--- /dev/null
+-- Writeup at https://work.njae.me.uk/2024/12/12/advent-of-code-2024-day-12/
+import AoC
+import Linear
+-- import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.List (foldl', nub)
+import Data.Maybe
+type Position = V2 Int -- r, c
+type Items = S.Set Position
+data World = World { walls :: Items, boxes :: Items, robot :: Position }
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+type Move = (Position, Position) -- move a box from here to there
+pattern U, D, L, R :: Position
+pattern U = V2 (-1) 0
+pattern D = V2 1 0
+pattern L = V2 0 (-1)
+pattern R = V2 0 1
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
+ text <- readFile dataFileName
+ let world = mkWorld text
+ let commands = mkCommands text
+ -- print world
+ -- print commands
+ putStrLn $ showWorld world
+ let bigWorld = enlarge world
+ putStrLn $ showBigWorld bigWorld
+ let world' = foldl' doBigCommand bigWorld commands
+ putStrLn $ showBigWorld world'
+ print $ gps world'
+ -- print $ gps world'
+ print $ part1 world commands
+ print $ part2 world commands
+part1 :: World -> [Position] -> Int
+part1 world commands = gps $ foldl' doCommand world commands
+-- part1 regions = sum $ fmap fenceCost $ distinctSets regions
+part2 world commands = gps $ foldl' doBigCommand bigWorld commands
+ where bigWorld = enlarge world
+doCommand :: World -> Position -> World
+doCommand world dir
+ | there `S.member` world.walls = world
+ | there `S.member` world.boxes = fromMaybe world world'
+ | otherwise = world { robot = there }
+ where there = world.robot ^+^ dir
+ world' = do boxed <- moveBoxes world dir there
+ return boxed { robot = there }
+moveBoxes :: World -> Position -> Position -> Maybe World
+moveBoxes world dir box
+ | there `S.member` world.walls = Nothing
+ | there `S.member` world.boxes = world'
+ | otherwise = Just $ world { boxes = shift world.boxes }
+ where there = box ^+^ dir
+ world' = do boxedWorld <- moveBoxes world dir there
+ let boxes' = shift boxedWorld.boxes
+ return boxedWorld { boxes = boxes'}
+ shift bs = S.insert there $ S.delete box bs
+gps :: World -> Int
+gps World { .. } = sum score
+ where rMax = S.findMax $ S.map (\(V2 r _) -> r) walls
+ cMax = S.findMax $ S.map (\(V2 _ c) -> c) walls
+ score = [ 100 * r + c
+ | c <- [0..cMax]
+ , r <- [0..rMax]
+ , V2 r c `elem` boxes
+ ]
+doBigCommand :: World -> Position -> World
+doBigCommand world dir
+ | there `S.member` world.walls = world
+ | there `isBigBox` world.boxes = fromMaybe world rWorld
+ | otherwise = world { robot = there }
+ where there = world.robot ^+^ dir
+ movedBox = bigBoxActual world.boxes there
+ rWorld = do boxMoves <- moveBigBoxes world dir movedBox
+ let froms = fmap fst boxMoves
+ let tos = fmap snd boxMoves
+ let boxes' = (S.fromList tos) `S.union` (world.boxes `S.difference` (S.fromList froms))
+ let world' = world { boxes = boxes' }
+ return world' { robot = there }
+moveBigBoxes :: World -> Position -> Position -> Maybe [Move]
+moveBigBoxes world dir box
+ | any (\t -> t `S.member` world.walls) there = Nothing
+ | any (\t -> t `isBigBox` world.boxes) there = allMoves
+ | otherwise = Just $ [ thisMove ]
+ where there = case dir of
+ U -> [box ^+^ U, box ^+^ R ^+^ U]
+ D -> [box ^+^ D, box ^+^ R ^+^ D]
+ L -> [box ^+^ L]
+ R -> [box ^+^ R ^+^ R]
+ _ -> []
+ thisMove = (box, box ^+^ dir)
+ allMoves = do let there' = nub $ fmap (bigBoxActual world.boxes) $ filter (\t -> t `isBigBox` world.boxes) there
+ moves <- traverse (moveBigBoxes world dir) there'
+ let moves' = concat moves
+ return $ thisMove : moves'
+isBigBox :: Position -> Items -> Bool
+isBigBox here bs = S.member here bs || S.member (here ^+^ L) bs
+bigBoxActual :: Items -> Position -> Position
+bigBoxActual bs here
+ | here `S.member` bs = here
+ | otherwise = here ^+^ L
+showWorld :: World -> String
+showWorld World { .. } = unlines rows
+ where rMax = S.findMax $ S.map (\(V2 r _) -> r) walls
+ cMax = S.findMax $ S.map (\(V2 _ c) -> c) walls
+ rows = [ [ if | V2 r c `elem` walls -> '#'
+ | V2 r c `elem` boxes -> 'O'
+ | V2 r c == robot -> '@'
+ | otherwise -> '.'
+ | c <- [0..cMax] ]
+ | r <- [0..rMax] ]
+showBigWorld :: World -> String
+showBigWorld World { .. } = unlines rows
+ where rMax = S.findMax $ S.map (\(V2 r _) -> r) walls
+ cMax = S.findMax $ S.map (\(V2 _ c) -> c) walls
+ rows = [ [ if | V2 r c `elem` walls -> '#'
+ | V2 r c `elem` boxes -> '['
+ | (V2 r c ^+^ L) `elem` boxes -> ']'
+ | V2 r c == robot -> '@'
+ | otherwise -> '.'
+ | c <- [0..cMax] ]
+ | r <- [0..rMax] ]
+mkWorld :: String -> World
+mkWorld text = World { walls = walls, boxes = boxes, robot = robot }
+ where rows = takeWhile (not . null) $ lines text
+ rMax = length rows - 1
+ cMax = (length $ head rows) - 1
+ walls = S.fromList [ V2 r c | r <- [0..rMax], c <- [0..cMax], rows !! r !! c == '#' ]
+ boxes = S.fromList [ V2 r c | r <- [0..rMax], c <- [0..cMax], rows !! r !! c == 'O' ]
+ robot = head [ V2 r c | r <- [0..rMax], c <- [0..cMax], rows !! r !! c == '@' ]
+mkCommands :: String -> [Position]
+mkCommands text = fmap readDirection $ concat rows
+ where rows = tail $ dropWhile (not . null) $ lines text
+ readDirection '^' = U
+ readDirection 'v' = D
+ readDirection '<' = L
+ readDirection '>' = R
+enlarge :: World -> World
+enlarge World { .. } = World { walls = walls', boxes = boxes', robot = robot' }
+ where rMax = S.findMax $ S.map (\(V2 r _) -> r) walls
+ cMax = S.findMax $ S.map (\(V2 _ c) -> c) walls
+ walls' = S.unions $ S.map (\(V2 r c) -> S.fromList [V2 r (2 * c), V2 r (2 * c + 1)]) walls
+ boxes' = S.map (\(V2 r c) -> V2 r (2 * c)) boxes
+ V2 rr rc = robot
+ robot' = V2 rr (2 * rc)
\ No newline at end of file