#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 2012-2015, The Trusted Domain Project. All rights reserved. # # Script to generate regular DMARC reports. ### ### Setup ### use strict; use warnings; use Switch; use DBI; use File::Basename; use File::Temp; use Net::Domain qw(hostfqdn hostdomain); use Getopt::Long; use IO::Handle; use IO::Compress::Zip qw(zip); use POSIX; use MIME::Base64; use Net::SMTP; require DBD::mysql; require HTTP::Request; # general my $progname = basename($0); my $version = "1.3.1"; my $verbose = 0; my $helponly = 0; my $showversion = 0; my $interval; my $gen; my $uri; my $buf; my $mailout; my $boundary; my $tmpout; my $repfile; my $zipfile; my $zipin; my $now; my $repstart; my $repend; my $domain; my $domainid; my $domainset; my $forcedomain; my @skipdomains; my $policy; my $spolicy; my $policystr; my $spolicystr; my $pct; my $repuri; my @repuris; my $lastsent; my $aspf; my $aspfstr; my $adkim; my $adkimstr; my $align_dkim; my $align_dkimstr; my $align_spf; my $align_spfstr; my $spfresult; my $dkimresult; my $disp; my $spfresultstr; my $dkimresultstr; my $dispstr; my $ipaddr; my $fromdomain; my $envdomain; my $dkimdomain; my $repdest; my $smtpstatus; my $smtpfail; my $doupdate = 1; my $testmode = 0; my $keepfiles = 0; my $use_utc = 0; my $daybound = 0; my $report_maxbytes_global = 15728640; # default: 15M, per spec my $msgid; my $rowcount; my $dbi_s; my $dbi_h; my $dbi_a; my $dbi_d; # DB parameters my $def_dbhost = "localhost"; my $def_dbname = "opendmarc"; my $def_dbuser = "opendmarc"; my $def_dbpasswd = "opendmarc"; my $def_dbport = "3306"; my $def_interval = "86400"; my $dbhost; my $dbname; my $dbuser; my $dbpasswd; my $dbport; my $dbscheme = "mysql"; my $repdom = hostdomain(); my $repemail = "postmaster@" . $repdom; my $smtp_server = ''; my $smtp_port = 25; my $smtp; my $answer; ### ### NO user-serviceable parts beyond this point ### sub usage { print STDERR "$progname: usage: $progname [options]\n"; print STDERR "\t--day send yesterday's data\n"; print STDERR "\t--dbhost=host database host [$def_dbhost]\n"; print STDERR "\t--dbname=name database name [$def_dbname]\n"; print STDERR "\t--dbpasswd=passwd database password [$def_dbpasswd]\n"; print STDERR "\t--dbport=port database port [$def_dbport]\n"; print STDERR "\t--dbuser=user database user [$def_dbuser]\n"; print STDERR "\t--domain=name force a report for named domain\n"; print STDERR "\t--help print help and exit\n"; print STDERR "\t--interval=secs report interval [$def_interval]\n"; print STDERR "\t--keepfiles keep xml files (in local directory)\n"; print STDERR "\t -n synonym for --test\n"; print STDERR "\t--nodomain=name omit a report for named domain\n"; print STDERR "\t--noupdate don't record report transmission\n"; print STDERR "\t--report-email reporting contact [$repemail]\n"; print STDERR "\t--report-org reporting organization [$repdom]\n"; print STDERR "\t--smtp-port smtp server port [$smtp_port]\n"; print STDERR "\t--smtp-server smtp server [$smtp_server]\n"; print STDERR "\t--test don't send reports\n"; print STDERR "\t--utc operate in UTC\n"; print STDERR "\t (implies --keepfiles --noupdate)\n"; print STDERR "\t--verbose verbose output\n"; print STDERR "\t (repeat for increased output)\n"; print STDERR "\t--version print version and exit\n"; } # set locale setlocale(LC_ALL, 'C'); # parse command line arguments my $opt_retval = &Getopt::Long::GetOptions ('day!' => \$daybound, 'dbhost=s' => \$dbhost, 'dbname=s' => \$dbname, 'dbpasswd=s' => \$dbpasswd, 'dbport=s' => \$dbport, 'dbuser=s' => \$dbuser, 'domain=s' => \$forcedomain, 'help!' => \$helponly, 'interval=i' => \$interval, 'keepfiles' => \$keepfiles, 'n|test' => \$testmode, 'nodomain=s' => \@skipdomains, 'report-email=s' => \$repemail, 'report-org=s' => \$repdom, 'smtp-server=s' => \$smtp_server, 'smtp-port=i' => \$smtp_port, 'update!' => \$doupdate, 'utc!' => \$use_utc, 'verbose+' => \$verbose, 'version!' => \$showversion, ); if (!$opt_retval || $helponly) { usage(); if ($helponly) { exit(0); } else { exit(1); } } if ($showversion) { print STDOUT "$progname v$version\n"; exit(0); } # apply defaults if (!defined($dbhost)) { if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_DBHOST'})) { $dbhost = $ENV{'OPENDMARC_DBHOST'}; } else { $dbhost = $def_dbhost; } } if (!defined($dbname)) { if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_DB'})) { $dbname = $ENV{'OPENDMARC_DB'}; } else { $dbname = $def_dbname; } } if (!defined($dbpasswd)) { if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_PASSWORD'})) { $dbpasswd = $ENV{'OPENDMARC_PASSWORD'}; } else { $dbpasswd = $def_dbpasswd; } } if (!defined($dbport)) { if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_PORT'})) { $dbport = $ENV{'OPENDMARC_PORT'}; } else { $dbport = $def_dbport; } } if (!defined($dbuser)) { if (defined($ENV{'OPENDMARC_USER'})) { $dbuser = $ENV{'OPENDMARC_USER'}; } else { $dbuser = $def_dbuser; } } if (!defined($interval)) { $interval = $def_interval; } # Test mode requested, don't update last sent and keep xml files $doupdate = ($testmode == 1) ? 0 : $doupdate; $keepfiles = ($testmode == 1) ? 1 : $keepfiles; if ($verbose) { print STDERR "$progname: started at " . localtime() . "\n"; } my $dbi_dsn = "DBI:" . $dbscheme . ":database=" . $dbname . ";host=" . $dbhost . ";port=" . $dbport; $dbi_h = DBI->connect($dbi_dsn, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, { PrintError => 0 }); if (!defined($dbi_h)) { print STDERR "$progname: unable to connect to database: $DBI::errstr\n"; exit(1); } if ($verbose >= 2) { print STDERR "$progname: connected to database\n"; } if ($use_utc) { $dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00'"); if (!$dbi_s->execute()) { print STDERR "$progname: failed to change to UTC: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n"; $dbi_s->finish; $dbi_h->disconnect; exit(1); } } # # Select domains on which to report # $now = time(); if ($verbose >= 2) { print STDERR "$progname: selecting target domains\n"; } if (defined($forcedomain)) { $dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT name FROM domains WHERE name = ?"); if (!$dbi_s->execute($forcedomain)) { print STDERR "$progname: failed to test for database entry: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n"; $dbi_s->finish; $dbi_h->disconnect; exit(1); } } elsif ($daybound) { $dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT domains.name FROM requests JOIN domains ON requests.domain = domains.id WHERE DATE(lastsent) < DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(?))"); if (!$dbi_s->execute($now)) { print STDERR "$progname: failed to collect domain names: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n"; $dbi_s->finish; $dbi_h->disconnect; exit(1); } } else { $dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT domains.name FROM requests JOIN domains ON requests.domain = domains.id WHERE lastsent <= DATE_SUB(FROM_UNIXTIME(?), INTERVAL ? SECOND)"); if (!$dbi_s->execute($now, $interval)) { print STDERR "$progname: failed to collect domain names: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n"; $dbi_s->finish; $dbi_h->disconnect; exit(1); } } $domainset = $dbi_s->fetchall_arrayref([0]); $dbi_s->finish; if ($verbose) { print STDERR "$progname: selected " . scalar(@$domainset) . " domain(s)\n"; } # # For each domain: # -- extract reporting address # -- extract messages/signatures to report # -- generate and send report # -- update "last sent" timestamp # $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($smtp_server, 'Port' => $smtp_port, 'Helo' => hostfqdn()); if (!defined($smtp)) { print STDERR "$progname: open SMTP server $smtp_server:$smtp_port failed\n"; exit(1); } foreach (@$domainset) { $domain = $_->[0]; if (!defined($domain)) { next; } if (@skipdomains && grep({$_ eq $domain} @skipdomains) != 0) { next; } if ($verbose >= 2) { print STDERR "$progname: processing $domain\n"; } # extract this domain's reporting parameters $dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT id FROM domains WHERE name = ?"); if (!$dbi_s->execute($domain)) { print STDERR "$progname: can't get ID for domain $domain: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n"; $dbi_s->finish; $dbi_h->disconnect; exit(1); } undef $domainid; while ($dbi_a = $dbi_s->fetchrow_arrayref()) { if (defined($dbi_a->[0])) { $domainid = $dbi_a->[0]; } } $dbi_s->finish; if (!defined($domainid)) { print STDERR "$progname: ID for domain $domain not found\n"; next; } $dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT repuri, adkim, aspf, policy, spolicy, pct, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastsent) FROM requests WHERE domain = ?"); if (!$dbi_s->execute($domainid)) { print STDERR "$progname: can't get reporting URI for domain $domain: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n"; $dbi_s->finish; $dbi_h->disconnect; exit(1); } undef $repuri; while ($dbi_a = $dbi_s->fetchrow_arrayref()) { if (defined($dbi_a->[0])) { $repuri = $dbi_a->[0]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[1])) { $adkim = $dbi_a->[1]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[2])) { $aspf = $dbi_a->[2]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[3])) { $policy = $dbi_a->[3]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[4])) { $spolicy = $dbi_a->[4]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[5])) { $pct = $dbi_a->[5]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[6])) { $lastsent = $dbi_a->[6]; } } $dbi_s->finish; if (!defined($repuri) || ("" eq $repuri)) { if ($verbose >= 2) { print STDERR "$progname: no reporting URI for domain $domain; skipping\n"; } next; } # construct the temporary file $repfile = $repdom . "!" . $domain . "!" . $lastsent . "!" . time() . ".xml"; $zipfile = $repdom . "!" . $domain . "!" . $lastsent . "!" . time() . ".zip"; if (!open($tmpout, ">", $repfile)) { print STDERR "$progname: can't create report file for domain $domain\n"; next; } switch ($adkim) { case ord("r") { $adkimstr = "r"; } case ord("s") { $adkimstr = "s"; } else { $adkimstr = "unknown"; } } switch ($aspf) { case ord("r") { $aspfstr = "r"; } case ord("s") { $aspfstr = "s"; } else { $aspfstr = "unknown"; } } switch ($policy) { case ord("n") { $policystr = "none"; } case ord("q") { $policystr = "quarantine"; } case ord("r") { $policystr = "reject"; } else { $policystr = "unknown"; } } switch ($spolicy) { case ord("n") { $spolicystr = "none"; } case ord("q") { $spolicystr = "quarantine"; } case ord("r") { $spolicystr = "reject"; } } if ($daybound) { $dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MIN(date)), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MAX(date)) FROM messages WHERE from_domain = ? AND DATE(date) >= DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(?)) AND DATE(date) < DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(?))"); } else { $dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MIN(date)), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MAX(date)) FROM messages WHERE from_domain = ? AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) > ? AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) <= ?"); } if (!$dbi_s->execute($domainid, $lastsent, $now)) { print STDERR "$progname: can't extract begin/end times for domain $domain: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n"; $dbi_s->finish; $dbi_h->disconnect; exit(1); } $repstart = 0; $repend = $now; while ($dbi_a = $dbi_s->fetchrow_arrayref()) { if (defined($dbi_a->[0])) { $repstart = $dbi_a->[0]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[1])) { $repend = $dbi_a->[1]; } } $dbi_s->finish; print $tmpout "\n"; print $tmpout "\n"; print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " $repdom\n"; print $tmpout " $repemail\n"; print $tmpout " $domain:$now\n"; print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " $repstart\n"; print $tmpout " $repend\n"; print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " $domain\n"; print $tmpout " $adkimstr\n"; print $tmpout " $aspfstr\n"; print $tmpout "


\n"; if (defined($spolicystr)) { print $tmpout " $spolicystr\n"; } print $tmpout " $pct\n"; print $tmpout "
\n"; if ($daybound) { $dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT messages.id, ipaddr.addr, messages.disp, d1.name, d2.name, messages.spf, messages.align_spf, messages.align_dkim FROM messages JOIN ipaddr ON messages.ip = ipaddr.id JOIN domains d1 ON messages.from_domain = d1.id JOIN domains d2 ON messages.env_domain = d2.id WHERE messages.from_domain = ? AND DATE(messages.date) >= DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(?)) AND DATE(messages.date) < DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(?))"); } else { $dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT messages.id, ipaddr.addr, messages.disp, d1.name, d2.name, messages.spf, messages.align_spf, messages.align_dkim FROM messages JOIN ipaddr ON messages.ip = ipaddr.id JOIN domains d1 ON messages.from_domain = d1.id JOIN domains d2 ON messages.env_domain = d2.id WHERE messages.from_domain = ? AND messages.date > FROM_UNIXTIME(?) AND messages.date <= FROM_UNIXTIME(?)"); } if (!$dbi_s->execute($domainid, $lastsent, $now)) { print STDERR "$progname: can't extract report for domain $domain: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n"; $dbi_s->finish; $dbi_h->disconnect; exit(1); } $rowcount = 0; while ($dbi_a = $dbi_s->fetchrow_arrayref()) { undef $msgid; if (defined($dbi_a->[0])) { $msgid = $dbi_a->[0]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[1])) { $ipaddr = $dbi_a->[1]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[2])) { $disp = $dbi_a->[2]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[3])) { $fromdomain = $dbi_a->[3]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[4])) { $envdomain = $dbi_a->[4]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[5])) { $spfresult = $dbi_a->[5]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[6])) { $align_spf = $dbi_a->[6]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[7])) { $align_dkim = $dbi_a->[7]; } if (!defined($msgid)) { next; } $rowcount++; switch ($disp) { case 0 { $dispstr = "reject"; } case 1 { $dispstr = "reject"; } case 2 { $dispstr = "none"; } case 4 { $dispstr = "quarantine"; } else { $dispstr = "unknown"; } } switch ($spfresult) { case 0 { $spfresultstr = "pass"; } case 2 { $spfresultstr = "softfail"; } case 3 { $spfresultstr = "neutral"; } case 4 { $spfresultstr = "temperror"; } case 5 { $spfresultstr = "permerror"; } case 6 { $spfresultstr = "none"; } case 7 { $spfresultstr = "fail"; } case 8 { $spfresultstr = "policy"; } case 9 { $spfresultstr = "nxdomain"; } case 10 { $spfresultstr = "signed"; } case 12 { $spfresultstr = "discard"; } else { $spfresultstr = "unknown"; } } switch ($align_dkim) { case 4 { $align_dkimstr = "pass"; } case 5 { $align_dkimstr = "fail"; } else { $align_dkimstr = "unknown"; } } switch ($align_spf) { case 4 { $align_spfstr = "pass"; } case 5 { $align_spfstr = "fail"; } else { $align_spfstr = "unknown"; } } print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " $ipaddr\n"; print $tmpout " 1\n"; print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " $dispstr\n"; print $tmpout " $align_dkimstr\n"; print $tmpout " $align_spfstr\n"; print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " $fromdomain\n"; print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " $envdomain\n"; print $tmpout " $spfresultstr\n"; print $tmpout " \n"; $dbi_d = $dbi_h->prepare("SELECT domains.name, pass FROM signatures JOIN domains ON signatures.domain = domains.id WHERE signatures.message = ?"); if (!$dbi_d->execute($msgid)) { print STDERR "$progname: can't extract report for message $msgid: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n"; $dbi_s->finish; $dbi_d->finish; $dbi_h->disconnect; exit(1); } while ($dbi_a = $dbi_d->fetchrow_arrayref()) { undef $dkimdomain; if (defined($dbi_a->[0])) { $dkimdomain = $dbi_a->[0]; } if (defined($dbi_a->[1])) { $dkimresult = $dbi_a->[1]; } if (!defined($dkimdomain)) { next; } switch ($dkimresult) { case 0 { $dkimresultstr = "pass"; } case 2 { $dkimresultstr = "softfail"; } case 3 { $dkimresultstr = "neutral"; } case 4 { $dkimresultstr = "temperror"; } case 5 { $dkimresultstr = "permerror"; } case 6 { $dkimresultstr = "none"; } case 7 { $dkimresultstr = "fail"; } case 8 { $dkimresultstr = "policy"; } case 9 { $dkimresultstr = "nxdomain"; } case 10 { $dkimresultstr = "signed"; } case 12 { $dkimresultstr = "discard"; } else { $dkimresultstr = "unknown"; } } print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " $dkimdomain\n"; print $tmpout " $dkimresultstr\n"; print $tmpout " \n"; } $dbi_d->finish; print $tmpout " \n"; print $tmpout " \n"; } $dbi_s->finish; print $tmpout "
\n"; close($tmpout); if ($rowcount == 0) { if ($verbose >= 2) { print STDERR "$progname: no activity selected for $domain; skipping\n"; } unlink($repfile); next; } # zip the report if (!zip [ $repfile ] => $zipfile) { print STDERR "$progname: can't zip report for domain $domain: $!\n"; next; } if ($keepfiles) { print STDERR "$progname: keeping report file \"$repfile\"\n"; } # decode the URI @repuris = split(',', $repuri); for $repuri (@repuris) { $uri = URI->new($repuri); if (!defined($uri) || !defined($uri->scheme) || $uri->opaque eq "") { print STDERR "$progname: can't parse reporting URI for domain $domain\n"; unlink($zipfile); unlink($repfile); next; } $repdest = $uri->opaque; my $report_maxbytes = $report_maxbytes_global; # check for max report size if ($repdest =~ m/^(\S+)!(\d{1,15})([kmgt])?$/i) { $repdest = $1; $report_maxbytes = $2; if ($3) { my $letter = lc($3); if ($letter eq 'k') { $report_maxbytes = $report_maxbytes * 1024; } if ($letter eq 'm') { $report_maxbytes = $report_maxbytes * 1048576; } if ($letter eq 'g') { $report_maxbytes = $report_maxbytes * (2**30); } if ($letter eq 't') { $report_maxbytes = $report_maxbytes * (2**40); } } } # Test mode, just report what would have been done if ($testmode) { print STDERR "$progname: would email $domain report for " . "$rowcount records to " . $uri->opaque . "\n"; } # ensure a scheme is present elsif (!defined($uri->scheme)) { if ($verbose >= 2) { print STDERR "$progname: unknown URI scheme in '$repuri' for domain $domain\n"; } unlink($zipfile); unlink($repfile); next; } # send/post report elsif ($uri->scheme eq "mailto") { my $datestr; my $report_id; if (!open($zipin, $zipfile)) { print STDERR "$progname: can't read zipped report for $domain: $!\n"; unlink($zipfile); unlink($repfile); next; } $boundary = "report_section"; $report_id = $domain . "-" . $now . "@" . $repdom; $datestr = strftime("%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z (%Z)", localtime); $mailout = "To: $repdest\n"; $mailout .= "From: $repemail\n"; $mailout .= "Subject: Report Domain: " . $domain . " Submitter: " . $repdom . " Report-ID: " . $report_id . "\n"; $mailout .= "X-Mailer: " . $progname . " v" . $version ."\n"; $mailout .= "Date: " . $datestr . "\n"; $mailout .= "Message-ID: <$report_id>\n"; $mailout .= "Auto-Submitted: auto-generated\n"; $mailout .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $mailout .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary\"\n"; $mailout .= "\n"; $mailout .= "This is a MIME-encapsulated message.\n"; $mailout .= "\n"; $mailout .= "--$boundary\n"; $mailout .= "Content-Type: text/plain;\n"; $mailout .= "\n"; $mailout .= "This is a DMARC aggregate report for $domain\n"; $mailout .= "generated at " . localtime() . "\n"; $mailout .= "\n"; $mailout .= "--$boundary\n"; $mailout .= "Content-Type: application/zip\n"; $mailout .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$zipfile\"\n"; $mailout .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"; $mailout .= "\n"; while (read($zipin, $buf, 60*57)) { $mailout .= encode_base64($buf); } $mailout .= "\n"; $mailout .= "--$boundary--\n"; my $reportsize = length($mailout); if ($reportsize > $report_maxbytes) { # XXX -- generate an error report here print STDERR "$progname: report was too large ($reportsize bytes) per limitation of URI " . $uri->opaque . " for domain $domain\n"; } else { $smtpstatus = "sent"; $smtpfail = 0; if (!$smtp->mail($repemail) || !$smtp->to($repdest) || !$smtp->data() || !$smtp->datasend($mailout) || !$smtp->dataend()) { $smtpfail = 1; $smtpstatus = "failed to send"; } if ($verbose || $smtpfail) { # now perl voodoo: $answer = ${${*$smtp}{'net_cmd_resp'}}[1]; chomp($answer); print STDERR "$progname: $smtpstatus report for $domain to $repdest ($answer)\n"; } } $smtp->reset(); close($zipin); } else { print STDERR "$progname: unsupported reporting URI scheme " . $uri->scheme . " for domain $domain\n"; unlink($zipfile); unlink($repfile); next; } } # update "last sent" timestamp if ($doupdate) { $dbi_s = $dbi_h->prepare("UPDATE requests SET lastsent = FROM_UNIXTIME(?) WHERE domain = ?"); if (!$dbi_s->execute($now, $domainid)) { print STDERR "$progname: can't update last sent time for domain $domain: " . $dbi_h->errstr . "\n"; $dbi_s->finish; $dbi_h->disconnect; exit(1); } } unlink($zipfile); if (!$keepfiles) { unlink($repfile); } } $smtp->quit(); # # all done! # $dbi_s->finish; if ($verbose) { print STDERR "$progname: terminating at " . localtime() . "\n"; } $dbi_h->disconnect; exit(0);