{{> theme_head}} {{!-- Ghost outputs important style and meta data with this tag --}} {{ghost_head}}

{{^if success}} {{t "Subscribe to {blogtitle}" blogtitle=@blog.title}} {{else}} {{t "Subscribed!"}} {{/if}}

{{^if success}} {{subscribe_form form_class="gh-signin" input_class="gh-input" button_class="gh-btn gh-btn-blue gh-btn-block" placeholder=(t "Your email address") autofocus="true" }} {{else}}

{{t "You've successfully subscribed to"}} {{@blog.title}} {{t "with the email address"}} {{email}}.

{{!-- Ghost Content API --}} {{!-- 3rd party scripts --}} {{!-- The main JavaScript file for Tawau --}} {{!-- Ghost outputs important scripts and data with this tag --}} {{ghost_foot}}