigrams(letters):
    """The Naive Bayes log probability of the trigrams formed from a sequence
    of letters.
    return sum(P3l[p] for p in ngrams(letters, 3))
def Pwords(words)

The Naive Bayes log probability of a sequence of words.

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def Pwords(words): 
    """The Naive Bayes log probability of a sequence of words.
    return sum(Pw[w.lower()] for w in words)
def cosine_distance_score(text)

Finds the dissimilarity of a text to English, using the cosine distance of the frequency distribution.

>>> cosine_distance_score('abcabc') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
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def cosine_distance_score(text):
    """Finds the dissimilarity of a text to English, using the cosine distance
    of the frequency distribution.

    >>> cosine_distance_score('abcabc') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    # return, 
    #     collections.Counter(sanitise(text)))
    return 1 -, 
def datafile(name, sep='\t')

Read key,value pairs from file.

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def datafile(name, sep='\t'):
    """Read key,value pairs from file.
    with pkg_resources.open_text(language_model_files, name) as f:
    # with open(p name), 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            splits = line.split(sep)
            yield [splits[0], int(splits[1])]
def log_probability_of_unknown_word(key, N)

Estimate the probability of an unknown word.

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def log_probability_of_unknown_word(key, N):
    """Estimate the probability of an unknown word.
    return -log10(N * 10**((len(key) - 2) * 1.4))
def ngrams(text, n)

Returns all n-grams of a text

>>> ngrams(sanitise('the quick brown fox'), 2) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
['th', 'he', 'eq', 'qu', 'ui', 'ic', 'ck', 'kb', 'br', 'ro', 'ow', 'wn', 
 'nf', 'fo', 'ox']
>>> ngrams(sanitise('the quick brown fox'), 4) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
['theq', 'hequ', 'equi', 'quic', 'uick', 'ickb', 'ckbr', 'kbro', 'brow', 
 'rown', 'ownf', 'wnfo', 'nfox']
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def ngrams(text, n):
    """Returns all n-grams of a text
    >>> ngrams(sanitise('the quick brown fox'), 2) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    ['th', 'he', 'eq', 'qu', 'ui', 'ic', 'ck', 'kb', 'br', 'ro', 'ow', 'wn', 
     'nf', 'fo', 'ox']
    >>> ngrams(sanitise('the quick brown fox'), 4) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    ['theq', 'hequ', 'equi', 'quic', 'uick', 'ickb', 'ckbr', 'kbro', 'brow', 
     'rown', 'ownf', 'wnfo', 'nfox']
    return [text[i:i+n] for i in range(len(text)-n+1)]
def random_english_letter()

Generate a random letter based on English letter counts

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def random_english_letter():
    """Generate a random letter based on English letter counts
    return weighted_choice(normalised_english_counts)
def transpositions_of(keyword)

Finds the transpostions given by a keyword. For instance, the keyword 'clever' rearranges to 'celrv', so the first column (0) stays first, the second column (1) moves to third, the third column (2) moves to second, and so on.

If passed a tuple, assume it's already a transposition and just return it.

>>> transpositions_of('clever')
(0, 2, 1, 4, 3)
>>> transpositions_of('fred')
(3, 2, 0, 1)
>>> transpositions_of((3, 2, 0, 1))
(3, 2, 0, 1)
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def transpositions_of(keyword):
    """Finds the transpostions given by a keyword. For instance, the keyword
    'clever' rearranges to 'celrv', so the first column (0) stays first, the
    second column (1) moves to third, the third column (2) moves to second, 
    and so on.

    If passed a tuple, assume it's already a transposition and just return it.

    >>> transpositions_of('clever')
    (0, 2, 1, 4, 3)
    >>> transpositions_of('fred')
    (3, 2, 0, 1)
    >>> transpositions_of((3, 2, 0, 1))
    (3, 2, 0, 1)
    if isinstance(keyword, tuple):
        return keyword
        key = deduplicate(keyword)
        transpositions = tuple(key.index(l) for l in sorted(key))
        return transpositions
def weighted_choice(d)

Generate random item from a dictionary of item counts

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def weighted_choice(d):
    """Generate random item from a dictionary of item counts
    delems, dweights = list(zip(*d.items()))
    return random.choices(delems, dweights)[0] 
    # target = random.uniform(0, sum(d.values()))
    # cuml = 0.0
    # for (l, p) in d.items():
    #     cuml += p
    #     if cuml > target:
    #         return l
    # return None


class Pdist (data=[], estimate_of_missing=None)

A probability distribution estimated from counts in datafile. Values are stored and returned as log probabilities.

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class Pdist(dict):
    """A probability distribution estimated from counts in datafile.
    Values are stored and returned as log probabilities.
    def __init__(self, data=[], estimate_of_missing=None):
        data1, data2 = itertools.tee(data) = sum([d[1] for d in data1])
        for key, count in data2:
            self[key] = log10(count /
        self.estimate_of_missing = estimate_of_missing or (lambda k, N: 1./N)
    def __missing__(self, key):
        return self.estimate_of_missing(key,


  • builtins.dict