# == Synopsis # # Library to support Cartagena play # # == Author # Neil Smith # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # == Change history # Version 1.0:: 11 Jun 2008 # * Initial build # Symbols $SYMBOLS = [:bottle, :dagger, :gun, :hat, :keys, :skull] # The number of cards of each symbol in the deck $CARDS_PER_SYMBOL = 17 # The number of cards initiall dealt to each player $INITIAL_CARDS_PER_PLAYER = 3 # Maximum number of pieces on a position $MAX_PIECES_PER_POSITION = 3 # Errors for a game # Moves can only be [1..6] spaces class InvalidMoveError < StandardError end # Game is won when only one player has uncaptured pieces class GameWonNotice < StandardError end # A position on the board. class Position attr_reader :symbol, :contains def initialize(symbol) @symbol = symbol @contains = [] end end # A tile that makes up the board. Each tile has two sides, each with six # positions. Tiles can be either way up, and either way round. class Tile attr_reader :exposed, :front, :back def initialize(front, back) @front = front.collect {|s| Position.new(s)} @back = back.collect {|s| Position.new(s)} @exposed = @front @exposed_side = :front end def flip! if @exposed_side == :front @exposed = @back @exposed_side = :back else @exposed = @front @exposed_side = :front end end def reverse! @exposed = @exposed.reverse end end # The game board class Board attr_reader :positions attr_reader :tiles # A laborious procedure to create all the positions and tie them all together def initialize(tiles_used) # A hash of all positions, indexed by position names @tiles = [Tile.new([:hat, :keys, :gun, :bottle, :skull, :dagger], [:hat, :keys, :gun, :bottle, :skull, :dagger]), Tile.new([:gun, :hat, :dagger, :skull, :bottle, :keys], [:gun, :hat, :dagger, :skull, :bottle, :keys]), Tile.new([:skull, :gun, :bottle, :keys, :dagger, :hat], [:skull, :gun, :bottle, :keys, :dagger, :hat]), Tile.new([:dagger, :bottle, :keys, :gun, :hat, :skull], [:dagger, :bottle, :keys, :gun, :hat, :skull]), Tile.new([:keys, :dagger, :skull, :hat, :gun, :bottle], [:keys, :dagger, :skull, :hat, :gun, :bottle]), Tile.new([:bottle, :skull, :hat, :dagger, :keys, :gun], [:bottle, :skull, :hat, :dagger, :keys, :gun]) ].shuffle[0...tiles_used] @tiles = @tiles.each do |t| if rand < 0.5 t.reverse! else t end end @positions = [Position.new(:cell)] @tiles.each {|t| t.exposed.each {|p| @positions << p}} @positions << Position.new(:boat) end # def def to_s layout end def to_str to_s end # For each position, show its name and what it touches def layout out_string = "" @positions.each {|position| out_string << "#{position.symbol}\n"} out_string end end # Each piece on the board is an object class Piece attr_reader :player, :number attr_accessor :position def initialize(position, player, number) @position = position @player = player @number = number end def to_s "#{@player}:#{@number}" end def to_str to_s end def move_to(new_position) @position = new_position end end # A move in a game class Move attr_reader :piece, :origin, :destination def initialize(piece, origin, destination) @piece = piece @origin = origin @destination = destination end def show(board) "#{@piece.to_s}: #{board.positions.index(@origin)} -> #{board.positions.index(@destination)}" end # Write a move to a string # Note the inverse, String#to_move, is defined below def to_s "#{@piece.player}: #{@origin.to_s} -> #{@destination.to_s}" end def to_str to_s end end # A class to record each of the states previously found in a game. # Note that this is a deep copy of the pieces and what they've captured, so # you'll need to convert back class GameState attr_accessor :move, :player, :pieces_after_move def initialize(move, player, pieces) @move = move @player = player @pieces_after_move = Hash.new pieces.each {|k, p| @pieces_after_move[k] = p.dup} end def ==(other) @move.to_s == other.move.to_s and @player == other.player and @piece_after_move == other.pieces_after_move end end # A game of Cartagena. It keeps a history of all previous states. class Game attr_reader :history attr_reader :current_player, :players, :players_cards attr_reader :board attr_reader :pieces attr_reader :deck # Create a new game def initialize(players = 6, number_of_tiles = 6, pieces_each = 6) @board = Board.new(number_of_tiles) @history = [] @pieces = [] @players = [].fill(0, players) {|i| i} @players_cards = [] @current_player = 0 @cards = [] 1.upto($CARDS_PER_SYMBOL) {|x| @cards.concat($SYMBOLS)} @deck = @cards.shuffle @players.each do |p| @pieces[p] = [] 0.upto(pieces_each - 1) do |count| piece = Piece.new(@board.positions[0], p, count) @pieces[p][count] = piece @board.positions[0].contains << piece end @players_cards[p] = [] deal_cards!($INITIAL_CARDS_PER_PLAYER, p) end end def deal_cards!(number_of_cards, player = @current_player) 1.upto(number_of_cards) do @deck = @cards.shuffle if @deck.empty? @players_cards[player] << @deck.pop end end # Check that a move is valid. Throw an exception if it's invalid def validate_move(move, player = @current_player) # Check the move is a valid one raise(InvalidMoveError, "Move #{move}: Player #{player} does not exist") unless @players.include?(player) raise(InvalidMoveError, "Move #{move}: None of player #{player}'s pieces on position #{move.origin}") unless move.origin.contains.find {|pc| pc.player == player} raise(InvalidMoveError, "Move #{move}: Origin and destination are the same") if move.origin == move.destination origin_position = @board.positions.index(move.origin) destination_position = @board.positions.index(move.destination) # Is this move an advance or a retreat? if destination_position > origin_position # Advancing a piece unless @players_cards[player].find {|c| c == move.destination.symbol} raise(InvalidMoveError, "Player #{player} does not have a card to move a piece to a #{move.destination.symbol} square") end # Check target square is vacant raise(InvalidMoveError, "Advance move #{move}: destination occupied") unless move.destination.contains.empty? # Check all the intervening squares with this symbol are occupied intervening_empty_position = @board.positions[origin_position...destination_position].index_find do |p| p.symbol == move.destination.symbol and p.contains.empty? end raise(InvalidMoveError, "Advance move #{move}: location #{intervening_empty_position} is empty") if intervening_empty_position else # Retreating a piece # Check target position has one or two pieces already on it destination_count = move.destination.contains.length raise(InvalidMoveError, "Retreat move #{move}: destination has no pieces already on it") if destination_count == 0 raise(InvalidMoveError, "Retreat move #{move}: destination has too many (#{destination_count}) pieces already on it") if destination_count >= $MAX_PIECES_PER_POSITION # Check none of the intervening squares have any pieces on them # puts "Checking positions #{destination_position} to #{origin_position}" intervening_target_position = @board.positions[(destination_position + 1)...origin_position].index_find do |p| # puts "Examining postition #{p} at location #{@board.positions.index(p)} which contains #{p.contains.length} pieces" p.contains.length > 0 and p.contains.length < $MAX_PIECES_PER_POSITION end raise(InvalidMoveError, "Retreat move #{move.show(@board)}: location #{intervening_target_position} is a viable target") if intervening_target_position end end # Apply a single move to a game. def apply_move!(move, player = @current_player) validate_move(move, player) # Apply this move move.origin.contains.delete move.piece move.destination.contains << move.piece move.piece.position = move.destination # Update cards if @board.positions.index(move.destination) > @board.positions.index(move.origin) # Advance move @players_cards[player].delete_at(@players_cards[player].index(move.destination.symbol)) else # Retreat move deal_cards!(move.destination.contains.length - 1, player) end # Record the new stae # this_game_state = GameState.new(move, player, @pieces) # @history << this_game_state # If this player has all their pieces in the boat, declare a win. if @pieces[player].all? {|pc| pc.position == :boat} raise(GameWonNotice, "Game won by #{player}") end end # Undo a move def undo_move! if @history.length > 1 # general case state_to_restore = @history[-2] @current_player = @history[-1].player @pieces.each do |name, piece| copy_piece = state_to_restore.pieces_after_move[name] piece.position = copy_piece.position end @history.pop elsif @history.length == 1 # reset to start @current_player = @players[1] @pieces.each do |name, piece| piece.position = @board.positions[piece.colour] end @history.pop end end # Apply a list of moves in order def apply_moves!(moves) moves.each do |move| if move.via_base? moved_distance = board.distance_between[move.piece.position.place][@current_player] + board.distance_between[@current_player][move.destination.place] else moved_distance = board.distance_between[move.piece.position.place][move.destination.place] end self.apply_move!(move, @current_player) next_player! unless moved_distance == 6 end end # Set the current player to be the next player def next_player! original_player = @current_player if @current_player == @players[-1] @current_player = @players[1] else @current_player = @players[@players.index(@current_player) + 1] end @current_player end # Return an array of all possible moves from this state, given the active player def possible_moves(player = @current_player) moves = [] @pieces[player].each do |piece| # Do a forward move for each card held unless piece.position == @board.positions[-1] @players_cards[player].each do |card| destination = @board.positions[@board.positions.index(piece.position)..-1].find do |pos| (pos.symbol == card and pos.contains == []) or pos.symbol == :boat end <<<<<<< .mine puts "Player #{player}, card #{card}, piece #{piece.number} at position #{@board.positions.index(piece.position)} moving to #{@board.positions.index(destination)}, a #{destination.symbol}" ======= # puts "Player #{player}, card #{card}, piece #{piece.number} at position #{@board.positions.index(piece.position)} to #{@board.positions.index(destination)}, a #{destination.symbol}" >>>>>>> .r34 moves << Move.new(piece, piece.position, destination) puts "Added move #{piece.number}: #{piece.position.symbol} -> #{destination.symbol}" end end # Do a reverse move for the piece unless piece.position == board.positions[0] destination = @board.positions[0...@board.positions.index(piece.position)].reverse.find do |pos| pos.contains.length == 1 or pos.contains.length == 2 end if destination # puts "Player #{player}, piece #{piece.number} at position #{@board.positions.index(piece.position)} retreats to #{@board.positions.index(destination)}, a #{destination.symbol} containing #{destination.contains.length} pieces" moves << Move.new(piece, piece.position, destination) end end end # moves.each {|m| puts m.show(@board)} moves end def build_state_string outstr = "Current player = #{@current_player}\n" 0.upto((@board.positions.length)-1) do |i| outstr << "#{i}: #{@board.positions[i].symbol}: " @board.positions[i].contains.each do |piece| outstr << "P#{piece.player}:#{piece.number} " end outstr << "\n" end 0.upto((@players.length)-1) do |i| outstr << "Player #{i} holds " << (@players_cards[i].sort_by {|c| c.to_s}).join(', ') << "\n" end outstr << "Deck holds " << @deck.join(', ') << "\n" outstr end # Show the state of the board def show_state puts build_state_string # @pieces.keys.sort.each do |piece_name| # if @pieces[piece_name].captured # puts "Piece #{piece_name} captured, at #{@pieces[piece_name].position}" # else # puts "Piece #{piece_name} is at #{@pieces[piece_name].position}, holds #{(@pieces[piece_name].contains.collect{|c| c.name}).join(' ')}" # end # end end def to_s show_state end def to_str to_s end def set_testing_game! srand 1234 @board = nil initialize(6, 6, 6) end # Given a set of lines from an input file, turn them into a Game object and # a set of Move objects. # Note the multiple return values. # Class method def Game.read_game(gamelines) gamelines.each {|l| l.chomp!} game = Game.new(gamelines[0].to_i, 6, 6, 6, 6) moves = [] gamelines[1..-2].each {|m| moves << m.to_move(game)} return game, moves, gamelines[-1].to_i end end # Extension to String class to convert a move-description string into a Move object. # This is the inverse of the Move#to_s method class String def to_move(game) move_elements = self.downcase.split piece_name = move_elements[0] destination_name = move_elements[-1] if destination_name.length > 2 and destination_name[-2,2] == game.board.centre.place[-2,2] destination_name = game.board.centre.place end raise(InvalidMoveError, "Invalid piece in move read") unless game.pieces.has_key?(piece_name) raise(InvalidMoveError, "Invalid destination in move read") unless game.board.positions.has_key?(destination_name) # Deal with the synonyms for the centre position via_base = (destination_name.length == 1 or move_elements.length > 2) Move.new(game.pieces[piece_name], game.board.positions[destination_name], via_base) end end # Read a game description file and convert it into a Game object and set of Move objects. # Note that Game.read_game method returns multiple values, so this one does too. class IO def IO.read_game(filename) gamelines = IO.readlines(filename) return Game.read_game(gamelines) end end # Extension to the Array class to include the Array#shuffle function class Array def shuffle sort_by { rand } end def index_find(&block) found = find(&block) if found index found else found end end end