X-Git-Url: https://git.njae.me.uk/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=README.html;h=58b7faf5fb3ced72624c6e226b7d913bee9839d3;hb=9ce2b21f9734aa6e51186d2cc0075083a5864155;hp=50c66bbc575addd1a0f6aa99df0d77f06f23a5b2;hpb=519affb87dbd87b031b97c464b4d639ca1fcb2cc;p=advent-of-code-17.git diff --git a/README.html b/README.html index 50c66bb..58b7faf 100644 --- a/README.html +++ b/README.html @@ -16,37 +16,39 @@

Learn you a Haskell, Introduction to Haskell 98, and Hackage are good resources.

The Stack documentation and How I Start: Haskell are good sources of using the tools.



I'm using the basic Haskell Platform installation, togeher with Stack to manage the packages and dependencies (install with


I'm using the basic Haskell Platform installation, togeher with stack to manage the packages and dependencies (install with

$ sudo aptitude install haskell-platform haskell-stack


Creating the repository and project

Create the repository as normal: create the project in Gitolite, clone it, and insert the .gitignore and README.md files.


Within the project directory, there will be one package for each day. This will save time waiting for stack to check every executable before compiling what's changed. Each package needs a separate directory tree and a separate .cabal file.


Creating the first package


Then create the basic stack project with it. This will create a new directory. Note that this new directory name can't have a hyphen-delimited word that's just digits, so the initial project will have to be adventofcode1701

stack new adventofcode1701 simple

This project will be demoted to being a package, but one that will hold the overall project.


Then create the top-level stack.yaml file to hold the overall project information.

stack init

Modify this top-level stack.yaml file as needed, such as adding the ghc-options stanza. You can then delete adventofcode1701/stack.yaml.


Creating subsequent packages


Each package needs a separate directory tree and a separate .cabal file.


To work on a project, cd into that project's directory.


There's just one package, with the code in sub-directories of the src directory. Each day will generate one (or more) entries in the adventofcode17.cabal file.


Create the basic stack project. This will create a new directory. Note that this new directory name can't have a hyphen-delimited word that's just digits, so the project will have to be advent-of-code

stack new advent-of-code --bare simple

Modify the stack.yaml file as needed, such as adding the ghc-options stanza.


Creating subsequent days


Each day lives in a separate directory within the src directory. It will also need it's own stanza in advent-of-code.cabal.

Compile with

stack build


stack build adventofcode1701
stack build advent01

Run with

stack exec advent01

Run interactively with

stack ghci adventofcode1701:exe:advent01
stack ghci advent-of-code:exe:advent01

To profile, use

stack build --executable-profiling --library-profiling --ghc-options="-fprof-auto -rtsopts" adventofcode1601

then run with

stack exec -- advent01 +RTS -p -hy



Stack is using the 9.14-lts resolver for packages, so make sure you read the correct documentation for the packages included in it.


When you use a new package, use

stack solver

to see how the stack.yaml file needs to change, and

stack solver --update-yaml

to implement the changes.


Install following the IHaskell instructions.


To run, change into the package's directory (after modifying the .cabal file) and run it with


Run it with

stack exec jupyter -- notebook


Build this readme file wth