- defp cache_dir do
- config()
- |> Keyword.get(
- :cache_dir,
- Path.join([System.get_env("XDG_CACHE_HOME", "~/.cache"), "/advent_of_code_inputs"])
- )
- |> Path.expand()
- end
- defp default_year do
- case :calendar.local_time() do
- {{y, 12, _}, _} -> y
- {{y, _, _}, _} -> y - 1
- end
- end
- defp config, do: Application.get_env(:advent_of_code, __MODULE__)
- defp allow_network?, do: Keyword.get(config(), :allow_network?, false)
- defp headers,
- do: [
- {~c"user-agent",
- ~c"github.com/mhanberg/advent-of-code-elixir-starter by aoc@mitchellhanberg.com"},
- {~c"cookie", String.to_charlist("session=" <> Keyword.get(config(), :session_cookie))}
- ]
+ # @doc """
+ # If, somehow, your input is invalid or mangled and you want to delete it from
+ # your cache so you can re-fetch it, this will save your bacon.
+ # Please don't use this to retrieve the input from the server repeatedly!
+ # """
+ # def delete!(day, year \\ nil)
+ # def delete!(day, nil), do: delete!(day, default_year())
+ # def delete!(day, year), do: File.rm!(cache_path(day, year))
+ # defp cache_path(day, year), do: Path.join(cache_dir(), "/#{year}/#{day}.aocinput")
+ # defp in_cache?(day, year), do: File.exists?(cache_path(day, year))
+ # defp store_in_cache!(day, year, input) do
+ # path = cache_path(day, year)
+ # :ok = path |> Path.dirname() |> File.mkdir_p()
+ # :ok = File.write(path, input)
+ # end
+ # defp from_cache!(day, year), do: File.read!(cache_path(day, year))
+ # defp download!(day, year) do
+ # {:ok, {{~c"HTTP/1.1", 200, ~c"OK"}, _, input}} =
+ # :httpc.request(
+ # :get,
+ # {~c"https://adventofcode.com/#{year}/day/#{day}/input", headers()},
+ # [],
+ # []
+ # )
+ # store_in_cache!(day, year, input)
+ # to_string(input)
+ # end
+ # defp cache_dir do
+ # config()
+ # |> Keyword.get(
+ # :cache_dir,
+ # Path.join([System.get_env("XDG_CACHE_HOME", "~/.cache"), "/advent_of_code_inputs"])
+ # )
+ # |> Path.expand()
+ # end
+ # defp default_year do
+ # case :calendar.local_time() do
+ # {{y, 12, _}, _} -> y
+ # {{y, _, _}, _} -> y - 1
+ # end
+ # end
+ # defp config, do: Application.get_env(:advent_of_code, __MODULE__)
+ # defp allow_network?, do: Keyword.get(config(), :allow_network?, false)
+ # defp headers,
+ # do: [
+ # {~c"user-agent",
+ # ~c"github.com/mhanberg/advent-of-code-elixir-starter by aoc@mitchellhanberg.com"},
+ # {~c"cookie", String.to_charlist("session=" <> Keyword.get(config(), :session_cookie))}
+ # ]