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+ "## Things they can do\n",
+ "* Lists, list operations, sublist slices\n",
+ "* Sets\n",
+ "* Dictionaries\n",
+ "* Integer, real, modular arithmetic.\n",
+ "* Simple hashes\n",
+ "* Graph search: DFS, BFS, best first search, Dijkstra's algorithm"
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+ "## Things they have libraries to do\n",
+ "* Stack\n",
+ "* Trees: properties, traversals\n",
+ "* Priority queue\n",
+ "* Sorts\n",
+ "* Linear & KMP search\n",
+ "* Generating minimal spanning trees,\n",
+ "* Topological sorts\n",
+ "* Knapsack problem"
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+ "## Things they have seen\n",
+ "* Edit distance and dynamic programming\n",
+ "* Minimax search\n",
+ "* Genetic algorithms"
+ ]
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