X-Git-Url: https://git.njae.me.uk/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=README.html;h=09672cf9c2a342a0b6d12736fcb8dd76ea5cd0e3;hb=d5c6caeb0b34d4b83284cd6eed0d89f233748861;hp=dd8744b070a5ed6d51a9133c11a0a9e8dc581d16;hpb=50e8668a3cc39a2bdcfdb7d13b506263307e5f45;p=advent-of-code-19.git diff --git a/README.html b/README.html index dd8744b..09672cf 100644 --- a/README.html +++ b/README.html @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ -

Code to solve the Advent of Code puzzles. This year, I'm using the puzzles to develop my skills in Haskell.


Code to solve the Advent of Code puzzles. This year, I'm using the puzzles to develop my skills in Haskell. I'm writing up a commentary on these puzzles and my solutions on my blog.

Learn you a Haskell, Introduction to Haskell 98, and Hackage are good resources.

The Stack documentation and How I Start: Haskell are good sources of using the tools.


@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
stack ghci advent01:exe:advent01

if the first form is ambiguous.

To profile, use

stack build --executable-profiling --library-profiling --ghc-options="-fprof-auto -rtsopts"
stack build --executable-profiling --library-profiling --ghc-options="-fprof-auto -rtsopts" advent01

then run with

stack exec -- advent01 +RTS -p -hy
stack exec --profile -- advent01 +RTS -p -hy

Generate the profile graph with

stack exec hp2ps advent01.hp
