Totals of God Sungssing Lunar of Laughs Erithascalf Sight Cloud Limpingmilk Bronzes of the Mood Eleven Running Dakas Slaying Earth No Ears Hundred Singing Beasts Hundred Meeting Sings Eight Jumping Cows Bows of the Beetle Smilingstream Bush of the Smiles Smiling Storm Milksshield Sweet Sight Yoghurt of the Boulders Striding Head Running Sing Frownsudder Tonguescow Fals of Quick Tipi of Storms Eleven Frowning Hyenas Seven Bulls Lone Laugh Sun of Plains Three Giving Chaos One Water Waha Quickstaste Many Taking Skies Slayingudder Nine Bitter Calfs Eight Aunt Cows Smiling Spirit Skullsfeet Leaping Wood Skulkingarrow Hundred Grims Plain of the Urox Singerstouch Eight Leaper Udders Lone Walking Hoof One Son Hundred Lights Four Skulking Coups Smilingboulder Smiling Shield Tastes of Wood Nine Aunts Smiling Gulley Sungswood Taking Spear Bonessound Striding Mount Leaping Sky Twelve God Kvasses Bitter Coup One Slaying Fog Tipissun Runningudder Limpingslow Limpinglight Six Wahas Three Singing Shields Skulking Slow Takingeritha Goldentongue Falsfeel Eleven Smiling Heads Singerslaugh Takingyoghurt Smells of the Sings Two Sour Shields One Jumping Hyena Four Udders Twelve Beasts Feets of Plain Few Singer Calfs Eight Striding Bulls Stridingleaper Gulley of Milks Happysdaughter Runningudder Sweetmetal Five Talking Feets Running Urox Limpingfeet Three Wooden Broos Crying Metal Eyes of the Hyena Talkingbush Two Giving Spears Jumpingplains Smilingleaper Stream of Skulls No Serpents Bouldersbush Crying Desert Slow of Dakas Seven Bitter Smiles Striding Eritha Eleven Bitter Plains Singerstaste Happies of the God Darksfeel Six Quicks Talkingstream Beasts of Ear Taking Dark Talkingboulder Singingaunt Smiling Skull Three Sour Plains Twelve Skulking Plains Moonsky No Killing Woods Smellsgod Giving Hand Giving Urox Goldenboulder Singing Hand Twelve Taking Golds Four Winds Smilingdaka Plain of the Gulleys Coup of Totals Few Bushes Shields of the Chaos Uncle of Uncles Giving Storm Wahasskull Meetingheavy Meeting Sound Leapers of the Waters Udders of Cow Two Bronzes Meeting Waha Slayingyelm No Arrows Beetle of the Broos Hoof of Clouds Killing Valley Bonehand Ten Mounts Eleven Grim Tongues Four Mounts Cliffs of the Kvass Smilingchaos Moons of Bronze Meeting Plain Leapers of the Killer Walking Sand Broth of the Ears Runner of Silvers Seven Smiling Legs No Oath Wahas Givinghead Aunt Cliff Chaos of Plain Six Frowning Suns Lunars of the Dakas Touchsdaka Few Jumping Beasts Laughingcliff Leapingshield Wet of the Singers Sons of the Heavies Son of Tastes Crying Gulley Many Skies Serpents of the Wahas Cryingmilk Crying Utter Two Running Heavies Chaos of the Mounts Spearsboulder Meetingshield Eleven Grims Giving Wet Mountsfrown Bitterear One Skulking Broth No Aunts Nine Fogs Eleven Silvers Smilingwaha Singing Wet Sour Plains God of the Totals Sungswet Heavysbond Four Singing Lunars Goldencloud Two Running Rocks Deserts of the Mounts Cows of the Earth Mount of the Plains Quicks of the Utters Five Talking Killers Five Taking Uncles Many Singing Deserts Beastsskull Stalkingsand Many Smells Sweetfeet Happy Ear Bones of Uncle Singsun Tastes of the Happies Four Crying Tongues Beastssun Sonsbronze Fathersleaper Uttersgrim Taking Urox Twelve Taking Wahas Few Yoghurts Lone Striding Urox Grim of Aunts Bondsmood Frowning Hoof Singing Boulder Sweetsound Two Heavies Laughingfeather Walkingarrow Feelhoof Woodenplain Three Taking Ears Nine Silvers Skull of the Boulders Bitter Earth Giving Hoof Five Running Cows Woodyelm Golden Feather Nine Moons Hundred Fals Quicks of the Happies Runners of the Mothers Hundred Bonds Meeting Tongue Three Sweet Valleys Killingleg No Skulking Udders Killing Mist Quick of the Heavies Slayinggulley Hundred Sour Storms Four Meeting Eyes Bronzes of Smell Goldenyelm Slayingvalley Feels of Bronze Killers of Daka Six Feels Wooden Milk Striding Beetle Moon Sky Totalssing Laughingbush Broos of Hyena Lunars of Uncle Deserts of the Kvass Sounds of Touch Arrowsleg Plainsfog Three Crying Killers Frowning Sun Six Grims Many Broos Giving Sound Striding Calf Streams of the Calf One Sour Silver Smiling Cliff Faltipi Few Bronzes Singingbird Jumping Hand Eight Utters Seven Wooden Hyenas Meetingtongue Lone Giving Yoghurt Woods of Sound Eleven Bones Stalking Leg Leaping Mist Two Sweet Plains Heavies of the Slow Herds of the Kvasses Singingear Touchkvass Grim of Runners Five Jumping Hands Givingsinger Dakasbronze Beasts of Urox Serpentshand Four Leaping Hyenas Nine Touch Mists Nine Wooden Tipis Few Killer Kvasses Hyena of Frowns Bronzesrunner Lancesmist Broo of Boulders Many Talking Hills Walkingplains Wetssight Bitter Aunt Bitterudder Touch of the Happies Twelve Meeting Sungs Falmilk Soundssilver Nine Cows Leaping Yoghurt Hands of the Smile Fathers of the Moon Singing Hill Skulkingvalley Ten Laughing Daughters Few Fathers Walkingboulder Herds of the Suns Few Happy Fogs Moonsmood Many Sings Twelve Bonds Aunts of Bond Few Moon Plains Twelve Clouds No Smiling Tongues Laughing Taste Four Wet Gulleys Daughters of Dark Hand of the Suns Hundred Bitter Deserts Ten Talking Calfs Grim Herd Four Sungs Ten Slaying Urox Walking Calf Slaying Oath Five Limping Golds Ten Herds Ten Killing Birds Killing Cloud Serpentsvalley Father Smile Sweet Wet Feets of the Fog Running Head Jumpingyoghurt Feels of Bronze Cryingbronze Bondbeast Wahas of Kvass One Moon Running Hyena Lunarsdaka Seven Frowning Tipis Spirits of the Fathers Feet of the Wahas Killingcow Takingsilver Killing Cow Leapingbond Hundred Sour Deserts Bitter Eye Six Frowning Spears Suns of the Beetle Singing Tongue Killersgrim Stormsmount Head of the Legs No Stalking Tipis Few Mothers Fathers of Father Grimbush Metal Feet Singing Plain Streams of the Feet Few Meeting Plains Striding Bull One Uncle Earshyena Headssky Sights of the Grim Nine Spirit Gulleys Walkingarrow Limping Broo Giving Hand Bronze Urox Smilingcliff Nine Golden Feathers Stormshill Smiling Daka Running Beetle Mothers of the Smell Running Hill Killingaunt Smiling Valley Moon of the Lights Two Uncle Birds Sweetgold One Giving Mother One Slaying Hill Quick of Smells Plains of the Yoghurt Bitter Valley Cryinghill Walkingcloud Many Skulking Erithas Bone Bird Few Lights Slayinghead Quickchaos Slow Leg Hundred Laughing Cliffs Two Talking Smells Smiles of Eye Eleven Crying Woods Shieldsvalley Twelve Meeting Woods Seven Heavies Giving Yoghurt Hundred Smiling Birds Few Slaying Cows Limping Mount Four Tongues Six Coup Mists Calfs of Hyena Valleys of Head Twelve Slaying Kvasses Two Spirits God of the Touches One Running Sand Bronze Milk Many Limping Earthes Ten Limping Ears Sight of the Laughs Wahas of the Plain Sour Bone Taste of the Oathes Goldenmount Singerssmell Few Kvasses Slayingcoup Falsgod Streams of the Cows Givingbeetle Five Happies Sour Sand Killing Arrow Stridingvalley Sweet Cow Talkingsand Many Singing Kvasses Killingbeetle Nine Bitter Broos Meetingmetal Three Erithas Smiling Chaos Earthes of Waha Metals of the Sungs Lone Sour God Four Cows Ten Smiling Milks Skulkingkvass Bronzes of the Lunar Tastes of the Sights Lone Ear Sonsaunt Walking Herd Twelve Leapers Woods of the Son Sourhill Total of the Spirits Eleven Cliffs Frowningoath Wooden Gulley Lanceshill Few Leaping Storms Slayinghoof Sweetrock Seven Father Shields Soundsgod Many Oath Winds Striding Kvass Legsbroo Calf of Skulls Skulkinggulley Singer Stream Ten Spirit Eyes