X-Git-Url: https://git.njae.me.uk/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=docs%2Fszyfrow%2Fenigma.html;fp=docs%2Fszyfrow%2Fenigma.html;h=8dfe7242a4efb5f4ee40da253d888294dde9921c;hb=b535d9d75e69cc395e8de28c99e38564655e5ac9;hp=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000;hpb=f19a021eabb3222709b9d513839a14c01cfdfd38;p=szyfrow.git diff --git a/docs/szyfrow/enigma.html b/docs/szyfrow/enigma.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8dfe724 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/szyfrow/enigma.html @@ -0,0 +1,1496 @@ + + + + + + +szyfrow.enigma API documentation + + + + + + + + + + + +

Module szyfrow.enigma


A simulator for Enigma machines.


See Bombe for an implementation of the Bombe to break Enigma +messages.


Specification from Codes and Ciphers page.


Example Enigma machines from Louise Dale (full simulation) and EnigmaCo (good animation of the wheels, but no ring settings).


There's also the nice Enigma simulator for Android by Franklin Heath, available on the Google Play store.

+ +Expand source code + +
"""A simulator for Enigma machines.
+See `szyfrow.bombe.Bombe` for an implementation of the Bombe to break Enigma
+Specification from [Codes and Ciphers](http://www.codesandciphers.org.uk/enigma/rotorspec.htm) page.
+Example Enigma machines from [Louise Dale](http://enigma.louisedade.co.uk/enigma.html) (full simulation) and [EnigmaCo](http://enigmaco.de/enigma/enigma.html) (good animation of the wheels, but no ring settings).
+There's also the nice Enigma simulator for Android by [Franklin Heath](https://franklinheath.co.uk/2012/02/04/our-first-app-published-enigma-simulator/), available on the [Google Play store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.franklinheath.enigmasim&hl=en_GB).
+import string
+import collections
+import multiprocessing
+import itertools
+from szyfrow.support.utilities import *
+# # Some convenience functions
+# cat = ''.join
+# def clean(text): return cat(l.lower() for l in text if l in string.ascii_letters)
+# def pos(letter): 
+#     if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
+#         return ord(letter) - ord('a')
+#     elif letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
+#         return ord(letter) - ord('A')
+#     else:
+#         return ''
+# def unpos(number): return chr(number % 26 + ord('a'))
+wheel_i_spec = 'ekmflgdqvzntowyhxuspaibrcj'
+wheel_ii_spec = 'ajdksiruxblhwtmcqgznpyfvoe'
+wheel_iii_spec = 'bdfhjlcprtxvznyeiwgakmusqo'
+wheel_iv_spec = 'esovpzjayquirhxlnftgkdcmwb'
+wheel_v_spec = 'vzbrgityupsdnhlxawmjqofeck'
+wheel_vi_spec = 'jpgvoumfyqbenhzrdkasxlictw'
+wheel_vii_spec = 'nzjhgrcxmyswboufaivlpekqdt'
+wheel_viii_spec = 'fkqhtlxocbjspdzramewniuygv'
+beta_wheel_spec = 'leyjvcnixwpbqmdrtakzgfuhos'
+gamma_wheel_spec = 'fsokanuerhmbtiycwlqpzxvgjd'
+wheel_i_notches = ['q']
+wheel_ii_notches = ['e']
+wheel_iii_notches = ['v']
+wheel_iv_notches = ['j']
+wheel_v_notches = ['z']
+wheel_vi_notches = ['z', 'm']
+wheel_vii_notches = ['z', 'm']
+wheel_viii_notches = ['z', 'm']
+reflector_b_spec = 'ay br cu dh eq fs gl ip jx kn mo tz vw'
+reflector_c_spec = 'af bv cp dj ei go hy kr lz mx nw tq su'
+class LetterTransformer(object):
+    """A generic substitution cipher, that has different transforms in the 
+    forward and backward directions. It requires that the transforms for all
+    letters by provided.
+    A `transform` is a list of letter pairs, like `[('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')]`.
+    That would say that, in the forward direction `a` goes to `b` and 
+    `c` goes to `d`. In the backward direction, `b` goes to `a` and `d` goes
+    to `c`. 
+    """
+    def __init__(self, specification, raw_transform=False):
+        """Validate and create a new transformer. The transform is parsed by
+        `LetterTransformer.parse_specification` unless `raw_transform` is `True`
+        """
+        if raw_transform:
+            transform = specification
+        else:
+            transform = self.parse_specification(specification)
+        self.validate_transform(transform)
+        self.make_transform_map(transform)
+    def parse_specification(self, specification):
+        """Turn a `specification` string into a transform, by zipping it
+        with ASCII lowercase letters to generate the pairs. This assumes that
+        the `specification` defines the destination of the forward transform.
+        """
+        return list(zip(string.ascii_lowercase, sanitise(specification)))
+        # return specification
+    def validate_transform(self, transform):
+        """Checks that a transform is valid (every letter is mapped to 
+        exactly one other letter, in both directions).
+        """
+        if len(transform) != 26:
+            raise ValueError("Transform specification has {} pairs, requires 26".
+                format(len(transform)))
+        for p in transform:
+            if len(p) != 2:
+                raise ValueError("Not all mappings in transform "
+                    "have two elements")
+        if len(set([p[0] for p in transform])) != 26:
+            raise ValueError("Transform specification must list 26 origin letters") 
+        if len(set([p[1] for p in transform])) != 26:
+            raise ValueError("Transform specification must list 26 destination letters") 
+    def make_empty_transform(self):
+        """An empty transform is one that maps every letter to 'a'.
+        """
+        self.forward_map = [0] * 26
+        self.backward_map = [0] * 26
+    def make_transform_map(self, transform):
+        """Create `forward_map` and `backward_map` from `transform`. The maps
+        work on letter positions, not letter values. This makes the arithmetic
+        for wheels much easier.
+        """
+        self.make_empty_transform()
+        for p in transform:
+            self.forward_map[pos(p[0])] = pos(p[1])
+            self.backward_map[pos(p[1])] = pos(p[0])
+        return self.forward_map, self.backward_map
+    def forward(self, letter):
+        """Apply a map in the forward direction.
+        """
+        if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
+            return unpos(self.forward_map[pos(letter)])
+        else:
+            return ''
+    def backward(self, letter):
+        """Apply a map in the backward direction.
+        """
+        if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
+            return unpos(self.backward_map[pos(letter)])
+        else:
+            return ''
+class Plugboard(LetterTransformer):
+    """A plugboard, a type of letter transformer where forward and backward
+    transforms are the same. If a letter isn't explicitly transformed, it is 
+    kept as it is.
+    """
+    def parse_specification(self, specification):
+        """Convert a specification into a transform. The specification is
+        given as a list of letter pairs.
+        """
+        return [tuple(sanitise(p)) for p in specification.split()]
+    def validate_transform(self, transform):
+        """A set of pairs, of from-to. Does not require all 26 letters
+        are in the transform.
+        """
+        for p in transform:
+            if len(p) != 2:
+                raise ValueError("Not all mappings in transform"
+                    "have two elements")
+    def make_empty_transform(self):
+        """An empty transform maps every letter to itself.
+        """
+        self.forward_map = list(range(26))
+        self.backward_map = list(range(26))
+    def make_transform_map(self, transform):
+        """Makes the maps for a plugboard. Ensures that if the pair ('a', 'b')
+        is in the specification, the pair ('b', 'a') is also present.
+        """
+        expanded_transform = transform + [tuple(reversed(p)) for p in transform]
+        return super(Plugboard, self).make_transform_map(expanded_transform)
+class Reflector(Plugboard):
+    """A reflector is a plugboard that requires 13 transforms.
+    The 'plugboard' superclass ensures that all 13 transforms are also applied
+    in reverse, making 26 transforms in all.
+    """
+    def validate_transform(self, transform):
+        if len(transform) != 13:
+            raise ValueError("Reflector specification has {} pairs, requires 13".
+                format(len(transform)))
+        if len(set([p[0] for p in transform] + 
+                    [p[1] for p in transform])) != 26:
+            raise ValueError("Reflector specification does not contain 26 letters")
+        try:
+            super(Reflector, self).validate_transform(transform)
+        except ValueError as v:
+            raise ValueError("Not all mappings in reflector have two elements")
+class SimpleWheel(LetterTransformer):
+    """A wheel is a transform that rotates.
+    Looking from the right, letters go in sequence a-b-c clockwise around the 
+    wheel. 
+    The position of the wheel is the number of spaces anticlockwise the wheel
+    has turned.
+    Letter inputs and outputs are given relative to the frame holding the wheel,
+    so if the wheel is advanced three places, an input of 'p' will enter the 
+    wheel on the position under the wheel's 's' label.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, transform, position='a', raw_transform=False):
+        super(SimpleWheel, self).__init__(transform, raw_transform)
+        self.set_position(position)
+    def __getattribute__(self,name):
+        if name=='position_l':
+            return unpos(self.position)
+        else:
+            return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
+    def set_position(self, position):
+        """Sets a wheel's position. If the `position` is a string, convert it
+        to a number and set the position.
+        """
+        if isinstance(position, str):
+            self.position = pos(position)
+        else:
+            self.position = position
+    def forward(self, letter):
+        """Give the transformed letter in the forward direction, accounting
+        for the position of the wheel.
+        """
+        if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
+            return unpos((self.forward_map[(pos(letter) + self.position) % 26] - self.position))
+        else:
+            return ''
+    def backward(self, letter):
+        """Give the transformed letter in the backward direction, accounting
+        for the position of the wheel.
+        """
+        if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
+            return unpos((self.backward_map[(pos(letter) + self.position) % 26] - self.position))
+        else:
+            return ''
+    def advance(self):
+        """Advance a wheel one position."""
+        self.position = (self.position + 1) % 26
+class Wheel(SimpleWheel):
+    """A wheel with a movable ring.
+    The ring holds the letters and the notches that turn other wheels. The core
+    holds the wiring that does the transformation.
+    The ring position is how many steps the core is turned relative to the ring.
+    This is one-based, so a ring setting of 1 means the core and ring are 
+    aligned.
+    The position of the wheel is the position of the core (the transforms) 
+    relative to the neutral position. 
+    The position_l is the position of the ring, or what would be observed
+    by the user of the Enigma machine. 
+    The notch_positions are the number of advances of this wheel before it will 
+    advance the next wheel.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, transform, ring_notch_letters, ring_setting=1, 
+            position='a', raw_transform=False):
+        self.ring_notch_letters = ring_notch_letters
+        self.ring_setting = ring_setting
+        super(Wheel, self).__init__(transform, position=position, 
+            raw_transform=raw_transform)
+        self.set_position(position)
+    def __getattribute__(self,name):
+        if name=='position_l':
+            return unpos(self.position + self.ring_setting - 1)
+        else:
+            return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
+    def set_position(self, position):
+        if isinstance(position, str):
+            self.position = (pos(position) - self.ring_setting + 1) % 26
+        else:
+            self.position = (position - self.ring_setting) % 26
+        # # self.notch_positions = [(pos(p) - pos(position)) % 26  for p in self.ring_notch_letters]
+        # self.notch_positions = [(pos(p) - (self.position + self.ring_setting - 1)) % 26  for p in self.ring_notch_letters]
+        self.notch_positions = [(self.position + self.ring_setting - 1 - pos(p)) % 26  for p in self.ring_notch_letters]
+    def advance(self):
+        """Advance a wheel's core, then advance the ring position to match.
+        """
+        super(Wheel, self).advance()
+        self.notch_positions = [(p + 1) % 26 for p in self.notch_positions]
+        return self.position
+class Enigma(object):
+    """An Enigma machine.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, reflector_spec,
+                 left_wheel_spec, left_wheel_notches,
+                 middle_wheel_spec, middle_wheel_notches,
+                 right_wheel_spec, right_wheel_notches,
+                 left_ring_setting, middle_ring_setting, right_ring_setting,
+                 plugboard_setting):
+        self.reflector = Reflector(reflector_spec)
+        self.left_wheel = Wheel(left_wheel_spec, left_wheel_notches, 
+            ring_setting=left_ring_setting)
+        self.middle_wheel = Wheel(middle_wheel_spec, middle_wheel_notches, 
+            ring_setting=middle_ring_setting)
+        self.right_wheel = Wheel(right_wheel_spec, right_wheel_notches, 
+            ring_setting=right_ring_setting)
+        self.plugboard = Plugboard(plugboard_setting)
+    def __getattribute__(self,name):
+        if name=='wheel_positions':
+            return (self.left_wheel.position, 
+                    self.middle_wheel.position, 
+                    self.right_wheel.position
+                    )
+        elif name=='wheel_positions_l':
+            return (self.left_wheel.position_l, 
+                    self.middle_wheel.position_l, 
+                    self.right_wheel.position_l
+                    )
+        elif name=='notch_positions':
+            return (self.left_wheel.notch_positions, 
+                    self.middle_wheel.notch_positions, 
+                    self.right_wheel.notch_positions
+                    )
+        else:
+            return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
+    def set_wheels(self, left_wheel_position, middle_wheel_position, 
+            right_wheel_position):
+        """Set the Enigma's wheels to the specified positions.
+        """
+        self.left_wheel.set_position(left_wheel_position)
+        self.middle_wheel.set_position(middle_wheel_position)
+        self.right_wheel.set_position(right_wheel_position)
+    def lookup(self, letter):
+        """Lookup the enciphering of a letter, without advancing any wheels
+        """
+        a = self.plugboard.forward(letter)
+        b = self.right_wheel.forward(a)
+        c = self.middle_wheel.forward(b)
+        d = self.left_wheel.forward(c)
+        e = self.reflector.forward(d)
+        f = self.left_wheel.backward(e)
+        g = self.middle_wheel.backward(f)
+        h = self.right_wheel.backward(g)
+        i = self.plugboard.backward(h)
+        return i
+    def advance(self):
+        """Advance the Enigma's wheels one step. The right wheel always
+        advances. The middle and right wheels may advance if the notches
+        line up correctly.
+        """
+        advance_middle = False
+        advance_left = False
+        if 0 in self.right_wheel.notch_positions:
+            advance_middle = True
+        if 0 in self.middle_wheel.notch_positions:
+            advance_left = True
+            advance_middle = True
+        self.right_wheel.advance()
+        if advance_middle: self.middle_wheel.advance()
+        if advance_left: self.left_wheel.advance()
+    def encipher_letter(self, letter):
+        """Encipher a letter. Advance the Enigma machine, then lookup the
+        encryption of a letter.
+        """
+        self.advance()
+        return self.lookup(letter)
+    def encipher(self, message):
+        """Encipher a message."""
+        enciphered = ''
+        for letter in sanitise(message):
+            enciphered += self.encipher_letter(letter)
+        return enciphered
+    decipher = encipher
+# for i in range(26):
+#     enigma.advance()
+#     print('enigma.advance()')
+#     print("assert(enigma.wheel_positions == {})".format(enigma.wheel_positions))
+#     print("assert(cat(enigma.wheel_positions_l) == '{}')".format(cat(enigma.wheel_positions_l)))
+#     print("assert(enigma.notch_positions == {})".format(enigma.notch_positions))
+#     print("assert(cat(enigma.lookup(l) for l in string.ascii_lowercase) == '{}')".format(cat(enigma.lookup(l) for l in string.ascii_lowercase)))
+#     print()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import doctest
+    # doctest.testmod(extraglobs={'lt': LetterTransformer(1, 'a')})
+    doctest.testmod()


+def cat(iterable, /) +

Concatenate any number of strings.


The string whose method is called is inserted in between each given string. +The result is returned as a new string.


Example: '.'.join(['ab', 'pq', 'rs']) -> 'ab.pq.rs'

+def lcat(iterable, /) +

Concatenate any number of strings.


The string whose method is called is inserted in between each given string. +The result is returned as a new string.


Example: '.'.join(['ab', 'pq', 'rs']) -> 'ab.pq.rs'

+def wcat(iterable, /) +

Concatenate any number of strings.


The string whose method is called is inserted in between each given string. +The result is returned as a new string.


Example: '.'.join(['ab', 'pq', 'rs']) -> 'ab.pq.rs'



+class Enigma +(reflector_spec, left_wheel_spec, left_wheel_notches, middle_wheel_spec, middle_wheel_notches, right_wheel_spec, right_wheel_notches, left_ring_setting, middle_ring_setting, right_ring_setting, plugboard_setting) +

An Enigma machine.

+ +Expand source code + +
class Enigma(object):
+    """An Enigma machine.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, reflector_spec,
+                 left_wheel_spec, left_wheel_notches,
+                 middle_wheel_spec, middle_wheel_notches,
+                 right_wheel_spec, right_wheel_notches,
+                 left_ring_setting, middle_ring_setting, right_ring_setting,
+                 plugboard_setting):
+        self.reflector = Reflector(reflector_spec)
+        self.left_wheel = Wheel(left_wheel_spec, left_wheel_notches, 
+            ring_setting=left_ring_setting)
+        self.middle_wheel = Wheel(middle_wheel_spec, middle_wheel_notches, 
+            ring_setting=middle_ring_setting)
+        self.right_wheel = Wheel(right_wheel_spec, right_wheel_notches, 
+            ring_setting=right_ring_setting)
+        self.plugboard = Plugboard(plugboard_setting)
+    def __getattribute__(self,name):
+        if name=='wheel_positions':
+            return (self.left_wheel.position, 
+                    self.middle_wheel.position, 
+                    self.right_wheel.position
+                    )
+        elif name=='wheel_positions_l':
+            return (self.left_wheel.position_l, 
+                    self.middle_wheel.position_l, 
+                    self.right_wheel.position_l
+                    )
+        elif name=='notch_positions':
+            return (self.left_wheel.notch_positions, 
+                    self.middle_wheel.notch_positions, 
+                    self.right_wheel.notch_positions
+                    )
+        else:
+            return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
+    def set_wheels(self, left_wheel_position, middle_wheel_position, 
+            right_wheel_position):
+        """Set the Enigma's wheels to the specified positions.
+        """
+        self.left_wheel.set_position(left_wheel_position)
+        self.middle_wheel.set_position(middle_wheel_position)
+        self.right_wheel.set_position(right_wheel_position)
+    def lookup(self, letter):
+        """Lookup the enciphering of a letter, without advancing any wheels
+        """
+        a = self.plugboard.forward(letter)
+        b = self.right_wheel.forward(a)
+        c = self.middle_wheel.forward(b)
+        d = self.left_wheel.forward(c)
+        e = self.reflector.forward(d)
+        f = self.left_wheel.backward(e)
+        g = self.middle_wheel.backward(f)
+        h = self.right_wheel.backward(g)
+        i = self.plugboard.backward(h)
+        return i
+    def advance(self):
+        """Advance the Enigma's wheels one step. The right wheel always
+        advances. The middle and right wheels may advance if the notches
+        line up correctly.
+        """
+        advance_middle = False
+        advance_left = False
+        if 0 in self.right_wheel.notch_positions:
+            advance_middle = True
+        if 0 in self.middle_wheel.notch_positions:
+            advance_left = True
+            advance_middle = True
+        self.right_wheel.advance()
+        if advance_middle: self.middle_wheel.advance()
+        if advance_left: self.left_wheel.advance()
+    def encipher_letter(self, letter):
+        """Encipher a letter. Advance the Enigma machine, then lookup the
+        encryption of a letter.
+        """
+        self.advance()
+        return self.lookup(letter)
+    def encipher(self, message):
+        """Encipher a message."""
+        enciphered = ''
+        for letter in sanitise(message):
+            enciphered += self.encipher_letter(letter)
+        return enciphered
+    decipher = encipher


+def advance(self) +

Advance the Enigma's wheels one step. The right wheel always +advances. The middle and right wheels may advance if the notches +line up correctly.

+ +Expand source code + +
def advance(self):
+    """Advance the Enigma's wheels one step. The right wheel always
+    advances. The middle and right wheels may advance if the notches
+    line up correctly.
+    """
+    advance_middle = False
+    advance_left = False
+    if 0 in self.right_wheel.notch_positions:
+        advance_middle = True
+    if 0 in self.middle_wheel.notch_positions:
+        advance_left = True
+        advance_middle = True
+    self.right_wheel.advance()
+    if advance_middle: self.middle_wheel.advance()
+    if advance_left: self.left_wheel.advance()
+def decipher(self, message) +

Encipher a message.

+ +Expand source code + +
def encipher(self, message):
+    """Encipher a message."""
+    enciphered = ''
+    for letter in sanitise(message):
+        enciphered += self.encipher_letter(letter)
+    return enciphered
+def encipher(self, message) +

Encipher a message.

+ +Expand source code + +
def encipher(self, message):
+    """Encipher a message."""
+    enciphered = ''
+    for letter in sanitise(message):
+        enciphered += self.encipher_letter(letter)
+    return enciphered
+def encipher_letter(self, letter) +

Encipher a letter. Advance the Enigma machine, then lookup the +encryption of a letter.

+ +Expand source code + +
def encipher_letter(self, letter):
+    """Encipher a letter. Advance the Enigma machine, then lookup the
+    encryption of a letter.
+    """
+    self.advance()
+    return self.lookup(letter)
+def lookup(self, letter) +

Lookup the enciphering of a letter, without advancing any wheels

+ +Expand source code + +
def lookup(self, letter):
+    """Lookup the enciphering of a letter, without advancing any wheels
+    """
+    a = self.plugboard.forward(letter)
+    b = self.right_wheel.forward(a)
+    c = self.middle_wheel.forward(b)
+    d = self.left_wheel.forward(c)
+    e = self.reflector.forward(d)
+    f = self.left_wheel.backward(e)
+    g = self.middle_wheel.backward(f)
+    h = self.right_wheel.backward(g)
+    i = self.plugboard.backward(h)
+    return i
+def set_wheels(self, left_wheel_position, middle_wheel_position, right_wheel_position) +

Set the Enigma's wheels to the specified positions.

+ +Expand source code + +
def set_wheels(self, left_wheel_position, middle_wheel_position, 
+        right_wheel_position):
+    """Set the Enigma's wheels to the specified positions.
+    """
+    self.left_wheel.set_position(left_wheel_position)
+    self.middle_wheel.set_position(middle_wheel_position)
+    self.right_wheel.set_position(right_wheel_position)
+class LetterTransformer +(specification, raw_transform=False) +

A generic substitution cipher, that has different transforms in the +forward and backward directions. It requires that the transforms for all +letters by provided.


A transform is a list of letter pairs, like [('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')]. +That would say that, in the forward direction a goes to b and +c goes to d. In the backward direction, b goes to a and d goes +to c.


Validate and create a new transformer. The transform is parsed by +LetterTransformer.parse_specification() unless raw_transform is True

+ +Expand source code + +
class LetterTransformer(object):
+    """A generic substitution cipher, that has different transforms in the 
+    forward and backward directions. It requires that the transforms for all
+    letters by provided.
+    A `transform` is a list of letter pairs, like `[('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')]`.
+    That would say that, in the forward direction `a` goes to `b` and 
+    `c` goes to `d`. In the backward direction, `b` goes to `a` and `d` goes
+    to `c`. 
+    """
+    def __init__(self, specification, raw_transform=False):
+        """Validate and create a new transformer. The transform is parsed by
+        `LetterTransformer.parse_specification` unless `raw_transform` is `True`
+        """
+        if raw_transform:
+            transform = specification
+        else:
+            transform = self.parse_specification(specification)
+        self.validate_transform(transform)
+        self.make_transform_map(transform)
+    def parse_specification(self, specification):
+        """Turn a `specification` string into a transform, by zipping it
+        with ASCII lowercase letters to generate the pairs. This assumes that
+        the `specification` defines the destination of the forward transform.
+        """
+        return list(zip(string.ascii_lowercase, sanitise(specification)))
+        # return specification
+    def validate_transform(self, transform):
+        """Checks that a transform is valid (every letter is mapped to 
+        exactly one other letter, in both directions).
+        """
+        if len(transform) != 26:
+            raise ValueError("Transform specification has {} pairs, requires 26".
+                format(len(transform)))
+        for p in transform:
+            if len(p) != 2:
+                raise ValueError("Not all mappings in transform "
+                    "have two elements")
+        if len(set([p[0] for p in transform])) != 26:
+            raise ValueError("Transform specification must list 26 origin letters") 
+        if len(set([p[1] for p in transform])) != 26:
+            raise ValueError("Transform specification must list 26 destination letters") 
+    def make_empty_transform(self):
+        """An empty transform is one that maps every letter to 'a'.
+        """
+        self.forward_map = [0] * 26
+        self.backward_map = [0] * 26
+    def make_transform_map(self, transform):
+        """Create `forward_map` and `backward_map` from `transform`. The maps
+        work on letter positions, not letter values. This makes the arithmetic
+        for wheels much easier.
+        """
+        self.make_empty_transform()
+        for p in transform:
+            self.forward_map[pos(p[0])] = pos(p[1])
+            self.backward_map[pos(p[1])] = pos(p[0])
+        return self.forward_map, self.backward_map
+    def forward(self, letter):
+        """Apply a map in the forward direction.
+        """
+        if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
+            return unpos(self.forward_map[pos(letter)])
+        else:
+            return ''
+    def backward(self, letter):
+        """Apply a map in the backward direction.
+        """
+        if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
+            return unpos(self.backward_map[pos(letter)])
+        else:
+            return ''


+ +


+def backward(self, letter) +

Apply a map in the backward direction.

+ +Expand source code + +
def backward(self, letter):
+    """Apply a map in the backward direction.
+    """
+    if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
+        return unpos(self.backward_map[pos(letter)])
+    else:
+        return ''
+def forward(self, letter) +

Apply a map in the forward direction.

+ +Expand source code + +
def forward(self, letter):
+    """Apply a map in the forward direction.
+    """
+    if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
+        return unpos(self.forward_map[pos(letter)])
+    else:
+        return ''
+def make_empty_transform(self) +

An empty transform is one that maps every letter to 'a'.

+ +Expand source code + +
def make_empty_transform(self):
+    """An empty transform is one that maps every letter to 'a'.
+    """
+    self.forward_map = [0] * 26
+    self.backward_map = [0] * 26
+def make_transform_map(self, transform) +

Create forward_map and backward_map from transform. The maps +work on letter positions, not letter values. This makes the arithmetic +for wheels much easier.

+ +Expand source code + +
def make_transform_map(self, transform):
+    """Create `forward_map` and `backward_map` from `transform`. The maps
+    work on letter positions, not letter values. This makes the arithmetic
+    for wheels much easier.
+    """
+    self.make_empty_transform()
+    for p in transform:
+        self.forward_map[pos(p[0])] = pos(p[1])
+        self.backward_map[pos(p[1])] = pos(p[0])
+    return self.forward_map, self.backward_map
+def parse_specification(self, specification) +

Turn a specification string into a transform, by zipping it +with ASCII lowercase letters to generate the pairs. This assumes that +the specification defines the destination of the forward transform.

+ +Expand source code + +
def parse_specification(self, specification):
+    """Turn a `specification` string into a transform, by zipping it
+    with ASCII lowercase letters to generate the pairs. This assumes that
+    the `specification` defines the destination of the forward transform.
+    """
+    return list(zip(string.ascii_lowercase, sanitise(specification)))
+    # return specification
+def validate_transform(self, transform) +

Checks that a transform is valid (every letter is mapped to +exactly one other letter, in both directions).

+ +Expand source code + +
def validate_transform(self, transform):
+    """Checks that a transform is valid (every letter is mapped to 
+    exactly one other letter, in both directions).
+    """
+    if len(transform) != 26:
+        raise ValueError("Transform specification has {} pairs, requires 26".
+            format(len(transform)))
+    for p in transform:
+        if len(p) != 2:
+            raise ValueError("Not all mappings in transform "
+                "have two elements")
+    if len(set([p[0] for p in transform])) != 26:
+        raise ValueError("Transform specification must list 26 origin letters") 
+    if len(set([p[1] for p in transform])) != 26:
+        raise ValueError("Transform specification must list 26 destination letters") 
+class Plugboard +(specification, raw_transform=False) +

A plugboard, a type of letter transformer where forward and backward +transforms are the same. If a letter isn't explicitly transformed, it is +kept as it is.


Validate and create a new transformer. The transform is parsed by +LetterTransformer.parse_specification() unless raw_transform is True

+ +Expand source code + +
class Plugboard(LetterTransformer):
+    """A plugboard, a type of letter transformer where forward and backward
+    transforms are the same. If a letter isn't explicitly transformed, it is 
+    kept as it is.
+    """
+    def parse_specification(self, specification):
+        """Convert a specification into a transform. The specification is
+        given as a list of letter pairs.
+        """
+        return [tuple(sanitise(p)) for p in specification.split()]
+    def validate_transform(self, transform):
+        """A set of pairs, of from-to. Does not require all 26 letters
+        are in the transform.
+        """
+        for p in transform:
+            if len(p) != 2:
+                raise ValueError("Not all mappings in transform"
+                    "have two elements")
+    def make_empty_transform(self):
+        """An empty transform maps every letter to itself.
+        """
+        self.forward_map = list(range(26))
+        self.backward_map = list(range(26))
+    def make_transform_map(self, transform):
+        """Makes the maps for a plugboard. Ensures that if the pair ('a', 'b')
+        is in the specification, the pair ('b', 'a') is also present.
+        """
+        expanded_transform = transform + [tuple(reversed(p)) for p in transform]
+        return super(Plugboard, self).make_transform_map(expanded_transform)


+ +


+ +


+def make_empty_transform(self) +

An empty transform maps every letter to itself.

+ +Expand source code + +
def make_empty_transform(self):
+    """An empty transform maps every letter to itself.
+    """
+    self.forward_map = list(range(26))
+    self.backward_map = list(range(26))
+def make_transform_map(self, transform) +

Makes the maps for a plugboard. Ensures that if the pair ('a', 'b') +is in the specification, the pair ('b', 'a') is also present.

+ +Expand source code + +
def make_transform_map(self, transform):
+    """Makes the maps for a plugboard. Ensures that if the pair ('a', 'b')
+    is in the specification, the pair ('b', 'a') is also present.
+    """
+    expanded_transform = transform + [tuple(reversed(p)) for p in transform]
+    return super(Plugboard, self).make_transform_map(expanded_transform)
+def parse_specification(self, specification) +

Convert a specification into a transform. The specification is +given as a list of letter pairs.

+ +Expand source code + +
def parse_specification(self, specification):
+    """Convert a specification into a transform. The specification is
+    given as a list of letter pairs.
+    """
+    return [tuple(sanitise(p)) for p in specification.split()]
+def validate_transform(self, transform) +

A set of pairs, of from-to. Does not require all 26 letters +are in the transform.

+ +Expand source code + +
def validate_transform(self, transform):
+    """A set of pairs, of from-to. Does not require all 26 letters
+    are in the transform.
+    """
+    for p in transform:
+        if len(p) != 2:
+            raise ValueError("Not all mappings in transform"
+                "have two elements")

Inherited members

+ +
+class Reflector +(specification, raw_transform=False) +

A reflector is a plugboard that requires 13 transforms. +The 'plugboard' superclass ensures that all 13 transforms are also applied +in reverse, making 26 transforms in all.


Validate and create a new transformer. The transform is parsed by +LetterTransformer.parse_specification() unless raw_transform is True

+ +Expand source code + +
class Reflector(Plugboard):
+    """A reflector is a plugboard that requires 13 transforms.
+    The 'plugboard' superclass ensures that all 13 transforms are also applied
+    in reverse, making 26 transforms in all.
+    """
+    def validate_transform(self, transform):
+        if len(transform) != 13:
+            raise ValueError("Reflector specification has {} pairs, requires 13".
+                format(len(transform)))
+        if len(set([p[0] for p in transform] + 
+                    [p[1] for p in transform])) != 26:
+            raise ValueError("Reflector specification does not contain 26 letters")
+        try:
+            super(Reflector, self).validate_transform(transform)
+        except ValueError as v:
+            raise ValueError("Not all mappings in reflector have two elements")


+ +

Inherited members

+ +
+class SimpleWheel +(transform, position='a', raw_transform=False) +

A wheel is a transform that rotates.


Looking from the right, letters go in sequence a-b-c clockwise around the +wheel.


The position of the wheel is the number of spaces anticlockwise the wheel +has turned.


Letter inputs and outputs are given relative to the frame holding the wheel, +so if the wheel is advanced three places, an input of 'p' will enter the +wheel on the position under the wheel's 's' label.


Validate and create a new transformer. The transform is parsed by +LetterTransformer.parse_specification() unless raw_transform is True

+ +Expand source code + +
class SimpleWheel(LetterTransformer):
+    """A wheel is a transform that rotates.
+    Looking from the right, letters go in sequence a-b-c clockwise around the 
+    wheel. 
+    The position of the wheel is the number of spaces anticlockwise the wheel
+    has turned.
+    Letter inputs and outputs are given relative to the frame holding the wheel,
+    so if the wheel is advanced three places, an input of 'p' will enter the 
+    wheel on the position under the wheel's 's' label.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, transform, position='a', raw_transform=False):
+        super(SimpleWheel, self).__init__(transform, raw_transform)
+        self.set_position(position)
+    def __getattribute__(self,name):
+        if name=='position_l':
+            return unpos(self.position)
+        else:
+            return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
+    def set_position(self, position):
+        """Sets a wheel's position. If the `position` is a string, convert it
+        to a number and set the position.
+        """
+        if isinstance(position, str):
+            self.position = pos(position)
+        else:
+            self.position = position
+    def forward(self, letter):
+        """Give the transformed letter in the forward direction, accounting
+        for the position of the wheel.
+        """
+        if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
+            return unpos((self.forward_map[(pos(letter) + self.position) % 26] - self.position))
+        else:
+            return ''
+    def backward(self, letter):
+        """Give the transformed letter in the backward direction, accounting
+        for the position of the wheel.
+        """
+        if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
+            return unpos((self.backward_map[(pos(letter) + self.position) % 26] - self.position))
+        else:
+            return ''
+    def advance(self):
+        """Advance a wheel one position."""
+        self.position = (self.position + 1) % 26


+ +


+ +


+def advance(self) +

Advance a wheel one position.

+ +Expand source code + +
def advance(self):
+    """Advance a wheel one position."""
+    self.position = (self.position + 1) % 26
+def backward(self, letter) +

Give the transformed letter in the backward direction, accounting +for the position of the wheel.

+ +Expand source code + +
def backward(self, letter):
+    """Give the transformed letter in the backward direction, accounting
+    for the position of the wheel.
+    """
+    if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
+        return unpos((self.backward_map[(pos(letter) + self.position) % 26] - self.position))
+    else:
+        return ''
+def forward(self, letter) +

Give the transformed letter in the forward direction, accounting +for the position of the wheel.

+ +Expand source code + +
def forward(self, letter):
+    """Give the transformed letter in the forward direction, accounting
+    for the position of the wheel.
+    """
+    if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
+        return unpos((self.forward_map[(pos(letter) + self.position) % 26] - self.position))
+    else:
+        return ''
+def set_position(self, position) +

Sets a wheel's position. If the position is a string, convert it +to a number and set the position.

+ +Expand source code + +
def set_position(self, position):
+    """Sets a wheel's position. If the `position` is a string, convert it
+    to a number and set the position.
+    """
+    if isinstance(position, str):
+        self.position = pos(position)
+    else:
+        self.position = position

Inherited members

+ +
+class Wheel +(transform, ring_notch_letters, ring_setting=1, position='a', raw_transform=False) +

A wheel with a movable ring.


The ring holds the letters and the notches that turn other wheels. The core +holds the wiring that does the transformation.


The ring position is how many steps the core is turned relative to the ring. +This is one-based, so a ring setting of 1 means the core and ring are +aligned.


The position of the wheel is the position of the core (the transforms) +relative to the neutral position.


The position_l is the position of the ring, or what would be observed +by the user of the Enigma machine.


The notch_positions are the number of advances of this wheel before it will +advance the next wheel.


Validate and create a new transformer. The transform is parsed by +LetterTransformer.parse_specification() unless raw_transform is True

+ +Expand source code + +
class Wheel(SimpleWheel):
+    """A wheel with a movable ring.
+    The ring holds the letters and the notches that turn other wheels. The core
+    holds the wiring that does the transformation.
+    The ring position is how many steps the core is turned relative to the ring.
+    This is one-based, so a ring setting of 1 means the core and ring are 
+    aligned.
+    The position of the wheel is the position of the core (the transforms) 
+    relative to the neutral position. 
+    The position_l is the position of the ring, or what would be observed
+    by the user of the Enigma machine. 
+    The notch_positions are the number of advances of this wheel before it will 
+    advance the next wheel.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, transform, ring_notch_letters, ring_setting=1, 
+            position='a', raw_transform=False):
+        self.ring_notch_letters = ring_notch_letters
+        self.ring_setting = ring_setting
+        super(Wheel, self).__init__(transform, position=position, 
+            raw_transform=raw_transform)
+        self.set_position(position)
+    def __getattribute__(self,name):
+        if name=='position_l':
+            return unpos(self.position + self.ring_setting - 1)
+        else:
+            return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
+    def set_position(self, position):
+        if isinstance(position, str):
+            self.position = (pos(position) - self.ring_setting + 1) % 26
+        else:
+            self.position = (position - self.ring_setting) % 26
+        # # self.notch_positions = [(pos(p) - pos(position)) % 26  for p in self.ring_notch_letters]
+        # self.notch_positions = [(pos(p) - (self.position + self.ring_setting - 1)) % 26  for p in self.ring_notch_letters]
+        self.notch_positions = [(self.position + self.ring_setting - 1 - pos(p)) % 26  for p in self.ring_notch_letters]
+    def advance(self):
+        """Advance a wheel's core, then advance the ring position to match.
+        """
+        super(Wheel, self).advance()
+        self.notch_positions = [(p + 1) % 26 for p in self.notch_positions]
+        return self.position


+ +


+def advance(self) +

Advance a wheel's core, then advance the ring position to match.

+ +Expand source code + +
def advance(self):
+    """Advance a wheel's core, then advance the ring position to match.
+    """
+    super(Wheel, self).advance()
+    self.notch_positions = [(p + 1) % 26 for p in self.notch_positions]
+    return self.position

Inherited members

+ +
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file