

5 December 2008 Updated the libcartagena libraryand added the library unit tests.
24 October 2008 Added the libcartagena library.
25 September 2008 Slightly changed the interface description: different file format, and program now has 15 seconds to report a single action, rather than 30 seconds for all three actions.
4 April 2008 Initial version

Cartena is a simple race-based board game. You can read the rules and look at the board to see how the game is played. More details on Cartagena are at Board Game Geek

The challenge is to build a computer program that will play the game well. The structure of the challenge is heavily based on the one for Pousse. What needs to be fixed for the game is how your player will be called.

The Web interface

Here you can find some simple web forms that will allow you to interact with the automatic Pousse players. There're two forms here:

The library

I've written a Ruby library libcartagena.rb, to act as a reference implementation. You can also download the unit tests for it. Both the library and the unit tests are released under the GNU General Public Licence v3.